OMGLITZY: A-Kon 24 – 2013: Cosplay, Comics & Friends

Monday, June 3, 2013

A-Kon 24 – 2013: Cosplay, Comics & Friends

This past weekend was A-Kon 24 in Dallas, Tx at the Hilton Anatole! This was my second year to attend. Last year I was only able to go on Sunday, and dressed up as Ramona Flowers. I had a wonderful time seeing so many friends and meeting new ones. I can’t believe how many awesome people I have been lucky to get to know just by going to conventions. Last year I didn’t know anyone! I even went with my friend Brandon on Friday for my first group cosplay doing Sith assassins. The hotel was pretty incredible, but the parking was awful. I am thankful my dad was willing to drop us off so we could avoid the hassle. I also didn’t like how crowded the hallways were to register and get into the Dealer’s room. This has been a common complaint from other con goers. Last year, at the Sheraton Hotel, it felt more spread out.. so even though it was crowded it didn’t feel like a fire hazard waiting to happen. Except for Yaya Han, there weren’t any celebrity guests I wanted to meet. So I just had fun walking around in my costumes and admiring everyone else’s.
I took this video when I got home as a quick little review of my weekend. This was my first time using Photobooth to record a video and for some reason the volume is really low and it’s also mirrored. I thought it would look normal when I replayed it, but nope! lol .. Sorry about that. I will get better at videos hopefully.
So click the link below to view my full review! Lots of photos ahead!

A-Kon was Friday through Sunday, but you could pick up your badge on Thursday. I was nervous I wouldn’t make it to get my badge early because I was booked at work all day. So in both good and bad ways my last client of the day “no showed” .. meaning they didn’t come in or call to let me know! I was bummed, but it also meant I could rush downtown to try and get my badge. Brandon picked me up and we drove around in circles trying to find a place to park. It was awful! We found a sketchy alley and hoped for the best. When I got inside the line was CRAZY. Brandon and I got separated because I pre-ordered and he needed on-site purchase. My line eventually got cut off, but they said I would still get my badge. Then about 30 minutes later they changed their mind and cut the line off about 60 people in front of me. I was so upset!
Then I saw my friend Cody who already had his badge. He went up to this super nice lady who was one of the lucky ones that was still in line and asked her if I could get in line with her. I was so nervous she’d say no way or that the people behind her would get mad. But she said sure and hugged me! lol .. What an angel! And no one else said anything because technically everyone in that line was going to get their badge no matter what. So I am thankful for her and Cody!

Finally, I made it into the actual registration room and saw Brandon was still in his line, too. Craziest thing ever was we both made it up to the table at the same time! What are the odds of that??

My pre-order goodie bag included some awesome comics, a cool A-Kon official program book, my badge with my name on it, and a 50% off coupon to Medieval Times!
Friday, I went as Asajj Ventress. This was just my second time dressing up as her. I picked her since Brandon was going as a really cool Sith assassin.

Took me 2 hours to get ready that day.

Brandon, Obi-Wan Kenobi (I don’t remember his real name), and me as Asajj Ventress. Obi-Wan invited us to a Star Wars photoshoot. There were about 5 or 6 other Star Wars cosplays and we got to take some good group shots. The group had members from the Lone Star Jedi of Dallas. They surprised me with Best Dressed in their unofficial costume contest! I won a Star Wars lanyard and a Darth Maul M&M mini fan! I am SO happy I won! 🙂

I didn’t get many photos because I kept my phone in my boots. But I had to get a picture of my friend Jared! I’ve been cutting his hair for a couple years.. It’s so fun seeing someone you know. I was just surprised he recognized me lol
The Hilton Anatole had all kinds of amazing art throughout the hotel. This is from the Berlin Wall. How cool is that?!

When I got to A-Kon Saturday morning, I had 3 things I definitely wanted to do! The first was meet Yaya Han. I was so lucky she was at her booth and there wasn’t a huge crowd. She loved my Fiona cosplay and even shared it on her social pages! The photo on her Facebook has over 3500 Likes! She was super nice and is such a talented artist.

The second thing on my list was to purchase this Sailor Moon backpack. I saw it Friday and meant to buy it before Brandon and I left, but the dealer’s room had already closed. So when my dad dropped me off Saturday he waited for me to go in and buy it then bring it back for him to take home. This way I wouldn’t be stuck carrying it around all day!

