Thursday, January 29, 2015

Glitzy Geek Update

You may have noticed my blog posts haven’t been quite as frequent, but have no fear! I am still here! I figured since several of you might come by to check this I’d give a little update on what’s up in my glitzy geeky life. 
My blog began as a means for me to just express what was going on in my day to day life or stuff I shopped for and what not.. Then it blossomed into this exciting cosplay and craft tutorial hub! In 2014, I really went on a lot of great adventures to comic cons, concerts and other events. I feel like my blog focused on a lot of those things which is super cool because it’s so fun to go back and look at those posts.
This year, I plan to slow down a little bit on the cosplay lifestyle. I definitely would love to keep making things and dressing up, but I’d like to find a focus for my time and money somewhere new. That doesn’t mean I won’t make something or attend a comic con – because I definitely will! I love doing that! I just think I might try some new directions here and there.
The fun part is I don’t even know what that means! 😀 I actually don’t have much planned at the moment which is great because it leaves the door open for all sorts of opportunities. I have ideas in my head for blog posts that might be a tad more about some life experiences I’ve had (like being a cosplay guest, being a business owner, making friends on the internet) .. stuff like that! I just feel bad not posting a post with a ton of photos. I mean I’ve read blogger tips and most of them say don’t post a big wall of text. I don’t want my blog to completely change, but I do want to add some sort of new material to it.
So anyway that’s just some things that have been on my mind at the start of this new year. I do have a post coming soon all about PAX South in San Antonio and also a craft tutorial for my Rapunzel crown. As well as new giveaway prizes! Definitely come back soon for all those updates and more! I’m still here, I’m still geekin’ out, and I still love reading all your comments and getting to know all of you.
You can find me post pretty often on my Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, too!
Hugs to all! 


  1. The best thing about having a blog? It's YOUR blog which means write about whatever you like! Can't wait to see what you have planned!


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


  3. Cool, I look forward to whatever posts you may write. ^^ Do what makes you happy!!!


  4. That sounds awesome, I am looking forward to your future posts, I love your blog already and am not going anywhere. I wanted to add those posts sound very interesting and looking forward to your future posts. 🙂


  5. Tooootally understand what you mean about the cosplay lifestyle. It definitely adds up! I'm looking forward to seeing the new direction you take your blog. Have fun with it! 🙂


  6. I look forward to the new material! We'll still be here ;D


  7. It's important to blog when it feels good to do so. I can not wait to see what you create this year. 🙂


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