OMGLITZY: Tutorials


I am so happy I have finally posted enough tutorials to actually organize them!! hahaha! There will be many more to come, and I will do my best to update this page so you can find them easier!
Hair & Makeup


  1. Hey! I want to make a Fire Mario cosplay, and was wondering if you made the overall dress you wore for your Mario costume?



    1. I bought a blue strapless dress I found for cheap on eBay and altered it to fit better. Then I made the overall straps myself and attached them along with the big yellow buttons. It was quite easy and fun! Good luck! 🙂


  2. Hi there. I saw your Arwen cosplay on Deviantart and love it! Can you tell me what material you used and if you followed any specific pattern? I currently have Simplicity 4940 (costume pattern) and was thinking pattern C might work.


  3. Hi, what brand of wigs do you suggest to cosplay Harley Quinn?


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OMGLITZY: Top Donators

Top Donators

Thank you to all that have donated and shown support on my stream! I couldn’t do this without you! If you donate $5 or more I will add your name on this page. If I’ve missed your name please let me know and I will correct it! Thank you again!


$100+ : Biohazard457, BigC***HairyBally, SevenSinsWolf

$50+ : Aimb0tist, Yesiwant, an4rch0, Mulkow, Boyfower, silentninja62

$20+ : AKCSL, spartan0810

$10+ : Overlord_Odin, Bellonnex, Archonbrood, Jinx. Orbmi, CorriganX, theoriginaleugene, Derickad

$5+: IRLJustin, Twistyahs, AwkwardTruth,  ChaotikNEWTRAAAAAL,  Overlord_Odin,  xoMiaMoore, MCx26, Yosute_Reiko

Amazon Gifts: Jerome J., Mulkow, Lothis

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OMGLITZY: Tech Setup

Tech Setup

Gaming PC

CPU: Intel Core i7-4790S @ 3.20GHz
RAM: 12.0 GB
Monitor: BenQ RL2460HT (link)
Camera: Logitech c920 (link)
Microphone: Blue Snowball in pink (link)
Mouse: Razer Naga Hex (link)
Keyboard: Razer Black Widow Chroma Stealth (link)
Headset: Green Razer Kraken (link)
Sometimes I wear my Steel Series Guild Wars 2 edition headset (link)
(cat ears made by me! tutorial here)
Glasses: Gunnar Optiks Intercept in purple (link)
     21.5 inch iMac Desktop (mostly used for blogging and photo editing)

CPU: 2.9 GHz Intel Core i5
Mouse: Logitech G700s

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Glitzy’s Gamer Spotlight

Glitzy’s Gamer Spotlight

Attention Guild Wars 2 fans! If you’d like to be featured on my Gamer Spotlight just fill out this form and hit submit!

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  1. Hey Anna,

    Will you be going to PAX Prime this year?? If so………..We will have a ticket with your name on it!

    Let us know, send me an email at [email protected], or message us on our Facebook page (



  2. do you draw freehand sitting portraits


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GLITZYGEEKGIRL Statistics (as of May 7, 2015):

7,800+ unique page views in April 2015
4,100+  Facebook fans
3,400+  Instagram followers
2,200+ Pinterest followers
1,400+ Twitter followers
1,200+ Twitch followers
585+ Tumblr followers
275+ YouTube subscribers
180+ BlogLovin’ subscribers
140+ GFC followers

I no longer use Passionfruit because they wrongfully overcharged me and have yet to refund me.
They are not replying to emails I’ve sent.

I don’t do paid posts.


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Welcome! My name is Anna, and I am the author of OMGlitzy (formerly known as GlitzyGeekGirl.) I’ve been reading blogs for many years and decided to start sharing my own adventures in 2012. My hope is that this blog can be a source for girls (and guys!) to find inspiration and positivity through my glitzy geeky life! For too long stereotypes have limited who is considered “geeky” or who is “stylish.” I say you can be both, and you should be proud of it! I have a blast posting reviews, fashion tips, cosplay tutorials and pictures of my one-eared cat Pixie.