And the third thing I wanted to do was meet up with my friend Ejen. He published the book Cosplay In America and goes from con to con sharing pictures of cosplays on his website. I got to meet him at Ikkicon last year, and we’ve stayed email pals since then. It was fun getting a few photos of my Fiona with him.

Once I accomplished the three things on my list, it was time to wander around and look for friends. First one I found was Mia Moore! She is my blogging buddy and was also one of the winners of my Wizard Wand Contest! She is dressed up as Engineer from Team Fortress 2.

I also ran into another Warrior Fiona! I was surprised and excited to see someone else do this costume since it’s not super common. She used an actual tree branch for her axe, too. I thought that was amazing!

This is my friend Marianne dressed as a character from One Piece. She and her boyfriend, Eric, drove from Austin to come to A-Kon. I was super excited to see them because I went to high school with Eric! I think it’s great we’ve stayed friends for this long and get to see each other at conventions.
I was so glad I got to see my friend Jason again, too! His Link costume is one of the bests ever!

At first, I didn’t understand this .. then it clicked … SAILOR AVENGERS!!! Omg So amazing! 🙂

These two lolitas were adorable!

I was watching this epic Zelda photo shoot happen from a distance and secretly wished I was wearing my Skyward Sword dress so I could jump in it. Everyone looked amazing. This is definitely my favorite video game and all the costumes were spot on!

Not exactly sure what this is from.. Anyone know? Regardless they looked incredible.

At Dallas Comic Con I saw an Ariel and was inspired to do Ursula for my next cosplay. I researched it some and found some super cool versions of her online. Then at A-Kon I got to see an Ursula in person! Her dress was really well-made and I loved the hair!

I spotted this on Instagram while searching the #akon24 tag and just had to share it. How stinkin’ cute are these two?!

Sunday is usually the slowest day so I wanted to wear something comfy. I had bought this Sailor Venus costume online for $10 a few weeks ago, but it didn’t quite fit. So I took apart each piece and sewed it all back together to fit just right. It took a couple hours, but wasn’t too bad! And turns out I had an absolute blast in this costume. I’ve loved Sailor Moon since I was a kid, and Sailor Venus was always a favorite of mine. So this was a dream come true to get to become her character for a day!

I really can’t put into words how happy this outfit made me. 🙂

Coolest thing was seeing other Sailor Scouts. This Sailor Mars had tattoos as well!

I also got to meet Yaya Han one more time. She even recognized me and said you were the Fiona!

Crunchyroll had a live stream from the convention where you could wave to people at home. I texted my mom to look for me and waved for her! 🙂

This was a couple doing Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask. They were so cute!!

I took a break in the atrium to sit down for a few and suddenly ran into a bunch more friends! This was Payton as Samus and Krystle as Marshal Lee.

And here’s my friends Eric and Marianne. I am so glad I got to hang out with them for most of the weekend. Eric took some really good photos of my costumes, too. I can’t wait to see those. I had so much fun spending time with them!

On the way home now to recover from post-con depression! lol

But had to stop to get some Lo Mein first! How fitting for an anime character, right??
To view more of my photos check out my album on my Facebook Page!
And here are some other albums with awesome photos:
If you would like me to post a link to your photo album let me know in the comments!
Did you go to A-Kon 24?
Do you think you will go next year?
Which costume was your favorite?


  1. Very cool! Glad you had fun!


  2. I just found your blog from Geeky Glamorous! Your Sailor Venus is so cute! I really can't wait to attend a large con some day! I've only been to the small local con in central PA, haha~


  3. The Troll and Orc pic is from World of Warcraft.


  4. Awesome post! I recognize so many friends in here 🙂 It was so great to see you too!!

    I loved A-Kon and I had a great time. Your costumes all looked so good, too!!



    1. I like the engineer costume! Good job! Engie is one of my 2 favorite classes to play.


  5. Glad you enjoyed it. And it was good seeing your face again too. I saw a lot of familiar faces from the Dallas Comic Con and last year's A-Kon.

    And do I feel old. I've been going to A-Kon and AnimeFest every year since 2005. It's pretty much the same convention every year, just different guests and music bands. Me and my friend Angela who was with me talked about it and we both noticed that there was a higher percentage of people in cosplay than in previous years.

