OMGLITZY: March 2013

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Happy Things #13

Hap·pi·ness – state of well-being characterized by emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy
Here are the latest things that made me happy 🙂
I found Etsy seller Silver Owl Creations on Pinterest and really fell in love with her designs! I was looking for a necklace to wear with my Renaissance costume and this one was so beautiful I just had to order it!

For Valentine’s Day, my Mom gave me this LoTR Lego set. I had a lot of fun putting it together with her. And I was glad I had the help because these things aren’t easy! Lots of pieces and this was a small set!!

I was at Barnes and Noble the other day looking for Easter cards when I spotted a whole section of LoTR cards! I wanted to buy the Legolas, Arwen, and Aragorn for myself but I resisted ..hehe
I got this dress at Target the other day for $25. I went back and bought it in other colors, too, because it fit so well! I can’t wait until it’s warmer so I can wear more sundresses.

A silly thing about me is that I love finding rainbows. This one was reflected off a mosaic candle holder on my shelf. I just squealed when I spotted it!

Photographer Eli Luna sent me another Ramona Flowers shot from our photoshoot. I really like this one! Can’t wait to go through the whole set soon.

I found this amazing shot while clicking around on Flickr for Arwen cosplays. This was taken by Lynn (DigiNik13) when I was at Sci Fi Expo. She has some great pictures on her Flickr so definitely check her out!

And a Happy Things post wouldn’t be complete without a picture of Pixie. Here I was getting ready to work on my Fiona costume when Pixie decided the fabric made a better bed for her.
Pixie had another visit to the vet for her check up and the news is good! Her foot healed up nicely and as long as she doesn’t chew another hole in it she should be fine. She started sitting in my laundry hamper recently, but I needed to take it back to my salon so I replaced it with this box.. She doesn’t seem to mind! Happy kitty 🙂
What has made you happy lately?

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

All-Con 2013

 All-Con is a convention that covers many different genres of nerd culture. It’s located in Addison, Tx and started in 2005! This was my first time to go to All-Con. I was impressed with the diverse feel.. Although there was a lot of Star Wars and Steam Punk themes going on. Both of which I am happy with! 🙂 I am more of a fantasy/comic girl and this convention had plenty of that. On a different spectrum – it had quite a bit of anime/manga, too. It reminded me of my visits to AKon and Anime Fest with panels and fandoms found in different rooms of the hotel. I only went Friday and Saturday evening so I am sure I missed a lot. Friday I was dressed as Ramona Flowers and Saturday I was in street clothes so I could enjoy watching my friends in the costume contest!
To see all of my pictures from All-Con check out my Flickr album
This is one of my best friends Payton dressed as Queen Amidala. I enjoy seeing her and her dad at all the conventions and hanging out with them!

These are my other best friends Courtney (above) and Scotty (below). She was a Magnaguard and Scotty was General Grievous. 

My three friends got picked for second and third in the costume contest! 1st place went to a giant wookie (not pictured because he didn’t fit on stage lol).. But Courtney and Scotty were still given a cash prize because they were one vote away from a tie with the wookie. Grats to all of you!

I saw so many friends at All-Con! This was Kevin as Link and his girlfriend Courtney

I was also so impressed with this Mega Man! He won first place in his category.

Here is CookieCup Cakes as Princess Peach. Isn’t she the cutest?  These pics were taken Friday when I dressed as Ramona.

Had to get a pic with Payton as Dark Zelda. So cool!

This was an awesome Steam Punk/Comic cross over group. Me and Harley compared our hammers, lol. (I think hers would win)

My good friend Erica was there with many other awesome Star Trek cosplayers.
This is my blogging buddy James from A Galaxy Called Dallas. I look for him at every convention and we finally found each other at All-Con!

Here’s a peek at my “street clothes” outfit for Saturday.
I wore a Bazinga! shirt is from Kohl’s – you can get it here and receive 10% off with the code BLOGS10 until May 10, 2013 🙂
My blue jeans are from Express, Zelda earrings from Ragin’ Gauges, and my Ramona Flowers purse from Amazon.
Photo by Jack Teague (who is another great friend and awesome photographer!)
I had a wonderful time at All-Con! I am looking forward to next year already. Tickets for registration are available on their website.
What is your favorite genre to see at conventions?
Do you go to meet celebs, buy stuff, hear panels, or see cosplay?
Or all of the above like me? 😀

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Ramona Flowers Hammer Tutorial

My very first cosplay was Ramona Flowers at Dallas Comic Con in 2012. She's one of my favorite characters and holds a special place in my cosplay heart! I recently went to All-Con (blog post for that coming soon) and wanted to wear something comfy. Ramona is so fun because I already owned most of these clothes and dress similarly! I did have to buy a wig this time (last time my real hair was blue, and another time pink). I also decided to spice this up a bit by adding the hammer! I had a photo shoot with Eli Luna that same weekend and thought the hammer would be a great prop! So after the cut is a tutorial for how I made a last minute Ramona Flowers hammer. Enjoy!
Oh! And I posted this picture (taken by my mom and edited by me) on Twitter and got a retweet from the creator of Scott Pilgrim, Bryan Lee O'Malley! I about fell out of my chair when I saw this.. I was so excited!!! That's straight up cosplay approval right there. omg!
Here's a shot that Eli Luna took at the photo shoot. He did an amazing job editing this, too! Check out his photography at
On to the Hammer Tutorial! >>>>>

Monday, March 18, 2013

Pixie Visits the Vet

If you've been following my Facebook and Instagram then you know that Pixie recently had to visit the vet. I wanted to share her story with any readers that might not know all the details.
Let me backtrack a little here: Pixie was already declawed on all four paws before I adopted her 3 years ago. However, when I first got her, I noticed a single claw on her back foot. So I took her to the vet and she told me that it looked like one of her claws had grown back. It looked healthy and as long as Pixie didn't show any signs of pain then it was probably fine to leave alone. Well a couple of weeks ago Pixie had some dried blood on her front paw, and I was worried something was wrong. Pixie was due for an annual check up and a respiratory shot so I figured it was good to bring her in anyway. After the check up the vet found a big hole in Pixie's paw where a claw was growing in. Pixie had been chewing on it so the vet cleaned it really good, gave her an antibiotic shot and a cone to wear so she won't be able to lick it. The vet also suggested Pixie get a dental cleaning because she had really red gums and signs of some bad teeth. So I scheduled another appointment and took my poor cone-head kitty home.

Warning: Possibly squeamish photo after the break.

Monday, March 11, 2013

February Outings

This year one of my New Year’s resolutions was to see more of Dallas. My goal was to do at least one event a month. Well I was off to a bad start because I didn’t do anything in January lol … But February I more than made up for it! 
For Valentine’s Day I went to eat at the Olive Garden. It’s one of my favorites! I always order spaghetti and pig out on breadsticks.
That night I went to see the movie Beautiful Creatures. I read the book and was really excited for the movie. It was a bit of a letdown, though. The storyline was changed quite a bit, and I felt very confused. I didn’t enjoy it 🙁

My next outing was to the Dallas Museum of Art. I was invited to “Late Night at the Museum” … Every third Friday the museum is open until midnight. It’s free admission and you can watch performances and see panels in different rooms. My favorite was the Steampunk room.
I was also amazed to see “Water Lilies” by Claude Monet. We had a print of this in my home growing up so I recognized it right away. I just can’t believe I saw the real thing! 

Next up is going to the Wyly Theater for a play. This was my outfit for my night.
I got to watch the play King Lear by Shakespeare. It was unique because they modernized it. Think of the new Romeo + Juliet movie with Leo. Still said the play word by word but used guns and wore suits. Very cool! 
Next was my night at the House of Blues. This is what I wore to see Lindsey Stirling perform. She is a beautiful violinist. She was on America’s Got Talent and made it to the top 5. Her music is beautiful. 

After purchasing her album on iTunes, I find myself replaying Song of the Caged Bird the most. I also love Crystallize, Elements, and of course her cover of Zelda songs.

I also want to add this photo to show a wonderful client I had in February. She donated over 10 inches of her hair. Isn’t that great?? I thought her style came out lovely! You can follow more photos of my clients on my salon’s Facebook page.
So far I think I’ve done a good job with my New Year’s resolution! Last weekend I went to AllCon, and this weekend is the MLG Winter Championships. But I still want to do more “Dallas-like” things. When the weather warms up I want to go to Six Flags!
What special events have you been to this year so far?
Anything planned for the spring?

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

My Next Cosplay is…

Fiona! I am doing the version from Shrek Forever After. This appealed to me because I think it will stand out in the crowd! I love characters that require some unique makeup. (I had a blast being Asajj Ventress.) So the bright green skin will surely get noticed! I also wanted to do a completely handmade costume. This is a great way for me to learn how to make armor and a weapon.

This outfit including the armor (but not the sword)
I will be attempting to make this battle axe!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Princess of the Nerds: My Room, Art, and EQ2 Loot

(click to see larger version)
A few weekends ago I had a lot of energy and decided to finish decorating my computer area. I had a few things up but knew there were a lot of posters still under my bed. I also have been meaning to showcase my new monitor that I got for my laptop. I play EverQuest 2 on a Sony Vaio F Series and purchased a Samsung 23″LED monitor along with a Logitech keyboard. I originally bought a nice Razer gaming keyboard but the keys were so loud so I went with a simple Logitech for now. I also use a Razer Kraken headset (seen in my previous post) to go with my Razer Naga mouse. My other computer is a 21″ Mac desktop and my iPhone and iPad can be seen in the middle. 
Do you think I leveled up my computer nerd status?
If you follow my Facebook page then you saw this pic of my Warm Bodies t shirt. I got this in the freebie room at Sci Fi Expo and forgot to include it in that post!

This is the photo I sent in for the King of the Nerds casting call! I included a pretty cool (I think I sounded cool) bio and a link to my blog. The show is very entertaining, and I think it looks fun! One big thing on my bucket list (I should post that someday) is to be on a reality show. Amazing Race would be my first choice, but I think I’d have a pretty good shot at the $100,000 prize on King of the Nerds! I hope I get picked for the second season!
These photos have gone a bit viral lately, and I just had to give it a try. The app is imadeface and it lets you pick from a variety of facial features to mimic your own. I’m not sure mine looks like me, but I’ve seen some that look just like the person! Pretty fun and it’s free.

For Christmas I received some amazing new art supplies. I would love to get better at drawing and painting so I picked up some ‘manga for beginners’ books. This is literally my first try at it so I realize there’s a lot of room for improvement. But it was the first page of the book so it was a good place to start. I hope to post more of my progress as an artist soon.

