OMGLITZY: Salon Make-Over Already?!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Salon Make-Over Already?!

My station at work was really cute.. but it wasn’t very practical. The drawers in the dresser were not functional. I could barely get in and out of it. So now I’ve learned that when buying from an antique store always check to make sure it works 🙂
I went back to the Frisco Mercantile quite a few times looking for a replacement. After lots of measuring I finally decided on this desk. It is in great condition and most importantly the drawers open, hehe. I’m not a big fan of green, though, so I decided to give painting a try. I had never done this before so I looked on Pinterest and asked my parents for tips.
Basically, I sanded it down by hand a little bit then used a liquid sander. It was easy to just rub on with an old t-shirt. That acted as a primer and since I was going to paint it black I didn’t care too much about getting all the green off. I only did one coat of black paint. It looked fabulous! So I left that alone and did one coat of pink paint on the drawers. I liked that some of the green would show through – it looked like I distressed it and put a black glaze on it, but I didn’t – just one coat of pink was enough! The handles had a bit of green paint on them, too, so all I did was spray paint them gold. After waiting a few days I painted a clear coat on and waited a few more days before moving it into the salon.

I also bought a different mirror while at the Frisco Mercantile. The gold frilly mirror matched Trenette’s on the left and felt more exquisite. And I added some cute vintage pictures to the wall from I am really happy with how it turned out! I love using my station at work now – it’s functional and pretty!


  1. I've never seen such a cute station. Most of them are all so contemporary. It must be fun to put your own touch on what you enjoy doing! You have such an edgy look which totally bounces off your chic style of furnishings. Love it.


  2. For never having done a project like that before, you did a great job! It turned out really nicely!


  3. Ooo, love the makeover! This looks so good! I'm thinking about doing something like this to the dressers in my studio… =)


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OMGLITZY: Sailor Moon Fan Picks and Party Ideas

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Sailor Moon Fan Picks and Party Ideas

Naoko Takeuchi, Toei Animation / Via
Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Crystal starts this weekend and the buzz is sure growing! I can’t believe it’s already the 20th anniversary and almost the premiere of the new show! The slightly different character designs took a little bit of time for me to get used to, but after seeing our gal in action in the official trailer, I am definitely impressed with the manga look and feel. So to help prepare you for a Sailor Moon filled week, I’ve put together some of my favorite magical girl items and party ideas!
Brush up on your Sailor Moon knowledge by reading the story that started it all. The first volume in the manga series is only $8 at Barnes and Noble or you can grab the box set for $46.

Hot Topic has a great selection of Sailor Moon t-shirts, plushies, keychains and posters. I have this large fabric poster in my room, and I’m dying over this cute rubber bracelet.

I’ve personally ordered from Kuma Crafts and let me tell you this jewelry is so lovely you’ll want one of every style! It’s very high quality, packaged well, and shipped fast. Even though it says “pre-order” on the site, the jewelry is made quickly after you purchase it and ready for you to wear in no time.
Crissy of the Dainty Fawn has some beautiful slouchy crocheted Sailor Moon hats available in her Etsy store! I’ve had my eye on the Sailor Chibi Moon hat – it’s SO cute!
I purchased the new Moon Stick by Bandai Proplica while I was at AKon this year! You can get it here on Amazon with free shipping, too. It’s beautiful and something every magical girl needs! has an easy step by step guide for making Sailor Moon Waffles! I think this may be the greatest thing I’ve found on the internet, and I can’t wait to try making these.
And while you tune into Sailor Moon Crystal why not transform yourself, too? Michelle Phan, a YouTuber and makeup guru, has a great video tutorial for all Moonies to help us become our favorite heroine.
I’m so excited to watch the reboot this weekend! You can find out more info on the show here.
Will you be watching the new Sailor Moon?
Do you have any favorite Sailor Moon merch or party ideas?
Share with me in the comments below! 🙂