I have been a long time video game player, and owe most of my geekiness to my wonderful brother for introducing me to games at a young age. You’ll usually find me at my computer playing Guild Wars 2 or on my Nintendo 3DS. When I’m not playing games I love to go shopping! My closet has more t-shirts than I can count, and I gravitate toward sparkly necklaces. I also enjoy coloring my hair funky colors and experimenting with new makeup techniques.

After getting my bachelor’s degree in Fine Arts, my interest in fashion propelled me into finding a job in the beauty industry as a cosmetologist. I have been doing hair professionally for 7 years now. On OMGlitzy you will often find hair product reviews, color application tips, and even wig styling tutorials.

Living in the Dallas metroplex has given me the opportunity to attend comic and anime conventions. I began cosplaying in 2012 and found a love for it right away. Cosplay is short for “costume play” and is the art of representing a character by wearing a costume. It’s one of my ways to show how much I admire a character from a game, movie, book, etc. Cosplaying is enjoyable because it combines my two favorite things into one: fashion and geekery! There’s no right or wrong way to do it, and it opens so many doors to meet new people.

I’m incredibly proud of the direction my blog has taken and how it has helped me embrace who I am. Like many people, my life had its moments of judgement by others who disapproved of my geekiness. One thing I stand against is bullying. No one has the right to belittle who you are, what you are, or what you stand for. Your individuality is your personal choice and is no more less important than anyone else’s. Here at OMGlitzy I believe all fandoms are equal. We’re all superheroes on an extraordinary journey!

Below are some questions I am frequently asked. If you don’t see an answer to your question feel free to leave a comment or email me. 🙂

Anna Lee
Where do you live? I live in Austin, Tx.
How old are you? I am a 12 year old inside a 34 year old’s body. 😉
Where do you work? Currently I am a freelance professional hair stylist looking for the right salon.
What was the first cosplay you did? I dressed up as Ramona Flowers for 2012’s Dallas Comic Con. The first costume I handmade myself was Princess Zelda from Skyward Sword for 2012’s Dallas Fan Days.
How did you get into cosplay? I dressed up as Ramona Flowers because I already had most of her clothes and my hair was blue at the time. At the convention I was overwhelmed by the amazing costumes I saw and wanted to make more right away. I haven’t stopped since!
Can I ask you for help with a costume? Of course! I am still a newbie at cosplaying, but I enjoy posting tutorials and sharing advice.

What games do you play? I mostly play MMORPGs. My favorite is Guild Wars 2. I also enjoy EverQuest 2, Skyrim, League of Legends, Animal Crossing, Pokemon X, and all the Legend of Zelda and Super Mario games.
What is your Nintendo 3DS Friend Code? 3840-6126-6273
What is your Steam ID? GlitzyGeekGirl
What is your League of Legends name? Audeley
What is your Guild Wars 2 name? audeley.3205
What is your natural hair color? I was born with blonde hair. It’s now a dark blonde.
How do you keep your hair healthy? You can check out this post I wrote for more info. In a nutshell, I always try to wash my hair with cold water, use a good deep conditioner, regularly trim my dead ends, use a Keratin leave-in treatment, and take a daily vitamin supplement.
What brand of dye do you use? My favorite brand of dye is Arctic Fox and Manic Panic.
Body Mods
How many tattoos do you have? Too many to count. I have plenty of room for more, though!
What do your tattoos mean? Some have a deeper meaning than others. I don’t like to go into detail about most of them because they are personal. Occasionally, I’ll share if I get a new one, but please don’t expect me to show you all of them.
How many piercings do you have? I wear jewelry in only 1 piercing now.
What size are your ears? I had my ears stretched to 1 inch in diameter. In 2019 I had them surgically reconstructed.
Can you recommend a tattoo shop? Yes! Please check out Little Pricks in Austin, Tx. Ask for Tita Jewels!
Any advice on getting a tattoo? My only advice regarding getting a tattoo for the first time or even additional ones is to pick the best artist you can find, regardless of price, and really really be sure it is one you will not regret.

Pixie Doodle
What happened to Pixie’s ear? Pixie is a rescue kitty I adopted from the Frisco Humane Society. Her ear was already folded over when I adopted her. So I am not sure what her whole story is. But her vet thinks she had a bad case of ear mites that went untreated and resulted in severe scarring causing it to fold over. You can read more about her adoption story here.
What is your email? omglitzy[at]gmail[dot]com


  1. OMG, I use to have a cat with one ear bent down too. It happened to him when he was in a fight before I even got him. Is that what happened to Pixie?



