OMGLITZY: I’m Leaving Dallas

Monday, March 21, 2016

I’m Leaving Dallas

Whoa what a heavy title for a blog post! Well it’s true. I am going to be leaving Dallas in April to move to Houston! I came to Dallas in December of 2009 completely on my own and ready to take on the world. I’ve loved my stay here. I’ve grown so much in many areas of my life. My career really blossomed when I became a manager for Regis and then eventually running my own business by opening a salon booth. It taught me a lot about the beauty industry and if I could I would do it all again. I took a break from doing hair to try my hands at other career options, but I’ve had trouble finding one that fits me. In Houston, I plan to work at a salon again and get back into the field I love most. There are about 6 different salons in the area that I will be applying at. I’m confident I’ll be able to find one that is right for me.
It’s hard to say goodbye to Dallas because of the amazing comic conventions and cosplay scene here. I’ve been able to meet a lot of fantastic friends and embrace a new hobby that really gave me life. Houston has some conventions of it’s own and hopefully once things settle down I can start making costumes again. I’m thankful for all the great opportunities Dallas has provided, but I am looking forward to new doors being opened soon.
There are some other reasons that I am moving. Y’all know I’ve had some ups and downs recently. I don’t plan to mention or dwell on much of it. Let’s just say I know this will be for the best. However, I felt it would be good for me to go ahead and share this news because y’all always lift me up with your kind comments and words of encouragement!!
If you’d like .. and you don’t have to so don’t even worry about it .. but if you’d like you can donate a few dollars to my move fund by using the PayPal donation on my Twitch channel. If I am live streaming your message will appear on stream and I can thank you personally, but if I am offline your message will be for only me to read. And you don’t need a Twitch account to donate (I don’t think) and there are no fees this way! So it’s just there if you feel like it – I appreciate any support!
I’ll probably be pretty busy the next couple of weeks, but once I am in my new place in April I hope to get back into the swing of things again with regular posts and streams. I’m excited to go on some new adventures in Houston and have new things to actually post about! 😛 For now the best place to see updates from me is on Twitter – @OMGLITZY – if you want to follow me there. Thank you all for reading and being so sweet and kind to me! HUGS!


  1. Good luck on your move, I hope everything works out for you xoxo


  2. Good luck with your move!


  3. Best of luck for the move!


  4. Best of luck in Houston! I'm glad we had a chance to meet and create some cool art together. Keep up the good fight!


  5. Best of luck on your move to Houston!! Sounds like a crazy adventure and for the best too!


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OMGLITZY: I’m Addicted to Animal Crossing: New Leaf!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

I’m Addicted to Animal Crossing: New Leaf!

I have been playing Animal Crossing: New Leaf since the day after it was released and have been addicted to it this whole time! That’s like … months .. MONTHS! It’s as bad as those Tamagotchi’s when I was a kid.. You gotta check it every day and take care of it and things happen each day or you’ll miss it.. It’s just so much fun 😀 Well I wanted to share a post about some of my favorite pieces of art and crafts I’ve found online!
First off, this is the signature that I made for my account on The Bell Tree Forums. It’s such a handy website to use to ask questions, get tips and advice, sell/buy/trade items, and toss decorating ideas around. I am a new member, but I wish I had joined sooner! It’s been so helpful.
My signature shows my current villagers as well as my “dreamies.” A dreamie is a villager you wish you had! In the game your citizens might decide they want to move out (you can ask your favorites to stay) and then you’ll get a new one to move in. Sometimes you can go to someone else’s town and ask a villager that’s ready to move to come to yours. But people charge a lot to trade the popular villagers. The most popular is probably Julian the Unicorn  .. I have him on my dreamie list, too!
This is my Town Hall and the custom flag I doodled myself! I meant to make a better flag, but this is just so silly/cute I can’t seem to want to change it now!
Here I am standing next to Blanche who is an ostrich! She was asleep on a tree stump! lol
This is my favorite project that has been requested to be built so far. The windmill! I am hoping my villagers will request the “fairytale” items soon.
Art by KiruLEL
This is Isabelle the town secretary. Honestly, she does most of the work (even though I’m called the “Mayor”)  .. She is awesome and so sweet! I love how excited she gets for town events.
Art by Chrecand
Your character in the game isn’t an animal .. You’re actually human .. But you get to customize your looks! So this artwork shows someone’s view of their mayor. I tend to change my character’s hair color and style quite a bit, but so far the purple and blue has been my favorite. So I loved this art! And by using QR codes you can totally customize your clothes, too.
I had seen this art floating around Pinterest and Tumblr quite a bit and was happy to find the original artist. I want to get better at art so I can draw my own character one day.
Etsy store UnicornismMeetsACNL
I think this is such a cute idea!! In the game your villagers will sometimes give you a picture of themselves for your house. It’s kind of a big deal to get these. So it’d be really special to make a photo of you favorite villager and actually put it on your desk in real life!
Etsy store SoapyBacon
This is a pattern to crochet Stitches (one of my dreamies!) out of yarn. I know how to crochet but have never made anything besides a scarf, lol … So would be fun to try making this cutie!
Definitely adding this to my wishlist. Although I wish it were a necklace. Could always put the charms on a longer chain!
Etsy store ShelbyGoad
I don’t drink much coffee.. and if I do it’s usually an iced drink.. But I still ask for a holder when I go to Starbucks because then my hand doesn’t get cold holding the cup! So this koozie is cute because it features Brewster who runs the the cafe called The Roost.
I am so in love with this game! There is just SO much to do in it that I didn’t even begin to mention here! I am sure I will post more about it as the seasons change. Because they add new items and events as the year goes on. I also hope to one day make my own Animal Crossing crafts. Maybe I’ll host a giveaway, too, for other fans of the game!
Here is my Nintendo 3DS friend code if you would like to add me: 3840-6126-6273
Or you can visit my dream address: 5500-2197-6202

