Sunday, April 28, 2013

Scarborough Renaissance Festival 2013

I had been planning my outfit for the Scarborough Renaissance Festival many weeks in advance and was super pleased with how it turned out! Everything arrived in time and fit perfectly. The weather was also nice, there wasn’t a major crowd, and they added some great new features to the festival.

Since I took so many pics you can view all of them from this year on my Flickr. And also check out my post from last year’s festival here.

This was my fourth time attending a Ren faire, and I must admit I am HOOKED! I’m seriously considering a life on the road going from faire to faire. Having my own gypsy wagon, braiding people’s hair and painting kids’ faces. I could sell magic wands and handmade jewelry. Oh man that just sounds perfect to me!

For now I will enjoy going as a visitor 🙂 And enjoy I did! Here’s a few of my favorite photos:

My dress is a costume I bought from Amazon. It is all one piece and SO comfortable. I was incredibly impressed with the quality of this dress. And will definitely want to wear it again.
This is the same flower crown I wore last year. I made this myself!
My skeleton key necklace is from Silver Owl Creations. It’s gorgeous and so well-made. The owl necklace I found at Sam Moon last year.
My rings and bracelets are pieces I have collected over the years. I made the silver star cuff out of foam and paint.
This is also the same bag I wore last year. I made this as well. And the fox tail is from my very first visit to Scarborough’s festival. 

These are some old Blowfish Shoes that I have had for nearly 4 years. They are very comfortable and were the closet thing to fairy or elf boots that I currently have.
More pics >>>

So far each year I have ordered the chicken strips and fries. Most people carry around a turkey leg, but I just love these french fries!

I try to bring home a trinket from each faire and last year I searched for the perfect walking stick. I didn’t find one that “spoke to me”, but this year I found it! I am so thankful for this beautiful treasure and just in love with its craftsmanship. The shop I bought it from is called Wazelle’s Wood Wizardry. They don’t have an online shop (that I could find), but seem to be vendors at SRFestival each year.

Last year I spotted the cutest “fairy garden” and have been inspired to make my own whenever I have my own yard. Well this year they added to it with a healing garden, slayer’s garden, and a magical garden. I am so in love!

I gave my best shot but did not win. I have dreamt of using a bow and arrow someday, but I think I could settle for a crossbow :p
A new addition to the festival was the Mermaid Lagoon. It was quite magical and the mermaids were beautiful.

These handsome fellows were two of the Knights from the joust. I am sure I was blushing when I asked for this pic with them. <3 p="">
If you’d like to see more of my photos I have uploaded them to my Flickr.
Have you ever been to a Renaissance festival?
If so, do you dress up?


  1. Arrr! Loved reading your blog post re the ren fest. You fit in nicely with the scenery. I'm with you on how much fun it would be to travel around and go to all the faires. :0) Where do you get most of your ideas for costumes and best places to find unique jewelry? Love the walking stick. What's your next adventure?


  2. You look so lovely! I adore your faire setting, all those buildings and scenery look so authentic. The mermaid is amazing :O


  3. I love your costume! The Scarborough Renaissance Festival looks pretty fun. I'll have to check it out one year. The food is always one of my favorite parts of the festival here. Don't feel bad about eating chicken strips… I'm not a fan of turkey legs either. I save my appetite for sausage on a stick. I also usually get the soup in a bread bowl and then remember pretty quickly that it's never as good as I imagine it to be. My favorite is when it's cold, and I use that as an excuse to drink lots of hot apple cider.


  4. You and your costume are all kinds of adorable! I love all the bits you made and added to your costume. I love Ren fairs and I'm so glad you took a photo with the jousters they are always cute:) Found you by way of Nerd Burger.


  5. That looks so fun! And if you do ever live a life on the road going from faire to faire, you can definitely add flower crowns to the list of things you sell. Your flower crown is gorgeous! And crossbows are way more badass than a bow and arrow. And also that walking stick is AMAZING!


  6. doing things with your hands is also with love. that's awesome.


  7. You look very beautiful, and the fair looks fun. We have a fair up here in WA during the summer. It's coming up this month if I remember right.


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