    As for parking and the overcrowding, I kind of knew that was going to happen. I ended up taking the DART rail/bus instead. QuakeCon was held at that same hotel since 2006 and their attendance is in the ballpark of 7,000 to 8,000. A-Kon's attendance for last year's event was over 20,000. So for a convention three times the size, I knew parking and transportation was going to be an issue.

    I wasn't surprised when the fire marshal shut down the dealer's room in Trinity Hall Saturday afternoon for having too many people (it's not the first time the fire marshal shut down the dealer's room at an A-Kon event). I do wonder what they'll do next year.

    Anyways, I hope AnimeFest turns out good later this year.


  6. Looks like the best weekend. Your costumes always blow my mind. You look so adorable as a sailor.


  7. Great costumes! Your Fiona and Asajj costumes looked wonderful again, and I'm really impressed by the Sailor Venus one! It's hard to believe that it's already been a year since the Ramona Flowers cosplay.


  8. This was my Granddaughter I found this:

    in one of your suggested albums. I have to say outside of her…my faves were these two:

    They graciously posed in several pics with my granddaughter.

    Any ideas of how we can out do this costume? We are thinking of doing characters with 5 or more people for the same show. Mascot, furable or regular costuming.


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OMGLITZY: A Fro-Yo Date at the Purple Kiwi

Monday, February 4, 2013

A Fro-Yo Date at the Purple Kiwi

A few days ago I tweeted that I was craving some fro-yo! A few people asked me what the heck is fro-yo, and I just can’t believe they haven’t been blessed with the wonderfulness that is FROZEN YOGURT!! Not only is it a tasty snack but it’s also pretty healthy! Although, I am bad about adding a lot of unhealthy toppings. 😉
My fro-yo date was at Purple Kiwi with my momma!
They have machines where you pick your fro-yo flavor.
You can read all the available flavors on their website.
Next is your toppings! These range from strawberries, cookie dough, kiwis, peaches, brownie bites and peanut butter cups and many more!
More toppings! Sprinkles, gummy bears, walnuts, and yummy syrups just to name a few.
And here is what I made! I got strawberry and birthday cake yogurt with a little cookies n cream in there, too. Then I topped it with kiwis, strawberries, brownie bites, oreos, and sprinkles! It was soooo good!

I could probably eat fro-yo every day!


You might notice that I am trying to lighten my hair, too. I am going back to blonde! It’s kinda orangey pinky right now.

OH and we got to watch Sponge Bob while at the Purple Kiwi! It was the perfect date! 🙂
Have you ever had frozen yogurt before? What are you favorite flavors and toppings?


  1. Does TCBY count? I haven't eaten there since high school though.

    That Purple Kiwi place looks awesome! I'd be overwhelmed by all the choices though… so many to choose from. Whatever you went with looks delicious.


  2. For those not having the gourmet experience of fro-yo let me add a few warnings.
    1. You pay by the weight of the cup.
    2. You can't make a decision so you try them all
    3. Try to stick with two flavors that compliment each other. Melted fro-yo of many flavors isn't the tastiest treat. It seemed like a good idea at the first!
    4. Be prepared for brain freeze
    5. Gummie bears do harden up, so make sure you have a good dentist

    Great place to take your Valentine! Hint Hint!


  3. GUMMY BEARS!!!!!!!!! Are my favorite topping. I usually go for fruit flavored fro-yo because for some reason it doesn't feel desserty enough for me to go for the chocolate and other super sweet flavors.


  4. Watching SpongeBob while eating fro-yo sounds like a fun activity! Hehe! I usually buy Triple Chocolate and add a lot of unhealthy toppings, too! But still, we have to cut back on those sugary toppings. It's hard to suffer the consequences. In case you drop by other fro-yo shops, please write a review about that, too. Thanks, Anna! 🙂


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OMGLITZY: A Day in the Park

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

A Day in the Park

Before the crazy ice storm hit my part of Texas, my mom and I went over to the park across from my apartment. It was a beautiful day and was so warm and sunny I eventually took my jacket off!! I am glad we adventured out before the temperature dropped below freezing the next day.
This park is called “Central Park” just north of Dallas.. It has statues and a water fountain (which sadly was not running.) There’s also a small river behind it and a little lake. I had fun walking around and saw a few other families taking photos. I just wish I had been coming here more often to take more pics!
My outfit:
Pokemon shirt – Hot Topic
Nyan cat hoodie – ThinkGeek
Pink phone purse – Vera Bradley
Boots – Uggs
Jeans – Express


