OMGLITZY: Glitzy Galaxy Gem Giveaway!

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Glitzy Galaxy Gem Giveaway!

 I have traveled through space and time to create one of kind jewels I call Galaxy Gems! To celebrate the addition of these magical new pieces in my Etsy Store I have one to give away to a lucky winner! 
You have a chance to win the Galaxy Gem Necklace featured above named the “Supernova”!
Entering is easy! Just follow these steps on the Rafflecopter widget. One winner will be picked at random and mailed the “Supernova” Galaxy Gem Necklace. Currently, this contest is only open to US residents. Once a winner is selected, they will be contacted by email and will have 48 hours to respond otherwise a new winner will be chosen. Contest ends on Friday April 25 at 11:59pm CST. No purchase necessary.
Good luck everyone!


  1. These are so fun! And yes, I do believe in aliens 😉


  2. I believe in aliens because I think my sister is one.. <3


  3. Of course i believe in aliens, and soon so will the world…. Buah ahh ahh! (in my best evil laugh)


  4. Good luck to all!

    Monk says hi!



    1. Forgoto say yes


  5. Yes, I do believe. Super cute necklaces btw!


  6. I have been watching some crazy documentary type stuff on them recently. Super interesting!


  7. They are so cute!! I love the colors you picked!!


  8. I believe in aliens/extra-terrestrial life, but, I do not believe they have visited our planet at this point in time.


  9. These are beautiful! I totally believe we aren't the only beings in the universe.


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OMGLITZY: Giveaway: Scott Pilgrim Graphic Novel Complete Set

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Giveaway: Scott Pilgrim Graphic Novel Complete Set

Are you a fan of Scott Pilgrim?? Ever want to cut your hair like Ramona Flowers?? Well here’s your chance to win a complete set of the Scott Pilgrim graphic novels! One lucky winner will receive all 6 graphic novels in the Scott Pilgrim series! Entering is easy using Rafflecopter:
Currently, this contest is only open to US residents. Once a winner is selected, they will be contacted by email and will have 48 hours to respond otherwise a new winner will be chosen. Contest ends on Wednesday January 22nd at 11:00pm CST. 
Good luck everyone!
*Edit*: Just to clarify, these are not the color editions. I don’t even have those yet! But you do get the entire set of the original black/white comic 🙂


  1. My favorite character from Scott Pilgrim is Ramona Flowers 🙂 <3


  2. Here's a confession: I've never finished reading Scott Pilgrim! I read about halfway through at my job at a bookstore and got a new job before I ever finished it! So needless to say, I've got my fingers crossed!



    1. Oh, and my favorite character!! Haha, oops! It's Wallace!


  3. Ramona was totally my favorite, I would fight all the evil exs for her.


  4. I honestly don't know if I have a favorite…I loved all of them. I feel like I did relate to Ramona a lot because I'm really stand-offish, even though I have so much compassion, I just come off really abrasive. =___= I am not a fan of Knives though, she reminded me too much of my pre-teen self when I was really relationship obsessed and gross. She was cute, but I didn't like that memory.


  5. I am digging the Ramona Flowers hair! :p I almost went as her for halloween and cosplay. But I changed my mind and I am going for Tiny Tina from Borderlands.


  6. People who are saying Ramona is their favorite have serious mental problems, and should probably see a psychiatrist at the bottom of a cliff. Here's a few reasons why Ramona sucks, she broke 7 people's hearts and was quickly on her way to an 8th, she flip flops more than some loose sandals in a hurricane, she has the personality of a piece of wet cardboard, and she lies and backstabs almost everyone who's not her. Why is hurting people supposed to be a point of pride? I don't understand this compulsion to do what you want and screw the consequences, at some point you need to look behind and notice that trail of bodies is starting to smell.