  1. I love the Sailor Moon anime! So excited for the new one! I also plan to cosplay as Sailor Jupiter for one of my first cosplays! ��


  2. Is there anywhere I can find these online for free? College kid on a budget lol


  3. Ahh I love waffles… lol I got so happy when I saw the Sailor Moon waffles! Definitely have to try those out! I will definitely be watching the new Sailor moon! The only SM merch I have are tshirts that I've bought at Hot Topic, they are a great stop for Sailor Moon shirts! 🙂 A long time ago when I was little I remember my mom bought me Sailor Moon dolls at Walmart! I wish I still had them 🙁



  4. I own the entire series box sets and both manga box sets. 😀
    I also have two Sailor Moon vinyl stickers on the back of my car lol.

    If you like jazz at all, or even if you don't lol, you should check out the Platina Jazz rendition of Moonlight Serenade. :O <3 it's so beautiful ^.^


  5. Theres so much Sailor Moon merch floating around these days, it's really hard to resist it all! 😀



  6. I'm so excited for it! I really love the look. I've been reading the manga online and trying to catch up on the show. I've love to own a box set one day!

    Thanks for featuring me and my hat!!! <3


  7. I am so glad that PGSM Crystal's not Monster-a-Week, and follows the manga! This way, the remake feels fresh, but familiar, and not just a "re-do" you know?


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OMGLITZY: Review: Kuzy Keyboard Cover

Monday, July 14, 2014

Review: Kuzy Keyboard Cover

My Mac desktop had seen better days so I’ve been saving up to buy a new one for awhile now. I finally upgraded and have been loving my new computer! One thing I wanted to take extra care of was the keyboard. I never used a keyboard cover on my other computer and with all the Pixie fur and Pop Tart crumbs around my desk I really wished I had. So I checked out Amazon and found that the Kuzy Silicone Keyboard Cover had over 1,900 reviews and a 4 out 5 star rating! At only $6.95 and free standard shipping I just couldn’t pass up this deal. It even arrived a few days earlier than Amazon had predicted and was in my mail box 5 days after ordering.
It came well packaged in a bubble wrap envelope. The cover is designed to fit most MacBook laptops and since the newer desktops have the same keyboard design it fit it as well. (My old computer had the keyboard with the number pad, which I admit I sometimes miss.)

The silicone is very thin and flexible. I laid it on top of my keyboard with ease and found that it fit snugly around the keys. I did have to smooth my hand over it to make sure it was stretched from corner to corner well, but this took mere seconds to do. I like that the silicone extends passed the keys, too. Like I said earlier, I eat a lot of Pop Tarts and other snacks while at the computer so I’m glad this will help prevent crumbs from getting stuck under the keys. The cover also comes off with a simple lift to make for easy cleaning. 

The colors are exceptionally vibrant! I chose the rainbow design, but it comes in 20 different colors. I’m curious how quickly the colors will rub off after daily use. For now I have only noticed a few color splotches on some keys, and I had to get up close to even see them. Typing feels a little different, but was easy to adapt to. You don’t feel or hear the click of the keys as much. My fingers don’t seem to move the cover at all though, and I still type just as fast as I did without it. Only con would be that the light on the caps lock key doesn’t show up as brightly when it’s on, but that’s minor.
Overall, I am incredibly impressed with the quality and cuteness of this keyboard cover. The best part is that it’s so affordable! I can’t even imagine not using it now. It adds a great pop of color to my desk, and I can relax knowing my keys are protected.
I want to mention that Kuzy in no way asked me to review their product. I found this on Amazon on my own and wanted to try it out!