This was a gnarly robe upgrade for my necromancer on EQ2 the other day. About 5 or 6 of us from my guild (Carpe Diem) raid with a group called Brimstone Alliance three nights a week. Lately I haven’t won too many new items so I was pretty excited when I won this new robe. It dropped off Drinal in Harrow’s End after doing two soulwells! I’d like to add that we killed him flawlessly! That means no one in our raid died the whole fight! Woot!

And here’s a picture of my character Audeley. You get to wear appearance gear in this game so you can keep your stats from your fighting gear but change up how it looks. I change my outfits a lot.. I’m a glitzy geek remember? Usually I’m some shade of pink or purple, but for now I am green and cloverly to celebrate Brew Day (or St. Patrick’s Day.)
I’ve done some other cool stuff lately that I am excited to put into another blog post so come back soon for that update. This was a pretty geeky post that I’m super proud of! I love my room and computer area and of course you know I love to play EverQuest 2. It will be cool to see if I hear back from King of the Nerds when they start casting. And maybe when I get better at drawing I can create my own manga. I feel like a “Princess of the Nerds” now!
What kind of computer do you use?
Which reality show would you want to be on?
Is there any talent or hobby you’d like to get better at?

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OMGLITZY: February 2013

Thursday, February 21, 2013

9 Easy Steps for Everyday Makeup

I’ve been wanting to do a makeup tutorial for a long time, but it’s kinda hard to photograph each step on your own! Someday I would love to make a video tutorial. For now I have done my best to show you how to do an easy, everyday look! This is a glitzy post so sorry fellas for the lack of geekiness. There might be a few of you that enjoy it 😛
What I used:
Almay Clear Complexion
MAC Concealer Stick
PUR Minerals Powder and Brush
Too Faced Bronzer and Blush Brush
Naked Eyeshadow Palette by Urban Decay
Pencil Eyeliner by Kat Von D
Great Lash Mascara by Maybelline
Lip Lites by Bonne Bell

Step 1 – Foundation: I use Almay Clear Complexion because it helps heal blemishes. Use a makeup sponge instead of your fingers to apply evenly to entire face. 
Step 2 – Concealer: Put a little concealer on problem areas. For me I use it under my eyes and on any blemishes.

Step 3 – Powder: I love PUR Minerals Powder because it is lightweight on my skin. It goes on smoothly and helps prevent shine.
Step 4 – Blush: I had been mixing brown and pink blushes together until I found this bronzer by Too Faced. It works great on your entire face or you can focus it directly to your cheeks.

Step 4 (cont) – Blush: It’s important to note that you want to apply blush below your cheek bone. Its purpose is to create a shadow that chisels your face. This will give the illusion of a slimmer facial structure and make your cheek bones pop!

Step 5 – Eyeshadow: This may be the most difficult step for some. So keep it simple! I like Urban Decay’s Naked Palette because it has a matte finish. This will look more natural in person and will also photograph lovely! I used the medium brown in the crease of my eye and the light cream on the lid and under the eyebrow for highlights. Be sure to blend well!

Step 6 – Eyebrows: Using a blunt eyeshadow brush and the dark brown from the Naked Palette, carefully brush on some pigment to your brows. Don’t go overboard – you just want to add some fullness.

Step 7 – Eyeliner: I like my eyeliner dark and somewhat thick. So I applied mine to the lower waterline as well as the lash line. I go to a slight angle on the upper side – not quite a cat eye but it gives the illusion that your eyelashes are longer. Then using my blunt eyeshadow brush, I smudge it some for a smokier look.

Step 8 – Mascara: One coat of Great Lash Mascara is all you need for an everyday look. For a night out try an eyelash curler and multiple coats of mascara. I only apply it to my top lashes because I always end up with black spots if I do the bottom lashes.
Step 9 – Lip Gloss: This is my favorite step! I think a shiny lip ties the whole look together. I get chapped lips all the time so I use a gloss instead of lipstick. And I like lighter tones for my lip since I do a darker eye.

Before and After!
With a little makeup my skin looks smooth and my eyes stand out more. Since I am in the process of bleaching my hair it’s important to add some color to my face. This look is easy, quick (about 10 mins) and keeps me from looking like a zombie!

How many steps are in your daily makeup routine?
Do you have a favorite brand of makeup?
Any tips you want to share?

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

My Favorite Movies

Movies are so expensive these days.. So I don’t really go to the theater much. If I go to one then I must REALLY like it! I do enjoy going to midnight showings at theaters. It’s fun to see the “super fans” all dressed up and waiting in line for hours with me. Most of my favorite movies are either chick flicks or fantasy. Although there’s one major exception to that.. I’m sure you’ll notice when you read it. 🙂

In no particular order:

How To  Deal
-I remember seeing this in the theater a couple of times in high school. It really portrays everything life can throw at you (marriage, divorce, break ups, friendships, pregnancy, death, etc) but in simple terms so as not to make the movie feel too serious. I love the music in it as well.

The Departed
-This is my curve ball I mentioned earlier. It’s definitely not a chick flick.. and no way near fantasy. It’s more of a drug lord movie (lol) .. So I’m not sure why I love it so much. Maybe Leonardo Di Caprio has something to do with it? Or the use of the Dropkick Murphy’s songs? 😛

Empire Records
-This move is just all around COOL. Each character is so different and interesting. They all have great qualities and then major problems at the same time. One of my favorite things to do as a kid was go to a CD store. We had one called Hastings back home, and it’s still a place I like just hanging out in. This movie also has one of my favorite quotes – “Damn the man!”

-Probably the newest movie on my list (besides Hunger Games). I am a big big big Disney girl. I love all the princesses. And until Tangled my favorite Disney movies were Aladdin and Hercules. Tangled was beautifully animated. And Mandy Moore as the voice of Rapunzel is such a joy! Her songs really touch me. I’m a just a sappy romantic I guess.

Sweet November
-In this film the main character is very odd. She knows she’s a little out there.. and she uses it to help random strangers that are trapped in a business-focused world find their inner freedom. I relate to Charlize Theron’s character.. I live in my own world, too. I cry every time I watch it. And I just love the song “Only Time” by Enya.

Scott Pilgrim vs The World
-Based off the comics by Bryan Lee O’Malley, this adaptation is humorous, game-like, and greatly casted! As seen in my Comic Con post, I am a big fan of Ramona Flowers. I laugh out loud at certain scenes and also enjoyed the movie’s soundtrack. Check out “Black Sheep” by Metric.

The Goonies
-There really is nothing better than a good 80’s movie. There are so many good quotes from this. I actually have “Slick Shoes” tattooed on my ankles. The cast totally rocked and the plot is interesting throughout. I enjoy watching this when I’m in need of something simple but adventurous. No need for crazy CGI.. just good a ole pirate treasure hunt.

-When I rented Stardust I wasn’t sure if it was going to be any good. I had read a cool quote from the movie online, but also read bad reviews. So I wasn’t expecting to enjoy it as much as I did. It’s a beautiful fantasy kingdom, and the cast was very funny at times (Robert De Niro in drag!)  I just wish they played up the love story a little more. Here’s the quote I liked, A philosopher once asked, “Are we human because we gaze at the stars, or do we gaze at them because we are human?” Pointless, really… “Do the stars gaze back?” Now *that’s* a question.”

Lord of The Rings, Harry Potter, Twilight & The Hunger Games
-I grouped these together because they are all a series. Although I haven’t read LoTR, the others were all favorite books of mine. So naturally I love the movies! Any time LoTR is on tv you bet I am watching it. Although it’s long, I can’t help but be mesmerized by the enchanting story. I’ll agree that Twilight has some bad acting in it. But I’m still a Twi-hard. 😛 I also have loved Harry Potter since the first book was released. So following it for all these years has given me some magical memories. I am new to The Hunger Games.. but I was instantly hooked after reading the 3 books in 2 days. The movie was great in my opinion. The cast did a wonderful job, and I am looking forward to the next movies.

Honorable mentions:
The Princess Bride, Enchanted, 27 Dresses, How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, The Labyrinth, Ever After, Underworld, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, & Dirty Dancing

After typing this I realized I like quite a few movies! I really really want to watch The Princess Bride and Tangled now. I’m sure I left out some good ones, too. 
What is your all time favorite movie? Can you recommend any movies I need to see?

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Happy Things #12

Yay! Things that make me happy!

My new Razer Kraken headset! I can hear everyone so much better! Oh we’re supposed kill the add THEN cancel the detriment?! 😉

Stoked that the CEO of Razer tweeted me!!! I was so giddy when this happened! Also, @EverQuestII tweeted me recently about Erollisi Day! I was ecstatic!

Here’s a pic my mom sent me of a Criminal Minds episode.. she said this reminded her of me! I would LOVE a desk set up like this!!

Sooo happy to have purchased the last copy at the local bookstore of Hyrule Historia. This book is so epic!

How happy does this make you?!

I am not very good at League of Legends (yet) but I was really happy to have won a match. I played a couple of months ago and just recently got back into it. My name is Audeley on there if you want to add me!

I caught a rainbow in my room the other day .. Love finding these 🙂

Just HAD to put Mr. Leprechaun in for a photo shoot!
That’s how I roll!
What has been making you happy lately?!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Sci Fi Expo 2013

Let me start off by saying that Sci Fi Expo 2013 has been my favorite convention so far! I had an absolute blast!

One reason this convention was so awesome was because of the media guests. My mom was super stoked to meet all the Battlestar Galactica folks. I was equally excited for Edward James Olmos because of his role in the movie Stand and Deliver. I also loved him in Selena. So we got all the BSG autographs, Christopher Lloyd's from Back to the Future, and I got a photo and autograph with Billy Boyd. The Q&A panels we attended were Kevin Sorbo, Battlestar Galactica, Back to the Future, and The Walking Dead. I just love listening to their stories from set and how they got into acting. It's great that the audience members can ask questions, however, I wish people would come up with better questions sometimes haha …

I decided to dress up as Asajj Ventress shortly after Fan Days last October and got some of it done by December. I had some trouble attaching my custom made light saber hilts so I ended up buying Darth Maul's light saber and add some PVC pipe and electrical tape to make it curve. I wasn't sure if I wanted to continue to be her but after I got it all completed and did the make up I was really pleased with how it turned out. Originally I was going to be her both days, but when they announced that Billy Boyd from the Lord of the Rings would be there I immediately began working on an Arwen costume. That outfit is definitely the comfiest costume ever and probably my favorite look! The long hair, flowy dress, and handmade crown gave it a whimsical feeling. I'll probably make another post that shows my progress on the crown. It took a couple of days to finish since I was literally just winging it. Pun intended! (it's a butterfly crown, lol)

Now that I've been to quite a few conventions I've started making more and more friends. It's so much fun meeting up with everyone to take photos and ask how you made certain pieces of your costume. Turns out I even liked the new red carpet they added to the event. When I first saw it on Friday when we picked up our wristbands I was like "ummm seriously this is it?" but after seeing it in action I think it's a great way for people to snap a photo and not feel like they're holding up a line or blocking an entrance. I still stopped for photos throughout the whole building, but the red carpet was a cool meeting area for all the cosplayers to get together.

