OMGLITZY: Dallas Fan Days 2012

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Dallas Fan Days 2012

Wow! I had a great time this weekend at the Dallas Fan Days in Irving, TX .. It was well organized, had some great actors, and I made a lot of new friends! The costumes are always my favorite part of conventions, and I was able to show off my Skyward Sword Princess Zelda again. I won 2nd place in the costume contest for video game character!!

My favorite part was meeting Sean Astin. He was a really really cool guy and I enjoyed getting his photo and autograph. For the photoshoot – they rush you in and out very quickly. So I managed to tell him “I am so excited to meet you!” and he responded with “You’re a liar (lyre)!” and pointed to my harp. LoL.. Get it? So a few seconds later I was out of the room and had to wait for my photo to be printed so I could get him to sign it. Once I met him again in the autograph room we were able to chat a bit. He mentioned he liked my tattoos and couldn’t believe I had so many. I told him about my “slick shoes” tattoo on my ankles in reference to The Goonies and he laughed.

The merchandise room was much like it was back in May at Comic Con.. I did pick up a few t-shirts and some LoTR posters. I won a free shirt and some cool limited edition comic books for winning the costume contest. It’s easy to spend a lot of cash at these things but I think it’s worth it 🙂

Looking forward to another convention, but I don’t think there is one until next year! Guess that gives me time to start working on a new costume 🙂

To view all the photos I took, check them out on the glitzygeekgirl facebook page
And read my tweets from the event on my twitter @glitzygeekgirl
Edit: It’s also been brought to my attention that my pic is on Reddit. A few nice comments, a few crude ones.. But overall I think that’s pretty cool! 😛

Friday as Ramona Flowers
(photo: Brittany)

Saturday and Sunday as Princess Zelda
Sean Astin calling me a “lyre” 🙂
I wish I had a more intimidating weapon! (photo: SQiRL’s Den)
(photo: Alan Tijerina)
On stage after winning 2nd place in the costume contest! (photo: Kevin)
(photo: Alexes Spencer)
Click below to see more photos

And this is me on the front page of
Vote for me as Skyward Zelda! 😛

Thanks for reading and checking out my pics!
Huge thanks to Tommy for the harp, Jacqueline for the belts, and Rachel for the sailcloth. And my wonderful Mom for helping me sew the dress. You’re the best!
If you could dress up in any costume who would you be? Any conventions you recommend attending?


  1. Wow! Congratulations on winning 2nd place! There were some great costumes there, and yours is no exception!

    That's so cool that you got to meet Sean Astin and got your photograph with him.

    I like that you got your Gangnam style on too! Good job.


  2. So many people recognized you from other events you have attended in different costumes. Not counting some of the duds on Reddit, most had great things to say. Totally amazing. Saw this on someone's post

    What's next?


  3. Congrats on winning 2nd place! That's a killer Princess Zelda costume!



    1. Thanks SO much, Kaylah! I sure had a lot of fun this weekend. I was giddy when I saw you commented! Your blog is a joy to read. 🙂


  4. For those interested in Doctor Who follow WhofestDFW on Twitter. This message approved by GGG even though she's not a follower. See you next November.


  5. Love love love this post. Your costume of Princess Zelda is fantastic. I think you should have won first place.


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OMGLITZY: Dallas Comic Con 2014

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Dallas Comic Con 2014

My favorite convention of the year is the Dallas Comic Con. It’s one of the largest in Texas, and I always look forward to seeing my friends here. The convention was held at a larger venue for the first time, too. This had its pros and cons. It was nice not having to wait in line outside in the heat. It also meant the lines inside were managed better since it was mostly all on one floor. At the old convention center, people were getting stuck on the *single* escalator and missing panels because they couldn’t get upstairs!

The larger venue brought a larger ticket price, though. I ultimately decided to go for the VIP ticket and not go to San Diego Comic Con. One thing I loved about VIP was the lounge. We had a separate seating area with large tables for eating and free water. This was great for me and my parents to take a break in. I was disappointed that VIP didn’t include a free t-shirt (like the badge said we’d get), and that we weren’t allowed into the Star Trek panel. That panel cost an additional $20, and I felt like it should have been included in the VIP ticket price.

I bought several goodies including a necklace from Faye’s Realm, two Olaf prints from artist David Wong, and a MLP sticker book. I also managed to get a free Josie and The Pussycats and Spider-Man 2 poster from the freebie room. Another great item I received was a pink Nerd Fu t-shirt!

The media guest list didn’t include many new folks that I hadn’t seen before. However, I was still excited to meet Nathan Fillion. He canceled last year the DAY OF the convention. When I was next to get his autograph at his table, he looked at my Thor costume and said he loved it and had to get a pic of it! I couldn’t believe what was happening.. So I imagine I made a silly face for the photo! But that means there’s a picture of ME dressed up as Thor on Nathan Fillion’s phone. LOL! I had him sign this picture of him as Caleb from Buffy the Vampire Slayer and was beaming with excitement afterwards!

The only other autograph I got was from Stan Lee. I’ve actually already seen him two other times, but never waited in his long line to get his signature. Since we had VIP, we were able to get in early and be first in line! No cameras were allowed at the table, but after he signed my Stan Lee Funko Pop he looked up at me and I thanked him for this opportunity to meet him! It was all kinds of rushed so all he said back to me was “Thank you” as well, but we made eye contact and he smiled. So that was a really special moment to meet such an incredible man!

Stan Lee’s panel was funny, informative, and such an amazing experience. He always gives insight into his comics, and I leave having learned and laughed so much. The only other panel I was able to watch was the Firefly reunion on Sunday. It started out with a bang – Joss Whedon himself filmed an intro just for Dallas Comic Con attendees saying he wish he could be there. Then things kinda went south when the cast came out and the giant curtains began to fall. Thankfully no one was hurt!
My favorite moment of the weekend was meeting some of the cast from Face Off! I have loved watching nearly every season of this series, and my mind was blown when I saw that several of the contestants would be at the event. I had a major fangirl moment when I met Tate Steinsiek and shook his hand. He’s so cute!! 😀
Another favorite moment for me was seeing the Impala from the TV show Supernatural. As soon as I spotted this car I gasped and ran up to it! I am a big fan of Supernatural and had no idea that Dean’s car would be here. It was cool because they decked out the inside and trunk with accessories and weapons like you’d see on the show! More pictures of it are in my Facebook album.

