OMGLITZY: cosplay

Showing posts with label cosplay. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cosplay. Show all posts

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Tutorial: Cinderella 2015 Cosplay

If you're like me then you totally fell in love with all the costumes in the new live action Cinderella movie! Lily James portrayed the princess perfectly! I knew right away that I had to have her dress in my life, but I was scared to take on such a project. Her dress is massive!! So with a little creativity I was able to recreate a version of that magnificent ballgown without breaking the bank. I realize I didn't make a 100% screen accurate cosplay and I'm okay with that. I still felt like a princess wearing this! I'm hoping this semi-homemade tutorial will help inspire someone else that might want to make Cinderella's gown. Enjoy!

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Tutorial: Princess Anna Cosplay

Hi everyone! It's been way too long since I posted, and what better way to come back than with a cosplay tutorial! Halloween is right around the corner, and Frozen isn't going away any time soon so today I am sharing with you how I made my Princess Anna costume. I wore this cosplay to Animation Celebration last year and this past January I fixed it up a bit and took some better photos of it! I hope you find this tutorial helpful!

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Tutorial: Wonder Woman Cosplay Costume

She is brave! She is fierce! She is .. Wonder Woman! I chose to make a Wonder Woman cosplay to wear to the Dallas Comic Con (now called Fan Expo Dallas) because I wanted to wear a costume that was fun, colorful and a character I admired. I feel like no other comic book superhero fits that criteria better than Wonder Woman! So if you have ever considered making this cosplay for yourself here is my tutorial/walk through/guide of how I made mine!

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

OMGlitzy! New blog! New name!
I’m excited to share that I have come up with a fun new name to go by – OMGlitzy! I’m still Glitzy and I’m still geeky, but I have felt like going by a different online handle for awhile now. I’m still going to update this blog with cosplay tutorials and giveaways, though. So don’t lose this bookmark! Since this site became cosplay centric and still gets lots of hits, I plan to keep it updated when I can. But my new blog is going to be a little more random and a place for me to hopefully post more often without the pressure of making an epic post each time. What I mean is I started to feel like if I didn’t make a cosplay post with lots of photos, links, and information then no one wanted to read it. I didn’t want to clutter this site with random ramblings. I dunno, I am sure it’s just some weird blogger insecurity thing. But what I’m getting at is my new blog will be more laid back and easier for me to just chat about what’s going in my life!
I’ve already updated my Instagram and Twitter to my new handle – @OMGlitzy – but my Facebook and YouTube links will have to stay /GlitzyGeekGirl since they don’t offer name changes. I debated about how to handle my Twitch channel (since they don’t do name changes either) and ultimately decided that since I plan to stay pretty active on there that I would go ahead and make a new channel with my new name. So if you’d like to keep following me on Twitch head over to and give it a follow!
Thanks so much for staying interested in this blog while I’ve gone through some transitions this year. Coming soon here will be a Wonder Woman cosplay tutorial!

Monday, March 9, 2015

Tutorial: Rapunzel Tiara

I've got a dream! I've got a dream!
It's to be a princess, of course! I had been looking for an affordable Rapunzel crown for quite some time but sadly could only find child sizes. So one night I decided to make the crown myself with whatever materials I had laying around.
 And to help other lost princesses I decided to make a tutorial so you can become royalty as well!

