OMGLITZY: Happy Things #19

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Happy Things #19

Here are some things that have made me happy:
Pixie Doodle being a pretty kitty!
And here she is helping me play Animal Crossing.
Marshal is one of the funniest characters on Animal Crossing! I just love him.
My friend Natalie shared this adorable photo of a kitty named Cuddles!! He was in for a teeth cleaning 🙂

I went to the local pumpkin patch to pick up one for the holidays. Last year my pumpkin didn’t even last a week.. Hopefully this one makes it to Thanksgiving!

They had cute little bunnies and ducklings there, too! 

I finally signed up for Pottermore, and I was sorted into Gryffindor! I couldn’t believe it! I also was given a larch wand with phoenix feather core! I tried brewing a potion and it was really difficult. But the rest of the website sooo cool.

I’ve always wanted a Friday the 13th tattoo and couldn’t believe I didn’t already have one. I’d been meaning to post this because I got it in September but just kept forgetting! A lot of tattoo shops do specials on this day so I got this one for only $20!
Well I am guessing that a lot of people dressed up as Princess Peach for Halloween because my crown tutorial post had nearly 2000 hits in October! A few readers sent me pics of their finished crowns, too, which I think is just the coolest thing. 🙂 I decided to add a template to the post to help people make it, too.
And this meme was just too cute not to share!
Anything making you extra happy this week?


  1. Pixie is cute as always, and Cuddles is awesome looking! I'd love to see the two of them together. It's a good thing Cuddles already has a loving home, otherwise I think you'd have no choice but to adopt him.

    Hufflepuff ftw btw!


  2. Aww! Cute kitty!
    I have Marshal too! He and Erik actually get me giggling out loud!
    I'm Slytherin (my hasband is ravenclaw…which we knew pre-Pottermore sorting and showed in our engagement photos: )


  3. Lol Marshal is so cute XD



  4. Love the new Friday the 13th tattoo. Is it just me or is Pixie getting cuter every day?


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OMGLITZY: Happy Things #18

Friday, October 11, 2013

Happy Things #18

So much to blog about lately!!! I need to sit down and type up a lot posts.. For now please enjoy this Happy Things post! 🙂
A few weeks ago I dyed my hair purple and pink!
I love this dark purple. I’m actually considering doing my whole head this color. I’ve been wanting to go dark lately, and this might be a good baby step 🙂
These wigs were at Target in the Halloween section. How fun are they?!
Pixie must have been really happy here 😛 What a cutie!

I ordered GlitzyGeekGirl stickers to hand out at Dallas Fan Days over the weekend! They were a hit! I am thinking about ordering buttons for next time.

The other day I wore my hair in pigtail buns and did a zig zag part.

It was hard taking this photo by myself .. lol .. But I really liked how it turned out. (I know my roots look yellow.. that’s one reason I want to dye it all dark)

I brought my 3DS to Dallas Fan Days to get street passes, and I must have picked up Pietro from someone! I really like Pietro, but he lives in my Mom’s town .. so it kinda weirds me out that there’s two of him 😀

This is really silly and will only be funny if any of my EQ2 friends read this. I was uploading a pic to Tinypic and had to fill out a captcha.. well Carpe Diem is the name of my guild on EverQuest 2 so I got excited lol

If you have never heard of Jeremiah Ketner then you need to check out Small and Round immediately! I absolutely adore all of his artwork. It’s so whimsical! I especially loved this kitty he posted on Instagram.
What things have made you happy lately?


  1. Your hair looks really cool, but those wigs are super awesome too! I hope I don't have to pick which I like better.


  2. Fan Days and getting to meet Katee Sackhoff, Stephanie Leonidas and Grant Bowler(Irisa and Nolan from Defiance). Getting my Glitzy geek Girl sticker and Finally will be going to TRF Saturday and Sunday this weekend. I will also mention was wonderful seeing you in all your costumes last weekend. You are just amazing at what you do.

