Monday, February 4, 2013

A Fro-Yo Date at the Purple Kiwi

A few days ago I tweeted that I was craving some fro-yo! A few people asked me what the heck is fro-yo, and I just can’t believe they haven’t been blessed with the wonderfulness that is FROZEN YOGURT!! Not only is it a tasty snack but it’s also pretty healthy! Although, I am bad about adding a lot of unhealthy toppings. 😉
My fro-yo date was at Purple Kiwi with my momma!
They have machines where you pick your fro-yo flavor.
You can read all the available flavors on their website.
Next is your toppings! These range from strawberries, cookie dough, kiwis, peaches, brownie bites and peanut butter cups and many more!
More toppings! Sprinkles, gummy bears, walnuts, and yummy syrups just to name a few.
And here is what I made! I got strawberry and birthday cake yogurt with a little cookies n cream in there, too. Then I topped it with kiwis, strawberries, brownie bites, oreos, and sprinkles! It was soooo good!

I could probably eat fro-yo every day!


You might notice that I am trying to lighten my hair, too. I am going back to blonde! It’s kinda orangey pinky right now.

OH and we got to watch Sponge Bob while at the Purple Kiwi! It was the perfect date! 🙂
Have you ever had frozen yogurt before? What are you favorite flavors and toppings?


  1. Does TCBY count? I haven't eaten there since high school though.

    That Purple Kiwi place looks awesome! I'd be overwhelmed by all the choices though… so many to choose from. Whatever you went with looks delicious.


  2. For those not having the gourmet experience of fro-yo let me add a few warnings.
    1. You pay by the weight of the cup.
    2. You can't make a decision so you try them all
    3. Try to stick with two flavors that compliment each other. Melted fro-yo of many flavors isn't the tastiest treat. It seemed like a good idea at the first!
    4. Be prepared for brain freeze
    5. Gummie bears do harden up, so make sure you have a good dentist

    Great place to take your Valentine! Hint Hint!


  3. GUMMY BEARS!!!!!!!!! Are my favorite topping. I usually go for fruit flavored fro-yo because for some reason it doesn't feel desserty enough for me to go for the chocolate and other super sweet flavors.


  4. Watching SpongeBob while eating fro-yo sounds like a fun activity! Hehe! I usually buy Triple Chocolate and add a lot of unhealthy toppings, too! But still, we have to cut back on those sugary toppings. It's hard to suffer the consequences. In case you drop by other fro-yo shops, please write a review about that, too. Thanks, Anna! 🙂


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