  1. Very cute! When I was in school my teacher was sooo paranoid about us getting her mac keyboards dirty. I remember we all had to clean our keyboards every day at the end of class and wash our hands when we entered class and came back from lunch… She should have bought some cute covers like this!! 😛


  2. That is so cute! I can never find cute keyboard covers for my PC laptop. I need one because I'm always eating around my laptop which in truth I should stop but who am I kidding…


  3. So cute! I wish there were nice looking covers like that for my old Toshiba lap top, but I guess I just need to be more careful with my pop tarts 😉


  4. I love the colours. Such an awesome idea. My mac keyboard has so much kitty hair and cookie crumbs in it.


  5. So cute!! Now I might have to do a little online shopping myself. Haha


  6. Keyboard looks so colorful. This type of keyword will make interest to work.
    catering services in pondicherry


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OMGLITZY: Review: Gothic Lolita Wigs

Friday, August 22, 2014

Review: Gothic Lolita Wigs

The latest wig I added to my collection is the Classic Wavy in Deep Pink by Gothic Lolita Wigs. Most of my wigs are from Arda, but I loved the length and light curl this wig offered. I have never ordered from GLW so let me tell you a little about it!
This is how it came shipped. It came in TWO days!! I was so impressed with how fast their shipping was. It also came with a wig cap, which I think is great!! I lose mine all the time!

I gently took it out of the package to show you how they had stored it. It wasn’t tangled or flattened at all.

This was after I ran my fingers through it to loosen the curls.

The inside of the wig has adjustable straps and 3 attached combs to help it stay secure while you wear it. Arda has the straps but not these combs. I loved this addition! Someone asked if these would fit larger heads, and I think it definitely will. Arda’s might be a little bigger, but I didn’t think this GLW wig was too snug at all.

This is me wearing it in my bathroom lighting. The pink is gorgeous!! Though it is called “deep pink” it is definitely more pastel in color.

I teased the bangs just slightly so they would stay to the side better. The hair strands stayed smooth and don’t have a fake shiny look to them.

After combing it with my wig brush the curls had a lot of bounce to them, too! I love the length and fullness of this wig.
Here is a picture of it in the sunlight!
So overall I give Gothic Lolita Wigs an A+! The price is just right for this quality and how fast it shipped. I will definitely be ordering more from them!
Do you have a favorite wig company?


  1. Arda is my go-to when it comes to wigs [cos I feared my head would have been too fat for overseas' wigs..LOL] but I have used eBay a couple times and have been happy with the products from sellers there. 🙂


  2. It looks so pretty!! I like how it doesn't have that ultra shiny look to it.. you could fool people! lol I need that wig in all of the colors! XD


  3. I usually order my wigs from ebay shops. The price is low and the quality okay (for the price). Sometimes I'm frustrated, sometimes very happy.
    I've known GLW before but have never ordered one. The shipping costs to germany are not that low and there are also the taxes… -.- I hate it!!! Our betterment tax here is 19% so… I'd have to pay 19% additional to the TOTAL price.. (wig+shipping). This sucks so much. So… I guess I will still order my future wigs from ebay shops in GB.. :

    Anyway! A nice wig and I love the bangs! (:


  4. I love that it comes with the combs already installed! That's a nice little perk! It looks really nice on you too! I normally use Arda or Epic!


  5. You look adorable with that wig 🙂


  6. That wig is gorgeous, thank you so much for the review.


  7. Oh wow, I have been looking for a wig just like that for ages, that one looks just gorgeous. I wonder what the shipping time would be to Australia. I am always so worried about buying things like wigs and shoes online, because you can never tell if they are going to be a good fit/colour/quality until you have them. Shipping is so expensive from the US (or anywhere) to Aus, and there is nothing more disappointing than spending a fortune on something that turns out to be terrible quality. So thank you for the review 🙂 I might have to get me one of their wigs.



  8. LOVE the wig. The colour and style suits you perfectly. I have never heard a bad thing about gothic lolita wigs. I def will be buying from them soon.


