OMGLITZY: Thankfulness 2013

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thankfulness 2013

Today is Thanksgiving here in the US… So happy day to all that celebrate it! Since I have a some international readers, I’m calling this post “Thankfulness” instead so it can be enjoyed by all. defines thankful as “feeling or expressing gratitude.” Whether it be for an object, a person, an idea, a place .. or really anything. Too often I find that I don’t acknowledge how grateful I am for things in my life. So here are a few wonderful things I am truly thankful for!

 My family!
I am incredibly close to my parents and family! My mom helps me put on nearly every cosplay and even attends conventions with me sometimes. And my dad is usually the one that is willing to drive us so we don’t have to worry about traffic and parking. They support my crazy interests and are always there if I need them. They are so cool and do so much for me and I am super duper thankful for them! 
My kitty!
And of course my little Pixie Doodle is a part of my family, too. She gives me the best hugs and purrs and always snuggles with me at night. She has been in my lap the whole time I typed this, too! I am so grateful for the love she’s shown me!
My computer!
I decided to share this ridiculous picture because this is basically what I do all the time. And I am so thankful for my life! I love that I grew up with an interest in computers and video games. I enjoy being curled up in my chair with my headphones on listening to music. It’s my little part of the world where I feel most at home.

I wanted to show a photo of my whole bookshelf, but I’ve already packed it up! (I am in the process of moving.) And I couldn’t find a pic anywhere on my computer. But here’s a pic of The Hunger Games (since I just saw Catching Fire and LOVED it!) which is one of my favorite books. I have so many other favorites like Harry Potter, Twilight, The Mortal Instruments, etc and I am very thankful for the chance to read interesting stories and let my imagination take flight.

Disney World!
One truly remarkable adventure I was able to go on was visiting Disney World. I’ve considered moving to Florida just so I could go all the time. I wasn’t really sure if I would ever get the chance to visit, though, and my family made it happen. I was able to meet all my favorite characters and live out a dream. And due to some major flight delays, my dad and I were actually able to go again with some flight vouchers! This is a trip I will never forget, and I’m so thankful I was able to experience it.
The chance to be a chameleon!
I am definitely thankful for the opportunity to become anyone I want to be. Cosplay has been such a joyful way for me to express myself. I’m thankful I have a lifestyle that allows me to change my hair color, create costumes, and get the chance to meet new people. I am still quite a newbie at cosplaying, but I’ve really become attached the creativity it’s brought to my life!
So those are just a few of the wonderful things I am thankful for! I am looking forward to eating some yummy food and spending Thanksgiving with my family.
What are you thankful for?


  1. Such a lovely post! Your cat is adorable.


  2. So many wonderful things to be thankful for.


  3. Awww, Pixie! :3 Hmmm … I think I am thankful for most is the support system of loved ones I have as I begin a new part of my life and career currently. Of course, that includes my cats, lol.


  4. Aw what a sweet list! I'm thankful for a lot of the same things in my life. Cosplay especially has been really important to me lately.


  5. I like the list! And I like the redesign of your site! Very fitting!


  6. Such a sweet post. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!


  7. I hope you had a good Thanksgiving! I'm also thankful for my family, and my kitty (who is new to my life!), and I suppose I'm greatly thankful for the interconnectivity that the Internet brings, so that I get to read awesome blogs like yours 😀


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OMGLITZY: Tutorial: Fairy Wings

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Tutorial: Fairy Wings

This year for the Scarborough Renaissance Festival I decided to dress up as a woodland fairy. I had never made fairy wings before, but this YouTube tutorial by Emily Autumn was SO helpful! I basically followed every step so I recommend watching it. In my tutorial I have posted photos of my progress and added a few tips so you can become a fairy, too!

Here are some of the supplies you’ll need to begin making your fairy wings: panty hose, scissors, electrical tape, and wire cutters. I bought some wire at Walmart, but honestly I recommend you use a coat hanger instead. The wire I used did not hold up well in the wind at the festival. I also suggest you buy full length panty hose instead of the knee-length kind like I did. This way you can make bigger wings. I was limited to smaller ones because my hose didn’t stretch as far.

So first you make your shape out of the wire and leave a little wire tail at the end. Stretch your panty hose over the wire being careful not to bend it. Then attach your tails together and secure it with electrical tape.

Do the same with the bottom of the wings.

Now that we have our shape it’s time to paint! I used a sponge with acrylic paint and chose colors that reminded me of the forest.

I recommend you paint both sides of your wings. I was surprised how much of the wings you could see from the front of my body, and the panty hose looked splotchy on the other side without a second coat.
After you’re done painting, use tacky glue to create a swirlie design of your choice. Then sprinkle glitter onto the glue. If you don’t want a lot of glitter on the rest of your wings then make sure to wait until your paint is dry to do this step.

Next, wrap some ribbon over the electrical tape and glue it in place.
Then, glue some fake leaves and flowers in the center.
To wear your wings, measure the length of a ribbon to fit over your shoulders like a backpack. Then tie the ribbon around the wire in the middle of your wings. You’ll need some help putting them on, however. My mom had to hold the wings to my back as I tied the ribbon over my arms. 
I loved wearing my wings to the festival and even met some other fairies! Their wings were beautiful!!!

Hope you enjoyed this tutorial!
And be sure to check out my Faux Corset Tutorial here.
~Fairy Blessings!~

1 comment:

  1. Those wings look great! I love your painting and how you covered the "ugly" middle part with the leaves and flower! Thanks for sharing the YouTube link too!


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OMGLITZY: Tutorial: Thor Inspired Wing Headband

Friday, November 8, 2013

Tutorial: Thor Inspired Wing Headband

Art by Oliver Coipel
A few days ago, I decided to rent the first Thor movie since Thor: The Dark World comes out this weekend! I have totally fallen in love with Chris Hemsworth. But also Natalie Portman! She’s so cute in the movie. I am excited to watch the second movie tomorrow so tonight I was googling Thor crafts and came across this awesome headband tutorial by Doodle Craft. I decided right away I had to make it!
I made my wings smaller than Doodle Craft’s tutorial so they could be worn more often. But it would be fun to remake this in different wing shapes and sizes.
I printed out a wing shape that I liked and traced it onto some sheet foam.