After getting home and taking off all the makeup and putting comfy clothes on, I started searching for everyone's photos. I found quite a few of me dressed as both characters! Saw a lot of Arwen I think because there weren't as many people dressed up on Sunday. The highlight for me was being interviewed for the CBS Dallas News. I was also picked for the Jack FM Slideshow, Dallas Observer Slideshow Part One and Part Two (twice) and made it on the Top 15 Best Costumes list! I didn't win the costume contest, but my good friends got best in show for their Jurassic Park creation!

Here are some shots of my costumes:

I will post a few of my pics after the cut below, but since there were so many (over 200!) I decided to upload them onto my Flickr account. So be sure and them out and let me know who's costume you liked the most!

Click below for more!!!!!

Monday, February 4, 2013

A Fro-Yo Date at the Purple Kiwi

A few days ago I tweeted that I was craving some fro-yo! A few people asked me what the heck is fro-yo, and I just can’t believe they haven’t been blessed with the wonderfulness that is FROZEN YOGURT!! Not only is it a tasty snack but it’s also pretty healthy! Although, I am bad about adding a lot of unhealthy toppings. 😉
My fro-yo date was at Purple Kiwi with my momma!
They have machines where you pick your fro-yo flavor.
You can read all the available flavors on their website.
Next is your toppings! These range from strawberries, cookie dough, kiwis, peaches, brownie bites and peanut butter cups and many more!
More toppings! Sprinkles, gummy bears, walnuts, and yummy syrups just to name a few.
And here is what I made! I got strawberry and birthday cake yogurt with a little cookies n cream in there, too. Then I topped it with kiwis, strawberries, brownie bites, oreos, and sprinkles! It was soooo good!

I could probably eat fro-yo every day!


You might notice that I am trying to lighten my hair, too. I am going back to blonde! It’s kinda orangey pinky right now.

OH and we got to watch Sponge Bob while at the Purple Kiwi! It was the perfect date! 🙂
Have you ever had frozen yogurt before? What are you favorite flavors and toppings?

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OMGLITZY: January 2013

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The Shabby Shak – Faux Dragon Head

I was just browsing Etsy (a dangerous thing to do) when I decided to search for “shabby chic” ..  I love vintage home decor and Etsy has some really imaginative sellers. During my search I found a cool shop called The Shabby Shak. Some items they have for sale are coat racks and hangers, cast iron decor, and knobs and handles. Definitely some interesting baubles! But my favorite item is the Faux Taxidermy Dragon Head!!!

I mean look at that!! It’s SO awesome!! It’s “resin compound , refinished in a bright chrome” and “heavily detailed” and available in custom colors! I am disappointed it says great for a “boy’s room” .. Because I think that’d look great in my room!!! 😛

I’ve always loved mythological creatures, and one fun thing on EverQuest 2 is the ability to decorate your house. They have numerous wall mounts of different animal/monster heads. So this dragon head from Etsy is right up my alley! She also has a T-Rex, rhino, giraffe and many others!

Would you want a dragon staring back at you when you wake up? Would you tell your friends you slayed it in a frenzy battle?! I would!

Saturday, January 26, 2013

DIY Lightsaber Hilt Tutorial

As promised, I have a very geeky Star Wars tutorial! I will be dressing up as Asajj Ventress for Sci Fi Expo and decided to make the hilt because the Force FX version was way expensive and mostly sold out everywhere I looked. This is a cheap, easy, and quick way to make Asajj Ventress’ lightsaber. It could also be used to make Count Dooku’s.
Pixie always has to be in the middle of what’s going on. She claimed the trash bag as hers and rolled around on it the whole time I was crafting, lol.
Items needed: 
Duct Tape
Electrical Tape
Glue Gun
Red Beads
 PVC pipe
(My friend Andrew suggested PVC pipe and using a heat gun to bend it slightly to make the curve. Since I wasn’t sure I could bend one with my blow dryer I decided to just put these pieces together using my glue gun)
Once I glued the pieces together I wrapped the whole thing in duct tape.
Then I used the electrical tape to add the black lines and red beads for the On/Off switch.
I looked into adding a blade to it but was unsure if it could hold up a wooden dowel. And I couldn’t find any long enough styrofoam. So I’m probably going to attach velcro to the back of the hilts and onto my costume so I can just wear them on my belt.
This project cost me about $25, all purchased from Lowe’s, and only took about 30-45 minutes to make! I realize it’s not perfect but sometimes handmade items are more fun 🙂
So what do you think? Don’t you wish lightsabers were real?!
If you had to be a Sith or a Jedi which would you pick?

Thursday, January 24, 2013

2013 Convention Schedule

Ever since I drove 6 hours by myself to go to a Twilight Convention in 2009 I’ve been kind of addicted to them! There’s a thrill about the chance to meet your favorite TV hero or movie superstar even it’s just for a few minutes. The hours you spend in line to get those few minutes sometimes means just as much! You get to make some awesome friends and chat with other fans that are just as crazy as you are. I feel very much at home when I am at conventions. So I am already counting down the days to each one. Here’s a peek at some I hope to attend!

February 9-10

March 8-10

April 6 – May 27

May 17-19

May 31- June 2

July 18-21

August 30 – Sept 2
August 30 – Sept 2
August 17-18

September 20-22

October 4-6

Texas Renaissance Festival
October 6 – November 25

** Indicates I will definitely be there!

Have you ever been to any of these conventions before? Do you go in costume? I do! Did I miss any that I need to check out? One reader suggested the ATX Televison Fest in Austin. And on a musical note, I’d really like to go to SXSW someday.

Monday, January 21, 2013

A trip to the mall!

This is more of a “glitzy” post but fear not fellow geeks! I have a very “geeky” post coming up soon that involves Star Wars and prop making!

So on to the glitz! I was able to go to the mall the other day with my Momma! We had plans to spend our $40 giftcard to Godiva. I saw this super cute bear in their magazine and just had to get him! While we were there we actually found a few other goodies. It was a fun trip!

We don’t usually have this many sacks so we were kinda excited 😛

My free piece of the month from Godiva was “Cookie Dough”
I probably won’t get it again .. It didn’t really taste like cookie dough. My fav is still red velvet or the strawberry truffle.

This is Pierre! Isn’t he cute?! His tag says his name is Valentino, but as Doctor Who knows, not everyone likes their given name. Remember Stormageddon?
These were just too pretty to pass up! And we had a little extra money from our giftcard.

I found these two awesome sweaters at Macy’s for only $9.99 each! I love long sweaters since I am taller and they’re hard to find sometimes. The bottom one is a really cool bright yellow/green color. The photo didn’t capture it’s greatness!
This beautiful eyeshadow is called Amethyst by MAC. It’s got a lovely shimmer to it!

Aw what a poor fella! It’s like a Greek statue gone wrong!

That day I also went by Toys R Us and found this cute little salon vanity! If I was a kid I would LOVE this! 

And although this wasn’t included in our trip to the mall, I just had to share the cute “fairy bread” my dad made me for breakfast one morning. It’s wheat bread, butter and sprinkles! So easy! Not very healthy but fairies don’t care 🙂

Sunday, January 13, 2013

The Hobbit

When The Hobbit was released, I was kinda bummed I couldn’t make it to the midnight premiere.. I usually like to dress up for those! So it’s been on my to-do list to go see the movie .. Last night I finally got to!! The theater was still pretty packed, and it’s funny to see mostly males rather than females (since I usually go to chick flicks) in the seats. I haven’t read the book yet – that’s on another to-do list – but I still really enjoyed the movie. I’ve been told they changed it up some compared to the book. I’d like to see it one more time in theaters and this will definitely be one I want to own! It had just enough humor, magic, action and great great music. My favorite part is the beautiful costumes.

Lady Galadriel’s hair!!! Omg!! 😛 I am definitely going to cosplay her or Arwen soon.
She’s so magical. I wish I was an elf!!
The song the dwarves sing at Bilbo’s house gave me goosebumps, too.
Thorin was a truly emotional character.. I really enjoyed his performance throughout the whole movie.
This is “Song of The Lonely Mountain” performed by Neil Finn.
He’s an outstanding singer from New Zealand. 
When this song played during the credits I couldn’t leave until it was finished. 
There was no stinger after the credits, but I recommend staying for the music 🙂
And for a cool look at The Hobbit sets by Lego check out MTV Geek!
So today I’m going to listen to The Hobbit soundtrack on repeat, wear my elf crown around the house, and slay some orcs on EverQuest II ! 😀
Have you seen The Hobbit yet? If so, what did you think?? And don’t forget to read my review of The Hobbit menu from Denny’s!

Friday, January 4, 2013

Wizard Wand Tutorial

Thanks to DeviantArt User *Majann for posting this SUPER COOL tutorial to make wands like from Harry Potter!! I totally plan on cosplaying Luna Lovegood one of these days.. and I ALMOST bought her wand when I visited Wizarding World in Florida.
I made a wand once but it didn’t turn out nearly as cool as these! For mine (pictured above from 2010), I just bought a wooden dowel and an X-acto knife, carved it until it was kinda pointy at the end, then painted it brown and gold. But I am DEFINITELY going to try this tutorial for a more authentic looking wand.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Hello 2013!

Happy New Year to all!!!

Can you believe it’s 2013 already?! I mean this is the FUTURE!! Where the heck are all the hovercrafts?!

Seriously, though, we survived the end of the world so this is kind of a big deal. I wonder how silly we looked to the Mayan’s watching down on us.. hehehe

Looking back at 2012 I realized I had a pretty great year!