    That being said my favorite character is Wallace Wells, in the movie he was the only one with enough sense to try to distance himself from the destructive circus going on around him, and in the book…well I haven't read the books yet that's why I would like to win them very much! 😉


  7. Ahhhhh!! I'm ashamed to admit I've never read Scott Pilgrim. Though from the game and movie Ramona is definitely my favorite. If I won this, I'd definite spend an entire weekend reading through it! *crosses fingers*


  8. Scott is the – I want his bass! 😀


  9. My fave character is Young Neil. That poor boy is so young and naive with so much to learn. Getting dumped by knives, taking up smoking …. such a silly boy. hehehe


  10. My favorite character is Scott! For sure! I love his wit and humor! <3



    1. Oh my gosh! I take it back! I got confused! My favorite character is Wallace! HE's the witty and funny one!


  11. My favorite character would be Ramona because I love her different hair styles/colors, but I like Kim more because shes more normal and I feel bad for her past.


  12. Scott is my favorite!!!THANKS so much!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  13. So I have never read them, but I loved the movie! Kim and Wallace were my favorite characters, both for their sarcasm and wit.


  14. I don't know the characters super well because I've only seen the movie, but I really liked Wallace! He was so funny.


  15. Young Neil cause of the Video Games!


  16. Ramona Flowers is my favorite! I'd love to own a set. I read them previously by checking them out at the library, but having them on my shelf to read whenever I want would be amazing! 🙂


  17. You are too stinkin' adorable!!! xo


  18. Definitely Wallace! I like the funny ones


  19. Ramona! Gotta love that HAIR!


  20. Wallace! Nothing beats the smart guy who's witty beyond measure (hmmm…is he Ravenclaw, or Slytherin though? Curious…)

    Anywho! I also dig Ramona, but I love Wallace!


  21. Ramona! She's an incredible character!


  22. I want to win the contest, because I don't own Scott Pilgrim.
    But because I don't own Scott Pilgrim, I never read Scott Pilgrim.
    And because I never read Scott Pilgrim, I don't have a favorite character.
    And because I don't have a favorite character, I can't answer the question.
    And because I can't answer the question, I can't leave a comment.
    And if I can't leave a comment, I can't enter the contest.
    But if I don't enter the contest, I can't win the contest!

    What's a guy to do?

    I do own the movie though. So I'm going to be different from everyone else and say Roxy, because Mae Whitman (her?) is awesome. She does a lot of great voice acting, including some work in your favorite game.


  23. My favorite character is Envy, liked her in the comics and loved her in the movie. ^^


  24. Ramona, definitely! I'm glad you're doing another giveaway! 🙂


  25. Cute video! I especially love the bloopers.

    My favorite character is Knives!


  26. Ramona Flowers is my favorite character 🙂


  27. I love you.
    Ramona is obviously one of my favorites. I also love her vegan ex boyfriend though, ahahaha.



  28. My favourite character from scott pilgrim is Ramona Flowers ^_^


  29. Scott of course!!!


  30. Envy Adams. I love almost all of the characters, but I've always loved the villains more than the heros.


  31. What an awesome giveaway!! Aannndddd entered 🙂



    1. JK, you want to know our fave character. It's Ramona, of course. What a bamf.


  32. Knives makes me giggle. But of course Romona is totes BA! And honestly, yours is one of my favorite Romona cosplays! So glad I got a pic with you as Romona and myself as Knives at PAX! c:


  33. Ramona Flowers is my favorite. Then Wallace 😀


  34. the bloopers at the end were funny. Your so cute. ^_^


  35. Wallace is the best! <3


  36. I love julie powers !


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OMGLITZY: Giveaway! Sailor Ariel Starfish