Normally I would gesso the sheet foam so it would become thicker and more sturdy, but tonight I wanted this done quick so I just decided to spray paint the wings silver.

Then I outlined the wings with gold paint and used hair spray to add some glitter. 

Because I am a glitzy Thor girl! 
Attach your wings with hot glue to a skinny headband and you’re done!

Pixie insisted on a hug during my photo shoot.

Aww kitty!

This was a super quick and cheap DIY project!
Who is going to see Thor: The Dark World this weekend?
Are you Team Thor or Team Loki?


  1. OMG! So cute. I love the glitter. I'm going to make one tomorrow.


  2. I love this so much!!!! Enjoy the movie! Hopefully I'll have my headband ready by the time I get to see the movie 😀


  3. Team Loki forever! That looks really cute 🙂


  4. Just found my silver glitter craft paper so I can make these this afternoon! My husband has the cutest man-crush on Thor. He gets seriously flustered watching Thor. I'm more of a team Loki girl, myself, but I respect his choices. lol


  5. So fun! Trusty hairspray!
    Love this!


  6. Awesome headband! Reminds me of Adventures in Babysitting!


  7. Super cute! I have to try that!


  8. I made a set for me and my friend. Go to my instagram at nerwin_willowcrow to see pictures. Great idea!


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OMGLITZY: Wizard Wand Giveaway!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Wizard Wand Giveaway!

I am excited to announce that I am giving away FOUR HANDMADE WIZARD WANDS! My Facebook page hit 200+ Likes, and this coming Monday will be the 1 YEAR anniversary of my blog!! I am so grateful for all the support that everyone has shown me, and I am thrilled to celebrate this milestone!

If I could give everyone a wizard wand, I promise I would! But that would require lots of magic. I do, however, have four wands for four lucky wizards.

These unique wands are completely handmade by me!

You have until May 27th at 12:00 AM EST to enter. At this time, it is only open to US residents. I will notify 4 winners on Monday (May 27th) by email. Winners will have 48 hours to reply and provide a mailing address. If I do not hear from a winner in the time allotted then a new winner will be chosen. Also, the wand chooses the wizard – meaning winners will receive one of the four wands shown above at random.
Good luck!


  1. Weird. You might want to check the settings. I clicked to leave a comment in the Rafflecopter thing… it popped up a question about Harry Potter and there was a button saying "I left a comment!" There were no multiple choice buttons (despite the question being about the 4 houses) and nowhere to free text. In the end, it didn't leave a comment in your blog.

    At any rate, I can't believe it's been a year already! That's incredible! Time flies! Congratulations!

    I don't know what house I'd be in. Anything but Slytherin!


  2. Looking forward to this contest! Hopefully I win!


  3. I would be in Gryffindor for sure and I would need a wand for that so I hope I win! :3

    (also, yes, I was confused by the comment thing as well so I commented here.)


  4. I would probably choose Gryffindor the sword is pretty sweet and they kick butt at Quittage, but I would probably date a chick from Ravenclaw because they have the smart hot girls.


  5. Hufflepuff. At least that's where the Sorting Hat put me on Pottermore and The Sorting Hat is never wrong.


  6. Would be in gryffindor for sure! These wands look amazing. Your craftsmanship is great!


  7. Gryffindor! These wands are amazing! You are amazing! I love your craftmanship


  8. Pottermore says Slytherin and I think I would agree.


  9. I think I always saw myself in Gryffindor, 'cause Gryffindor. But you got me thinking about it tonight, and I really wasn't sure. The more I thought about it, the more I figured I'd be a Hufflepuff. But nobody wants to be Hufflepuff, 'cause Hufflepuff. (Not that there's REALLY anything wrong with Hufflepuff… they're just… Hufflepuff.)

    So I turned to the internet. seemed pretty reasonable. And it sorted me into…. Hufflepuff.

    Then I saw Jessica B… a proud (maybe?) member of Hufflepuff. I never went to Pottermore before, but I created an account and sorted through the first several chapters (got a toad for my pet!) so I could get the Sorting Hat to sort me. And the Sorting Hat says….. Hufflepuff.

    So, I guess it's official. I'M A HUFFLEPUFF!



    1. First let me start by asking … Didn't The Sorting Hat have trouble deciding which house Harry should be in?? When you really think of it, the three main characters do have some questionable motives. As usual Ser Frog has once again enlightened me. Thank you for introducing me to thealmightyguru website. Different slant on many issues.

      Uhhhummm, I'm rambling. As I meekly muttered out loud that there was no way I really should be automatically considered for acceptance into Slytherin, those around me burst out laughing and rolled their eyes. Most people who come into contact with me find that I'm rather pleasant and fun and caring. Those who really know my personality find me to be competitive, vengeful, impatient, cunning and rather ruthless. Put me on Survivor and I'll fight to the bitter end with a smile on my face.

      Not wanting to admit my rightful place was in Slytherin, I took the test of which Ser Frog first spoke. With a 14 point gap, Slytherin was at the top and Hufflepuff was at the bottom.

      For some strange genetic reason, and for which I am grateful, my dear ones have been given the gift of compassion and kindness. I'll deal with them later!

      So, thank you GGG for making another wonderful blog post and offering a contest to win a handcrafted wand. Good luck to the winners and may you find yourself in your appropriate House!


    2. Slytherin has a bad reputation because some unsavory characters have come from that house. But they're not all bad! Some of them are actually quite good. So don't feel ashamed. 🙂 Be proud!


  10. I'd probably be in Slytherin. I'm a nice Slytherin, though. 🙂


  11. I just want to say.. WOW! you're so talented!


  12. I'm not big on the colors, but I'm a Gryffindor fan. I would probably end up in that house.


  13. My daughter is definitely Ravenclaw, but I've always been a Slytherin


  14. I will always be a Ravenclaw, to the bone. Great work on your wands! They're beautiful. I'd definitely use one for cosplay ;)! Congrats on the 200+ and year anniversay!