  1. I went to DISNEY WORLD!! OMG!!
  2. I started this blog. Woot!
  3. I opened my own salon!!!
  4. I got to see Coldplay live.
  5. I met a sweet new kitty. And shared good times with Pixie.
  6. I went to some amazing comic and anime conventions.
  7. I became an aunttwice!
  8. I turned 27 years young 🙂
  9. I changed my hair color A LOT.
My top 10 played songs of the year were:
  1. Jason Mraz – I Won’t Give Up
  2. Paramore – The Only Exception
  3. Florence + The Machine  – Shake It Out
  4. Christina Perri – A Thousand Years
  5. Taylor Swift – Safe and Sound
  6. Fun. – We Are Young
  7. Birdy – Just A Game
  8. Steel Train – Bullet
  9. The Gaslight Anthem – She Loves You
  10. Sleeping at Last – Turning Page
Books I read this year:

  1. The Hungers Games, Catching Fire, and Mockingjay
  2. The Great Gatsby
  3. 50 Shades of Grey
  4. The Perks of Being a Wallflower
  5. Beautiful Creatures
My favorite games I played:

  1. Everquest 2 (this was a given)
  2. Guild Wars 2
  3. Draw Something for iPhone
  4. Hello Kitty World for iPad
Favorite movies I saw:

  1. Twilight: Breaking Dawn Pt. 2
  2. The Hunger Games
  3. Snow White and the Huntsman
  4. The Perks of Being a Wallflower
  5. Brave
Top read blogs I checked out:
  1. Conventions!!! I have a HUGE list made of all the cons I hope to attend this year!!
  2. New cosplays for all the conventions 😀
  3. Seeing more of Dallas… Like the Arboretum, Aquarium, Six Flags, etc’
  4. Attend some hair shows or take some cut/color classes.
  5. The Boy Meets World spinoff show – omg!
  6. Catching Fire  – the movie!
  7. Spending lots of time with my family and Pixie kitty 🙂
  8. I hope I get a new tattoo this year! I can’t believe I went a WHOLE year without getting one!!!
So happy happy happy new year to all my readers and friends! Thanks for all the good times and here’s to MANY MORE!! 🙂

What are YOU looking forward to in 2013???

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OMGLITZY: 2013 In Review

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2013 In Review

Holy cow! I did so much in 2013!! One of my favorite things about blogging is the chance to look back through old posts and re-live those experiences. There’s no way I could pick just one to be my favorite.. So here’s a list of some of the things that made my 2013 awesome!
I never thought I would go to Disney World.. and now I’ve been there twice! Thanks to some flight vouchers, my Dad and I were able to visit Disney World again this past spring and see the newly built FantasyLand 🙂
Other amazing trips I went on:
-Austin (I went to Ikkicon this past weekend!)
Last year I got a taste of what convention and cosplay life was like. And this year I really ran with it! My favorite convention of the year was the Dallas Comic Con and A-Kon. They are the biggest local cons, and had a lot of good artists and media guests. The best part is seeing all my friends in their new costumes!
A few of the other conventions I liked:
Photo by: Eli Luna
Photo by: SeadaemonPhotography
Cosplay has been a new hobby of mine that I just can’t seem to shake. I’m totally addicted! It makes comic and anime conventions so much more fun. My favorite part of cosplaying is creating the outfit. In just a year, I feel like I’ve grown as an artist. And I definitely owe it to all my cosplaying friends. I feel so inspired by them and really love how encouraging the community is. My favorite costumes from this year were Arwen from The Lord of The Rings and Fiona from Shrek. It was hard to pick, but I remember feeling super happy and excited to put these outfits on.
I wore 10 new costumes this year! Here’s the list:
-Asajj Ventress
-Fiona from Shrek
-Evil Mary Marvel
-Sailor Venus
-Annie from League of Legends
-Black Widow
-Luna Lovegood
-Fionna from Adventure Time

Favorite Books
I’m trying to remember if I read anything besides The Mortal Instruments series, but I don’t think I did. I’m a little sad I didn’t read more.. but at least there were 5 books in this series. I loved them all, and I can’t wait until the next one comes out in 2014. 
The TMI series consists of:
-City of Bones
-City of Ashes
-City of Glass
-City of Fallen Angels
-City of Lost Souls

Theatrical Release Poster: Walt Disney Studios
Favorite Movies
I don’t get to make it out to the theater for new releases too often, but this year I managed to see a couple! My favorite was definitely Thor: The Dark World. I wrote a review about it, and now I’m considering making a Thor cosplay! The movie was a good mix of action, humor and romance.
Other movies I saw that I loved:
-Wreck It Ralph
-The Avengers
-Warm Bodies
-The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones
Note: I know for a fact I am going to LOVE The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug, but just haven’t had a chance to go see it yet!

 Favorite TV Shows
The Vampire Diaries is still on top of my list of favorite shows. It’s really the only one that I watch live. I will not make plans on Thursday nights because that’s TVD night! I was lucky enough to attend a Vampire Diaries convention this year, too.
Other shows I am hooked on:
-Game of Thrones
-The Big Bang Theory
-Sleepy Hollow

Favorite Songs
Growing up I listened to music constantly. All kinds, too! And that definitely hasn’t changed. This year my top played songs were very eclectic. Paramore’s “Still Into You” takes the crown! I love this song and video so much!
My other favorite songs of the year:
-One Direction – Story of My Life
-Demi Lovato – Lightweight
-Lindsey Stirling – Song of the Caged Bird (I saw her live!)
-The Killers – Here With Me (I saw them live this year, too!)
-Katy Perry – Roar
Favorite Games
Animal Crossing: New Leaf wins this category so easily. I never thought I could be addicted to a game other than EQII. I love hanging out with my villagers, buying new outfits, and participating in the holiday events. It’s just the cutest game ever!
Of course I’m still addicted to:
-EverQuest II
-League of Legends
-Pokemon X

Favorite Blogs
Now that my blog has been around for over a year, I have had the pleasure of getting to know other bloggers! Cazz over at Nerd Burger has become a great friend, and I love seeing her posts about new comics, geek fashion, and watching her videos. She even cosplayed for the first time as Carrie Kelly and looked fantastic!! I also became closer to Mia Moore, who lives just down the road in Austin, Tx. We got to meet up a couple times for conventions this year. I love talking cosplay, anime and movies with her!
Other blogs I can’t live without:

Goals for 2014

-Go to San Diego Comic Con. This is like the con of all cons! It’s really hard to get tickets, so I’m hoping my application for a press badge is accepted!
-Get better at making props for my cosplays. I use a lot of cardboard and foam. And I’d really like to challenge myself by using new materials.
-Be more active (who DOESN’T put this on their to-do list?) But seriously, I sit at the computer a lot.. like a whole lot. I’d like to do more activities outside.
-I never made it to the Dallas Aquarium or Arboretum which was on my list for 2013. So I definitely HAVE to do that.
-See more movies. This sounds like a silly goal, but I’d like to go to the theater for new releases more often.
-Reply to blog comments. I’m putting this because I am really bad about replying. I absolutely read every single comment on my blog, Facebook, Instagram, etc … But I tend to check them on my phone and tell myself I’ll reply to it when I get to my computer. I appreciate everyone taking the time to look at my posts, and I would love to interact and become a better friend! I can be super shy, and a big goal of mine for 2014 is to become more social. On AND off the internet.
So let’s all raise a glass (Coke Zero in mine) and celebrate the end of a great year and the beginning of an even better one!
What was your favorite memory of 2013?
What is your biggest goal for 2014?


  1. This is great! Still Into You is TOTALLY my song of the year too! Its even my "power" song for working out! (I am also a dork in that, I sing it to my husband a lot LOL).

    Your cosplays are great girl! Keep it up! I hope we both get SDCC tix this year! Happy new year!



    1. Isn't it the best song?! It's just so dang catchy. I love her pink and orange hair in the video, too. I think that's my fav style she's done.

      And thank you so much! It would be way awesome to see you at SDCC. Happy New Year 🙂


  2. Happy New Year! My favorite memory of 2013 wold have to be visiting Seattle. I love that city and I fall in love with even more every time I visit. I have a lot of goals for 2014, but my biggest is to be healthier. Here's to 2014!



    1. Seattle is definitely easy to fall in love with. I enjoyed visiting it, but didn't really get to see much of the city. So hopefully I can go back someday! Happy New Year!!


  3. Happy New Year!! I really hope you get SDCC tickets, that would just make my year! SDCC is so, so fun and such a different experience than any other con I've been to. I think you'd love it!

    I am so happy that I've gotten closer to you this year, you are one of my favorite con friends! <3 Here's to an excellent 2014!!



    1. SDCC with you would be a total blast!! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I can get tickets! I'll need advice from ya on how to survive it, too! Happy New Year, Mia!!


  4. Cheers and Happy New Year! Here's hoping that your 2014 is even more amazing than your 2013 was!


  5. Have you heard this guys string cover of Still Into You( Probably my favorite cover of the song on Youtube.

    I would hope that my favorite memory was my trip to Denver, but that didn't end the way I wanted it to. Just gotta keep working at it, have to make every day matter. Real talk though, keep doing what you do. I love reading your blog. You always have such positive things to say, and I always feel inspired to do something imaginative. Stay awesome!



    1. Whoa that violin cover was so cool! So unique!

      Thank you for your kind words 🙂 It's so inspiring to ME to keep blogging when I read supportive comments from friends! You rock!


  6. I'm starting to think going to more cons should be a resolution for me this year. There aren't that many in the Montreal area, but I did get to go to PAX East last year. Missed out on tickets for 2014, so unless I get invited as an exhibitor it's unlikely that's happen this year.



    1. I got a Saturday and Sunday ticket to PAX East and I have a feeling I won't be able to go!! So if you can't get an exhibitor pass then email me!!


  7. Happy New Year!!! Good Luck with SDCC!! I couldn't go one year and that was the end of getting tickets. I put my name into being intrested in Volunteering again so we shall see. The best memory for me in 2013 was my trip to London/Paris!! So rad!! My goal for 2014 is to get back to SDCC and maybe PAX prime. I just can never get tickets. I do have DisneyWorld planned for this year and ECCC!!



    1. I saw your London/Paris pics on Instagram! What an amazing trip! I've never been outside of the country.. Maybe I'll add that to my goal list 🙂


  8. Dude. You are my hero. I am so happy to have met you this year. You are a beautiful and talented girl and I hope my cosplay will be as good as yours in 10 years. 🙂 Thank you for being you and by the way your Fiona cosplay is the best thing ever!!!


  9. Looks like an awesome year!!
    Wish I could have made it to Disney or comiccon too (awesome cosplay). 😛



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OMGLITZY: 2013 Convention Schedule

Thursday, January 24, 2013

2013 Convention Schedule

Ever since I drove 6 hours by myself to go to a Twilight Convention in 2009 I’ve been kind of addicted to them! There’s a thrill about the chance to meet your favorite TV hero or movie superstar even it’s just for a few minutes. The hours you spend in line to get those few minutes sometimes means just as much! You get to make some awesome friends and chat with other fans that are just as crazy as you are. I feel very much at home when I am at conventions. So I am already counting down the days to each one. Here’s a peek at some I hope to attend!