Monday, February 9, 2015

PAX South 2015

Since my first visit to PAX Prime several years ago, I have been anxiously awaiting my next chance to attend another PAX convention. When they announced a new location to their schedule here in my home state of Texas I couldn’t contain my excitement! I bought tickets as soon as they became available and counted down the days until the con.
It’s now been a few weeks since my visit to PAX South in San Antonio, but looking through my photos have brought back all the wonderful memories. I went to Prime by myself so I was really happy to go to South with my family. We are all first and foremost gamers. My mom and brother especially! So it was super special to be able and share this convention with them and nerd out over all the games and merchandise.
After the 5 hour trip from Dallas to San Antonio, we checked in to our hotel and walked next door to the convention center. To me that is one of the best things about PAX conventions is how they place the events in large centers around great hotels and fantastic night life. We headed straight in and to the Nintendo booth to try and grab a paper Majora’s mask souvenir. It was already gone for the day, but we did manage to get one the next morning!
Another great thing about PAX is the chance to try out new and upcoming games. My mom and I played the demo for Dungeon Defenders II and loved it! It was really colorful and interactive. I was so proud of my mom for trying out a PC game. She’s usually into console gaming. We were on easy mode but still enjoyed the gameplay and features. Plus we got a code for an early release and also a limited edition pin.
That evening we explored the rest of the convention center and checked out the Magic: The Gathering tournaments as well as some panels. I was excited to see my friend Mia Moore at the Women in Geek Media Panel!
The next morning I woke up really really early to get in line for the Guild Wars 2 panel. They weren’t letting people in the doors until 8am so my dad and I got there around 7:15am. There was already a line outside the building but once we got inside most everyone went a different direction than the main theater where the panel was to be held. So me and my dad and the two guys in front of us went straight to that queue and began our 2 hour wait until the panel started. Lucky for us we were awarded a Corsair Gaming Mouse for being one of the first 5 people there. I also got to meet two of Arena Net’s marketing team members and also cosplayer Sarah Cain who was dressed as a Guild Wars 2 character. The best part was seeing my face on the live Twitch stream. I was seated close to the front and in the center and my white hoodie and pink hair showed up nicely in the sea of black shirts. (See top right photo; I’m above his shoulder.) You can watch the stream here.
We spent the rest of the day collecting street passes on our Nintendo 3DS and then exploring some of San Antonio. My family and I ate at a great Mexican restaurant on the River Walk. Even though it was chilly it was just nice enough to be able to eat outside. Then we walked along the rest of the River Walk and found the The Alamo. I visited this once when I was very little but sadly don’t remember it. (How dare I not remember The Alamo!!) So I was very very excited to make up for it and take in all the history of this monument.
One of the best things about a PAX convention is all the free swag! I came home with SO many goodies! I bought a few of the collectable pins and adorable books they had and also a sticker sheet and patch. But literally everything else was free! I got Magic: The Gathering cards, the Majora’s Mask, lanyards, several coupon codes for online stores, and best of all a Guild Wars 2 Heart of Thorns shirt and pin!
This was a very memorable trip and one I am happy to have spent with my family. I am looking forward to PAX South growing and becoming bigger and better next year.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Texas Renaissance Festival: All Hallows Eve

This year I attended the Texas Renaissance Festival for the second time! TRF is one of the largest festivals around with numerous vendors, performances, food and people to watch! I went on the weekend with the theme "All Hallows Eve" which was the right before Halloween. So many people came out in costumes of all kind. I decided to dress up as a fairy! I made the jacket and flower crown myself, and my tutu was purchased at a convention. I was most excited to show off my fabulous corset from Corset Story, too. The wig I wore was a Luthien in Warm Light Brown from Arda Wigs. I wore this for my Princess Anna cosplay and decided to leave in the blonde streak just for fun!

Monday, November 10, 2014

Tutorial: Sailor Ariel Cosplay

For AKon 25 and Anime Fest 2014, I cosplayed as Sailor Ariel – a mashup of The Little Mermaid and Sailor Moon. The original art for this was done by Drachea Rannak. Here is a walkthrough of how I made my costume. 🙂

Monday, October 20, 2014

Dallas Fan Days 2014

This past weekend was the October edition of Dallas Comic Con! It was originally called "Fan Days" but I just learned that they will be renaming their 3 conventions. (If you're curious – February's will be Fan Days, May's will be Dallas Fan Expo, and October's will be Dallas Comic Con) But anyway I will probably still refer to this one as Fan Days for now 😀
They had announced early on that Elijah Wood and the Phelps twins from Harry Potter would be attending! I immediately bought a premium badge because I knew I would want to meet them. They also announced Alex Kingston (Doctor Who), Dave Bautista (Guardians of the Galaxy), and Burt Ward and Adam West (Batman and Robin) but they all sadly had to cancel. There were still several other great guests from Indian Jones and The Goonies as well as some big named comic book artists. I am totally blaming the Ebola scare that happened in Dallas this month for the cancellations. Thankfully I think it's all under control now!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Tutorial: Princess Celestia Cosplay

In My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Princess Celestia is the co-ruler of Equestria alongside her sister Princess Luna. I had been dreaming of cosplaying Celestia for a long time because she is so majestic and beautiful. She has such a kind and gentle spirit and is a wonderful mentor to Twilight Sparkle and the other ponies. I love her pastel rainbow mane and golden armored accessories.  So for this tutorial I will show you how I made my cosplay!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Anime Fest 2014

This was my second year to attend Anime Fest. The first time was in 2012 (you can view the posts here and here.) This is a very fun convention because it's similar to AKon but just a little smaller in size. I can tell it's still grown since my first visit, though. The hotel it is at is one of my favorites in Dallas – the Sheraton. I love the layout and location. Anime Fest had many guests in attendance including the band FLOW as well as several voice actors and game developers. The other best part of this con are the fan-run panels. I was happy to provide some prizes for the Disney Panel which is always a very popular one to attend!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Once Upon A Time Cosplay: Evil Queen Regina Costume