  9. It's gorgeous! I've been eyeing GLW for a while now, so it's awesome seeing a review about it!


  10. Looks really sweet! But i prefer short wigs. I want a short pink wig!! T u T


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OMGLITZY: Review: Fresh Brewed Tee

Monday, January 13, 2014

Review: Fresh Brewed Tee

I recently teamed up with Fresh Brewed Tee and have an exciting review to share! If you haven’t heard of them they are a family owned company that offers geeky/pop culture t-shirts. They stand out from other t-shirt companies because they make each design in a variety of sizes for any body shape!

I’ve had trouble in the past with other companies because their sizes were ill-fitting. The girl shirts were way too small, the boys were too big .. It was very frustrating! So I am super pleased to tell you that the quality of shirt that Fresh Brewed Tee offers is great! When I first received my shirt, I noticed right away how thick the material was. The design was also printed incredibly well, centered correctly, and won’t be fading anytime soon. I can’t tell you how happy I am that a woman’s size fit me, too. I am pretty tall (5’9″) and have a long torso. I usually stay away from ordering girl sizes because they are almost always too short for me. And the larges will be way too baggy! This shirt I am wearing in the photos is a woman’s large and fits me perfectly. It wasn’t too baggy at all, was long enough to look great with jeans, and the softness of the shirt was super comfortable. 
Plushies not included – But aren’t they cute! 😛
They have unique limited edition t-shirts that will cover any geek’s favorite fandom, and a design contest is available for artists to enter!
If you’re interested in purchasing a shirt from Fresh Brewed Tee then be sure to use this coupon code
to save $1 when you order! It can be used more than once, too! Which is great since they regularly add new designs!
Will you be ordering from Fresh Brewed Tee?
What shirt design is your favorite?


  1. I'm always looking for new geeky t-shirts. Thanks for the new site.


  2. OMG! Is that Stitch in a Jayne hat?!?!
    And it's nice to know they have comfortable women's sizes. I like a "girly" fit, but not a constraining one. I love band tee fits which is probably why they make up a majority of my wardrobe! So these sound like they would be fantastic!
    Thanks for the code and share!!! 🙂


  3. Oh my gosh!!!! I am so in love. Limited edition shirts are so rad and I've never heard of Fresh brewed. I'm going to check them every day now.


  4. I am always try to find new Geek Shirts for me. It's so nice and I am really like it so much. Blue color is my favorite


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OMGLITZY: Ramona Flowers Hammer Tutorial

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Ramona Flowers Hammer Tutorial

My very first cosplay was Ramona Flowers at Dallas Comic Con in 2012. She’s one of my favorite characters and holds a special place in my cosplay heart! I recently went to All-Con (blog post for that coming soon) and wanted to wear something comfy. Ramona is so fun because I already owned most of these clothes and dress similarly! I did have to buy a wig this time (last time my real hair was blue, and another time pink). I also decided to spice this up a bit by adding the hammer! I had a photo shoot with Eli Luna that same weekend and thought the hammer would be a great prop! So after the cut is a tutorial for how I made a last minute Ramona Flowers hammer. Enjoy!
Oh! And I posted this picture (taken by my mom and edited by me) on Twitter and got a retweet from the creator of Scott Pilgrim, Bryan Lee O’Malley! I about fell out of my chair when I saw this.. I was so excited!!! That’s straight up cosplay approval right there. omg!
Here’s a shot that Eli Luna took at the photo shoot. He did an amazing job editing this, too! Check out his photography at
On to the Hammer Tutorial! >>>>>

Since I decided to make this literally the night before the convention, I had to think outside the box. I was limited on supplies, and I am not very good at prop making anyway. So my mom found this pirate hat pinata at Target. We have started to look at any and all objects and think “what kind of cosplay prop could that be?” .. Well it turns out this pinata was perfect!
First, I peeled off all the pretty pirate paper. Then used a steak knife to cut it into the correct shape.

To cover the openings I hot glued some foam board onto the sides and bottom.

Then I put masking tape all around it for support and a smoother feel.