Monday, June 9, 2014

Giveaway! Sailor Ariel Starfish

It’s been too long since my last giveaway so I am really excited to finally share with you guys my next prize! For A-Kon 25 this past weekend – I dressed up as Sailor Ariel in a Disney Sailor Scout group! I made some super cute starfish accessories for my costume and now you have the chance to win one for yourself!!
I am giving away a handmade real knobby starfish exactly like the one I wore for Sailor Ariel. I made this myself and will let the winner choose if they would like it as a necklace, brooch or hair clip.
Entering is easy! Just follow these steps on the Rafflecopter widget. One winner will be picked at random and mailed the Sailor Ariel Starfish. Currently, this contest is only open to US residents. Once a winner is selected, they will be contacted by email and will have 48 hours to respond otherwise a new winner will be chosen. Contest ends on Monday June 16 at 11:59pm CST. No purchase necessary.
Good luck! 🙂


  1. My favorite is Sailor Neptune! Sailor Ariel is pretty amazing 😀


  2. My favorite is Mars! 😀 The Sailor Ariel cosplay would probably be my favorite if they made a Disney version!


  3. Yay!! Love your starfish!!


  4. Your costume is fabulous! My favorite was always Sailor Pluto! 🙂



  5. Your cosplay is amazing.♥


  6. Cute! I love the one in your hair!


  7. My fave is Venus! Man I hope I win cause this is way too cute♥


  8. Your blog is adorable, too! >u<
    My favorite Senshi of all of them… Lately, I think Pluto! So tall, strong, and a bit mysterious.


  9. I'll pass on the giveaway… but awesome costume!!


  10. Loved your Ariel! That clip is adorable 🙂


  11. My favorite scout is Sailor Neptune. Iove your group's Disney Scout cosplay!


  12. My favorite is Pluto! I love your costume! at gmail dot com


  13. Sailor Mercury was always my favorite 🙂 Can't wait for more Sailor goodness on tv (next week?). Love the Disney Scout group!!!


  14. Sailors Saturn, Pluto, and Mercury are my fave of the senshi.
    Sailor President Vanellope is my fave Disney one! 😉


  15. As much as we love you, I loved Sailor Moon Mulan! But I just love that movie a lot!!


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OMGLITZY: Giveaway: Princess Peach and Super Mario Amiibos

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Giveaway: Princess Peach and Super Mario Amiibos

Woot! If you like video games and you like toys then you are going to LOVE this giveaway!! I am going to hook up two lucky winners with a Nintendo Amiibo! A Princess Peach and Super Mario Amiibo are up for grabs in this week-long giveaway. 
If you don’t know what Amiibos are check out this handy link. These cute toys are useful for Nintendo games and also fun to collect! Rare and hard to find Amiibos are even quite high in price now. Personally I have enjoyed finding these in stores and especially look forward to the release of Animal Crossing Amiibos! So best of luck to all that enter and May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favor!
Entering is easy! Just follow these steps on the Rafflecopter widget. Two winners will be picked at random and one mailed a Princess Peach Amiibo and the other a Super Mario Amiibo. This contest is OPEN INTERNATIONALLY. Once the winners are selected, they will be contacted by email and will have 48 hours to respond otherwise a new winner will be chosen. Contest ends on 11:59 pm CST Friday June 26, 2015. No purchase necessary. Good luck! 🙂

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I really want the Princess Peach one!


  2. Super Smash Bros. for Wii U


  3. My favorite Nintendo game will always be Professor Layton and The Lost Future, for DS. Seriously the best story I've seen in one videogame.


  4. I like Splatoon, Mario, Zelda and Kirby!


  5. My favorite will always be The Adventures of Link and Final Fantasy


  6. I currently really like Splatoon and Ori and the Blind Forest


  7. My favorite game for original Nintendo is Bubble Bobble.


  8. Currently my favorite game is Splatoon.


  9. my fave is kirby triple deluxe


  10. My fave Nintendo game is Animal Crossing: New Leaf – but I really want to play Yoshi's Woolly World 🙂 I just got a Wii U!