I am so excited to share with you all my Once Upon A Time cosplay of the Evil Queen Regina!!!
This cosplay is special to me because it's proof you CAN use a Halloween costume for cosplay! Anyone that says you can't is silly. Sure, I enjoy making a lot of my own stuff, but sometimes I just don't have the time or money to make an entire cosplay from scratch. I've used pieces from Halloween stores for several of my cosplays in the past. So when Costume SuperCenter contacted me about modeling one of their costumes, I couldn't have been more stoked!! Going through their gallery was a lot of fun, too. They have SO MANY to choose from for all genres and fandoms.
After narrowing it down, I finally chose the Elite Wicked Queen costume. I picked this because it's not something I would know how to make on my own. Evil Queen Regina from Once Upon A Time wears some exquisite dresses, and the time and money it would take for me to find patterns and fabrics would have been stressful. The costume came in a dress bag inside a well-packaged box. 
**I chose a size Large – I'm 5'10 and about 145 pounds.**
More photos and lots of great details>>>

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

North Texas Comic Book Show: July 2014

When I was asked to attend the North Texas Comic Book Show as a cosplay guest, I couldn’t have been more excited! I attended this event in January (you can read about it here) and loved the smaller size and feel. They have two large rooms full of comic artists, vintage toy sellers and other cosplayers. 
When I arrived I saw my face on this giant poster and said WOW out loud 😛 This is also the convention I debuted my Steampunk Princess Leia cosplay. I couldn’t have done this costume without the amazing corset from Corset Story. You can read my tutorial for this costume here.

I brought along several prints and accessories to sell. A few of these are still available in my Etsy store.
I was happy to see quite a few of my friends in attendance. Here’s my good friend and fellow blogger My Geeky Geeky Ways!
Photo by My Geeky Geeky Ways
I even hosted a panel! I’ve been a panel guest one other time (at Animation Celebration) but I was joined then by 4 other girls. So I was really nervous to talk by myself this time. The topic was about basic cosplay construction. I made note cards and listed out the steps I go through to determine how to pick a character, what materials I’ll need and work well, and the best places I’ve learned to find them. The crowd was small but still had at least 20 people there! I loved that I knew most everyone and they all joined in the discussion. 🙂

I held a drawing to win a giant Spider-Man 2 poster and my friend Mindy of The Geeky Seamstress won it!

I also had some Punisher posters and my friends Jesse and Ricardo won them! Jesse’s PikaPool was great!

Courtney wore her Azula cosplay and brought along her fireball. I was excited to see this in person since I missed her at Comic Con!
Photo by Trevor Jaro Chambers
I helped out as a judge for the cosplay contest, too! This was so much fun and, all the contestants did a great job!
The next North Texas Comic Book Show is in November. 
Be sure to check it out because it’s awesome!!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

ScrewAttack Gaming Convention 2014

This year the ScrewAttack Gaming Convention was held at my favorite downtown hotel – The Sheraton Dallas. This is a smaller gaming convention that still packs a lot of punch. It’s guest list included Smooth McGroove, The Angry Video Game Nerd, the creator of Nyan Cat – Chris Torres, and the co-creator of Mega Man – Keiji Inafune. 

I wore my Annie cosplay from League of Legends. After picking up my badge I immediately ran into another Annie, too! (You can read my tutorial for this cosplay here.)

There was also a lot of fun things for sale like shirts and apparel, Nintendo plushies, and vintage games.

In the open area you could play arcade games for free.

My favorite part is the console room where you can play against your friends and watch tournaments. 

I loved this Sylveon cosplay!

Don’t mess with the Khaleesi.
These two girls were from Gears of War and looked amazing!

This was my second year to attend SGC. You can read about last year here. It was fun wearing my Annie cosplay again and seeing the convention grow. Gaming conventions are fun because I pick up so many Street Passes on my Nintendo 3DS! 😀

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Share Your Blog or Fav Blogs

“Nrrrd Grrrl” by Jessica Grundy – available on Etsy
Hi friends! This is kind of a different post than usual. I am hoping some of y’all can help me with updating my blog reading list!
Since I got a new computer, my bookmarks got messed up 🙁 So here’s your chance to post your own blog or one you like to read a lot!
These are a few of my interests:
Cosplay, comic cons, fashion, makeup, hair dye, cats, gaming, fantasy (elves, fairies, magic), book reviews, kawaii, DIY
What I’d really like to start reading more of:
*Disney – any bloggers that might live in Florida or California and have annual passes and post about their daily trips! Also, Disney inspired outfits and cosplays.
*Easy recipes – I’m trying to cook more often, but need lots of guidance. Any *really* simple cooking blogs for beginners would be great.
Even if your blog doesn’t fall into any of those categories, please post in the comments! I’d love to branch out more.
I’ve been trying to google search new blogs, but all I come up with are big named blogs with lots of ads. Thanks for your help, and I can’t wait to see what y’all post 🙂
~Glitzy Geek Girl~

