OMGLITZY: Wig Review! Kamo Wig from Amazon

Monday, February 29, 2016

Wig Review! Kamo Wig from Amazon

Hey everyone! I made my first “review video” for my YouTube channel!!! It’s all about a wig I have been wearing a lot lately that I purchased from Amazon. As you may know, I own and wear a lot of wigs. I’ve been meaning to make reviews for them so I’m really excited to finally share this with you!
The Kamo 26″ Layered Wig was purchased from Amazon by ME! I was not paid or asked to make this review. I was looking for a natural wig to wear on my Twitch streams and came across it on Amazon. It had decent reviews and for only $16.99 I figured it was worth the try. Turns out it’s one of my all time favorite wigs now! I loved it so much I bought two – one to leave long and another to trim a little shorter. I’ve been wearing it a lot lately and it looks and feels very natural. Please check out my video for more details and a better look at it! This wig would be great for cosplayers or anyone that is on a budget and looking for a nice blonde wig.

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OMGLITZY: WhoFest DFW 2013

Saturday, December 14, 2013

WhoFest DFW 2013

To celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Doctor Who, my mom and I attended a local convention called WhoFest! This was its first year and tickets for it sold out! I was only able to attend on Friday (it was a three day event), but still had a blast with all the other Whovians. There weren’t any celebrity guests, but it did have numerous discussion panels, a cosplay contest, and a really great dealers room.
This was my outfit for WhoFest. I wore a Link/Doctor Who crossover shirt from TeeFury and the 4th Doctor’s scarf from ThinkGeek.

This Dalek could light up, move, and yell Exterminate! at you! Eek! 

My favorite costume was by my friend Jeremy (far right). He was dressed up as Craig from the “Closing Time” episode with baby Stormageddon.
This River Song outfit was spot on!

I also loved this Doctor Whooves costume. It’s a My Little Pony character!
And my good friend CookieCupCakes was there, too in her fabulous homemade costume!
The dealer’s room was very impressive. Even though it wasn’t very big, the booths had some excellent Doctor Who swag to buy. I got a free poster with my ticket purchase and also decided to buy some arm warmers the same pattern as my scarf.

The Piranha Toys booth never disappoints either. It was a great photo area.

And here’s the Dalek in action!

Oh no! It brought reinforcements!

They were building a Tardis the whole time we were there.. and almost had it finished by the time we needed to leave. It was made of wood and had lights in it and everything. Would be so cool to have this at home, don’t you think? 🙂
Do you watch Doctor Who?
What did you think of the 50th Anniversary special?
Which Doctor is your favorite?


  1. I think david tennant was my favorite doctor. I thought this episode of doctor who was awesome. Also i think you police box would be a cool addition.


  2. Such a huge event. You looked fantastic and you wore your new scarf. 🙂 I've never gotten into Dr Who but it is so rad to see people all coming together to celebrate.


  3. How cool! Love your t-shirt and that Dalek is huge!
    My favorite Doctor Who episodes are the ones with David Tennant. I haven't been watching the past two seasons but I would still love to go to a Whofest haha.
    x atelier zozo


  4. I like the 9th Doctor, but I am really liking the 10th, and 11th more and more… its so hard to decide!


  5. I love that someone actually dressed up as Craig, complete with Stormageddon. Amazing. I definitely have a soft spot for the Christopher Eccleston's Doctor, but I'm afraid David Tennant will always be "my" Doctor.


  6. So awesome!! It seemed like such a fun event! I bought tickets to see it at the local cinema and I love, love it!! Eccleston will always be my favorite. I just love his season!! And to see someone dressed up a Craig is great. I love that eppy!!


  7. That's so epically awesome!
    I enjoyed the 50th special a lot! And the previews with the 8th Doctor turning into 8.5 (John Hurt).

    While Eccleston is my first Doctor, and will always have a soft spot, 10 and 7 are my favorites. Ace, Rory, and River are my favorite companions!
    This was the show my husband and I started together, so it's EXTRA special as it's our first (but not last) fandom we got into together, before we were even engaged.


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OMGLITZY: What’s in My Bag!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

What’s in My Bag!

