Thursday, January 24, 2013

2013 Convention Schedule

Ever since I drove 6 hours by myself to go to a Twilight Convention in 2009 I’ve been kind of addicted to them! There’s a thrill about the chance to meet your favorite TV hero or movie superstar even it’s just for a few minutes. The hours you spend in line to get those few minutes sometimes means just as much! You get to make some awesome friends and chat with other fans that are just as crazy as you are. I feel very much at home when I am at conventions. So I am already counting down the days to each one. Here’s a peek at some I hope to attend!

February 9-10

March 8-10

April 6 – May 27

May 17-19

May 31- June 2

July 18-21

August 30 – Sept 2
August 30 – Sept 2
August 17-18

September 20-22

October 4-6

Texas Renaissance Festival
October 6 – November 25

** Indicates I will definitely be there!

Have you ever been to any of these conventions before? Do you go in costume? I do! Did I miss any that I need to check out? One reader suggested the ATX Televison Fest in Austin. And on a musical note, I’d really like to go to SXSW someday.


  1. Comicpalooza in houston is pretty awesome!



    1. That does look awesome! There's so many just in Texas! Thanks for the info 🙂


  2. WhoFest in Dallas.



    1. OMG I can't believe I left this one out!! I will definitely be attending! I need a clever cosplay… hmmm…..


  3. Denver Comic Con! Its gonna be even bigger this year!



    1. Sweet! Are you going? I wish I could go to more out of Texas. There's so many good ones around the US!


  4. I live in Austin and had no idea about the ATX television fest! I am googling up right now haha, thank you for sharing this!



    1. No problem!! It does look really fun! Let me know if you go!!!


  5. That's quite a list!

    I've only been to the Texas Ren Fest. And I haven't dressed up. Yet. It's always a great experience though! The Highland Fling weekend is great, but it probably doesn't have as many costumes.

    Maybe this year I'll check out the Scarborough Ren Faire. I'll have to check my calendar! Do they do themed weekends or anything like that? Are there certain weekends that are better to attend than others?



    1. There are themed weekends but it's not as big as the Texas Ren Fest. Although, I think there's a pirate weekend and people usually stay true to that! I can't seem to find a list of all the themes…. Last year I went on during the "romantic" weekend (not what it's really called) and the special was that you could renew your vows at the chapel! Haha!! You for sure need to dress up at least once.. I bet you will want to every time then! 😛


    2. The Texas Ren Fest can't be beat. More vendors, food, pretty surroundings, entertainment, did I say food! Try dressing up. Get a costume there. Pick a weekend you haven't been to.


  6. Texas Frightmare Weekend May 3-5th.

    Major League Gaming Winter Championship March 15-17th.



    1. Thanks for adding these, Michael!! I am not sure I can handle Texas Frightmare Weekend – I am kinda a scaredy cat!! But I plan on going to the MLG Championship for sure! I've been trying to get better at League of Legends.. My name on there is Audeley if you play!


    2. There's one more event I'd like to add, the ScrewAttack Gaming Convention this June. Adam Sessler and Lisa Foiles will be there:

      If you don't know what it is, is a video game related website that produces their own shows and content. They're a network similar to and Revision3. And they're based right here in the DFW area (Flower Mound to be exact).

      The only catch about this convention is that it's only the third one. The last time they held it was way back in 2010 and Uwe Boll was their special guest. They had to put the convention on hiatus for the past three years due to lack of funding.

      I found out about this convention last month because I went to Video Games Live in January and the founder and owner of ScrewAttack, Craig Skistimas, showed up and gave all 1,500 people in the audience a free pass to their convention.


    3. Whoa that's pretty cool of them to give out passes!! I think someone else has mentioned ScrewAttack to me before. Looks like a pretty cool website. I just bought my MLG spectator pass! So I'll definitely make it to that. How is the turn out on Friday nights? I was probably just going to go Saturday afternoon.


    4. I went all three days last November and turnout was the same throughout the event. Same thing when I went Spring 2011.

      I think part of the reason why it's steady is because most of the people there are actually competing. People like me who just come in to spectate are usually in the minority. This was also my experience when I went to Cyberathlete Professional League five years ago (before they went bankrupt). Also, unlike most other conventions MLG doesn't sell 1-Day passes.

      Sunday's always the most interesting because all the brackets are done and everyone stands around to watch the finals.


  7. I am soo keen to see your costumes from all of them. Please tell me your dressing up for the Vampire Diaries. God I love that show.


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