    This is Ron by the way


  3. I could tell you having a cold and breaking out into hives doesn't make me happy, thats for cluckin sure! If it's not one thing, it's another with me.
    But anywho, all about fan days. Meeting JDF and Robert Patrick was awesome. Great guys, real down to earth. Trying to build a salmon ladder but I just haven't been feeling well the last few days. Still, dominating this nuzlocke challenge on Pokemon Gold. All will fear the name "Unas!"
    And real talk, purple would be pretty cool, you should go with it. Listen to your heart.


  4. Your hair is fantasic!!



  5. Your hair looks sooooo cute! *___* And the stickers are such a great idea! 😀 I would love to have one … or thousand! <33 (:


  6. May I ask where you got the stickers from? They are such a genius idea.



    1. I ordered them from Zazzle! It's a really great website. I get my business cards from there, too. They have a lot of pre-made designs or you can upload a custom image. I did have to cut the stickers individually myself because they come on a sheet. But all the products I've ordered have been high quality.


    2. Thanks, Anna! I've never tried Zazzle before, but now I might have to. 🙂


  7. Pietro! I've never encountered him in my AC travels.


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OMGLITZY: Happy Things #17

Monday, August 19, 2013

Happy Things #17

Well I just had an amazing weekend at The Vampire Diaries convention and now I am recovering from yet another post-con depression.. lol .. I can’t wait to upload all my photos and tell you about meeting the actors and actresses. So I will be making a post about that soon! Also, big congrats to the winners of my Kick-Ass 2 Poster Giveaway! Thank you all for entering and keep checking for another giveaway soon! For now, here is a Happy Things post to get us through another work week!
I am super happy that I was picked by Grimm Bros as a winner for a 4 Day Ticket to PAX Prime! This gaming convention has been on my wish list for a long time. I am so grateful I finally get to attend!  The convention is NEXT WEEK! omg! But I am ridiculously thankful I’ll get to visit Seattle and see this awesome event. I feel like it’s a once in a lifetime opportunity that I did not want to miss! For PAX Prime I will be cosplaying Annie from League of Legends on Saturday. This was a last minute costume, but it came together so well. I will be making another post about it with photos soon!
I found this super cute minion makeup on Pinterest! How fun!

One of my rad readers suggested I try the avocado egg rolls from The Cheesecake Factory! These were delicious!! Thank you for suggesting these! I definitely recommend ordering them. Yum! 
I recently ordered new business cards for my salon.. and when they arrived I squealed because they are so cute! These are a design I found on Zazzle. They make really great quality cards, and you can customize them.

Once I got my new cards in, I decided to re-do my salon’s Facebook page. I love playing around in  Photoshop and enjoy designing my sites. You can “Like” my salon’s page here!
And if you follow me on Instagram or Facebook then you saw I recently changed my hair color! I ate some cotton candy a few days ago and it inspired me to color my hair. It’d been a long time since I had a funky color. I was trying to keep it blonde so I can dress up as Legolas without a wig, but I might get a wig anyway since my hair still isn’t quite as long as his.

Also, Pixie Doodle says Hello to everyone!
What has made you Happy lately?


  1. Those eggrolls are awesome! I don't know if you're supposed to, but I always eat the crispy strings they're served on…. can't take me anywhere.

    I love your hair and those business cards! Great job!


  2. Your hair looks so great!!!!!!! I can't wait to hear all about the vampire diaries con.


  3. Love your hair. You are going to have a blast at PaxPrime. It's a good time. 🙂


  4. The new business cards are adorable! And Congrats on PAXPrime! I tried so hard to get tickets but completely failed! I will go one day but until then, I will watch for your post! 🙂

    And I love your hair! I wish I could dye mine but it's so black that I may destroy it before I make it any kind of lighter.


