Friday, August 9, 2013

SOE Live 2013

Last week I was lucky enough to attend SOE Live for the first time! I had won a ticket to the convention for the video I entered in this contest. So I started saving up some money for a flight out to Las Vegas! This event was a big deal for me because I love to play EverQuest 2. I have played it for 6 years and met so many friends online. For the last couple years I have been raiding with a guild called Brimstone. This group of people have become a second family to me. We raid 3 nights a week, and I hardly ever miss raid night. So I spend a lot of time with these great people, and it was a real treat to get to meet them in person! We all clicked right away and had so much to talk about. In all there were about 12 of us from our group there. We made new friends, too, and I even sat next to a Planetside 2 player on the plane!

One of the coolest things that happened was getting interviewed by Destructoid! We were waiting in line to get our badges when two of my guild members and I got picked to be filmed for the video. You can see us at 0:26 and 0:43!

Since I could probably talk about my trip forever .. I decided to make a Top Ten List of my favorite moments at SOE Live. These are in no particular order.. because each one was so much fun!

1. Meeting My Guild Members

I am so thankful I had the chance to meet everyone. You guys truly are incredibly awesome, and I miss y’all so much. I can’t wait until next SOE Live when we can all hang out again 🙂  I have to give a shout to Cylaa (Diane) for being my necro sister! We both play the same class in EQ2 and we ended up having so much in common. We shared a pizza and talked about our cats! How perfect!! 🙂 Also, shout out to Banguk (Kyle) for driving me around Las Vegas. It was SO much fun exploring the strip with you and thank you for putting up with all the times I asked you to take my picture lol ….  And to Astijia (Greg) and Herminee (Jackie) for taking such good care of me.. so grateful to have you pick me up/drop me off at the airport and provide us all with the Taj Mahal to crash at 🙂

2. The Reveal of EverQuest Next
This was really cool to witness.. I got goosebumps a few times watching the keynote and attending the panels. There’s some major upgrades and unique changes coming to this game. My guild leader (Astijia) typed up a summary that I think covered a lot of it:
Keypoints: Destructible environment, multiclassing, parkour style toon running, VERY improved world graphics 🙂 planetside 2 engine, and – mobs no longer have static spawns…. The pop in the world, and wander until they find conditions they like. (the orc camps don’t just pop every 15 minutes, if they are harassed, they pack up and move to a new spot…. Piss off the orcs too many times and the king sends an invasion force.
Downsides: Need a mainframe to run it – but that remains to be seen, toons are very cartoony – very wowlike. The devs said they were trying to appeal to a broader audience, we will see how that goes. We all got beta invites, so scouting will be done.
The world is topside, with 2 subterranean levels; you can literally stop where you are and dig down to see what you may find….”
3. Seeing the “Pawn Stars” Shop

Something super fun I got to see was the store where they film the TV show “Pawn Stars“.. Since Banguk had rented a car (a black mustang!!) he invited me to ride with him so I could see the shop. We were in a hurry to get to the convention for the EQ Next announcement so I didn’t have time to go inside (there was a line out the door) .. But I did hear that the dad was in there taking pics with people. Maybe next year I can go in!

4. Playing in the EQ2 Tournament

My guild members have entered the tournament at SOE Live before, but this was my first time competing. We knew it was going to be a pre-set character group and you had to finish the zone as fast as you could. The group that finished the quickest would win $6,000! Well we thought we kicked butt… Finishing The Dreadcutter in just 19 minutes and 40 something seconds … but sadly other groups beat our time. We even had a computer glitch – Cylaa’s video card crashed and her computer went black for a good 3 minutes. But even though we didn’t win, we were all hyped up after playing together. It was an adrenaline rush, and I couldn’t have been with a better group of players 🙂

5. Eating at the Bacchanel Buffet

One thing we all looked forward to from the moment we got to Las Vegas was eating at the Bacchanel Buffet at Caesar’s Palace! We arrived at the buffet at a perfect time because there wasn’t a line. So we got our table and immediately headed for the food 🙂 I enjoyed the sushi, mini hamburgers, and mac & cheese! But the best part was the dessert bar. It was HUGE! I wanted to take one of everything (and I almost did.) It was totally worth the $50 it cost to get in!