Do you play Animal Crossing: New Leaf?
Do you have a game that you have been hooked on?


  1. I love new leaf i have not put it down lol here's my 3ds friend code 5257-9064-6354 add plz and here's my dream code 5500-2818-9578


  2. I wish I could play. It looks so cute 🙂 Love the charm bracelet.


  3. I am saving for a 3DS. My husband and I want Pokemon X/Y.
    I am subliminally messaging him to get AC:NL! Hope to get to play with you soon! Prima gave me the "strategy guide" for free at this year's San Diego Comic Con, so I kind of HAVE to get it…right?

    Also, those Pictures!!! I think I will make some from my Wild World that I have gotten…i have 12 though, so I think i will just pick my favorites!
    Good luck! I hope you get those fairy tale requests soon!


  4. I am saving for a 3DS too, especially this game!
    I've been playing AC:WW daily recently, and can't wait to lay my hands on the new game.



    1. If the 3D component isn't too important to you, the 2DS will be coming out soon. It doesn't fold closed like the 3DS does and doesn't have 3D, but it has 2 screens, the same controls, and plays all the 3DS games. Most notably, it will be quite a bit cheaper than the 3DS.


  5. New Leaf is so good! I've spent a good portion of today just frolicking about. I haven't seen so many bugs in a long time! I love that the trees are starting to turn 😀 I'm going to add you! My Friend Code is: 0087-2393-3677


  6. TAKE ALL MY MONEY! Seriously! by the by, my good friend Tamara just had an ACNL giveaway on her blog and she posts abotu ACNL fairly often. I just love decorating my house, and the way those animals chatter… <3 All my love, Stewie! (


  7. Also, addicted! I love the Kirulel fan art. Absolutely adorable. Add me! I'm Ayda of Arcadia 0688-6063-7035


  8. This comment has been removed by the author.


  9. I am Joie of BerryHil.
    2466-2723-4180 is my friend code. (above…I am not sure how to delete that comment…lol)

    ALSO: did you know, Nintendo Town's Dream Town has a ZELDA dress pattern that you can get from Wendell? Nintendo's Dream Address is: 5700 – 2038 – 6151.



