OMGLITZY: Hello 2013!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Hello 2013!

Happy New Year to all!!!

Can you believe it’s 2013 already?! I mean this is the FUTURE!! Where the heck are all the hovercrafts?!

Seriously, though, we survived the end of the world so this is kind of a big deal. I wonder how silly we looked to the Mayan’s watching down on us.. hehehe

Looking back at 2012 I realized I had a pretty great year!

  1. I went to DISNEY WORLD!! OMG!!
  2. I started this blog. Woot!
  3. I opened my own salon!!!
  4. I got to see Coldplay live.
  5. I met a sweet new kitty. And shared good times with Pixie.
  6. I went to some amazing comic and anime conventions.
  7. I became an aunttwice!
  8. I turned 27 years young 🙂
  9. I changed my hair color A LOT.
My top 10 played songs of the year were:
  1. Jason Mraz – I Won’t Give Up
  2. Paramore – The Only Exception
  3. Florence + The Machine  – Shake It Out
  4. Christina Perri – A Thousand Years
  5. Taylor Swift – Safe and Sound
  6. Fun. – We Are Young
  7. Birdy – Just A Game
  8. Steel Train – Bullet
  9. The Gaslight Anthem – She Loves You
  10. Sleeping at Last – Turning Page
Books I read this year:

  1. The Hungers Games, Catching Fire, and Mockingjay
  2. The Great Gatsby
  3. 50 Shades of Grey
  4. The Perks of Being a Wallflower
  5. Beautiful Creatures
My favorite games I played:

  1. Everquest 2 (this was a given)
  2. Guild Wars 2
  3. Draw Something for iPhone
  4. Hello Kitty World for iPad
Favorite movies I saw:

  1. Twilight: Breaking Dawn Pt. 2
  2. The Hunger Games
  3. Snow White and the Huntsman
  4. The Perks of Being a Wallflower
  5. Brave
Top read blogs I checked out:
  1. Conventions!!! I have a HUGE list made of all the cons I hope to attend this year!!
  2. New cosplays for all the conventions 😀
  3. Seeing more of Dallas… Like the Arboretum, Aquarium, Six Flags, etc’
  4. Attend some hair shows or take some cut/color classes.
  5. The Boy Meets World spinoff show – omg!
  6. Catching Fire  – the movie!
  7. Spending lots of time with my family and Pixie kitty 🙂
  8. I hope I get a new tattoo this year! I can’t believe I went a WHOLE year without getting one!!!
So happy happy happy new year to all my readers and friends! Thanks for all the good times and here’s to MANY MORE!! 🙂

What are YOU looking forward to in 2013???


  1. Sounds like you had a nice year! I haven't been to the arboretum or the aquarium either.. blogger date?!


  2. If its not on your list add atx televison fest in of the highlights is boy meets world cast and crew panel!


  3. Been meaning to comment here……

    Sounds like your 2012 was a great year! You certainly did some really amazing things. I hope 2013 is just as awesome, if not moreso.

    I don't recognize most of those songs… the Florence one is great! I'll check out the rest. I suspect I'll really enjoy some but may not enjoy some of the others (Taylor Swift, I'm talking about you.)

    I've thought about reading the Hunger Games books. I have a lot of books on my list already though. I read Great Gatsby in high school and enjoyed it.

    I'll let you know when I get GW2 installed. It'll be fun to run around with you. Draw Something is always a fun way to kill a few minutes. You're really good!

    Brave was the only movie on your list that I saw… I really enjoyed it!

    Sounds like you've got some great stuff planned for 2013! I didn't know you had an aquarium there! If you check it out, let me know how it is. I'd love to see it sometime!