  11. My favorite is Mario Kart, also love Tetris and Dr Mario


  12. Pokemon Sapphire


  13. It's so hard to pick just one! I guess I would have to go with Super Mario Sunshine.


  14. My favourite Nintendo game? Gah, there are too many to choose from! From my childhood, I'd go with Super Metroid. But there are loads of great games coming out right now! I think I'll stick to Super Metroid as my answer, though; that game is amazing all the way through.


  15. My favorite Nintendo game??? That's like picking your favorite child XD

    It'd go to either Super Mario 64 or Starfox 64


  16. Fantasy life 🙂


  17. My favorite is Super Smash Bros.!


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OMGLITZY: Giveaway: Pokemon Posters

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Giveaway: Pokemon Posters

Attention Pokemasters! Here is your chance to catch a Pokemon Poster of your very own!
I am giving away a Pokemon X & Y poster and a Pokemon: Through the Years poster! (Pictured above) 
Entering is easy! Just follow these steps on the Rafflecopter widget. Two winners will be picked at random and mailed one of these posters. Currently, this contest is only open to US residents. Once a winner is selected, they will be contacted by email and will have 48 hours to respond otherwise a new winner will be chosen. Contest ends on Sat November 23th at 11:00pm CST. 
Good luck everyone!


  1. My fav pokemon is honedge and I like to win the pokemon X & Y Poster


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


  3. Sweet giveaway! I like Froakie and Squirtle (I like water pokemon types…Does that make me Misty?) a lot. I would like to win the through the years poster.
    I hope I win! **crosses fingers**


  4. Pokemon is my favorite game and I can't wait to get X and Y!


  5. Poliwhirl! In the original 151, Poliwag, Poliwhirl, and Poliwrath were the most frog-like Pokemon, and I liked Poliwhirl the most. There have been more frog-like Pokemon since (including Politoed), but the original 151 will always be my favorite.

    Both posters are cool, but I love that X/Y one the most!


  6. This comment has been removed by the author.


  7. Which Pokemon character is your favorite?: Probably Blaziken, close second would be Machamp

    And which poster would you most like to win?: I'm not picky.


  8. I love Squirtle <3 (though Bulbasaur and Charmander have special places in my heart as well lol). And def love the Through the Years poster, too.


  9. My favorite Pokemon is Eevee =D



    1. Eevee's awesome… in all forms!


  10. This comment has been removed by the author.


  11. My favorite pokemon is Squirtle and I love the first poster.


  12. I love Vaporeon, Staryu is a close second though.
    I'd like the Pokemon through the years poster, but I'd be very happy with either one.


  13. I like Pikachu and Oshawott. Both posters are super awesome, but I think the Pokemon Through the Years one is a little bit cooler (because of the big Pikachu!).


  14. My favorite Pokemon character is Froakie! 😀 I would love to win that X/Y giant poster! It's quite good looking and awesome! 😀


  15. I really love Munchlax! ;3 The poster with Pikachu looks very nice.


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OMGLITZY: Giveaway: Kick-Ass 2 Poster Autographed by John Romita Jr.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Giveaway: Kick-Ass 2 Poster Autographed by John Romita Jr.

Surprise! It’s time for another giveaway! This time the prize is a Kick-Ass 2 poster autographed by the comic’s illustrator John Romita Jr.! I was able to meet him at Dallas Comic Con this year and get his autograph on two posters. Entering is easy using Rafflecopter, and the first winner picked will win the big poster and the second picked will receive the smaller sized poster (both of which are autographed)! This is to celebrate the release of the movie this week!
John Romita Jr. at Dallas Comic Con 2013
Photo by GlitzyGeekGirl

You have until August 17th at 12:00 AM EST to enter. At this time, it is only open to US residents. I will notify 2 winners once the contest ends by email. Winners will have 48 hours to reply and provide a mailing address. If I do not hear from a winner in the time allotted then a new winner will be chosen. Each winner will receive one Kick-Ass 2 poster autographed by John Romita Jr.

Good luck!