  10. Hi! Idk if you still play, but hopefully you do! Im Kayla from Forksen! My friend code is : 4356-2274-2630!


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OMGLITZY: Ikkicon VIII 2013

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Ikkicon VIII 2013

Ikkicon is an anime and pop culture convention in Austin, Tx. It’s always after Christmas and sometimes lands on New Years Eve. In 2012, I attended for the first time (you can read about it here.) It was a last minute decision, and I didn’t really know many people. This year I was invited to room with my friend Mia Moore! I was looking forward to seeing her and the chance to meet new friends. The only thing stopping me from going was the drive to Austin. Last time I drove by myself and had a horrible time trying to park at the convention. I was hoping I could find a ride since so many cosplayers from Dallas usually go to Ikkicon. So I asked on my Facebook and was surprised how many nice people offered me a spot in their car! I rode down with Joseph of Chiaroscuro Cosplay. He and I have met a couple times at local Dallas cons. It was a lot of fun talking about cosplay and prop making on the drive to Austin with him!
When I got to Ikkicon, I had to wait in a long long long line to get a badge. I didn’t pre-register, so my line had more people in it. I bet I waited close to 3 hours.

After I got my badge, I met Mia and her friends in our hotel room. It was thrilling to be around a group of friends, and I even looked forward to sleeping on the floor! Rooming with people at a convention was something I had never experienced before. It’s something you have to try at least once! We all got along great, helped each other put on our costumes, and walked around the con together. On Friday, Mia was dressed as Luna Lovegood and I put on my Annie costume from League of Legends.

The convention was packed! This was the hallway in front of the dealer’s room and main event room.
Inside the dealer’s room, there were a lot of booths selling action figures, anime, art and plushies.

It was hard not to buy everything in sight.
The two goodies I bought were a Pokeball and a Sword Art Online journal.
Over in the main event room, my friend and car mate Joseph (Chiaroscuro Cosplay) was Ryu in the cosplay chess tournament. This was cool to watch! When it was time for someone to take down another, they would do it in character!

While I was wearing Annie, I tried to find other League of Legends characters to get pics with. One of my favs was sharing an elevator with Jinx!
Josie and Pussycats

Kurumi from Date A Live and Kirito from Sword Art Online
(If you check my Ikkicon Facebook Album you will notice I was on a mission to photograph every Kirito I could find! I did pretty good, too. I found seven!)

A beautiful Asuna from Sword Art Online by Firecloak Cosplay
(SAO is an amazing anime .. I am totally hooked! If you haven’t watched it you can here for free.)

The Last Airbender 

My good friend Payton of Schmall Cosplay dressed as Puppet Zelda and me in my Fionna cosplay from Adventure Time.

Jack Frost by Sake Kitty Cosplay. This staff was incredible. Each of those lights were individually placed.

Eternal Sailor Moon 

I finally got to meet Tamara and Alycen of Kirakira Cosplay! They were dressed as Pokemon trainer Serena  and Annabeth from Percy Jackson.

Beautiful Elsa from Frozen. She looked perfect next to the tree.

It’s Clary and Isabelle from The Mortal Instruments!! I spotted the white dress and stopped her to ask if she was dressed as Isabelle.. then her friend said “Yes, and I’m Clary!!” I got so excited! I regret not buying that white dress while Hot Topic had them.

Lilith by Texi Jo Cosplay and Gaige by Viverra Cosplay  

More League of Legends! Tryndamere by Odeus Cosplay and me as Annie
And here is my friend Marianne as Monet from One Piece in the cosplay contest. Her boyfriend, Eric, is my good friend from high school! I was so happy to see them both again.

These photos of me are by DTJAAAAM
I’ve followed his cosplay pics on Flickr and Instagram for awhile and was really excited to get to meet him! He visits around 40 cons a year taking photos of cosplayers.
I was also super excited to meet up with Ejen of Cosplay in America again. He’s been traveling to different conventions all over to take pics for his second book. Ikkicon 2012 was the first time I met him, and this was the exact spot in the dealer’s room!
Here is his video from this Ikkicon showing a behind the scenes look at cosplayers. You can see my a lot of my friends in it, and that’s me and Mia in the thumbnail!!
I was also filmed by MLZ Studios while wearing Annie. I got to attack the gingerbread village! I am at the 1:25 mark. They film amazing cosplay videos, and I was very honored to get be in one.
I had a blast seeing friends and meeting new ones at Ikkicon this time! It was fun traveling outside of Dallas. The size of Ikkicon is just right, too. I will be posting a tutorial on how I made my Fionna cosplay from Adventure Time. So check back for that!
And be sure to see all my photos from Ikkicon in my Facebook album!
The next convention on my list is the Dallas Sci Fi Expo in February.