February 9-10

March 8-10

April 6 – May 27

May 17-19

May 31- June 2

July 18-21

August 30 – Sept 2
August 30 – Sept 2
August 17-18

September 20-22

October 4-6

Texas Renaissance Festival
October 6 – November 25

** Indicates I will definitely be there!

Have you ever been to any of these conventions before? Do you go in costume? I do! Did I miss any that I need to check out? One reader suggested the ATX Televison Fest in Austin. And on a musical note, I’d really like to go to SXSW someday.


  1. Comicpalooza in houston is pretty awesome!



    1. That does look awesome! There's so many just in Texas! Thanks for the info 🙂


  2. WhoFest in Dallas.



    1. OMG I can't believe I left this one out!! I will definitely be attending! I need a clever cosplay… hmmm…..


  3. Denver Comic Con! Its gonna be even bigger this year!



    1. Sweet! Are you going? I wish I could go to more out of Texas. There's so many good ones around the US!


  4. I live in Austin and had no idea about the ATX television fest! I am googling up right now haha, thank you for sharing this!



    1. No problem!! It does look really fun! Let me know if you go!!!


  5. That's quite a list!

    I've only been to the Texas Ren Fest. And I haven't dressed up. Yet. It's always a great experience though! The Highland Fling weekend is great, but it probably doesn't have as many costumes.

    Maybe this year I'll check out the Scarborough Ren Faire. I'll have to check my calendar! Do they do themed weekends or anything like that? Are there certain weekends that are better to attend than others?



    1. There are themed weekends but it's not as big as the Texas Ren Fest. Although, I think there's a pirate weekend and people usually stay true to that! I can't seem to find a list of all the themes…. Last year I went on during the "romantic" weekend (not what it's really called) and the special was that you could renew your vows at the chapel! Haha!! You for sure need to dress up at least once.. I bet you will want to every time then! 😛


    2. The Texas Ren Fest can't be beat. More vendors, food, pretty surroundings, entertainment, did I say food! Try dressing up. Get a costume there. Pick a weekend you haven't been to.


  6. Texas Frightmare Weekend May 3-5th.

    Major League Gaming Winter Championship March 15-17th.



    1. Thanks for adding these, Michael!! I am not sure I can handle Texas Frightmare Weekend – I am kinda a scaredy cat!! But I plan on going to the MLG Championship for sure! I've been trying to get better at League of Legends.. My name on there is Audeley if you play!


    2. There's one more event I'd like to add, the ScrewAttack Gaming Convention this June. Adam Sessler and Lisa Foiles will be there:

      If you don't know what it is, is a video game related website that produces their own shows and content. They're a network similar to and Revision3. And they're based right here in the DFW area (Flower Mound to be exact).

      The only catch about this convention is that it's only the third one. The last time they held it was way back in 2010 and Uwe Boll was their special guest. They had to put the convention on hiatus for the past three years due to lack of funding.

      I found out about this convention last month because I went to Video Games Live in January and the founder and owner of ScrewAttack, Craig Skistimas, showed up and gave all 1,500 people in the audience a free pass to their convention.


    3. Whoa that's pretty cool of them to give out passes!! I think someone else has mentioned ScrewAttack to me before. Looks like a pretty cool website. I just bought my MLG spectator pass! So I'll definitely make it to that. How is the turn out on Friday nights? I was probably just going to go Saturday afternoon.


    4. I went all three days last November and turnout was the same throughout the event. Same thing when I went Spring 2011.

      I think part of the reason why it's steady is because most of the people there are actually competing. People like me who just come in to spectate are usually in the minority. This was also my experience when I went to Cyberathlete Professional League five years ago (before they went bankrupt). Also, unlike most other conventions MLG doesn't sell 1-Day passes.

      Sunday's always the most interesting because all the brackets are done and everyone stands around to watch the finals.


  7. I am soo keen to see your costumes from all of them. Please tell me your dressing up for the Vampire Diaries. God I love that show.


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OMGLITZY: December 2012

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Ikkicon 2012

Literally just got back from my road trip to Austin, TX for Ikkicon and was so excited about it that I just had to blog right away! It was very unplanned and spur of the moment so I didn’t have time to make a new cosplay. This was my first time to Ikkicon and although the size of the venue (like the dealer’s room and the panels) was smaller the amount of people was tremendous! As soon as I walked into the lobby I was blown away by how many people were dressed up in cosplay. Everyone had a wig on or ears or SOMETHING! It was so cool to see! I was most excited to meet up with several friends like Eric (we’ve been friends since high school!) and his girlfriend Marianne, Mia Moore who is my new BBFF (best blogger friend forever), Jonathan (who I met at AnimeFest), and Payton (also from AnimeFest and Fan Days) … So check out the pics and enjoy the anime overload!

Mia as Ramona Flowers & me as Rainbow Dash
My favorite part was the gaming room.

Jonathan as Doctor Whooves

Steampunk Mr. Freeze and Poison Ivy
1st Place winners of the cosplay contest
From the movie 9
I think he won Best in Show in the cosplay contest.

Marianne as Seras Victoria from Hellsing

Payton as Dark Zelda.. And that was a great Link but I don’t know his name

What’s better than one Rainbow Dash? Two!

Jack Skellington and Zero
Sunday I decided to dress up as a Sailor Moon fan 😉
This was the swag I picked up.. Luna and Artemis plushes, some cute bows, and a free sticker from Cosplay in America – really cool site and super nice guy!

And this was my view from my hotel room! Austin is pretty cool!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Holiday Wish List

I know it’s kinda late to be posting a holiday wishlist with the world ending tomorrow and Christmas on Tuesday, but I figured it’s better late than never 🙂
Kit Kat Clock from Fred Flare, $54

Mini Starfish Pin from Sparkle Cove, $19
Unicorn Pendant Necklace from Betsey Johnson (sold out now.. doh!)
Legend of Zelda Shield Replica from ThinkGeek, $69.99
Carly Tufted Headboard from Target, $349.99
SmartCat Ultimate Cat Scratching Post from Petsmart, $69.99 (for Pixie of course)
Well those are my more expensive and totally unneeded items on my wish list.
But a girl can dream right!
What are some things on your wish list?

Intergalactic Planetary

Do you ever wake up with a song in your head? Singing or humming a tune that’s super random? I always wonder if it’s some sign that it MUST be the first song I listen to or something bad will happen. I mean why else would “Intergalactic” by the Beastie Boys be on my mind? So I googled the lyrics and put it first on my playlist.  Interesting and cute song 😛

“If you try to knock me you’ll get mocked
I’ll stir fry you in my wok
Your knees’ll start shaking and your fingers pop
Like a pinch on the neck of Mr. Spock”

So anyone doing something fun before the end of the world tomorrow?
I am booked all evening at the salon so my clients can go out in style! 😀

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Pink Shelves & Hobby Lobby Brackets

As you saw in my previous post about my new salon, I have some bright pink shelves up on the wall!
Here’s a quick little tutorial on how I made them. 🙂
This was a fun and sorta easy project if you have time to make shelves from scratch! I have seen this project on Pinterest and also saw my friend make some. I say “sorta easy” because it was a little hard to screw the brackets into the wall and make sure everything was level. But other than that it was a breeze!
I got these brackets at Hobby Lobby for only $6.99. 
Sometimes you can catch them 50%, too!
I also got some screws from Lowe’s. I got two different sizes.. Smaller ones for going into the board and longer ones to go into the wall.
We later had to use an anchor in the wall to make sure they were secure.
I used a poplar board from Lowe’s.. You can get different lengths.
And sand it first before you paint it.

I bought paint from Hobby Lobby appropriately named “Party Pink” for $5.99.
Use a satin varnish for a beautiful shine.

A finished board! Be sure to do both sides since you will see the underneath.
I was so nervous Pixie was going to jump on the boards. Then we’d have little pink paw prints everywhere. Wait.. that would have been kinda cute! 😀

After trying it both ways, it was easier to screw the brackets into the board first and then the wall.

Tada! What do you think? I sure love my new shelves! I am thinking about making a long one to go over my bed since I can’t find a good headboard. Have you ever made something totally from scratch?

Monday, December 17, 2012

Hair by Anna Lee

As some of you may know – I do hair! I was rooming with some friends for awhile but a month or so ago I got my own salon room! It’s a huge accomplishment, and I am so proud to have my own business. Decorating the room was a lot of fun, and I have another post about how I made the pink shelves with the brackets on the wall. I am so thankful my clients have followed me to my new salon. So if you need your hair done and you live around the Dallas area come see me!
You can “Like” me on Facebook, too!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Review: Denny’s The Hobbit Menu!

In honor of The Hobbit being released this week and with inspiration from GeekyGlamorous's post, I decided to give the special Hobbit menu at Denny's a try!

I was pretty excited about this and was quoting LoTR to my dad on the way. He had no idea what I was talking about, but he was eager to eat some food regardless. 🙂

When we sat down they brought us some samples of the Radagast's Red Velvet Pancake Puppies. And holy cow they were good! We told the waitress we were here just for the Hobbit menu and she laughed and gave us some time to take pics 😛

I eventually decided on the Shire Sausage Skillet with scrambled eggs. My dad ordered the Slam so we could try the Pumpkin Patch Pancakes, Seed Cake French Toast, and Shire Sausage. We were feeling breakfast to say the least!

The food was pretty good.. my sausage wasn't the best but the eggs and veggies were delicious. Dad's french toast was awesome and we just HAD to order some of the Red Velvet Pancake Puppies to take home with us. The coolest part were the free trading cards they give out if you order a Hobbit meal. Our waitress gave us 3 packs!

Click below to see all the photos!!

Monday, December 10, 2012

My 27th Birthday

So last month I turned another year older… I have finally reached that part in my life where I might start lying about my age 😉  .. Oh well!! I still act like a kid so I figured I’d celebrate like one.. My family and I ate at Gatti Town and had pizza! It’s definitely my favorite food ever. Afterwards, we played some games where I won a cute little dinosaur figure. Later, we opened some presents, and I got some Juicy Couture perfume, MLP collection toys, a Betsy Johnson and Kate Spade necklace and the coolest leopard hat! Then for dessert I had a strawberry cupcake. It was such a great birthday!! Thanks to my family for being so awesome 🙂

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Makeup, Fashion, and Art Tutorials

When I am not blogging I am still usually at the computer .. Here’s a few tutorials I’ve found lately that I find cool on the net!
Really cool tutorial by Kandee Johnson for a Betty Boop costume. How cute is this?!
These two girls at Bubble My Licorice have loads of cute posts. They’ve done some hair and DIY fashion tutorials, too. 
I enjoyed watching this video of Miss Leilani Joy draw Ramona Flowers. She gives some great tips on drawing faces. She is such a good artist!
The Dainty Squid shared a neat plant pressing tutorial.. I am a sucker for stopping in my tracks to pick up a pretty or unique leaf. Would be great to save them!
Have you watched or read any good tutorials lately? I made some cute shelves using Hobby Lobby brackets recently that I need to share someday!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Pixie Kitty Photo Spam

I have done a few cool things lately.. Like my birthday, Black Friday shopping, redecorate my salon (again!), see Breaking Dawn 2’s premiere, eat at Denny’s for The Hobbit meals, and paint some craft projects.. But since I don’t have those posts typed up YET…. Here are some cute pics of Pixie!! 🙂
She loves to help during raids on EQ2.. I bet she’s thinking “Kill the add, cancel the detriment, joust!”
(my guildies will understand, hehe)

Just chillin’ 😉

“Sacks make me hyper!”