  1. Ahhh my gosh that's so cool :0


  2. Superpower – control time


  3. Shape shifting would be an amazing superpower to have in real life! :3


  4. I'm excited about this movie! I have Kick-Ass issue #1 signed by him that I need to get framed!


  5. Aaaah there are so many superpowers i'd love to have but i think i have to go with shapeshifting too because it would be cool to be anything/anybody that i want 🙂


  6. Do want xD ONe of my favorite movies :3


  7. I can't wait to see that movie! The first was awesome.


  8. Huge Kick-Ass fan here, I own the action figures, comics, the blu-ray and the DVD (Two boxes). By the way, the hair dye is cool


  9. YOUR HAIR LOOKS SO CUTE! Dang it. I wish I could enter.


  10. I would want all super mind power


  11. Superpower?

    Being able to control things with my mind.


  12. Superpower? A tie between telekinesis and super speed.


  13. It's a strange one, but I want a tail like Night Crawler. That's my super power, a tail. That or telepathy. Or telekinesis.


  14. OMG! That`s the greatest Giveaway I've ever seen! I want it soooo much. <3


  15. This is awesome!! *crosses fingers*



    1. For a superpower I would have to choose teleportation.


  16. OMG!
    LOVE this!!! Can't wait until Friday!!! If I could have ANY superpower, I would want either invisibility, OR, Complete Aquatic/Water control…But like, OMEGA LEVEL!
    Like Magneto's power at his peak (none of that retcon jazz) but, with water instead!!!


  17. I would love to have invisibility!!!!


  18. I would like to be a mix of The Incredibles. Being able to be super fast, strong, invisible and stretch!


  19. I would be invisible!
    -Sarah O


  20. If I could have any superpower, it would be super speed… old school and cliche, maybe, but I have always been obsessed with Flash and the other speeders.


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OMGLITZY: Giveaway: Insurgent Trivia Contest

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Giveaway: Insurgent Trivia Contest

Attention DIVERGENT fans!! I’ve teamed up with the folks at Summit Entertainment to give you a chance to win an INSURGENT PRIZE PACK! I am so excited about this because Divergent was one of my favorite movies and the book series is incredible. 

The next movie, Insurgent, is in theaters March 20, 2015.
This is your chance to win a DIVERGENT DVD and INSURGENT T-shirt!
“THE DIVERGENT SERIES: INSURGENT raises the stakes for Tris as she searches for allies and answers in the ruins of a futuristic Chicago. Tris (Woodley) and Four (James) are now fugitives on the run, hunted by Jeanine (Winslet), the leader of the power-hungry Erudite elite.  Racing against time, they must find out what Tris’s family sacrificed their lives to protect, and why the Erudite leaders will do anything to stop them.  Haunted by her past choices but desperate to protect the ones she loves, Tris, with Four at her side, faces one impossible challenge after another as they unlock the truth about the past and ultimately the future of their world.”
Official Twitter Page: 
Official Instagram Account:
On to the giveaway!
Entering is easy! Submit your answers to the following trivia questions via the Rafflecopter widget. The more questions you answer the more entries you earn. One winner with a correct answer will be picked at random and mailed the INSURGENT PRIZE PACK. Currently, this contest is only open to US residents. Once a winner is selected, they will be contacted by email and will have 48 hours to respond otherwise a new winner will be chosen. Contest ends on March 20, 2015 at 11:59pm CST. No purchase necessary. Good luck! 🙂
1. When does Insurgent open in theaters in the US?
2. What city was author, Veronica Roth, born in?
3. What is the name of the director for Insurgent?
4. True or False: Ansel Elgort’s character’s name is Peter.
5. What three factions was Tris put in during the aptitude test?
6. Who is the leader of Amity?
7. Where does Tobias get his nickname, Four, from?
8. How many birds does Tris have tattooed?
9. What color do the Erudite wear?
10. Freebie entry for visiting The Divergent Series on Facebook

