OMGLITZY: AnimeFest 2012: Part 2

Monday, September 3, 2012

AnimeFest 2012: Part 2

Here are some AnimeFest 2012 photos I didn’t take but have found by searching the web like the pony stalker I am. Trying to give correct credit!! But let me know if I missed any 🙂 I will update as I find them.
Did you check out AnimeFest Part 1?

And all the following pics are from Kevin’s album with his fancy camera. Sorry if some are repeats from my previous post .. but his pics were much better. 🙂

Be sure to check out my other AnimeFest posts:


  1. Really awesome costume! You put it all together so nicely! Even having seen the individual pieces that you ordered, it was hard to imagine what it would end up looking like. That wig looks really fun. Great job!

    (I love the TTGL and Beetlejuice costumes also! Kevin did a good job with the camera.)


  2. Ahh, your outfit turned out awesome!! As did everyone else's. I really like your friend's outfit with the cupcake apron w/ pink wings (not sure how else to describe it, hehe)!

    Rainbow hair FTW!


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OMGLITZY: AnimeFest 2012: Part 1

Sunday, September 2, 2012

AnimeFest 2012: Part 1

Alrighty folks this is going to be a big post! AnimeFest was pretty fun! I only went on Saturday (9-1-12) but the turn out was great! Comparing it to AKon I would say it was just a tad bit smaller.. but overall had the same great vibe 🙂

Kevin drove up from Austin the night before and brought some Ramune and Mochi for me to try! It was different, but really tasty. After giving him a haircut (lol) we went to sleep early since we needed to wake up at 7 am to get ready. That gave us enough time to drive to downtown Dallas. Good thing we did because part of the highway was closed off! When we got there the lines weren’t too bad for registration. Later in the day when my other friends Jordan and Jared arrived, the lines were crazy long! We attended a “brony improv” panel that was … well.. interesting.. lol .. And Jordan and Jared saw a Pokemon panel. We all went to the MLP photoshoot which happen to be at the same time as a the Zelda/Link photoshoot. Kevin was a ‘modern Link’ this convention but after seeing the other’s who went all out I think we might do Zelda and Link next!

And be sure to check out AnimeFest Part 2!

I like to call this “if Rainbow Dash got a manicure” lol

Kevin brought strawberry Ramune (rah moo nay)

And strawberry Mochi (moh kee) .. Yum!
Driving to the convention!! (photo credit: kevin’s phone)
Kevin and I at the “brony improv” panel

Jordan as Mrs. Cupcake and me as Rainbow Dash

Rainbow Dash and Kevin as Modern Link

Jared as the Butcher from Berserk and Mrs. Cupcake

Dr. Hooves

Rainbow Dash, Chrysalis, Rarity, Princess Celestia, Mrs. Cupcake

Princess Celestia

Pinkie Pie

Apple Jack

Spike and Pinkie Pie

DJ Pon-3 and another Rainbow Dash

We all had a pony brain fart

No one likes Trixie!

Goofing off at the photoshoot

Myself, Mrs. Cupcake and Rarity

The Flim Flam Brothers and Dr. Hooves

Shining Armor

Mr. Carrot Cake and Mrs. Cupcake
Pinkie Pie
The food court had prisms on the ceiling that put rainbows everywhere! How perfect! People were stopping and taking my photo as Kevin took this shot, hehe
Amazing Zeldas!

And handsome Links!
A food truck outside the hotel 😛


The cutest boy version of Marceline ever

A cup of ramen… duh!!

Really awesome Beetlejuice costumes

Miss Argentina was beautiful!

Mass Effect

Lollipop Chainsaw




Sailor Moon

Weeping Angel (from Dr. Who)

Flynn and Rapunzel (!)


Link the Photographer (hehe)

Tuxedo Mask (<3)

Link and the nurses from ..I can’t remember oops

We had so much fun!!

Can’t wait for the next convention! 😛
Be sure to check out my other AnimeFest posts:

1 comment:

  1. Haha oh, I probably should have read part 1 first. So I guess I was referring to the "Mrs. Cupcake" outfit in my comment on your part 2 post!

    Just noticed your rainbow tights btw. SO AWESOME.


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OMGLITZY: Anime Fest 2014

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Anime Fest 2014

This was my second year to attend Anime Fest. The first time was in 2012 (you can view the posts here and here.) This is a very fun convention because it’s similar to AKon but just a little smaller in size. I can tell it’s still grown since my first visit, though. The hotel it is at is one of my favorites in Dallas – the Sheraton. I love the layout and location. Anime Fest had many guests in attendance including the band FLOW as well as several voice actors and game developers. The other best part of this con are the fan-run panels. I was happy to provide some prizes for the Disney Panel which is always a very popular one to attend!

