OMGLITZY: January 2016

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Glitzy’s Gamer Spotlight #2

What is your name?
My name is Nuzzle! My main characters name is Elzzun (spell nuzzle backwards 83)

When did you start playing Guild Wars 2?
Or how long have you been playing?
I started playing GW2 a little over 2 years ago! But I wasn’t an everyday player until around the time of The Killer Marionette Boss event!

What made you want to try the game?
A bunch of my IRL friends were playing it and when it went on sale it was suggested that I join them!

What’s your favorite profession to play and why?
My favorite professions is definitely my Necromancer. She was my first toon, and despite all the terrible things people said about Necromancers back when I started, I never listened and learned to really enjoy the class!  Now that Reaper is a thing I love playing her even more!

When you log into the game what is the first thing you like to do?
Usually when I log in I form up a party with my 4 daily-doing friends! Together we tackle the PvE, PvP and Fractal Dailies!

Have you bought Heart of Thorns? If so, what is your impression of the new maps and events?
If you have not bought it explain why and if you plan to.
Yes! I pre-ordered it as soon as it was a thing!  I love the new maps in HoT; they are pretty and the events are fun!  The only thing I wish was different was that the event chains weren’t so… long. It makes it hard to complete them if you don’t have a long time to be in game.

What goals have you set for yourself in game?
Right now my goal is to learn how to raid. I am working on gearing my mesmer as a DPS build. Next I’ll need to find some friends willing to teach me the ropes of the raid!

If you are in a guild you’d like to promote please tell us about it!
If you are not in one, what are you looking for in a guild?
I am in two guilds that are worth a mention.  The first real quild I was ever part of is [WPAK]. The guild has changed quite a bit since I joined and while I find myself participating less and less (even though I still rep all the time) I made MANY good friends through this guild! Plus we do missions together every week!

I would also like to shoutout to my non-rep guild DnD full of just a small amount of close friends! We’ve come a long way for a guild where we barely rep. We have a guild hall and are able to do missions which is great when I have to miss [WPAK]’S missions due to real life happenings!

Any updates or fixes you wish ANet would work on?
Eh. I’m not really one to complain about games.  My only real issue with GW2 is load screen times, but that’s not really ANet’s fault as much as the fact that I play on a laptop lol.

If you could visit IRL one of the cities of Tyria which one would you pick and why?
OH GOSH this is hard! The world is so pretty! When I first started playing Caledon Forest really stuck out to me. It might be because I love nature and hiking IRL and I think it would be fun to visit Caledon Forest and just go exploring!

Friday, January 29, 2016

Glitzy’s Gamer Spotlight #1

What is your name?
In game my main character is Audeley and on Twitch I am OMGlitzy.

When did you start playing Guild Wars 2?
Or how long have you been playing?
I started playing Guild Wars 2 about two weeks after it was launched. I took a break from the game for a few months and eventually returned full time when the Festival of the Four Winds event was live. I’ve now been playing pretty much every single day since then!

What made you want to try the game?
I was a long time EverQuest 2 player and several of my guildies were talking about the release of Guild Wars 2. I was intrigued that it didn’t come with a subscription plan, and my brother (who is also an avid gamer) said it would be a game I would likely enjoy. After I bought it and played with a few of my friends I was instantly hooked. The amazing graphics, friendly community, and simple yet effective UI really pulled me in to becoming a full time player.

What’s your favorite profession to play and why?
The very first character I made was a warrior, but the one I played the most was a necromancer. I’ve always enjoyed classes that had a companion and I usually prefer mages over heavy classes. It wasn’t until after my break that I eventually made a ranger and fell in love with their gameplay. I enjoyed the search for new pets (gotta catch ’em all!) and exploring Tyria with my trusty friend. Now with the elite specialization – Druid – I love my ranger even more!

When you log into the game what is the first thing you like to do?
I’ll usually check the trading post to see if I have any gold or items waiting for me to pick up. After that I will do the daily activities. Even after I complete three of them to get the achievement I still go on to do the others out of enjoyment. I’ll look up boss timers to see which is about to spawn and also check with my guild to see if they are organizing any fun events.