Friday, August 1, 2014

Tutorial: Steampunk Princess Leia Cosplay

For the North Texas Comic Book Show, I decided to make a Steampunk Princess Leia cosplay! I have always loved the Steampunk culture, but never made a costume before. The reference art is by Jeff Miller with concept by Bjorn Hurri, and the photo of me was taken by My Geeky Geeky Ways.  I was excited to do Princess Leia because she is a strong heroine and very recognizable. It was fun putting a Steampunk twist on this classic character. In this tutorial, I will show you how I made a Steampunk Nerf gun and holster, and where to find the other pieces for this costume.
First, I couldn't have done this costume without this amazing corset from Corset Story. I made a faux corset before (you can find that tutorial here), but for Princess Leia I wanted it to look really legit. Corset Story has so many options for corsets including over bust, under bust, steel boning, bridal, waist training, and numerous colors to pick from. There's no doubt they will have what you're looking for.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Tutorial: Furry Ears

After watching the incredible Commander Holly make a Rocket Raccoon cosplay for SDCC, I was inspired to make some raccoon ears myself! I figured this would be fun to wear to the premiere of the Guardians of the Galaxy movie. I looked up pictures of raccoon ears for reference, but you could use this tutorial to make cat, bear, fox, or any furry ears!
What you’ll need:
A headband, wire, wire cutter, craft foam, fake fur, scissors, hot glue, Sharpies
1) Cut your wire to make two ear shapes on your headband. Then sandwich some craft foam around the wire to hide it.
2) Cut your fake fur a little bigger than the foam ears and sandwich them the same way. 
3) Glue it all the way around with hot glue.
4) Gently color your fur with your choice of Sharpie. I started with black in the middle, silver around that, and then left the edges white. I would have liked to have added brown, but I didn’t have a brown Sharpie with me. 🙂

Keep adding color to it until it suits your fancy! I also colored the back of my ears to look striped like a raccoon. And since there is wire in the ears you can bend them! I cupped mine a little and folded one ear down more than the other.
Now you’re ready to guard the galaxy as one of the most fierce raccoons ever!
These ears were so easy to make! I would love to make more in different colors. Let me know if you use this tutorial!
What animal ears would you like to wear?
Will you be seeing Guardians of the Galaxy?

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Tutorial: Thor Cosplay

Photo by April Miller
For the Dallas Comic Con this year, I was asked to be in a Marvel vs Capcom group! I chose to make a Thor cosplay because he's one of my favorite superheroes, and I really like his new design. At first I had a hard time deciding how to tackle this. After brainstorming for several weeks I finally figured out a pretty easy way to make the outfit. I hope this tutorial helps anyone that may be interested in cosplaying as Thor!!

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Cosplay: Choosing a Character

One of the most frequent questions I am asked is “How do you pick what to cosplay?” If you’ve never worn a costume before you may have asked this question yourself. It’s a great first step to becoming a cosplayer! A lot of people will answer “Just wear whatever you want!” I definitely agree with this, but with thousands of characters to choose from you still have to narrow it down somehow. 

Reasons for choosing a character will vary for everyone. It’s actually quite a personal commitment to undertake, but nonetheless I wanted to give some insight to my OWN procedure for choosing a cosplay! This method may not work for all, but I hope it gives some ideas for deciding what criteria will be important to you.

Princess Zelda and Thor photos by Alan Tijerina
Choose a Genre
Pick something you love. It’s that simple! If you love video games then I am sure you have a special character you enjoy playing. Or maybe you’ve admired a certain superhero from Marvel or DC Comics. Some people even dress up as their favorite TV hero or heroine. I saw a Scully from X-Files cosplay once and totally fangirled! Cosplay isn’t limited to one genre over another. You can go with classic 80’s movies, childhood cartoons, or even an original character from a manga you might be developing. There’s a lot of creative freedom with cosplay, and the first step in choosing a character is deciding what you are passionate about. For myself, I love fantasy genres. So I’m really drawn towards characters with a medieval or magical feel to them. Once you find a genre you like the characters will speak to you, and you will enjoy your cosplay more.