I decided to wear comfy clothes to pick up my badge – Hello Kitty dress from Macy’s, Toki Doki headband and my new wig from Gothic Lolita Wigs. I’m not sure where I got my jean vest at, but I decked it out with fun pins including one from Nerd Burger!
The dealer’s room had rows and rows of goodies for sale including games, apparel, plushies, jewelry and even Ramune and Pocky.
There were also several cosplay supply booths. This one had some great wigs for sale!
While walking around the dealer’s room I found this beautiful Belle cosplay and a very creative Dalek and Doctor!

This super cute Olaf even had his own personal snow cloud. Aww!

And my favorite were this two dressed as Mike and Sulley from Monsters University.
In the artists alley, I got to meet Carl Martin who was featured on this past season of Heroes of Cosplays on SyFy. He was incredibly nice and was taking his time to chat with everyone that came by his table.
This was a view of the artists alley from the escalator. I love that this part of the convention is free to explore. Meaning you don’t need a badge to shop and browse here.
This was a Paint and Take room. They provided table top figures that you could paint and then bring home with you!
The next day I wore my Sailor Ariel cosplay. I met up with Alycen of Kirakira Cosplay and got a picture with her pool party Gaige.
And this is my good friend Payton of Schmall Cosplay. She makes incredible armor out of Worbla and won First place in the masters division contest for her Magic Armor Link costume she debuted on Sunday.
Photo by Avarice Conspiracy Photography
Our Disney Sailor Scout group met up to do another shoot and this time we had some new gals! Sailor Alice, Sailor Jane, Sailor Elsa, Sailor Ariel, Sailor Megara, and Sailor Belle
Photo by Avarice Conspiracy Photography
And this is my individual shot of my Sailor Ariel.
I didn’t buy much at this con since I spent most of my money at AKon. But I did indulge on this cute bow ring for only $3. Anime Fest also provides really nice program books and badges that I will be adding to my collection.
I had a planned to debut a new surprise cosplay, but I wasn’t feeling too great so I didn’t get to wear it the next day. But I am hoping to wear it to Dallas Fan Days!


  1. Your Disney Sailor Scout group is great!! I love all the creativity in the outfits and just the whole concept! 🙂


  2. I love the Disney Sailor Scouts! What an awesome idea!!


  3. Disney Sailor Scouts = brilliant!


  4. This looks like such a fun convention. And I love those two cosplaying as Mike and Sully. What a fun take on the characters!


  5. Great photos! You just gave me so many ideas for disneybounding now 🙂


  6. Ahhh you look so cute in that pink wig!! 😀 and your Sailor Ariel is amazing!

    I love that Dalek and the Doctor cosplay too.


  7. Love your Little Mermaid Sailor Scout and that Olaf is too cute!

    xx Mallory @ Bad Wolf Brunch


  8. Your Toki Doki headband is amazing! 😀


  9. Yay, all of you looked lovely in your Disney Sailor Scout costumes! I loved that Olaf as well 🙂


  10. You look so adorable in your pink wig and toki doki headband. I am so excited you wore the brooch 🙂 Looks like such a run event. I love your scout group. SOO much talent.


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OMGLITZY: Animation Celebration 2014

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Animation Celebration 2014

Animation Celebration was a 3 day convention in Lewisville, Tx where I was invited to be a guest! I made several wizard wands, starfish necklaces and ordered extra prints to sell at my table. Last year it was called Brony Fest, but this time they expanded their genre a bit to include some great names like Kevin Conroy (the voice of Batman), Steve Cardenas (the Red Power Ranger), and cosplay guests Nicole Marie Jean and Destiny Nickelson.

I was most excited to meet Linda Ballantyne and Toby Proctor. They did the voices of Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask! I was beyond stoked to get their autographs and even had the chance to film them in character!
Even though the rooms were small at this convention, they packed in some great vendors and artists. I found something I wanted from each table.
I ended up buying this Princess Celestia button and Cake plush! Also, a man was trying to sell his SDCC MLP exclusives. I have been wanting these for a long time but they usually run about $100+. He just wanted what he paid so I got them for only $50!