A girl’s purse can be an endless pit of interesting goodies. Mine is no exception! Here’s a look at some of the glitzy and geeky things inside my bag!
1. Samsung Galaxy S3 – This is my salon phone.. I chose to have two numbers so I could have a little separation from work and personal life. The Galaxy S3 is really cool, but I still prefer my iPhone 5. (not pictured because it’s what took this photo, lol)
2. My wallet – I got this little wallet from Sam Moon. It’s great for when I need to attach it to my keys for quick trips without a purse.
3. My salon appointment book – I carry this with me everywhere! I enjoy writing my appointments down rather than using the calendar in my phone.
4. Business cards – It’s important for me to always have some salon and blog cards handy. You never know when you might need one! Storing them in a card holder makes them easy to find, too. I always use Zazzle to make my cards.
5. Pens and pencils – I’m constantly losing these. Was surprised I found this many. I usually have some white-out, too, but I must have misplaced that.
6. GlitzyGeekGirl stickers!! – These are extra from the last convention. Hopefully I can give more out when I hold my next giveaway! I used Zazzle to make these, too.
7. BonneBell Lip Lites – I’ve used this lip gloss since I was in middle school. Vanilla Swirl is my favorite!
8. My Little Pony – Not sure what this one’s name is. I must have bought one of those mystery bags and she just made camp in one of my pockets, lol.
9. My checkbook – I’m a grown up now so I gotta pay bills, but that doesn’t mean my checks have to be ugly 😉
10. Welch’s Fruit Snacks – I eat so many bags of these a day lol .. They are actually pretty healthy snacks. My favorite is Strawberry. I get “weird” if I don’t eat a little bit throughout the day so I keep a bag just in case.
And here’s a photo of my backpack that stores all my goodies. I got my Sheldon pin from Dallas Comic Con, EverQuest II pin from SOE Live, and I ordered a few GlitzyGeekGirl buttons to see how they’d look. I nicknamed the alpaca “Alpakachu” and my mom just gave me the Hello Kitty plush a few days ago as a gift 🙂
So there ya go! That’s what I tote around. Sometimes I’ll grab my Nintendo 3DS or iPad, too. I love carrying a backpack because I feel more organized. 
I am the Lady Geek of the Week on Being Geek Chic!
And the Featured Cosplayer of the Week on SuperHeroPhotos!


  1. Congrats on the Being Geek Chic and Super Hero spots!
    I will always love Bonne Bell's Lip Smackers!
    And I love Alpakahu's name!


  2. The whole time I was reading, I kept thinking, "Where's the 3DS? Where's the 3DS?" Thanks for not leaving that out! And congratulations on being featured!


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OMGLITZY: What’s In My Bag

Friday, October 5, 2012

What’s In My Bag

This is the first time for me to play this game.. And I am so excited because I just LOVE my new backpack! Since I started working on my own, I find myself carrying a lot of stuff.. I still write my appointments for my clients by hand because I don’t trust my iPhone and iCloud to back it all up in case it crashes. So now I carry around quite a bit of goodies!
This is my beautiful Vera Bradley backpack.

From left to right:
Business cards, business card holder, iPhone charger, iPhone
Appointment book, iPad, wallet, pencil bag which holds the next items: Bonne Belle lip gloss, MAC powder, white out, pens, mini hair brush, and floss!

And I got new boots from Shi the other day, too 😀

1 comment:

  1. Just checking blogs. Great idea to use a backpack. You must be a very organized person.


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OMGLITZY: What I’ve Been Up To

Saturday, May 9, 2015

What I’ve Been Up To

Hey everyone! It’s been too long since I updated my blog! I think about it every day, but have just been busy with other new adventures lately. My blog was such a prominent part of my life for the last few years – it really has been hard taking a break from it. However, I would imagine most bloggers have to step back every now and then and give their brain a refresh. I’m ready to at least give you guys a little “What I’ve Been Up To” post!