My cosplays turned out great with no major problems at all. I received many compliments and met a lot of new friends. The venue was so large, though, that I managed to miss seeing a lot of my cosplay buddies. I think next time I will have to set up a meeting spot so I can make sure to see everyone. 

Overall, I think the Dallas Comic Con this year went well! I think they’ll make a few changes for the next one, but really it was quite successful. I do hope they get more of a variety in guests. I even suggested they start inviting book authors! Book fandoms would draw a large crowd, and you bet I would wait in line to get my favorite book series signed.

You can see me in my costumes in these videos:

Also, be sure to check out my Facebook album for all the photos from Dallas Comic Con!

My next convention was last weekend at A-Kon 25 in Dallas. So I will have a post on that soon.
Then I will be a guest on July 19th at the North Texas Comic Book Show. 🙂


  1. Love all your cosplays! You look great! And I totally would have fangirled for the Impala as well. 😉


  2. love it!! so awesome that a photo of you is in Fillion's phone!!!!!


  3. Ahh! Wish we could have run into each other there! It was a blast! You can see some of my pics on my blog as well. 🙂


  4. You look great in all three looks! My favorite is your Thor outfit! 🙂



  5. So rad that you finally got to meet Nathan, I can't believe that he took your photo as well. So cool. Your cosplay was amazing as always. I loved the Thor and you looked so adorable as Mario.


  6. Love all your costumes, your so adorable!! ^_^
    Sounds like you had an awesome time.



  7. Love your cosplays! Nathan Fillion may just be the greatest person ever


  8. Yes I will come back to this lace, its huge and open, and have really tall ceilings. Wait staff was also pretty good. Bartender was awesome and personable.


  9. You have a fantastic blog!! Very interesting post dear! 🙂

    Well I was wondering if we could follow each other via bloglovin, gfc, instagram, twitter, facebook and g+? Do visit my blogs and let me know in comments where you follow and I will follow back from both my blogs!! 🙂



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OMGLITZY: Dallas Comic Con 2013

Monday, May 20, 2013

Dallas Comic Con 2013

I had been counting down the days to the Dallas Comic Con since their last convention (Sci Fi Expo) in February! This marked my year anniversary of going to comic conventions and doing cosplay. It’s hard to believe that the weekend has come and gone now. I had an AMAZING time and met so many nice people! It was great running into friends from past conventions, too, and seeing their new costumes. I went with my mom and together we took over 300 photos. This will be a major post so slow computers beware! Lots of pictures ahead! If you don’t see your picture in this post then check out my Facebook album with ALL my pics from the weekend.
 My cosplay’s for the weekend included Princess Zelda on Friday, Fiona from Shrek on Saturday and Evil Mary Marvel on Sunday. This is a glimpse at the night before the convention getting all my props together!

We decided to get there early all three days. I am glad we did because the lines were long!
I am thankful we purchased VIP wristbands so we could get in early. They are expensive but definitely worth it so you don’t melt in the heat and humidity outside.

This is my Princess Zelda from Skyward Sword cosplay. I decided not to wear the sailcloth because it unsnaps too often.

This girl made a beautiful Zelda from Twilight Princess! All we need now is a Link!

Inside the vendor’s room.
The line for the escalator was ridiculous. I think this was taken on Friday.. It was 100 times worse on Saturday. It’s probably time for DCC to upgrade to a larger convention hall.
Who ya gonna call?? Ghostbusters!

Jurassic Park!
And the DeLorean from Back to The Future!
I saw this amazing comic book dress and just had to get pic! She said she hand made it herself! And check out that awesome Captain Mal costume, too! It’s too bad Nathan Fillion had to cancel his appearance.
The only full Q&A I got to see was Jason David Frank. He is the Green Ranger from Power Rangers. It was his 10th anniversary with his wife who joined him at the convention. Aww! He was really funny and had some great stories. He even did a few kicks for the crowd.

Another memorable moment was seeing William Shatner at his Q&A panel. We stood at the back because the room was pretty full and just wanted to get a glimpse of him.

Nearly every costume I’ve worn has a pic next to Sheldon. He’s so cute :p

For Saturday I woke up at 6 am to begin working on Fiona. The body paint took me about 2 hours to complete. I was VERY impressed with the quality of this makeup. I used Paradise by Mehron. It lasted ALL DAY!
Pixie was sleeping most of the time, but I had to get one picture of her and pretend she was Puss In Boots! “Fear me… If you dare!”
Great picture outside the front of the convention! It was really windy all weekend.

Don’t worry Doctor Who.. I got this!

Awesome Stargate photo setup.
This guy was dressed as Gideon from Scott Pilgrim vs The World and he had a Scott Pilgrim TATTOO ON HIS HAND!! SOOO COOL!!

