Showing posts with label cats. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cats. Show all posts
Tuesday, November 3, 2015
Pixie’s Emergency Surgery
If you've been following my tweets, then you know Pixie had to go to the emergency vet a few nights ago. She had to have surgery done and is hopefully going to be feeling a little better soon. However, the vet bills hit unexpectedly. I set up a GoFundMe with more info on what happened and a way for Pixie's friends to send a few dollars her way.
Pixie and I appreciate any help. Even just happy thoughts!
Friday, January 9, 2015
Tutorial: DIY Felt Cat Ear Headset
*Update!* I made some more cat ears live on my Twitch channel! Click here to view it!*
Today I have a super cute and fun tutorial for cat lovers and gamers! I wanted to make my gaming headset – the Razer Kraken – more kawaii so I created some detachable felt cat ears. This tutorial is very easy and requires no sewing! Check it out!
Thursday, October 9, 2014
Pixie’s 4th Adoptaversary
On September 24th, we celebrated Pixie’s 4th adoptaversary! Since I don’t know her exact birthday, we throw a party on the day she was adopted. Pixie’s adoption story can be read in this post here. I definitely recommend adopting an animal from a shelter because they bring you so much happiness!
She always tries to jump in my laundry hamper so I decided to buy one for her to play with.
She went right inside!
Here she is saying “THANK YEW I LUVS IT!”
“I luvs my new kitty cave!”
I also fixed her a special meal of turkey, salami and a few kitty treats.
“I can haz my dinner, pwease?”
She really enjoyed it to say the least! She licked the plate clean!
I am so thankful to have Pixie in my life and hope to celebrate many many more adoptaversaries!
Friday, July 4, 2014
Happy Things #23
Here are some things that have put a smile on my face lately!! 🙂
I ordered the purple macaron pillow from Squishables! It’s a lot bigger than I expected and is great for lounging around while reading or watching TV.
Pixie had a snuggle session with Pascal. They’re best of buds, aww!
I play Guild Wars 2 on and off again and laughed when I met this cute froggie the other day.
(For you, Ser Frog!)
A couple weeks ago I dyed my hair all over purple. There’s some pics on my Instagram (@glitzygeekgirl), but I thought it looked a little too dark. So I bleached it out and went with a pastel pink/purple! I added some more tone to it since this pic, too, and like it a lot!
Aren’t these rainbow sandals totes adorbz?! (lol) I got them at DSW, and the brand is Reef. Reef makes the comfiest sandals in the world.
I couldn’t find a source, but I loved this kitty wishing on stars.
What has made you happy lately?
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
Pixie the Lazy Kitty
It’s time for some Pixie pic spam! I take a lot of photos of my cat Pixie – I mean look at that face?! She’s so cute and silly. But most of all she’s really lazy.
Lately I’ve been finding her on my pillow when I wake up!
Even though there’s a box just for her behind her.. she preferred to check out this basket instead.
One of Pixie’s favorite things is plastic sacks. (I always supervise her when she’s in one for safety reasons of course.) I think she loves the sound of the crinkle!
After a long day of doing absolutely nothing, Pixie crashes on the couch.
Sometimes I crash on the couch, too, and Pixie loves to snuggle!
And when I’m at my computer desk, she’s not too far away. Pixie feels nice and cozy in her kitty castle.
I hope you enjoyed this Pixie pic spam!
Do you have a pet you take a ton of photos of?
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
Happy Things #22
Things that have made me happy lately!
On Record Store Day (April 19) I lined up at ZT Records early in the morning so I could grab this limited edition Scott Pilgrim Video Game Soundtrack on yellow vinyl! They only had two of them so I was super stoked to get one!
I found out through my friend Laura of Dallas Fan Girl that Veronica Taylor (who does the voice of Ash Ketchum) would be at her university signing autographs! This made me happy because it was a free event. Veronica’s Q&A panel was also very cool! She was a great speaker so definitely go see her if you ever have the opportunity.
McDonald’s had My Little Pony toys in their Happy Meals recently, and I was on a mission to collect them all! I am bummed they didn’t make an Apple Jack, though. Why leave her out? 🙁
And as a heads up the next toy collection McDonald’s is going to have after the Spider-Man ones is Pokemon! Gotta catch em all!
For Easter my Mom and Dad got me mini cupcakes and the new Disney Magical World 3DS game. This game is SO fun! It’s a lot like Animal Crossing, but there isn’t any penalty if you miss a few days of playing. (Like the villagers don’t move out on ya without warning.)