Overall Look
This is the most important decision for me when I choose a character. I personally look for long sleeves, really cool hair or makeup, an interesting prop, and materials I’ll be comfortable in. These details help me decide if I’m going to enjoy wearing the costume or not. I prefer to cover my tattoos so that the focus is on the cosplay, and I love to wear long wigs. The props and materials are important to consider because convention hours can be long. A heavy sword, large wings or intricate armor may not be fun to wear after the 5th hour mark. I’ve also learned I am not a fan of wearing tight fitting bodysuits. So I am more likely to choose a character wearing a dress or skirt. These are just some things *I* look for in an overall look. So think about what makes *you* confident and the happiest in to have the best time in your costume.
My first comic con and cosplay!
Skill Level
No matter what your skill level is you CAN cosplay. You don’t even have to make it all yourself. A lot of people commission costumes. If you just want to have fun walking around a convention then do not worry about what others will think of your craftsmanship. However, if you plan to enter a competition there might be some rules to follow so be sure to read those beforehand. When cosplaying for the first time, I recommend wearing something simple. Don’t bite off more than you can chew. Try doing a “closet cosplay” where you find items you already own that you can turn into a character. I did a closet cosplay of Ramona Flowers for my first con. It helped me get my feet wet and motivated me to put on something more detailed for the next event. Start talking to other cosplayers for advice and google tutorials (or check out mine here!) for sewing and armor making tips. Then you’ll be ready to pick a character with a more difficult design for the next time.
Sewing my Fiona from Shrek costume after long hours of making the props.
Budget and Time
Some costumes are going to take a lot of work. When you look at a character’s armor, body paint, or prop be sure to make a list of all the materials you think you’ll need. Trips to the hobby or hardware store can become expensive. Plan out how much money you want to spend on a costume. If the character seems like it may be out of your budget then you may want to choose a different design. A lot of characters have more than one outfit, too. So if you don’t have the supplies to make an entire Batman suit from The Dark Knight maybe you can make Adam West’s version instead! Also, be sure to look at your calendar. When are you planing to wear this? Is one week enough time to sew all of Cinderella’s dress? Will my wig arrive by then? Do all your research as soon as possible to make sure you’ll have all your pieces ready before you plan to wear it.

Convention Specifics

If you will be attending an anime convention then you might want to wear an anime cosplay. Or a comic book character to a comic convention. Now remember: This isn’t a rule at all! I actually see a wide variety of cosplays at every convention I’ve been to. But one thing you might want to consider is the type of guests that might be at the con you are going to. When I met Billy Boyd (Pippin) from The Lord of The Rings I chose to wear an Arwen cosplay. Or when I met Tom Felton I wore Luna Lovegood. By choosing a character specific to the convention theme and guests, you’re more likely to run into other characters from that genre, too. This makes taking group photos especially fun! I also recommend looking at the weather. If you’re going to a convention in the summer, then you may want to choose a character that isn’t in full armor or heavy body makeup. If it’s in the winter you might not be warm enough in that Slave Leia costume.

Lord of The Rings cosplayers I met while at Sci Fi Expo 2013
The most important thing to remember when choosing a character to cosplay is you can be anything you want! Gender, height, weight, race and age – none of that should matter when you cosplay. Your options are limitless. Pick a character you love and have fun!
So these were just a few of the things I personally consider when I choose a character.
What specifics do you look for?
If you haven’t cosplayed before, but want to, which character would you like to make?

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OMGLITZY: comics

Showing posts with label comics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label comics. Show all posts

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Tutorial: Wonder Woman Cosplay Costume

She is brave! She is fierce! She is .. Wonder Woman! I chose to make a Wonder Woman cosplay to wear to the Dallas Comic Con (now called Fan Expo Dallas) because I wanted to wear a costume that was fun, colorful and a character I admired. I feel like no other comic book superhero fits that criteria better than Wonder Woman! So if you have ever considered making this cosplay for yourself here is my tutorial/walk through/guide of how I made mine!

