Friday, June 14, 2013

Free Comic Book Day 2013

This year Free Comic Book Day fell on May 4th which is also Star Wars Day!
So this was an epic Saturday to say the least. I was able to celebrate both since I have my own salon now. I wore a Star Wars t-shirt that I bought while at Disney World, and I was able to visit Lone Star Comics on my lunch break! It was a super cool day!

They held a costume contest at the store, and this girl looked so awesome!

I tried wearing Leia buns, too!

At this location, you got to pick out three different comics! It was hard deciding which ones to get. But I love the ones I picked!

Did you pick up your free comics at your local comic store?
What are some of your favorite comics?
Did you go see Man of Steel today?


  1. Your leia buns are adorable. Glad you had a rad time. My fave comics of all time are Unlikely by Jeffrey Brown, French Milk by lucy Knisley, Ghost world by Daniel Clowes and She hulk- Single green female.


  2. I have never been able to get into comics/mangas/graphic novels for some reason. I like reading regular books, I like a lot of the stories portrayed in comics, and I like some of the comic artwork. But for some reason, when you put it all together, it never seems to keep my attention or excite me the same way reading a book or watching a movie does.

    The notable exception to this is the recent Interview with the Vampire: Claudia's Story. If you're not familiar with the original Interview with the Vampire (book or movie will suffice), I'm not sure that this graphic novel would make much sense or be that fulfilling. If you read it knowing the larger story, it serves as a nice alternate viewpoint. The art is nicely done too. It's well-drawn, and there's no color other than the occasional splash of red for blood.

    But I'm glad you had fun at free comic day and enjoyed your comics!


  3. We're so glad you were able to come by and spend FREE COMIC BOOK DAY 2013 (as well as "STAR WARS" DAY — May the Fourth be with us!) at our Store! And THANK YOU SO MUCH for sharing your day and your experiences on your blog!

    Since you work in the area, we hope we'll be seeing you at future FREE COMIC BOOK DAYS and for other upcoming special occasions! And, don't forget: WEDNESDAY IS ALWAYS NEW COMICS DAY!

    Thanks again for letting us know about your amazing blog! Please let us know when you post future comics, gaming, collecting, or other cool content!

    All the best!

    –Rick, Freddy, Sabrina, & Shea @ LONE STAR COMICS & GAMES – PLANO!


  4. AH LONESTAR PLANO!!!! Love that place, although my heart is at Madness (don't hate!). My husband and I hit up 2 comic book stores (Madness and Zeus)and managed to score 22 comics between the two of us. We completely forgot about Lonestar while we were out. I felt like butt though we pretty much scored all the comics we wanted.

    You can see our haul here:


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