  1. The more of your posts I read the more I want to cosplay! ahh!


  2. Aack, you are just too cute! Hoping some of your cosplay fierceness will rub off on me so I can keep my resolution of ACTUALLY cosplaying this year.


  3. Love, love, love your Fionna cosplay (I think I've already mentioned that before, haha). Looks like it was a great time! 😀


  4. Everyone looks fantastic!
    I especially like the Josie and the Pussycats and Swoard Art Online ones!


  5. I didn't realize it was your first time staying with people for a convention! I hope you had fun, it was so great having you! <3 Let me know if you ever need a room in the future!


  6. What an amazing time. I can only imagine how hectic the hotel room was with you all getting ready. hahaha. I love your Finoa cosplay so very very much.


  7. There are pretty cool cons in minneapolis one is an anime con and the other is like mnpls version of comiccon.


  8. Looks like you had a great time there. It was a pleasure to meet you as well!


  9. Although I have been an anime fan for a very long time, I have yet to go to a convention. I'm planning on checking that off of my bucket this year and going to my first one! To be honest, I'm kind of nervous, but seeing all the diversity of fandoms in these photos makes me think I'll be right at home ^_^


  10. Gosh that looks like it was great fun! We don't get nearly as many conventions in Australia as you guys do. Although I am quite looking forward to PAX which is coming to Melbourne in October.^_^ Great Annie cosplay!


  11. I'm posting as anonymous because I don't have an account for any of these things listed lol Anyways, I'm the Jinx that shared the elevator with you ^.^ Just wanted to say hi 😀


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OMGLITZY: Ikkicon 2012

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Ikkicon 2012

Literally just got back from my road trip to Austin, TX for Ikkicon and was so excited about it that I just had to blog right away! It was very unplanned and spur of the moment so I didn’t have time to make a new cosplay. This was my first time to Ikkicon and although the size of the venue (like the dealer’s room and the panels) was smaller the amount of people was tremendous! As soon as I walked into the lobby I was blown away by how many people were dressed up in cosplay. Everyone had a wig on or ears or SOMETHING! It was so cool to see! I was most excited to meet up with several friends like Eric (we’ve been friends since high school!) and his girlfriend Marianne, Mia Moore who is my new BBFF (best blogger friend forever), Jonathan (who I met at AnimeFest), and Payton (also from AnimeFest and Fan Days) … So check out the pics and enjoy the anime overload!

Mia as Ramona Flowers & me as Rainbow Dash
My favorite part was the gaming room.

Jonathan as Doctor Whooves

Steampunk Mr. Freeze and Poison Ivy
1st Place winners of the cosplay contest
From the movie 9
I think he won Best in Show in the cosplay contest.

Marianne as Seras Victoria from Hellsing

Payton as Dark Zelda.. And that was a great Link but I don’t know his name

What’s better than one Rainbow Dash? Two!

Jack Skellington and Zero
Sunday I decided to dress up as a Sailor Moon fan 😉
This was the swag I picked up.. Luna and Artemis plushes, some cute bows, and a free sticker from Cosplay in America – really cool site and super nice guy!

And this was my view from my hotel room! Austin is pretty cool!

1 comment:

  1. It was so great to meet you, even if it was super short! (BBFF, I LOVE THAT!!) I love Austin and Ikki has always been a fun con. It was so weird that it wasn't on New Year's Eve this time around but it was still awesome!

    – Mia


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OMGLITZY: I opened a new store! Shop my closet!

Monday, March 28, 2016

I opened a new store! Shop my closet!

The last several days I have been cleaning my room in preparation for my move to Houston! In the process, I found some nice items in my closet that are either gently or never been used. I decided to open a shop on Storenvy so I can raise some money for my move. All sales are US only and shipping is only $4 (and $1.00 for any additional item.) Right now I have a lot of purses and necklaces from brands like Betsey Johnson, Juicy Couture and Tarina Tarantino. I also have my My Little Pony blind bag collection listed and some really cool metal tin comics. This is also a chance to grab one of my cosplay prints since I found a folder with a few left over from my when I had an Etsy store. I hope you see something you like and if not please share it with your friends that might be interested!
Thanks and hugs!

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OMGLITZY: Houston Road Trip: Video Games Live & Galveston Beach

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Houston Road Trip: Video Games Live & Galveston Beach

I was so excited to take a road trip down to Houston, Tx to see my family and watch the Video Games Live concert! We also took a day trip down to Galveston, Tx to see the beach!
So long, Dallas!