  1. Sweet park! Love your t-shirt haha
    x atelier zozo


  2. How have I not heard of Central Park in Dallas!? I'm gonna have to check it out!


  3. I have no been outside in many months. Hahahaha. Your post nearly makes me want to go on a picnic with the hubbie. Maybe I will…


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OMGLITZY: 9 Easy Steps for Everyday Makeup

Thursday, February 21, 2013

9 Easy Steps for Everyday Makeup

I’ve been wanting to do a makeup tutorial for a long time, but it’s kinda hard to photograph each step on your own! Someday I would love to make a video tutorial. For now I have done my best to show you how to do an easy, everyday look! This is a glitzy post so sorry fellas for the lack of geekiness. There might be a few of you that enjoy it 😛
What I used:
Almay Clear Complexion
MAC Concealer Stick
PUR Minerals Powder and Brush
Too Faced Bronzer and Blush Brush
Naked Eyeshadow Palette by Urban Decay
Pencil Eyeliner by Kat Von D
Great Lash Mascara by Maybelline
Lip Lites by Bonne Bell

Step 1 – Foundation: I use Almay Clear Complexion because it helps heal blemishes. Use a makeup sponge instead of your fingers to apply evenly to entire face. 
Step 2 – Concealer: Put a little concealer on problem areas. For me I use it under my eyes and on any blemishes.

Step 3 – Powder: I love PUR Minerals Powder because it is lightweight on my skin. It goes on smoothly and helps prevent shine.
Step 4 – Blush: I had been mixing brown and pink blushes together until I found this bronzer by Too Faced. It works great on your entire face or you can focus it directly to your cheeks.

Step 4 (cont) – Blush: It’s important to note that you want to apply blush below your cheek bone. Its purpose is to create a shadow that chisels your face. This will give the illusion of a slimmer facial structure and make your cheek bones pop!

Step 5 – Eyeshadow: This may be the most difficult step for some. So keep it simple! I like Urban Decay’s Naked Palette because it has a matte finish. This will look more natural in person and will also photograph lovely! I used the medium brown in the crease of my eye and the light cream on the lid and under the eyebrow for highlights. Be sure to blend well!

Step 6 – Eyebrows: Using a blunt eyeshadow brush and the dark brown from the Naked Palette, carefully brush on some pigment to your brows. Don’t go overboard – you just want to add some fullness.

Step 7 – Eyeliner: I like my eyeliner dark and somewhat thick. So I applied mine to the lower waterline as well as the lash line. I go to a slight angle on the upper side – not quite a cat eye but it gives the illusion that your eyelashes are longer. Then using my blunt eyeshadow brush, I smudge it some for a smokier look.

Step 8 – Mascara: One coat of Great Lash Mascara is all you need for an everyday look. For a night out try an eyelash curler and multiple coats of mascara. I only apply it to my top lashes because I always end up with black spots if I do the bottom lashes.
Step 9 – Lip Gloss: This is my favorite step! I think a shiny lip ties the whole look together. I get chapped lips all the time so I use a gloss instead of lipstick. And I like lighter tones for my lip since I do a darker eye.

Before and After!
With a little makeup my skin looks smooth and my eyes stand out more. Since I am in the process of bleaching my hair it’s important to add some color to my face. This look is easy, quick (about 10 mins) and keeps me from looking like a zombie!

How many steps are in your daily makeup routine?
Do you have a favorite brand of makeup?
Any tips you want to share?


  1. As a guy, I find this to be fascinating and incredibly enlightening! I had no idea what all was involved in the process. It's pretty cool!


  2. Love this post. I have no idea what i'm doing with makeup. You are ever so pretty 🙂


  3. What can you say about the Almay Clear Complexion Makeup Foundation? 🙂 Is it good?



    1. I have used it for a couple years now and really like it! I was blessed with pretty good skin, but I think I owe a lot of it to this foundation. It helps treat and prevent pimples. I don't wash my makeup off every night like you probably should so this foundation was "my way" of taking care of my skin. It's lightweight, doesn't feel cakey, and the color (I use Ivory) blends well with my skin tone.