  15. I would probably be Gryffindor. Just found your blog recently and going through the older posts has been fun. Congrats on the 200+ Likes!


  16. Gryffindor, according to the sorting hat


  17. Being from England I would like to think I would be put into Gryffindor, but each time I have attended an event it has been Slytherin every time. I think I have a dark side I don't know about 🙂


  18. the sorting hat put me in gryffindor! though i was really equal parts everything but slytherin.


  19. I must have a gryffindor wand for my kiddos


  20. Going to have to say Slytherin. They're not all bad! I think.


  21. Ravenclaw so Luna Lovegood and I could hang out 24/7 and be best friends forever.


  22. Oh so cute!! I would be in Ravenclaw I think 🙂


  23. Ravenclaw, all the way. But I can't be a proper wizard without the right wand.


  24. Ravenclaw for the win 🙂


  25. Out of the four houses at Hogwarts, the one I would most likely be in is Gryffindor! Because red is my favorite color and Gryffindor's are so cool.


  26. Gryffindor house is where it's at 😀


  27. I have taken several tests to see this. I personally would choose Gryffindor, but on Pottermore I was sorted into Slytherin. There was another test I did that said Ravenclaw.

    So I just don't don't logically know. HAHA.



    1. If I could choose, Id pick Slytherin because of how strong and put-together the house is. But I'm really more of a hufflepuff at heart. Slytherin in attitude but hufflepuff deep down.


  28. Hoping to win an awesome wand for my sister in laws birthday!!
    So glad we met at the Vampire Diaries signing! Ian Somerhalder!! 🙂


  29. Oh and Gryffindor!


  30. Most definitely Slytherin.


  31. Congratulations to all the winners!


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OMGLITZY: November 2012

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Major League Gaming Fall Championships

A few weekends ago I attended the MLG Fall Championships in Dallas! I only went on Saturday afternoon, but had such a blast! There were a TON of people.. mostly guys.. and I even saw a few friends. The coolest part was seeing Halo 4 before it was released. I also enjoyed watching League of Legends since I just learned how to play it. (I’m REALLY bad at it)
I walked in the door and ran into my friend Kyle! I met him at Anime Fest. They looked amazing!
It was funny asking random guys if they’d take my picture for me 😀
You could get free Dr Pepper .. pretty cool!
And these lovely ladies gave out free pretzels! Can you tell which one is me?! 😉
I watched the live stream of the Star Craft competition the night before and saw Scarlett play. So when I saw her in person I was pretty excited. Always proud of girl gamers. (She’s in the green shirt at the computer)

More friends! Shea and Colton as League of Legends characters. So cool!
And this was by far the coolest thing ever!! I have been wanting a larger, gaming mousepad and struggled finding one in stores. I assumed I’d need to order one eventually but thought maybe I can find one at MLG. I saw a couple of guys holding these and asked them where they got it. He said he won it and some other items in a contest.. So I was kind of bummed and said how I’d been looking for one and he offered it to me! I tried to decline, of course, but he insisted since he won two. I was ecstatic!!
Overall, I would rate my experience a 10/10 .. It was my first gaming convention to attend and even though I went by myself I had so much fun! Hopefully I can go to more of these soon 🙂
Glitzy Geek Girl!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Pink and Red Wins!

Well somehow I managed to lose a whole post finally!! It was bound to happen sooner or later. This isn’t a major important one, but still sucks to lose everything you typed up. So here we go again!
I colored my hair! Looks like the votes went with Pink and Red.. which just so happened to be my favorite ;p .. I probably was going to do this regardless but it was fun seeing what ya’ll picked. Blue and all blonde had some votes and WHO voted for orange?! I said no orange! LOL .. But the Leeloo photo almost had me convinced, too 😉
So the process for this was a little lengthy .. I had been using demi-permanent for the black color so it was kinda easy to bleach out.. I use Wella’s Blondor bleach with 40 volume.. I don’t recommend using 40 unless you know what you’re doing as it’s pretty strong. Whoever voted for orange kinda wins cause that’s what it turned after I bleached it 😛
So then I applied “Candy Pink” by RAW to the top and “Fire Red” to the bottom. My hair smelled like bubble gum and cherries for awhile.

Here’s the finished look! I’ll probably take a few more pics tomorrow.. I was busy at work today. But I got a lot of compliments on it… It almost glows it’s so bright!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

VOTE: Which Hair Color?!

Well it’s about that time to change up my hairdo. I can tell when the roots are bad and the color fades unevenly. I’ve had a mixed opinion on the HOT pink – some prefer it pastel – so I thought it’d be fun to ask my readers!
I am pretty open to try anything. My least favorite, however, is orange. So no orange.
Here is a pic of my hair from yesterday. The pink is faded and the black is nearly brown now.
What I would like to do: bleach out the black in my hair and turn it red. Then lighten the top to a cotton candy pink!
Here are some other inspiration photos courtesy of my Pinterest:
I’ve never done green!
The only reason to ever do orange would be to cosplay Leeloo from The Fifth Element! lol 
(Hmm .. maybe for SciFi Expo??)
So what’s your vote?

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Happy Things! #11

Been kinda busy lately but I realized I hadn’t done a happy things post in awhile. And things just make me happy all the time! Mostly pics of Pixie of course.. So here’s a few fun pics 🙂 And stay tuned for a post about my visit to the MLG Fall Championships in Dallas this past weekend!

Pixie doing her two favorite things: playing on the iPad and hangin’ out in her sack!
Yummy red velvet cake from Nothing Bundt Cakes
Another day, another sack <3 p="p">
Thanks for the help with that last mob, Pix
This is so true hehe
Found this super cool print on Etsy from KristelKreations
And here’s Pixie again .. I was JUST saying she never goes to the top of her castle anymore.. and looky there 🙂

Saturday, November 3, 2012

What I wore .. For Halloween!