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OMGLITZY: Heart of Texas Comic Con 2014

Monday, April 7, 2014

Heart of Texas Comic Con 2014

The Heart of Texas Comic Con was the first convention where I was invited to be a cosplay guest! I was super excited to travel out of Dallas to Waco, Tx for a weekend to spend with friends, fans and celebrities! This was the first year for this con, and I was honored to be asked to join other cosplayers as a guest and help judge the costume contest. 
Since attending a convention with a booth is a little different than just going as a fan, I had to really prepare ahead of time. My friend Miranda over at A Bit of Geek asked me some questions about my experience as a first time exhibitor. Check out the interview here for all those details!
I chose to wear Legolas on Saturday since Manu Bennett was in attendance! He plays Azog the Defiler in The Hobbit.
My table was in the cosplay/fan club room. I brought cosplay prints and wizard wands to sell. I also gave out free stickers and buttons.
One of the coolest things was seeing my face in the program! I even had a guy ask me to autograph this page. Above me is Mariedoll. She is a very famous cosplayer and was super nice! She and Annaka Vader joined me in judging the costume contest.
This was my view from the stage during the contest. The crowd went from wall to wall!
I had a difficult time judging because all the contestants were really great. We narrowed it down and these were the top three winners.
Back at my booth the crowd on Saturday was very large! The dealer’s room was packed so I was glad to be in the open room so I could take pictures with fans easier.
Several of my friends came down from Dallas, too, including my friend Brandon! He surprised me with a custom made Asajj Ventress lightsaber hilt! I couldn’t believe it! I hope to make another Ventress cosplay soon so this is really great. Thanks again, Brandon! 
On Saturday Manu Bennett had a Q&A so I stepped away from my table to watch some of it. He was so friendly and chatted with several members of the audience. (On Sunday I found the courage to go up to his table to shake his hand and say Hello, too!)
After the convention closed for the evening, my mom and I went to the mall. I saw this flyer at Hot Topic and had to snap a pic! Hot Topic is one of my favorite stores, and it was cool to see a flyer for a convention where I am a guest at!
On Sunday, the crowd was a little smaller. There were still a lot of people, but most were in the dealer’s room. My friend and fellow cosplay guest Krystle Starr found an empty table so we asked if we could share it in the busier room.
I wore Black Cat all day Sunday and let me tell you I will never wear this again! The mask, boots and corset I had on were so uncomfortable.
My favorite new friends I made were Dim n Wit the Fairy Brothers! They were so cheerful and were having a great time dancing with everyone. 
It was a lot of fun being at a table for a change. I was able to chat with fans and tell them about my cosplay tutorials on my blog. I ran out of business cards which is a good sign! Overall my experience was amazing. The convention staff was super kind, and I enjoyed seeing a con from a different angle.
I also want to thank everyone that bought a print, wand or jewelry piece from me! Getting to meet you guys was my favorite part, and I am so grateful for all the support!
To view all my photos from the convention check out my Facebook album.
The Heart of Texas Comic Con has another event this fall. So be sure to follow them for updates because their first one was a huge success!


  1. Cool write up! Well you be coming back in September? If so I hope I get to meet you!

    Evon Von


  2. It looks like a great time! I wanted to let you know I selected you for a blogging award!


  3. Thanks for the autograph Anna and hope to see you again at another Waco Con. Have a wonderful time and hope all is well your way.


  4. Congrats on your table! Your cosplays are so rad, and I'm glad you had an awesome time!


  5. It looks like you had such a wonderful time! It must have been so thrilling to be in the convention booklet! 😀


  6. What a great experience! Thank you for sharing.


  7. Aww you got to see Manu. He was meant to go to Supanova (convention on the Gold Coast, Australia) last weekend but cancelled…. 🙁 your costumes look devine. Cosplayer booths have not really caught on here yet. I am sure it will change soon though as there is so many great cosplayers out there.