    1. The vet said Pixie's ear is likely deformed from a bad ear mite infection. This also happened before I adopted her. Her ear was infected so bad that she probably scratched at it and it eventually scarred over. But besides needing help cleaning it, her ear is very healthy now 🙂


  2. You are amazing. <3 -shyguy


  3. Love that you incorporate Ramona Flowers into some of your site art. Great blog, looking forward to reading more! Pixie is ADORABLE, btw. (But, being a cat, knows that already, I'm sure.)


  4. Awesome to see your blog. The old adage is that there aren't any girls playing MMO's and video games. This is proof, there are gamer girls, and they are pretty cool.

    I will most definitely be back to see more.


  5. I haven't been following you for very long, but I somehow ran across you on Facebook and "liked" your page. You are just beyond cool! I love your tattoos and all of your colorful hair styles (and even just your platinum blonde look!). Your posts are always so positive and upbeat. You seem like an all-around fun person. Thanks for sharing your blog and cosplays with us!



    1. Thank you so much! 🙂 And thanks for reading 🙂


  6. Ron Haras(@RonHaras)July 16, 2013 at 4:10 PM

    Cool I play EQ2 on Antonia Bayle as my main server have a low level on Crushbone. I am so looking forward to going to SOE Live Next month.


  7. Afraid of sharks? Hmmm… then don't read this one.


  8. you are gorgeous! may I ask, why do you always wear a black chocker?


  9. Question, does the girl who plays Rainbow Dash in the yayahan photo shoot have a website about her costumes/life? And I LOVE YOUR HAIR SO MUCH! I hope to see you post and cosplay some more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1



    1. Yes! That is Scruffy Rebel as Rainbow Dash 🙂 and thank you!


  10. Hello, Anna! I discovered your blog recently and I am in love! I really enjoy what you had to say in your about page about embracing who you are. I think that blogging is a great tool for expression and I am so happy that I got back into the blogosphere because then I discovered awesome blog like yours! Keep on with the amazingness, girl!


  11. I added your 3ds friend code Anna :), mines is 2981-6252-7231… Love Animal Crossing


  12. identified as a fair game. Both boys and girls really feel the impact of just a moments pleasure, for the rest of their lives. jual apartemen krim pemutih jual baju murah rumah apartemen rumah dijual


  13. I adore your Princess Celestia cosplay and I'm using it as a reference for my own Celestia cosplay! I'm also here in the metroplex, do you attend any cons?


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OMGLITZY: Wizard Wand Tutorial

Friday, January 4, 2013

Wizard Wand Tutorial

Thanks to DeviantArt User *Majann for posting this SUPER COOL tutorial to make wands like from Harry Potter!! I totally plan on cosplaying Luna Lovegood one of these days.. and I ALMOST bought her wand when I visited Wizarding World in Florida.
I made a wand once but it didn’t turn out nearly as cool as these! For mine (pictured above from 2010), I just bought a wooden dowel and an X-acto knife, carved it until it was kinda pointy at the end, then painted it brown and gold. But I am DEFINITELY going to try this tutorial for a more authentic looking wand.


  1. I can't wait to try this!! Thank you for sharing it!


  2. OMG! I know I have said this a lot already but you are so inventive and talented. These wands are sooo sooo rad. I am going to try making one this weekend. Soooooo soooo rad.


  3. allways use wet hands when touching the glue.
    This is helpfull if you have to touch glue that still is hot.

    Wet fingers on hot glue will prevent it from sticking to you / burn you.

    When you touch warm glue with wet fingers, effect Wears of quickly and you must remember to make fingers wet Again b4 touching again-
    From the old fart KK – WHO have used hot glue to lots of hobby stuff


  4. This is awesome! Thanks so much for sharing. Now I want to make some 😀


  5. Today is the Wizard101of the Spiral and there's a new frolicking friend in the Wizard101 Crown Shop: the Polar Fox Pet!


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OMGLITZY: Wizard Wand Giveaway!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Wizard Wand Giveaway!