So for Halloween this year I went kind of simple. Had to work most of the day then went to a family party that evening. I was going for a “witchy” look but didn’t have a hat! So I used the wizard hat I got at Target last year 😀 .. And my mom surprised me with yummy cookie cake decorated with a black cat. =^.^=

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OMGLITZY: 2014 In Review

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

2014 In Review

This past year was so busy and exciting for me that I’ve been a little nervous to try and squeeze it all in one blog post. I decided to use last year’s 2013 In Review as a template and post a few of my favorite things I did.

Last year I flew to Orlando, Seattle and Las Vegas. So looking back on this year I realized I never once left Texas. It was kind of nice staying here and doing more around my home town. I did manage to travel around my own state quite a bit, though. I drove to Waco for the Heart of Texas Convention and also ventured to Waxahachie and Houston to visit their Renaissance festivals.
Oh boy! Did I go to conventions or WHAT! The Dallas area is filled with them all year long. I told myself to take advantage of having weekends off and enjoy going to cons while I can. I think I can put a nice big check mark next to that goal! I was also lucky to be invited to a few cons as a cosplay guest. I have a blog post about each of these so check the “Conventions” tag to see them. Here’s a list of all the cons I went to this year:
January’s North Texas Comic Book Show
Dallas Sci Fi Expo
Comic and Pop Expo
Heart of Texas Comic Con
G33K3: The Con
Animation Celebration
Dallas Comic Con
AKon 25
ScrewAttack Gaming Convention
July’s North Texas Comic Book Show
Anime Fest
The Vampire Diaries Convention
Dallas Fan Days
Since I attended so many conventions that also means I made a lot of costumes. Looking back, I wish I had worn some of these more than once. For some reason I felt the need to make something new each convention. This resulted in me not getting many photos of some of these costumes that I worked really hard on. But I did enjoy making each one, and when you have so many characters on your wish list it’s hard not to want to make all the costumes all at once! So here’s a list of the 13 costumes I made this year:
Shredder (tutorial)
Black Cat
Jessie from Toy Story (tutorial)
Princess Anna
Ariel (tutorial)
Thor (tutorial)
Super Mario
Sailor Ariel (tutorial)
Princess Celestia (tutorial)
Steampunk Princess Leia (tutorial)
Evil Queen Regina (tutorial)
Princess Peach
Favorite Books
This was a great year for reading! I dived head first into several novels. My favorite was probably The Fault in Our Stars. That book was written really well and pulled on my heartstrings just like A Walk to Remember did when I was in high school. I’m bummed I didn’t finish the Maze Runner series. I’ll start the last in that trilogy (The Death Cure) right away in 2015. Here’s a list of all the books I read this year:
Divergent; Allegiant; Insurgent
The Fault in Our Stars
Summer of Yesterday
The Mortal Instruments: City of Heavenly Fire
The Selection; The Elite; The One (also the mini stories The Prince and The Guard)
The Maze Runner; The Scorch Trials
Favorite Movies
One of my goals from last year was to visit the theater more often. I think I did pretty good! I can’t remember ALL of the movies I saw but a few that stand out as favorites were: Divergent, The Amazing Spider-Man 2, The Maze Runner and Mockingjay Part 1. Also, at home I finally watched Pitch Perfect and The Princess and The Frog and LOVED these movies very much! Some films I still need to see are How To Train Your Dragon 2, The Hobbit 3, and Into The Woods.
Favorite TV Shows
I’m still fangirling over The Vampire Diaries (and I even got to meet Stefan this year!) Some new shows that I got into were Girl Meets World, The Flash, and Outlander. In early January I had a marathon of the first season of Arrow and loved it! I still haven’t finished season 2, though, so I’m behind on that and need to catch up. I also watched the entire series of True Blood. The first several seasons were great but boy did it get weird towards the end or what!
Favorite Songs
I declare this the “Year of One Direction” because I became quite fanatic over them and their music. My fav songs are Through the Dark, Story of My life, Moments, Fireproof and Fool’s Gold. I even attended one of their concerts at the Dallas Cowboy Stadium! I also listened to a lot of Taylor Swift. I can repeat her old songs for days, but I love her new album 1989. Some random songs I liked were Cups by Anna Kendrick, Aquarius by Digital Daggers, All of The Stars by Ed Sheeran and Chandelier by Sia.
Favorite Games
Guild Wars 2. Guild Wars 2. Guild Wars 2.
Hahaha.. clearly I played a lot of GW2 this year. I bought this game around its launch a few years ago but never got too far in it. I took a break from EverQuest 2 since I was working more and doing cosplays and conventions. I found that Guild Wars had a play style I really enjoyed and now I’m hooked. Other games I loved were Mario Kart 8, Disney Magical World and Magic: The Gathering.
Favorite Blogs
Thanks to this post here I added a lot of new blogs to my reading list! Some of my other new favorites are Sparkly Ever After, Le Fancy Geek and Confessions of a Book Addict. I’m still on the hunt for good Disney blogs. I like seeing Disney inspired outfits, posts about new restaurants, and adventures through the parks. I hope to return to Disney World in Florida for another visit next year!
Random Favorites
I don’t know how I had time to do these after typing all those previous things I did, but I enjoyed seeing The Little Mermaid Musical, attending a red carpet for Divergent and interviewing the actors, seeing a Dallas Stars hockey game, Texas Rangers baseball game and most recently a Dallas Mavericks basketball game. I can also check off an item from my 2013 goal list – a trip to the Dallas World Aquarium. I did some drastic things to my hair like shaving the sides and dying it brown. I added 2 new tattoos to my collection – Ariel on my leg, and Luna on my wrist – and touched up the rose on my shoulder. I was extra crafty, too, and worked really hard on several craft tutorials and even started baking more. Overall, I was a very busy bee in 2014!
Goals for 2015
My dad and I would like to go to a Dallas Cowboys game. I’ve seen the stadium for the 1D concert but he hasn’t been there yet. Since we have seen all the local major soccer, baseball, basketball and hockey teams the last one we need is football!
I got my toes wet with a lot of different types of cosplays this past year. So for 2015 I want to make it more personal. By that I mean do characters that I have more of a connection with and feel proud and comfortable in. I want to further my skills at sewing and prop making, too. By taking more time and care in my costumes I think I’ll be surprised how great the finished product will be.
There isn’t a doubt in my mind that I will somehow make a trip to Florida again to visit Walt Disney World. I’ve mentioned before how I was always surprised that people go there multiple times. I thought once you have seen it you just move on to a new vacation. But nope! There is so much to see and do, and that magical feeling it gives you never goes away.
My last goal is do a fun run. Like a 5K or something. I just know there’s some great long distance runs around Dallas that people get involved in. I used to run track in high school and was pretty good at it. I enjoy it! I like the idea of preparing for something and having my parents there rooting me on. I’m not really looking to “get in shape” at all.. I just want to run to be honest.
Thank you to all my readers and friends for the support and kindness you’ve shown me this year! It’s been great getting to know more of you and share my nerdy adventures with you. I am looking forward to 2015!
What are some of your fav memories from this year?
What goals have you set for next year?