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OMGLITZY: Healthy Hair Color Tips: Bleaching and Funky Colors

Friday, July 18, 2014

Healthy Hair Color Tips: Bleaching and Funky Colors

A question I am asked a lot is “How do you keep your hair so healthy?” Well let me first admit that my hair has been through a lot! But being a hairstylist that’s quite normal. We love to change our hair color often! It can take a toll on the strength and integrity of your hair strands. So over the years I’ve figured out what works best for *my* hair. I’m hoping this post will help others that might need some hair care advice, but remember everyone’s hair is different. I’ve been doing hair professionally since 2007, and I’ve seen firsthand the effects various dyes and products can do on hair. So definitely talk to your stylist for a professional opinion because they will know best!
For my own hair, I bleach the new growth (roots) with Wella’s Blondor and 40 volume developer. If I need to strip the color out of the ends of my hair I will use a lower volume that is not as strong. 40 volume on the ends of your hair is a bad idea! Sometimes I’ll wet my ends and shampoo it lightly then lather in some 40 vol bleach. That dilutes it a little and won’t be as harsh on your hair.
I typically let bleach sit on my hair for about 30 minutes under a shower cap. If you plan on doing a bright, funky color then you need your hair as light as possible and may need to sit longer. The best way to explain this is to picture a white piece of paper and different color crayons. The colors will be bright on the white paper, but if you took a darker piece of paper the colors won’t be as vibrant.
Once my hair is light enough, I rinse the bleach out with cold water (yes cold cold) and shampoo it with It’s A 10 Keratin shampoo. When coloring, I don’t use conditioner afterwards. This way my hair is more porous and the funky color will last longer.
Then I gently blowdry my hair until it’s completely dry and plan what color I want to do next. Lately I’ve been doing pastels. To make a pastel dye I squeeze a bunch of conditioner into a bowl. (I use any cheap conditioner since I use a lot of it. Just make sure it’s white. I used a blue one once and it didn’t lighten my dye.) Add some drops of color to your conditioner and stir. If it’s too light then keep adding more color until you like it. Here are some brands of color I use:
When you like the color in your bowl, start putting it on your hair. Always start at your scalp and work down the hair strand. Be sure to take small sections and completely saturate the hair. Funky colors will last longer if you really soak the hair in it. Then I put on another shower cap and let it sit for at least an hour. The longer the better! Most funky colors are demi-permanent, which means they don’t have any ammonia in them. They are not as harmful to your hair. Plus most of your concoction is conditioner and letting it sit on your hair for 1 hour+ is awesome. Your hair is so happy right now.
Once it’s time to rinse I use cold cold water again and let it run until it looks clear in the sink. I don’t shampoo or add any more conditioner to it. I just gently towel dry it and then let it air dry quite bit.
When I’m ready to blow dry I first add a quarter size amount of It’s A 10 Keratin Serum. The keratin helps rebuild the strength in your hair after the bleaching. Then I blow dry with a vent brush and flat iron as normal. After that I add another dime size amount of It’s A 10 Keratin Serum to give it a smooth and shiny finish.
It’s important not to shampoo your hair too often. I probably only wash my hair once a week. The natural oils in your hair are great moisturizers for dryness. I swear I am not endorsed by It’s A 10, but it’s also what I shampoo and condition with in-between coloring! I used a lot of products at the salon I worked at, and it’s the one I liked most. A more affordable alternative is the TRESemme Anti-Breakage collection. I’ve witnessed it work very well!
Finally, be sure to get regular trims to take care of any dead-ends, and try to avoid too much sun damage which can fade hair color and dry it out.
I hope this was helpful! Let me know! 🙂
What type of hair products do you love?
Have you ever colored your hair before?


  1. I've been wanting to try some bright colours in my hair for a while but to be honest have always been put off by the idea of the amount of damage it could cause. Thanks so much for these tips though, might just have to give it a go! xx


  2. Thanks, great tips! I'm thinking of getting some funky coloured highlights, and reading your post gave me a better idea. ^__^


  3. Your hair is so awesome! It looks so soft. I always try to tell people to wash their hair less and that once their scalp adjusts.. it's really NOT that dirty anymore. They don't believe me. Oh well! haha

    I am having a problem with pastels though.. near my roots! I am currently lavender and the color near my roots fade to dark blonde fast.. and I'm not able to cover it with color again. Would you recommend using 40 vol for bleaching that area? I stick to 30 but those parts are so annoying.. I don't know what would be best! D:



    1. I have the same probably at my new growth, too, sometimes. Since the hair at the root is so new and healthy it is generally not as porous as the rest of our hair strands. You could try 40 vol or just leaving your 30 on a little longer. Bleaching it twice would open the cuticle more, too, if your scalp can handle it! Another alternative is to use darker color at the scalp since it's likely to fade faster.


