Saturday, June 11, 2016
Glitzy’s Gamer Spotlight #8
What is your name?
Vætr Droppin Bombz!
When did you start playing Guild Wars 2?
Or how long have you been playing?
I’ve been playing since beta!
What made you want to try the game?
A friend of mine was talking about it; sounded interesting and unique, plus I had never played an MMO, so I figured why not give it a shot!
What’s your favorite profession to play and why?
Dagger/Dagger Elementalist! I spent a lot of time training and playing Ele in general, and to me D/D Ele is extremely fun!
When you log into the game what is the first thing you like to do?
Go to my home instance or guild hall and collect my daily nodes.
Have you bought Heart of Thorns? If so, what is your impression of the new maps and events?
If you have not bought it explain why and if you plan to.
I totally “Shut up and take my money!” Lol. I like the new maps; the sense of urgency, to complete objectives, and overall involvement with the content is good. The maps are expansive and detailed, and are just really fun to explore.
What goals have you set for yourself in game?
I want to craft a second Eternity, and also craft Flameseeker Prophecies.
If you are in a guild you’d like to promote please tell us about it!
If you are not in one, what are you looking for in a guild?
I am in the best guild evah, Ethereal Guardians [EG]. They’re PvE centric, but do a lot of PvP and WvW as well. Well rounded guild, fully upgraded buffs, and the best Guild Hall! Check them out, put in an application!
Any updates or fixes you wish ANet would work on?
More consistent updates for WvW that involve ANet actually paying attention to what the WvW community is asking for. Separate balance patches for WvW, PvE, and PvP. Better/more consistent rewards for the more difficult content. More non-raid dungeons!!!! =D
Sunday, March 13, 2016
Glitzy’s Gamer Spotlight #7
What is your name?
When did you start playing Guild Wars 2?
Or how long have you been playing?
At launch!
What made you want to try the game?
I had a group who had played the original guild wars and so I decided to jump in to GW2 with them. We all preordered and were logging in on day 1 to keep our character names etc
What’s your favorite profession to play and why?
Elementalist 100%. I love the complexity of the attunements and find that I play so differently then I did when I first rolled my Ele just learning all of the nuances.
When you log into the game what is the first thing you like to do?
I usually see what the dailies are and try to knock them out.
Have you bought Heart of Thorns? If so, what is your impression of the new maps and events?
If you have not bought it explain why and if you plan to.
I was at the announcement panel at PAX South and definitely preordered HoT!! The new maps are gorgeous and the gliding adds a whole new layer to things. The fact that we can now glide in central Tyria is AWESOME.
What goals have you set for yourself in game?
I want a legendary! I never started down that path before the expansion but now I am definitely working through getting the mastery track and getting the precursor that way!
If you are in a guild you’d like to promote please tell us about it!
If you are not in one, what are you looking for in a guild?
I’m in a tiny guild that is just real-life friends. We are way behind in the whole guild progression stuff because there are only 4 of us who regularly log in but we are determined we are going to get out guild hall!
Any updates or fixes you wish ANet would work on?
Not really. There are always little bugs here and there at patch launches etc but overall I think they do a good job of keeping things working and interesting.
Wednesday, March 2, 2016
Glitzy’s Gamer Spotlight #6
What is your name?
When did you start playing Guild Wars 2?
Or how long have you been playing?
Almost a year ago.
What made you want to try the game?
A friend recommended Guild Wars to me.
What’s your favorite profession to play and why?
Mesmer, now Chronomancer is by far my favorite.
When you log into the game what is the first thing you like to do?
Talking to Guild members it usually the first thing I do, afterwards I like to do dailies.
Have you bought Heart of Thorns? If so, what is your impression of the new maps and events?
If you have not bought it explain why and if you plan to.
I did buy HoT, I love the new maps! Gliding is so much fun, I’ve spent many hours just gliding around the maps to enjoy the scenery.
What goals have you set for yourself in game?
I’m currently working toward the legendary Nevermore and my first map completion.
If you are in a guild you’d like to promote please tell us about it!
If you are not in one, what are you looking for in a guild?
I’m in an awesome guild! We are called Destructive Winds (RG)
Any updates or fixes you wish ANet would work on?
The only complaint I have is recent problems I’ve been having with fractals glitching, causing us to have to start the fractal over.
Monday, February 22, 2016
Glitzy’s Gamer Spotlight #5
What is your name?
When did you start playing Guild Wars 2?
Or how long have you been playing?
I started playing in August 2013
What made you want to try the game?
A few of my friends and I were looking into new MMOS to play and we had some recommendations on trying out Guild Wars 2.
What’s your favorite profession to play and why?
Elementalist because it’s different than what most people are used to. The different type of play style really caught my attention and I love every minute of it.
When you log into the game what is the first thing you like to do?
I always usually check out the Gem Store first. Love seeing what new things Arena Net has added to the game. Then I usually go to my guild hall and hang out with a few guildies at the Guild Hall bar and talk about what world boss we will kill first. đŸ˜›
Have you bought Heart of Thorns? If so, what is your impression of the new maps and events?