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OMGLITZY: Giveaway: Galaxy Hair Bows from Inspired By Nerd

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Giveaway: Galaxy Hair Bows from Inspired By Nerd

I’m very excited to team up with local geek girl and crafter Inspired By Nerd! You have a chance to win one of the two fabulous galaxy hair bows as seen in the photos!
“These are two galaxy hair bows from Inspired by Nerd. Inspired by Nerd is your go to for geeky/nerdy fandom inspired accessories and home goods. I offer hair accessories, ID wallets, a few plush items, blankets, towels, hats, and other items that are geared towards your favorite fandoms! TV shows, movies, video games, I’ve got ’em!”
See something else you love from the shop? Well Inspired By Nerd has generously set up a special coupon for GlitzyGeekGirl readers to use at check out!
“The coupon code is GLITZYGEEK for 15% off your total purchase from my shop!”
Visit Inspired By Nerd on Etsy and Facebook.
Entering is easy! Just follow these steps on the Rafflecopter widget. Two winners will be picked at random and each mailed one of the galaxy hair bows from Inspired By Nerd. This contest is open to US RESIDENTS only. Once the winners are selected, they will be contacted by email and will have 48 hours to respond otherwise a new winner will be chosen. Contest ends on 11:59 pm CST Saturday July 11, 2015. No purchase necessary. Good luck! 🙂


  1. I love all the hand towels! So cute <3 Lately I've been trying to geek-ify my house in ways other than posters and collectibles on the shelves hahah!


  2. I like the Grey Derpy Hooves Cutie Mark with Ears Embroidered Fleece Beanie – Adult.


  3. Hair bows are my jam, so my favorites definitely include the galaxy designs as well as the Big Blue and White Chevron Fabric Bow. So cute!


  4. The Triforce inspired hand towels look amazing!


  5. I love the galaxy hair bows and also the Game of Thrones-inspired apron.


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OMGLITZY: Giveaway: Flying Packs Shirt

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Giveaway: Flying Packs Shirt

Flying Packs is a t-shirt company based out of San Francisco with a style any Californian would love. Being from Texas, I feel like we don’t get many original and hip shirts, so I was stoked when Flying Packs contacted me about their product! After reading their About section on their website I was immediately drawn to their motto “Don’t think outside the box, think as if there never was a box.” With a unique catalog of shirts to choose from, there’s no doubt males and females will find a stylish shirt to order.
I’m wearing the Flying Panda shirt in a size small and the fit was great! So many shirts run too small for my body type (I’m 5’10”), but I was so happy that the small fit just right. I paired it with a colorful undershirt and casual shorts – ready for a fun day by the pool.

I loved that there is no tag in the neckline, but rather a printed description. No itchy neck! Also, the shirts are 100% cotton and super soft to the touch. Do be careful when washing them, though, and use cold water to prevent any shrinkage.

I love my shirt so much that I want to share the greatness with you! One lucky winner will receive the black Flying Pig shirt I am holding in the photo above. It’s a size medium which will comfortably fit any guy or gal. Flying Packs also sent along several awesome stickers. And to sweeten the deal, I will be throwing in a signed cosplay print by yours truly!
Entering is easy! Just follow these steps on the Rafflecopter widget. One winner will be picked at random and mailed the Flying Packs shirt and my signed cosplay print. Currently, this contest is only open to US residents. Once a winner is selected, they will be contacted by email and will have 48 hours to respond otherwise a new winner will be chosen. Contest ends on Monday August 4. No purchase necessary. Good luck! 🙂


  1. The tie dye panda design is pretty cool!


  2. Flying Panda all the way!


  3. Flying pig! I love pigs 😀 Collected them as a kid!


  4. My favorite design is the Flying Packs Luggage design! All are cool though 🙂


  5. Anything panda is my fav lol


  6. Definitely the black flying pig design, lol.


  7. Well the pig is nice but its only my 2nd choice, I'm in love with the Black Wolfpack one.

    Now THAT is an Awesome shirt.