  4. I always love your hair and love finding out how your making it work and what products your using! I'm a hair stylist too and it amazes me how little we learn in school and how MUCH learning comes after! I feel like I learn more and more every year!
    I use a purple shampoo when I do shampoo which is usually like twice a week. I put a little bit of actual color mixed with the shampoo and it helps a tiny bit but nothing life changing.
    I notice if I fix my hair with hairspray quite a bit it keeps my hair from getting too greasy on the days I'm stretching everything. If it's a bad hair day I'll sprinkle some baby powder on my roots to soak up some of the dirty! I'll tease it and hairspray and I'm golden!

    No matter what it's always upkeep to have awesome hair! It gets old but it is SO worth it in the long run!


  5. Are you interested in attaining enlightenment and personal growth?

    Try doing the following two yoga exercises daily:

    Sodarshan Kriya Yoga

    Sat Nam Kriya Yoga

    Are you interested in preventing and curing cancer, Alzheimer's, high blood pressure, and many other common diseases using an inexpensive, natural indian spice called turmeric?

    Take two teaspoons full of turmeric powder mixed with a cup of warm soy milk (or any kind of non-dairy milk that you'd like). Also eat 2 or 3 black peppercorns along with it, as the pepper helps your body absorb the turmeric better. You also need fat for the turmeric to be absorbed properly, which is why drinking turmeric mixed in water won't work. You have to drink it with milk or some fatty based liquid. Do this twice a day and you will start to feel amazing within a couple of weeks.

    Lastly, please read the following two ancient indian scriptures which talk about the divine love of God:

    Ananda Vrindavan Campu PDF

    Govinda Lilamrta PDF

    If you have any questions about yoga, meditation, spirituality, or natural cures, feel free to email me at


  6. Amazing, amazing!! I totally love the color of your hair!! You're gorgeous and kawaii~


  7. Super helpful post. After years of mixing bleach to god knows what volume and pouring it on my head I decided to get my roots bleached professionally now. My hair is now super healthy.


  8. That was hella helpful! Thank you!! I'm at a white blonde right now, and I LOVE to wash my hair everyday. I'm going to try not to (so difficult for me)!


  9. Would you consider a tutorial on how you cut your hair? Our cut is similar, I've been cutting my own hair with clippers to the back and a razor comb for a little over a year now. But your layers are flawless! Pretty please!


  10. Much thanks to you such a great amount for these tips!I've just been dying my hair brilliant bright shades for a couple of months so still have a ton to learn.Last time I utilized conditioner with the shade dye shockingly and simply left the color on over night and I can't improve my hair feels for it.Going to begin including a smidgen of color each one time I condition now,fabulous tip!Which will assuredly spare me needing to update my hair as often.Thanks again!!
    @Barbara Williams.


  11. Looking so cool and stylish hair bleaching, I'm very happy to see this one.


  12. This is super helpful; thank you so much for posting! May I ask your suggestions for sectioning off your hair? I'm wanting to bleach the front of my rather curly hair, a-la Rogue (From X-Men). I'm hoping to use Manic Panic's Flash Lightning Bleach and their Virgin Snow white toner. Also, something else I read suggested condition my hair for a few weeks head of time with coconut oil. Would you agree?


  13. Very much useful information which helped me gain something knowledgeable.
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  14. Wow amazing. hair colorings are looking so nice. Good tips. thanks for sharing.
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  15. Nice tips. Hair coloring looking so beauty. Thanks for sharing this tips.
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  16. I want to dye my hair blue or purple, or something like that and my mom won't let me. I told her I could get the colors as highlights, but she didn't know how to do them. I told her she could go to a professional, or some of our family friends, because they do hair too, but she said no. I don't know if NO means she wants to do it, or not at all. Do you have any advise?