If you have not bought it explain why and if you plan to.
I have bought Heart of Thorns. Honestly I love it. The New Profession is really fun, the maps are HUGE and I really love gliding around everywhere. I also like how the events are more immersive in Heart of Thorns.
What goals have you set for yourself in game?
First goal is to finish map completion on my Revenant.
Second goal is to make Nevermore and Astralaria.
If you are in a guild you’d like to promote please tell us about it!
If you are not in one, what are you looking for in a guild?
My Guild is Apocalyptic Armageddon(AARM) on Tarnished Coast Server. We are 5 guilds on a single server and we participate in every aspect of GW2 (PvE,PvP,WvW etc.).
Any updates or fixes you wish ANet would work on?
I would like to see Super Adventure Box return to GW2 and maybe even Dragon Bash.
Thursday, February 11, 2016
Glitzy’s Gamer Spotlight #4
What is your name?
Archon. Archonbrood on twitch. My main character is Juneko.
When did you start playing Guild Wars 2?
Or how long have you been playing?
Since beta. Pretty much haven’t stopped, though sometimes i play it more casually.
What made you want to try the game?
Been playing GW1 since it was beta, so i was waiting for it since it was announced.
What’s your favorite profession to play and why?
I love my Thief. I think party i really like the character i made, which is a bit of a story itself, as well as the high risk thief gameplay.
When you log into the game what is the first thing you like to do?
Look for my girl, Bell <3 .="" a="" br="" brown="" currently="" do="" dye="" farming="" flax="" for="" like="" make="" mats="" or="" pigment="" potatoes="" run="" salvage="" scribing.="" to="" usually="">Have you bought Heart of Thorns? If so, what is your impression of the new maps and events?
If you have not bought it explain why and if you plan to.
Yes. I generally like the new events and meta’s. But i think they go on for too long sometimes. Also, tangled depths is a real pain to navigate.
What goals have you set for yourself in game?
Considering making another legendary. Need to map complete my revenant at some point and finish story on him.
If you are in a guild you’d like to promote please tell us about it!
If you are not in one, what are you looking for in a guild?
Currently in the lunar wolves [WPAK]. 490+ members, pretty active, but kind of quiet atm due to not a whole lot of new content atm.
Any updates or fixes you wish ANet would work on?
Finish the rest of the new legendaries, including the back piece. remove all the bugged and fail events needed for their collections. some of the new adventures really need some tweaking, as do the new zones, it would be nice if they were more casual friendly. skill balance could use some work, it would be nice if all classes were viable in raids, pvp, etc.
Wednesday, February 3, 2016
Glitzy’s Gamer Spotlight #3
What is your name?
When did you start playing Guild Wars 2?
Or how long have you been playing?
I have been playing GW2 since the first public beta release!
What made you want to try the game?
I’m a fan of GW1, so playing GW2 was a normal transition. I have been playing GW1 since the release of Factions. The new mechanics that came with GW2 (jumping, swimming, dynamic combat, etc) got me really excited for GW2.
What’s your favorite profession to play and why?
My main is a thief. In fact, I have three thieves..! I like to play Revenant and Necromancer too. I like the fast-paced playstyle involved with thief and the high burst dps.
When you log into the game what is the first thing you like to do?
I usually craft my daily mats and then run around in Rata Sum until I find something to do!
Have you bought Heart of Thorns? If so, what is your impression of the new maps and events?
If you have not bought it explain why and if you plan to.
I bought HoT and I’m really disappointed in this expension. Anet didn’t deliver. The new maps are stunningly beautiful, but hard to navigate and confusing because of the different layers and because the map doesn’t give you good indications of at what layer the things are. Plus, no new dungeons and FOTM at release, no content for casual players, only 4 maps, no new major city, and the content of this expansion is really just 4 meta events that are on a timer.
What goals have you set for yourself in game?
I want to craft some legendary weapons and the legendary backpack. As for the legendary armor .. we’ll see down the road how that goes!
If you are in a guild you’d like to promote please tell us about it!
If you are not in one, what are you looking for in a guild?
Dungeons and Dragons [DnD] for the win.
Any updates or fixes you wish ANet would work on?
Give us more content and bring dungeons back.
Sunday, January 31, 2016
Glitzy’s Gamer Spotlight #2
What is your name?
My name is Nuzzle! My main characters name is Elzzun (spell nuzzle backwards 83)
When did you start playing Guild Wars 2?
Or how long have you been playing?
I started playing GW2 a little over 2 years ago! But I wasn’t an everyday player until around the time of The Killer Marionette Boss event!
What made you want to try the game?
A bunch of my IRL friends were playing it and when it went on sale it was suggested that I join them!
What’s your favorite profession to play and why?
My favorite professions is definitely my Necromancer. She was my first toon, and despite all the terrible things people said about Necromancers back when I started, I never listened and learned to really enjoy the class! Now that Reaper is a thing I love playing her even more!
When you log into the game what is the first thing you like to do?
Usually when I log in I form up a party with my 4 daily-doing friends! Together we tackle the PvE, PvP and Fractal Dailies!
