OMGLITZY: 2014 In Review

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

2014 In Review

This past year was so busy and exciting for me that I’ve been a little nervous to try and squeeze it all in one blog post. I decided to use last year’s 2013 In Review as a template and post a few of my favorite things I did.

Last year I flew to Orlando, Seattle and Las Vegas. So looking back on this year I realized I never once left Texas. It was kind of nice staying here and doing more around my home town. I did manage to travel around my own state quite a bit, though. I drove to Waco for the Heart of Texas Convention and also ventured to Waxahachie and Houston to visit their Renaissance festivals.
Oh boy! Did I go to conventions or WHAT! The Dallas area is filled with them all year long. I told myself to take advantage of having weekends off and enjoy going to cons while I can. I think I can put a nice big check mark next to that goal! I was also lucky to be invited to a few cons as a cosplay guest. I have a blog post about each of these so check the “Conventions” tag to see them. Here’s a list of all the cons I went to this year:
January’s North Texas Comic Book Show
Dallas Sci Fi Expo
Comic and Pop Expo
Heart of Texas Comic Con
G33K3: The Con
Animation Celebration
Dallas Comic Con
AKon 25
ScrewAttack Gaming Convention
July’s North Texas Comic Book Show
Anime Fest
The Vampire Diaries Convention
Dallas Fan Days
Since I attended so many conventions that also means I made a lot of costumes. Looking back, I wish I had worn some of these more than once. For some reason I felt the need to make something new each convention. This resulted in me not getting many photos of some of these costumes that I worked really hard on. But I did enjoy making each one, and when you have so many characters on your wish list it’s hard not to want to make all the costumes all at once! So here’s a list of the 13 costumes I made this year:
Shredder (tutorial)
Black Cat
Jessie from Toy Story (tutorial)
Princess Anna
Ariel (tutorial)
Thor (tutorial)
Super Mario
Sailor Ariel (tutorial)
Princess Celestia (tutorial)
Steampunk Princess Leia (tutorial)
Evil Queen Regina (tutorial)
Princess Peach
Favorite Books
This was a great year for reading! I dived head first into several novels. My favorite was probably The Fault in Our Stars. That book was written really well and pulled on my heartstrings just like A Walk to Remember did when I was in high school. I’m bummed I didn’t finish the Maze Runner series. I’ll start the last in that trilogy (The Death Cure) right away in 2015. Here’s a list of all the books I read this year:
Divergent; Allegiant; Insurgent
The Fault in Our Stars
Summer of Yesterday
The Mortal Instruments: City of Heavenly Fire
The Selection; The Elite; The One (also the mini stories The Prince and The Guard)
The Maze Runner; The Scorch Trials
Favorite Movies
One of my goals from last year was to visit the theater more often. I think I did pretty good! I can’t remember ALL of the movies I saw but a few that stand out as favorites were: Divergent, The Amazing Spider-Man 2, The Maze Runner and Mockingjay Part 1. Also, at home I finally watched Pitch Perfect and The Princess and The Frog and LOVED these movies very much! Some films I still need to see are How To Train Your Dragon 2, The Hobbit 3, and Into The Woods.
Favorite TV Shows
I’m still fangirling over The Vampire Diaries (and I even got to meet Stefan this year!) Some new shows that I got into were Girl Meets World, The Flash, and Outlander. In early January I had a marathon of the first season of Arrow and loved it! I still haven’t finished season 2, though, so I’m behind on that and need to catch up. I also watched the entire series of True Blood. The first several seasons were great but boy did it get weird towards the end or what!
Favorite Songs
I declare this the “Year of One Direction” because I became quite fanatic over them and their music. My fav songs are Through the Dark, Story of My life, Moments, Fireproof and Fool’s Gold. I even attended one of their concerts at the Dallas Cowboy Stadium! I also listened to a lot of Taylor Swift. I can repeat her old songs for days, but I love her new album 1989. Some random songs I liked were Cups by Anna Kendrick, Aquarius by Digital Daggers, All of The Stars by Ed Sheeran and Chandelier by Sia.
Favorite Games
Guild Wars 2. Guild Wars 2. Guild Wars 2.
Hahaha.. clearly I played a lot of GW2 this year. I bought this game around its launch a few years ago but never got too far in it. I took a break from EverQuest 2 since I was working more and doing cosplays and conventions. I found that Guild Wars had a play style I really enjoyed and now I’m hooked. Other games I loved were Mario Kart 8, Disney Magical World and Magic: The Gathering.
Favorite Blogs
Thanks to this post here I added a lot of new blogs to my reading list! Some of my other new favorites are Sparkly Ever After, Le Fancy Geek and Confessions of a Book Addict. I’m still on the hunt for good Disney blogs. I like seeing Disney inspired outfits, posts about new restaurants, and adventures through the parks. I hope to return to Disney World in Florida for another visit next year!
Random Favorites
I don’t know how I had time to do these after typing all those previous things I did, but I enjoyed seeing The Little Mermaid Musical, attending a red carpet for Divergent and interviewing the actors, seeing a Dallas Stars hockey game, Texas Rangers baseball game and most recently a Dallas Mavericks basketball game. I can also check off an item from my 2013 goal list – a trip to the Dallas World Aquarium. I did some drastic things to my hair like shaving the sides and dying it brown. I added 2 new tattoos to my collection – Ariel on my leg, and Luna on my wrist – and touched up the rose on my shoulder. I was extra crafty, too, and worked really hard on several craft tutorials and even started baking more. Overall, I was a very busy bee in 2014!
Goals for 2015
My dad and I would like to go to a Dallas Cowboys game. I’ve seen the stadium for the 1D concert but he hasn’t been there yet. Since we have seen all the local major soccer, baseball, basketball and hockey teams the last one we need is football!
I got my toes wet with a lot of different types of cosplays this past year. So for 2015 I want to make it more personal. By that I mean do characters that I have more of a connection with and feel proud and comfortable in. I want to further my skills at sewing and prop making, too. By taking more time and care in my costumes I think I’ll be surprised how great the finished product will be.
There isn’t a doubt in my mind that I will somehow make a trip to Florida again to visit Walt Disney World. I’ve mentioned before how I was always surprised that people go there multiple times. I thought once you have seen it you just move on to a new vacation. But nope! There is so much to see and do, and that magical feeling it gives you never goes away.
My last goal is do a fun run. Like a 5K or something. I just know there’s some great long distance runs around Dallas that people get involved in. I used to run track in high school and was pretty good at it. I enjoy it! I like the idea of preparing for something and having my parents there rooting me on. I’m not really looking to “get in shape” at all.. I just want to run to be honest.
Thank you to all my readers and friends for the support and kindness you’ve shown me this year! It’s been great getting to know more of you and share my nerdy adventures with you. I am looking forward to 2015!
What are some of your fav memories from this year?
What goals have you set for next year?


  1. That's a ton of conventions! I'm a little jealous! I hope you have a great 2015!


  2. So many conventions! That's awesome! I don't thin we get that many in our whole country, let alone in the one state! Happy New Year 🙂


  3. You should do one of the color runs for your 5k. It's where you run and they pelt you with paint!!!


  4. I have learnt so much from your cosplay tutorials this year. Thank you so much for taking the time to teach me. 🙂


  5. Such a fun year for you! That's a lot of cosplays! And they all looked so great!!!
    I'm trying to do a 5k this year as well! Thanks for all your tutorials, and your hair continues to be such an inspiration!!! It always looks fantastic!!!


  6. Wow how exciting. You did so many fun things. My goal for this year is to go to my first comic con.


  7. Thanks for posting your tutorials! They have helped a lot with my costumes, like making arrows for my Kate Bishop one! And so many cons!! Glad 2014 was good to you!!


  8. hey, I'm really honored! Thanks for including 🙂


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OMGLITZY: December 2013

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Happy Things #20

This is a bit of a random Happy Things post.. Because it includes a lot of things I had meant to blog about from a couple months ago and just didn’t find the time to post them. I did share most of these things via Instagram so be sure to follow me there to stay up-to-date 🙂
So back in September I got to attend a Supernatural convention! I went by myself, had a terrible seat during the Q&A, and autograph tickets were already sold out. So typing up a whole blog post seemed kinda pointless since I didn’t take too many photos. But listening to the Q&A with Sam and Dean was awesome, and I did fork out some money to get a picture with Sam Winchester (Jared Padalecki) .. I loved him in Gilmore Girls, too, so that was an added bonus.
Next event I wanted to blog about was the Paramore concert! They’re probably my favorite band, and I danced to all the songs in their set! My mom went with me and we had pretty good seats right in the middle, but neither of our phones got very clear pics. I did buy a shirt, tho 🙂

The day before Thanksgiving, Medieval Times posted on their Facebook that tickets were only $25 for that night’s show. Normally, a ticket is like $60-$70.. so I begged my parents to take me since the price was so low ^.^ I absolutely LOVE going to Medieval Times. I have lost count how many times I’ve been there now. And I am pretty sure some of the knights recognized me. You get to eat a huge meal (with your hands!) and watch an awesome show. Huzzah!

A couple weeks ago I bought this Carissa Rose print. I’d like to get a nice frame for it and hang it up in my room. She makes really cool, colorful artwork.

You may have noticed my hair color changing quite a bit throughout all my posts and pics.. I change it so often that I forget to make new blog posts about it. Or maybe I think y’all get tired of seeing those kinds of posts? I dunno .. but here’s some pics of what I’ve done lately! 
I was planning on just touching up my roots with more purple.. but when I put the bleach on it started turning kinda green. So I just went with it and added more teal dye. 😛
The most recent color I’ve done was bleaching out the green/teal and this time adding pink to the roots. People usually ask me how I change my color so much without damaging it. I always use demi-permanent color, and I haven’t put bleach on the ends of my hair in about 7 months. I only have to do the roots for now. The color at the middle/ends is from that time I put dark purple on it.. and this is what it’s faded to. I did shampoo the pink dye down towards the bottom to give it a more pinkish glow.
This picture makes me so happy!!! I entered the official Mortal Instruments Pinterest board contest and was one of the 5 winners! I heard about it from their Facebook page and since I am totally addicted to Pinterest, I had no problem spending an entire night making a Clary Fray Inspired board. There were quite a few entries, but I saw my name listed as one of the winners and freaked out!! I emailed them my address and a few days later got a box from Sony Entertainment. It had the movie on BluRay/DVD, the movie’s soundtrack, Jace’s stele, tattoos, trading cards, a journal, bag, and t-shirt. The item I was most excited for was The Shadowhunters Codex. I wasn’t expecting to get all these amazing items so I was really really happy!!