Monday, October 20, 2014

Dallas Fan Days 2014

This past weekend was the October edition of Dallas Comic Con! It was originally called "Fan Days" but I just learned that they will be renaming their 3 conventions. (If you're curious – February's will be Fan Days, May's will be Dallas Fan Expo, and October's will be Dallas Comic Con) But anyway I will probably still refer to this one as Fan Days for now 😀
They had announced early on that Elijah Wood and the Phelps twins from Harry Potter would be attending! I immediately bought a premium badge because I knew I would want to meet them. They also announced Alex Kingston (Doctor Who), Dave Bautista (Guardians of the Galaxy), and Burt Ward and Adam West (Batman and Robin) but they all sadly had to cancel. There were still several other great guests from Indian Jones and The Goonies as well as some big named comic book artists. I am totally blaming the Ebola scare that happened in Dallas this month for the cancellations. Thankfully I think it's all under control now!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Dallas Comic Con 2014

My favorite convention of the year is the Dallas Comic Con. It's one of the largest in Texas, and I always look forward to seeing my friends here. The convention was held at a larger venue for the first time, too. This had its pros and cons. It was nice not having to wait in line outside in the heat. It also meant the lines inside were managed better since it was mostly all on one floor. At the old convention center, people were getting stuck on the *single* escalator and missing panels because they couldn't get upstairs!

Friday, May 30, 2014

Free Comic Book Day 2014

This year for Free Comic Book Day (May 3) I dressed up as my favorite female comic character – Ramona Flowers!

There are several comic book stores in the Dallas/Fort Worth area, but I decided to visit Madness Games & Comics. It’s one of the biggest stores in Texas!

This is only one third of the store, and there’s usually rows and rows of tables for Friday Night Magic. They moved those out for the day to make room for the free comic books, artist Matthew Warlick, and two celebrity guests: Judge Reinhold and Mark Dodson (who voiced Jabba the Hutt!)

While waiting in line for my free comics, I found the droid I was looking for!

I picked out 5 new comics, but was sad that the Avatar issue was already gone. I did get a Guardians of the Galaxy comic, though!

After I picked out my comics, I met Judge Reinhold! He was in Beverly Hills Cop, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, and The Santa Clause.

On my way home, I took off my Ramona Flowers’ wig only to reveal more Ramona hair! I love how nicely short hair fits under wigs.
Did you celebrate Free Comic Book Day?

Friday, February 7, 2014

North Texas Comic Book Show

About every 2 or 3 months there is a small comic convention show called North Texas Comic Book Show. I have seen many of my friends attend it so I decided it was time I check it out.
My friend Sean dressed up as Hawkeye, and I went as Black Widow. This was Sean’s first time to go, too.
The show was held in a smaller hotel near downtown Dallas, but had two big rooms filled with vendors.
In the rooms you could find vintage toys and loads of comic books. There were also quite a few artists to meet.
I found several good deals here, and would like to go back to see what treasures I could find next time.
There were a handful of cosplayers in attendance as well. This is Enasni Volz as Dr. Harleen Quinzel. She won the costume contest! 
Photo by SCNS:Live
I’d like to dedicate this post to Chris Skiles. He is the cosplayer next to me dressed as Darth Nihilus. His costume played a sound recording of the character’s deep booming voice. While we were standing by each other during the costume contest I asked him what the recording was saying. He whispered to me that he wasn’t really sure, and we both laughed together. I know it was a very small moment, but it feels like yesterday that I shared it with Chris.
He was very active in our local cosplay scene, and I had the chance to see him at several other conventions. I couldn’t believe it when I heard that Chris passed away this week. He was only 30 years old, and I learned that he was also an Air Force veteran. At the Dallas Sci Fi Expo this Saturday several of us will be honoring Chris by wearing a white ribbon on our costumes. I didn’t know Chris well, but I have been touched by the opportunity I’ve had to meet new people through cosplay. My heart goes out to his friends and family.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Meeting George Takei

A couple weeks ago the Dallas Comic & Pop Expo held a pre-event signing with George Takei! Madness Comics hosted it and they had a great turn out. George was in town to narrate the Sci-Fi Spectacular performance by the Fort Worth Symphony. I enjoyed hanging out with my friends Krystal and Sean as we browsed through the comics while we waited. George was very polite and excited to meet everyone.
This was my outfit for the event. My Nyan Cat hoodie is from ThinkGeek and my Batman leggings are from Hot Topic.

I didn’t mind waiting in line at Madness Comics because it is a really awesome comic book store. It’s huge! It used to be a Chuck E Cheese. Also, it was Friday so there was Friday Night Magic going on, lots of people to chat with and so many cool things to buy.

Dallas Comic & Pop Expo is a convention I’ve never been to. They were giving out 10% off ticket coupons, and I wish I had used it before it expired because Xander from Buffy the Vampire Slayer is going to be at this convention!! I might just have to try and go to meet him.

George chatted and shook hands with everyone. I was glad they allowed photography at the table so I could snap a few shots.
Here are my friends Krystal and Sean with George. This was the official photo Sean paid for.