Pixie and her BFF Rainbow Dash

Big yawn!

These might be my most favorite pics of Pixie! She looks like a prairie dog! She was giving herself a bath and heard something. Haha!
I call this Pixie’s “pink puff” .. She loves to sit by me when I am at the computer, and I found this cute pink cat bed at Petsmart.
Looking so pretty on my bed 🙂

Check out those eyes!! Pascal from Tangled had been hanging out on the back of the couch watching us.

Then Pascal photobombed us!! Promise I didn’t even plan this 😛
GlitzyGeekGirl aka CrazyCatLady

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OMGLITZY: November 2012

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Major League Gaming Fall Championships

A few weekends ago I attended the MLG Fall Championships in Dallas! I only went on Saturday afternoon, but had such a blast! There were a TON of people.. mostly guys.. and I even saw a few friends. The coolest part was seeing Halo 4 before it was released. I also enjoyed watching League of Legends since I just learned how to play it. (I’m REALLY bad at it)
I walked in the door and ran into my friend Kyle! I met him at Anime Fest. They looked amazing!
It was funny asking random guys if they’d take my picture for me 😀
You could get free Dr Pepper .. pretty cool!
And these lovely ladies gave out free pretzels! Can you tell which one is me?! 😉
I watched the live stream of the Star Craft competition the night before and saw Scarlett play. So when I saw her in person I was pretty excited. Always proud of girl gamers. (She’s in the green shirt at the computer)

More friends! Shea and Colton as League of Legends characters. So cool!
And this was by far the coolest thing ever!! I have been wanting a larger, gaming mousepad and struggled finding one in stores. I assumed I’d need to order one eventually but thought maybe I can find one at MLG. I saw a couple of guys holding these and asked them where they got it. He said he won it and some other items in a contest.. So I was kind of bummed and said how I’d been looking for one and he offered it to me! I tried to decline, of course, but he insisted since he won two. I was ecstatic!!
Overall, I would rate my experience a 10/10 .. It was my first gaming convention to attend and even though I went by myself I had so much fun! Hopefully I can go to more of these soon 🙂
Glitzy Geek Girl!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Pink and Red Wins!

Well somehow I managed to lose a whole post finally!! It was bound to happen sooner or later. This isn’t a major important one, but still sucks to lose everything you typed up. So here we go again!
I colored my hair! Looks like the votes went with Pink and Red.. which just so happened to be my favorite ;p .. I probably was going to do this regardless but it was fun seeing what ya’ll picked. Blue and all blonde had some votes and WHO voted for orange?! I said no orange! LOL .. But the Leeloo photo almost had me convinced, too 😉
So the process for this was a little lengthy .. I had been using demi-permanent for the black color so it was kinda easy to bleach out.. I use Wella’s Blondor bleach with 40 volume.. I don’t recommend using 40 unless you know what you’re doing as it’s pretty strong. Whoever voted for orange kinda wins cause that’s what it turned after I bleached it 😛
So then I applied “Candy Pink” by RAW to the top and “Fire Red” to the bottom. My hair smelled like bubble gum and cherries for awhile.

Here’s the finished look! I’ll probably take a few more pics tomorrow.. I was busy at work today. But I got a lot of compliments on it… It almost glows it’s so bright!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

VOTE: Which Hair Color?!

Well it’s about that time to change up my hairdo. I can tell when the roots are bad and the color fades unevenly. I’ve had a mixed opinion on the HOT pink – some prefer it pastel – so I thought it’d be fun to ask my readers!
I am pretty open to try anything. My least favorite, however, is orange. So no orange.
Here is a pic of my hair from yesterday. The pink is faded and the black is nearly brown now.
What I would like to do: bleach out the black in my hair and turn it red. Then lighten the top to a cotton candy pink!
Here are some other inspiration photos courtesy of my Pinterest:
I’ve never done green!
The only reason to ever do orange would be to cosplay Leeloo from The Fifth Element! lol 
(Hmm .. maybe for SciFi Expo??)
So what’s your vote?

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Happy Things! #11

Been kinda busy lately but I realized I hadn’t done a happy things post in awhile. And things just make me happy all the time! Mostly pics of Pixie of course.. So here’s a few fun pics 🙂 And stay tuned for a post about my visit to the MLG Fall Championships in Dallas this past weekend!

Pixie doing her two favorite things: playing on the iPad and hangin’ out in her sack!
Yummy red velvet cake from Nothing Bundt Cakes
Another day, another sack <3 p="p">
Thanks for the help with that last mob, Pix
This is so true hehe
Found this super cool print on Etsy from KristelKreations
And here’s Pixie again .. I was JUST saying she never goes to the top of her castle anymore.. and looky there 🙂

Saturday, November 3, 2012

What I wore .. For Halloween!

So for Halloween this year I went kind of simple. Had to work most of the day then went to a family party that evening. I was going for a “witchy” look but didn’t have a hat! So I used the wizard hat I got at Target last year 😀 .. And my mom surprised me with yummy cookie cake decorated with a black cat. =^.^=

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OMGLITZY: October 2012

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Candy Corn Pumpkin

This year I was inspired by a photo on Pinterest to paint a pumpkin like a candy corn! It was fun looking for a triangular shaped pumpkin at the patch. That’s not a normal shape to find, but my dad spotted a good one!
It was easy to paint, obviously. I just got some yellow, orange and white paint (you don’t have to use orange if you don’t want to) and then I hair sprayed it and sprinkled glitter on it. Because everything is better with glitter!
Hope you have a Happy Halloween!

This was my inspiration photo.
The pumpkin patch had a cool pirate ship in front of it. It serves snow cones in the summer!
Got to pet a baby duck and see some bunnies, too.
The perfect pumpkin!
Picking out paint and glitter at Hobby Lobby.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Texas Renaissance Festival

The same weekend of the Zelda Symphony, my family and I drove down to Houston to see my brother, his wife, and go to the Renaissance Festival! The theme was 1001 Dreams where "wizards, elves and fairies enchant the street." That was one magical weekend to say the least. Between the Zelda concert and the rainy feel of the festival my inner nerd was just ecstatic. And then I topped it off with Fan Days this past weekend! Wow October has been very exciting 🙂
Anyway.. my costume for the Texas Renaissance Festival was fairly simple. I bought the "Lady Robin Hood" outfit and red cape at Spirit Halloween, added brown leggings from Macy's, boots from Walmart, and a cheap wig from the hair store in the mall. Although this wig was only $30, I was very pleased with its quality. It didn't look overly fake and it held up even in the rain.  My bag was made by me and the fox tail was purchased at another festival.
Click below for more photos!!!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Dallas Fan Days 2012

Wow! I had a great time this weekend at the Dallas Fan Days in Irving, TX .. It was well organized, had some great actors, and I made a lot of new friends! The costumes are always my favorite part of conventions, and I was able to show off my Skyward Sword Princess Zelda again. I won 2nd place in the costume contest for video game character!!

My favorite part was meeting Sean Astin. He was a really really cool guy and I enjoyed getting his photo and autograph. For the photoshoot – they rush you in and out very quickly. So I managed to tell him "I am so excited to meet you!" and he responded with "You're a liar (lyre)!" and pointed to my harp. LoL.. Get it? So a few seconds later I was out of the room and had to wait for my photo to be printed so I could get him to sign it. Once I met him again in the autograph room we were able to chat a bit. He mentioned he liked my tattoos and couldn't believe I had so many. I told him about my "slick shoes" tattoo on my ankles in reference to The Goonies and he laughed.

The merchandise room was much like it was back in May at Comic Con.. I did pick up a few t-shirts and some LoTR posters. I won a free shirt and some cool limited edition comic books for winning the costume contest. It's easy to spend a lot of cash at these things but I think it's worth it 🙂

Looking forward to another convention, but I don't think there is one until next year! Guess that gives me time to start working on a new costume 🙂

To view all the photos I took, check them out on the glitzygeekgirl facebook page
And read my tweets from the event on my twitter @glitzygeekgirl
Edit: It's also been brought to my attention that my pic is on Reddit. A few nice comments, a few crude ones.. But overall I think that's pretty cool! 😛

Friday as Ramona Flowers
(photo: Brittany)

Saturday and Sunday as Princess Zelda
Sean Astin calling me a "lyre" 🙂
I wish I had a more intimidating weapon! (photo: SQiRL's Den)
(photo: Alan Tijerina)
On stage after winning 2nd place in the costume contest! (photo: Kevin)
(photo: Alexes Spencer)
Click below to see more photos

Friday, October 19, 2012

The Zelda Symphony

"The Legend of Zelda™: Symphony of the Goddesses is the first ever video game themed concert to feature a complete 4-movement symphony."
After weeks of putting my costume together, I finally was able to show it off! My parents and I ventured to downtown Dallas early to find a good parking spot for the symphony. The line was already pretty long so we jumped right in. A few people started asking for my photo, but it wasn't until we were inside that the crowds really grew! It was fun meeting other fans and giving little girls hugs. I felt like a Disney Princess at Disney World. The music itself was amazing and gave me chills. I especially loved the Ocarina of Time segment and any time they showed Link and Epona. There wasn't much Skyward Sword shown, but we saw my outfit once or twice. If you ever get a chance to see this show please do!! Even non-Zelda fans are sure to enjoy the enchanting atmosphere 🙂
I'll be wearing this costume on Saturday (tomorrow) to the Dallas Fan Days.
Click below to see more photos


OMG FINALLY! I have been driving my family crazy trying to come up with a new blog name! The Galaxy Life was so lame, but everything we came up with was already taken! But not GLITZYGEEKGIRL! Here at GGG I will still bring you all the fabulous posts as before and much more! This new identity is giving me some inspiration! So expect some really great posts. I have so many bloggers that I admire and enjoy reading and now it’s my turn! I’ve got my Zelda Symphony post ready to publish and this weekend I’ll be at the Dallas Comic Con’s Fan Days convention. Follow me on twitter @glitzygeekgirl for updates and live tweets! And

Once I have more time I’ll really update my header and backgrounds and such, too. Thanks so much for all the love, and I hope you enjoy the blog!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Outfit of the Day

Haven’t posted in a few days because I’ve had an eventful weekend! Finally saw the Zelda Symphony of the Goddesses and made a trip to Houston for the Renaissance Festival. Trust me I have loads of pics from each! So be on the lookout for some good blog posts soon. Also this weekend is the Dallas Fan Days convention so I will have lots of pics from that too.