My blog had become a little hub for me to showcase comic cons and my cosplay tutorials. Well this year I haven’t been attending as many cons as before. And believe it or not, I haven’t made any new cosplay costumes. As much as I love the hobby, it can be quite expensive. So I was really happy when I won a Sunday pass to the Dallas Fan Days back in February. I was able to attend with my mom and meet Alex Kingston who played River Song on Doctor Who.
I didn’t wear a costume to Fan Days, but we did have a nice snow day so I could put on my Princess Anna cosplay and take some pictures in our backyard! Now I do have some exciting news – I am definitely attending the big Dallas Comic Con at the end of May! I’ll probably just be there Saturday (maybe Sunday; not sure yet) and I even ordered some supplies for a NEW cosplay to wear! I thought about rewearing one I already had and decided it would be more fun for me to be crafty again and make something. I won’t say which character yet because what if the supplies don’t work and it doesn’t end up fitting?!?! LOL So I’ll wait until those at least arrive and I can be sure it’s wearable. I’ll give you a hint though – it’s a superhero!
In more cosplay news, I was interviewed by Live Magazine and published in their recent issue! It’s really an incredible online magazine that deserves to be looked through. I was so impressed with their quality and super honored to be chosen as one of the featured cosplayers.
Another adventure I usually blog about is my trip to the Scarborough Renaissance Festival. I attended it again this year around the beginning of April and had the greatest time. The weather was absolutely perfect and it wasn’t too crowded at all. I had made my flower crown and bought the dress from eBay. The corset is from Corset Story and my belt was from Amazon. A few trinkets I picked up at the faire were a miniature crystal ball and a beautiful new bracelet.
There haven’t been too many movies I’ve seen at the theater yet, but I did go see Cinderella and absolutely loved it. The whole movie made me cry – sometimes with sad tears but mostly happy ones. It was just beautiful! I also saw Insurgent, and to be honest I am not sure if I liked it as much as the first one. I thought the action and special effects were quite spectacular but the storyline itself seemed to be an afterthought in comparison. I hope the third one focuses more on the character development again like they did in Divergent. What did you think of Cinderella and Insurgent?
I’ve been pretty lucky this year to have won a several giveaways, too! I was super crazy ecstatic when I got the email from Fangirlish that I had won a signed Mockingjay poster. It’s autographed by Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, Francis Lawrence, Elizabeth Banks, and Donald Southerland!! I also won an adorable star brooch from GirlHeroLori. It’s made by Galactic Castle. And finally I won a cute makeup bag by LeSportsac from SparklyEverAfter via Twitter. It’s so fun to enter giveaways and even more fun when you actually win! I am always surprised and thankful!
See my video about my Tsum Tsum collection!
If you read my previous post then you know I’ve been streaming my Guild Wars 2 gameplay on my Twitch these days! It’s been really fun and such a great way for me to become more involved in the gaming community. I’ve also been uploading short videos to my YouTube channel. These have been about random things and just a way for me to chat with you guys about things I like! My goal is to keep them short – like 1 to 2 minutes long – and also unedited. So I film them in one take and just hit upload. I figured if I try to make it too complicated I won’t enjoy it as much. So far it’s been easy and fun! I’d love to hear your ideas for video topics so be sure and subscribe and leave a comment.
My hair color hasn’t changed too much this year. I’ve pretty much stuck with all over pink. I did experiment with a pastel rainbow look, but it faded fairly quickly. So now I’m doing a little more hot pink with some bits of purple in it. I like this because even after it fades I think the color looks fine for several weeks. The pixie cut I got last year has finally grown out into a short bob, too. I cut some straight across bangs a few weeks ago, but they already drove me nuts so I’ve been wearing them to the side.
Another reason I’ve been absent from blogging is because I was actively looking for a new salon job. In case you didn’t know, I have been a professional hairstylist for the last 8 years. I took a year off for some personal reasons and have finally wanted to get back into a salon. Well sure there might be plenty of salons around the Dallas area, but finding one that is right for me and my clients hasn’t been easy. I’ve interviewed at several and even accepted a position at one recently. But after trying to adapt to their style, I learned it wasn’t the right fit for me. I’m feeling a bit bummed about this because I don’t want to seem too picky, but at the same time I think it’s important to pick the right atmosphere and environment to call home to your career. For the time being, I might plan on reopening my Etsy store with some sort of fun new items. I’m just not sure what would sell well? I also have updated my Sponsor page – I only have one ad size available now and it’s a great one! A large ad for $9 and it runs for 2 months! My site is still getting lots of traffic due to my cosplay tutorials and also because of Twitch. So if you are interested in supporting me and also advertising your blog, store, or cosplay page then definitely look into buying a spot.
Well this post is already long so I better wrap things up! I’ve sure missed blogging, and I do hope to post another update as soon as I can. But if you aren’t following me on social media be sure to add @GlitzyGeekGirl on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, etc. I do update those more often! And if you are going to the Dallas Comic Con let me know in the comments so we can get a pic together. I hope to chat with you guys soon .. maybe come by Twitch one night and say Hi?!! I love you all and thanks for being so rad!!!


