Thursday, August 9, 2012


Some movies and stories just seem to stick out to you more than others. Tangled does that for me. I think it’s a mixture of my love for Mandy Moore, the music, Pascal the chameleon, and the beautiful colors .. I love how sweet the characters are, the sarcastic jokes Flynn makes, and the development of the love story. It’s just overall one of my favorite movies. So this is a Tangled appreciation post!
When I visited Disney World with my dad this year, I was most looking forward to meeting Rapunzel! We scoped out where her spot was and the next day that was our first stop. We waited in line for about 45 minutes, and I’m sure people were wondering why this older, tattooed girl was giddy with excitement to meet Rapunzel. But my dad is cool as ever and took lots of photos! She was so sweet and told me “You must be an artist!” when she saw my tattoos. She said they were beautiful! I told her I did hair.. and I would have a lot of fun doing her hair! We talked about color options and that she could add some purple to hers to match her dress. She said Flynn would probably like that 🙂 Oh man it was so much fun.. I also made an effort to find a Pascal plush for me and my mom. After hunting for him in many stores (he’s hard to find – he is a chameleon after all 😉 ) we finally found him! He guarded our hotel room while we were at the parks!


  1. Where's my brother? He's always wanted to be a bedspread.


  2. One of my favorites too … my kids love it also!


  3. I'm so damn in love with Eugene….. Q_Q


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OMGLITZY: Staying Positive

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Staying Positive

So what’s up! What’s been going on! Well I’ve been trying out some new things recently that haven’t gone exactly as planned. So let’s chat about it!

First up, I applied for a Twitch Partnership. This means I could have a “subscribe” button on my page and make a little bit of money while also being able to give more back to my viewers! This is the second time I applied and once again I was declined. Twitch didn’t tell me exactly what I need to work on, but they did say to apply again in about 2-4 weeks if I feel passionate about it. So I decided instead of accepting this as a defeat (which I admit I kind of did the first time) that I will keep my momentum going and push even harder and try to apply again. I mentioned this on stream a few days ago. Everyone was very supportive and kind!! I think if we can just keep doing what we’re doing maybe the stars will align.
Another thing I applied for was an ArenaNet Partnership. They offer a sponsorship program now for creators and since that’s basically the only game I live and breathe for I figured it’d be a perfect fit for me. Well unfortunately they never replied or accepted me. I applied for this several weeks ago and still haven’t heard back. I suppose I will try again because I feel like I’d be a great match for them. It’s just hard when no one tells you what you are doing wrong! I see others that are about the same size/level as my site and channel with sponsorships. Maybe I’m just not active enough? Well I also won’t let this bring me down. I gotta use the passion I have to propel forward and apply again!
Finally, I applied for a job in real life that’s totally different from what I’m used to. It’s a position I know I would excel at and in a field I’d love to grow in. I won’t go into the details, but long story short all last year I applied for several different jobs (both in and out of the hair industry) and nothing seemed to click. So when this job popped up nearby I was very excited to apply! However, once again I haven’t received a reply. I believe in myself and that I’m totally qualified for all that I’m seeking. So I just need to learn how to be more patient. Things don’t happen overnight and doors don’t magically open for you. Sometimes you gotta prove to the world what you are capable of.
Last year, I let little things bring me down pretty quickly. There were other battles I haven’t mentioned, too. I’m trying my best to keep a positive outlook and change the direction of my feelings after facing a setback. It’s a little unlike me to post or talk about these kind of things because I do try very hard to have a good attitude on social media. my blog, and now my stream. But you know what? Shit happens sometimes! Thank you Forest Gump for teaching me that. It’s how you react to it that defines you. So I’m staying upbeat and looking forward to whatever comes my way.


  1. Yes stay positive! As a contract artist I live the constant ups and downs of work. Sometimes I have tons of emails out with contact and sometimes I hear something and then other times I hear nothing. Then I have no work and then I have more than I can handle. In the end it is a matter of patience and staying on top of it all much like you are saying. Having been in the game industry for many years I can say that if you are reaching out to any studio or company involved with gaming it can often come in waves so sometimes they respond quickly and other times they are very busy and don't have time. Right now everyone is getting ready for GDC and the trade show season will eats a lot of time. Stay positive and I'm sure something will come along!