Have you bought Heart of Thorns? If so, what is your impression of the new maps and events?
If you have not bought it explain why and if you plan to.
Yes! I pre-ordered HoT the moment it became available. I was also able to participate in a few of the beta events. My first impression was this is not going to be an easy expansion. The mobs hit harder, the terrain was more difficult to navigate, and the events required a lot of teamwork. These are all good things, of course! The challenge that HoT has provided was a welcome one. The new maps and events have become slightly easier with time and experience, but still require coordination. I wish the story had a little more depth and detail to it and that some of the events were not always centered around timers, but overall I still find myself enjoying the new zones months after HoT was released.

What goals have you set for yourself in game?
I went head first into earning all the mastery points so that I could begin making Astralaria – the new legendary axe. This was a big project to take on since there wasn’t much information about the new collections yet. I worked really hard on completing everything and made Astralaria in about a month. Now that I have that done I have been taking things a bit slower. I’m working on collecting all of the Chak weapons, mapping the new zones on alt characters, completing the story achievements, and also farm gold to buy gathering nodes for my home instance.

If you are in a guild you’d like to promote please tell us about it!
If you are not in one, what are you looking for in a guild?
The guild I am in is Ethereal Guardians [EG]. I’ve really enjoyed being a part of their community because of how active it is! They have frequent events each week like raid training, guild missions, and organized world boss kills. Their TeamSpeak is always full of people chatting and willing to help, and their forums offer an excellent source of information about profession builds and fight mechanics. Overall I have felt very proud to be a member of [EG]!

Any updates or fixes you wish ANet would work on?
I like to think ANet is super busy working on a lot of great content for the game (*wink*) so I don’t typically complain too much about things that might be broken.. However, I think the LFG tool does need to be revamped and I wish my mini pet wouldn’t disappear all the time. Like many people, I’d like to see more armor skins added to the game. I don’t think enough were put in with the expansion. Recently, I was incredibly happy they added the shared inventory slots and the ability to always show hidden objects so you no longer have to hold the Ctrl key down. Yay ANet!

If you could visit IRL one of the cities of Tyria which one would you pick and why?
My first thought was I’d like to visit The Grove simply because it is so enchanting. It’s where I like to take a lot of screen shots of my characters. After thinking more about this question, though, I’d probably want to visit Divinity’s Reach. Since that was the first area I ever explored in the game it has a sense of “home” for me. To see it in real life would be truly extraordinary. I can imagine myself walking through the Central Plaza and gazing upon the entrance to the Queen’s throne room with a wonder and excitement!

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OMGLITZY: A trip to the mall!

Monday, January 21, 2013

A trip to the mall!

This is more of a “glitzy” post but fear not fellow geeks! I have a very “geeky” post coming up soon that involves Star Wars and prop making!

So on to the glitz! I was able to go to the mall the other day with my Momma! We had plans to spend our $40 giftcard to Godiva. I saw this super cute bear in their magazine and just had to get him! While we were there we actually found a few other goodies. It was a fun trip!

We don’t usually have this many sacks so we were kinda excited 😛

My free piece of the month from Godiva was “Cookie Dough”
I probably won’t get it again .. It didn’t really taste like cookie dough. My fav is still red velvet or the strawberry truffle.

This is Pierre! Isn’t he cute?! His tag says his name is Valentino, but as Doctor Who knows, not everyone likes their given name. Remember Stormageddon?
These were just too pretty to pass up! And we had a little extra money from our giftcard.

I found these two awesome sweaters at Macy’s for only $9.99 each! I love long sweaters since I am taller and they’re hard to find sometimes. The bottom one is a really cool bright yellow/green color. The photo didn’t capture it’s greatness!
This beautiful eyeshadow is called Amethyst by MAC. It’s got a lovely shimmer to it!

Aw what a poor fella! It’s like a Greek statue gone wrong!

That day I also went by Toys R Us and found this cute little salon vanity! If I was a kid I would LOVE this! 