Allen Christian shared an awesome drawing of me as my Asajj Ventress a few months ago, and when I saw him at the convention this weekend he gave me the original sketch!! I am so amazed and thankful!
A few times throughout the weekend I was interviewed by different media outlets. I get kinda giddy and sound silly, but I think it’s so cool to see the videos! Here are a couple I’ve found:

Some people from Verizon told me about a costume contest they were holding on Twitter. All you had to do was tweet a pic of your costume with the hashtag SHAREVZ and they would pick a winner! Well I was one they selected! I won a Samsung Galaxy Tab 2!! This was great because I didn’t place at all in official Comic Con contest. I was a little disappointed that they moved it to a smaller room this time, too. I wish I could have watched my friends on stage and cheer them on, but I was stuck in a lonely hallway the whole time. Hopefully next time it will be back in the large room.
For Sunday, I was Evil Mary Marvel. This was my first time getting to do a comic character! I am so glad the green makeup washed off easily. lol
Me with Brandon as a Sith Lord. I love the girl behind us that photobombed the pic!
I was really excited to purchase some art from local artists this time. After looking through the (huge) list of attending artists I knew I wanted to grab a couple pieces from some. This was Matthew Warlick’s table in the Artist Room. He had a lot of great prints and is a fantastic artist! 
We had to get some fun pics in my Mary Marvel outfit!
Photo Credit: Marc Levenson via Facebook
 I also purchased a piece by Jessica Grundy. I am so bummed I didn’t get a photo with her. But I did purchase one of her limited edition prints. 🙂

 I was able to get John Romita Jr.’s autograph on two different Kick Ass 2 posters.
And finally, after drooling over him from a distance, I decided to get Brandon Routh’s autograph. He played Todd (evil ex #3) in Scott Pilgrim vs World. I told him my very first cosplay was Ramona Flowers!
So these are all the awesome goodies I picked up from the weekend. I got a few other posters from the Freebie Room, but there were too many to get pics of.
Here are some links to other photo albums I have found that have amazing pictures from the weekend:
If you would like me to add your photo album link to the list let me know in the comments!
Did you attend Dallas Comic Con?
What was your favorite costume?
Did you get any celebrity or artist’s autograph?


  1. VERY COOL!!! I loved seeing you again! Great pics!



    1. Thanks! It was SO good to see you, too!! I loved it when you "scanned" me and checked my vitals LOL


  2. So awesome! It looks like you had a fab time, I love all your costumes. 😀



    1. It was a blast! Definitely a fun weekend! Thank you!


  3. Haha… chimichangas!

    What amazing costumes! It's a bummer about the official contest, but that's great that you won the Verizon one! Congratulations!



    1. I can't believe I said chimichangas in that video lol .. But it was the first thing that came to my head! I didn't prepare to be interviewed lol. And thanks!


  4. BEST POST!!! I love all your costumes. That Fiona one blows my mind every time I look at it. Your makeup was flawless. You totally deserved to win that tablet. I love that you met evil ex #3 very jealous. And You scored some mega rad stuff as well.



    1. Thank you!! The makeup lasted ALL DAY. I was so impressed. I didn't think I would get any autographs this time, but I am so glad I did.


  5. whoa…i love your hair as a brunette and your costumes are awesome. i hope i can go next year. which should be much easier since we're moving to dfw



    1. Hehe thanks! I like having dark hair, too. But I don't think I could ever dye my own brown. Wigs are great! That's so cool you'll be moving to DFW! You will have to go to Comic Con then! 🙂


  6. Looks like it was a pretty sweet weekend. You came away with some cool pics and goodies. The Fiona costume was better than I imagined, I'll probably use that makeup for a future costume. Hopefully, I'll be at A-kon and see you there.



    1. I had a great time! I was surprised by my Fiona, too. I was just glad people recognized the character. And definitely check out that makeup. It took me a couple layers to cover my tattoos, but it didn't rubbed off! See ya A-Kon!!!


  7. Great Fiona
    Please add my album from DCC 2013



    1. Thanks! I will add it right now 🙂


  8. Your costumes are AMAZING! I think my favourite is Fiona…you're so talented! I really wish we had comic cons out here in South Africa. It would pretty much make my life!!


  9. Your costumes all look so good. After seeing you in full Fiona gear, I think you'd make a great Amy Pond (because of the red hair). And that's so cool that you won a tablet!


  10. Very nice costumes!! … *__* Love you being Mary Marvel. <3


  11. Dani (Sailor Moon)October 4, 2013 at 5:46 PM

    Omg I saw you last year and as Zelda and thought you were so pretty. Hope I run into you this year to


  12. OMG!! your cosplay outfits are AMAZING!!!!!! just discovered you…… and now a follower <3



  13. Great costumes! Did you use just 1 of the Paradise paints for the Fiona costume??


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OMGLITZY: Dallas Comic Con 2012

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Dallas Comic Con 2012

I have always wanted to attend the San Diego Comic Con, but for now the Dallas one will suffice! It was totally rad, too! I have been to two Twilight conventions before but they don’t compare to Comic Con. There were a wholeeeeee lot of people there. A few websites said “roughly 20,000 attendees.” Holy Bill of Rights, Batman!! I went by myself, but met a lot of new friends.

Naturally, I had to dress up for it, too. So I went as Ramona Flowers from Scott Pilgrim vs. The World. It was a pretty easy costume for me. I dyed my blonde hair blue for it, ordered the purse and goggles from Amazon, and found the purple tights and pink shorts at the mall.

A few of the celebrities I got to see were Stan Lee, Patrick Stewart and Summer Glau. I also got to meet and get an autograph from James Marsters. I am a huge Buffy the Vampire Slayer fan and Spike was a favorite character of mine. So I was giddy and starstruck when I shook his hand!! He was really cool in his Q&A panel, too.

photo credit: Long Le
This was my outfit for Day 2


  1. Your costume is excellent! That's really cool that you got to see celebrities like that! (I'd name the ones I think are cool, but I'd just be repeating your list.) You'll make it to San Diego someday!


  2. You really nailed your costume. Heck, I don't think they should even be called costumes. Looks like a great place to get to see. Spike. Wow, that is amazing. Hope you can get to more in the future.


  3. I was posting comments while peeps stood in front of live feed at A-Con. Let's just say I wasn't overly polite.


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OMGLITZY: Dallas Comic and Pop Expo 2013

Monday, March 24, 2014

Dallas Comic and Pop Expo 2013

Dallas seems to have a comic, anime, toy or gaming convention nearly every weekend lately. Sometimes there are more than one at a time! Well in early March I attended the Dallas Comic and Pop Expo. It was held in Richardson, Tx at the Richardson Civic Center. This was their first year, and I would say it was a success! I only went on Saturday, but I was very excited to meet Nicholas Brendan. He played Xander on my favorite TV series Buffy the Vampire Slayer!