  5. I love your hair!! Dying to add a little bit of colour to mine!!


  6. Bahahaha. "it sort of became a hobbit"!


  7. The minion makeup!! Just amazing 😀
    And your hair looks perfect 🙂


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OMGLITZY: Happy Things #16

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Happy Things #16

Happy happy happy!
First thing on my happy list is the progress on my Legolas cosplay! I just got this amazing green suede coat/dress from a vintage seller on Etsy. I’m going to alter it to become Legolas’ tunic!
I also received my custom made leather bracers. These have the same pattern that are on Legolas’ and are designed to fit my tiny wrists. The seller RenManLeather did an amazing job. I could have never made something as beautiful as these. I also have the cloak, leggings and bow, but I will save those for a later post 🙂
Another fun project I worked on is a Princess Peach crown! As of now, I only have the crown, pendant, and gloves, but soon I hope to buy a pattern and fabric to make her dress. I also took pictures of how to make this crown. It was really easy!! So I would like to post a tutorial on that soon.
And I haven’t forgotten about the giveaway I promised! I finished the green and red Yoshi eggs, but still need to paint the blue one.
Looks like I was having a detailed discussion about Animal Crossing: New Leaf. I love this game!!!
Here is my dream address if you’d like to see my town! My flowers are out of control, but the rest is pretty cool 🙂
Pixie loves to play Animal Crossing, too!
And when I’m not on my Nintendo 3DS, I am probably playing EverQuest 2. I can’t believe SOE Live is in 3 weeks!!! I can’t wait to hang out with my guild members 🙂
This was a super fun cut and color I did a few weeks ago at my salon. This kid rocks!
This may have been one of my favorite outfits of the summer so far. It was super comfy and had just the right amount of flair. And you can see Pixie taking a love bite out of my phone, too!
Speaking of Pixie… here she is being cute in a sack!!
And finally.. here I am feeling happy by the pool. I never ever ever spend time outside.. which I am totally fine with.. but for some reason I decided to put my toes in the other day and now I am hooked! I sat outside again and actually got a little color on my legs. I take skin care seriously so I always wear a hat and sunscreen (and you should, too).. but it’s been fun being the super pale, tattooed girl amongst the uber tan beach bods at the pool… hahaha .. Maybe one day I will be brave and actually get in it. 🙂
Happy Summer everyone!
Do you have any fun summer hobbies?


  1. Those tights are amazing! And your picture by the pool makes me wish for summer! Its freezing on this side of the world;)


  2. Such a happy post. Love it. I CAN NOT WAIT to see your legolas costume. So exciting.


  3. Those leather bracers are amazing! And I am excited to see the rest of your costumes when they're finished.


  4. I love the cat. What happened to it's ear?



    1. It happened before I adopted her.. the vet thinks she probably had a really bad ear mite infection that went untreated. It's healthy now.. just folded over 🙂 🙂


  5. Great photos! Pixie's adorable as always, and I love that Yoshi egg! Your costume pieces are really cool… I can't wait to see the full costumes!


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OMGLITZY: Happy Things #15

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Happy Things #15

June makes me happy! So do all these things:
I found this beautiful shot of my Sailor Venus cosplay on Instagram taken by @victoriahavens! I remember sitting down to take a break and having a few people ask for my photo like that. The scenery at this hotel was really pretty 🙂

June 7 was National Donut Day .. So my dad surprised me with some Dunkin Donuts at work! Yum!

I posted this on my Instagram (@glitzygeekgirl) for the Tarina Tarantino contest.. You just had to show off some of your TT bling. I didn’t win, but it was fun putting some of my favorite sparkly pieces on.

It wouldn’t be a Happy Things post without the happiest kitty of all!
Oh Pixie you are so lazy!
This is a *before* picture showing what my hair looks like when I blow dry it without a brush. It’s a huge frizzy mess!
So this is a much happier *after* picture! Thank goodness for flat irons!

And one day I used my large curling iron. It melted part of my countertop, but did a really nice job on my hair :p 

This was my outfit for the Man of Steel midnight showing.

I got to see it in 3D! The movie was really good! I can’t wait for the sequel. Henry Cavill is a perfect Superman!

Baseball is my favorite sport, and I love going to the local stadium to support our team!!

I am super happy to announce one of the cosplays I am working on – Legolas! After watching The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug trailer a million times, I just knew I had to create Legolas. I’d been wanting to for awhile and now I am finally doing it! I already got the leaf brooch and a bow in the mail, too! I will post some progress pictures once I get more done.