  8. I think I need this Tshirt for my BFF Sarah, she's in love with Pigs! And she's gone through a wonderful transformation and lost almost 100 lbs!


  9. I need the flying panda shirt aaaaa


  10. OHMYGOODNESS IWANTTHISSOBADLYTHATIPHYSICALLYHURT!!! You are my role model and I want your signature as well as the shirt!!



    1. My favorite is the flying panda shirt, I need it like I need Jensen Ackle's ass!!


  11. My favorite are the flying panda shirts and the flying pig shirts 🙂



    1. Name: Jacqueline Law


    2. Or even the wolf pack shirts.


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OMGLITZY: Giveaway Contest: Handmade Yoshi Eggs

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Giveaway Contest: Handmade Yoshi Eggs

Any Mario fans out there?! Well here’s your chance to win a super awesome YOSHI EGG made by GlitzyGeekGirl!! Check out the tutorial I posted that shows how I made each egg. It was so much fun, and I am so excited to share these eggs with three winners!

You have until July 20th at 12:00 AM EST to enter. At this time, it is only open to US residents. I will notify 3 winners on Sunday (July 21th) by email. Winners will have 48 hours to reply and provide a mailing address. If I do not hear from a winner in the time allotted then a new winner will be chosen. Each winner will receive one of the three eggs shown above at random.
Good luck!


  1. Has to be Link one of the first puzzle games I ever played, and probably helped shape my mind today!


  2. Sweet! 🙂


  3. Im going to have to go with Yoshi. I know that is lame because that us what the contest is about but I love Yoshi. He is super helpful in mario games too.


  4. Mario has always been my favorite ever since the original Mario Bros game.


  5. I really like Yoshi. It was the first game I ever got for my Gameboy and I fell in love with him right away. Kirby is my second favorite.


  6. Kirby! Kirby's Avalanche was one of my favorite games. I have Epic Yarn for the Wii and love it!


  7. Fave character from a Nintendo game. Gotta go with Fox from StarFox.


  8. The copter's messing up again! I don't know what the question is, but here's my comment! Those eggs look awesome! No love for the yellow Yoshi? That's ok.. he was always my least favorite anyway.


  9. You are so talented!!!! I love all your posts and pics on IG


  10. Of course my favorite Nintendo character is Yoshi~! Always have loved that cute dino since I was a toddler in diapers. <3


  11. Princess Peach is probably my favorite 🙂


  12. Pikachu is the bomb, made a music video for that dude.


  13. The Black Mage from Final Fantasy (the original) was my favorite, but of normal nintendo Yoshi was my fav at first


  14. Christopher MassieJuly 15, 2013 at 9:54 PM

    Gotta be Simon Belmont from Castlevania! (NES/SNES versions)


  15. My favorite character from a Nintindo game is probably Link from Legend of Zelda. He is crazy cool.


  16. Mario is the first video game that I every played! I still play it to this day with my kids! Yoshi is by far my most favorite character!!!!


  17. Mario is one of my Favs next to Link


  18. I always liked Luigi best!


  19. Someone else said the copter is messing up. Is there a question? I can't see it! Awesome giveaway though! I'm glad I stumbled on it!


  20. Link… Link to the Past… best… game… ever!


  21. I have to say Mario. Just because I've grown up with him 🙂


  22. Easily Princess Peach. All she does is hang out in castles all day waiting on Mario! Hahaha and she's one of the fastest in Mario Kart 😉


  23. Luigi and I bea best of pals


  24. I love these but if I HAD to pick I would do classic Green. You're super talented in all the crafts you make.


  25. Link..All day, everyday xD


  26. I think my favorite Nintendo character has always been Mario.


  27. Please Click and Play All games: Mario GamesKizi


  28. Hi Anna,I prefer Mario ,for me is one of my favorite character.Also all Mario games are cool.


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