My next happy thing is the jewelry I ordered from Kuma Crafts. This beautiful Sailor Moon necklace has been on my wish list for quite some time. I finally decided to order it, and I am so glad I did. It’s exquisite!! It’s so well-made, glitzy and girly, and looks great with any outfit. The package came with some adorable stickers, too!
And finally, a Happy Things post wouldn’t be complete without a picture of Pixie Doodle.
What has made you happy lately?
(Or in the last couple months since my post has things all the way back to September hahaha)

Monday, December 23, 2013

The Nutcracker Ice Show

Every year at the Gaylord Texan Resort, there is an epic Ice Show put on for the holidays. This year the theme was The Nutcracker! My parents surprised me with tickets to the show for my birthday, and we all really enjoyed going.

The Gaylord Texan is a beautiful resort with all kinds of other attractions inside. There was a gingerbread house, giant Christmas tree, and you could even visit Santa!

When you enter the Ice Show, they give you a HUGE jacket to wear. I didn’t think I would need it on top of my big coat, but I am so glad I wore it. The temperature inside was only 9 DEGREEs! It was so cold I couldn’t feel my face.
They use two million pounds of ice to make all the sculptures. I was amazed at the size and detail of each piece. You can read more about how they make the ice here.

Of course, my favorite sculpture was the pink pegasus!

There was also an ice slide you could go down! That’s me on the slide!! 

The last room in the show was dedicated to New York City. There was a Yellow Taxi, the Statue of Liberty and Big Apples.

If you live in the DFW area, I definitely recommend checking out the Ice Show at the Gaylord. The whole place was beautiful and really put me in the holiday spirit. There are also several restaurants inside, and it’s the official hotel for the Dallas Cowboys!
Hope everyone has a happy holiday!!
Do you have any holiday attractions in your town?

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

A Day in the Park

Before the crazy ice storm hit my part of Texas, my mom and I went over to the park across from my apartment. It was a beautiful day and was so warm and sunny I eventually took my jacket off!! I am glad we adventured out before the temperature dropped below freezing the next day.
This park is called “Central Park” just north of Dallas.. It has statues and a water fountain (which sadly was not running.) There’s also a small river behind it and a little lake. I had fun walking around and saw a few other families taking photos. I just wish I had been coming here more often to take more pics!
My outfit:
Pokemon shirt – Hot Topic
Nyan cat hoodie – ThinkGeek
Pink phone purse – Vera Bradley
Boots – Uggs
Jeans – Express

Saturday, December 14, 2013

WhoFest DFW 2013

To celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Doctor Who, my mom and I attended a local convention called WhoFest! This was its first year and tickets for it sold out! I was only able to attend on Friday (it was a three day event), but still had a blast with all the other Whovians. There weren’t any celebrity guests, but it did have numerous discussion panels, a cosplay contest, and a really great dealers room.
This was my outfit for WhoFest. I wore a Link/Doctor Who crossover shirt from TeeFury and the 4th Doctor’s scarf from ThinkGeek.

This Dalek could light up, move, and yell Exterminate! at you! Eek! 

My favorite costume was by my friend Jeremy (far right). He was dressed up as Craig from the “Closing Time” episode with baby Stormageddon.
This River Song outfit was spot on!

I also loved this Doctor Whooves costume. It’s a My Little Pony character!
And my good friend CookieCupCakes was there, too in her fabulous homemade costume!
The dealer’s room was very impressive. Even though it wasn’t very big, the booths had some excellent Doctor Who swag to buy. I got a free poster with my ticket purchase and also decided to buy some arm warmers the same pattern as my scarf.

The Piranha Toys booth never disappoints either. It was a great photo area.

And here’s the Dalek in action!

Oh no! It brought reinforcements!

They were building a Tardis the whole time we were there.. and almost had it finished by the time we needed to leave. It was made of wood and had lights in it and everything. Would be so cool to have this at home, don’t you think? 🙂
Do you watch Doctor Who?
What did you think of the 50th Anniversary special?
Which Doctor is your favorite?

Monday, December 9, 2013

My Little Pony: Childhood Memories

There’s a special memory I have when I was little of me and my mom. I was in elementary school, and I got all A’s on one of my report cards. So my mom said she would take me to Toys R Us to get a My Little Pony. I can remember picking a pony at the store and afterwards going to McDonald’s to celebrate. I got a McNugget Happy Meal and my new pony got to sit at the table with us. I can picture the exact booth we sat in at that McDonald’s back home. It’s one of my absolute favorite memories. I had a lot of wonderful toys when I was little. And I love it when a special toy sneaks into my head so I can think of all the times I spent playing with it. Mostly, my Ponies weren’t “played” with but rather had their hair brushed constantly. I *loved* brushing their manes and tails.
Photo credit: Pony Land Tours
Here is a pic of the pony I got in my memory when we went to McDonald’s. Her name is Lofty!
Photo credit: eBay
This was another pony I loved. I played with her so much her cutie mark wore off. Her name is Sunnybunch.
Photo credit:
And now let me introduce you to Hula Hula! She was my all time favorite because she had the SOFTEST HAIR. It never tangled and was soooo silky. I was so jealous of her hair (mine was crazy frizzy) .. I loved brushing it and was so envious of her multiple colors 🙂 I guess My Little Pony influenced my hair styling choices! 😀
There’s a bunch of other toys I absolutely adored as a child. And I am so thankful my mom would get them for me. So as I think of awesome memories I will probably make more posts like this one. I also want to mention that I am really hooked on the new My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. It’s the cutest show and all the characters are so unique. Since I am not sure if my mom kept my old ponies, I have started a new collection with the new series. So someday I can make a post on that, too. ^.^
Do you have a favorite childhood toy?

Friday, December 6, 2013

Tutorial: Legolas Cosplay

Since The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug is coming out next week, I wanted to post how I made my costume for my Legolas cosplay! This was not too difficult to make.. but very time consuming getting all the pieces together. I wore this costume to Dallas Fan Days 2013. I started making it right after I saw the first trailer for the second Hobbit movie!

The first item I looked for was his tunic. I really enjoy recycling other items. So I found this vintage suede jacket on Etsy, and I just knew it would be perfect!!

All it took was trimming the shape into Legolas’ tunic. I cut off the collar, shortened the sleeves and angled the bottom.
The next part was SO MUCH MORE DIFFICULT! LOL … I spent ALL DAY adding the brown suede to the top of the tunic. I am sure there are patterns out there somewhere, but I decided to make my own and “just wing it.” .. In the end it came out exactly how I pictured.
To go along with my “wing it” philosophy.. I freehanded the swirlies with a silver sharpie. I was pretty nervous about this, but had a reference photo (seen here by Alley Cat Scratch) right next to me so I could redesign it.
I also freehanded the swirlies on the back and sleeves based on this reference photo. It’s too bad no one ever saw this since I wore a cloak all day. But I wanted it to be there so it felt complete 🙂

Next I made the quiver.. I just used a cardboard poster tube and wrapped it in some extra brown fabric I had. I used hot glue to attach it to the cardboard.
The arrows were wooden dowels that I painted brown.
And I added convention-friendly arrowheads. These are just pencil erasers painted silver then you glue them to the end of the wooden dowel.
For the other end of the arrows, I cut feathers in half and glued them to each side of the wooden dowel. This was messy because bits of feathers got all over the place.
Here is a finished look at the quiver, bow, and arrows. Also on the quiver I freehanded a swirly design with a gold sharpie (Legolas has a beautiful peacock design on his), and I attached a brown belt to the back. The bow was not made by me.. It’s an officially licensed Legolas bow made out of plastic.. but I thought it looked great! I got mine on eBay for only $10 but they seem to be sold out now.
The cloak was handmade by CloaknDragon, but I had to add a hole in the back so the quiver could go through it.

This wig is the same one I used for my Sailor Venus cosplay. It’s an Eowyn in the color Titanium Blonde by Arda Wigs. I braided it myself!

For the day of the convention, I pinned the two side braids up with bobby pins so they would look more like Legolas. This also helped my elf ears (by Aradani) show better. I did my makeup myself, too.
My leggings were handmade by Wrecking Crew Creation to fit my measurements, and the grey long sleeve shirt is from American Apparel. My boots were from Walmart, and the brown belts were from Target.
The brooch I wore on my cloak was from eBay and can also be worn as a necklace.

And my beautiful bracers were made by RenManLeather .. He customized these to fit my wrist and match the design to Legolas’ actual bracers. These are super high quality; I cannot recommend him enough!

The only thing I wish I had done differently was research how to properly hold a bow and arrow ^.^
I have never used one before and looking back in my photos I realized I wasn’t holding it quite right. So if you decide to make this outfit be sure to look that up!
I loved wearing this costume at Dallas Fan Days (see that full post here), and I can see myself wanting to wear it again and again. It was pretty comfy and I felt like a magical elven warrior. I am not sure if I’ll get to wear this for The Hobbit premier, but I am definitely excited to watch the new movie and see more Legolas action!
What character from The Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit is your favorite?
Will you go see The Hobbit in theaters?

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OMGLITZY: November 2013

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thankfulness 2013

Today is Thanksgiving here in the US… So happy day to all that celebrate it! Since I have a some international readers, I’m calling this post “Thankfulness” instead so it can be enjoyed by all. defines thankful as “feeling or expressing gratitude.” Whether it be for an object, a person, an idea, a place .. or really anything. Too often I find that I don’t acknowledge how grateful I am for things in my life. So here are a few wonderful things I am truly thankful for!

 My family!
I am incredibly close to my parents and family! My mom helps me put on nearly every cosplay and even attends conventions with me sometimes. And my dad is usually the one that is willing to drive us so we don’t have to worry about traffic and parking. They support my crazy interests and are always there if I need them. They are so cool and do so much for me and I am super duper thankful for them! 
My kitty!
And of course my little Pixie Doodle is a part of my family, too. She gives me the best hugs and purrs and always snuggles with me at night. She has been in my lap the whole time I typed this, too! I am so grateful for the love she’s shown me!
My computer!
I decided to share this ridiculous picture because this is basically what I do all the time. And I am so thankful for my life! I love that I grew up with an interest in computers and video games. I enjoy being curled up in my chair with my headphones on listening to music. It’s my little part of the world where I feel most at home.

I wanted to show a photo of my whole bookshelf, but I’ve already packed it up! (I am in the process of moving.) And I couldn’t find a pic anywhere on my computer. But here’s a pic of The Hunger Games (since I just saw Catching Fire and LOVED it!) which is one of my favorite books. I have so many other favorites like Harry Potter, Twilight, The Mortal Instruments, etc and I am very thankful for the chance to read interesting stories and let my imagination take flight.

Disney World!
One truly remarkable adventure I was able to go on was visiting Disney World. I’ve considered moving to Florida just so I could go all the time. I wasn’t really sure if I would ever get the chance to visit, though, and my family made it happen. I was able to meet all my favorite characters and live out a dream. And due to some major flight delays, my dad and I were actually able to go again with some flight vouchers! This is a trip I will never forget, and I’m so thankful I was able to experience it.
The chance to be a chameleon!
I am definitely thankful for the opportunity to become anyone I want to be. Cosplay has been such a joyful way for me to express myself. I’m thankful I have a lifestyle that allows me to change my hair color, create costumes, and get the chance to meet new people. I am still quite a newbie at cosplaying, but I’ve really become attached the creativity it’s brought to my life!
So those are just a few of the wonderful things I am thankful for! I am looking forward to eating some yummy food and spending Thanksgiving with my family.
What are you thankful for?