  1. That's a ton of conventions! I'm a little jealous! I hope you have a great 2015!


  2. So many conventions! That's awesome! I don't thin we get that many in our whole country, let alone in the one state! Happy New Year 🙂


  3. You should do one of the color runs for your 5k. It's where you run and they pelt you with paint!!!


  4. I have learnt so much from your cosplay tutorials this year. Thank you so much for taking the time to teach me. 🙂


  5. Such a fun year for you! That's a lot of cosplays! And they all looked so great!!!
    I'm trying to do a 5k this year as well! Thanks for all your tutorials, and your hair continues to be such an inspiration!!! It always looks fantastic!!!


  6. Wow how exciting. You did so many fun things. My goal for this year is to go to my first comic con.


  7. Thanks for posting your tutorials! They have helped a lot with my costumes, like making arrows for my Kate Bishop one! And so many cons!! Glad 2014 was good to you!!


  8. hey, I'm really honored! Thanks for including 🙂


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OMGLITZY: March 2015

Monday, March 9, 2015

Tutorial: Rapunzel Tiara

I've got a dream! I've got a dream!
It's to be a princess, of course! I had been looking for an affordable Rapunzel crown for quite some time but sadly could only find child sizes. So one night I decided to make the crown myself with whatever materials I had laying around.
 And to help other lost princesses I decided to make a tutorial so you can become royalty as well!

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Giveaway: Insurgent Trivia Contest

Attention DIVERGENT fans!! I’ve teamed up with the folks at Summit Entertainment to give you a chance to win an INSURGENT PRIZE PACK! I am so excited about this because Divergent was one of my favorite movies and the book series is incredible. 

The next movie, Insurgent, is in theaters March 20, 2015.
This is your chance to win a DIVERGENT DVD and INSURGENT T-shirt!
“THE DIVERGENT SERIES: INSURGENT raises the stakes for Tris as she searches for allies and answers in the ruins of a futuristic Chicago. Tris (Woodley) and Four (James) are now fugitives on the run, hunted by Jeanine (Winslet), the leader of the power-hungry Erudite elite.  Racing against time, they must find out what Tris’s family sacrificed their lives to protect, and why the Erudite leaders will do anything to stop them.  Haunted by her past choices but desperate to protect the ones she loves, Tris, with Four at her side, faces one impossible challenge after another as they unlock the truth about the past and ultimately the future of their world.”
Official Twitter Page: 
Official Instagram Account:
On to the giveaway!
Entering is easy! Submit your answers to the following trivia questions via the Rafflecopter widget. The more questions you answer the more entries you earn. One winner with a correct answer will be picked at random and mailed the INSURGENT PRIZE PACK. Currently, this contest is only open to US residents. Once a winner is selected, they will be contacted by email and will have 48 hours to respond otherwise a new winner will be chosen. Contest ends on March 20, 2015 at 11:59pm CST. No purchase necessary. Good luck! 🙂
1. When does Insurgent open in theaters in the US?
2. What city was author, Veronica Roth, born in?
3. What is the name of the director for Insurgent?
4. True or False: Ansel Elgort’s character’s name is Peter.
5. What three factions was Tris put in during the aptitude test?
6. Who is the leader of Amity?
7. Where does Tobias get his nickname, Four, from?
8. How many birds does Tris have tattooed?
9. What color do the Erudite wear?
10. Freebie entry for visiting The Divergent Series on Facebook

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OMGLITZY: 30 Day Disney Challenge: Day 1, 2, 3

Thursday, April 3, 2014

30 Day Disney Challenge: Day 1, 2, 3

I still need to organize all my convention photos from March because I totally spent the last few days playing the Google Maps Pokemon Challenge. (And I totally found Mew!) So here’s a fun 30 day Photo Challenge I found on Instagram. It looks like colorful-cotton changed her tumblr to so she gets credit for this nifty list 🙂
Day 1 – Your favorite character:
I chose Ariel because I’ve loved her since I was little. Every time I went swimming I would pretend to be a mermaid. There’s something enchanting and magical about them. I love her bright colors and curious personality.
Day 2 – Your favorite princess:
Rapunzel is my absolute favorite princess. I love that she is creative, loving and a dreamer. She’s not afraid to try new things or take risks. She comes across as very relatable since she didn’t know she was a princess growing up. Her attitude about life is very admirable.
Day 3 – Your favorite heroine:
In Frozen, Anna showed true bravery when she went to save her sister Elsa. She didn’t even stop to think about it; saving her was automatic. Anna’s determination and act of selflessness makes her my favorite heroine in a Disney movie.
Feel free to comment below with your answers and play along with me!


  1. I love Anna and Elsa! I really liked how the "True Love" was about siblings and they are the first people we learn to love–despite our arguments with them.
    My answers:
    1). Tinkerbell 2). Tiana, Belle, or Leia 3).Mulan!


  2. Favorite character: Mulan
    Favorite princess: Jasmine
    Favorite heroine: Hmm…It's a tie between Pocahontas and Belle!


