Wednesday, April 17, 2013

100th Post Giveaway: $25 Starbucks Gift Card

This is officially my 100th post on GlitzyGeekGirl!! How exciting! It’s pretty cool to think I’ve shared 100 posts about my glitzy geeky life! Hope everyone has enjoyed them as much as I have ^.^ And Huge thanks to those that have read all 100 of them 😀

So for this post I want to do a giveaway! The winner will receive a $25 gift card to Starbucks!!

Entering is easy! You have from Weds the 17th through Saturday the 20th to earn entries by following the instructions below. The contest will end at 12:00 am (central time) April 21.  I will email the winner and mail the gift card as soon as I get your address! Offer available in US only.

This is my first time doing a giveaway so I am starting simple, but definitely want to do more with cool prizes!! Good luck everyone! 🙂

a Rafflecopter giveaway

EDIT:: Contest is now closed!! Thank you all for entering! I am overjoyed with how many participated. Congrats to Tracy R. for winning the gift card! Please check your email. Should I not hear from you within 48 hours then I will pick another winner. I can’t wait to do more giveaways in the future. I got a lot of great ideas for new prizes! Thanks all!


  1. Congrats! Good luck to all the entrants!


  2. Grats on hitting 100 posts. Look forward to more Glitzy Geek Girl adventures! Hope YOU win the SOE trip to Vegas. Suh-weet.


  3. I'd order soy chai lattes and work on homework if I won! 🙂


  4. I always order the same thing.
    A giant Green Tea Frap.
    That card should last me a almost a week 😛


  5. I would get a very manly iced hazelnut macchiato.


  6. Iced caramel macchiato with soy!


  7. Carmel Macchiato upside down :0


  8. I would order Caramel Macchiato


  9. Thanks for giving away a prize. I enjoy reading your blogs and seeing your cosplays regardless of winning anything, it is a nice bonus. Ps not helping the starbucks addiction go away haha. Anyway, Grande iced caramel macchiato or Grande jave chip frap. (Everyone is going to abbreviate frap. for spelling purposes haha) Grats on 100, keep posting i will keep reading!!!!!


  10. A java chip frappucino 🙂


  11. I would order carmel frappuchino for me and a order caramel macchiato for my BFF (it's her favorite) XD


  12. I'd get a caramel frappuchino!


  13. I'd order a grande peppermint mocha frap, unless they have the mocha coconut frap available 🙂


  14. My favorite green tea soy latte


  15. CARAMEL MACCHIATO! And maybe a lemon loaf. 🙂

    Name on rafflecopter: Mary Happymommy


  16. I like white chocolate raspberry mocha. Either hot, or as a Frappuccino!


  17. I would get a hot chocolate and the little whoopie pie treats!


  18. Either the hot chocolate or a vanilla bean frappuccino…I love both…so maybe I'd just get both!


  19. Vanilla Rooibos!!

    Your blog's awesome! Grats on 100! Here's to 1000!


  20. I would order an Iced Caramel Macchiato! Yummmmm!

    Thanks for the chance to win!

    wildorchid985 @ gmail dot com


  21. Awesome giveaway!!! I am such a starbucks junkie…! I would order my favorite- triple espresso over ice with sugar free vanilla and soy 🙂


  22. I love Starbucks! I would get my favorite drink there everyday (a nonfat latte). I do that everyday anyway, but it would be extra special to do it with a gift card I won! Thanks for the giveaway!



    1. Congratulations, Tracy! Enjoy your nonfat latte. 🙂


    2. I sure will, thank you so much!


  23. I would order the spinach feta wrap, mmmm!


  24. tall non-fat caramel frap no whip 🙂


  25. I would get a Iced Caffe Latte!


  26. Thank you, I am so excited!


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