  2. Hard to say what to do without being in your shoes. There's lots of opportunity though I see from this side of the spectrum. Apply apply apply, It kills me whenever I can't seem to find work. I will apply at 20 different places and no luck. Yet I have to say I found a job and been working here so far for 4 weeks and loving it. It took 3 months to find what I was looking for and just being positive. My boss said.. Out of the 54 people he interviewed. He hired people with positive outlook. An that made me quite happy to be the few that he did hire. Saying this from my experience I have also people tell me they applied at well over 30 to 40+ jobs and never hear back as they even have college degrees higher than mine. I think trying and making an effort to change your state of being is better than nothing and I think you should realize that potential in you to do something remarkable is still there. An with time and patience you will unlock that as well as find what your looking for. I know its rough and hang in there, it can't rain forever.. Even though Im a rainy kind of person myself 😉 Stay gold friend. I hope this helps calm your worrying mind.



  3. Right there with you. Seeing such great opportunities come up and things not click the way you want makes it hard to keep pressing forward with the things you enjoy doing. Never quit on yourself. Always remember the things you are passionate about and keep working towards that goal. Like you said, its all about patience. Things eventually work themselves out if you stay positive, and remember the struggle because when things do click, it will all feel that much more with the wait.


  4. Wishing you the best of luck!!
    You seem to be a pretty consistent streamer so I'm surprised about Twitch, I hope you get approved next time as I can bet you'd have some adorable emotes!!



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OMGLITZY: Star Wars LegoLand Exhibit

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Star Wars LegoLand Exhibit

I was so honored to be invited to join the local 501st for the new Star Wars MiniLand exhibit at the LegoLand in Grapevine, Tx! I am not a full member of the 501st yet, but was super excited to troop with them at this grand opening. The exhibit itself was pretty cool! I had never been to LegoLand before, and the whole place was awesome!!
(Be sure to click on each photo to view it bigger)
I wore my Asajj Ventress costume!

Those guys up top were made out of Legos! Everything was! And they even lit up!

Most of the exhibit had buttons you could push to activate scenes from Star Wars.

This was amazing .. it was a picture made out of (yep, you guessed it) LEGOs!!

These were some of the members of the 501st here in Dallas. It was fun greeting kids and have photos taken with them.

Asajj has a “glitzy” side, too.. and wanted to be a pretty princess when no one was looking … hahaha

This thing was so cool .. You spin it around and it played music!

They had a whole Dallas exhibit, too. I was just in awe of it all.

Cowboys Stadium

Rangers Ballpark in Arlington
And that’s Dirk Nowitzki made out of Legos!

More members of the 501st. How awesome is that wookie? That’s Tarfful

This is probably my favorite photo.. it looks straight out of a movie 🙂

Members of the Rebel Legion were there, too. It was so much fun talking Star Wars with everyone!
I am very thankful I was able to attend this event and make new friends! Hopefully I can become a full time member of the 501st if my Asajj gets accepted. They do all sorts of charity events and other kinds activities. Definitely check them out!
Have you ever been to a LegoLand before?
Do you have a favorite Star Wars character?


  1. You are soo lucky! No wonder you got invited. your costume looks fantastic!!!!! I wish we had a Legoland in Australia.


  2. Have not been, but may have to go soon. When did this happen? I would have loved to have been there on opening day!


  3. That's cool to see you there with so many other awesome costumes! Seeing all of you guys dressed for Star Wars with Star Wars backgrounds really makes you look like part of the Star Wars universe. (Three Star Wars in one sentence! Yikes!)

    I've never been to a Legoland.
    Obi Wan Kenobi is probably my favorite Star Wars character. Darth Maul was my favorite Star Wars villain. It was a big mistake to kill him off so quickly, even if they tried to undo their mistake much much later to try to cash in on his popularity.


  4. NICE!! It's been on my agenda to join the 501st for years, but money has been too tight for me to throw down $600+ on the armor I want. Hopefully soon though. We did a lot of colab with them in my Star Trek cosplay group. Dallas has a wonderful 501st chapter. Also, TOTALLY JEALOUS! LEGO Land looks like so much fun!! Is this at the one in Grapevine?


  5. Wow…you look amazing! And that whole day looks amazing actually!!


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OMGLITZY: Sports Weekend!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Sports Weekend!

This past weekend I had a sporty time with my Dad by attending a baseball AND soccer game! First up was the Frisco Rough Riders. They are just one level below the Texas Rangers so the turn out is usually pretty good for these guys. I’ve wanted to go to a game all season and with it coming to an end soon we needed to act fast. Unfortunately it turned out to be a rather rainy and cold evening, although I may have enjoyed that more than sweating profusely and getting sunburned. I think we left around the 5th inning because the rain wouldn’t let up but we listened to the game on the radio at home. We won 5-1!