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

The Vampire Diaries: Dallas Convention 2013

Back in August I was able to attend The Vampire Diaries Convention put on by Creation Entertainment! I feel bad it took me this long to post about it because I had a total blast!
There were so many cast members from the show there.  I was glad my ticket package included a lot of autographs.
A cool treat at the convention was seeing Ian Somehalder’s brother Bob. He runs a really cool company called Built of Barnwood (BOB).. There were so many wonderful things for sale and you could even meet Bob and get his signature!
Although this convention was smaller than most, they still had a nice display of goodies to buy.

They had a small costume contest, and most of the girls were dressed as Elena or Katherine. I decided if I had dressed up I would have been Matt in his football uniform lol

During the auction, I bid on this really cool bag that was from the 2011 San Diego Comic Con!

The money from the auction went to charity, and I think it’s cool to have this hanging in my room 🙂

I bought a t-shirt at the convention and wore it with my lapis lazuli necklace my mom had bought me!

She also bought me a lapis lazuli ring, and I ordered Damon’s ring from eBay.
This was the Q&A panel for Torrey DeVitto and Kat Graham who play Dr. Meredith Fell and Bonnie Bennett in the show. Torrey DeVitto is also in Pretty Little Liars.
This is a pic of Trent Ford on stage. I was SOOO excited to meet him because he is in one of my favorite movies How To Deal. I love that movie SO much, and I have watched it so many times that my DVD skips now. He had a small role in the Vampire Diaries a few seasons ago, but when I saw him announced for the convention I got really excited!!

This was the bead I made for Trent Ford. He collects beads for his necklace when he travels to new places. Since this was his first convention and I’m a huge fan, I thought it would be cool to give it as a gift 🙂 He was really grateful!

Charlie Bewley was also there, and I was excited to meet him because he was part of the Volturi in Twilight.
This was my outfit for the second day! I wanted to look cute since this was the day I’d get Damon’s autograph!

Ian Somerhalder (Damon) was the big guest of the show.. Paul Wesley (Stefan) canceled his appearance last minute *cry* .. I had met Ian before so I was looking forward to seeing Paul Wesley. Oh well. I’ll take Damon if I have to! 🙂
Here are all the autographs I got! I already had Damon’s and Caroline’s on my poster from a few years ago. So I got Damon’s again since it was included in my ticket package. I also got Bonney’s, Jeremy’s and Matt’s autograph on my poster! Then I went ahead and had Charlie Bewley sign my Twilight book. And honestly, I was probably most excited to meet Trent Ford. He was so cool.
I also went to a Supernatural convention so I will be sure to post an update about that soon!
Are you a Vampire Diaries fan?
Are you Team Damon or Team Stefan?

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Giveaway: Pokemon Posters

Attention Pokemasters! Here is your chance to catch a Pokemon Poster of your very own!
I am giving away a Pokemon X & Y poster and a Pokemon: Through the Years poster! (Pictured above) 
Entering is easy! Just follow these steps on the Rafflecopter widget. Two winners will be picked at random and mailed one of these posters. Currently, this contest is only open to US residents. Once a winner is selected, they will be contacted by email and will have 48 hours to respond otherwise a new winner will be chosen. Contest ends on Sat November 23th at 11:00pm CST. 
Good luck everyone!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Happy Things #19

Here are some things that have made me happy:
Pixie Doodle being a pretty kitty!
And here she is helping me play Animal Crossing.
Marshal is one of the funniest characters on Animal Crossing! I just love him.
My friend Natalie shared this adorable photo of a kitty named Cuddles!! He was in for a teeth cleaning 🙂

I went to the local pumpkin patch to pick up one for the holidays. Last year my pumpkin didn’t even last a week.. Hopefully this one makes it to Thanksgiving!

They had cute little bunnies and ducklings there, too! 

I finally signed up for Pottermore, and I was sorted into Gryffindor! I couldn’t believe it! I also was given a larch wand with phoenix feather core! I tried brewing a potion and it was really difficult. But the rest of the website sooo cool.

I’ve always wanted a Friday the 13th tattoo and couldn’t believe I didn’t already have one. I’d been meaning to post this because I got it in September but just kept forgetting! A lot of tattoo shops do specials on this day so I got this one for only $20!
Well I am guessing that a lot of people dressed up as Princess Peach for Halloween because my crown tutorial post had nearly 2000 hits in October! A few readers sent me pics of their finished crowns, too, which I think is just the coolest thing. 🙂 I decided to add a template to the post to help people make it, too.
And this meme was just too cute not to share!
Anything making you extra happy this week?

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Movie Review – Thor: The Dark World

Theatrical release poster; Walt Disney Studios
As you can tell from my previous post, I was pretty excited to go watch the second installment of Thor in theaters. I had made a winged headband to wear as I cheered on Thor and Loki in their adventures! I will keep this short and sweet and spoiler free!
I actually had not seen the first Thor movie until a few days ago. Luckily, my nearby Redbox had it to rent. So I made some popcorn and checked it out. I knew I was an instant fan of Thor after watching The Avengers. He and Captain America were my favorites due to their stunning good looks and gentlemanlike qualities. (Hey, they’re my type ok!) But truthfully, Thor appears to me as a true hero. He’s big, buff, kind, and genuinely looking out for the good of his people. And his role in Thor: The Dark World confirmed all of that for me.
First, the movie has an overall comedic feel. Which I loved! I laughed out loud at so many different parts. And I never felt like the lines came off as cheesy. Many of the funniest moments weren’t even spoken lines (like where Thor puts his hammer at the apartment) .. That was hilarious! I’m glad they included cameos of other characters, too. That was a nice touch to get a laugh out and also a glimpse at some of our other favorite super heroes.
Second, the movie had a great message. I feel like Thor and Loki’s relationship has excellent balance. This makes the movie more of a family film. It shows that a family may be complicated, but love doesn’t disappear, no matter how evil you might be. I especially enjoyed Rene Russo’s performance as Frigga. Her scenes were so moving and heartfelt that even Loki feels it. And I liked that I understood what I just watched. I didn’t leave the theater wondering why someone did something or what was that meant for. It was an enjoyable story to follow.
Finally, the action was just right. I’m comparing this to how I felt after Man of Steel. Superman straight up destroyed everything. And I had a hard time enjoying the mass chaos. I’m all for some good fight scenes, but too much and I’m a little turned off. The scenes in Asgard had a magical feel to them with the use of a more medieval touch. I enjoyed seeing the close up punches rather than who can throw the other into the farthest building.
So to conclude, I would probably say the two Thor movies combined have made it one of my favorite super hero story lines. The actors and actresses meshed well, the special effects brought another world to life, and the subtle love story resonated with me. I’d say this movie has something for just about everyone!
What is your favorite super hero film?
Did you enjoy Thor: The Dark World?

Friday, November 8, 2013

Tutorial: Thor Inspired Wing Headband

Art by Oliver Coipel
A few days ago, I decided to rent the first Thor movie since Thor: The Dark World comes out this weekend! I have totally fallen in love with Chris Hemsworth. But also Natalie Portman! She’s so cute in the movie. I am excited to watch the second movie tomorrow so tonight I was googling Thor crafts and came across this awesome headband tutorial by Doodle Craft. I decided right away I had to make it!
I made my wings smaller than Doodle Craft’s tutorial so they could be worn more often. But it would be fun to remake this in different wing shapes and sizes.
I printed out a wing shape that I liked and traced it onto some sheet foam.

Normally I would gesso the sheet foam so it would become thicker and more sturdy, but tonight I wanted this done quick so I just decided to spray paint the wings silver.

Then I outlined the wings with gold paint and used hair spray to add some glitter. 

Because I am a glitzy Thor girl! 
Attach your wings with hot glue to a skinny headband and you’re done!

Pixie insisted on a hug during my photo shoot.

Aww kitty!

This was a super quick and cheap DIY project!
Who is going to see Thor: The Dark World this weekend?
Are you Team Thor or Team Loki?

Monday, November 4, 2013

Birthday Wish List 2013

My birthday is this month so I decided to make a list of some little (and mostly big) wishes I have!
“Message from Home” by Jeremiah Ketner
I have had my eye on this painting for quite some time now. The movie Tangled holds a magical place in my heart (I even have a post about it!), and this painting captures the essence of the story beautifully. I entered a Facebook contest on Jeremiah Ketner’s page to try and win this painting, but it just wasn’t written in the stars for me. So for now it stays on my ~wish list~..
King’s Body Jewelry has these beautiful Pink Howlite stone plugs for only $15! I wear a size 25mm (or 1 inch) plug in my ears, and they are usually super crazy expensive. Most of the time you’ll see me wearing Opalite plugs, but I really want these pink ones! 😛
My desktop computer that I use for eveerrrrything was purchased in 2007. I’ve only upgraded the operating system once when my hard-drive decided to crash three years ago. Honestly, most everything runs just fine still (knock on wood!) But I’m a tech geek, and I love to have the newest models. I still can’t decide if I should just upgrade to the latest OS, switch to a laptop, or get the bigger desktop. So that’s why I still have what I have 😛 
Although I haven’t had any professional training with Adobe products, I find myself constantly using Photoshop for blog stuff, photos, and just for fun. I would love learn how to use Illustrator as well, and begin expanding my digital art skills. It costs quite a bit so this will probably stay on my ~wish list~ for awhile especially since I already have Photoshop.
When I first started dying my hair funky colors, I used Specials Effects from Hot Topic. They no longer carry that brand (they switched to RAW which I use now). But Special Effects has a wider range of colors, and the quality is amazing. I can’t find it in stores anywhere so you have to purchase them online now. I would love to have one of each color! 😛
I really really don’t need another 3DS XL .. but it’s so hard not to love this special edition one! I definitely plan on picking up the new game at least.

This replica of Thorin’s key looks uber magical as a pendent for a necklace. I would rock this all the time. It’d be especially cool to wear to a Renaissance faire. ThinkGeek offers it for $30 which is a little steep for me, but it says it’s an officially licensed collectible and comes in a “handsome” gift box!
So those are my crazy wishes for my birthday this year! According to my age I should probably be asking for more “grown up” things, but that will never happen! 😛 I will be a kid for life!

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OMGLITZY: October 2013

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

What’s in My Bag!