As soon as I got to the convention I spotted my friends Jesse as The Crow and Emily Ann as Raven.
Several other fantastic cosplayers came out to the event, too.

I also saw my friends in the 501st

The biggest surprise was seeing a tattoo shop set up in the dealer’s room. They had some small comic, movie and book designs they would tattoo on you right there for $20! I was tempted to get one but decided not to.

Meeting Nicholas Brendan was amazing! I had practiced a little “speech” to say when I met him. Thank goodness there wasn’t a huge line so I had plenty of time to talk to him. I basically said “Well you probably don’t remember me but we had several classes together at Sunnydale, but you were always running around with Buffy and never signed my yearbook! So will you please sign it?” He totally played along and pretended we went to high school together!

“Anna – I’m so happy that you’ve come back into my life. I thought about you like every day since we graduated! K.I.T. Xander” ..Then he autographed it!
(I felt silly because I didn’t know what K.I.T. meant so I asked my friend and we decided it must mean “keep in touch”)
I am stoked my photographer friend Jack Teague snapped the first pic since mine came out blurry!
His panel was awesome, too! I found the courage to ask two questions during the panel. First was “Were you able to keep any items, props or pieces of the set after the show ended?” Nicholas replied that he did keep a jacket that Xander wore. Although he lost it at an airport once so then he took his stunt doubles jacket the next time he was on set! I also asked if he could play any other character which would it have been. He said no one else could play Spike as well as James Marsters, but out of all the characters that would have been his choice. I thought that was a great answer!
At the end of the panel he told everyone he would do the Snoopy dance! We all yelled WAIT so we had time to get our cameras recording.

After meeting Xander I roamed the rest of the convention. It wasn’t large, but there were some great vendor’s in the dealer’s room.
I also got to meet LeeAnna Vamp who is a beautiful cosplayer and model. I enjoyed talking with her and really admired how down to earth she was.

These two were my favorite costumes at the con! Jim Cummings, the voice actor for Darkwing Duck, was there so this was just too perfect!
To see all my photos from Dallas Comic and Pop Expo visit my Facebook album
I was super happy to meet Nicholas Brendan at this convention and see several of my friends. I enjoy going to cons out of costume sometimes so I can mingle better. Next up on my blog to-do list is to make a post about my trip to Waco, Tx for the Heart of Texas Comic Con and the Addison, Tx convention All-Con. 
This weekend is Animation Celebration in Lewisville, Tx where I will have a table with goodies and cosplay prints for sale. I am also debuting two new costumes! Look for me as Anna from Frozen and Ariel from The Little Mermaid!


  1. I can't believe you got to meet Nicolas!! So rad. I love that you got him to sign the year book. That Darkwing Duck cosplay is flipping amazing.


  2. Dude! I love that he played along with the Sunnydale Alum thing!


  3. Looking forward to your new cosplay! 🙂


  4. Oh man, all of these cosplays are amazing! Looks like it was an awesome time. 😀


  5. Oh my gosh, it looks like you had so much fun! I just love your hair 🙂


  6. Hand down, that was the best interaction ever!!! Love it!! The Darkwing Costumes are amazing!!


  7. Looks like it was a fun event. ^^


  8. I always want to be in costume when I go to a con (because I LOVE making costumes), but going in street clothes can be so much easier. I also don't like taking pictures with celebrities in costume. It's a tough life!


  9. Isn't it great when we have time to talk to the celebs?! I'm glad you had a great time!


  10. Best autograph request EVER!! So awesome that he played along. I love when celebrities are awesome like that. Looks like it was a blast!


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OMGLITZY: Daily Outfit

Friday, June 1, 2012

Daily Outfit

Here’s a pic of what I wore yesterday to work. We have to wear black, white, or grey. I’ll usually try to spice it up with some jewelry or shoes – those can be any color. And of course my hair adds some pop! 😀

1 comment:

  1. Having to wear black would be my idea of a perfect job. Love your boots.


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OMGLITZY: Cosplay Etiquette: Cosplaying the Same Character

Friday, June 20, 2014

Cosplay Etiquette: Cosplaying the Same Character

Today on the blog I am curious what some of y’all may think of a topic regarding cosplay! So I want to ask a question and have it open to polite discussion 🙂
What is the proper etiquette for cosplaying the same character as someone you know?
Here’s my backstory for where this is coming from: I have a list of characters in my head that I would love to cosplay someday. The list has grown fast and changes quite a bit. However, there are a few characters that have stayed on the list for quite awhile and simply haven’t found their time to be made yet.
So the other day a really talented cosplayer posted a character they want to cosplay. Well it turns out to be one that I want to do as well! This got me thinking – what is the proper etiquette for cosplaying the same character as someone else?
My first reaction was “Well now I can’t do it.” I’m still a newbie at this.. and the other cosplayer is an amazing veteran with super crafting skills. These are some of the thoughts that went through my head:
– I don’t want to look like I’m copying.
– I don’t want people to compare mine to theirs.
– I will compare mine to theirs even if I don’t mean to.
But the more I thought about it the more I realized most of those reasons were insecurities on my end. First of all, no one owns a character. In the end we are all copying. That’s exactly what cosplay is! You pick a character from a video game, anime, comic, etc and straight up “copy” the design. Part of the fun of cosplaying is recreating the look.
As far as etiquette goes I think it’s best to talk with the other cosplayer if you know them personally. Let them know you want to do a character that they’ve decided to do as well. Then ask them how they feel about it. This way you won’t jeopardize your friendship. Now if you don’t know the other cosplayer at all then I wouldn’t worry about trying to reach out to ask them to see if it’s okay. If you google the character you want to do you may find that 20+ other people have done that same character. It would be near impossible to track them all down to ask permission. So just go for it and create your cosplay in your own artistic way!
Now, there’s no stopping people from comparing or passing judgement. The cosplay community is pretty nice and welcoming, but there’s definitely plenty of trolls that sneak their way in. My best advice for this is to just ignore it. Even if you are the ONLY person to cosplay a character people are going to compare you to the original design. Try not to read the negative comments and if you accidentally do then just be a duck and let it roll right off your back. Because you’re fabulous no matter what they think.
You CAN control whether or not YOU pass judgement. If you are wearing the same cosplay as someone else then do your best not to nitpick the details. It goes two ways: don’t think that they are better than you just because they used different techniques or materials, but also don’t think that you are better than them either. Remember that we’re all just celebrating our love for a fandom.
When I am at a convention and I see someone dressed up as the same character as me, I actually get really excited! You know why? Because that means we both have a common interest. We love that character! It’s a great way to make a new friend.
So my final tip for cosplaying the same character as someone you know is: Don’t copy the cosplayer; cosplay the character! Always put your own creative twist on it. Make it your own! You’ll be more proud of your work that way.
So let me know what you think in the comments!