6. Attending the SOE Pool Party

Last year’s pool party left quite an impression on everyone that attended SOE Live. So this year I was excited to see the craziness for myself. Sadly, the lines to get drinks were really long.. And not too many people were in the pools. But I still hopped in and played some volleyball with a few people. It was a cool feeling to look around and see the beautiful Las Vegas hotels in the background.. I felt like I was in a movie!

7. Seeing a Bride and Groom

This may seem silly to some of you, but to me I thought it was so romantic! I think it would be really fun to get married in Las Vegas, so I was hoping I would spot a few brides. Well not only did I see one, but she sat right next to me! Yep, after me and Banguk ordered our gelato at The Venetian we sat on a bench to watch a statue performance. Well next thing I know this BEAUITFUL bride sits right next to me! I told her how lovely she looked and was just giddy to see a fairy tale right before my eyes. After we left The Venetian we saw her and the groom on one of the gondolas outside!

8. Playing Slot Machines

Even though I didn’t spend much money on the slot machines, I knew I needed to at least give it a try! I put two dollars in the Wizard of Oz machine and me and Herminee both won about $10! But we decided to just play it out until we lost.. So at the end of my trip I only lost $7 gambling which I think is pretty good 🙂 I can definitely see how people get hooked on it though.. I really wanted to keep adding more dollars in! lol

9. The Costume Contest

As you know, I love to cosplay, but since a lot of my costumes aren’t plane friendly I decided not to bring one to SOE Live. But two of my guild members did, and Cylaa got Best in Show! Gothicangel also was also in the Top 10 with her costume. They both looked awesome! I hope next year I can make something to bring.

10. Riding in a Limo on the Strip

On our final trip back to the house, Astijia got a limo for all of us to ride in! This was the first time most of us have ever been in one! I got super excited when it turned onto the strip.. it was nighttime so all the lights outside were going and it was a Saturday night! I felt super special – I mean we were in a limo on the strip in Las Vegas!!! It was an epic way to end our adventure.


Other fun things that happened that I have to include is getting a Nagafen Hat from the SOE team (I’ve been wearing it around the house all the time!), seeing Elvis impersonators (one was even singing!), spotting a crowd at the Forum Shoppes and finding out Mike Tyson was inside the store, running into Ron Haras (winner of one of my Yoshi Eggs!), getting my picture with The Rock (ok ok it was just a wax figure), and all the awesome SOE/EQ2 swag I bought!
Now I am counting down the days until next year’s SOE Live! This was the most fun I have ever had.. I live and breathe EverQuest 2 so being surrounded by friends that share the same interest was so much fun. I will never forget all the great times we had, and I am certainly looking forward to next year 🙂

To view all 368 photos I took while in Las Vegas click here to see my Facebook album!

And my guild member (Adaac) took amazing pictures and posted them on his Flickr. So please check them out, too!


  1. Looks like you had an amazing trip. Lots of fun new people and experiences. How cool was that limo?


  2. So jealous, that looks like so much fun!!! We're saving up all our money for Fan Days right now since John Barrowman will be in attendance, along with some other amazing guests!! I've gotta start thinking up of a new costume idea. I hope to see you out there again too!


  3. Dang! That trip sounds like fun! Vegas is awesome, and it sounds like you did a lot of really great things while you were there… in addition to going to SoE Live and meeting your guild! It's a shame you didn't win the contest… after seeing your tweet about it, I thought for sure you guys would've nailed it. Thanks for sharing about your trip.

    EQ Next sounds like it will have some interesting gameplay mechanics. I'll be keeping an eye on it to see how it comes out. Pretty cool that you'll be in the beta, but it's a shame you won't be able to tell us about it (assuming they have the usual NDA at first).


  4. I loved reading about your trip, it seemed like a really awesome time. My husband and I were thinking about going, but San Diego Comic Con just wiped us financially to make the trip. Maybe next year though 🙂

    One thing I did find funny was one of the downsides to EQ Next that your guildie listed was that the toons look too cartoonish and WoW-like. I am a huge World of Warcraft player, and to me, the graphics of Everquest (I play EQ2) look super cheesy. But at the end of the day both games are still fun and its just a matter of perspective.