And although this wasn’t included in our trip to the mall, I just had to share the cute “fairy bread” my dad made me for breakfast one morning. It’s wheat bread, butter and sprinkles! So easy! Not very healthy but fairies don’t care 🙂

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OMGLITZY: Book Review: Divergent

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Book Review: Divergent

Divergent by Veronica Roth
After realizing I only finished one book series last year (The Mortal Instruments), I took immediate action and decided to start reading right away. I always try to complete a book before I see the movie, and since Divergent comes out in March I knew it was a good one to start with. Overall, if you’re a fan of The Hunger Games then I am sure you will like this book. The Hunger Games was a little bit more engaging and drew me in faster, but I still couldn’t put Divergent down. I tried my best to keep this whole review SPOILER FREE! Nothing written here can’t been seen in the movie trailer.
Divergent Faction Button Set by The Geek Studio on Etsy
Divergent is the first book in a series of three by Veronica Roth. In a nutshell, it’s the story of a 16 year old girl that lives in a unique government setting. There are five different factions that each person lives in. When you turn 16 you have to decide if you want to stay with your family in the faction you were born into or change to a different one and leave your family. For Tris (the main character) her simulation test that is supposed to tell her which faction she’d fit in well with doesn’t give her normal results.
Fan art by pebbled via deviantART
The book starts off a little slow. You don’t get too personal with Tris right away. She basically just describes her normal routine in her faction Abnegation. This faction values selflessness and results in a boring life for Tris. You do get a taste of her questioning her lifestyle. So you wonder what choice she is going to make about her faction.
Fan art by nikaworks via deviantART
Eventually, more action starts to happen. Most of the book is about the faction choice she made. It made me wonder if that was going to be the highest part. Well I was wrong! A major wrench gets thrown into the plans, and just when you think things are going well for Tris she learns new secrets about the government. After I got to this part I really HAD to know what was going to happen.
Fan art by nickelbackloverxoxox via deviantART
Alongside the action, a love story also blooms. I enjoyed how it was portrayed because it left you wanting more. Tris has grown up around little affection, and I liked seeing her character develop into a woman that is curious about her feelings. The guy she likes (his name is Four) is depicted as strong, brave, and sometimes menacing. However, we get to see his weaknesses. His vulnerablitiy
 makes him seem real, and you end up liking him even more because of that.
Photo from Entertainment Weekly
The ending picks up pace very quickly, and you’re left on the edge of your seat. I’ve watched the movie trailer a couple times now, and I’m excited to see what scenes they keep. It’s got enough grit to it that I am sure guys will enjoy it and enough spirit that I know girls will, too. I actually know a few guys that read the book and said they liked it. So this story should have something for everyone.
I already bought Insurgent and Allegiant, which are the next books in the series. I will probably not write a review on them since I don’t want to spoil the first movie for anyone. I wouldn’t be surprised if I read the last book by the end of the week!
Watch the trailer for Divergent here and order the book here.
Have you read Divergent?
Will you go see the movie?


  1. Divergent is definitely on my "to read" list. I LOVED the Hunger Games, which will be hard to live up to, but I like changing things up with some YA lit from time to time.


  2. My friend absolutely looooved this book!!



  3. I've been meaning to read this too. Actually the same person who recommended it to me also recommended Clockwork Angel, Mortal Instruments.

    And that person just so happened to be my oldest friend's hubby (so yeah, guys totally read these too 😉 ! )


  4. I've been thinking of picking up Divergent since so many people have said it's a good read, but I've also never read Hunger Games or Mortal Instruments. One of these days!



    1. You are missing out on so many good series! 😀 I'd recommend The Hunger Games first 🙂


    2. Do you like Hunger Games the book series or the movies better?


  5. I've never read this series, but I've heard a lot about it. Everyone raves about it. Adding it to my "To Read" list! 🙂


  6. I saw the trailer and it totally made me interested – I'll have to pick it up for my Kindle! Thanks for the review!


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OMGLITZY: Dallas Sci Fi Expo 2014

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Dallas Sci Fi Expo 2014

This year for Dallas Sci Fi Expo I dressed up as Shredder from TMNT and decided to film some of my adventure! Last year’s expo was one of my favorite cons of the whole year. I was really looking forward to attending again and seeing all my friends!
The guest list was quite impressive. I recognized all of the names and was surprised by a few of them. Karen Gillan who played Amy Pond in Doctor Who was there along with Richard Dreyfuss who was in Jaws. I was most excited to see Stephen Amell who stars in the tv show Arrow. Sadly, I didn’t get a VIP ticket this time so I decided not to wait in the 2+ hour lines to get any autographs.
The event was still a lot of fun. I stood by Karen Gillan’s table and she waved at me as she was leaving. I also saw a few of the Face Off contestants and took pictures of the Blues Brothers mobile. The only Q&A I was able to get into was for Stephen Amell. After I walked the cosplay red carpet I hauled butt upstairs and waited in line for a hour for a *chance* to get into the Q&A room. Thankfully I made it in right before he came on stage. I just finished season 1 of Arrow on Netflix, and I LOVE it! I am so glad I was able to at least see him talk.