I just love ordering nachos! They are my favorite sport food. These were pretty good but the ones at the soccer game were better. 

That is Mike Napoli batting for the Rough Riders. He is the catcher for the Texas Rangers and was out for an injury for a few weeks.

This is Deuce and Daisy being funny with a (fake) dumbbell.. Deuce had a hard time picking it up and of course Daisy just throws it over her shoulder. So cute!
So the next night we went to watch a soccer game! The weather was a lot better this time. The FC Dallas Stadium is one of my absolute favorite sport arenas. It’s really clean and the layout is very accommodating. I haven’t always been a soccer fan, but when an MLS team plays just down the street from you you can’t help but feel the spirit! Not to mention the cutest player, Brek Shea, is on their team!

Half time was fun because they had these two cute dogs bouncing soccer balls off their noses to try and score goals! The actual soccer game itself was still 0-0 so half time was almost more entertaining 😛

Then in the 96 minute (they were given 6 extra minutes) FC Dallas player Julian de Guzman hit an amazing goal and we won the game 1-0!!!! It was an epic finale!


  1. Honestly, only the hope of junk food would get me to a sporting event. So what did you enjoy most….food, half-time entertainment, eye candy, or the actual game????


  2. Wow, sounds like you had a great week-end and those were great pics! I bet you were really full if you ate that hot dog and all those nachos!!


  3. I'm not much of a sports person, but I could go for some nachos right now! Mmm…


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OMGLITZY: Spooky Halloween Music

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Spooky Halloween Music

This is the song found in the Beautiful Creatures trailer I posted yesterday. I’m pretty sure if I could be music I would be every song by Florence + the Machine. This song is called Seven Devils.
And if I could be a Halloween song and video this would be it! Kyary Paymu Paymu is so stinkin’ cute.. This video made me really excited for the spooky holiday.
Thanks to San Smith for posting it!
Although this isn’t a music video.. It’s a really funny parody of the Vampire Diaries done by The Hillywood Show. I love the song by Lady Gaga cleverly called “Teeth” .. 

1 comment:

  1. I went to a Florence + The Machine concert for my friend's birthday!! She has such a beautiful voice! And definitely a bit of a spooky, ethereal personality, in a very cool way. =)


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OMGLITZY: Sponsoring GlitzyGeekGirl

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Sponsoring GlitzyGeekGirl

 I have decided to get back with Passionfruit since they had a discount on their memberships. I was with them for awhile when they were free, and was kinda upset that they started charging for their use. It mainly bothered me because my ad prices really don’t even cover the cost of having one of their memberships. But I’m hoping to do a better job about posting sponsors so I decided to try it!
For me, having my ad on other blog sites has really brought in a lot of traffic! Now that GlitzyGeekGirl has grown, I want to offer that same chance for other bloggers, artists, or store owners. Ads are shown to the right of my blog on my sidebar and come in different sizes and prices. Like I said earlier, I really don’t make a profit off these ads.. They are here to help you grow your business or blog and the money goes right back into running this website.
So please visit my Sponsor page and take a look at some of the options available. Since I kinda missed offering a Cyber Monday sale .. here’s a code to save $1 off a medium sized ad – GLITZYONE

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OMGLITZY: SOE Live Video Contest

Sunday, April 21, 2013

SOE Live Video Contest

My favorite game EverQuest II is part of Sony Online Entertainment, and this year for the SOE Live Convention they held a video contest to win a trip to Las Vegas! It includes a ticket to the convention, round trip airfare, and hotel accommodations! I noticed not many had entered so I figured I would give it a try. I made this silly video about “raiding SOE Live” .. In the game EQ2 a group of players will “raid” a hard dungeon to win extra cool items. So I based my video on that! These are my tips for Preparing to Raid SOE Live – Watch the video here!

I am wearing my armor that I made for my Fiona cosplay and a costume dress that I wore last year to the Texas Renaissance Festival. I picked up the axe over the weekend at the Scarborough Faire along with the flower crown.

These are jars from Hobby Lobby filled with Gatorade. I printed labels off my computer and just glued it to the jars. They’re health and power potions!