For now here is a pic of my outfit from today. I got this dress at Urban Outfitters. Pixie insisted on a hug during this photoshoot 😉

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Spooky Halloween Music

This is the song found in the Beautiful Creatures trailer I posted yesterday. I’m pretty sure if I could be music I would be every song by Florence + the Machine. This song is called Seven Devils.
And if I could be a Halloween song and video this would be it! Kyary Paymu Paymu is so stinkin’ cute.. This video made me really excited for the spooky holiday.
Thanks to San Smith for posting it!
Although this isn’t a music video.. It’s a really funny parody of the Vampire Diaries done by The Hillywood Show. I love the song by Lady Gaga cleverly called “Teeth” .. 

Beautiful Creatures

So in the last month I have read The Great Gatsby and The Perks of Being a Wallflower so I can be ready to see the movies. Gatsby isn’t out yet but Wallflowers is, and I need to make some time to watch it in theaters. In the mean time, I googled other books to read and Beautiful Creatures kept popping up on all the lists I found. I’ve read the first few chapters and I’m hooked!! I just now watched the trailer for the movie which is to be released in February 2013..  Very interesting film this shall be!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Life starts all over again..

So far October has been a very busy month! I was booked up solid last week doing hair color after color.. I guess it was just time for everyone to get a touch up done. This week has been a little slower which is good because I had a lot of things to catch up on. I finally finished my Zelda costume and need to start working on a blog post to show each piece of it. I even grabbed another costume for the Renaissance festival this weekend.. I didn’t want to risk getting my Zelda outfit dirty.
Pretty happy that the weather is cooling off. You can get by with wearing a jacket and boots now! This quote from The Great Gatsby feels quite relevant right now 🙂
Another big happy moment is my brother and his wife had their baby! I am now an AUNT. His name is Parker and he’s super cute. It’s funny because we’re all used to taking care of cats and dogs, but now we have a real baby! I still told my bro to “pat him on the head” for me .. Such a cat lady thing to say. 
And now I leave you with Advice From a Tree:
p.s. I am thinking of changing my blog name.. it just doesn’t fit me. Any ideas?

Friday, October 5, 2012

What’s In My Bag

This is the first time for me to play this game.. And I am so excited because I just LOVE my new backpack! Since I started working on my own, I find myself carrying a lot of stuff.. I still write my appointments for my clients by hand because I don’t trust my iPhone and iCloud to back it all up in case it crashes. So now I carry around quite a bit of goodies!
This is my beautiful Vera Bradley backpack.

From left to right:
Business cards, business card holder, iPhone charger, iPhone
Appointment book, iPad, wallet, pencil bag which holds the next items: Bonne Belle lip gloss, MAC powder, white out, pens, mini hair brush, and floss!

And I got new boots from Shi the other day, too 😀

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Pixie’s New Cousins

My brother and my sister-in-law are the proud parents of two new kitties! Joining them, and their current cat Rosie Cotton, are Beatrix Kiddo and Duncan Idaho! Welcome to the family 🙂

And here are some cute shots of Pixie Doodle lately..

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OMGLITZY: September 2012

Sunday, September 23, 2012

iPhone 5 Release Party!

One of the many crazy qualities about me is that I enjoy going to midnight premieres and new releases! The iPhone 5 was released at 8 am Friday the 21st .. .. So it wasn’t technically a midnight release… but that’s when I got there!!!! Yep 12:00 am! I waited 8 hours with my friend, Tiffany, outside the mall to get into the Apple store. They let us in at about 6:30 and we were escorted to the front of the Apple store where we waited until 8:00. I was honestly surprised we were first in line.. Some people have been camping out for days for this phone in other states. And the other Apple stores in DFW had tents pitched, TVs, and couches brought in line! We were nervous we were in the wrong place, but after talking to numerous security guards we were sure we were first 🙂 It was about 12:30 that another person decided to join us. Daryl was officially number 3! Next came Jonathan who was upgrading an OLD flip phone. We were proud of Jonathan! The number 5 spot went to Kevin .. he left his chair and we promised to hold his spot because he went to Whataburger for us and later to Starbucks. The top 5 was complete and many more people came to join us in line. Tiffany and I had our pictures taken and were interviewed by Apple employees for a promotional video of some sorts. It was a pretty big deal being first in line. I honestly wasn’t expecting that. I have waited for Apple products three other times and was never first. Now I feel like I’ll have to do it every time!!! 😛

The top 5! Left to right: Daryl, Kevin, Jonathan, Tiffany, and me

The line supposedly started wrapping around the corner and going out the front door. Over 200 people!

I had every option possible.. I was so nervous when they asked me what I wanted! Didn’t want to say the wrong thing, lol.

I got it!! It’s pretty cool, too. SO LIGHT WEIGHT!! Which is weird since the screen is larger! But it’s skinnier.. and so sleek. They didn’t have cases for it yet so I’ve been super careful not to drop it. I’ll be passing on my old iPhone 4 to my dad who is still sporting a really old Blackberry.
Hope to see all the new friends I made at the next release! See you in March for the next iPad!! LOL

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Sports Weekend!

This past weekend I had a sporty time with my Dad by attending a baseball AND soccer game! First up was the Frisco Rough Riders. They are just one level below the Texas Rangers so the turn out is usually pretty good for these guys. I’ve wanted to go to a game all season and with it coming to an end soon we needed to act fast. Unfortunately it turned out to be a rather rainy and cold evening, although I may have enjoyed that more than sweating profusely and getting sunburned. I think we left around the 5th inning because the rain wouldn’t let up but we listened to the game on the radio at home. We won 5-1!

I just love ordering nachos! They are my favorite sport food. These were pretty good but the ones at the soccer game were better. 

That is Mike Napoli batting for the Rough Riders. He is the catcher for the Texas Rangers and was out for an injury for a few weeks.

This is Deuce and Daisy being funny with a (fake) dumbbell.. Deuce had a hard time picking it up and of course Daisy just throws it over her shoulder. So cute!
So the next night we went to watch a soccer game! The weather was a lot better this time. The FC Dallas Stadium is one of my absolute favorite sport arenas. It’s really clean and the layout is very accommodating. I haven’t always been a soccer fan, but when an MLS team plays just down the street from you you can’t help but feel the spirit! Not to mention the cutest player, Brek Shea, is on their team!

Half time was fun because they had these two cute dogs bouncing soccer balls off their noses to try and score goals! The actual soccer game itself was still 0-0 so half time was almost more entertaining 😛

Then in the 96 minute (they were given 6 extra minutes) FC Dallas player Julian de Guzman hit an amazing goal and we won the game 1-0!!!! It was an epic finale!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Sew happy!

This is just a random post of some random things in my head! Today I was able to get my hair into mini hair buns.. this is especially exciting because that means my hair growwwwing! I have never ever had hair this long (not since the 5th grade!) so it’s kind of a big deal 😀

Also, you will find that Pixie Kitty made her way into the photo .. Today I found her most favorite toy in the whole wide world.. and when I showed it to her she immediately knew what it was! She LOVES powder puffs! The little round pads girls use for make up. Jingles loved them, too, but Pixie is what started it. I’ve bought new ones, but nothing is the same as the original. I just hope she doesn’t lose it again.

My sewing machine is out because my mom and I have been working on my Zelda dress. I will eventually make a big blog post about it. The dress itself is near completion, but all the accessories I’ve ordered still haven’t shipped. I sure hope they come soon!

Lately, I’ve been playing a lot of computer games – GW2, EQ2, and even tried League of Legends. I looked into different positions in the video and computer game industry as a possible job, but I am just not sure I would be good at it. I am skillful with computers, but I don’t know much about programming. A possible goal is working in PR for a gaming company. Maybe I’d be good at assisting in gaming events. This all stems from my recent love of conventions. I’m just hooked now! I want to attend all of them. The Fall MLG Championships will be coming to Dallas soon, and I enjoyed reading these posts about PAX Prime in Seattle: Geeky Glamorous – Best of PAX2012 and Miss Magitek – PAX Prime. I can see myself working or promoting at events like that. So maybe I won’t be a computer or video game programmer, but I love the idea of being involved in the gaming world!

Having said all that, don’t get the wrong impression that I am unhappy as a hair stylist! I love my job! When I am actually doing someone’s hair I feel very confident and peaceful, and of course,  joyous to see their reaction to their new look! One thing I feel I can not change, however, is control over when I have clients. I have been gloriously busy for having just started out on my own, but I still have some downtime that I wish was filled with new clients. I’ve been brainstorming ideas on how to advertise and market myself and it’s time I implement them. Another stressful situation within my job is when I have a client no show, cancel last minute or arrive late. It really affects my whole day. I usually only go up to the salon if I have someone scheduled. So if you don’t show up then you wasted my time. I don’t get paid just to sit up there. Also, if you’re late and expect me to still take you then what do you think happens to my next clients? If they are on time for their appointment they shouldn’t have to wait because someone else was inconsiderate. *SIGH* Sorry for my RANT, but last week I had a couple of my clients do this and it just stresses me out. Some salons charge you for being late or for not canceling with enough notice.. but as an independent booth renter I am just not sure how to initiate such a rule. How do you charge someone? Do you take their credit card information when they make the appointment? I need to look into this.

Anyway, I really have been quite happy lately, with the exception of my little rant there. It’s been a nice September, and I have so much to look forward to. The weather has finally stopped melting faces and fall feels just around the corner. I can’t wait to wear boots and scarves and jackets! I may even go by Starbucks and order a hot chocolate  ^.^

Have a nice day!!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Salon Make-Over Already?!

My station at work was really cute.. but it wasn’t very practical. The drawers in the dresser were not functional. I could barely get in and out of it. So now I’ve learned that when buying from an antique store always check to make sure it works 🙂
I went back to the Frisco Mercantile quite a few times looking for a replacement. After lots of measuring I finally decided on this desk. It is in great condition and most importantly the drawers open, hehe. I’m not a big fan of green, though, so I decided to give painting a try. I had never done this before so I looked on Pinterest and asked my parents for tips.
Basically, I sanded it down by hand a little bit then used a liquid sander. It was easy to just rub on with an old t-shirt. That acted as a primer and since I was going to paint it black I didn’t care too much about getting all the green off. I only did one coat of black paint. It looked fabulous! So I left that alone and did one coat of pink paint on the drawers. I liked that some of the green would show through – it looked like I distressed it and put a black glaze on it, but I didn’t – just one coat of pink was enough! The handles had a bit of green paint on them, too, so all I did was spray paint them gold. After waiting a few days I painted a clear coat on and waited a few more days before moving it into the salon.