  1. Well written and put hopefully all Cosplayers newbies and veterans take this advise!


  2. Awesome article! Thanks for writing and posting! <3


  3. This is lovely 😀 "Be a duck" is perfect! I definitely get the fear of copying, and I think your advice to reach out to the people you *know* is spot on.


  4. I don't think I've ever felt concerned about being a duplicate cosplay at a con. Usually you see multiples of all sorts of characters. If I ever see a character dressed as whoever I'm dressed as I'll go out of my way to take pictures together if anything 🙂


  5. Great post! I think it's great advice to focus on the source material. If I see another cosplayer (especially one that I really look up to) make a cosplay that I want to make, I tend to psyche myself out about it. It's part of the reason I've put off "classic" Wonder Woman and Lulu for so long!

    I like your point about having a common interest in a fandom as well. I love running into other cosplayers dressed as the character as me! We get to geek out over our shared loves 🙂


  6. 1) I think most would agree, you're a vet. You're very talented and well recognized.
    2) It's great that you think about other's feelings.

    Ultimately though, you're advice that you just cosplay the character and not the cosplayer is what matters. The only reason I can see for contacting another cosplayer is if you wanted to copy a very specific element that they came up with. I contacted a Joker cosplayer who is amazing and asked about his make up. He considered it proprietary, so I said thank you for the response and moved on.

    I LOVE getting pics with others who are doing the same character. There is such a wonderful variety one can come up with. Great article!


  7. This comment has been removed by the author.


  8. True Story. One Halloween, back in my Theater Arts undergrad days, I dressed up as Dream from The Sandman. And everyone thought I was The Crow. Eventually, I got tired of correcting them (not a lot of Neil Gaiman fans back then) and just said "Yes, fine.. I'm The Crow". Then I found out that this one prima donna actor WAS dressed as The Crow and he threw a fit about how I was ripping him off and how I couldn't even do the eye make-up properly.

    Hence forth, I could give a damn about people "owning" a costume. Because anybody who cares and is willing to make a big deal about it is probably out to cause drama about anything.


  9. Very well written. I'd never thought about it, but I am the same as you about the subject. I've always(somehow) managed to cosplay characters that aren't seen as often, and I always hear "You're the first [this character] I've seen!" The idea that I've cosplayed "unique" characters doesn't help the mentality that if somebody else is doing it, I should cosplay somebody else. I still think its awesome when I see another person cosplay the same character, like last year at A-fest a guy cosplayed a character I did but on a different day, I told him "stay right there, I'm gonna go change into that character too!" Theres a fun connection when it is a character people love but don't see at convention. I agree, though, that nobody owns the characters and its all about having fun and meeting peeps with the same interests.


  10. The way I see it, there are tons of characters out there. If you pick a well known or popular character, you are going to run into a copy of yourself guaranteed. Lesser known? Well it'll take a while, but it does happen. 🙂 No one owns a character, unless it's a 100% completely original design from that person's personal anime, manga, book, movie, etc. But everything else is up for grabs.

    Find new ways to put a spin on a character. Add little touches that make the design unique to you. For example, use props or jewelry that other cosplayers may not add to a costume.

    But the most important aspect is to not be stuck up about it. "Oh! But this is the one I'm cosplaying. No one else can do it. Just me." Well, no. You don't own the character. The fans do. Everyone has a right to cosplay who they want and how they wish. We should embrace everyone's talents and uplift our community, not bring it back down.

    So I say don't worry about it. Cosplay as you want and do it your way. So few people care that there are multiple cosplayers wearing the same costume, in fact we love seeing it that more pictures get taken. 😀 You should only be concerned about you, yourself, and your work. If you are happy with the costume, wear it and have fun!


  11. I never even thought about this before. Everything you said makes sense and is so considerate. I want to start getting into cosplay and this just makes me want to more.


  12. I agree and I also like the idea of meeting someone who has the same cosplay; then you know you have found one of your people. BTW, your Shredder was amazballs!


  13. I definitely agree with you I would also say most people would feel honored that they inspired someone to proceed in a certain direction with character sometimes you don't realize how you would do a character until you see someone do it. Or like the in your case you already had kind of the idea but seeing it executed sparked something.. Cos is all about inspiration creation. You rock!!


  14. I never worry about other people cosplaying the same character as me "better" than me. I have confidence in what I'm doing, and it's fun! Plus, you get to have twinsie pictures. 🙂


  15. I wouldn't cosplay a character that one of my good friends has cosplayed–though I might propose a costume swap for a day :). I also tend to avoid costumes that I see others working on. I do tend to stay faaaaar away from characters that have been cosplayed a lot. I'm not sure if it's subconsciously about intimidation or a desire to have fresh costumes, but it's definitely a choice I make.