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OMGLITZY: 30 Day Disney Challenge – Days 7-13

Sunday, April 13, 2014

30 Day Disney Challenge – Days 7-13

Whoa! I got really behind on my Disney Challenge .. sorry about that! Here are my answers for Days 7-13 🙂 Please play along by telling me your answers in the comments!

Day 7 – Your favorite sidekick
I like Tinkerbell because she’s so resourceful! It’s like her mission is to help others. I would love to have her as my sidekick.
Day 8 – Your favorite villain
Captain Hook is one of the best villains because part of you really wants to like him! Pirates are just so cool and even though he’s supposed to be evil I think he’d be a fun friend to have. 😀
Day 9 – Your favorite original character
I’ve loved Stitch since I saw it when it was released and have snuggled with a Stitch doll every night ever since! He’s got the best personality and is such a unique little guy.

Day 10 – Your favorite song
My favorite song is easily “Under The Sea” from The Little Mermaid. I can sing every line and it puts me in such a great mood! It was also my favorite part of the new Little Mermaid ride at Disney World.
Day 11 – Your favorite love song
“I See the Light” from Tangled is so sweet and moving. I’ve been a fan of Mandy Moore for a long time, and she puts so much heart into her performance.
Day 12 – Your favorite villain song
I enjoy Ursula singing “Poor Unfortunate Souls” because of her upbeat attitude about it. It’s very evil of her!
Day 13 – Your least favorite song
My least favorite is “Can You Feel the Love Tonight” from The Lion King. It’s kinda awkward so I always skip it when it plays.


  1. Ok, Hook in OUAT is very…well, hot! And I hate "Can you feel the love tonight" too!
    Here's mine:
    7: Mushu since he's so hilarious
    8: Scar/Meleficent because they are the coolest characters. They make me want to be a bad gal!
    9: Venellope (though Stitch is a CLOSE second as my BFF says he reminds her of me).
    10: "I'll Make a Man Out of You" classic!
    11: I See the Light (ditto!)
    12: Be Prepared (from Lion King) & "Worlds' Greatest Criminal Mind" (Great Mouse Detective).

    Loving this series of Disney shares.


  2. I have to say my least favourite song is 90% of the Mary Poppins soundtrack. hehehe


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OMGLITZY: 30 Day Disney Challenge – Days 22-30

Saturday, May 10, 2014

30 Day Disney Challenge – Days 22-30

Here they are! My final answers to my 30 Day Disney Challenge!
Previous answers can be read here, here, here and here!

Day 22 – An underrated movie

I think they did such a good job bringing a fairy tale to life!

Day 23 – A movie that makes you laugh

Lilo & Stitch
Everything Stitch says and does puts a smile on my face!

Day 24 – A movie that makes you cry

Day 25 – Your favorite scene from your favorite movie
The lantern scene in Tangled!!! ^.^

Day 26 – Saddest death 

Ray from The Princess and The Frog
Omg I was a wreck when he died!!! I cried so hard!

Day 27 – Your favorite quote

“Ohana means family. And family means no one gets left behind… or forgotten.”
– Lilo & Stitch

Day 28 – Your favorite theme park

Magic Kingdom
I’ve been there twice! 🙂 (photo by me!)

Day 29 – Your favorite theme attraction
Hollywood Tower
I rode this multiple times because it was SO FUN! I remember watching the movie with Steve Guttenberg and Kirsten Dunst and just wishing that I would get to visit it someday. (photo by me!)

Day 30 – Your favorite theme park show

The Enchanted Tiki Room
I love singing along with the birds! It’s such a cute show! (photo by me!)
Let me know your answers in the comments! 🙂
Thanks so much for playing along with me 😀


  1. 22 Underrated Movie- Meet the Robinsons: it was so funny and cute, and completely went under the radar!
    23 Movie that Makes you laugh- Emperor's New Groove: I LOL every. single. time!
    24 Movie that Makes me cry- Up: the beginning is so beautifully done. When someone tells me they didn't have feels I question their sanity.
    25 your favorite scene from favorite movie- Emperor's New Groove (though, not my fave flick)- the scene where Kronk is taking llama kuzco (this one:
    26 Saddest Death- Bambi/Up- it's his mom man! and then Ellie! I can't deal!
    27 Favortie quote: Newsies- Seize the Day…the whole song.
    28 Favorite Theme Park- Disneyland! Though smaller than World, it still holds it's magic.
    29 Favorite Theme Attraction- Peter Pan ride, and Pirates of the Carribean- they are on the opposite ends of the "Line Wait Time" spectrum too.
    30 Favorite Show: I miss the Main Street Electrical Parade.

