Thursday, August 30, 2012

Rainbow Dash Cosplay

For AnimeFest this weekend I plan on dressing up as Rainbow Dash from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. I’ve been working on finding each piece of my costume. I am so excited with how it’s coming along!!
I was very inspired by the Dash from the Yaya Han photoshoot. I purchased the pony ears and wings from her Etsy store. (They arrived very quickly!)
I got two patches for her cutie mark from Etsy. (The seller took forever to ship these.)

My wig is from Cosplay Anime Wigs. (This came from China and got here faster than my patches.)
Traveled to several malls to find this blue jacket from Wet Seal. And got some iron-on letters for it from JoAnn’s.
These fishnet rainbow leggings from Hot Topic are super comfy. They’re really thick and stretchy!
I’m probably going to wear blue jean shorts and black converse hi-tops. I bought a rainbow tutu and a blue skirt, but these conventions require some sitting in lines sometimes – I’ll be more comfortable in shorts.
*Edit: Here is a completed shot of my Rainbow Dash cosplay!
My friend Jordan is dressing up as Mrs. Cupcake.
Her apron and dress is so adorable!! She also got a big hot pink wig that I have yet to see.. I can’t wait!
My other friend Kevin is dressing up as a modern Link from The Legend of Zelda. He found some brown boots from DSW and a green V-neck shirt that his friend tailored to fit just perfect!
I am considering being modern Zelda with him for Fan Days
But that will have to be another blog post 🙂
After this weekend I will post more photos from the convention. It’s going to be a lot of fun attending it with friends that are dressing up as well! 

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Having Fun with Everquest 2

Now that my schedule has finally calmed down, I have been able to play EQ2 a little more frequently. For awhile I only logged on to raid.. and didn’t play just for fun. Raiding IS fun but there’s also so much else to do!
The pic isn’t good quality, but I was beyond excited to finally loot this cloak called Rain of Petals. It’s a pink animated cloak with rose petals drifting down. I’ve been trying to get it for the last year! It drops in a zone called the Shard Of Love by a giant drake named Woefulness. Usually people go to this zone to loot the Valorous Wings.. and over time I’ve probably got those 20 times! But never this cloak! So I was very very happy to finally find it 🙂

Also, I made the following signatures for me and my friend Mindseige. We post on our guild’s forums quite a bit for raids and stuff and everyone else had cool signatures so I played around in Photoshop! I think they turned out pretty good for my first try.

I just love playing EQ2.. I know it’s nerdy but it’s so interesting! I change the color of Audeley’s hair and wings and give her different outfits.. it’s like a virtual paper doll. And you can decorate your house or guild hall, go on quests or join contests. I’ve made a lot of friends this way, too.. we slay dragons together! Now that’s friendship 😛

Friday, August 24, 2012

Silly Pixie

Pixie Doodle Bug being silly as usual!!
This cracked me up … I was reading a book in bed and Pixie was snuggled by my legs. When I looked at her I realized her face was totally smooshed against me! HAHAHA!
Caught her mid-yawn!! What do you think would be a good caption for this?

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Happy Things #9

Here’s the latest Happy Things post! Oh how happy these things make me! 😛
This is the sweetest little table from the Frisco Mercantile.

Eating at Casa Rita’s is fun when the little sopapillas look like butts!

The drive-thru guy at Jimmy John’s was asking about my tattoos.. and I may have batted my eyelashes a few times, too. He gave me a free cookie 😛

A little personal enjoyment is getting my nails done. I do love painting them myself but the polish never lasts with my hands always in the water.

Found this cutie on the counter at a new restaurant called Tasty Garden.

It was that time again! Free piece of chocolate at Godiva once a month with a membership. I got a strawberry truffle.
Hard to tell in the photo but these pretty trees were sprinkling their white flowers on my car while I waited in line at Starbucks.
My hair is finally getting to my shoulders.. it’s fun having longer hair for a change.

And I am super happy to have an official sign outside my salon now!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Pinterest Enthusiast

As most females are these days, I am quite the Pinterest enthusiast. I have 26 boards of different themes that I enjoy “pinning” inspirational or creative photos to. Most of the time I am pinning hair and fashion ideas. But it’s a great place to organize your favorite pics of any category. Here are some of my recent favorites!

Pinterest would be a great tool for a dating website. It shows places I want to visit, my favorite foods, my style,  favorite music and things I love to geek out to! It’s all about me! If you don’t agree with my pins then we probably aren’t a good match 😛 

It’s also great because it will usually take you to the source of each photo. So if you see a hair tutorial you like you can click the pic and it’ll link you to it’s original website. All the above photos can be found on my Pinterest and most have the source attached. Do you have a Pinterest account? Recommend any I should follow?

Saturday, August 11, 2012

My own salon!

So I recently began working for myself as a hairstylist. We’ve only been open for a week and the salon already looks great. It’s still a work in progress, but it’s starting to come together and feel like home!
Move in day!
Trenette’s, Tiffany’s, and my station

 A few days ago, my friend Kevin drove all the way from Austin to get his haircut! I am so glad he was able to visit the new salon. His hair looked awesome!

After his haircut, we adventured around downtown Dallas and tried a crepe for the first time. It was also my first time to try bubble tea. A strange drink but tasty!

I’ve definitely enjoyed the start of this new chapter in my career, and I am so thankful to have supportive friends and family!

Thursday, August 9, 2012


Some movies and stories just seem to stick out to you more than others. Tangled does that for me. I think it’s a mixture of my love for Mandy Moore, the music, Pascal the chameleon, and the beautiful colors .. I love how sweet the characters are, the sarcastic jokes Flynn makes, and the development of the love story. It’s just overall one of my favorite movies. So this is a Tangled appreciation post!
When I visited Disney World with my dad this year, I was most looking forward to meeting Rapunzel! We scoped out where her spot was and the next day that was our first stop. We waited in line for about 45 minutes, and I’m sure people were wondering why this older, tattooed girl was giddy with excitement to meet Rapunzel. But my dad is cool as ever and took lots of photos! She was so sweet and told me “You must be an artist!” when she saw my tattoos. She said they were beautiful! I told her I did hair.. and I would have a lot of fun doing her hair! We talked about color options and that she could add some purple to hers to match her dress. She said Flynn would probably like that 🙂 Oh man it was so much fun.. I also made an effort to find a Pascal plush for me and my mom. After hunting for him in many stores (he’s hard to find – he is a chameleon after all 😉 ) we finally found him! He guarded our hotel room while we were at the parks!

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