This is my appointment book I use to schedule all my clients for my salon. (lol) I googled “leather” and added the words in Photoshop and just taped it to the front of my book then tied some string around it. Easy!
They should announce the winner in a few days. I really hope I get picked! A lot of my friends from my guild that I raid with will be going this year, and I would love to meet them. Plus it’d just be SO cool to win!!!!
So what did ya think of my video?
Have you ever been to Las Vegas?
Which hotel is your favorite?


  1. OMG! I loved it. You are so rad! I went to las vegas a few years ago. I ahted it. But keep in mind I go to bed early, don't drink or gamble. What the heck was I doing there?
    I hope you win!!! Maybe you can change my mind on vegas. Hehehe



    1. You know I don't drink or gamble either, but Las Vegas is still very exciting to me! I am sure it's crazy fun if you DO drink or gamble, lol .. But I enjoy the big buildings, the flashing lights, and all the entertainment! If I win I will give you a review :p


  2. That's pretty awesome! I love the big pile of gold coins. Good to see you're creatively reusing some of your costumes. 🙂

    I hope you win a trip to Las Vegas! That'd be so incredible! So many fun things to see and do there even without SOE Live going on.



    1. Thanks! Who knew my renaissance/fantasy costumes could potentially send me to Vegas?? lol


  3. Very cool! I hope they pick you. I've never been to Vegas. I've never had a real desire to go, but I wouldn't be opposed to seeing it and having a new adventure.



    1. You should definitely visit Vegas at least once! It's so different than anywhere else I've been. Lots of energy and excitement. You can have fun just people-watching lol!


  4. This is AWESOME! Good luck with the contest, I hope you win!



    1. Thank you! I will definitely post it when they announce the winner.


  5. Definitely keeping my fingers crossed for you! Been to Vegas twice, once I was under-aged and the second time I was under-funded (didn't have any money) but it's still fun! Lots of shows to see. Will keep an eye here to see how you do.


  6. I would have loved to go, but work and family is keeping me from it this year.

    I am excited about the EQ Next announcements.


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Friday, August 9, 2013

SOE Live 2013

Last week I was lucky enough to attend SOE Live for the first time! I had won a ticket to the convention for the video I entered in this contest. So I started saving up some money for a flight out to Las Vegas! This event was a big deal for me because I love to play EverQuest 2. I have played it for 6 years and met so many friends online. For the last couple years I have been raiding with a guild called Brimstone. This group of people have become a second family to me. We raid 3 nights a week, and I hardly ever miss raid night. So I spend a lot of time with these great people, and it was a real treat to get to meet them in person! We all clicked right away and had so much to talk about. In all there were about 12 of us from our group there. We made new friends, too, and I even sat next to a Planetside 2 player on the plane!

One of the coolest things that happened was getting interviewed by Destructoid! We were waiting in line to get our badges when two of my guild members and I got picked to be filmed for the video. You can see us at 0:26 and 0:43!

Since I could probably talk about my trip forever .. I decided to make a Top Ten List of my favorite moments at SOE Live. These are in no particular order.. because each one was so much fun!

1. Meeting My Guild Members

I am so thankful I had the chance to meet everyone. You guys truly are incredibly awesome, and I miss y’all so much. I can’t wait until next SOE Live when we can all hang out again 🙂  I have to give a shout to Cylaa (Diane) for being my necro sister! We both play the same class in EQ2 and we ended up having so much in common. We shared a pizza and talked about our cats! How perfect!! 🙂 Also, shout out to Banguk (Kyle) for driving me around Las Vegas. It was SO much fun exploring the strip with you and thank you for putting up with all the times I asked you to take my picture lol ….  And to Astijia (Greg) and Herminee (Jackie) for taking such good care of me.. so grateful to have you pick me up/drop me off at the airport and provide us all with the Taj Mahal to crash at 🙂

2. The Reveal of EverQuest Next
This was really cool to witness.. I got goosebumps a few times watching the keynote and attending the panels. There’s some major upgrades and unique changes coming to this game. My guild leader (Astijia) typed up a summary that I think covered a lot of it:
Keypoints: Destructible environment, multiclassing, parkour style toon running, VERY improved world graphics 🙂 planetside 2 engine, and – mobs no longer have static spawns…. The pop in the world, and wander until they find conditions they like. (the orc camps don’t just pop every 15 minutes, if they are harassed, they pack up and move to a new spot…. Piss off the orcs too many times and the king sends an invasion force.
Downsides: Need a mainframe to run it – but that remains to be seen, toons are very cartoony – very wowlike. The devs said they were trying to appeal to a broader audience, we will see how that goes. We all got beta invites, so scouting will be done.
The world is topside, with 2 subterranean levels; you can literally stop where you are and dig down to see what you may find….”
3. Seeing the “Pawn Stars” Shop

Something super fun I got to see was the store where they film the TV show “Pawn Stars“.. Since Banguk had rented a car (a black mustang!!) he invited me to ride with him so I could see the shop. We were in a hurry to get to the convention for the EQ Next announcement so I didn’t have time to go inside (there was a line out the door) .. But I did hear that the dad was in there taking pics with people. Maybe next year I can go in!