  5. Looks like you had too much fun out there. Good to see you had such a blast out there. Remind me to give you a high five next time I see you.


  6. Looks like you had a great time!! I love traveling to new places for geeky events 🙂


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OMGLITZY: The Nutcracker Ice Show

Monday, December 23, 2013

The Nutcracker Ice Show

Every year at the Gaylord Texan Resort, there is an epic Ice Show put on for the holidays. This year the theme was The Nutcracker! My parents surprised me with tickets to the show for my birthday, and we all really enjoyed going.

The Gaylord Texan is a beautiful resort with all kinds of other attractions inside. There was a gingerbread house, giant Christmas tree, and you could even visit Santa!

When you enter the Ice Show, they give you a HUGE jacket to wear. I didn’t think I would need it on top of my big coat, but I am so glad I wore it. The temperature inside was only 9 DEGREEs! It was so cold I couldn’t feel my face.
They use two million pounds of ice to make all the sculptures. I was amazed at the size and detail of each piece. You can read more about how they make the ice here.

Of course, my favorite sculpture was the pink pegasus!

There was also an ice slide you could go down! That’s me on the slide!! 

The last room in the show was dedicated to New York City. There was a Yellow Taxi, the Statue of Liberty and Big Apples.

If you live in the DFW area, I definitely recommend checking out the Ice Show at the Gaylord. The whole place was beautiful and really put me in the holiday spirit. There are also several restaurants inside, and it’s the official hotel for the Dallas Cowboys!
Hope everyone has a happy holiday!!
Do you have any holiday attractions in your town?


  1. How it looks so festive but ever so cold. I wish they did something like that in Australia.


  2. Such beautiful sculptures but I have to say that the pegasus is my favorite, too!


  3. That looks so cool (in more ways than one) ! Merry Christmas!


  4. Whoa. Totally not what I was expecting when I heard "Ice Show" as a skating nerd. I can't get over the level of detail in the sculptures. Beautiful.


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OMGLITZY: Tutorial: League of Legends Annie Cosplay

Friday, April 4, 2014

Tutorial: League of Legends Annie Cosplay

Since PAX East is in a few weeks it got me thinking about my trip to PAX Prime last year! Then I realized I hadn’t posted a tutorial for my Annie cosplay from League of Legends. I won’t be able to go to PAX East this year, but here’s the tutorial in case someone wants to dress up as Annie!

This was the version of Annie I was going for. 
I got my dress from American Apparel. I altered it some to fit better and added the fringe to the bottom of the sleeves. I would love to add the swirl design to my dress since I didn’t have time to before. The petticoat and leg warmers are from Amazon. The wig I used was a Jareth in Raspberry from Arda. I did cut it quite a bit to get Annie’s bangs and style. I already owned black shoes and a white collared shirt, but I am sure you can find that easily at Walmart or on Amazon!
For the fireball prop, I took a styrofoam ball and hot glued fake fur to it. I found all these supplies at my local craft store.

I really just randomly snipped at the fur and glued it in place until the whole ball was covered.

Then I used hairspray to give the fur a spiky look.
During this step I recommend that you wear gloves! Because the Sharpies stained my hands pretty bad. Basically, I started with the red and hand colored the root of the fur. Then I worked my way up with the orange and finally added yellow to the tips.

For Annie’s headband you will need a headband (any color), light and dark pink felt, cotton balls, hot glue, and scissors. I made a pattern for the ears out of paper, too.

Cover your headband in the light colored pink felt using the hot glue.

After you cut out your shape for the ears (or horns.. they kinda look like either) stuff a cotton ball inside it to give it volume.

Tada! No sewing required! I want to make all different colored cat ears now 😀

Annie’s backpack was sad to make. I found a kid’s pink fluffy backpack on Amazon and bought two of these bears. (The backpack I bought is no longer listed, but this one is very similar.)

Here’s the sad part… I’m so sorry little bears!!  *cry*

So all I did was stitch up the back of the little bears heads and then hand stitched them onto the straps of the backpack. The Tibbers that I carried around was found at Toys R Us. He was thankful he didn’t get beheaded.