In the car, I listened to Paramore, Metric, and The Killers.

Hello, Houston!
More Photos >>>>>>>

The night we arrived in Houston we went to see Video Games Live. I had seen the Zelda Symphony (see my post about it here), but this concert had a wider range of music from all sorts of games.

There were a lot of cosplayers in attendance, and they a held a contest before the show. I was clapping for Cloud and Sheik, but Mario and Luigi won. They had a really cool sound guy with them that made Mario noises as they moved.

Some of the audience got to go on stage and play Super Smash Bros

My favorite part of the whole concert was the guy that won the Guitar Hero contest. He went on stage and played the Foo Fighters song The Pretender on Expert level and scored 99%!!! He was truly amazing to watch!

After the concert, I was so excited to be a “fan” and get my photos with the cosplayers. Part of me missed being in a costume myself, but really I had a lot of fun walking around taking pictures!

Assassin Link!

Link helping Luigi tie his shoe lace.. awww

The next day, we drove down to Galveston, Tx to see the beach!

It was supposed to rain that day, but we got lucky and barely missed it.

These are some of the shells I picked up on the beach. I found a really big one, but we think it had a hermit crab in it.. OMG

And this is a souvenir I got at the gift shop.

It was really cool seeing a cruise ship! I have never seen one before and IT WAS HUGE!
Later, we went back to Houston to spend time with my family. This is Rosie!
And this is Beatrix playing “Paint for Cats” on my iPad.. she was really good at it 🙂
My bro had an awesome photo of a goliath beetle. I was especially excited to see this because it’s one of my favorites to catch on Animal Crossing!

On the way to and from Houston, we stopped at a convenience store called Buc-ee’s (pronounced 
buckies). It is EPIC! It’s seriously the best and coolest place to stop. They have delicious snacks and the restrooms are so clean 😛

Here I am with Buc-ee!!
I had a great trip and really enjoyed the concert and the beach. I can’t wait to make another trip back soon. 
Have you been on any summer road trips?


  1. Whoa! All the times that I've stopped at a Buc-ee's, and I've never seen Buc-ee himself! That's cool!

    You got some great photos of the concert/symphony! How was the music? What was your favorite song?


  2. I'm not much of a traveler but love reading about your adventures. Galveston has gone through a lot over the years. It's another unique spot along the Texas coast. Love the pic of you with the waves splashing.

    Good to know about clean rest stops with fun stuff and food. A must know on any road trip.

    Thanks for sharing.

    P.S. – Kitties are cuties!


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OMGLITZY: Holiday Wish List

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Holiday Wish List

I know it’s kinda late to be posting a holiday wishlist with the world ending tomorrow and Christmas on Tuesday, but I figured it’s better late than never 🙂
Kit Kat Clock from Fred Flare, $54

Mini Starfish Pin from Sparkle Cove, $19
Unicorn Pendant Necklace from Betsey Johnson (sold out now.. doh!)
Legend of Zelda Shield Replica from ThinkGeek, $69.99
Carly Tufted Headboard from Target, $349.99
SmartCat Ultimate Cat Scratching Post from Petsmart, $69.99 (for Pixie of course)
Well those are my more expensive and totally unneeded items on my wish list.
But a girl can dream right!
What are some things on your wish list?

1 comment:

  1. Hi GGG – Your wish list is as interesting as you are. Never hurts to ask but just in case Have a Merry Holiday or whatever is pc today!


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OMGLITZY: Holiday Wish List: Part 2