A girl’s purse can be an endless pit of interesting goodies. Mine is no exception! Here’s a look at some of the glitzy and geeky things inside my bag!
1. Samsung Galaxy S3 – This is my salon phone.. I chose to have two numbers so I could have a little separation from work and personal life. The Galaxy S3 is really cool, but I still prefer my iPhone 5. (not pictured because it’s what took this photo, lol)
2. My wallet – I got this little wallet from Sam Moon. It’s great for when I need to attach it to my keys for quick trips without a purse.
3. My salon appointment book – I carry this with me everywhere! I enjoy writing my appointments down rather than using the calendar in my phone.
4. Business cards – It’s important for me to always have some salon and blog cards handy. You never know when you might need one! Storing them in a card holder makes them easy to find, too. I always use Zazzle to make my cards.
5. Pens and pencils – I’m constantly losing these. Was surprised I found this many. I usually have some white-out, too, but I must have misplaced that.
6. GlitzyGeekGirl stickers!! – These are extra from the last convention. Hopefully I can give more out when I hold my next giveaway! I used Zazzle to make these, too.
7. BonneBell Lip Lites – I’ve used this lip gloss since I was in middle school. Vanilla Swirl is my favorite!
8. My Little Pony – Not sure what this one’s name is. I must have bought one of those mystery bags and she just made camp in one of my pockets, lol.
9. My checkbook – I’m a grown up now so I gotta pay bills, but that doesn’t mean my checks have to be ugly 😉
10. Welch’s Fruit Snacks – I eat so many bags of these a day lol .. They are actually pretty healthy snacks. My favorite is Strawberry. I get “weird” if I don’t eat a little bit throughout the day so I keep a bag just in case.
And here’s a photo of my backpack that stores all my goodies. I got my Sheldon pin from Dallas Comic Con, EverQuest II pin from SOE Live, and I ordered a few GlitzyGeekGirl buttons to see how they’d look. I nicknamed the alpaca “Alpakachu” and my mom just gave me the Hello Kitty plush a few days ago as a gift 🙂
So there ya go! That’s what I tote around. Sometimes I’ll grab my Nintendo 3DS or iPad, too. I love carrying a backpack because I feel more organized. 
I am the Lady Geek of the Week on Being Geek Chic!
And the Featured Cosplayer of the Week on SuperHeroPhotos!

Friday, October 25, 2013

Dark Purple Hair – Psylocke Style!

Time for a ~glitzy~ hair post!! 😀
(Don't worry there's a photo of Psylocke at the end..)
About 2 weeks ago I had the guts to drastically change my hair color! It's normal for me to go from one funky color to the next, but I usually keep most of it blonde. Well I was playing around with a wig and feeling inspired by this photo of Katy Perry one night..  so with the support of my Facebook friends (I took a poll and almost everyone said they liked it dark) I decided to go for it!

Katy Perry at the 2012 Billboard Awards .. I liked that she had pale skin and blue eyes, too!
Testing out my dark brown wig first..
If you follow me on Facebook/Instagram/etc then you've already seen the results but if not then hereeee weee gooooo……

Monday, October 21, 2013

Dallas Fan Days 2013

Dallas Fan Days was a few weekends ago, and I still find myself smiling as I look through my photo album from the event! I looked at all the pics and had such a hard time deciding which ones to put in the blog. I wanted to include them all!! So please look at my Facebook Album to see the entire set!
Fan Days is a little smaller compared to Dallas Comic Con which was in May. But this year they made it a three day weekend instead of two. Some of the celebrity guests included Ron Pearlman, John Barrowman, Jon Heder, Katee Sackhoff and Tom Felton! There were also some great comic artists like Neal Adams, Cary Nord, and Mark Reznicek who was also the drummer for the Toadies!
Here are some videos and article links from the event:
Templar Digital -
The Nerd Fu – Cosplay at Fan Days
These are my friends Scotty and Courtney as Alien vs Predator. Aren't they incredible!! Please like Courtney's page on Facebook to see their other amazing costumes. I always look forward to what they bring to each convention!

Monday, October 14, 2013

Black Widow Cosplay Tutorial

Hello! If you have ever wanted to dress up as Black Widow from The Avengers then this tutorial is for you! This is a very easy costume and is great for all ages. I wore this costume to Dallas Fan Days and had so much fun pretending to fight crime! 😀
Supplies needed:
Belt – wooden discs, black paint, gold paint, red paint, glossy paint, glue gun, a skinny black belt
Bullet bracelets –  toy bullet belt (I ordered one from Amazon), and gold spray paint
Black catsuit – I ordered mine from Femme Jolie 
(Optional: Wear a black long sleeve shirt and black leggings instead!)
Toy guns – Mine are from Amazon
Black boots – Mine are from Walmart last year
Red wig – I ordered a Ferrari in Maroon from Arda Wigs
Photo credit: April Miller
So really the only two things you have to make for a Black Widow costume is the belt and the bracelets. Here are the steps on how I did both:
First, paint your wooden discs black.
(Optional: lightly sand your discs first if you can)

Second, paint a gold border around the edge, and paint one of the discs with the red hour glass symbol. Then, paint them with a satin gloss finish.
Next, hot glue the discs onto a skinny black belt.

I glued my red hour glass on the center of the belt. This way the buckle would go on my back. 

I also turned it inside out. So the extra part of the belt would be on my body and not facing out.

The bullet belt from Amazon disassembles easily so it can be shortened and used for bracelets instead. However, I found these bullets to be too dull.

So I used gold spray paint to make them prettier.

Before and After .. they look much better!

Belt and bracelets finished!
Photo credit: Alan Tijerina
Photo credit: Templar Digital
Side note: I don’t think it really matters which way the bullets face. I saw it done both ways on different cosplays. So it’s up to you! However, I do wish I had glued the bullets to the black holders (except for one so I could take it on and off). Because the bullets did slip throughout the day at the convention.
So there you go! This is a great costume for Halloween. It’s also the perfect convention cosplay. If you decide to make a Black Widow outfit please share it with me!

Friday, October 11, 2013

Happy Things #18

So much to blog about lately!!! I need to sit down and type up a lot posts.. For now please enjoy this Happy Things post! 🙂
A few weeks ago I dyed my hair purple and pink!
I love this dark purple. I’m actually considering doing my whole head this color. I’ve been wanting to go dark lately, and this might be a good baby step 🙂
These wigs were at Target in the Halloween section. How fun are they?!
Pixie must have been really happy here 😛 What a cutie!

I ordered GlitzyGeekGirl stickers to hand out at Dallas Fan Days over the weekend! They were a hit! I am thinking about ordering buttons for next time.

The other day I wore my hair in pigtail buns and did a zig zag part.

It was hard taking this photo by myself .. lol .. But I really liked how it turned out. (I know my roots look yellow.. that’s one reason I want to dye it all dark)

I brought my 3DS to Dallas Fan Days to get street passes, and I must have picked up Pietro from someone! I really like Pietro, but he lives in my Mom’s town .. so it kinda weirds me out that there’s two of him 😀

This is really silly and will only be funny if any of my EQ2 friends read this. I was uploading a pic to Tinypic and had to fill out a captcha.. well Carpe Diem is the name of my guild on EverQuest 2 so I got excited lol

If you have never heard of Jeremiah Ketner then you need to check out Small and Round immediately! I absolutely adore all of his artwork. It’s so whimsical! I especially loved this kitty he posted on Instagram.
What things have made you happy lately?

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OMGLITZY: September 2013

Monday, September 30, 2013

PAX Prime 2013

To say I had a blast at PAX Prime would be an understatement! I seriously had an amazing time!! This was by far the largest convention I've ever attended. I was lucky to win a badge from Grimm Bros and find a hotel near the convention center last minute. So I felt like a VIP 🙂 It was great walking around downtown Seattle with fellow nerds everywhere you looked. I could definitely see myself living here someday.
Overall, this trip is one for the record books. I went by myself but met up with friends I've met via social media. I got to see so many cool video games and cosplays, and parts of Seattle. I never thought I would get such an amazing opportunity. Once I got home, I was exhausted but also so thankful for everything I had just experienced! So if you ever get the chance to attend a PAX convention DO ITTTTT!
I posted all of my photos on my Facebook so please look through that album because there's a lot in there that I just didn't have room to put in this post.
More photos after the break!!!! >>>

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Tutorial: The Quibbler DIY

So this is probably the easiest tutorial ever! But I seriously had so much fun making it! In two weeks I will be cosplaying as Luna Lovegood at Dallas Fan Days… So I made the tabloid from the wizarding world called The Quibbler!
Supplies needed:
Image of a cover of The Quibbler
An old magazine
Glue stick
I found my covers of The Quibbler on Google’s image search. There were a few different ones to pick, but I liked the one with the Spectrespecs since I have a pair! I used Photoshop to resize the covers to match the size of my magazine. Then printed them out and cut the white off the sides. Any old magazine will do. I picked one of my dad’s sports issues because I liked the size of it. (Which was 8 inches by 10.5 inches)
Be sure to put plenty of glue around the edges and corners of the magazine. Then lay your image on top and smooth out any wrinkles.
Luna reads an article about ancient Runes which required turning it upside down! Also, I ordered my Spectrespecs from the official WBShop.
So there ya go! The easiest Harry Potter craft ever! If you really want to .. you could print off cool pages to glue inside, too! I can’t wait to show you my finished Luna Lovegood costume. And I REALLY can’t wait to meet Tom Felton at Dallas Fan Days!!!!! 🙂
Who is your favorite character from Harry Potter?

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

I’m Addicted to Animal Crossing: New Leaf!