    Of course, that's just a personal choice! I think that people should cosplay whoever they want–though if they do choose a character that a friend does they should talk to them about it. No one wants unnecessary drama in their lives!


  16. I love it when people love the same characters as me! I absolutely encourage people to cosplay whoever they want, even if it's a character I already did. So I don't usually think about if another person has done the costume I want to do (unless it's SUPER specific, then I would probably mention it to them, like you said). I cosplay Ramona Flowers a lot, and she's a really popular character. It would be easy to get caught up in comparing my costume to everyone else's, but that's not what it's about for me. I'd rather swap tips and compliment the cool parts of their costume than be catty or jealous.

    Some people may think of a character as someone else's, especially if that person cosplays a lot of different versions of that character. But my guess is, if that person loves the character enough to make multiple costumes, then they would be delighted to see someone else loving the character.

    Awesome post and I totally agree with you! I hope you end up doing the costume you mentioned 🙂

    – Mia


  17. I think if you did the EXACT same version (as you said: cosplaying the cosplayer) versus, cosplaying the character that might be a time to contact someone.

    But, I think it should be a community, and I think it's fun to see different interpretations of the same character.

    Kind of like cover songs: each version will be different, but sometimes, the cover is really fun too!
    Do your version! It's not about better or worse. It's about doing what you like!


  18. I look at it like this, none of us own these characters. If there isn't a twist on the costume (making it steampunk, doing an original take), then I don't think anything needs to be said. Just think about all the Deadpools you see! I highly doubt they all reach out to each other to get the OK to do it.


  19. I actually get very happy when I see people cosplaying the same character because it shows me how much other people like that character too.
    I think that as long as you are happy with what you created then you should cosplay whoever you please. Keep up the great cosplaying!


  20. I have been dealign with this at the moment. I am going to the next con as Rufio from hook because the actor Dante Basco is attending. I am nervous that others will be dressed as him and was not sure hoe to act or feel if I do see others. I have worked on the costume for months and I just hope people don't rip me a new one if its not as good as the more experienced cosplayers.


  21. You cosplay for fun.

    So it doesnt matter if there are ten batman in a Con. You all like batman, You all like cosplaying him…nuff said

    And Im sure as heck know the real batman wont care either


  22. I feel the same way. No need to worry about what other people think! Just go out there and own it! 😀

    And it's good to see other cosplayers taking peoples feelings into consideration. I have known a couple of people who are complete jerks about it and "claim" characters – then upset if someone else they know even considers dressing as that character. It causes silly petty drama and I don't have room for it!

    Thank you for writing your opinion on what's actually becoming a super-common issue in the community. 😀


  23. This comment has been removed by the author.


  24. "Even if you are the ONLY person to cosplay a character people are going to compare you to the original design. Try not to read the negative comments and if you accidentally do then just be a duck and let it roll right off your back. Because you're fabulous no matter what they think."

    Im not the ONLY one per se, but I have yet to meet another person cosplaying the same character that I do. But let me tell you, people are still going to hate on you! I haven't had hate as far as people saying my costume is bad per se, but people find things to hate on – people have hated on me because they thought I was transgender, then hate on me when they found out I wasn't… i mean, really!! Those types of people are going to hate. PERIOD. There isn't anything that you can do to change their petty, little minds – because they WANT to hate, they want to complain. Do what is fun, and what feels comfortable for you. 🙂 the rest is details. 🙂



    1. The only time I think it should an "issue" is if someone is "copying" another cosplayer's work directly – like if they made up an almost OC piece/adjustment/addition to their character. And someone goes out and copies it, especially if the cosplayer MADE that piece of art themselves, then I can see there being a need for a discussion.


  25. Step one: Pick a character you like and cosplay them
    Step two: Compliment everyone you talk to, even if they have the same cosplay as you.
    Step three: ???
    Step Four: Carry on knowing you made someone smile


  26. How do I react if someone's cosplaying the same character as I am? "HI FRIEND, WHO ARE YOU?" Seriously; we obviously share at least one interest in common if we're cosplaying the same character. Cosplay is a great ice-breaker. I've made friends with people that I met because we were dressed as the same character.

    Besides, I generally make my own stuff, other people may make their own as well or buy from various commissioners, etc, so they won't be exactly identical anyway. Everyone brings their own ideas and twists to a costume. Not to mention that some characters have variations and alternate outfits, and not everyone always does the same variation or chooses the same props. And many cosplayers that I've met are happy to kick around ideas and advice, so talking to people who do characters you do/are thinking of doing can provide a rich source of information that will help you improve as a cosplayer.

    I don't find a whole lot of use in comparing myself to others. It's too easy to start getting into toxic frames of mind that way, so while I might compare myself a little bit sometimes, I try not to do it much at all. I find it more valuable to compare my current self to my past self. As long as my personal skill level is going up at least a little bit each time, that's good. I don't have to be better than anyone else; I just need my new work to be better than my old work. :3 (And I also have to remind myself sometimes that true textbook "perfection" doesn't exist either, so to not sweat it too much if something isn't totally flawless.)


  27. I get excited when someone I know asks about cosplaying a character I do. I offered help, tips, and any advice they might want to help them make the costume. I help them learn from my mistakes. I've even offered to let a couple borrow my props for photo shoots.

    I know I am not the best when it comes to sewing, but I work hard & I like to think it shows. I've made it my job to encourage new cosplayers because I never got that encouragement. We must make ourselves the example on how to treat others.


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OMGLITZY: Cosplay: Choosing a Character

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Cosplay: Choosing a Character

One of the most frequent questions I am asked is “How do you pick what to cosplay?” If you’ve never worn a costume before you may have asked this question yourself. It’s a great first step to becoming a cosplayer! A lot of people will answer “Just wear whatever you want!” I definitely agree with this, but with thousands of characters to choose from you still have to narrow it down somehow. 