I wore this outfit a few days ago to work. It didn’t exactly match, but I’m kinda quirky like that. It’s my Bazinga! shirt, a black dress, and blue jeans … Quirky, huh!

Today I picked up my free piece of chocolate from Godiva. You get a free piece each month when you become a member! This flavor was Mint Chocolate Chip and it was AMAZING!

While at the mall, I found this cutie! Her name of Muffin! She has a clip on her so I can attach her to my backpack. I also spent a quarter in a toy machine hoping I’d get the pink die and I did! Woot!
My next happy thing makes me SO happy! It’s Animal Crossing: New Leaf! This is for the Nintendo 3DS. I got the XL version that has a larger screen. This game IS SO MUCH FUN!! Even Pixie loves it!
If you haven’t played this before, then be warned! It’s addicting! You get to be the mayor of your own town. It’s fun because there is ALWAYS something to do. You can decorate, talk to friends, go shopping, play mini games, fish, catch bugs.. and I am sure so much more that I haven’t got to yet! Today I even went by Best Buy and downloaded the free present available through their WiFi! 
My friend code is 3840-6126-6273 if you would like to add me! Be sure to leave your friend code in the comments so I can add you back!
This post was longer than I intended, but so much has made me happy lately!
What has put a smile on your face?


  1. I freaking LOVE Animal Crossing!
    Now I HAVE to get a 3DS!


  2. I CAN NOT WAIT to see your Legolas cospaly. Your going to look so cool. I can't wait to see how you make it all. And that pic of you as the sailor is so pretty 🙂


  3. Love the instashot! My husband and I met at the Anatole and spend our anniversary there every year. It's so beautiful and I love seeing all the amazing cosplay photos from A-KON in it's gorgeous scenery.

    Also, EEEEEE ROUGH RIDERS! We got to go to a game earlier this season. I'm hoping we can make it to a Rangers game before the summer is through.

    And finally HOBBIT!! Definitely hitting it up in IMAX 3D at Midnight on opening day. I can't wait!


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OMGLITZY: Happy Things #14

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Happy Things #14

I have been so busy lately and so many things have made me happy! I had to delete a few because I had so many pics in this post!

This is my salon Hair by Anna Lee. I decided to get that cute black and white zig zag bench for my salon and move the bulky shelf to another wall. I love having more seating for my clients.

Speaking of hair.. I bleached mine again the other day and toned it with some purple conditioner. It is looking very platinum!

My kitty Pixie had to have surgery on her front paws. You can read about her injuries here. We went ahead with the surgery because she just wasn’t healing on her own. But now she will be a happy kitty!

I am addicted to the mystery bags of My Little Pony. You never know which one you’ll get so I buy a bag any time I see them. I was SO HAPPY to find Barber Groomsby this time!! He has a scissor and comb cutie mark and barber pole colored bow tie. I put him on my station at my salon! So perfect!
Kat Von D released this new palette called Lady Bird .. It’s a matte set and I am in loveeee with it.
Recently Groupon had comic book headphones on sale for only $8. I got the Green Lantern for my mom and the Flash for me. This was my first time buying anything from Groupon and they arrived very quickly!
Last night I saw Jimmy Buffet in concert! And on my way back to the car I found this coconut bra on the ground. No one was around to claim so I figured it was meant for me 😛  Now my mannequin is in Margaritaville.
There was an update on EverQuest 2 with some new content added. This is the boss Volot in the Siren’s Grotto. He is hilarious.. he’ll summon a million little frogs to attack you. I won, of course. 😉
I’ve been on a search for macarons for awhile and never found any in town. I finally got to try some in Houston once. But the other day at the mall I saw this little kiosk that had cake balls and french macarons! I just squealed!! The raspberry one was delicious!
And finally, here’s an update on my Fiona cosplay. I made the ears and finished the axe!! I decided to remake the shirt because the first one was really uncomfortable. I think I am just about done with it and hope to get some finished photos soon.
Anything make you squeal with happiness in your life lately?