On Saturday I debuted my Frozen Anna cosplay. I had worked all week hand painting the entire costume so I could wear it to this event. I can’t wait to post a tutorial for it soon!
Here I am with some very beautiful Elsa’s and a giant Olaf!
Saturday was the busiest day of the weekend and also the day of the costume contest. I was asked to help judge along with Enasni Volz and Krystle Starr
Photo by Jacob Long
Here is a shot of me behind the judges table and the winners of the contest!

Outside the con was the Ecto-1 from Ghostbusters! This was amazing to see because it was so detailed! 

My favorite part of the convention was hanging out with my cosplay friends. I got to see Almost Nerdy, Lord Vishus and Lyndsey Elaine again (who I met at the HOT Con in Waco). I also met Spencer Doe who does an incredible Batman and Gambit cosplay!

On Sunday I wore my Ariel cosplay (which I just posted a tutorial for) and was excited to see Morgan in her mermaid version!

Photo by Dallas Observer
Sunday I was invited to be in a panel with the other Dallas cosplayers and answer audience questions. This photo cracks me up because Krystle was talking about my hair and my face looks like I’m thinking “Girl, don’t touch my wig.” Haha!

 Here is a great video by Samaze of several cosplayers at the convention. I am in there as Frozen Anna dancing with my Olaf plush 😀
Please check out my Facebook Album to see all the photos from Animation Celebration. 
The next convention I will be a guest at is the North Texas Comic Book Show in July!


  1. I wish we had more smaller conventions like you guys do in Texas!


  2. Oh my gosh, that looks like it was so much fun! I'm still in awe of your Ariel cosplay, and I so so jealous that you got to meet the voices of Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask, wow wow wow!

    And that giant Olaf is too cute!

    Elyse @ Cuddly as a Cactus


  3. Your Anna costume is great!


  4. So nice! You look so cute in every costume! :3 AND OMFG THE ECTO-1!!!! <3


  5. Aw! I love small conventions! This one seems awesome!


  6. You look incredible. So many fantastic cosplayers and you stood out amongst them all. I wish we had more cons here in Australia, I only have 3 a year.


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OMGLITZY: ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

I was nominated by my friend Ashleigh and Chris to do the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge! To be honest, I didn’t know much about ALS before these videos had gone viral. It’s been enjoyable watching celebrities and friends get drenched, but more importantly I have learned about a disease that needs awareness. Please visit ALSA.ORG to learn more and donate if you can (I did!) This article by Bo Stern also gave me a lot of insight on ALS and what this ice bucket movement is doing for families.

I’ve nominated my friends Natalie Green, Jeremy of Cosplay With Me, and Cazz of Nerd Burger to take the challenge! 🙂


  1. Awesome challenge!! A fellow blogger nominated me. ^_^ Definitely heading to the site to learn about the cause.

    – Harlynn


  2. Awesome! The company I work for does lots of charity work for ALS so we're all doing the challenge (and donating!)! My department got iced yesterday! 🙂


  3. Thumbs up for doing it!!! I'm also glad you wrote about it, added links, and gave information. I've seen a lot of people just say they are doing this but don't offer information! =)


  4. Love it! Thanks for spreading the awareness 🙂


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OMGLITZY: All-Con 2013

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

All-Con 2013

 All-Con is a convention that covers many different genres of nerd culture. It’s located in Addison, Tx and started in 2005! This was my first time to go to All-Con. I was impressed with the diverse feel.. Although there was a lot of Star Wars and Steam Punk themes going on. Both of which I am happy with! 🙂 I am more of a fantasy/comic girl and this convention had plenty of that. On a different spectrum – it had quite a bit of anime/manga, too. It reminded me of my visits to AKon and Anime Fest with panels and fandoms found in different rooms of the hotel. I only went Friday and Saturday evening so I am sure I missed a lot. Friday I was dressed as Ramona Flowers and Saturday I was in street clothes so I could enjoy watching my friends in the costume contest!
To see all of my pictures from All-Con check out my Flickr album
This is one of my best friends Payton dressed as Queen Amidala. I enjoy seeing her and her dad at all the conventions and hanging out with them!

These are my other best friends Courtney (above) and Scotty (below). She was a Magnaguard and Scotty was General Grievous. 

My three friends got picked for second and third in the costume contest! 1st place went to a giant wookie (not pictured because he didn’t fit on stage lol).. But Courtney and Scotty were still given a cash prize because they were one vote away from a tie with the wookie. Grats to all of you!

I saw so many friends at All-Con! This was Kevin as Link and his girlfriend Courtney

I was also so impressed with this Mega Man! He won first place in his category.