Reasons for choosing a character will vary for everyone. It’s actually quite a personal commitment to undertake, but nonetheless I wanted to give some insight to my OWN procedure for choosing a cosplay! This method may not work for all, but I hope it gives some ideas for deciding what criteria will be important to you.

Princess Zelda and Thor photos by Alan Tijerina
Choose a Genre
Pick something you love. It’s that simple! If you love video games then I am sure you have a special character you enjoy playing. Or maybe you’ve admired a certain superhero from Marvel or DC Comics. Some people even dress up as their favorite TV hero or heroine. I saw a Scully from X-Files cosplay once and totally fangirled! Cosplay isn’t limited to one genre over another. You can go with classic 80’s movies, childhood cartoons, or even an original character from a manga you might be developing. There’s a lot of creative freedom with cosplay, and the first step in choosing a character is deciding what you are passionate about. For myself, I love fantasy genres. So I’m really drawn towards characters with a medieval or magical feel to them. Once you find a genre you like the characters will speak to you, and you will enjoy your cosplay more.

Overall Look
This is the most important decision for me when I choose a character. I personally look for long sleeves, really cool hair or makeup, an interesting prop, and materials I’ll be comfortable in. These details help me decide if I’m going to enjoy wearing the costume or not. I prefer to cover my tattoos so that the focus is on the cosplay, and I love to wear long wigs. The props and materials are important to consider because convention hours can be long. A heavy sword, large wings or intricate armor may not be fun to wear after the 5th hour mark. I’ve also learned I am not a fan of wearing tight fitting bodysuits. So I am more likely to choose a character wearing a dress or skirt. These are just some things *I* look for in an overall look. So think about what makes *you* confident and the happiest in to have the best time in your costume.
My first comic con and cosplay!
Skill Level
No matter what your skill level is you CAN cosplay. You don’t even have to make it all yourself. A lot of people commission costumes. If you just want to have fun walking around a convention then do not worry about what others will think of your craftsmanship. However, if you plan to enter a competition there might be some rules to follow so be sure to read those beforehand. When cosplaying for the first time, I recommend wearing something simple. Don’t bite off more than you can chew. Try doing a “closet cosplay” where you find items you already own that you can turn into a character. I did a closet cosplay of Ramona Flowers for my first con. It helped me get my feet wet and motivated me to put on something more detailed for the next event. Start talking to other cosplayers for advice and google tutorials (or check out mine here!) for sewing and armor making tips. Then you’ll be ready to pick a character with a more difficult design for the next time.
Sewing my Fiona from Shrek costume after long hours of making the props.
Budget and Time
Some costumes are going to take a lot of work. When you look at a character’s armor, body paint, or prop be sure to make a list of all the materials you think you’ll need. Trips to the hobby or hardware store can become expensive. Plan out how much money you want to spend on a costume. If the character seems like it may be out of your budget then you may want to choose a different design. A lot of characters have more than one outfit, too. So if you don’t have the supplies to make an entire Batman suit from The Dark Knight maybe you can make Adam West’s version instead! Also, be sure to look at your calendar. When are you planing to wear this? Is one week enough time to sew all of Cinderella’s dress? Will my wig arrive by then? Do all your research as soon as possible to make sure you’ll have all your pieces ready before you plan to wear it.

Convention Specifics

If you will be attending an anime convention then you might want to wear an anime cosplay. Or a comic book character to a comic convention. Now remember: This isn’t a rule at all! I actually see a wide variety of cosplays at every convention I’ve been to. But one thing you might want to consider is the type of guests that might be at the con you are going to. When I met Billy Boyd (Pippin) from The Lord of The Rings I chose to wear an Arwen cosplay. Or when I met Tom Felton I wore Luna Lovegood. By choosing a character specific to the convention theme and guests, you’re more likely to run into other characters from that genre, too. This makes taking group photos especially fun! I also recommend looking at the weather. If you’re going to a convention in the summer, then you may want to choose a character that isn’t in full armor or heavy body makeup. If it’s in the winter you might not be warm enough in that Slave Leia costume.

Lord of The Rings cosplayers I met while at Sci Fi Expo 2013
The most important thing to remember when choosing a character to cosplay is you can be anything you want! Gender, height, weight, race and age – none of that should matter when you cosplay. Your options are limitless. Pick a character you love and have fun!
So these were just a few of the things I personally consider when I choose a character.
What specifics do you look for?
If you haven’t cosplayed before, but want to, which character would you like to make?


  1. great post!! i want to cosplay so bad! i havent done it before!
    also.. you met Billy Boyd!? AWESOME!


  2. Great tips! Comfort is definitely important when choosing a costume! I worked really hard on my first cosplay, Harley Quinn, only to discover when I put it on around other people that I was REALLY self-conscious about wearing something so tight. Even though the costume turned out great, the fact that I felt uncomfortable in it kind of ruined it for me. I definitely think it's best to start out with a closet cosplay…just to dip your toes in the water, so to speak! 🙂 I decided to take a step back and now I'm making a "casual Harley Quinn" to wear until I feel more comfortable in the community, haha!


  3. I've never cosplayed before but I really want to! I'd want to go as Sailor Jupiter or Kairi. 🙂


  4. What a great post! Thanks for the suggestions!

    PS: Adam West is still the greatest Batman ever, and The Dark Knight is horribly overrated. 🙂


  5. I love this post! There are so many great characters out there that there really is someone for everyone to cosplay!


  6. "Gender, height, weight, race and age – none of that should matter when you cosplay. Your options are limitless. Pick a character you love and have fun!"
    That's what I'm screaming!

    Your cosplays are always so fun, and REALLY good!
    My DREAM cosplays are Sailor Saturn and Sailor Iron Mouse both from Sailor Moon.

    But at SDCC this year I'm going to be Dany Targaryen from School of Thrones (a GoT parody), and I have a semi-secret cosplay planned!