  1. I don't squeal, but I laughed with happiness earlier tonight when I scored 1,444 points on one word in Wordfeud (Scrabble for the phone). You can play on boards where the bonus tiles are randomly placed, and I found a nice run of tiles all next to each other. It was the first word of the game too!

    I've been waiting for you to do another Happy Things post, so I could share this picture with you. This album comes up on my Pandora sometimes when I'm in a relaxing mood. The picture on the album cover always makes me smile. The turtle looks so content.

    Also, I love your updates! You and your salon both look great! I hope that Pixie is doing well and has a speedy recovery. Boss Gorot looks cool! Frogs are the best.


  2. Those headphones look pretty sweet. I'm looking for some inexpensive over-the-ear ones since my old ones broke a little while ago.

    I don't know if I would say squeal, more like full-blown shout(and sorry I forgot to tell you), but I got my call from American Ninja Warrior! Only that it's in 2 weeks, will have to drive to Denver, and I'll miss DCC, guess I gotta follow my heart. Your axe is awesome though! Sorry I'm gonna miss your Fiona costume



    1. Congratulations! That's really awesome!


    2. Woohoo!! I am so excited for you Joey! That's great you get to go! Will this just be an audition or filming an actual episode? Either way, I am so stoked for ya! Do tell how it goes when you get back.


  3. I hope Pixie is going ok. Such a brave kitty.
    You headphones look rad. And speaking of rad THAT AXE!!! HOLY MOLY!!! You've done such a great job. I am so excited for this costume.


  4. Love those headphones and your Fiona costume looks so super cool:)


  5. So glad Pixie is home now! Your Fiona cosplay is coming along great! I can't wait to see the finished product.


  6. have cool tattoos ! would you ever blog about them and what they mean to you ?
    anyway..thanx for everything you do!
    have fun at dallas comic con next week !


  7. LOL … my kids (yes even the older ones) love My Little Pony.

    We have Brony's in our house too.


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OMGLITZY: Happy Things #13

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Happy Things #13

Hap·pi·ness – state of well-being characterized by emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy
Here are the latest things that made me happy 🙂
I found Etsy seller Silver Owl Creations on Pinterest and really fell in love with her designs! I was looking for a necklace to wear with my Renaissance costume and this one was so beautiful I just had to order it!

For Valentine’s Day, my Mom gave me this LoTR Lego set. I had a lot of fun putting it together with her. And I was glad I had the help because these things aren’t easy! Lots of pieces and this was a small set!!

I was at Barnes and Noble the other day looking for Easter cards when I spotted a whole section of LoTR cards! I wanted to buy the Legolas, Arwen, and Aragorn for myself but I resisted ..hehe
I got this dress at Target the other day for $25. I went back and bought it in other colors, too, because it fit so well! I can’t wait until it’s warmer so I can wear more sundresses.

A silly thing about me is that I love finding rainbows. This one was reflected off a mosaic candle holder on my shelf. I just squealed when I spotted it!

Photographer Eli Luna sent me another Ramona Flowers shot from our photoshoot. I really like this one! Can’t wait to go through the whole set soon.

I found this amazing shot while clicking around on Flickr for Arwen cosplays. This was taken by Lynn (DigiNik13) when I was at Sci Fi Expo. She has some great pictures on her Flickr so definitely check her out!

And a Happy Things post wouldn’t be complete without a picture of Pixie. Here I was getting ready to work on my Fiona costume when Pixie decided the fabric made a better bed for her.
Pixie had another visit to the vet for her check up and the news is good! Her foot healed up nicely and as long as she doesn’t chew another hole in it she should be fine. She started sitting in my laundry hamper recently, but I needed to take it back to my salon so I replaced it with this box.. She doesn’t seem to mind! Happy kitty 🙂
What has made you happy lately?


  1. Vegetable Lo Mein


  2. This post made me happy! Thanks for sharing.



    1. Thanks for reading 😛 Comments make me happy!


    2. I'm glad that Pixie is doing well! I've been worried about her.


  3. That LOTR lego is so rad. I want the one with Gandalf and the fireworks.



    1. I thought I wanted more, too, but I was surprised how difficult it was to put together!! Can't imagine building one of the bigger ones! lol 😛


  4. Love the Lord of the Rings Lego!! I am happy to be almost finished an essay…it's the small things this week:)



    1. Finishing an essay would certainly make me happy, too!! 🙂


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OMGLITZY: Happy Things #12

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Happy Things #12

Yay! Things that make me happy!