I am excited to announce that I am giving away FOUR HANDMADE WIZARD WANDS! My Facebook page hit 200+ Likes, and this coming Monday will be the 1 YEAR anniversary of my blog!! I am so grateful for all the support that everyone has shown me, and I am thrilled to celebrate this milestone!

If I could give everyone a wizard wand, I promise I would! But that would require lots of magic. I do, however, have four wands for four lucky wizards.

These unique wands are completely handmade by me!

You have until May 27th at 12:00 AM EST to enter. At this time, it is only open to US residents. I will notify 4 winners on Monday (May 27th) by email. Winners will have 48 hours to reply and provide a mailing address. If I do not hear from a winner in the time allotted then a new winner will be chosen. Also, the wand chooses the wizard – meaning winners will receive one of the four wands shown above at random.
Good luck!


  1. Weird. You might want to check the settings. I clicked to leave a comment in the Rafflecopter thing… it popped up a question about Harry Potter and there was a button saying "I left a comment!" There were no multiple choice buttons (despite the question being about the 4 houses) and nowhere to free text. In the end, it didn't leave a comment in your blog.

    At any rate, I can't believe it's been a year already! That's incredible! Time flies! Congratulations!

    I don't know what house I'd be in. Anything but Slytherin!


  2. Looking forward to this contest! Hopefully I win!


  3. I would be in Gryffindor for sure and I would need a wand for that so I hope I win! :3

    (also, yes, I was confused by the comment thing as well so I commented here.)


  4. I would probably choose Gryffindor the sword is pretty sweet and they kick butt at Quittage, but I would probably date a chick from Ravenclaw because they have the smart hot girls.


  5. Hufflepuff. At least that's where the Sorting Hat put me on Pottermore and The Sorting Hat is never wrong.


  6. Would be in gryffindor for sure! These wands look amazing. Your craftsmanship is great!


  7. Gryffindor! These wands are amazing! You are amazing! I love your craftmanship


  8. Pottermore says Slytherin and I think I would agree.


  9. I think I always saw myself in Gryffindor, 'cause Gryffindor. But you got me thinking about it tonight, and I really wasn't sure. The more I thought about it, the more I figured I'd be a Hufflepuff. But nobody wants to be Hufflepuff, 'cause Hufflepuff. (Not that there's REALLY anything wrong with Hufflepuff… they're just… Hufflepuff.)

    So I turned to the internet. seemed pretty reasonable. And it sorted me into…. Hufflepuff.

    Then I saw Jessica B… a proud (maybe?) member of Hufflepuff. I never went to Pottermore before, but I created an account and sorted through the first several chapters (got a toad for my pet!) so I could get the Sorting Hat to sort me. And the Sorting Hat says….. Hufflepuff.

    So, I guess it's official. I'M A HUFFLEPUFF!



    1. First let me start by asking … Didn't The Sorting Hat have trouble deciding which house Harry should be in?? When you really think of it, the three main characters do have some questionable motives. As usual Ser Frog has once again enlightened me. Thank you for introducing me to thealmightyguru website. Different slant on many issues.

      Uhhhummm, I'm rambling. As I meekly muttered out loud that there was no way I really should be automatically considered for acceptance into Slytherin, those around me burst out laughing and rolled their eyes. Most people who come into contact with me find that I'm rather pleasant and fun and caring. Those who really know my personality find me to be competitive, vengeful, impatient, cunning and rather ruthless. Put me on Survivor and I'll fight to the bitter end with a smile on my face.

      Not wanting to admit my rightful place was in Slytherin, I took the test of which Ser Frog first spoke. With a 14 point gap, Slytherin was at the top and Hufflepuff was at the bottom.

      For some strange genetic reason, and for which I am grateful, my dear ones have been given the gift of compassion and kindness. I'll deal with them later!

      So, thank you GGG for making another wonderful blog post and offering a contest to win a handcrafted wand. Good luck to the winners and may you find yourself in your appropriate House!


    2. Slytherin has a bad reputation because some unsavory characters have come from that house. But they're not all bad! Some of them are actually quite good. So don't feel ashamed. 🙂 Be proud!


