I have been playing
Animal Crossing: New Leaf since the day after it was released and have been addicted to it this whole time! That’s like … months .. MONTHS! It’s as bad as those
Tamagotchi’s when I was a kid.. You gotta check it every day and take care of it and things happen each day or you’ll miss it.. It’s just so much fun 😀 Well I wanted to share a post about some of my favorite pieces of art and crafts I’ve found online!
First off, this is the signature that I made for my account on
The Bell Tree Forums. It’s such a handy website to use to ask questions, get tips and advice, sell/buy/trade items, and toss decorating ideas around. I am a new member, but I wish I had joined sooner! It’s been so helpful.
My signature shows my current villagers as well as my “dreamies.” A dreamie is a villager you wish you had! In the game your citizens might decide they want to move out (you can ask your favorites to stay) and then you’ll get a new one to move in. Sometimes you can go to someone else’s town and ask a villager that’s ready to move to come to yours. But people charge a lot to trade the popular villagers. The most popular is probably Julian the Unicorn .. I have him on my dreamie list, too!
This is my Town Hall and the custom flag I doodled myself! I meant to make a better flag, but this is just so silly/cute I can’t seem to want to change it now!
Here I am standing next to Blanche who is an ostrich! She was asleep on a tree stump! lol
This is my favorite project that has been requested to be built so far. The windmill! I am hoping my villagers will request the “fairytale” items soon.
This is Isabelle the town secretary. Honestly, she does most of the work (even though I’m called the “Mayor”) .. She is awesome and so sweet! I love how excited she gets for town events.
Your character in the game isn’t an animal .. You’re actually human .. But you get to customize your looks! So this artwork shows someone’s view of their mayor. I tend to change my character’s hair color and style quite a bit, but so far the purple and blue has been my favorite. So I loved this art! And by using QR codes you can totally customize your clothes, too.
I had seen this art floating around Pinterest and Tumblr quite a bit and was happy to find the original artist. I want to get better at art so I can draw my own character one day.
I think this is such a cute idea!! In the game your villagers will sometimes give you a picture of themselves for your house. It’s kind of a big deal to get these. So it’d be really special to make a photo of you favorite villager and actually put it on your desk in real life!
This is a pattern to crochet Stitches (one of my dreamies!) out of yarn. I know how to crochet but have never made anything besides a scarf, lol … So would be fun to try making this cutie!
Definitely adding this to my wishlist. Although I wish it were a necklace. Could always put the charms on a longer chain!
I don’t drink much coffee.. and if I do it’s usually an iced drink.. But I still ask for a holder when I go to Starbucks because then my hand doesn’t get cold holding the cup! So this koozie is cute because it features Brewster who runs the the cafe called The Roost.
I am so in love with this game! There is just SO much to do in it that I didn’t even begin to mention here! I am sure I will post more about it as the seasons change. Because they add new items and events as the year goes on. I also hope to one day make my own Animal Crossing crafts. Maybe I’ll host a giveaway, too, for other fans of the game!
Here is my Nintendo 3DS friend code if you would like to add me: 3840-6126-6273
Or you can visit my dream address: 5500-2197-6202
Do you play Animal Crossing: New Leaf?
Do you have a game that you have been hooked on?