I have been playing Animal Crossing: New Leaf since the day after it was released and have been addicted to it this whole time! That’s like … months .. MONTHS! It’s as bad as those Tamagotchi’s when I was a kid.. You gotta check it every day and take care of it and things happen each day or you’ll miss it.. It’s just so much fun 😀 Well I wanted to share a post about some of my favorite pieces of art and crafts I’ve found online!
First off, this is the signature that I made for my account on The Bell Tree Forums. It’s such a handy website to use to ask questions, get tips and advice, sell/buy/trade items, and toss decorating ideas around. I am a new member, but I wish I had joined sooner! It’s been so helpful.
My signature shows my current villagers as well as my “dreamies.” A dreamie is a villager you wish you had! In the game your citizens might decide they want to move out (you can ask your favorites to stay) and then you’ll get a new one to move in. Sometimes you can go to someone else’s town and ask a villager that’s ready to move to come to yours. But people charge a lot to trade the popular villagers. The most popular is probably Julian the Unicorn  .. I have him on my dreamie list, too!
This is my Town Hall and the custom flag I doodled myself! I meant to make a better flag, but this is just so silly/cute I can’t seem to want to change it now!
Here I am standing next to Blanche who is an ostrich! She was asleep on a tree stump! lol
This is my favorite project that has been requested to be built so far. The windmill! I am hoping my villagers will request the “fairytale” items soon.
Art by KiruLEL
This is Isabelle the town secretary. Honestly, she does most of the work (even though I’m called the “Mayor”)  .. She is awesome and so sweet! I love how excited she gets for town events.
Art by Chrecand
Your character in the game isn’t an animal .. You’re actually human .. But you get to customize your looks! So this artwork shows someone’s view of their mayor. I tend to change my character’s hair color and style quite a bit, but so far the purple and blue has been my favorite. So I loved this art! And by using QR codes you can totally customize your clothes, too.
I had seen this art floating around Pinterest and Tumblr quite a bit and was happy to find the original artist. I want to get better at art so I can draw my own character one day.
Etsy store UnicornismMeetsACNL
I think this is such a cute idea!! In the game your villagers will sometimes give you a picture of themselves for your house. It’s kind of a big deal to get these. So it’d be really special to make a photo of you favorite villager and actually put it on your desk in real life!
Etsy store SoapyBacon
This is a pattern to crochet Stitches (one of my dreamies!) out of yarn. I know how to crochet but have never made anything besides a scarf, lol … So would be fun to try making this cutie!
Definitely adding this to my wishlist. Although I wish it were a necklace. Could always put the charms on a longer chain!
Etsy store ShelbyGoad
I don’t drink much coffee.. and if I do it’s usually an iced drink.. But I still ask for a holder when I go to Starbucks because then my hand doesn’t get cold holding the cup! So this koozie is cute because it features Brewster who runs the the cafe called The Roost.
I am so in love with this game! There is just SO much to do in it that I didn’t even begin to mention here! I am sure I will post more about it as the seasons change. Because they add new items and events as the year goes on. I also hope to one day make my own Animal Crossing crafts. Maybe I’ll host a giveaway, too, for other fans of the game!
Here is my Nintendo 3DS friend code if you would like to add me: 3840-6126-6273
Or you can visit my dream address: 5500-2197-6202

Do you play Animal Crossing: New Leaf?
Do you have a game that you have been hooked on?

Monday, September 9, 2013

Pastel Mermaid Hair

I am back from PAX Prime and can’t wait to share my adventure with you! But I took a bajillion photos and I’ve been so busy catching up at work that I just haven’t had time to sort through them. So eventually I will post my Vampire Diaries convention pics and my PAX Prime pics. But for now here is a fun little hair experiment I did yesterday!
I’ve been watching videos on YouTube about “mermaid hair” and how you can get it for yourself! Most of the videos featured pastel colors and big loose waves.
So I used my Ion Color Brilliance in purple, blue and pink. These are already pastel shades so you don’t have to mix them with conditioner to lighten the pigment. However, the blue was kinda bright so I did add a little conditioner for mine.
I just put random chunks in all throughout my hair.
This is what it looked like when I shampooed it out! Be sure to use cooler water so the color lasts longer.
I added some color on top of my bangs which were already a faded blue and pink. So that is why they look a little darker.
This was after I dried it really quick. You can see how subtle and pretty the colors look!
Next I used a curling iron to curl my hair. Even though this has a clamp on it – I used it as a wand. Meaning I just wrapped medium sized sections of my hair around the barrel for a few seconds then let it go.
I started at the bottom and worked my way to the top.
This was after I finished curling it all!
Then I brushed it out and hairsprayed it. I wanted it big and messy – like a mermaid!
I just need my hair to be a couple inches longer then I’ll really have mermaid hair 🙂
But I love the pastel tones my hair has now. And the good thing is, it will still look good even after it fades. I can’t wait to do my makeup and take some better pictures with my new hair color.
Here I am ready for the day 🙂

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OMGLITZY: August 2013

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Going to PAX Prime in Seattle!

Howdy everyone! Just giving a quick little update about where I will be this weekend! I am headed to PAX Prime tomorrow! I won’t have time to update my blog while I am away, but I do post a lot on my Instagram.. which happens to be synced with my Facebook and Twitter page. So if you follow any of those you’ll be able to see my updates!

This is my first time ever going to PAX Prime and also to Seattle! I won a 4 day badge from Grimm Bros! I’ve already warned my family that I might not return to Texas because I just know I am going to love Seattle so much ^.^ They’ve heard me talk about going there for years! So I can’t wait to finally check it out. PAX Prime is a huge gaming convention located in downtown Seattle. I hope to explore some cool parts of the city, and also geek out over super awesome games at the con!

Also, for this convention I made a new cosplay! This is Annie from League of Legends! I will be wearing Annie on Saturday. Then on Sunday you can find me dressed up as Ramona Flowers from Scott Pilgrim vs The World. I got a new wig for Ramona so I am excited to wear both of these costumes this weekend.

My new wig is from Arda. This is a Greta in Cobalt Blue that I cut and styled myself. My wig for Annie is also from Arda.. it is a Jareth in Raspberry that I also cut and styled.
I won’t be bringing my hammer to PAX (since I am flying), but I was having fun with Fiona’s battle axe in some pics. 😛
Anyone going to PAX Prime?
Have you ever been to Seattle?

Monday, August 26, 2013

The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones: Movie Review

If you've read any other reviews about the first movie in The Mortal Instruments series then you must think it isn't good. Well I saw the movie last Thursday and I ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT. However, I prepared myself by expecting a bad movie. I mean.. that's what all the reviews were saying! Even fan's comments on the official Facebook page were saying it wasn't good. So I have this theory that I went into the movie expecting it to be bad .. and it exceeded my expectations! LOL  .. But seriously.. I loved it! I've read the first two books and I'm halfway through the third one. There's already 5 out and a 6th one coming May 27, 2014.

My outfit when I saw the movie!

So I'm going to give a quick little SPOILER-FREE review here, then I'll give another more in depth review. If you're looking for a fantasy action movie with some chick flick romance then this is it. I love vampires, werewolves, angels and demons, etc.. so the dark characters intrigued me. It's seriously got some cool action! There are demons that are so real looking it scared me and fight scenes with some serious skills involved. I think guys will enjoy that side of the movie and girls can enjoy the lovey dovey teenage romance that blooms between the main characters. It's NOT LIKE TWILIGHT. Sure it's a young boy with superpowers and a young girl that lives a normal life.. but the dynamics definitely change later on. I'd also like to point out the acting didn't suck in this movie. It was a great mix of humor, drama and suspense. I loved that Clary is shown all roughened up from the fight scenes with wet, dirty hair and messed up makeup. She came across very real to me. My only complaint with the actors was Magnus Bane. His performance was very dull .. and he's supposed to be quite an eccentric character. He sounded like he was just reading lines off paper. *yawn* … But the casting for Jace was spot on to me. He was just sarcastic enough to be funny, but incredibly brave and heroic to make it easy to fall in love with him. And finally my last thumbs up goes to the soundtrack! I have had it on repeat since I got it last week! My favorite songs are by Colbie Caillat, AFI, and Jessi J … this soundtrack is also sure to please both guys and girls. The romantic songs are sweet and touching.. while the techno/rock songs are sure to get you dancing in your chair. In all, this movie was magical, gothic, suspenseful, and fun. I enjoyed it a lot and I plan on seeing it again!


Monday, August 19, 2013

Happy Things #17

Well I just had an amazing weekend at The Vampire Diaries convention and now I am recovering from yet another post-con depression.. lol .. I can’t wait to upload all my photos and tell you about meeting the actors and actresses. So I will be making a post about that soon! Also, big congrats to the winners of my Kick-Ass 2 Poster Giveaway! Thank you all for entering and keep checking for another giveaway soon! For now, here is a Happy Things post to get us through another work week!
I am super happy that I was picked by Grimm Bros as a winner for a 4 Day Ticket to PAX Prime! This gaming convention has been on my wish list for a long time. I am so grateful I finally get to attend!  The convention is NEXT WEEK! omg! But I am ridiculously thankful I’ll get to visit Seattle and see this awesome event. I feel like it’s a once in a lifetime opportunity that I did not want to miss! For PAX Prime I will be cosplaying Annie from League of Legends on Saturday. This was a last minute costume, but it came together so well. I will be making another post about it with photos soon!
I found this super cute minion makeup on Pinterest! How fun!

One of my rad readers suggested I try the avocado egg rolls from The Cheesecake Factory! These were delicious!! Thank you for suggesting these! I definitely recommend ordering them. Yum! 
I recently ordered new business cards for my salon.. and when they arrived I squealed because they are so cute! These are a design I found on Zazzle. They make really great quality cards, and you can customize them.

Once I got my new cards in, I decided to re-do my salon’s Facebook page. I love playing around in  Photoshop and enjoy designing my sites. You can “Like” my salon’s page here!
And if you follow me on Instagram or Facebook then you saw I recently changed my hair color! I ate some cotton candy a few days ago and it inspired me to color my hair. It’d been a long time since I had a funky color. I was trying to keep it blonde so I can dress up as Legolas without a wig, but I might get a wig anyway since my hair still isn’t quite as long as his.

Also, Pixie Doodle says Hello to everyone!
What has made you Happy lately?

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Giveaway: Kick-Ass 2 Poster Autographed by John Romita Jr.

Surprise! It’s time for another giveaway! This time the prize is a Kick-Ass 2 poster autographed by the comic’s illustrator John Romita Jr.! I was able to meet him at Dallas Comic Con this year and get his autograph on two posters. Entering is easy using Rafflecopter, and the first winner picked will win the big poster and the second picked will receive the smaller sized poster (both of which are autographed)! This is to celebrate the release of the movie this week!
John Romita Jr. at Dallas Comic Con 2013
Photo by GlitzyGeekGirl

You have until August 17th at 12:00 AM EST to enter. At this time, it is only open to US residents. I will notify 2 winners once the contest ends by email. Winners will have 48 hours to reply and provide a mailing address. If I do not hear from a winner in the time allotted then a new winner will be chosen. Each winner will receive one Kick-Ass 2 poster autographed by John Romita Jr.

Good luck!

Friday, August 9, 2013

SOE Live 2013

Last week I was lucky enough to attend SOE Live for the first time! I had won a ticket to the convention for the video I entered in this contest. So I started saving up some money for a flight out to Las Vegas! This event was a big deal for me because I love to play EverQuest 2. I have played it for 6 years and met so many friends online. For the last couple years I have been raiding with a guild called Brimstone. This group of people have become a second family to me. We raid 3 nights a week, and I hardly ever miss raid night. So I spend a lot of time with these great people, and it was a real treat to get to meet them in person! We all clicked right away and had so much to talk about. In all there were about 12 of us from our group there. We made new friends, too, and I even sat next to a Planetside 2 player on the plane!

One of the coolest things that happened was getting interviewed by Destructoid! We were waiting in line to get our badges when two of my guild members and I got picked to be filmed for the video. You can see us at 0:26 and 0:43!

Since I could probably talk about my trip forever .. I decided to make a Top Ten List of my favorite moments at SOE Live. These are in no particular order.. because each one was so much fun!