  3. Oh I play the Pokemon Challenge on Google Maps, too! I gave up looking because I have a really short attention span, haha! I want to play this Disney challenge, but I have to put thought into each one… >_<


  4. What an awesome challenge! I think I'm going to jump in!
    1. My ultimate favorite character is Lilo from Lilo and Stitch
    2. My most favorite princess is Princess Aurora from Sleeping Beauty
    3. My favorite heroine has got to be Maid Marian from Robin Hood
    4. My favorite prince is Prince Phillip from Sleeping Beauty
    Thanks for posting! I can't wait to see the rest!


  5. Okay I've followed you on Instagram for a while because I started following some cosplayers from the Dallas Comic Con since I go every year 😀 And then I started seeing how much we had in common based off all the stuff you post, I'm a hairstylist as well! So anyways this is my first comment on your site and it's because I'm such a huge Disney fan!
    1. My ultimate favorite character is Meg from Hercules. I think she is so strong! She's never mentioned in most Disney conversation and I just think she's so underrated!
    2. My most favorite princess is Ariel, I've got the biggest fascination with mermaids and her voice is my favorite among everyone!
    3. My favorite heroine is Kida from Atlantis! She's beautiful and strong. The best combo!


  6. Belle's honest and trusting personality, and her selfless character, convinced the beast to make an exchange: freeing her father in exchange for her imprisonment.
    princess bedroom


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OMGLITZY: Anime Fest 2014

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Anime Fest 2014

This was my second year to attend Anime Fest. The first time was in 2012 (you can view the posts here and here.) This is a very fun convention because it’s similar to AKon but just a little smaller in size. I can tell it’s still grown since my first visit, though. The hotel it is at is one of my favorites in Dallas – the Sheraton. I love the layout and location. Anime Fest had many guests in attendance including the band FLOW as well as several voice actors and game developers. The other best part of this con are the fan-run panels. I was happy to provide some prizes for the Disney Panel which is always a very popular one to attend!

I decided to wear comfy clothes to pick up my badge – Hello Kitty dress from Macy’s, Toki Doki headband and my new wig from Gothic Lolita Wigs. I’m not sure where I got my jean vest at, but I decked it out with fun pins including one from Nerd Burger!
The dealer’s room had rows and rows of goodies for sale including games, apparel, plushies, jewelry and even Ramune and Pocky.
There were also several cosplay supply booths. This one had some great wigs for sale!
While walking around the dealer’s room I found this beautiful Belle cosplay and a very creative Dalek and Doctor!

This super cute Olaf even had his own personal snow cloud. Aww!

And my favorite were this two dressed as Mike and Sulley from Monsters University.
In the artists alley, I got to meet Carl Martin who was featured on this past season of Heroes of Cosplays on SyFy. He was incredibly nice and was taking his time to chat with everyone that came by his table.
This was a view of the artists alley from the escalator. I love that this part of the convention is free to explore. Meaning you don’t need a badge to shop and browse here.
This was a Paint and Take room. They provided table top figures that you could paint and then bring home with you!
The next day I wore my Sailor Ariel cosplay. I met up with Alycen of Kirakira Cosplay and got a picture with her pool party Gaige.
And this is my good friend Payton of Schmall Cosplay. She makes incredible armor out of Worbla and won First place in the masters division contest for her Magic Armor Link costume she debuted on Sunday.
Photo by Avarice Conspiracy Photography
Our Disney Sailor Scout group met up to do another shoot and this time we had some new gals! Sailor Alice, Sailor Jane, Sailor Elsa, Sailor Ariel, Sailor Megara, and Sailor Belle
Photo by Avarice Conspiracy Photography
And this is my individual shot of my Sailor Ariel.
I didn’t buy much at this con since I spent most of my money at AKon. But I did indulge on this cute bow ring for only $3. Anime Fest also provides really nice program books and badges that I will be adding to my collection.
I had a planned to debut a new surprise cosplay, but I wasn’t feeling too great so I didn’t get to wear it the next day. But I am hoping to wear it to Dallas Fan Days!


  1. Your Disney Sailor Scout group is great!! I love all the creativity in the outfits and just the whole concept! 🙂


  2. I love the Disney Sailor Scouts! What an awesome idea!!


  3. Disney Sailor Scouts = brilliant!


  4. This looks like such a fun convention. And I love those two cosplaying as Mike and Sully. What a fun take on the characters!


  5. Great photos! You just gave me so many ideas for disneybounding now 🙂


  6. Ahhh you look so cute in that pink wig!! 😀 and your Sailor Ariel is amazing!

    I love that Dalek and the Doctor cosplay too.


  7. Love your Little Mermaid Sailor Scout and that Olaf is too cute!

    xx Mallory @ Bad Wolf Brunch


  8. Your Toki Doki headband is amazing! 😀


  9. Yay, all of you looked lovely in your Disney Sailor Scout costumes! I loved that Olaf as well 🙂


  10. You look so adorable in your pink wig and toki doki headband. I am so excited you wore the brooch 🙂 Looks like such a run event. I love your scout group. SOO much talent.


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OMGLITZY: Cosplay Etiquette: Cosplaying the Same Character