  7. I really wish I could meet someone that would be like that awesome older sister who would take me cosplaying and show me the ropes since I've never been. Thought about online, but it's hard finding someone who's not actually as guy…. Any suggestions? I just want to cosplay so bad that it physically hurts, but sadly I have no idea how to go about it and I don't live anywhere near any conventions…that I know of


  8. I totally have a picture of you from sci fi expo and never knew it was you until I read this blog post HAHA


  9. I totally have a picture of you from sci fi expo and never knew it was you until I read this blog post HAHA


  10. Awkward Anon:
    I want to cosplay badly but I'm waiting till I stop growing so quickly because some of the characters I want to go as have props that are as tall as them and clothes that hit and drag on the floor. ugh being human sucks xD


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OMGLITZY: Concert Overload

Friday, June 7, 2013

Concert Overload

So I am a little behind on blogging about all the concerts I got to see recently! Last one I blogged about was Muse. But I got to go to three more since then! First up was EdgeFest!
This was my outfit for EdgeFest. Since it is an outdoor festival I was ready for it to be hot.
And boy was it hot! I got a pretty bad sunburn.
This is the view from my seat. I don’t stand in the crowd anymore because it gets too sweaty and gross.
This guy sat in front of me and people kept asking for photos with him. I finally asked my neighbor and she said he is the lead singer for Youngblood Hawke!
I was most excited to see The Gaslight Anthem. They are definitely one of my all time favorite bands ever. I saw them once in a smaller venue and was excited to see them again at EdgeFest. Unfortunately, they didn’t play too well. Or maybe they did, but I couldn’t hear them at all. I was bummed. But do check out their music anyway, because they really are a great band!

The second band I was most excited to see was Paramore! I am a really big fan of theirs. I also got to see them a long time ago with Jimmy Eat World. That was an amazing show. And this concert was great, too. They played awesome and I already knew all the words to the songs from their new album! 

Next concert was…..

Jimmy Buffett! You wouldn’t believe it from these pictures but it was literally THE NEXT WEEKEND after EdgeFest. IT WAS SO COLD! That’s Texas weather for ya, I guess. I looked stupid all bundled up when everyone around me was wearing hula skirts and coconut bras, but when the sun went down it was freezing cold! Then everyone wished they had bundled up like me.

This place was packed. It was also at the same venue as EdgeFest.

Jimmy Buffett was on my Dad’s list of concerts he has always wanted to see. I am so glad I got to go with him!

On the way back to our car I found a lonely coconut bra. So I had to take it home with me!

I think it looks great 😀
And the next concert was…….

The Killers! This band was on my Mom’s list! It was at the Verizon Theatre. I had never been to a concert there before, and I was really impressed with the place.

I found this awesome couch in the lounge room, too!

We had great seats and the sound was amazing. The vibe of this show was incredible. And the lead singer was SO CUTE.

During the show they shot confetti at the crowd. On Twitter, the band said that somewhere in the confetti are two “golden tickets” … If you find one bring it to the sound guy in the back and you get to win an AWESOME prize!

We looked and looked but didn’t find a golden ticket. It was still so much fun!
I don’t have any more concerts planned at the moment. Someday I would like to see No Doubt, Florence + The Machine, and Mumford & Sons. I like music that I can sing along with 🙂
What band would you like to see in concert?


  1. I'd like to see Deathcab for Cutie live. But really the list is WAY to long to try and post up.


  2. Deftones are coming to South Africa in August and I am beside myself with excitement! There is also rumour that Biffy Clyro will be here towards the end of the year so yay for that! They are both bands on my must see list:)


  3. lolol the coconut bra cracked me up


  4. Green Day is my favorite Live band. I have seen them 12 times! I finally saw U2 back in 2009.
    I still need to see The Damned, Bruce Springsteen, and English Beat.
    Luckily growing up I go to see a lot of the punk and ska bands I loved!
    I still haven't seen Social Distortion, or, Brian Setzer.

    LOL on the coconut bra!


  5. You have such a wide range of music tastes. I am downloading the gaslight anthem to have a listen. Love your coconut bra. You are hilarious.


  6. You've been to some awesome concerts this year! I'm so jealous that you got to see AWOLNATION at EdgeFest. Bummer about Gaslight Anthem. It's always really frustrating when a band you love puts on a show that's disappointing.

    There are always new bands coming along that I want to see (AWOLNATION!), but I'm slowly getting around to seeing old bands from my must-see list. Rammstein was the last must-see band that I got to check off the list… such a great show too! I think System of the Down is currently at the top of my list… hopefully someday they'll do another tour through the US.


  7. Some nice shows. Edgefest always has a great lineup. The radio station festival here in Houston, Buzzfest, usually has a less than stellar lineup. It was great once a few years ago though. I've always wanted to see HIM, Green Day, and The Who. Those are the top three that I haven't gotten to see yet, that I still hope to one day.

    So far this year though, I've seen a handful of country shows, as well as Limp Bizkit, Device, Fall Out Boy, Clutch, Powerman 5000, and Eve 6. I still have, Everclear, Filter, Kid Rock, Mayhem Fest, Fall out Boy (again), Panic at the Disco, and maybe Justin Timberlake, if I can get tickets, to come. It's been a great year for shows this year. One of the best in recent memory.


  8. I saw Paramore this April in Phoenix and they were amazing! This girl down in the front passed out and Hayley stopped the show to make sure she got the proper care. They really care about their fans, you can really see it. And, I got to see No Doubt last November at the Gibson in LA. I've seen Gwen perform twice as a solo act, but had never seen her with No Doubt, so it was beyond incredible to see them together. I'm looking forward to seeing New Kids on the Block in Vegas this July and I wanted to see Justin Timberlake, but I couldn't afford tickets 🙁


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OMGLITZY: Color Contest!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Color Contest!

Go to this album on’s Facebook page and vote for my photo by “Liking” it! Thanks 🙂

BTC’s Nontraditional Color Contest

1 comment:

  1. Saw your competition. Yours was by far the best.


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