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OMGLITZY: July 2013

Monday, July 29, 2013

My Cosplay Interviews

A few weeks ago, I was interviewed for some pretty cool websites. I had shared these interviews on my Facebook and Twitter, but I don’t think I added the links to a post here on my blog. Please check out their sites and give them a follow!
Photo by Bob Sanders
First up is Comic Book Divas. I was able to meet Bob in person a few times at different conventions in town. They always have a booth set up with tshirts and cosplayer photos for sale. Their website offers a news article section, contests, and showcase real women in their comics.
Photo by April Miller
The next interview was done by Zero Fortitude. These guys produce a fun podcast as well as articles to read. They discuss and review a wide range of geek culture from movies to anime to comics. And of course, cosplay!
I feel very honored to be selected by entertainment sites for interviews. I am such a newbie cosplayer, and have so much to learn, but I am grateful my craft has been noticed. So please please check out their sites, follow their podcasts and updates, and show them some love.
On a personal note.. I am going to SOE Live in Las Vegas this week! So be sure to follow my Instagram, Twitter and Facebook for photos while I am there. When I get back in town I will work on a blog post about it. I am so so soooooo excited to hang out with my guild members from EverQuest 2. This convention is going to be a blast.
What geeky websites do you follow for news, updates and interviews?
Anyone going to SOE Live?

Monday, July 22, 2013

Tutorial: Princess Peach Crown

I will be cosplaying Princess Peach soon and started by making the crown first! Here is an easy tutorial on how to make your own Princess Peach crown:
Due to the popularity of this post, I decided to create a template you can print out to help make the crown! All you have to do is click HERE to view the full size image and click FILE>PRINT. Be sure to select LANDSCAPE.
I made the template in color just in case you didn’t want to use sheet foam. Just cut it out and glue the ends together! The paper crown would be great for little kids!
Supplies needed:
Gold glitter sheet foam, red & blue gems, scissors, pencil, tacky glue, hot glue gun, and a skinny headband
*I purchased all these supplies at Hobby Lobby*

I made a pattern first to make sure it would look good on my head. This is actually still too tall here.. I later trimmed it some more. Please see my template to print your own. But it’s always better to make it too big than too small then you can go back and fix it!

So I traced my pattern onto the back of my sheet foam and added an extra lip to the edge where I knew I would eventually connect the two ends together.

I cut out two so I could tacky glue them together. This way the inside of the crown is pretty like the outside.

Next I hot glued the gems on and then attached the ends together using the small extra tab.

Then I hot glued it to a skinny headband. You could also glue hair clips instead but I think a headband is more secure.


I also made her brooch by taking an oval shaped gem and glueing it to some sheet foam. Then attached a brooch pin to the back.

Excuse my silly face, this was late at night! But here I am wearing my new crown and brooch! I have since purchased a pattern and fabric so I can make Princess Peach’s big dress so check back for progress on that 🙂
Anyone going to make a crown?
Send me pics if you do! 

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Houston Road Trip: Video Games Live & Galveston Beach

I was so excited to take a road trip down to Houston, Tx to see my family and watch the Video Games Live concert! We also took a day trip down to Galveston, Tx to see the beach!
So long, Dallas!

In the car, I listened to Paramore, Metric, and The Killers.

Hello, Houston!
More Photos >>>>>>>

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Giveaway Contest: Handmade Yoshi Eggs

Any Mario fans out there?! Well here’s your chance to win a super awesome YOSHI EGG made by GlitzyGeekGirl!! Check out the tutorial I posted that shows how I made each egg. It was so much fun, and I am so excited to share these eggs with three winners!

You have until July 20th at 12:00 AM EST to enter. At this time, it is only open to US residents. I will notify 3 winners on Sunday (July 21th) by email. Winners will have 48 hours to reply and provide a mailing address. If I do not hear from a winner in the time allotted then a new winner will be chosen. Each winner will receive one of the three eggs shown above at random.
Good luck!

Tutorial: How to make a Yoshi Egg

Tutorial time! How to make a Yoshi Egg!
This is super fun and so cute and great for fans of Mario and Nintendo!
Supplies needed:
Paper mache egg
White paint
Green paint
Red paint
Blue paint
Paint brushes
Satin gloss
A pencil
A cup

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Happy Things #16

Happy happy happy!
First thing on my happy list is the progress on my Legolas cosplay! I just got this amazing green suede coat/dress from a vintage seller on Etsy. I’m going to alter it to become Legolas’ tunic!
I also received my custom made leather bracers. These have the same pattern that are on Legolas’ and are designed to fit my tiny wrists. The seller RenManLeather did an amazing job. I could have never made something as beautiful as these. I also have the cloak, leggings and bow, but I will save those for a later post 🙂
Another fun project I worked on is a Princess Peach crown! As of now, I only have the crown, pendant, and gloves, but soon I hope to buy a pattern and fabric to make her dress. I also took pictures of how to make this crown. It was really easy!! So I would like to post a tutorial on that soon.
And I haven’t forgotten about the giveaway I promised! I finished the green and red Yoshi eggs, but still need to paint the blue one.
Looks like I was having a detailed discussion about Animal Crossing: New Leaf. I love this game!!!
Here is my dream address if you’d like to see my town! My flowers are out of control, but the rest is pretty cool 🙂
Pixie loves to play Animal Crossing, too!
And when I’m not on my Nintendo 3DS, I am probably playing EverQuest 2. I can’t believe SOE Live is in 3 weeks!!! I can’t wait to hang out with my guild members 🙂
This was a super fun cut and color I did a few weeks ago at my salon. This kid rocks!
This may have been one of my favorite outfits of the summer so far. It was super comfy and had just the right amount of flair. And you can see Pixie taking a love bite out of my phone, too!
Speaking of Pixie… here she is being cute in a sack!!
And finally.. here I am feeling happy by the pool. I never ever ever spend time outside.. which I am totally fine with.. but for some reason I decided to put my toes in the other day and now I am hooked! I sat outside again and actually got a little color on my legs. I take skin care seriously so I always wear a hat and sunscreen (and you should, too).. but it’s been fun being the super pale, tattooed girl amongst the uber tan beach bods at the pool… hahaha .. Maybe one day I will be brave and actually get in it. 🙂
Happy Summer everyone!
Do you have any fun summer hobbies?

Thursday, July 4, 2013

ScrewAttack Gaming Convention 2013

At the last minute I decided to attend the ScrewAttack Gaming Convention. It was June 21-23 at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Dallas. I only went on Saturday afternoon, but I am so glad I did! It was a blast! My costume for the day was Princess Zelda from Skyward Sword. I wanted to make a Princess Peach outfit, but didn’t quite finish it in time. So that will be saved for a later convention. 🙂 This was a smaller event compared to some I’ve been to in the past. I enjoyed being able to walk around with ease and not be stuck in a huge group of people. There were still plenty there to meet and chat with, too. I saw a few of my friends and met a couple new ones. My favorite part of the convention was the dealer’s room and the arcade room. I’m a big gamer girl, and the dealer’s room was packed with gaming goodies! I wanted to buy one of everything. Then, downstairs in the arcade room, you could play new and classic games. I had the most fun watching people play Dance Central and my friend, Sean, compete in the Halo 4 tournament. At one point we even sat and played Animal Crossing: New Leaf on our Nintendo 3DS’s. I could have stayed at this convention forever!! 😀
I wish I could have taken more pictures, but it’s just too hard to carry a camera when I am in a costume. But I managed to ask someone if they could snap a photo with my cellphone of me and my friends. This was Sean (Team Fortress 2), me (Skyward Sword), Krystal (Portal 2), Robert (Uncharted) and DesiRee (Borderlands 2).
So the following photos were not taken by me, but I linked the source underneath each set! Be sure to click the links to view all the awesome pics from SGC.
The official SGC albums show a lot of pics from the panels and speaker room. 
I was so honored to have my pic chosen for the cover of the Lifted Geek article. Definitely give it a read!
My friend Laura runs the site Dallas Fan Girl. I love bumping into her at conventions! So glad she snapped this photo since I couldn’t take one. Her review of SGC is awesome. Can’t wait to see her again 🙂
These photos by Hybrid Rain came out so good! I love the candid shot of my Zelda.
Samkyo took a lot of great photos, too. I especially loved this last one of the giant banner downstairs. I wanted to take that home with me!
What’s your favorite video game?
Do you prefer PC or console gaming?
Have you ever been to a gaming convention?

P.S. I will be posting another giveaway soon! I made some really cool Yoshi eggs that I can’t wait to share. So be sure to check back for your chance to win one! 😉

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OMGLITZY: June 2013

Friday, June 28, 2013

Pinterest Favs

Here are a few of my favorite pins/likes I’ve added to my Pinterest recently! Anyone else have a Pinterest board? I am totally addicted to it! It’s so handy and is such a great way to organize things.
I loved this idea! It’s Sailor Moon Link!
And this is kinda Sailor Moon-ish, too. I want to rock some hair buns! 
This is Kat Von D .. I think she made mixing up your eyeshadows look pretty cool.

Loved this print by Simone Legno! They are kinda pricey, but I might just have to order one someday. 
Does this dress remind anyone else of Rainbow Dash’s Gala dress? I love it!

And finally, these just made my mouth water! I’ve recently discovered that I love avocados! And these avocado egg rolls with creamy cilantro ranch dip would be great for a movie night. Here’s the recipe!
Post your Pinterest link in a comment so I can follow!

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Star Wars LegoLand Exhibit

I was so honored to be invited to join the local 501st for the new Star Wars MiniLand exhibit at the LegoLand in Grapevine, Tx! I am not a full member of the 501st yet, but was super excited to troop with them at this grand opening. The exhibit itself was pretty cool! I had never been to LegoLand before, and the whole place was awesome!!
(Be sure to click on each photo to view it bigger)
I wore my Asajj Ventress costume!

Those guys up top were made out of Legos! Everything was! And they even lit up!

Most of the exhibit had buttons you could push to activate scenes from Star Wars.

This was amazing .. it was a picture made out of (yep, you guessed it) LEGOs!!

These were some of the members of the 501st here in Dallas. It was fun greeting kids and have photos taken with them.

Asajj has a “glitzy” side, too.. and wanted to be a pretty princess when no one was looking … hahaha

This thing was so cool .. You spin it around and it played music!

They had a whole Dallas exhibit, too. I was just in awe of it all.

Cowboys Stadium

Rangers Ballpark in Arlington
And that’s Dirk Nowitzki made out of Legos!

More members of the 501st. How awesome is that wookie? That’s Tarfful

This is probably my favorite photo.. it looks straight out of a movie 🙂

Members of the Rebel Legion were there, too. It was so much fun talking Star Wars with everyone!
I am very thankful I was able to attend this event and make new friends! Hopefully I can become a full time member of the 501st if my Asajj gets accepted. They do all sorts of charity events and other kinds activities. Definitely check them out!
Have you ever been to a LegoLand before?
Do you have a favorite Star Wars character?