  1. Nice to see the update! Can't wait to see the new hero at DCC.


  2. Good to see another post from you! Great pics! I love your style!


  3. Awe I think your bangs look great! Mine drove me crazy too though, so I totally get it! Hahah.


  4. So jelly that you were able to meet River! Take the time you need away when life gets busy. 🙂


  5. I don't think I have commented on your blog before, but I will be at Fan Expo as well! I will actually be wearing the cosplay I used your craft foam tutorials to make the accessories for! (Princess Twilight Sparkle.) It's my first Dallas Comic Con event – I usually avoid them to avoid spending a ton of money, but I must meet Tara Strong!

    I hear you on not updating the blog as well, I go on a lot of mini hiatuses on mine – life just gets in the way I guess.


  6. This comment has been removed by the author.


  7. I hope you find your new salon soon! It's awesome that you have so much passion for being a stylist!
    And I feel you on the fringe front. I used to have bangs, but once it starts getting warmish (or they grow a bit) they become cumbersome super quickly.


  8. Glad to see the update! I totally understand needing to take a break from blogging/cosplay. Both are very time consuming, and cosplay can definitely get expensive! Hope to see you at Comic Con. I'll be there as Batwoman on Saturday and Captain Marvel on Sunday!


  9. I hope you find a salon job that suits you. You are so good at hairdressing and I love your new hair.


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OMGLITZY: What I’m Listening To: Muse & Paramore

Monday, April 15, 2013

What I’m Listening To: Muse & Paramore

It’s been a good year for music! I was able to see Muse a few weeks ago at the American Airlines Center along with Dead Sara. I wasn’t a big fan of Dead Sara’s set, but Muse did not disappoint! We had VIP tickets that included a limited edition poster, water bottle, tote bag and access to a VIP lounge. Honestly, the lounge was SO cool I could have stayed there all evening. It wasn’t packed either, so you could enjoy the food and drinks and take plenty of pictures. Muse put on an amazing show with a really cool stage setup. They had a moving pyramid with lights and videos all over it. Their music is incredibly epic, and I have this theory that a Muse song will be playing when it’s the end of the world. 😛
I wore a Roxy hoodie, Hello Kitty shoes by Vans, and my Ramona Flowers purse from Amazon


I am also a big Paramore fan, and I’m really impressed with their new self-titled album! My favorite song right now is definitely “Still Into You”.. It’s so dang catchy! I also love Hayley Williams’ outfit in the video. I looked up her neon melting tights and found them by Urb Clothing. I’ll get to see Paramore this month at Edge Fest along with my favorite band The Gaslight Anthem. And next month I have a ticket to see The Killers!
Who is your favorite band?
Have you seen any concerts this year?


  1. I've heard that Muse puts on an incredible show. I haven't made it out to watch any shows this year. Outside of work, I've been buried under commission work. I probably should get out a little more! One of my favorite bands is Tokyo Police Club. I'd like to see them when they come back to Dallas.



    1. I like Tokyo Police Club, too! I didn't get to see them here either. I think they played at the House of Blues? That's one of my favorite venues. Next time for sure!


  2. I saw Muse also! They put on a great show! (I also liked Dead Sara, but I can understand that their music isn't for everyone.)

    I don't have any concerts on my radar at the moment, but I'm thinking about going to Video Games Live this summer.



    1. Oh I've heard of that!! Too bad It doesn't stop in Dallas. Maybe I'll make a trip to Houston to see it!


  3. I always imagined the final hours from Majoras Mask would play during the end of the world.

    Apparently, this is not my year for concerts. Things always seem to come up for me so I haven't been to a show since last June. But man, do those pics look epic.