“You smell like burning!”
Let me know if you make an Annie cosplay!
Do you play League of Legends?
If so who is your favorite champion?


  1. I'm not trying to hate, this tutorial was actually helpful, but you do know that is not what Annie actually looks like right? It's sorta similar but not correct.



    1. You may not have been "trying" but your comment did come off as rude and unnecessary 🙁 Cosplay is supposed to be a freedom of expression. It's an art. I posted a reference photo of the version of Annie I was going for, but even if I didn't judging a cosplay because it's not "exactly perfect" is why so many people are afraid to try it. Cosplay can be so many things! I want people to feel encouraged to embrace their favorite characters whether it is an exact replica, fan interpretation or an original design. It's about having FUN and enjoying yourself.

      Your comment sends a wrong message to the cosplay community. I hope you think to remember a real person is behind the computer the next time you try to tell someone their art is not correct.


    2. Your costume looks awesome, just like everything else you do.


  2. Yep, pretty sure she knows Annie in reply to other post. Uh, reference photo >-<. Hey Glitzy I met you at Pax and got some great pics. You always put fun spins on your coz costumes. Looks like a good con coming up. Need to head that way.


  3. I think you look great, and did an amazing job at recreating the version you were going for! Also, the Fireball, is really creatively done!


  4. This looks totally awesome! I can't imagine how long it took to colour in that fire ball :O



  5. Cosplay doesn't necessarily have to look EXACTLY like the character. I love this and it's amazing! You did a really great job!


  6. Girl you're so creative!!
    Also goregeous. c:
    I love your cosplay posts. c:



  7. This is one of my fave cosplays you've done. You look so adorable. This was a really helpful tutorial.


  8. The top comment seriously makes me angry, your cosplay is great. Evidently jealous 😛

    I wish i had even an ounce of talent for making cosplay, gets so expensive buying costumes!

    ♥ Little Owl Diary


  9. The fireball looks amazing! I thought it was an edit when I first saw the picture c: everything else looks amazing too of course


  10. Definitely going to use this. Thank you 🙂


  11. I actualy make a Annie cosplay for my little daughter and your tutorial was really helpfull ! Thanks you !


  12. How in the world did you get the fur to stay?! Lol



    1. I used hairspray 🙂 There's a picture of the kind I used.


  13. ¡Muchas gracias por el tuturial! Estaba buscando un tutorial de como hacer un cosplay de Annie (para la comic-con Chile 2015) y la verdad es que todos eran bastante malos, pero te econtre y fue como "Oh, esta chica es increible" ¡Muchas gracias!


  14. Thank you soooo much for this tutorial ! Currently i'm trying to make an Annie Cosplay for the next TGS in France and this is really helpfull ! I love your fireball, so jealous 😉


  15. This is extremely helpful. My husband and I are hoping to be Annie and Tibbers for Halloween this year. I have already bought some great stuff and I just hope my costume comes out as great as yours does!!!


  16. did you buy the leg warmers or make them?


  17. I think it's really helpful and you got mad cosplay skills. I'm gonna do Goth Annie for Comiccon and I can't seem to find tutorials for the fireballs anywhere else, so this was a big help:3


  18. Omgggg ilove it.. and u sure do look like her.. Thats why I love Annie and all of her alt outfits she have.. Im planning to do this cosplay for Puerto Rico Comic Con back in my island and that fireball tutorial sure is an awesome way to make it.. When i make it.. Im gonna show it to u,.. Keep doing awesome cosplays


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OMGLITZY: Want to be a Sponsor?

Friday, April 12, 2013

Want to be a Sponsor?

Attention all bloggers or shop owners! Interested in having your ad on GlitzyGeekGirl? Well I have some uber cheap and awesome options. It’s also super easy using PassionFruit.

Putting your ad on GlitzyGeekGirl is a great way to network!

Pinterest – 976 followers
Twitter – 155 followers
Instagram 153 followers
Facebook – 143 likes
Tumblr – 120 followers

Head over to my Sponsor page for more details!

I’d also love to team up with anyone that would like to do a giveaway (I’m working on one) or a guest post. Would be great to feature some artists, photographers, or cosplayers, too! I’m all for ad-swapping so contact me if you have any questions. Thanks!


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