My new Razer Kraken headset! I can hear everyone so much better! Oh we’re supposed kill the add THEN cancel the detriment?! 😉

Stoked that the CEO of Razer tweeted me!!! I was so giddy when this happened! Also, @EverQuestII tweeted me recently about Erollisi Day! I was ecstatic!

Here’s a pic my mom sent me of a Criminal Minds episode.. she said this reminded her of me! I would LOVE a desk set up like this!!

Sooo happy to have purchased the last copy at the local bookstore of Hyrule Historia. This book is so epic!

How happy does this make you?!

I am not very good at League of Legends (yet) but I was really happy to have won a match. I played a couple of months ago and just recently got back into it. My name is Audeley on there if you want to add me!

I caught a rainbow in my room the other day .. Love finding these 🙂

Just HAD to put Mr. Leprechaun in for a photo shoot!
That’s how I roll!
What has been making you happy lately?!


  1. Pop Tarts and Welch's Fruit Snacks. Great book.



    1. Pop tarts make me SO happy! What would we do without them?!


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OMGLITZY: Happy Things #10

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Happy Things #10

It’s been a Happy September so far ~ I can’t believe how fast time is going. Not much going on this month, but gosh next month is going to be fun! Some things I have to look forward to is the Zelda Symphony, the Texas Renaissance Festival in Houston, seeing my brother and sis-in-law while in Houston, and going to the Dallas Fan Days convention with Kevin. This weekend I will get to see a Rough Riders baseball game and then an FC Dallas soccer game with my dad! I’m not a huge sports person, but baseball has always been my favorite. And I’m really looking forward to the weather being nice and eating nachos. 🙂
Here are some Happy Photos:
I love to find acorns (with their hats on) to give as gifts to my mom.

After placing my favorite Beanie Babies on the mantle, Pixie decided she wanted to be one, too!

I took this pic before I dyed my hair pink obviously. So glad it’s getting long!
My excitement for all things Zelda recently even spread to the piano. I can’t play anything, but I can poke a few keys. I learned a part of Saria’s Song. I’ll be dressing up as Skyward Sword Zelda for the next convention! I need to post pics of my progress on my costume.

The other day I picked up the last copy at my local GameStop of Guild Wars 2. I’ve always been really attached to EverQuest 2, and I have a hard time playing other games because of that. I tried Diablo III recently and never got pass level 8. But GW2 has been really fun!! It has beautiful graphics, easy gameplay, interesting story lines, and there’s always helpful players nearby. My only complaint would be the random overflow transfers. I guess it happens when too many players are on one server. There’s been times when Kevin and I aren’t in the same world so we can’t play together until one of us gets transferred. So I still prefer EQ2, but it’s been nice to play something different for a change.
That’s all for now! I got to sleep in a little today, have some hair cuts to do later, then it’s raid night on EQ2 .. Going to be a nice Wednesday 😛

1 comment:

  1. Your eclectic style is always amusing. As a Beanie lover, your kitty is a perfect addition. I'll have to get some game recommendations from you for a beginner. Have a happy day.


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OMGLITZY: Happy Things! #1

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Happy Things! #1

A recurring post I would like to have will feature some random things that make me happy. Properly calling these posts “Happy Things!” So here are a few I found while searching iPhoto:

My pink sparkly TOMs.

Pixie in a box.

Found this headband in a drawer the other day and can’t wait to wear it.

Happy buckets my mom got for me. I use these at work to hold my pens.

I love sitting on the balcony with Pixie. I had to put duct tape (Hello Kitty kind of course) on parts of the wall so she wouldn’t get splinters when she stretches.

1 comment:

  1. Laughed when I saw pic of headband you found unexpectedly. Happy things come in mysterious ways. Keep on smiling.


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