My costume was pretty easy to wear. I did heavy eye makeup and got to wear comfortable clothing.
The armor was a little cumbersome (and I did break two spikes from bumping into people), but I enjoyed having my face covered. This way I didn’t have to worry about “am I smiling ok? do I look tough?”
On the fourth floor of the convention was a booth by Superhero Photos. He took some pictures of my Black Widow cosplay. When my mom and I got closer we both said “Whoa!!” as we noticed my giant poster! I couldn’t believe that was me ^.^ Too bad my name wasn’t anywhere on it 🙁
I was happy to see the lovely Mindy dressed as Rogue. She looked gorgeous! Check out her awesome blog The Geeky Seamstress!
My friends Marla and David made last minute TMNT costumes to wear the morning of the convention. I almost didn’t see them before they changed clothes, but I am so glad we got some photos! They looked incredible!
Here is the car from the Blues Brothers! It’s not the actual one from the movie, but it’s the only one that is considered nearly identical! I am a huge Blues Brothers fan so I was very excited to see this.
This is Stephen Amell during his Q&A. There’s a little bit of footage of him talking in my video. He was soooo cool!! 😀
The dealer’s room is my favorite place to shop for goodies. It also features a lot of great comic artists. I was happy to find my friend Taylor Lymbery’s table. You may have seen his banner on the side of my blog. He’s an awesome local artist so be sure to check out his work!
And what’s a convention without some Stormtroopers?! These guys always look so rad. That’s also my friend Sean who made a last minute Punisher outfit that I think turned out great!
As I was leaving the convention, I ran into my friend Lori from GirlHero! I love reading her blog and was super excited we got to meet up and take a pic.
Even though I didn’t get any celebrity autographs, I still had a fantastic time at Dallas Sci Fi Expo! Next time I plan to get a VIP ticket again. They really are worth the price so you can cut to the front of lines.
Photo credit: Ken Pearson
Also, I am so thankful for all the compliments on my Shredder cosplay. In case you missed it, I posted a detailed tutorial on how I made the whole costume. Let me know if you plan to make a Shredder outfit!
The next convention I’ll be attending is the Dallas Comic & Pop Expo. I don’t have a costume planned for it, but I definitely want to get Nicholas Brendon’s autograph. He played Xander in Buffy the Vampire Slayer!
So if you went to Dallas Sci Fi Expo what did you think?
Did you have fun?


  1. It looks like you had a great time!


  2. Man I'm so jealous of all the cons you get to go to! But I love that you share a lot about them 😀 Your Shredder costume looks so good!


  3. Your Shredder costume is the coolest thing ever!


  4. Aw, thanks, Anna! It was so cool to see your Shreddder costume in person. It turned out great!


  5. Mmmmmmmmhhhh… sexy, sexy stormtroopers… *_*


  6. Your Shredder really is fantastic! I love Girl Hero's site and will have to check out Geeky Seamstress and Taylor's art!

    Looks like it was a blast! I caught up on Arrow in the nick of time for season 2! It's really good.


  7. It was great seeing you there, Anna and I loved the Shredder outfit!


  8. Great pics!
    I still can't get over your awesome Shredder 😀



  9. Amazing!! It looks like so much!


  10. It was awesome running into you!!

    And that last photo of you looks amazing!


  11. oh my goodness. you look amazing! sounds like you had a great time, too.


  12. Dude. You are amazing. I think your shredder cosplay is my fave so far. How cool is it that your black widow was made into a poster? So awesome.