Here is CookieCup Cakes as Princess Peach. Isn’t she the cutest?  These pics were taken Friday when I dressed as Ramona.

Had to get a pic with Payton as Dark Zelda. So cool!

This was an awesome Steam Punk/Comic cross over group. Me and Harley compared our hammers, lol. (I think hers would win)

My good friend Erica was there with many other awesome Star Trek cosplayers.
This is my blogging buddy James from A Galaxy Called Dallas. I look for him at every convention and we finally found each other at All-Con!

Here’s a peek at my “street clothes” outfit for Saturday.
I wore a Bazinga! shirt is from Kohl’s – you can get it here and receive 10% off with the code BLOGS10 until May 10, 2013 🙂
My blue jeans are from Express, Zelda earrings from Ragin’ Gauges, and my Ramona Flowers purse from Amazon.
Photo by Jack Teague (who is another great friend and awesome photographer!)
I had a wonderful time at All-Con! I am looking forward to next year already. Tickets for registration are available on their website.
What is your favorite genre to see at conventions?
Do you go to meet celebs, buy stuff, hear panels, or see cosplay?
Or all of the above like me? 😀


  1. I love your street clothes outfit. You look so cute with your hair up high. I love the Ramona costume as well. I still can't believe you made that hammer.



    1. Thanks! I had fun being in street clothes for a change. Props and wigs aren't always comfy.


  2. This is such a fun blog! You are so pretty and sweet! Looking forward to seeing you at the next con!



    1. Hey girl! Thank you so much! I can't wait to hang out again, too!


  3. Garsh, that wookie was huge! Looks like it was a fun weekend. Feels like I should've gone; I just didn't feel like driving to Addison



    1. Isn't the wookie crazy?! It was so cool to see. He made it himself, too. I definitely recommend going on Saturday at least. Friday was fun but Saturday was really fun!


  4. Dalek!
    I go to conventions too!
    I love the dark Zelda cosplay, I got a photo with a girl dressed as that too.
    Here is my cosplay that I did of Saria:



    1. Ohmygoodness your Saria cosplay is amazing!!! Great pictures! I would love to do a lady Link someday.. I have Saria's Song stuck in my head now 😛


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OMGLITZY: AKon 25 – 2014

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

AKon 25 – 2014

AKon celebrated it’s 25th anniversary this year at the Hilton Anatole Hotel. It’s one of the longest running anime conventions in the US. I have been 3 years in a row now, and this year I arrived extra early to pick up my badge on Thursday.

The calm before the storm! The hotel is beautiful so it was nice seeing it before it was swarmed with cosplayers. There are some amazing pieces of art throughout the building including a piece of the Berlin Wall.

This was about 9:30 am on Thursday and the registration room was already PACKED with people waiting to pick up their badges. It took me nearly 3 hours to get through the line. Next year I am going to pay extra to just buy my badge on site because that line was nearly empty.

Photo by The Geeky Seamstress (Ms Marvel)
After I got my badge that morning I went home to prepare for the masquerade ball that evening. I figured why not check it out since it was included in the badge price. It was fun dressing up in something more original rather than a cosplay. I wore a black skirt with a lace shirt and my black corset. I got my mask at the mall and felt very Victorian!

The next morning I put on my Princess Celestia cosplay and headed back to the hotel. My dad drove me and my mom since the parking was so expensive. We got there pretty early so my mom took a few photos of me in the courtyard.

Once the dealer’s room opened we made our way up and down the aisles. Anime conventions have some amazing merchandise. I prefer them over comic conventions personally. There’s just more of a variety of trinkets and treasures. Like this booth in the photo!
Last AKon I met Yaya Han for the first time. She even complimented my Fiona from Shrek cosplay. Her line was super long this year so I didn’t get to talk to her, but my mom got this good photo at her booth.

While walking through the dealers room I met this wonderful Princess Anna cosplayer! She looked just like her!

I also spotted Ejen from Cosplay in America. His next book will be coming out soon, and I can’t wait to see his hard work published!

The next day I wore my Sailor Ariel cosplay and met up with the other Disney Sailor Scouts. We had been planning this since February so it was awesome seeing it finally come together.
I’ve admired photographer Aperture Ashley and was so excited to have a shoot scheduled with her. She took this great picture of my Sailor Ariel!
Some of the loot I came home with from AKon was a Korilakkuma Kigurumi, Sailor Moon Moonstick, and a Sylveon postcard by one of my favorite artists – Octopie.
I normally upload all my photos to Facebook, but since a whole days worth didn’t transfer to my new computer I won’t be able to make an album. If I figure out how to retrieve them I will update this post! 🙂
My next convention will be Anime Fest which is just a smaller version of AKon. It’s grown a lot over the years, though, so I expect it won’t be much smaller for long!
You can read last year’s AKon post here!