    This was such a fun series! I like hearing about different people's tastes and perspectives!


  2. The first 5 minutes of Up destroys me every time. I avoid watching that movie just because of that. It's really a testament to Pixar's film-making ability that they can get you that emotionally involved in such a short period of time. The remainder of the movie is so-so… not their best story but a pretty good one all the same. Those first 5 minutes are among the finest in film history though.


  3. I cried so much when ray died. A lady next to me in the theatre gave me her tissues. 🙂


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OMGLITZY: 30 Day Disney Challenge: Days 14-21

Sunday, April 27, 2014

30 Day Disney Challenge: Days 14-21

So I am definitely not allowed to do 30 Day Challenges again!! As much as I liked answering the questions, I was not very good at keeping up with posting the answers >.< Sorry about that! So here are my quick answers to numbers 14-21. I have 22-30 typed up already so I will post it in a few days. 🙂
Day 14 – Your favorite kiss
Aurora and Prince Phillip
Day 15 – The first movie your saw
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Day 16 – Your favorite classic
Peter Pan
Day 17 – Your least favorite classic
This movie kinda spooked me as a kid.
Day 18 – Your favorite Pixar film
The Incredibles
Day 19 – Your least favorite Pixar film
I enjoy this movie, but I think they could have done a little more with it.
Day 20 – Favorite sequel
Toy Story 2
Because Jessie!!!!
Day 21 – An overrated movie
Pirates of the Caribbean
The first one was pretty awesome but the sequels didn’t live up to the hype for me.
If you’d like to see my answers to the previous days look herehere and here. Also, please share your answers in the comments! I love to read what y’all pick 🙂


  1. I'm surprised you don't like Brave as much!! I haven't seen it, but people rave about it.
    I should give these challenges a go, they seem fun.



  2. Hell yes about Pirates. I really don't get why it was so popular.


  3. Totally agree about Pirates. The first one is a solid popcorn flick but then it just spun out of control with the sequels, haha. I guess it was also super annoying because I was living in the Florida Keys at the time and there's a huge pirate culture down there.


  4. I agree about PotC. The first movie was awesome, but I wasn't a fan of the sequels. In fact, I think there might be one I haven't even bothered to see yet.


  5. Love this!
    14. Aurora and Phillip's was amazing!
    15. I want to say it was Sleeping Beauty or Peter Pan (which would explain my fondness for them both).
    16. Peter Pan!
    17. Cinderella, or, Pinocchio…I don't hate either. Just my least favorites.
    18. Finding Nemo- the animation was so beautifully done!
    19. Cars 2…NEVER should have happened the way it did.
    20. D2
    21. Alright, I LOVED Frozen, but I don't think it was the "Game-Changer" that it was hyped to be. the only difference was the fact that the love in the movie was siblings–which I liked–but I wouldn't say it was 100% what it was cracked up to be. Also Cars 2…I REALLY hate Cars 2.


  6. I loved Toy Story 2 also! Maybe even a little more than the first one! 😀


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OMGLITZY: 30 Day Disney Challenge: Day 4, 5, 6

Sunday, April 6, 2014

30 Day Disney Challenge: Day 4, 5, 6

I’m doing a 30 Day Disney Challenge and here are my answers for days 4, 5 and 6! If you missed 1, 2 and 3 you can read them here. Please leave a comment with your answers if you want to play along 🙂
Day 4 – Your favorite prince
My favorite prince is Aladdin! I enjoyed his songs the most and playing the Aladdin game on Sega! I think he has a fun personality and brings out a side of Jasmine she’s been searching for. He was also incredibly awesome to meet at Disney World! He took extra time to show me different poses for the camera and chat with me!
Day 5 – Your favorite hero
Flynn Rider (or Eugene Fitzherbert) is my favorite hero because he truly “sees the light” after meeting Rapunzel. I could write SO much about him. Throughout the whole movie he grows as a character, honestly opens up and chooses to protect Rapunzel with his life. He fights for his girl!
Day 6 – Your favorite animal
Pascal takes the crown as my favorite Disney animal! I think it’s great that his colors and emotions tell so much about him! He’s so cute and happy!