4. Playing in the EQ2 Tournament

My guild members have entered the tournament at SOE Live before, but this was my first time competing. We knew it was going to be a pre-set character group and you had to finish the zone as fast as you could. The group that finished the quickest would win $6,000! Well we thought we kicked butt… Finishing The Dreadcutter in just 19 minutes and 40 something seconds … but sadly other groups beat our time. We even had a computer glitch – Cylaa’s video card crashed and her computer went black for a good 3 minutes. But even though we didn’t win, we were all hyped up after playing together. It was an adrenaline rush, and I couldn’t have been with a better group of players 🙂

5. Eating at the Bacchanel Buffet

One thing we all looked forward to from the moment we got to Las Vegas was eating at the Bacchanel Buffet at Caesar’s Palace! We arrived at the buffet at a perfect time because there wasn’t a line. So we got our table and immediately headed for the food 🙂 I enjoyed the sushi, mini hamburgers, and mac & cheese! But the best part was the dessert bar. It was HUGE! I wanted to take one of everything (and I almost did.) It was totally worth the $50 it cost to get in!

6. Attending the SOE Pool Party

Last year’s pool party left quite an impression on everyone that attended SOE Live. So this year I was excited to see the craziness for myself. Sadly, the lines to get drinks were really long.. And not too many people were in the pools. But I still hopped in and played some volleyball with a few people. It was a cool feeling to look around and see the beautiful Las Vegas hotels in the background.. I felt like I was in a movie!

7. Seeing a Bride and Groom

This may seem silly to some of you, but to me I thought it was so romantic! I think it would be really fun to get married in Las Vegas, so I was hoping I would spot a few brides. Well not only did I see one, but she sat right next to me! Yep, after me and Banguk ordered our gelato at The Venetian we sat on a bench to watch a statue performance. Well next thing I know this BEAUITFUL bride sits right next to me! I told her how lovely she looked and was just giddy to see a fairy tale right before my eyes. After we left The Venetian we saw her and the groom on one of the gondolas outside!

8. Playing Slot Machines

Even though I didn’t spend much money on the slot machines, I knew I needed to at least give it a try! I put two dollars in the Wizard of Oz machine and me and Herminee both won about $10! But we decided to just play it out until we lost.. So at the end of my trip I only lost $7 gambling which I think is pretty good 🙂 I can definitely see how people get hooked on it though.. I really wanted to keep adding more dollars in! lol

9. The Costume Contest

As you know, I love to cosplay, but since a lot of my costumes aren’t plane friendly I decided not to bring one to SOE Live. But two of my guild members did, and Cylaa got Best in Show! Gothicangel also was also in the Top 10 with her costume. They both looked awesome! I hope next year I can make something to bring.

10. Riding in a Limo on the Strip

On our final trip back to the house, Astijia got a limo for all of us to ride in! This was the first time most of us have ever been in one! I got super excited when it turned onto the strip.. it was nighttime so all the lights outside were going and it was a Saturday night! I felt super special – I mean we were in a limo on the strip in Las Vegas!!! It was an epic way to end our adventure.


Other fun things that happened that I have to include is getting a Nagafen Hat from the SOE team (I’ve been wearing it around the house all the time!), seeing Elvis impersonators (one was even singing!), spotting a crowd at the Forum Shoppes and finding out Mike Tyson was inside the store, running into Ron Haras (winner of one of my Yoshi Eggs!), getting my picture with The Rock (ok ok it was just a wax figure), and all the awesome SOE/EQ2 swag I bought!
Now I am counting down the days until next year’s SOE Live! This was the most fun I have ever had.. I live and breathe EverQuest 2 so being surrounded by friends that share the same interest was so much fun. I will never forget all the great times we had, and I am certainly looking forward to next year 🙂

To view all 368 photos I took while in Las Vegas click here to see my Facebook album!

And my guild member (Adaac) took amazing pictures and posted them on his Flickr. So please check them out, too!