  10. I'd probably be in Slytherin. I'm a nice Slytherin, though. 🙂


  11. I just want to say.. WOW! you're so talented!


  12. I'm not big on the colors, but I'm a Gryffindor fan. I would probably end up in that house.


  13. My daughter is definitely Ravenclaw, but I've always been a Slytherin


  14. I will always be a Ravenclaw, to the bone. Great work on your wands! They're beautiful. I'd definitely use one for cosplay ;)! Congrats on the 200+ and year anniversay!


  15. I would probably be Gryffindor. Just found your blog recently and going through the older posts has been fun. Congrats on the 200+ Likes!


  16. Gryffindor, according to the sorting hat


  17. Being from England I would like to think I would be put into Gryffindor, but each time I have attended an event it has been Slytherin every time. I think I have a dark side I don't know about 🙂


  18. the sorting hat put me in gryffindor! though i was really equal parts everything but slytherin.


  19. I must have a gryffindor wand for my kiddos


  20. Going to have to say Slytherin. They're not all bad! I think.


  21. Ravenclaw so Luna Lovegood and I could hang out 24/7 and be best friends forever.


  22. Oh so cute!! I would be in Ravenclaw I think 🙂


  23. Ravenclaw, all the way. But I can't be a proper wizard without the right wand.


  24. Out of the four houses at Hogwarts, the one I would most likely be in is Gryffindor! Because red is my favorite color and Gryffindor's are so cool.


  25. Gryffindor house is where it's at 😀


  26. I have taken several tests to see this. I personally would choose Gryffindor, but on Pottermore I was sorted into Slytherin. There was another test I did that said Ravenclaw.

    So I just don't don't logically know. HAHA.



    1. If I could choose, Id pick Slytherin because of how strong and put-together the house is. But I'm really more of a hufflepuff at heart. Slytherin in attitude but hufflepuff deep down.


  27. Hoping to win an awesome wand for my sister in laws birthday!!
    So glad we met at the Vampire Diaries signing! Ian Somerhalder!! 🙂


  28. Oh and Gryffindor!


  29. Most definitely Slytherin.


  30. Congratulations to all the winners!


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OMGLITZY: Window Shopping: Michael’s & Macy’s

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Window Shopping: Michael’s & Macy’s

Last week was really exciting for me! I got to go to Disney World! If you follow my Facebook or Instagram then you may have seen a few photos from my trip! I have a TON of pics to sort through, but I will get a blog post up as soon as I can.
In the mean time, I had taken these pics a few weeks ago while at Michael’s and Macy’s. It’s fun to browse and look for cute things. Michael’s is just a craft/hobby store but sometimes you can find house decorations for a reasonable price.
The store employee next me said he loves giving these tigers a high five when he walks by! 😛

I was amazed at all the cool fantasy figures!


A pegasus!

More dragons! They also had Kings, Queens, and Knights. Would be fun to use these for a table top game. Or just to decorate a shelf 😛 

The other side of Michael’s had a lot of Easter/Spring decorations.

I loved how magical it all looked. Like it could be straight out of a fairy tale!

This Betsey Johnson necklace has been at Macy’s the last few times I’ve walked through. The big pink heart is so cute! It was kinda pricey, though.

I spotted these Hello Kitty dresses at Macy’s in the junior department. I bought the two pink ones!

Where do you like to window shop?
Do you think craft stores have good bargains?


  1. I like to window shop in the cat adoptions area of Petsmart. 🙂

    (I also like looking at the fish, reptiles, birds, and rodents.)



    1. That's a great place to window shop! It's so hard not to take all the kitties home.


  2. Is that the Michael's Store at Preston in Frisco?



    1. LOL! Nice! I knew I recognized that area. It's my favorite area to clean and stock. I do like high five-ing those tiger cubs!


    2. OMG! That was you!! 😀 How did you find my blog?? I was looking for paint that day and was sidetracked by those tigers and dragons haha


  3. I bought a tube of those fantasy figures from Michael's last week! I could get lost in there, I always walk in coming out with way more than I intended, haha.



    1. How fun! That's so cool you bought some!! I know next time I'm there I'm going to pick out a dragon or two.


  4. Too many nice things to buy. Those dragon figures look rad.


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