  1. I love this!
    4). Prince Eric
    5). Prince Philip…even thought he slays my favorite villain, his fight was epic!
    6). Pegasus from Hercules (especially baby pegasus! so cute)


  2. 4) Favorite Prince? Prince Eric of course!
    5) Favorite Hero? Hercules takes the cake, he's so dreamy 😀 I like how he goes from so average to so incredible. Then finds out he was incredible the whole time!
    6) Favorite Animal? Nana the dog from Peter Pan. She is so caring and shows the love dogs and people have for eachother!


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OMGLITZY: 30 Day Disney Challenge: Day 1, 2, 3

Thursday, April 3, 2014

30 Day Disney Challenge: Day 1, 2, 3

I still need to organize all my convention photos from March because I totally spent the last few days playing the Google Maps Pokemon Challenge. (And I totally found Mew!) So here’s a fun 30 day Photo Challenge I found on Instagram. It looks like colorful-cotton changed her tumblr to so she gets credit for this nifty list 🙂
Day 1 – Your favorite character:
I chose Ariel because I’ve loved her since I was little. Every time I went swimming I would pretend to be a mermaid. There’s something enchanting and magical about them. I love her bright colors and curious personality.
Day 2 – Your favorite princess:
Rapunzel is my absolute favorite princess. I love that she is creative, loving and a dreamer. She’s not afraid to try new things or take risks. She comes across as very relatable since she didn’t know she was a princess growing up. Her attitude about life is very admirable.
Day 3 – Your favorite heroine:
In Frozen, Anna showed true bravery when she went to save her sister Elsa. She didn’t even stop to think about it; saving her was automatic. Anna’s determination and act of selflessness makes her my favorite heroine in a Disney movie.
Feel free to comment below with your answers and play along with me!


  1. I love Anna and Elsa! I really liked how the "True Love" was about siblings and they are the first people we learn to love–despite our arguments with them.
    My answers:
    1). Tinkerbell 2). Tiana, Belle, or Leia 3).Mulan!


  2. Favorite character: Mulan
    Favorite princess: Jasmine
    Favorite heroine: Hmm…It's a tie between Pocahontas and Belle!


  3. Oh I play the Pokemon Challenge on Google Maps, too! I gave up looking because I have a really short attention span, haha! I want to play this Disney challenge, but I have to put thought into each one… >_<


  4. What an awesome challenge! I think I'm going to jump in!
    1. My ultimate favorite character is Lilo from Lilo and Stitch
    2. My most favorite princess is Princess Aurora from Sleeping Beauty
    3. My favorite heroine has got to be Maid Marian from Robin Hood
    4. My favorite prince is Prince Phillip from Sleeping Beauty
    Thanks for posting! I can't wait to see the rest!


  5. Okay I've followed you on Instagram for a while because I started following some cosplayers from the Dallas Comic Con since I go every year 😀 And then I started seeing how much we had in common based off all the stuff you post, I'm a hairstylist as well! So anyways this is my first comment on your site and it's because I'm such a huge Disney fan!
    1. My ultimate favorite character is Meg from Hercules. I think she is so strong! She's never mentioned in most Disney conversation and I just think she's so underrated!
    2. My most favorite princess is Ariel, I've got the biggest fascination with mermaids and her voice is my favorite among everyone!
    3. My favorite heroine is Kida from Atlantis! She's beautiful and strong. The best combo!


  6. Belle's honest and trusting personality, and her selfless character, convinced the beast to make an exchange: freeing her father in exchange for her imprisonment.
    princess bedroom


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OMGLITZY: August 2016

Monday, August 1, 2016

Tutorial: DIY Rainbow Highlighter

Have you dreamed of becoming a unicorn princess? Well then this tutorial is for you! No unicorn princess is complete without a prism of rainbows shimmering across their cheeks!
I first saw the rainbow highlighter craze on Instagram when Bitter Lace Beauty first launched their product. Their small independent business exploded overnight. The original product now has a 9-10 month preorder! Due to the long wait, many people came up with a "DIY" version that you can create at home. I followed several guides to see if I could make my own and took some pics of my process! Hope you enjoy!

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