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Holiday Wish List: Part 2

I had so much fun gathering items for my Holiday Wish List 2014 that I decided to add more to it! These are things that I probably won’t get my hands on for some time so I’m just posting and chatting about them. Santa has already sent an elf to visit and there’s some super cute presents under our tree. So this post is just an add on of fun things I’ve seen online lately!
The fairies by Amy Brown have been one of my favorite watercolor styles for as long as I can remember. She has a lot of great things for sell in her Etsy shop including figurines, jewelry and blankets. Some of her prints are pretty affordable and they even come signed.
I began following Bad Witch Boutique on Instagram and after seeing their jewelry I became an instant fan. I tried to find a nice crystal necklace during my last few visits to the Renaissance festivals here. So far I haven’t found anything that was well-made or worth the price. The quality and style options of the jewelry from Bad Witch are amazing! I like the last two in the above photo the most, but they make rings, earrings and chokers, too.
If there is one thing I absolutely do not need it’s another headset. But this is called a “wish” list for a reason! I already have a working headset and it’s even the Razer Kraken! So why would I want another? Because they released it in FUSCHIA! They call it neon purple but it kinda looks pink to me (the last one in the pic). Either way it’s gorgeous! I’ve had my Kraken for several years now and love it. It’s super comfy and the sound quality is fantastic. I wear it all the time while I game or listen to music. The classic neon green is pretty cool, but you gotta admit the new colors are awesome!
Claire’s Wedding Ring
I began watching Outlander when it first premiered on Starz and quickly read the first book. The storyline was captivating, and I found myself rather fond of Jamie. I mean who isn’t?! Right?! So when Starz released an authentic replica of Claire’s wedding ring I was ready to purchase it right away. Well that came to a sudden halt after I saw it was $250! Omg! I mean that’s cool it’s designed by the original artist and all but SHEESH that’s expensive for something that’s actually kind of bland looking. Her ring described in the book sounds much more beautiful and a similar one can be purchased here. But since I’m anxiously waiting for the return of the TV series (April 2015 omg longest wait ever) I decided to buy this cheaper replica from eBay. This way I have something to wear while I watch, but I won’t feel bad should I lose it in a drawer one day. So that’s one wish on this list that Santa will be delivering. 🙂
Since I brought up books, I figured I’d add some that are on my reading list. I heard they will begin filming a movie about the Fallen series by Lauren Kate this February so I’d like to read those before I see the film. I also think I’d enjoy Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins. There are two more by Perkins so it’d be fun to get all three of her books. Santa usually gifts me an iTunes gift card so I’ll likely buy these for my iPad. I still need to finish The Maze Runner series first, though.
It’s so fun to shop online and there’s probably several items I’m forgetting to include. Maybe I’ll make a Part 3? Haha sorry Santa! It’s just for fun 🙂 You can read part one here.


  1. You need all those headphones to match your ever changing hair 😀



  2. Those headphones are really sweet! And Anna and the French Kiss is a really cute story!


  3. the fallen novels are really good, great choice.


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OMGLITZY: Holiday Wish List 2014

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Holiday Wish List 2014

These are a few of the spectacular things I have had my eye on this Holiday season!
The new PC I am using came with a great keyboard – but it doesn’t light up at all. I usually like to play in the dark so I’ve had a hard time seeing my keys. I figure go big or go home so I’m asking Santa for the Razer BlackWidow Chroma because it lights up like a RAINBOW! I tried out a Razer keyboard once before and didn’t much care for how loud the keys were – but this one comes in a Stealth edition meaning the keys are a little more quiet.
Minnie Mouse Hat from Disneyland Tokyo
I saw this pic on Kelly Eden’s Facebook page and totally loved the hat that her friend (on the right) was wearing. That is Zilla308 so I asked on her Instagram where she got it. She said it’s from the Disneyland in Tokyo and is available on eBay. After searching, I found the seller (click here) and saw it also comes in purple, pink, and blue! I was ready to order one but it’s kind of expensive. I can’t justify spending that much on a hat so maybe Santa will send an elf to Japan for me and bring one back for Christmas.
Disneyland Paris Anna Pin
Another item that feels a bit out of reach is this Princess Anna pin. It is part of a booster set from the Disneyland in Paris. The set is super cute, but I wouldn’t mind just having Anna. I’m totally taking advantage of the Frozen trend and buying everything I can with my name on it. However, most pins from other countries go up in price quite a bit here in the US.
Pandora Charms
My mom and I had seen these charms before and thought they were not only cute but also quite classy. There is a Pandora store in our local mall and Disney began releasing charms as well. So I looked in to starting a bracelet only to realize these little guys aren’t cheap. That’s good and bad because it means they are very nice but not for my pocketbook. But maybe receiving one charm for each holiday would be a fun start to a new bracelet collection!
One of the great things I love about playing Guild Wars 2 is that it is free-to-play. There is no monthly subscription at all. You pay for it once and you have it for life. The catch is they release limited items, boosters, weapon and armor skins, and cute mini pets in their Gem Store. There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t see something in the store I want to buy. So spending real money on Gems is something I’ve had to slow down on, but a gem store card would make a great stocking stuffer! 😀
What are some things on your holiday wish list?