  13. PS: Your dancing at the end of the video is adorable.


  14. Hehe I love the random guy in your dance video…too adorable


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OMGLITZY: G33K3: The Con

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

G33K3: The Con

G33K3 (pronounced “geeky”) was a new convention in McKinney, Tx. It was quite a bit smaller than others, but that’s great because it was only $10 to get in! Although it was a 3 day convention, I only went on Saturday. I still had a really fun time!
I decided not to wear a costume, but that gave me the chance to wear some fun clothes for a change.
Batman shirt – ThinkGeek
Batman leggings – Hot Topic
Black skater skirt – Wet Seal
Pink checkered shoes – Vans
Legend of Zelda earrings – Ragin’ Gauges
When I walked in I was shocked by how many vendors were there!
The selection of items was incredible.

I was excited to see my friend Long Le with a table full of his handmade D20s!

Another booth had these amazing trinkets for sale.

My friend Geline hosted an armor making panel, too. It was SO informative! I learned a lot about Worbla and craft foam.

Several people were in cosplay, including my friend Enasni Volz. She also had handmade charms for sale at her table.

Fangirls: Dames of the Round Table is an all female video cast you can watch on Sundays on Deep Ellum Air. I enjoyed seeing Taylor and Natalie at their table!
Photo credit: Cosplay With Me
This photo was taken by Cosplay With Me of Morgan as Rapunzel and Krystle Starr as the Pink Panther! I wanted to share how cute their costumes were!
I hope this convention happens again next year because it was very well run. If they would advertise a little bit more then I imagine more and more people will come out!
Do you prefer bigger or smaller conventions?


  1. Looks like it was a blast! Smaller conventions are nice because you really feel like a part sometimes. But large ones are in the way that they affirm you're not alone in the 'verse type of thing.

    Going to all types are the best. Kind of like food, you can't just try one thing once and decide from there (unless there's an allergy). Gotta give it a few shots before deciding I think. 🙂


  2. That looks like it was super fun! Those giant D20's look like they belong on my nerd wall 😛 so cool!


  3. It looked like such a fun convention. I love your Batman outfit 🙂


  4. Sounds funny! (: Wow, it's really small.. :O But YEAH look at these BIG dices! 😀 <33 woah
    You look great! <33 love your hair style.



  5. I love smaller conventions! It looks like you had a great time!


  6. Looks like loads of fun!
    Your hair looks gorgeous.



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OMGLITZY: GlitzyGeekGirl Etsy Store Grand Opening

Saturday, January 25, 2014

GlitzyGeekGirl Etsy Store Grand Opening

The official GlitzyGeekGirl Etsy store is now open for business!!
My store has been something I’ve been working on for several weeks, and I am so excited to finally share the grand opening with you! I currently have cute 5×7 prints of a few of my favorite cosplays for only $5.00 that I will autograph for you at no extra charge. I also made 7 fantastic wizard wands to sell for only $10.00 each. Every order will come with a GlitzyGeekGirl sticker and button, too!*
You have your choice of Sailor Venus, Warrior Fiona from Shrek, Black Widow or Fionna from Adventure Time! These are high quality glossy photo prints in a cute 5×7 size. You can request me to sign it, too, for no additional cost! 

And for just $10 these wizard wands are currently available for purchase. I designed, handcrafted and painted each wand myself. Your wand will be completely unique!
Each order from the GlitzyGeekGirl store will come with a free sticker and button!
I plan on creating more geeky crafts so be sure to follow my store for news and updates!
*Shipping and handling fees not included. Stickers and buttons are free with every purchase while supplies last. Shipping only available to US residents at this time.


  1. OH MY GOSH!!! I'm so excited. The store looks fantastic.


  2. How cool! Where's my wallet??


  3. OMG yay! Good luck! I've been wanting to open an Etsy for a while but I have no clue what I'd sell – you're an inspiration!


  4. Cool. I have an etsy shop also. Not selling anything right now hopefully in the future. I'll add you to my favorites.



    1. Right on! I favorited your shop, too! 🙂


  5. Ooohh, awesome! The wands look great! 😀


  6. Oooh! Congrats on your store! Those wands are super fun, and I like that they are unique!


  7. Your shop looks great! I love the wizard wands 🙂

    I just added some new stuff to my Etsy shop, if you feel like stopping by.