  17. Sounds nice!! Will look for other color variants from this range, great for temporary hair coloring.
    visit here for how to color your hair at home


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OMGLITZY: Having Fun with Everquest 2

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Having Fun with Everquest 2

Now that my schedule has finally calmed down, I have been able to play EQ2 a little more frequently. For awhile I only logged on to raid.. and didn’t play just for fun. Raiding IS fun but there’s also so much else to do!
The pic isn’t good quality, but I was beyond excited to finally loot this cloak called Rain of Petals. It’s a pink animated cloak with rose petals drifting down. I’ve been trying to get it for the last year! It drops in a zone called the Shard Of Love by a giant drake named Woefulness. Usually people go to this zone to loot the Valorous Wings.. and over time I’ve probably got those 20 times! But never this cloak! So I was very very happy to finally find it 🙂

Also, I made the following signatures for me and my friend Mindseige. We post on our guild’s forums quite a bit for raids and stuff and everyone else had cool signatures so I played around in Photoshop! I think they turned out pretty good for my first try.

I just love playing EQ2.. I know it’s nerdy but it’s so interesting! I change the color of Audeley’s hair and wings and give her different outfits.. it’s like a virtual paper doll. And you can decorate your house or guild hall, go on quests or join contests. I’ve made a lot of friends this way, too.. we slay dragons together! Now that’s friendship 😛


  1. Awesome character! The only way she could look cooler is if she was a Froglok!

    Grats on the cloak!



    1. Thanks!! And every time I see a Froglok I think of you! 😛


  2. I never got into Everquest – just World of Warcraft (heh). But this looks so pretty!



    1. I tried WoW out once because it'd be cheaper than renewing my EQ2 subscription .. but I am totally stuck on EQ's beautiful graphics!!


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OMGLITZY: Harry Potter Appreciation

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Harry Potter Appreciation

With the news of Diagon Alley opening at Universal Studios on July 8th, I had the urge to go through my photos for all things Harry Potter. I am a huge Potterhead and have been ever since the first book was released in the US in 1998. Let’s talk about that story first! (Lots of photos ahead)

When I was 12 years old (!) my mom picked me up from school and handed me a book. She said she had just finished reading it and was certain it would be a story that I would like. At the time, I had no idea of the adventure I was about to embark on. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone had be hooked from the start. Every time a new book was released, my parents and I would attend a midnight party at our local Hastings Bookstore. I can recall reading the books as soon as I would get back in the car and not stop until I was finished. When the movies started to come out we did the same. Dressing up for midnight showings was so much fun, and when the last movie was in theaters my mom and I went together one last time. It has been a magical journey that I will never grow out of. I am 28 years old now with a Harry Potter tattoo on my arm, a Luna Lovegood cosplay I still wear, and you betcha I cried (tears of joy) last year when I met Tom Felton.
Some fun facts:
  • My favorite book is the Goblet of Fire, and my favorite movie is the Prisoner of Azkaban.
  • Visiting the Wizarding World of Harry Potter was very emotional for me. My dad and I spent an entire day there taking it all in. I never wanted to leave.
  • Butterbeer is delicious! And tastes best as a frozen slushie.
  • My Harry Potter tattoo (which I won’t post because I don’t want it copied) is of Hedwig sitting on spell books with potion bottles around her, and she’s carrying my letter to Hogwarts in her mouth 🙂 I was getting a different tattoo by Matt Van Cura when I noticed his knuckles said “WIZARD” .. I asked him about it and he said he was a Harry Potter fan. I knew right away I wanted him to do my tribute tattoo.
  • When Robert Pattinson was announced for Twilight, I was excited because I had a crush on Cedric Diggory.
  • When Tom Felton came to Dallas Fan Days last year, I was planning on getting my photo and autograph with him on Sunday since that’s when I would be dressed as Luna. But I was so nervous that something would happen and he’d leave early that I decided to meet him Saturday, too, to make SURE I got his autograph.
  • I occasionally sell handmade wizard wands in my Etsy store. They sell pretty fast, but I hope to add more soon!
  • After Pottermore sorted me into Gryffindor I literally yelped! I’m not very brave, and I was sure I would be placed in Hufflepuff, but I remember thinking “Anything but Syltherin” just like Harry did! Then reading the welcome speech by J.K. Rowling gave me goosebumps all over again. I’ve never felt so proud.