  1. Looks like you had an amazing trip. Lots of fun new people and experiences. How cool was that limo?


  2. So jealous, that looks like so much fun!!! We're saving up all our money for Fan Days right now since John Barrowman will be in attendance, along with some other amazing guests!! I've gotta start thinking up of a new costume idea. I hope to see you out there again too!


  3. Dang! That trip sounds like fun! Vegas is awesome, and it sounds like you did a lot of really great things while you were there… in addition to going to SoE Live and meeting your guild! It's a shame you didn't win the contest… after seeing your tweet about it, I thought for sure you guys would've nailed it. Thanks for sharing about your trip.

    EQ Next sounds like it will have some interesting gameplay mechanics. I'll be keeping an eye on it to see how it comes out. Pretty cool that you'll be in the beta, but it's a shame you won't be able to tell us about it (assuming they have the usual NDA at first).


  4. I loved reading about your trip, it seemed like a really awesome time. My husband and I were thinking about going, but San Diego Comic Con just wiped us financially to make the trip. Maybe next year though 🙂

    One thing I did find funny was one of the downsides to EQ Next that your guildie listed was that the toons look too cartoonish and WoW-like. I am a huge World of Warcraft player, and to me, the graphics of Everquest (I play EQ2) look super cheesy. But at the end of the day both games are still fun and its just a matter of perspective.


  5. Looks like you had too much fun out there. Good to see you had such a blast out there. Remind me to give you a high five next time I see you.


  6. Looks like you had a great time!! I love traveling to new places for geeky events 🙂


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OMGLITZY: Snow White Makeup Contest

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Snow White Makeup Contest

Hosted by Doe Deere Blogazine and Lime Crime Makeup is a contest to win a Lime Crime gift pack. All you have to do is submit a photo to the event on Facebook by June 11 and 16 finalists will be chosen by the staff for the public to vote on. The photo with the most “Likes” will win!

Here is the photo I submitted and what I used:

Face: Almay Clear Complexion liquid foundation, Pur Minerals pressed powder
Blush: MAC “Sweetness” and MAC “Delicacy” irridescent powder
Eyes: Kat Von D eyeshadows “Mad Max” and “Swan Song” and MAC’s “Black Tied”,  Great Lash mascara, Kat Von D  “Puro Amor” eyeliner, Urban Decay “Distortion” eyeliner glitter
Lips: Maybeline “Very Cherry” and Bonne Belle “Raspberry Sorbet”

A lot of people have been complaining about other entries being “too professional” .. Well I agree some photos do look overly photoshopped or are being “recycled” from an old photo shoot.. I want to be clear that my pic is original! I used Photoshop to crop the image and I did adjust the exposure. I had to take it myself (took lots of pics because my arm kept showing up in the mirror, lol) and I had pretty bad lighting in my bedroom. My camera is a Sony CyberShot DSC-WX10 and my hair and outfit were obviously done by myself as well.

I’ll let you know if I make it to the finals! I hope I do! 🙂

P.S.   Here are some other shots I tried to attempt .. 😛


  1. Your so cute. I love your hair. How do I subscribe to your blog?



    1. Thanks Janine! 🙂 I added a "follow by email" and a "subscribe" link on the right hand side.. Not sure if it works yet!


  2. When and how does voting work?


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OMGLITZY: Snow White and the Huntsman

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Snow White and the Huntsman

I was able to check out the movie Snow White and the Huntsman in theaters and really enjoyed it! I’m so glad I saw it on the big screen .. it was a classic fairy tale cranked up a few notches. Although it was long I never felt like it was dragging. The pace was set well, and the plot was intriguing. Kristen Stewart isn’t exactly the best actress, but I did like her in this movie. And who can complain about the dreamy Chris Hemsworth? Watching this movie made me truly wish ethereal lands existed. I so badly wanted to jump into the screen and walk through the forest with the characters. Charlize Theron as the evil queen was definitely bad to bone, and her scenes were eerie and captivating. I do wish the very last scene had a little more epicness to it .. But overall I liked it! 🙂

Favorite quote: “You be a queen in heaven now and sit among the angels.” -The Huntsman

And I love the Florence + The Machine song from the soundtrack:

1 comment:

  1. Glad your blog is back up. Almost got you to answer question to a future blog. You're sharp! Really enjoyed Florence+ and need to see that movie, among many others.

    On a separate note, Favorite quote: "You be a queen in heaven now and sit among the angels." -The Huntsman has brought me to tears. Good ones. Peace.


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