  8. Why doesn't this shop send these shop items to Europe? Q.Q
    Because I'm a big fan of you from Germany and i really like your Cosplays, especially your Sailor Venus Cosplay.



  9. The store looks really great! I was excited to see my order arrive! You did a great job on the wands. I have mine in my display cabinet. Your pictures turned out really great! I just wished there was an option to personalize the signature but it's really nice anyway!


  10. Congrats on the shop! I want to open one but all my ideas are pretty lame and I would have to work hard to make myself shine from all the rest of the sellers selling the stuff I want to make. I love making simple geeky jewelry.


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OMGLITZY: Happy Things! #1

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Happy Things! #1

A recurring post I would like to have will feature some random things that make me happy. Properly calling these posts “Happy Things!” So here are a few I found while searching iPhoto:

My pink sparkly TOMs.

Pixie in a box.

Found this headband in a drawer the other day and can’t wait to wear it.

Happy buckets my mom got for me. I use these at work to hold my pens.

I love sitting on the balcony with Pixie. I had to put duct tape (Hello Kitty kind of course) on parts of the wall so she wouldn’t get splinters when she stretches.

1 comment:

  1. Laughed when I saw pic of headband you found unexpectedly. Happy things come in mysterious ways. Keep on smiling.


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OMGLITZY: Happy Things #25

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Happy Things #25

Most of these Happy Things pics were posted on my Instagram (@GlitzyGeekGirl) but they made me so happy they’re worth blogging about, too!
I’ve been playing the new mobile game Tsum Tsum and quickly became a huge fan. My local Disney Store had these Tsums for sale, too! If you play be sure to add me so we can send hearts. My Line user ID is GlitzyGeekGirl.
Pixie would make a great Tsum don’t you think? 😛 (Did you know Tsum Tsum means “stack stack” and the underneath side of the plushies are made for cleaning your phone’s screen?)
A few weeks later I went back to the mall and got these goodies from the Disney Store.
I also finally put together my Lego Cinderella Castle. I will need to take a picture of my castle and figurines to show you how I displayed them!
This photo is from Anime Fest in the food court area of the hotel. They have large prisms up in the ceiling by the glass windows so giant rainbows spread across the floor. I hope to have my Anime Fest post up next so be sure to check back for that.

My dad treated me to IHOP one day recently where I ordered this delicious omelette with pancakes and hashbrowns. Anyone else LOVE breakfast foods? I sure do!
And lately I’ve really been enjoying the products found on Zulily. They have different specials each day and feature a lot of great clothes, kids toys, and home decor. I loved the My Little Pony and Frozen event they recently had (I got an Olaf backpack and some Funkos!) And today is a TOMS shoes event. Signing up is free and their mobile app is very easy to use. 
If you sign up please use my link!
What has made you happy lately?


  1. I absolutely LOVE playing TsumTsum, it's so addicting! Been wanting to get some of the actual Tsums because they're so darn cute but I'd have to order them online.


  2. I am powered by hashbrowns. And I'm afraid of downloading TsumTsum until I get caught up on all my work. Aaa!


  3. Sometimes I play TsumTsum so much that my finger is starting to get crooked @__@ Or at least, it feels that way haha! Sadly, I've yet to see them in person ;3; I want to squish themmmm!

    Ahh breakfast foods are my weakness! I love eating them whenever. Did you intentionally make a hidden Mickey with your plates? :p


  4. Oooo I love the rainbow pic! Is that a Donutella hat? Love!


  5. You just had to get me started on breakfast foods. Hard to beat french toast… unless you're just crazy enough to make a pb&j sammich with the french toast! Way too much sugar for one Joey to handle. Lately, I've been rockin the flour less pancakes. Eggs, cinnamon, nutmeg, banana, battling it out for flavor supremacy; the only winner is you. I could go on, but its late, and I'm getting to hungry for this.


  6. The photo of you with the prism rainbow all over you in so beautiful. I wish we had a disney store here so I could buy all he Tsum Tsums.


  7. Those Tsums are so cute! Actually everything in your post is really! 🙂 How handy of them to make the bottoms of the Tsums phone cleaning!