I also bought a different mirror while at the Frisco Mercantile. The gold frilly mirror matched Trenette’s on the left and felt more exquisite. And I added some cute vintage pictures to the wall from I am really happy with how it turned out! I love using my station at work now – it’s functional and pretty!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Happy Things #10

It’s been a Happy September so far ~ I can’t believe how fast time is going. Not much going on this month, but gosh next month is going to be fun! Some things I have to look forward to is the Zelda Symphony, the Texas Renaissance Festival in Houston, seeing my brother and sis-in-law while in Houston, and going to the Dallas Fan Days convention with Kevin. This weekend I will get to see a Rough Riders baseball game and then an FC Dallas soccer game with my dad! I’m not a huge sports person, but baseball has always been my favorite. And I’m really looking forward to the weather being nice and eating nachos. 🙂
Here are some Happy Photos:
I love to find acorns (with their hats on) to give as gifts to my mom.

After placing my favorite Beanie Babies on the mantle, Pixie decided she wanted to be one, too!

I took this pic before I dyed my hair pink obviously. So glad it’s getting long!
My excitement for all things Zelda recently even spread to the piano. I can’t play anything, but I can poke a few keys. I learned a part of Saria’s Song. I’ll be dressing up as Skyward Sword Zelda for the next convention! I need to post pics of my progress on my costume.

The other day I picked up the last copy at my local GameStop of Guild Wars 2. I’ve always been really attached to EverQuest 2, and I have a hard time playing other games because of that. I tried Diablo III recently and never got pass level 8. But GW2 has been really fun!! It has beautiful graphics, easy gameplay, interesting story lines, and there’s always helpful players nearby. My only complaint would be the random overflow transfers. I guess it happens when too many players are on one server. There’s been times when Kevin and I aren’t in the same world so we can’t play together until one of us gets transferred. So I still prefer EQ2, but it’s been nice to play something different for a change.
That’s all for now! I got to sleep in a little today, have some hair cuts to do later, then it’s raid night on EQ2 .. Going to be a nice Wednesday 😛

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

August 2012 Playlist

August’s playlist consisted of a lot of July’s .. but I added a few more:
Kreayshawn – Go Hard
I’m not big on curse words.. they don’t bother me much, but I sound silly when I say them. However, I find myself singing along to this song. And the video is so cute and colorful! 😛

Taylor Swift – We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together
I am a huuuge Taylor Swift fan and while I enjoy her country songs I find her more of a pop artist. This new single is especially pop so I am interested how her new album will sound.
The Gaslight Anthem – Blue Dahlia
I’m very happy that The Gaslight Anthem has gained quite a bit of popularity with their newest album. They are a talented band with some good old rock n roll sounds. Unfortunately there is no real video for this song yet, but I’m a sucker for the slower ballads.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Pinkie Pie Hair!

Recently had a funny time coloring my hair.. I bleached out the purple .. no big deal… mixed up some fuchsia and red together and applied it to my scalp first about 2 inches down the hair .. well then I ran out of color. No big deal – I’ll mix some more. Couldn’t find my other bottle of fuchsia ANYWHERE! I’m searching and looking and digging through the pantry and purses (lol) .. no luck. So I call my mom in a panic because only half my hair is done and God bless her she went to Hot Topic 30 mins before closing and got me 4 extra bottles.. Won’t be running out next time! What a scary mistake for a hair stylist to make!! 😛

Super sad to see this pic because I recently broke my heart shaped glasses in half 🙁

Monday, September 3, 2012

AnimeFest 2012: Part 2

Here are some AnimeFest 2012 photos I didn’t take but have found by searching the web like the pony stalker I am. Trying to give correct credit!! But let me know if I missed any 🙂 I will update as I find them.
Did you check out AnimeFest Part 1?

And all the following pics are from Kevin’s album with his fancy camera. Sorry if some are repeats from my previous post .. but his pics were much better. 🙂

Be sure to check out my other AnimeFest posts:

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OMGLITZY: August 2012

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Rainbow Dash Cosplay

For AnimeFest this weekend I plan on dressing up as Rainbow Dash from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. I’ve been working on finding each piece of my costume. I am so excited with how it’s coming along!!
I was very inspired by the Dash from the Yaya Han photoshoot. I purchased the pony ears and wings from her Etsy store. (They arrived very quickly!)
I got two patches for her cutie mark from Etsy. (The seller took forever to ship these.)

My wig is from Cosplay Anime Wigs. (This came from China and got here faster than my patches.)
Traveled to several malls to find this blue jacket from Wet Seal. And got some iron-on letters for it from JoAnn’s.
These fishnet rainbow leggings from Hot Topic are super comfy. They’re really thick and stretchy!
I’m probably going to wear blue jean shorts and black converse hi-tops. I bought a rainbow tutu and a blue skirt, but these conventions require some sitting in lines sometimes – I’ll be more comfortable in shorts.
*Edit: Here is a completed shot of my Rainbow Dash cosplay!
My friend Jordan is dressing up as Mrs. Cupcake.
Her apron and dress is so adorable!! She also got a big hot pink wig that I have yet to see.. I can’t wait!
My other friend Kevin is dressing up as a modern Link from The Legend of Zelda. He found some brown boots from DSW and a green V-neck shirt that his friend tailored to fit just perfect!
I am considering being modern Zelda with him for Fan Days
But that will have to be another blog post 🙂
After this weekend I will post more photos from the convention. It’s going to be a lot of fun attending it with friends that are dressing up as well! 

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Having Fun with Everquest 2

Now that my schedule has finally calmed down, I have been able to play EQ2 a little more frequently. For awhile I only logged on to raid.. and didn’t play just for fun. Raiding IS fun but there’s also so much else to do!
The pic isn’t good quality, but I was beyond excited to finally loot this cloak called Rain of Petals. It’s a pink animated cloak with rose petals drifting down. I’ve been trying to get it for the last year! It drops in a zone called the Shard Of Love by a giant drake named Woefulness. Usually people go to this zone to loot the Valorous Wings.. and over time I’ve probably got those 20 times! But never this cloak! So I was very very happy to finally find it 🙂

Also, I made the following signatures for me and my friend Mindseige. We post on our guild’s forums quite a bit for raids and stuff and everyone else had cool signatures so I played around in Photoshop! I think they turned out pretty good for my first try.

I just love playing EQ2.. I know it’s nerdy but it’s so interesting! I change the color of Audeley’s hair and wings and give her different outfits.. it’s like a virtual paper doll. And you can decorate your house or guild hall, go on quests or join contests. I’ve made a lot of friends this way, too.. we slay dragons together! Now that’s friendship 😛

Friday, August 24, 2012

Silly Pixie

Pixie Doodle Bug being silly as usual!!
This cracked me up … I was reading a book in bed and Pixie was snuggled by my legs. When I looked at her I realized her face was totally smooshed against me! HAHAHA!
Caught her mid-yawn!! What do you think would be a good caption for this?

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Happy Things #9

Here’s the latest Happy Things post! Oh how happy these things make me! 😛
This is the sweetest little table from the Frisco Mercantile.

Eating at Casa Rita’s is fun when the little sopapillas look like butts!

The drive-thru guy at Jimmy John’s was asking about my tattoos.. and I may have batted my eyelashes a few times, too. He gave me a free cookie 😛

A little personal enjoyment is getting my nails done. I do love painting them myself but the polish never lasts with my hands always in the water.

Found this cutie on the counter at a new restaurant called Tasty Garden.

It was that time again! Free piece of chocolate at Godiva once a month with a membership. I got a strawberry truffle.
Hard to tell in the photo but these pretty trees were sprinkling their white flowers on my car while I waited in line at Starbucks.
My hair is finally getting to my shoulders.. it’s fun having longer hair for a change.

And I am super happy to have an official sign outside my salon now!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Pinterest Enthusiast

As most females are these days, I am quite the Pinterest enthusiast. I have 26 boards of different themes that I enjoy “pinning” inspirational or creative photos to. Most of the time I am pinning hair and fashion ideas. But it’s a great place to organize your favorite pics of any category. Here are some of my recent favorites!

Pinterest would be a great tool for a dating website. It shows places I want to visit, my favorite foods, my style,  favorite music and things I love to geek out to! It’s all about me! If you don’t agree with my pins then we probably aren’t a good match 😛 

It’s also great because it will usually take you to the source of each photo. So if you see a hair tutorial you like you can click the pic and it’ll link you to it’s original website. All the above photos can be found on my Pinterest and most have the source attached. Do you have a Pinterest account? Recommend any I should follow?

Saturday, August 11, 2012

My own salon!

So I recently began working for myself as a hairstylist. We’ve only been open for a week and the salon already looks great. It’s still a work in progress, but it’s starting to come together and feel like home!
Move in day!
Trenette’s, Tiffany’s, and my station

 A few days ago, my friend Kevin drove all the way from Austin to get his haircut! I am so glad he was able to visit the new salon. His hair looked awesome!

After his haircut, we adventured around downtown Dallas and tried a crepe for the first time. It was also my first time to try bubble tea. A strange drink but tasty!

I’ve definitely enjoyed the start of this new chapter in my career, and I am so thankful to have supportive friends and family!

Thursday, August 9, 2012


Some movies and stories just seem to stick out to you more than others. Tangled does that for me. I think it’s a mixture of my love for Mandy Moore, the music, Pascal the chameleon, and the beautiful colors .. I love how sweet the characters are, the sarcastic jokes Flynn makes, and the development of the love story. It’s just overall one of my favorite movies. So this is a Tangled appreciation post!
When I visited Disney World with my dad this year, I was most looking forward to meeting Rapunzel! We scoped out where her spot was and the next day that was our first stop. We waited in line for about 45 minutes, and I’m sure people were wondering why this older, tattooed girl was giddy with excitement to meet Rapunzel. But my dad is cool as ever and took lots of photos! She was so sweet and told me “You must be an artist!” when she saw my tattoos. She said they were beautiful! I told her I did hair.. and I would have a lot of fun doing her hair! We talked about color options and that she could add some purple to hers to match her dress. She said Flynn would probably like that 🙂 Oh man it was so much fun.. I also made an effort to find a Pascal plush for me and my mom. After hunting for him in many stores (he’s hard to find – he is a chameleon after all 😉 ) we finally found him! He guarded our hotel room while we were at the parks!

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