  1. Eeeee! Your Celestia is so dang pretty!


  2. All the Disney Sailor Scouts did an amazing job on their costumes and I LOVE your Celestia cosplay.


  3. Disney Sailor Scouts group is awesome. I love it!


  4. Looks like you had a super fun time. I loved your cosplay of My little pony. You looked beautiful.


  5. So much awesomeness it's hard to take in! :O



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OMGLITZY: Advertise on GlitzyGeekGirl

Monday, September 1, 2014

Advertise on GlitzyGeekGirl

September and October are the best months to buy an ad space on my blog! My most viewed posts are my costume/cosplay tutorials and the number of views nearly triples in the weeks before Halloween. 
I use Passionfruit for my ads – which is very easy to use! Visit my Sponsor Page to see the sizes and rates. And as a special bonus you can use the code SPOOKY for $1 off any ad size.
My prices are super reasonable and great for bloggers, artists, small businesses and cosplayers!


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Sunday, May 27, 2012

About Me

Thanks for checking me out! I am commonly described as colorful, creative and cheerful! I think I am the princess, but sometimes I’m the frog. I enjoy dressing up and playing with hair. But you’ll usually find me on the computer and playing video games. I am glitzy.. I am a geek .. I’m a glitzy geek kind of girl 🙂

A few random things about me:

  • My name is Anna.
  • I live deep in the heart of Texas.
  • I was so eager to become a cosmetologist that I graduated with my bachelor’s in 3 years!
  • I’ve been working as a hair stylist for 5 years now; I make people look pretty for a living.
  • Little things make me happy; I am easily amused 🙂
  • My parents are probably way cooler than yours.
  • Pixie is my precious kitty cat which I am sure many blogs will include =^.^=
  • I have a few tattoos.
  • My favorite food is pizza. My favorite drink is Coke Zero. And I love Oreos!
  • I play the online game Everquest II .. It’s WAY cooler than World of Warcraft. I raid with a level 92 necromancer on Crushbone three nights a week.
  • I can play “Happy Birthday” on the guitar.
  • I occasionally like to be crafty.
  • I am absolutely terrified of sharks.


  1. Enjoying your blog.


  2. Your hair and makeup is amazing. I enjoyed reading your blog and look forward to some really creative ideas. Peace!


  3. Wanted to say thx. Ur blog just took me to tumblr and then pinterest. I think I've found a cure for junk food.


  4. You're cool girl! <3 I love your blog! I'm following you and I have taken the liberty to put your button link to my blog!


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OMGLITZY: A trip to the mall!

Monday, January 21, 2013

A trip to the mall!

This is more of a “glitzy” post but fear not fellow geeks! I have a very “geeky” post coming up soon that involves Star Wars and prop making!

So on to the glitz! I was able to go to the mall the other day with my Momma! We had plans to spend our $40 giftcard to Godiva. I saw this super cute bear in their magazine and just had to get him! While we were there we actually found a few other goodies. It was a fun trip!

We don’t usually have this many sacks so we were kinda excited 😛

My free piece of the month from Godiva was “Cookie Dough”
I probably won’t get it again .. It didn’t really taste like cookie dough. My fav is still red velvet or the strawberry truffle.

This is Pierre! Isn’t he cute?! His tag says his name is Valentino, but as Doctor Who knows, not everyone likes their given name. Remember Stormageddon?
These were just too pretty to pass up! And we had a little extra money from our giftcard.

I found these two awesome sweaters at Macy’s for only $9.99 each! I love long sweaters since I am taller and they’re hard to find sometimes. The bottom one is a really cool bright yellow/green color. The photo didn’t capture it’s greatness!
This beautiful eyeshadow is called Amethyst by MAC. It’s got a lovely shimmer to it!

Aw what a poor fella! It’s like a Greek statue gone wrong!

That day I also went by Toys R Us and found this cute little salon vanity! If I was a kid I would LOVE this! 

And although this wasn’t included in our trip to the mall, I just had to share the cute “fairy bread” my dad made me for breakfast one morning. It’s wheat bread, butter and sprinkles! So easy! Not very healthy but fairies don’t care 🙂

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