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OMGLITZY: Holiday Wish List: Part 2

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Holiday Wish List: Part 2

I had so much fun gathering items for my Holiday Wish List 2014 that I decided to add more to it! These are things that I probably won’t get my hands on for some time so I’m just posting and chatting about them. Santa has already sent an elf to visit and there’s some super cute presents under our tree. So this post is just an add on of fun things I’ve seen online lately!
The fairies by Amy Brown have been one of my favorite watercolor styles for as long as I can remember. She has a lot of great things for sell in her Etsy shop including figurines, jewelry and blankets. Some of her prints are pretty affordable and they even come signed.
I began following Bad Witch Boutique on Instagram and after seeing their jewelry I became an instant fan. I tried to find a nice crystal necklace during my last few visits to the Renaissance festivals here. So far I haven’t found anything that was well-made or worth the price. The quality and style options of the jewelry from Bad Witch are amazing! I like the last two in the above photo the most, but they make rings, earrings and chokers, too.
If there is one thing I absolutely do not need it’s another headset. But this is called a “wish” list for a reason! I already have a working headset and it’s even the Razer Kraken! So why would I want another? Because they released it in FUSCHIA! They call it neon purple but it kinda looks pink to me (the last one in the pic). Either way it’s gorgeous! I’ve had my Kraken for several years now and love it. It’s super comfy and the sound quality is fantastic. I wear it all the time while I game or listen to music. The classic neon green is pretty cool, but you gotta admit the new colors are awesome!
Claire’s Wedding Ring
I began watching Outlander when it first premiered on Starz and quickly read the first book. The storyline was captivating, and I found myself rather fond of Jamie. I mean who isn’t?! Right?! So when Starz released an authentic replica of Claire’s wedding ring I was ready to purchase it right away. Well that came to a sudden halt after I saw it was $250! Omg! I mean that’s cool it’s designed by the original artist and all but SHEESH that’s expensive for something that’s actually kind of bland looking. Her ring described in the book sounds much more beautiful and a similar one can be purchased here. But since I’m anxiously waiting for the return of the TV series (April 2015 omg longest wait ever) I decided to buy this cheaper replica from eBay. This way I have something to wear while I watch, but I won’t feel bad should I lose it in a drawer one day. So that’s one wish on this list that Santa will be delivering. 🙂
Since I brought up books, I figured I’d add some that are on my reading list. I heard they will begin filming a movie about the Fallen series by Lauren Kate this February so I’d like to read those before I see the film. I also think I’d enjoy Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins. There are two more by Perkins so it’d be fun to get all three of her books. Santa usually gifts me an iTunes gift card so I’ll likely buy these for my iPad. I still need to finish The Maze Runner series first, though.
It’s so fun to shop online and there’s probably several items I’m forgetting to include. Maybe I’ll make a Part 3? Haha sorry Santa! It’s just for fun 🙂 You can read part one here.


  1. You need all those headphones to match your ever changing hair 😀



  2. Those headphones are really sweet! And Anna and the French Kiss is a really cute story!


  3. the fallen novels are really good, great choice.


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OMGLITZY: recipes

Showing posts with label recipes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label recipes. Show all posts

Monday, August 18, 2014

Pinterest Bubble Pizza

There is a pin on Pinterest of a recipe called “Bubble Pizza” that seems to always show up on my feed. (Probably because I follow so many pizza boards, lol) It looks like the original recipe came from I have always wanted to try making it since it looks super easy. So the other day I finally bought the ingredients to give it a try!
You’ll need:
Canned biscuits (I bought the jumbo size)
Pizza sauce
Shredder cheese
A baking dish
and Pam
Begin by pre-heating your oven to 400° and lightly greasing your dish with Pam.
Spread the biscuits onto the bottom of the dish.

Then cover them with pizza sauce.

I added a ton of pepperonis, but you could use any type of meat or vegetable.

Finally, cover it with a hefty layer of cheese.

Bake your dish for 20 minutes or until the top is a nice golden color.

Since I flattened my biscuits my dish didn’t exactly look like “Bubble” pizza, but it still tasted amazing! It was like a cheesy pizza casserole. My family absolutely loved it. We sprinkled some parmesan cheese on top and plan to make garlic toast for next time!
The total for the ingredients only came around $14. It also reheated well for a second helping for us the next day!
I will definitely be making this again and trying new meats and vegetables with it. Let me know if you make this! 🙂

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