Here I am with my freshly autographed Star Trek photo. I am excited to add this to my collection!
Another fun thing about this event was getting to meet the creator of Nyan Cat! Yes you read that correctly. It turns out Christopher Torres lives in the Dallas area! He was in line to meet George, saw me wearing my brightly colored jacket and came up to say hello. Then he gave us some Nyan Cat stickers and buttons! I don’t know if I was more excited to meet him or George Takei! lol
Are you a Star Trek fan?

Friday, November 8, 2013

Tutorial: Thor Inspired Wing Headband

Art by Oliver Coipel
A few days ago, I decided to rent the first Thor movie since Thor: The Dark World comes out this weekend! I have totally fallen in love with Chris Hemsworth. But also Natalie Portman! She’s so cute in the movie. I am excited to watch the second movie tomorrow so tonight I was googling Thor crafts and came across this awesome headband tutorial by Doodle Craft. I decided right away I had to make it!
I made my wings smaller than Doodle Craft’s tutorial so they could be worn more often. But it would be fun to remake this in different wing shapes and sizes.
I printed out a wing shape that I liked and traced it onto some sheet foam.

Normally I would gesso the sheet foam so it would become thicker and more sturdy, but tonight I wanted this done quick so I just decided to spray paint the wings silver.

Then I outlined the wings with gold paint and used hair spray to add some glitter. 

Because I am a glitzy Thor girl! 
Attach your wings with hot glue to a skinny headband and you’re done!

Pixie insisted on a hug during my photo shoot.

Aww kitty!

This was a super quick and cheap DIY project!
Who is going to see Thor: The Dark World this weekend?
Are you Team Thor or Team Loki?

Monday, July 29, 2013

My Cosplay Interviews

A few weeks ago, I was interviewed for some pretty cool websites. I had shared these interviews on my Facebook and Twitter, but I don’t think I added the links to a post here on my blog. Please check out their sites and give them a follow!
Photo by Bob Sanders
First up is Comic Book Divas. I was able to meet Bob in person a few times at different conventions in town. They always have a booth set up with tshirts and cosplayer photos for sale. Their website offers a news article section, contests, and showcase real women in their comics.
Photo by April Miller
The next interview was done by Zero Fortitude. These guys produce a fun podcast as well as articles to read. They discuss and review a wide range of geek culture from movies to anime to comics. And of course, cosplay!
I feel very honored to be selected by entertainment sites for interviews. I am such a newbie cosplayer, and have so much to learn, but I am grateful my craft has been noticed. So please please check out their sites, follow their podcasts and updates, and show them some love.
On a personal note.. I am going to SOE Live in Las Vegas this week! So be sure to follow my Instagram, Twitter and Facebook for photos while I am there. When I get back in town I will work on a blog post about it. I am so so soooooo excited to hang out with my guild members from EverQuest 2. This convention is going to be a blast.
What geeky websites do you follow for news, updates and interviews?
Anyone going to SOE Live?

Friday, June 14, 2013

Free Comic Book Day 2013

This year Free Comic Book Day fell on May 4th which is also Star Wars Day!
So this was an epic Saturday to say the least. I was able to celebrate both since I have my own salon now. I wore a Star Wars t-shirt that I bought while at Disney World, and I was able to visit Lone Star Comics on my lunch break! It was a super cool day!

They held a costume contest at the store, and this girl looked so awesome!

I tried wearing Leia buns, too!

At this location, you got to pick out three different comics! It was hard deciding which ones to get. But I love the ones I picked!

Did you pick up your free comics at your local comic store?
What are some of your favorite comics?
Did you go see Man of Steel today?

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OMGLITZY: disney

Showing posts with label disney. Show all posts
Showing posts with label disney. Show all posts

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Tutorial: Cinderella 2015 Cosplay

If you're like me then you totally fell in love with all the costumes in the new live action Cinderella movie! Lily James portrayed the princess perfectly! I knew right away that I had to have her dress in my life, but I was scared to take on such a project. Her dress is massive!! So with a little creativity I was able to recreate a version of that magnificent ballgown without breaking the bank. I realize I didn't make a 100% screen accurate cosplay and I'm okay with that. I still felt like a princess wearing this! I'm hoping this semi-homemade tutorial will help inspire someone else that might want to make Cinderella's gown. Enjoy!

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Tutorial: Princess Anna Cosplay

Hi everyone! It's been way too long since I posted, and what better way to come back than with a cosplay tutorial! Halloween is right around the corner, and Frozen isn't going away any time soon so today I am sharing with you how I made my Princess Anna costume. I wore this cosplay to Animation Celebration last year and this past January I fixed it up a bit and took some better photos of it! I hope you find this tutorial helpful!