Have you bought Heart of Thorns? If so, what is your impression of the new maps and events?
If you have not bought it explain why and if you plan to.
Yes! I pre-ordered it as soon as it was a thing! I love the new maps in HoT; they are pretty and the events are fun! The only thing I wish was different was that the event chains weren’t so… long. It makes it hard to complete them if you don’t have a long time to be in game.
What goals have you set for yourself in game?
Right now my goal is to learn how to raid. I am working on gearing my mesmer as a DPS build. Next I’ll need to find some friends willing to teach me the ropes of the raid!
If you are in a guild you’d like to promote please tell us about it!
If you are not in one, what are you looking for in a guild?
I am in two guilds that are worth a mention. The first real quild I was ever part of is [WPAK]. The guild has changed quite a bit since I joined and while I find myself participating less and less (even though I still rep all the time) I made MANY good friends through this guild! Plus we do missions together every week!
I would also like to shoutout to my non-rep guild DnD full of just a small amount of close friends! We’ve come a long way for a guild where we barely rep. We have a guild hall and are able to do missions which is great when I have to miss [WPAK]’S missions due to real life happenings!
Any updates or fixes you wish ANet would work on?
Eh. I’m not really one to complain about games. My only real issue with GW2 is load screen times, but that’s not really ANet’s fault as much as the fact that I play on a laptop lol.
Friday, January 29, 2016
Glitzy’s Gamer Spotlight #1
What is your name?
In game my main character is Audeley and on Twitch I am OMGlitzy.
When did you start playing Guild Wars 2?
Or how long have you been playing?
I started playing Guild Wars 2 about two weeks after it was launched. I took a break from the game for a few months and eventually returned full time when the Festival of the Four Winds event was live. I’ve now been playing pretty much every single day since then!
What made you want to try the game?
I was a long time EverQuest 2 player and several of my guildies were talking about the release of Guild Wars 2. I was intrigued that it didn’t come with a subscription plan, and my brother (who is also an avid gamer) said it would be a game I would likely enjoy. After I bought it and played with a few of my friends I was instantly hooked. The amazing graphics, friendly community, and simple yet effective UI really pulled me in to becoming a full time player.
What’s your favorite profession to play and why?
The very first character I made was a warrior, but the one I played the most was a necromancer. I’ve always enjoyed classes that had a companion and I usually prefer mages over heavy classes. It wasn’t until after my break that I eventually made a ranger and fell in love with their gameplay. I enjoyed the search for new pets (gotta catch ’em all!) and exploring Tyria with my trusty friend. Now with the elite specialization – Druid – I love my ranger even more!
When you log into the game what is the first thing you like to do?
I’ll usually check the trading post to see if I have any gold or items waiting for me to pick up. After that I will do the daily activities. Even after I complete three of them to get the achievement I still go on to do the others out of enjoyment. I’ll look up boss timers to see which is about to spawn and also check with my guild to see if they are organizing any fun events.
Have you bought Heart of Thorns? If so, what is your impression of the new maps and events?
If you have not bought it explain why and if you plan to.
Yes! I pre-ordered HoT the moment it became available. I was also able to participate in a few of the beta events. My first impression was this is not going to be an easy expansion. The mobs hit harder, the terrain was more difficult to navigate, and the events required a lot of teamwork. These are all good things, of course! The challenge that HoT has provided was a welcome one. The new maps and events have become slightly easier with time and experience, but still require coordination. I wish the story had a little more depth and detail to it and that some of the events were not always centered around timers, but overall I still find myself enjoying the new zones months after HoT was released.
What goals have you set for yourself in game?
I went head first into earning all the mastery points so that I could begin making Astralaria – the new legendary axe. This was a big project to take on since there wasn’t much information about the new collections yet. I worked really hard on completing everything and made Astralaria in about a month. Now that I have that done I have been taking things a bit slower. I’m working on collecting all of the Chak weapons, mapping the new zones on alt characters, completing the story achievements, and also farm gold to buy gathering nodes for my home instance.
If you are in a guild you’d like to promote please tell us about it!
If you are not in one, what are you looking for in a guild?
The guild I am in is Ethereal Guardians [EG]. I’ve really enjoyed being a part of their community because of how active it is! They have frequent events each week like raid training, guild missions, and organized world boss kills. Their TeamSpeak is always full of people chatting and willing to help, and their forums offer an excellent source of information about profession builds and fight mechanics. Overall I have felt very proud to be a member of [EG]!
Any updates or fixes you wish ANet would work on?
I like to think ANet is super busy working on a lot of great content for the game (*wink*) so I don’t typically complain too much about things that might be broken.. However, I think the LFG tool does need to be revamped and I wish my mini pet wouldn’t disappear all the time. Like many people, I’d like to see more armor skins added to the game. I don’t think enough were put in with the expansion. Recently, I was incredibly happy they added the shared inventory slots and the ability to always show hidden objects so you no longer have to hold the Ctrl key down. Yay ANet!
Monday, February 9, 2015
PAX South 2015