The story of Harry Potter has been my favorite fandom to be involved with. I’m so thankful for my mom handing me that book all those years ago. Someday, I hope to meet more of the cast at conventions and also travel back to the Wizarding World to see the new Diagon Alley. Thank you for joining me on this trip down memory lane!
Which book and movie are your favorite?
Do you have a fandom that you’ve loved for years?
*All photos in this post were taken by me, my mom or my dad. Please don’t use without credit 🙂


  1. I love Harry Potter and I love going to the Wizarding World too! I hope to go back later this year… I've never met any of the cast at all so you are lucky you met Tom. My favorite book was the Half Blood Prince and my favorite movie is the Prisoner of Azkaban! Your Luna cosplay is awesome by the way 🙂



  2. Thanks for sharing! That was an interesting bit of insight. You sound like an intense Harry Potter fan!

    I think The Order of the Phoenix was my favorite book and probably my favorite movie as well. I've never been to the Harry Potter theme park but would love to see it someday.


  3. I love Harry Potter! I remember first reading some of my cousin's copy of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, and I was hooked right away. I made my mom take me to get my own copy, and I have never looked back.

    My husband and I were able to go to the fan event that they had at Universal Studios for the release of the final movie, and that is definitely a memory that I will cherish forever. I was so excited when I found out that Stanislav Ianevski (Viktor Krum) would be there because I had a huge crush on him when the Goblet of Fire movie came out. I was able to get his autograph and take a picture with him. My husband laughed at me the whole time because I turned into a blushing school girl when he was around. 🙂


  4. I absolutely adore Harry Potter! What a magical journey it had been with the books and the movies!
    Love your outfits, you look great! ^__^


  5. I only recently started to get in to Harry Potter really :O
    I saw the first 2 or 3 films but somehow lost interest, I didn't realise how intense it would actually become!

    I worked at a Cinema when the last films were released and almost every screen left with people full of tears
    I really want to read the books on my Kindle but it looks like I need to sign up to Pottermore?



  6. I think my favorite book and movie was Goblet of Fire. I just loved the grand scale of everything that happened.


  7. While Star Wars was my first fandom, Harry Potter is probably my favorite (that or Doctor Who). My sister, brother, and, my husband all love it! And my hubby and I had our engagement pics based on Harry Potter (he's Ravenclaw, and I'm Slytherin)!
    My favorite book was Order of the Phoenix, and, movie was Azkaban!


  8. Loved this entire post. It is so rad to hear how you originally got into Harry Potter. I giggled when I read about you being worried that Tom would leave the con before you met him. You are so cute. 🙂


  9. Oh, I love this post so much – I so need to re-read the Harry Potter books soon and your pictures make me want to visit the studio tour even more (I wish I could get to universal studios to see the Wizarding World of Harry Potter though – it's just a little too far away. But it looks like so much fun!

    And your cosplay of Luna is brilliant! 🙂


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OMGLITZY: Happy Things! #11

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Happy Things! #11

Been kinda busy lately but I realized I hadn’t done a happy things post in awhile. And things just make me happy all the time! Mostly pics of Pixie of course.. So here’s a few fun pics 🙂 And stay tuned for a post about my visit to the MLG Fall Championships in Dallas this past weekend!