For the handle, I used a cardboard rod that was actually from a roll of fabric at JoAnn’s that they let me have.
Next, I painted gesso all over the tape.  

I also painted the handle to add some brown texture. I had to let this dry over night before I could do anything else.

So I woke up really early and painted over the gesso with silver metallic paint. I added some bronze for a more rustic look.
Finally, I attached the handle with some hot glue and added a circle at the top to make it look like it went all the way through. 

Pretty cool, huh!! I love how the hammer turned out for being last minute! I think it was good practice for me. I still have to make a battle axe for my Fiona costume! 😛

Have you read the Scott Pilgrim comics or seen the movie?
If so, which is your favorite character?


  1. Great cosplay! I never would have guessed that the hammer started out as a piñata! It's amazing how good it looks for such a short preparation. I love the pic that you tweeted and think it's awesome that you got a shout-out from the creator.



    1. Thank you! Using the pinata was great because it was super lightweight. Now I stop by the pinata section at the store to see what props I could make next haha


  2. It looks fantastic. I can't believe Bryan re-tweeted it. That is so awesome. I love that you used a pinata as well, hilarious and uber clever.



    1. Thanks 🙂 I probably spent the least amount of money on this costume and yet I wear it most often!


  3. That's such a cool costume! And you are super resourceful with that pinata. I think that Ramona Flowers would be a super fun cosplay. I love all of her outfits. I kind of wanted to buy cool goggles after I saw that movie.



    1. Hey thank you!! 🙂 The goggles are from Amazon! I've been known to wear them around just for fun.. hehe


  4. What a great costume! Ramona is one of my favourite characters ever. I would love to be able to cosplay her:)



    1. Thanks so much! She's a cool chick and fun to dress up as. You should definitely do her one day!


  5. I didn't know you had a blog! I know I follow you on instagram but this is my first time to your site and I see you've posted my banner. THANK YOU! <3 <3 <3 I went ahead and posted yours on mine. 😀



    1. Hey girl!!! I love love your blog! Thanks for adding my banner, too! Wish we lived slightly closer – think we'd have fun hanging out 😛 Anyway, I love following your blog!


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OMGLITZY: Rainbow Dash Cosplay

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Rainbow Dash Cosplay

For AnimeFest this weekend I plan on dressing up as Rainbow Dash from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. I’ve been working on finding each piece of my costume. I am so excited with how it’s coming along!!
I was very inspired by the Dash from the Yaya Han photoshoot. I purchased the pony ears and wings from her Etsy store. (They arrived very quickly!)
I got two patches for her cutie mark from Etsy. (The seller took forever to ship these.)

My wig is from Cosplay Anime Wigs. (This came from China and got here faster than my patches.)
Traveled to several malls to find this blue jacket from Wet Seal. And got some iron-on letters for it from JoAnn’s.
These fishnet rainbow leggings from Hot Topic are super comfy. They’re really thick and stretchy!
I’m probably going to wear blue jean shorts and black converse hi-tops. I bought a rainbow tutu and a blue skirt, but these conventions require some sitting in lines sometimes – I’ll be more comfortable in shorts.
*Edit: Here is a completed shot of my Rainbow Dash cosplay!
My friend Jordan is dressing up as Mrs. Cupcake.
Her apron and dress is so adorable!! She also got a big hot pink wig that I have yet to see.. I can’t wait!
My other friend Kevin is dressing up as a modern Link from The Legend of Zelda. He found some brown boots from DSW and a green V-neck shirt that his friend tailored to fit just perfect!
I am considering being modern Zelda with him for Fan Days
But that will have to be another blog post 🙂
After this weekend I will post more photos from the convention. It’s going to be a lot of fun attending it with friends that are dressing up as well! 


  1. Oh cuuute! Can't wait to see your final outfit posted! =)


  2. Just posted a quick note about the con and highlighted your blog in it. Hope you don't mind and hope yo take lots of pictures!