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Happy Things #15

June makes me happy! So do all these things:
I found this beautiful shot of my Sailor Venus cosplay on Instagram taken by @victoriahavens! I remember sitting down to take a break and having a few people ask for my photo like that. The scenery at this hotel was really pretty 🙂

June 7 was National Donut Day .. So my dad surprised me with some Dunkin Donuts at work! Yum!

I posted this on my Instagram (@glitzygeekgirl) for the Tarina Tarantino contest.. You just had to show off some of your TT bling. I didn’t win, but it was fun putting some of my favorite sparkly pieces on.

It wouldn’t be a Happy Things post without the happiest kitty of all!
Oh Pixie you are so lazy!
This is a *before* picture showing what my hair looks like when I blow dry it without a brush. It’s a huge frizzy mess!
So this is a much happier *after* picture! Thank goodness for flat irons!

And one day I used my large curling iron. It melted part of my countertop, but did a really nice job on my hair :p 

This was my outfit for the Man of Steel midnight showing.

I got to see it in 3D! The movie was really good! I can’t wait for the sequel. Henry Cavill is a perfect Superman!

Baseball is my favorite sport, and I love going to the local stadium to support our team!!

I am super happy to announce one of the cosplays I am working on – Legolas! After watching The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug trailer a million times, I just knew I had to create Legolas. I’d been wanting to for awhile and now I am finally doing it! I already got the leaf brooch and a bow in the mail, too! I will post some progress pictures once I get more done.

I wore this outfit a few days ago to work. It didn’t exactly match, but I’m kinda quirky like that. It’s my Bazinga! shirt, a black dress, and blue jeans … Quirky, huh!

Today I picked up my free piece of chocolate from Godiva. You get a free piece each month when you become a member! This flavor was Mint Chocolate Chip and it was AMAZING!

While at the mall, I found this cutie! Her name of Muffin! She has a clip on her so I can attach her to my backpack. I also spent a quarter in a toy machine hoping I’d get the pink die and I did! Woot!
My next happy thing makes me SO happy! It’s Animal Crossing: New Leaf! This is for the Nintendo 3DS. I got the XL version that has a larger screen. This game IS SO MUCH FUN!! Even Pixie loves it!
If you haven’t played this before, then be warned! It’s addicting! You get to be the mayor of your own town. It’s fun because there is ALWAYS something to do. You can decorate, talk to friends, go shopping, play mini games, fish, catch bugs.. and I am sure so much more that I haven’t got to yet! Today I even went by Best Buy and downloaded the free present available through their WiFi! 
My friend code is 3840-6126-6273 if you would like to add me! Be sure to leave your friend code in the comments so I can add you back!
This post was longer than I intended, but so much has made me happy lately!
What has put a smile on your face?

Friday, June 14, 2013

Free Comic Book Day 2013

This year Free Comic Book Day fell on May 4th which is also Star Wars Day!
So this was an epic Saturday to say the least. I was able to celebrate both since I have my own salon now. I wore a Star Wars t-shirt that I bought while at Disney World, and I was able to visit Lone Star Comics on my lunch break! It was a super cool day!

They held a costume contest at the store, and this girl looked so awesome!

I tried wearing Leia buns, too!

At this location, you got to pick out three different comics! It was hard deciding which ones to get. But I love the ones I picked!

Did you pick up your free comics at your local comic store?
What are some of your favorite comics?
Did you go see Man of Steel today?

Friday, June 7, 2013

Concert Overload

So I am a little behind on blogging about all the concerts I got to see recently! Last one I blogged about was Muse. But I got to go to three more since then! First up was EdgeFest!
This was my outfit for EdgeFest. Since it is an outdoor festival I was ready for it to be hot.
And boy was it hot! I got a pretty bad sunburn.
This is the view from my seat. I don’t stand in the crowd anymore because it gets too sweaty and gross.
This guy sat in front of me and people kept asking for photos with him. I finally asked my neighbor and she said he is the lead singer for Youngblood Hawke!
I was most excited to see The Gaslight Anthem. They are definitely one of my all time favorite bands ever. I saw them once in a smaller venue and was excited to see them again at EdgeFest. Unfortunately, they didn’t play too well. Or maybe they did, but I couldn’t hear them at all. I was bummed. But do check out their music anyway, because they really are a great band!

The second band I was most excited to see was Paramore! I am a really big fan of theirs. I also got to see them a long time ago with Jimmy Eat World. That was an amazing show. And this concert was great, too. They played awesome and I already knew all the words to the songs from their new album! 

Next concert was…..

Jimmy Buffett! You wouldn’t believe it from these pictures but it was literally THE NEXT WEEKEND after EdgeFest. IT WAS SO COLD! That’s Texas weather for ya, I guess. I looked stupid all bundled up when everyone around me was wearing hula skirts and coconut bras, but when the sun went down it was freezing cold! Then everyone wished they had bundled up like me.

This place was packed. It was also at the same venue as EdgeFest.

Jimmy Buffett was on my Dad’s list of concerts he has always wanted to see. I am so glad I got to go with him!

On the way back to our car I found a lonely coconut bra. So I had to take it home with me!

I think it looks great 😀
And the next concert was…….

The Killers! This band was on my Mom’s list! It was at the Verizon Theatre. I had never been to a concert there before, and I was really impressed with the place.

I found this awesome couch in the lounge room, too!

We had great seats and the sound was amazing. The vibe of this show was incredible. And the lead singer was SO CUTE.

During the show they shot confetti at the crowd. On Twitter, the band said that somewhere in the confetti are two “golden tickets” … If you find one bring it to the sound guy in the back and you get to win an AWESOME prize!

We looked and looked but didn’t find a golden ticket. It was still so much fun!
I don’t have any more concerts planned at the moment. Someday I would like to see No Doubt, Florence + The Machine, and Mumford & Sons. I like music that I can sing along with 🙂
What band would you like to see in concert?

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OMGLITZY: May 2013

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Pastel Lavender Hair

So I decided to add some lavender to my hair a few days ago. Ion Color now carries a pastel series available at Sally’s. I didn’t have to mix it with anything.. Just put it on, let it sit for 20 minutes, rinse, and tada!
Here’s the after! I am so happy with this shade of purple. I can’t wait to try the pastel pink and blue next time.
And since I don’t have many pics of my new hair yet, here are some from the past I enjoyed having!

Monday, May 27, 2013

My College Graduation

An interesting fact about me that some of you may not know is that I received a bachelor’s degree in 3 years! I graduated from West Texas A&M University on May 12, 2007 with a degree in Fine Arts! When I graduated from high school I didn’t have any college credits. But I took summer school every summer and even took classes during winter and spring breaks. It was a lot of hard work, but I was determined to graduate early. I was inspired by my brother, who also finished in 3 years! It was great because I was able to go to cosmetology school sooner and begin my career as a hairstylist. That’s always been where my passion is. But I am very proud to have a degree because education is super important to me. 
I graduated with Honors, too, and was on the Dean’s List each semester!
The Fine Arts and Humanities banner is on the right. It was a really fun program to be apart of.

I’ll never forget that the CEO of AT&T was our guest speaker at the ceremony. He held up a tiny device and said “The only thing you will remember about my speech is that I showed you the very first iPhone.” And sure enough .. that’s all I remember.. But how cool is that?! It wasn’t even for sale yet.
At WTAMU the mascot is a buffalo.
My family surprised me with lots of balloons and decorations that day!

I also got this amazing cookie cake. It says “Now you can slow down, Anna” .. That’s because I took so many classes back to back to back to back.

The thing I wanted most for graduation was EverQuest 2. I briefly played the original EverQuest 1, but during school I didn’t have much time to play games. So this was on the top of my wish list. I was so stoked to get it! I’ve been playing it ever since 🙂
Since I didn’t blog 6 years ago, I figured now is as good as time as any to make a post about it! I can’t believe it’s been 6 years already. I have accomplished so much.  I am extremely proud to show off something I worked so hard for!
P.S. Grats to the winners of the Wizard Wand Giveaway and thank you to everyone that entered! I have so many ideas for future prizes now! So keep checking back 🙂

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Wizard Wand Giveaway!

I am excited to announce that I am giving away FOUR HANDMADE WIZARD WANDS! My Facebook page hit 200+ Likes, and this coming Monday will be the 1 YEAR anniversary of my blog!! I am so grateful for all the support that everyone has shown me, and I am thrilled to celebrate this milestone!

If I could give everyone a wizard wand, I promise I would! But that would require lots of magic. I do, however, have four wands for four lucky wizards.

These unique wands are completely handmade by me!

You have until May 27th at 12:00 AM EST to enter. At this time, it is only open to US residents. I will notify 4 winners on Monday (May 27th) by email. Winners will have 48 hours to reply and provide a mailing address. If I do not hear from a winner in the time allotted then a new winner will be chosen. Also, the wand chooses the wizard – meaning winners will receive one of the four wands shown above at random.
Good luck!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Dallas Comic Con 2013

I had been counting down the days to the Dallas Comic Con since their last convention (Sci Fi Expo) in February! This marked my year anniversary of going to comic conventions and doing cosplay. It's hard to believe that the weekend has come and gone now. I had an AMAZING time and met so many nice people! It was great running into friends from past conventions, too, and seeing their new costumes. I went with my mom and together we took over 300 photos. This will be a major post so slow computers beware! Lots of pictures ahead! If you don't see your picture in this post then check out my Facebook album with ALL my pics from the weekend.
 My cosplay's for the weekend included Princess Zelda on Friday, Fiona from Shrek on Saturday and Evil Mary Marvel on Sunday. This is a glimpse at the night before the convention getting all my props together!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Fiona Cosplay Tutorial

Since the Dallas Comic Con is this weekend (woo!) I decided to make a master post showcasing my Fiona cosplay. I have posted bits and pieces of the process, but this is a full detailed look at all the hard work I put into this costume. I didn't get a chance to take any finished photos with the green body paint because I am nervous I won't have enough for the convention. So after Saturday I am sure I will have plenty of pics to share of the completed look! But for now… enjoy this tutorial/process of Fiona's costume from Shrek Forever After!

Warning: Lots of Photos!!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Disney World 2013

So last year I was surprised with a trip to Disney World for the very first time! You can check out that adventure in this blog post. One thing that happened last year was our flight was delayed in New Orleans for FIVE hours! It sucked! So Southwest Airlines gave me and my dad $200 vouchers each to use before April 30, 2013. So of course we wait to the last minute to decide where to use our vouchers to and end up picking Disney World again! I really wanted to go back to see the new changes to the Magic Kingdom and spend more time there. So we made it happen!
Last year I carried Minnie Mouse with me on the plane, and this year my parents got me a Mickey 🙂
Lots and lots of pictures after the link!!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Happy Things #14

I have been so busy lately and so many things have made me happy! I had to delete a few because I had so many pics in this post!

This is my salon Hair by Anna Lee. I decided to get that cute black and white zig zag bench for my salon and move the bulky shelf to another wall. I love having more seating for my clients.