Friday, June 20, 2014

Cosplay Etiquette: Cosplaying the Same Character

Today on the blog I am curious what some of y’all may think of a topic regarding cosplay! So I want to ask a question and have it open to polite discussion 🙂
What is the proper etiquette for cosplaying the same character as someone you know?
Here’s my backstory for where this is coming from: I have a list of characters in my head that I would love to cosplay someday. The list has grown fast and changes quite a bit. However, there are a few characters that have stayed on the list for quite awhile and simply haven’t found their time to be made yet.
So the other day a really talented cosplayer posted a character they want to cosplay. Well it turns out to be one that I want to do as well! This got me thinking – what is the proper etiquette for cosplaying the same character as someone else?
My first reaction was “Well now I can’t do it.” I’m still a newbie at this.. and the other cosplayer is an amazing veteran with super crafting skills. These are some of the thoughts that went through my head:
– I don’t want to look like I’m copying.
– I don’t want people to compare mine to theirs.
– I will compare mine to theirs even if I don’t mean to.
But the more I thought about it the more I realized most of those reasons were insecurities on my end. First of all, no one owns a character. In the end we are all copying. That’s exactly what cosplay is! You pick a character from a video game, anime, comic, etc and straight up “copy” the design. Part of the fun of cosplaying is recreating the look.
As far as etiquette goes I think it’s best to talk with the other cosplayer if you know them personally. Let them know you want to do a character that they’ve decided to do as well. Then ask them how they feel about it. This way you won’t jeopardize your friendship. Now if you don’t know the other cosplayer at all then I wouldn’t worry about trying to reach out to ask them to see if it’s okay. If you google the character you want to do you may find that 20+ other people have done that same character. It would be near impossible to track them all down to ask permission. So just go for it and create your cosplay in your own artistic way!
Now, there’s no stopping people from comparing or passing judgement. The cosplay community is pretty nice and welcoming, but there’s definitely plenty of trolls that sneak their way in. My best advice for this is to just ignore it. Even if you are the ONLY person to cosplay a character people are going to compare you to the original design. Try not to read the negative comments and if you accidentally do then just be a duck and let it roll right off your back. Because you’re fabulous no matter what they think.
You CAN control whether or not YOU pass judgement. If you are wearing the same cosplay as someone else then do your best not to nitpick the details. It goes two ways: don’t think that they are better than you just because they used different techniques or materials, but also don’t think that you are better than them either. Remember that we’re all just celebrating our love for a fandom.
When I am at a convention and I see someone dressed up as the same character as me, I actually get really excited! You know why? Because that means we both have a common interest. We love that character! It’s a great way to make a new friend.
So my final tip for cosplaying the same character as someone you know is: Don’t copy the cosplayer; cosplay the character! Always put your own creative twist on it. Make it your own! You’ll be more proud of your work that way.
So let me know what you think in the comments!


  1. Well written and put hopefully all Cosplayers newbies and veterans take this advise!


  2. Awesome article! Thanks for writing and posting! <3


  3. This is lovely 😀 "Be a duck" is perfect! I definitely get the fear of copying, and I think your advice to reach out to the people you *know* is spot on.


  4. I don't think I've ever felt concerned about being a duplicate cosplay at a con. Usually you see multiples of all sorts of characters. If I ever see a character dressed as whoever I'm dressed as I'll go out of my way to take pictures together if anything 🙂


  5. Great post! I think it's great advice to focus on the source material. If I see another cosplayer (especially one that I really look up to) make a cosplay that I want to make, I tend to psyche myself out about it. It's part of the reason I've put off "classic" Wonder Woman and Lulu for so long!

    I like your point about having a common interest in a fandom as well. I love running into other cosplayers dressed as the character as me! We get to geek out over our shared loves 🙂


  6. 1) I think most would agree, you're a vet. You're very talented and well recognized.
    2) It's great that you think about other's feelings.

    Ultimately though, you're advice that you just cosplay the character and not the cosplayer is what matters. The only reason I can see for contacting another cosplayer is if you wanted to copy a very specific element that they came up with. I contacted a Joker cosplayer who is amazing and asked about his make up. He considered it proprietary, so I said thank you for the response and moved on.

    I LOVE getting pics with others who are doing the same character. There is such a wonderful variety one can come up with. Great article!


  7. This comment has been removed by the author.


  8. True Story. One Halloween, back in my Theater Arts undergrad days, I dressed up as Dream from The Sandman. And everyone thought I was The Crow. Eventually, I got tired of correcting them (not a lot of Neil Gaiman fans back then) and just said "Yes, fine.. I'm The Crow". Then I found out that this one prima donna actor WAS dressed as The Crow and he threw a fit about how I was ripping him off and how I couldn't even do the eye make-up properly.

    Hence forth, I could give a damn about people "owning" a costume. Because anybody who cares and is willing to make a big deal about it is probably out to cause drama about anything.


  9. Very well written. I'd never thought about it, but I am the same as you about the subject. I've always(somehow) managed to cosplay characters that aren't seen as often, and I always hear "You're the first [this character] I've seen!" The idea that I've cosplayed "unique" characters doesn't help the mentality that if somebody else is doing it, I should cosplay somebody else. I still think its awesome when I see another person cosplay the same character, like last year at A-fest a guy cosplayed a character I did but on a different day, I told him "stay right there, I'm gonna go change into that character too!" Theres a fun connection when it is a character people love but don't see at convention. I agree, though, that nobody owns the characters and its all about having fun and meeting peeps with the same interests.


  10. The way I see it, there are tons of characters out there. If you pick a well known or popular character, you are going to run into a copy of yourself guaranteed. Lesser known? Well it'll take a while, but it does happen. 🙂 No one owns a character, unless it's a 100% completely original design from that person's personal anime, manga, book, movie, etc. But everything else is up for grabs.

    Find new ways to put a spin on a character. Add little touches that make the design unique to you. For example, use props or jewelry that other cosplayers may not add to a costume.

    But the most important aspect is to not be stuck up about it. "Oh! But this is the one I'm cosplaying. No one else can do it. Just me." Well, no. You don't own the character. The fans do. Everyone has a right to cosplay who they want and how they wish. We should embrace everyone's talents and uplift our community, not bring it back down.

    So I say don't worry about it. Cosplay as you want and do it your way. So few people care that there are multiple cosplayers wearing the same costume, in fact we love seeing it that more pictures get taken. 😀 You should only be concerned about you, yourself, and your work. If you are happy with the costume, wear it and have fun!


  11. I never even thought about this before. Everything you said makes sense and is so considerate. I want to start getting into cosplay and this just makes me want to more.


  12. I agree and I also like the idea of meeting someone who has the same cosplay; then you know you have found one of your people. BTW, your Shredder was amazballs!


  13. I definitely agree with you I would also say most people would feel honored that they inspired someone to proceed in a certain direction with character sometimes you don't realize how you would do a character until you see someone do it. Or like the in your case you already had kind of the idea but seeing it executed sparked something.. Cos is all about inspiration creation. You rock!!