    1. Haha yes I can hear the Majoras Mask music for the end of the world, too. And concerts seem to fall on busy times for me as well .. So I haven't been to as many as I'd like either.


  4. I love your theory that Muse will be playing when it's the end of the world. They are one of my favourites too! I missed them when they were in SA a few years ago and it still bums me out:( I have just been to see Rise Against and Bring Me The Horizon and I am hoping a few more bands will stop in Durban this year too.


  5. I am so keen for the new paramore album! Going to be so good.


  6. Saw Muse in Pittsburgh. It was an amazing show.


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OMGLITZY: What I Wore!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

What I Wore!

Here is an outfit I wore recently. The dress is from JC Penney, leggings from Ross, shoes are TOMS, and purse is Amazon. And I crimped my hair this day, too! 🙂

P.s. I love Jordan photo bombing in the back! Hehe.

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OMGLITZY: What I wore .. For Halloween!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

What I wore .. For Halloween!

So for Halloween this year I went kind of simple. Had to work most of the day then went to a family party that evening. I was going for a “witchy” look but didn’t have a hat! So I used the wizard hat I got at Target last year 😀 .. And my mom surprised me with yummy cookie cake decorated with a black cat. =^.^=


  1. Cool costume! Love the broom! That cookie/cake (it's a cookie! it's a cake!) looks amazing!


  2. I didn't dress up for Halloween at all. No time with work and everything else. I put on my cowboy boots and a countryish shirt while I sat on the porch giving out candy. I could've claimed to be a cowboy if I had to, but I didn't feel like wearing my hat. I was just as dressed up as a lot of kids that came trick or treating though.


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OMGLITZY: What I Wore: The Flash

Thursday, December 18, 2014

What I Wore: The Flash

Right now The Flash on the CW is one of my favorite TV shows! It’s on break at the moment and is due to return on January 20, 2015. So to fill in the time I decided to wear a Flash inspired outfit!

My awesome shirt is from Think Geek. I’m wearing a size men’s medium. My favorite thing about this shirt are the cute stripes on the sleeves!
These super rad leggings are from a store called Love Culture at my local mall. POW! And my boots are by Blowfish.
I’m wearing a Tarina Tarantino necklace, and my newly dyed hair is a mix of Manic Panic’s Hot Hot Pink with a lot of conditioner (to make it pastel) and a chunk of ION’s Mint.
I had so much fun putting this outfit together!
Are you looking forward to The Flash’s return in January?


  1. I love The Flash'! And your outfit is awesome! Very fun!


  2. Love those leggings, I'm liking The Flash so far the episode with Arrow was soooo good! xoxo

    ♥ Cateaclysmic ♥


  3. I am loving your new hair colour. Soo adorable. And your Flash outfit has finally convinced me to watch the show. 🙂


  4. I just love this show!! I didn't think I would but I'm loving it a lot more then Arrow. You just reminded me that I need a The Flash shirt!


  5. Cool outfit!!!^^


  6. Your hair is always fantastic!!! and those leggings are super cute! I am loving the Flash too!


  7. Beautifully put-together! You have a nice figure too!


  8. So the flash is really your favourite tv show, last episode wasn't as good as the 15th, but is still a good one. Love that shirt, and after this, now I really think I need one like that in my life… Oh wait a minute, we were talking about the t-shirt, right? hehehe (>.<)…


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OMGLITZY: Want to be a Sponsor?

Friday, April 12, 2013

Want to be a Sponsor?

Attention all bloggers or shop owners! Interested in having your ad on GlitzyGeekGirl? Well I have some uber cheap and awesome options. It’s also super easy using PassionFruit.

Putting your ad on GlitzyGeekGirl is a great way to network!

Pinterest – 976 followers
Twitter – 155 followers
Instagram 153 followers
Facebook – 143 likes
Tumblr – 120 followers

Head over to my Sponsor page for more details!

I’d also love to team up with anyone that would like to do a giveaway (I’m working on one) or a guest post. Would be great to feature some artists, photographers, or cosplayers, too! I’m all for ad-swapping so contact me if you have any questions. Thanks!


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