Pixie doing her two favorite things: playing on the iPad and hangin’ out in her sack!
Yummy red velvet cake from Nothing Bundt Cakes
Another day, another sack <3 p="p">
Thanks for the help with that last mob, Pix
This is so true hehe
Found this super cool print on Etsy from KristelKreations
And here’s Pixie again .. I was JUST saying she never goes to the top of her castle anymore.. and looky there 🙂

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OMGLITZY: Happy Things #8

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Happy Things #8

I am really excited to get a new tattoo  .. I want to get a flamingo! 😛 This is a sweet pic from the movie. Gnomeo and Juliet.
Here is an origami butterfly I made. I just need some fun colored paper.

This was my favorite book as a kid.. I loved how colorful and sparkly the pictures were. And the story is great, too. It teaches that it’s great to be unique, but what’s the point if you don’t share it with someone? 

I ordered this butterfly necklace from Tarina Tarantino.

I finally ordered some make up from Lime Crime. So glad I did! It’s beautiful!

I’ve suddenly jumped on the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic bandwagon .. and I love it! It’s such a cute show. I am dressing up as Rainbow Dash for an upcoming convention. And my friends will be Pinkie Pie and Mrs. Cupcake!

Ordered this wonderful dress from ModCloth .. got it in red and purple, too!

I went to a powerlifting competition for the first time to see my friend Chronicbomb! We’ve been friends on EQ2 for a couple of years. It was great meeting him, and he got first place!

And Cheesecake Factory just came out with this recently .. I can’t wait to try it!!
Have a nice day 🙂


  1. I've got Cheesecake gift cards. Pick a date!


  2. How awesome to meet someone from EQ2. Congrats to Chronicbomb. Hope he continues winning at future events. Good to have friends who support each other. More people should learn that lesson.


  3. Is the pigment pretty strong in Lime Crime? I'm fed up with Mac. Might order some too.


  4. Flamingo. What you thinkin' girl?? You're getting all the good stuff. I don't have a tattoo but I do see a "dot" in the future!


  5. Just came across your blog and I think it's awesome! So much color. =) And I LOVE your hair.

    I've used quite a bit of Lime Crime and love it! I only have the loose shadows, though. That pressed shadow palette looks gorgeous.

    Anyway, just wanted to say hi. Added you to my follow list and I'm excited to see what you post!


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OMGLITZY: Happy Things #7

Monday, July 23, 2012

Happy Things #7

1 comment:

  1. What an assortment of pics. Is there any cookie left? Looks like someone went to Medieval Times, again!


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OMGLITZY: Happy Things #6

Friday, July 6, 2012

Happy Things #6

Here’s another batch of some wonderful things making me happy recently 🙂
I got to see a Euro for the first time! My friend had kept one from his trip to Barcelona.
This is a screen shot of my character from Everquest II. She rides an awesome pegasus when she’s not on her pink unicorn, lol.

These are some cool figures I helped paint for a game called Super Dungeon Explore.

Redecorated my apartment a little to feel extra magical.

Dad sent me this pic of a little Stitch that was lost back home! He found him under my bed.

And this surprise rose made me extra happy! 🙂


  1. How awesome that such little things make you happy. Save the Euro. You really need to take a trip.


  2. Now the thought of someone giving you a stolen flower (too cheap to buy one) puts everything into perspective. My first book might be for guys who can't figure out why they can't keep girlfriends.


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OMGLITZY: Happy Things #5

Monday, June 18, 2012

Happy Things #5

Mom found my sleeping bag from when I was little.. I would take this with me on every sleep over and in the car when we took my brothers to school. I love it! 🙂

I saw this awesome clutch in a magazine the other day. 


This was in Vogue! It’s got the amazing Cadillac Ranch behind the model. So cool!

And this is my epic fail of the day .. I had just filled up the cat food container, and I guess I didn’t put the lid on tight enough 😉 I laughed so hard and just HAD to get a pic!

And here is a recent shot of my sweet Pixie next to Opal the unicorn. OMG so cute <3

1 comment:

  1. Does your cat think that hangin' with a unicorn will transform her? Sweet.


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