  14. I never worry about other people cosplaying the same character as me "better" than me. I have confidence in what I'm doing, and it's fun! Plus, you get to have twinsie pictures. 🙂


  15. I wouldn't cosplay a character that one of my good friends has cosplayed–though I might propose a costume swap for a day :). I also tend to avoid costumes that I see others working on. I do tend to stay faaaaar away from characters that have been cosplayed a lot. I'm not sure if it's subconsciously about intimidation or a desire to have fresh costumes, but it's definitely a choice I make.

    Of course, that's just a personal choice! I think that people should cosplay whoever they want–though if they do choose a character that a friend does they should talk to them about it. No one wants unnecessary drama in their lives!


  16. I love it when people love the same characters as me! I absolutely encourage people to cosplay whoever they want, even if it's a character I already did. So I don't usually think about if another person has done the costume I want to do (unless it's SUPER specific, then I would probably mention it to them, like you said). I cosplay Ramona Flowers a lot, and she's a really popular character. It would be easy to get caught up in comparing my costume to everyone else's, but that's not what it's about for me. I'd rather swap tips and compliment the cool parts of their costume than be catty or jealous.

    Some people may think of a character as someone else's, especially if that person cosplays a lot of different versions of that character. But my guess is, if that person loves the character enough to make multiple costumes, then they would be delighted to see someone else loving the character.

    Awesome post and I totally agree with you! I hope you end up doing the costume you mentioned 🙂

    – Mia


  17. I think if you did the EXACT same version (as you said: cosplaying the cosplayer) versus, cosplaying the character that might be a time to contact someone.

    But, I think it should be a community, and I think it's fun to see different interpretations of the same character.

    Kind of like cover songs: each version will be different, but sometimes, the cover is really fun too!
    Do your version! It's not about better or worse. It's about doing what you like!


  18. I look at it like this, none of us own these characters. If there isn't a twist on the costume (making it steampunk, doing an original take), then I don't think anything needs to be said. Just think about all the Deadpools you see! I highly doubt they all reach out to each other to get the OK to do it.


  19. I actually get very happy when I see people cosplaying the same character because it shows me how much other people like that character too.
    I think that as long as you are happy with what you created then you should cosplay whoever you please. Keep up the great cosplaying!


  20. I have been dealign with this at the moment. I am going to the next con as Rufio from hook because the actor Dante Basco is attending. I am nervous that others will be dressed as him and was not sure hoe to act or feel if I do see others. I have worked on the costume for months and I just hope people don't rip me a new one if its not as good as the more experienced cosplayers.


  21. You cosplay for fun.

    So it doesnt matter if there are ten batman in a Con. You all like batman, You all like cosplaying him…nuff said

    And Im sure as heck know the real batman wont care either


  22. I feel the same way. No need to worry about what other people think! Just go out there and own it! 😀

    And it's good to see other cosplayers taking peoples feelings into consideration. I have known a couple of people who are complete jerks about it and "claim" characters – then upset if someone else they know even considers dressing as that character. It causes silly petty drama and I don't have room for it!

    Thank you for writing your opinion on what's actually becoming a super-common issue in the community. 😀


  23. This comment has been removed by the author.


  24. "Even if you are the ONLY person to cosplay a character people are going to compare you to the original design. Try not to read the negative comments and if you accidentally do then just be a duck and let it roll right off your back. Because you're fabulous no matter what they think."

    Im not the ONLY one per se, but I have yet to meet another person cosplaying the same character that I do. But let me tell you, people are still going to hate on you! I haven't had hate as far as people saying my costume is bad per se, but people find things to hate on – people have hated on me because they thought I was transgender, then hate on me when they found out I wasn't… i mean, really!! Those types of people are going to hate. PERIOD. There isn't anything that you can do to change their petty, little minds – because they WANT to hate, they want to complain. Do what is fun, and what feels comfortable for you. 🙂 the rest is details. 🙂



    1. The only time I think it should an "issue" is if someone is "copying" another cosplayer's work directly – like if they made up an almost OC piece/adjustment/addition to their character. And someone goes out and copies it, especially if the cosplayer MADE that piece of art themselves, then I can see there being a need for a discussion.


  25. Step one: Pick a character you like and cosplay them
    Step two: Compliment everyone you talk to, even if they have the same cosplay as you.
    Step three: ???
    Step Four: Carry on knowing you made someone smile


  26. How do I react if someone's cosplaying the same character as I am? "HI FRIEND, WHO ARE YOU?" Seriously; we obviously share at least one interest in common if we're cosplaying the same character. Cosplay is a great ice-breaker. I've made friends with people that I met because we were dressed as the same character.

    Besides, I generally make my own stuff, other people may make their own as well or buy from various commissioners, etc, so they won't be exactly identical anyway. Everyone brings their own ideas and twists to a costume. Not to mention that some characters have variations and alternate outfits, and not everyone always does the same variation or chooses the same props. And many cosplayers that I've met are happy to kick around ideas and advice, so talking to people who do characters you do/are thinking of doing can provide a rich source of information that will help you improve as a cosplayer.

    I don't find a whole lot of use in comparing myself to others. It's too easy to start getting into toxic frames of mind that way, so while I might compare myself a little bit sometimes, I try not to do it much at all. I find it more valuable to compare my current self to my past self. As long as my personal skill level is going up at least a little bit each time, that's good. I don't have to be better than anyone else; I just need my new work to be better than my old work. :3 (And I also have to remind myself sometimes that true textbook "perfection" doesn't exist either, so to not sweat it too much if something isn't totally flawless.)


  27. I get excited when someone I know asks about cosplaying a character I do. I offered help, tips, and any advice they might want to help them make the costume. I help them learn from my mistakes. I've even offered to let a couple borrow my props for photo shoots.

    I know I am not the best when it comes to sewing, but I work hard & I like to think it shows. I've made it my job to encourage new cosplayers because I never got that encouragement. We must make ourselves the example on how to treat others.


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