Speaking of hair.. I bleached mine again the other day and toned it with some purple conditioner. It is looking very platinum!

My kitty Pixie had to have surgery on her front paws. You can read about her injuries here. We went ahead with the surgery because she just wasn’t healing on her own. But now she will be a happy kitty!

I am addicted to the mystery bags of My Little Pony. You never know which one you’ll get so I buy a bag any time I see them. I was SO HAPPY to find Barber Groomsby this time!! He has a scissor and comb cutie mark and barber pole colored bow tie. I put him on my station at my salon! So perfect!
Kat Von D released this new palette called Lady Bird .. It’s a matte set and I am in loveeee with it.
Recently Groupon had comic book headphones on sale for only $8. I got the Green Lantern for my mom and the Flash for me. This was my first time buying anything from Groupon and they arrived very quickly!
Last night I saw Jimmy Buffet in concert! And on my way back to the car I found this coconut bra on the ground. No one was around to claim so I figured it was meant for me 😛  Now my mannequin is in Margaritaville.
There was an update on EverQuest 2 with some new content added. This is the boss Volot in the Siren’s Grotto. He is hilarious.. he’ll summon a million little frogs to attack you. I won, of course. 😉
I’ve been on a search for macarons for awhile and never found any in town. I finally got to try some in Houston once. But the other day at the mall I saw this little kiosk that had cake balls and french macarons! I just squealed!! The raspberry one was delicious!
And finally, here’s an update on my Fiona cosplay. I made the ears and finished the axe!! I decided to remake the shirt because the first one was really uncomfortable. I think I am just about done with it and hope to get some finished photos soon.
Anything make you squeal with happiness in your life lately?

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Makeup Tutorial: Wonder Woman Inspired

Late one night I had a burst of energy to do my makeup. No place to go – just wanted to try something new. So I felt inspired to use themes from superheroes. I decided to start with Wonder Woman!
This is a simple tutorial on how to create a look based on Wonder Woman’s colors. 
I plan to do more makeup looks inspired by other superheroes and comic books, too!
For the eyes I used the edge of a kleenex to make the blue a straight wing. Then I added the red and finally the gold. After that I went back with white eyeshadow to blend the edges of those 3 main colors. Add some eyeliner, mascara, and glitter and you’re done!
Since I did this randomly at night I didn’t fix up my hair. But to channel Wonder Woman try using rollers or a large barrel curling iron to get a voluminous look.
For my lips I used a reddish gloss as a base. Then I lined them with my red eyeshadow using a skinny brush and dabbed on gold eyeshadow in the center with my a finger. The eyeshadows stick to the gloss great.. just be sure to blend well.

Here’s a peek at what I used. The gold, blue, and white shadows were by Kat Von D and the red was MAC’s loose pigment. The gloss was by Urban Decay and the glitter liner is Sephora brand. I did my skin with my basic routine found in this tutorial except I added more gold to my cheeks here.
I would love to spend more time recreating this look again. And get proper photos, too. But I was pleased with my first attempt at it!
Has a superhero ever inspired your makeup or outfit?
Who would you like me to make a tutorial for next?

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OMGLITZY: April 2013

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Scarborough Renaissance Festival 2013

I had been planning my outfit for the Scarborough Renaissance Festival many weeks in advance and was super pleased with how it turned out! Everything arrived in time and fit perfectly. The weather was also nice, there wasn't a major crowd, and they added some great new features to the festival.

Since I took so many pics you can view all of them from this year on my Flickr. And also check out my post from last year's festival here.

This was my fourth time attending a Ren faire, and I must admit I am HOOKED! I'm seriously considering a life on the road going from faire to faire. Having my own gypsy wagon, braiding people's hair and painting kids' faces. I could sell magic wands and handmade jewelry. Oh man that just sounds perfect to me!

For now I will enjoy going as a visitor 🙂 And enjoy I did! Here's a few of my favorite photos:

My dress is a costume I bought from Amazon. It is all one piece and SO comfortable. I was incredibly impressed with the quality of this dress. And will definitely want to wear it again.
This is the same flower crown I wore last year. I made this myself!
My skeleton key necklace is from Silver Owl Creations. It's gorgeous and so well-made. The owl necklace I found at Sam Moon last year.
My rings and bracelets are pieces I have collected over the years. I made the silver star cuff out of foam and paint.
This is also the same bag I wore last year. I made this as well. And the fox tail is from my very first visit to Scarborough's festival. 

These are some old Blowfish Shoes that I have had for nearly 4 years. They are very comfortable and were the closet thing to fairy or elf boots that I currently have.
More pics >>>

Sunday, April 21, 2013

SOE Live Video Contest

My favorite game EverQuest II is part of Sony Online Entertainment, and this year for the SOE Live Convention they held a video contest to win a trip to Las Vegas! It includes a ticket to the convention, round trip airfare, and hotel accommodations! I noticed not many had entered so I figured I would give it a try. I made this silly video about “raiding SOE Live” .. In the game EQ2 a group of players will “raid” a hard dungeon to win extra cool items. So I based my video on that! These are my tips for Preparing to Raid SOE Live – Watch the video here!

I am wearing my armor that I made for my Fiona cosplay and a costume dress that I wore last year to the Texas Renaissance Festival. I picked up the axe over the weekend at the Scarborough Faire along with the flower crown.

These are jars from Hobby Lobby filled with Gatorade. I printed labels off my computer and just glued it to the jars. They’re health and power potions!

This is my appointment book I use to schedule all my clients for my salon. (lol) I googled “leather” and added the words in Photoshop and just taped it to the front of my book then tied some string around it. Easy!
They should announce the winner in a few days. I really hope I get picked! A lot of my friends from my guild that I raid with will be going this year, and I would love to meet them. Plus it’d just be SO cool to win!!!!
So what did ya think of my video?
Have you ever been to Las Vegas?
Which hotel is your favorite?

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

100th Post Giveaway: $25 Starbucks Gift Card

This is officially my 100th post on GlitzyGeekGirl!! How exciting! It’s pretty cool to think I’ve shared 100 posts about my glitzy geeky life! Hope everyone has enjoyed them as much as I have ^.^ And Huge thanks to those that have read all 100 of them 😀

So for this post I want to do a giveaway! The winner will receive a $25 gift card to Starbucks!!

Entering is easy! You have from Weds the 17th through Saturday the 20th to earn entries by following the instructions below. The contest will end at 12:00 am (central time) April 21.  I will email the winner and mail the gift card as soon as I get your address! Offer available in US only.

This is my first time doing a giveaway so I am starting simple, but definitely want to do more with cool prizes!! Good luck everyone! 🙂

a Rafflecopter giveaway

EDIT:: Contest is now closed!! Thank you all for entering! I am overjoyed with how many participated. Congrats to Tracy R. for winning the gift card! Please check your email. Should I not hear from you within 48 hours then I will pick another winner. I can’t wait to do more giveaways in the future. I got a lot of great ideas for new prizes! Thanks all!

Monday, April 15, 2013

What I’m Listening To: Muse & Paramore

It’s been a good year for music! I was able to see Muse a few weeks ago at the American Airlines Center along with Dead Sara. I wasn’t a big fan of Dead Sara’s set, but Muse did not disappoint! We had VIP tickets that included a limited edition poster, water bottle, tote bag and access to a VIP lounge. Honestly, the lounge was SO cool I could have stayed there all evening. It wasn’t packed either, so you could enjoy the food and drinks and take plenty of pictures. Muse put on an amazing show with a really cool stage setup. They had a moving pyramid with lights and videos all over it. Their music is incredibly epic, and I have this theory that a Muse song will be playing when it’s the end of the world. 😛
I wore a Roxy hoodie, Hello Kitty shoes by Vans, and my Ramona Flowers purse from Amazon


I am also a big Paramore fan, and I’m really impressed with their new self-titled album! My favorite song right now is definitely “Still Into You”.. It’s so dang catchy! I also love Hayley Williams’ outfit in the video. I looked up her neon melting tights and found them by Urb Clothing. I’ll get to see Paramore this month at Edge Fest along with my favorite band The Gaslight Anthem. And next month I have a ticket to see The Killers!
Who is your favorite band?
Have you seen any concerts this year?

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Hair by Anna Lee

I am so lucky to have a fun and creative job as a hair stylist! Lately I’ve had some great clients that wanted major transformations. I’ve also been trying to do different styles with my own hair now that it’s getting longer. I’ve been inspired by the pretty braids on Game of Thrones.

You can check out my salon at Hair By Anna Lee

Have you ever drastically changed your hair?
What styles inspire you?

Friday, April 12, 2013

Want to be a Sponsor?

Attention all bloggers or shop owners! Interested in having your ad on GlitzyGeekGirl? Well I have some uber cheap and awesome options. It’s also super easy using PassionFruit.

Putting your ad on GlitzyGeekGirl is a great way to network!

Pinterest – 976 followers
Twitter – 155 followers
Instagram 153 followers
Facebook – 143 likes
Tumblr – 120 followers

Head over to my Sponsor page for more details!

I’d also love to team up with anyone that would like to do a giveaway (I’m working on one) or a guest post. Would be great to feature some artists, photographers, or cosplayers, too! I’m all for ad-swapping so contact me if you have any questions. Thanks!


Sunday, April 7, 2013

Window Shopping: Michael’s & Macy’s

Last week was really exciting for me! I got to go to Disney World! If you follow my Facebook or Instagram then you may have seen a few photos from my trip! I have a TON of pics to sort through, but I will get a blog post up as soon as I can.
In the mean time, I had taken these pics a few weeks ago while at Michael’s and Macy’s. It’s fun to browse and look for cute things. Michael’s is just a craft/hobby store but sometimes you can find house decorations for a reasonable price.
The store employee next me said he loves giving these tigers a high five when he walks by! 😛

I was amazed at all the cool fantasy figures!


A pegasus!

More dragons! They also had Kings, Queens, and Knights. Would be fun to use these for a table top game. Or just to decorate a shelf 😛 

The other side of Michael’s had a lot of Easter/Spring decorations.

I loved how magical it all looked. Like it could be straight out of a fairy tale!

This Betsey Johnson necklace has been at Macy’s the last few times I’ve walked through. The big pink heart is so cute! It was kinda pricey, though.

I spotted these Hello Kitty dresses at Macy’s in the junior department. I bought the two pink ones!

Where do you like to window shop?
Do you think craft stores have good bargains?

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

MLG Winter Championships 2013

Last fall I was able to attend my first MLG Championship! (Check my recap here) Well a few weeks ago I went to the MLG Winter Championships! It was held in Dallas at the Dallas Convention Center and featured StarCraft, Call of Duty, and League of Legends. Pro-gamers from all over the world competed for a TON of money in prizes. It was so cool to see some familiar faces and meet new friends! I have been trying to get better at League of Legends and hope to cosplay as Ashe someday. Here are a few pics from my MLG adventure.
More pics >>>

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