    1. Thanks for the shout out! Enjoyed reading your blog. I am working on my AnimeFest post right now.. Got a lot of good pics! 🙂


  3. Just found out about Animefest in Dallas 🙁
    Hope to go next year! I love your cosplay idea it's so creative(:
    By the way if you don't mind where do you work?
    I love your hair XD


  4. Is there anyway I could buy this jacket? [email protected]



    1. I bought the jacket from Wet Seal and stitched on the letters from Hobby Lobby. My personal jacket is not for sale but if you google "blue varsity jacket" you may be able to find one still 🙂


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OMGLITZY: Quick Hair Tip: Extensions

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Quick Hair Tip: Extensions

Q: I have been thinking about getting extensions, but this would be my first time and I know at Regis you guys only do the clip ins which is cool. The thing that worries me is getting them to look right when I am putting them in everyday. I was also curious as to whether or not you can highlight them? I originally wanted to come see you for a cut and blonde highlights, but am leaning towards extensions, so I wasnt sure how the whole highlighting thing would work.

A: There’s a few types of extensions .. Clip in will be the least damaging to your hair, however, they don’t stay in long. It’s typically pretty hard to sleep in them and wake up with them in the same spot. So they’re good if you just need them for the day. Even if you were to glue them in they would only last about a week or two. Bonded extensions last a lot longer – 3-6 months – but are really expensive. I wouldn’t recommend highighting any type. Even if the extension is human hair the color results aren’t guaranteed to match. I suggest coloring your own hair the color you want and get extensions to match it. They make hair that has different tones in it, too. Hope that helps some! 🙂

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OMGLITZY: Purple Hair

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Purple Hair

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OMGLITZY: Purple and Green Hair

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Purple and Green Hair

I finally told myself it was time to try green hair! I’ve done turquoise before, but have been a little nervous to do green. I didn’t want it to look like pool water. I am very happy with how it turned out! Here’s some info on the process I used to achieve this look.

First I put the bleach on my roots that had grown out. Then with the extra bleach I had I started at the very bottom of my hair and worked it up a little with my hands.

The tips bleached out very quickly so I rinsed the bottom out with cold water then let my roots sit a few more minutes. After they were done I washed all my of hair and dried it. 

Then I used RAW’s Deep Purple and mixed it with a little conditioner to lighten it and applied that to my roots. I kind of feathered it down the hair so there wouldn’t be a harsh line. I did the same with the bottom (just worked my way up instead) and used Special Effects Iguana Green.

Here’s a shot of it in the sunlight! I love how the green tone looks! I am kind wanting to go all over green now. Hehe. I do think these color combinations will look better when I curl my hair. So I’m going to try that next.
Photo credit:
A few of my friends said it reminds them of Spike from My Little Pony! Yay!


  1. The color looks amazing! Been thinking of doing a dark green after my red hair and the dye you used looks perfect, although bleaching all of my hair is a bit scary!


  2. Oh I love it! My first thought was Hulk! LOL


  3. I love the green and purple together. I am way too chicken to dye my hair crazy colours, but I love it on other people!


  4. I love it! I've had green hair and I've had purple hair to. But I've never combined the both of them.
    It looks great! (Which means I need to try it!)


  5. I was thinking more old school Joker, but I LOVE Spike! So cute.



    1. Exactly what I was thinking! Very Joker-esque! The colours look great 🙂


  6. Purple and Green have always been my two favorite colors. I love how deep they are! So cute!!


  7. Your best hair yet! You look so rad!!!


  8. I LOVE your hair! I'd never be able to pull it off!

    – Kerri


  9. You look great! Super cute.


  10. I love it! Your hair looks awesome!!


  11. I love it so much! You could totally pull off all over green.


  12. That colour really suits you. Your hair looks great! I've been wanting to get blue highlights in my hair for a while now, but since I'm job hunting, I'm not sure I can…


  13. The green looks fantastic! 🙂


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