  1. I keep seeing those hats and I really want one but yea, they are expensive. The Pandora bracelet is adorable.


  2. I really want a Pandora (or Pandora-esque) bracelet and they have such great little charms–a great way to be glitzy and geeky 😉 heehee
    And those Minnie ears are too cute!


  3. You should check out Helzberg's Expressions. They also have Disney themed charms, even Frozen ones. There's even a pre-built Disney themed starter set bracelet.


  4. I have that keyboard on my wishlist too. Its just so pretty!


  5. Ooohh, I love that Pandora bracelet! I used to have a bracelet in HS that I'd add charms to throughout the year. It was super full by the time I graduated! Love that keyboard too.


  6. I've been eyeing that keyboard for a while… It's lovely!!! ^^


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OMGLITZY: Holiday Haul 2014

Monday, January 19, 2015

Holiday Haul 2014

This last Christmas was GREAT because I spent it with my family. I’ve been having so much fun over the holiday break that I am just now uploading some of my pics! So this post is a “Holiday Haul” to show you some of the amazing presents I received.

I started out by opening my stocking. I had several My Little Pony blind bags to open, and every single one was new for me! I was also super happy to get a glittery Gilda the Griffon.
It wouldn’t be a holiday without some Funko Pops. I am trying to collect all of the Disney Princesses. So now I can add Merida and Cinderella to my collection. I also got Tinkerbell and Gandalf!
My biggest surprise was receiving the Razer Black Widow Chroma! I had mentioned this in my Wish List post, but honestly was NOT expecting to get it. Turns out neither was my mom! She ordered it a few days before Christmas and figured it wouldn’t arrive until after the holidays. Well the fine folks at Razer made sure it made it in time, and the CEO Min-Liang Tan even retweeted my unboxing photo on his Twitter and Facebook!
Here’s a pic of my keyboard in action! The rainbow animates like a wave effect. You can customize the colors, too.
Another great gift were new sheets! These are special because the pillow cases have my name on them. I’m sure you’ve noticed I’ve been pretty excited for all Frozen merch. It’s just fun finding “Anna” on things all over the place! (The other side of the pillows do say Elsa.)
Another item I had on my Wish List was the Disneyland Paris Frozen pin set. Again, I liked these because they had a pin that said Anna. My mom surprised me with these and also the Movie Club Olaf pin! I love it so much!!
These two items were ones I treated myself to. I had looked all over Disney World for the Chip mug when I went a few years ago. Turns out he’s kind of popular and hard to find. So I found him online and love how he looks on my shelf! The Funko is also super adorable!
Santa brought me some DVDs I’d been wanting. I loved The 10th Kingdom when it aired on TV many years ago. If you’ve a fan of Once Upon A Time I definitely suggest checking it out!
My brother gifted me this awesome book on cosplay! The photos in it are incredible and truly inspiring to look at. It’s such a unique hobby that I’ve grown to love.
I even spotted a friend in the book!! This is Chaka of Princess Mentality Cosplay. She’s a fantastic local cosplayer and fellow Sailor Moon fan. I was so excited when I saw her pic in the book!
Some other gifts I received that aren’t pictured are some Fandango gift cards, a new pink hoodie, a blueberry scented candle, Alex and Ani bracelets, and a tripod for my camera.
I am so thankful for all the wonderful presents and more importantly the great time I had with my family.
Let me know in the comments what fun gifts you received!


  1. You got some great gifts! I'm so jealous of the keyboard. The light-up effects are so cool! I got some awesome Adventure Time Funkos and some teabags. It's was small, but perfect!


  2. That keyboard looks amazing! I love the colors!


  3. OMG! My hubby and I LOVE The 10th Kingdom! It was one of the first series we watched when we started dating (for real)! It and Doctor Who are special to us for that reason!


  4. The 10th Kingdom is so good! I saw it when it original aired as a mini-series and have seen it like five times since then! So magical! I have a huge crush on Wolf.


  5. What wonderful presents. Your keyboard is amazing and that cosplay book looks beautiful.


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