Also on Easter, my mom surprised me with an original Katwise recycled sweater! These are hard to come by so I was bouncing off the walls when I saw it. The colors are so vibrant in person, too. I am already looking forward to the fall so I can wear this all the time!
There’s not a lot of empty wall space left in my room except for behind my bed. I was hoping to find or make a cool headboard, but I don’t see that happening anytime soon. So instead I got this awesome flag poster (it’s fabric-like) of Sailor Moon from Hot Topic!
There is a fancy schmancy local magazine called D Magazine that took photos of several cosplayers at Dallas Fan Days last October. They released it this month to help spread the word about the Dallas Comic Con. It blew my mind to see my Legolas is in this! I am so honored!
And here is a sleepy Pixie having happy kitty dreams! 🙂
What has made you happy lately?
Friday, February 14, 2014
For My Valentine
Happy Valentine's Day! I will be spending the day with my most beloved friend and companion – Pixie Doodle. She's even cozied up in my lap as I type this (Aww!) I absolutely adore her and can't imagine my life without my true love. Thank you, Pixie, for all the snuggles, nuzzles and purrs. I'd like to dedicate this post to you!
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Happy Things #19
Here are some things that have made me happy:
Pixie Doodle being a pretty kitty!
And here she is helping me play Animal Crossing.
Marshal is one of the funniest characters on Animal Crossing! I just love him.
My friend Natalie shared this adorable photo of a kitty named Cuddles!! He was in for a teeth cleaning 🙂
I went to the local pumpkin patch to pick up one for the holidays. Last year my pumpkin didn’t even last a week.. Hopefully this one makes it to Thanksgiving!
They had cute little bunnies and ducklings there, too!
I finally signed up for Pottermore, and I was sorted into Gryffindor! I couldn’t believe it! I also was given a larch wand with phoenix feather core! I tried brewing a potion and it was really difficult. But the rest of the website sooo cool.
I’ve always wanted a Friday the 13th tattoo and couldn’t believe I didn’t already have one. I’d been meaning to post this because I got it in September but just kept forgetting! A lot of tattoo shops do specials on this day so I got this one for only $20!
Well I am guessing that a lot of people dressed up as Princess Peach for Halloween because my crown tutorial post had nearly 2000 hits in October! A few readers sent me pics of their finished crowns, too, which I think is just the coolest thing. 🙂 I decided to add a template to the post to help people make it, too.
And this meme was just too cute not to share!
Anything making you extra happy this week?
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Happy Things #16
Happy happy happy!
First thing on my happy list is the progress on my Legolas cosplay! I just got this amazing green suede coat/dress from a vintage seller on Etsy. I’m going to alter it to become Legolas’ tunic!
I also received my custom made leather bracers. These have the same pattern that are on Legolas’ and are designed to fit my tiny wrists. The seller RenManLeather did an amazing job. I could have never made something as beautiful as these. I also have the cloak, leggings and bow, but I will save those for a later post 🙂
Another fun project I worked on is a Princess Peach crown! As of now, I only have the crown, pendant, and gloves, but soon I hope to buy a pattern and fabric to make her dress. I also took pictures of how to make this crown. It was really easy!! So I would like to post a tutorial on that soon.
And I haven’t forgotten about the giveaway I promised! I finished the green and red Yoshi eggs, but still need to paint the blue one.
Looks like I was having a detailed discussion about Animal Crossing: New Leaf. I love this game!!!
Here is my dream address if you’d like to see my town! My flowers are out of control, but the rest is pretty cool 🙂
Pixie loves to play Animal Crossing, too!
And when I’m not on my Nintendo 3DS, I am probably playing EverQuest 2. I can’t believe SOE Live is in 3 weeks!!! I can’t wait to hang out with my guild members 🙂
This was a super fun cut and color I did a few weeks ago at my salon. This kid rocks!
This may have been one of my favorite outfits of the summer so far. It was super comfy and had just the right amount of flair. And you can see Pixie taking a love bite out of my phone, too!
Speaking of Pixie… here she is being cute in a sack!!
And finally.. here I am feeling happy by the pool. I never ever ever spend time outside.. which I am totally fine with.. but for some reason I decided to put my toes in the other day and now I am hooked! I sat outside again and actually got a little color on my legs. I take skin care seriously so I always wear a hat and sunscreen (and you should, too).. but it’s been fun being the super pale, tattooed girl amongst the uber tan beach bods at the pool… hahaha .. Maybe one day I will be brave and actually get in it. 🙂
Happy Summer everyone!
Do you have any fun summer hobbies?
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