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Holiday Wish List 2014

These are a few of the spectacular things I have had my eye on this Holiday season!
The new PC I am using came with a great keyboard – but it doesn’t light up at all. I usually like to play in the dark so I’ve had a hard time seeing my keys. I figure go big or go home so I’m asking Santa for the Razer BlackWidow Chroma because it lights up like a RAINBOW! I tried out a Razer keyboard once before and didn’t much care for how loud the keys were – but this one comes in a Stealth edition meaning the keys are a little more quiet.
Minnie Mouse Hat from Disneyland Tokyo
I saw this pic on Kelly Eden’s Facebook page and totally loved the hat that her friend (on the right) was wearing. That is Zilla308 so I asked on her Instagram where she got it. She said it’s from the Disneyland in Tokyo and is available on eBay. After searching, I found the seller (click here) and saw it also comes in purple, pink, and blue! I was ready to order one but it’s kind of expensive. I can’t justify spending that much on a hat so maybe Santa will send an elf to Japan for me and bring one back for Christmas.
Disneyland Paris Anna Pin
Another item that feels a bit out of reach is this Princess Anna pin. It is part of a booster set from the Disneyland in Paris. The set is super cute, but I wouldn’t mind just having Anna. I’m totally taking advantage of the Frozen trend and buying everything I can with my name on it. However, most pins from other countries go up in price quite a bit here in the US.
Pandora Charms
My mom and I had seen these charms before and thought they were not only cute but also quite classy. There is a Pandora store in our local mall and Disney began releasing charms as well. So I looked in to starting a bracelet only to realize these little guys aren’t cheap. That’s good and bad because it means they are very nice but not for my pocketbook. But maybe receiving one charm for each holiday would be a fun start to a new bracelet collection!
One of the great things I love about playing Guild Wars 2 is that it is free-to-play. There is no monthly subscription at all. You pay for it once and you have it for life. The catch is they release limited items, boosters, weapon and armor skins, and cute mini pets in their Gem Store. There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t see something in the store I want to buy. So spending real money on Gems is something I’ve had to slow down on, but a gem store card would make a great stocking stuffer! 😀
What are some things on your holiday wish list?

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Disney Pin Trading Board

On my second trip to Disney World, I was introduced to Pin Trading! I didn’t participate in it my first trip and let me tell you, doing the trading makes the experience even more fun! When going into each shop and ride you feel like you’re on a mission to check out what pins the cast members had. It was really exciting to try and locate certain ones – I was looking for the Disney Princess shoes. I also bought a couple like the Rapunzel and Tinkerbell and Grape Soda pin from Up. And the Elvis Stitch was a gift from my brother when he first visited Disney, too! A few of these were also traded with friends on Instagram and Facebook pin trading boards. This is a really fun hobby to have so I wanted to showcase my pins on a decorative board I could hang up in my room. And here’s how I made it!
Supplies needed:
Canvas – mine is 11×14
Paint brush
Acrylic paint
Tacky glue
First paint your canvas any color you want. I chose metallic purple to match the ribbon I found at Hobby Lobby.
I did two coats of paint. Make sure to let the first coat dry completely. Before the second finished drying I sprinkled some fine glitter onto it.
Next, measure how much ribbon you’ll need and cut them into four strips.
Then dab on some tacky glue and use a brush to smooth it out. Lay your ribbon over it and gently press it down to smooth out bumps.
I let everything dry over overnight, then the next day I put my Disney pins on the board! I like this better than using a cork board because my mickey pin-backs stay with the pins.
I love having a special place for all my collected pins! And I hope to collect more someday and make another colorful canvas board for them.
Have you ever done Disney Pin Trading?
How do you store your pins?

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Pinterest Favs #4

Here are a few of my favorite pins from my Pinterest board recently.

This Merida cosplay by Diomira Keane is so beautiful!
I really love this shade of blue! And that cut is super rad!
I totally had all these Barbie toys from McDonald’s Happy Meals! It would be fun to try and collect them again.
Shourei is an artist that has done several cosplays, makeups and illustrations, and I am so happy to have discovered her through this photo on Pinterest. A faun makeup would be really fun to try for Halloween!
This Disney anime gal by Cartoongirl7 is adorable!
Mario Kart 8 will be getting several new characters and tracks to play! I can’t wait to race with Isabelle, Link and Cat Peach! The first pack comes out this November.
You can follow my Pinterest boards here! Be sure to share yours in the comments below 🙂

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Share Your Blog or Fav Blogs

“Nrrrd Grrrl” by Jessica Grundy – available on Etsy
Hi friends! This is kind of a different post than usual. I am hoping some of y’all can help me with updating my blog reading list!
Since I got a new computer, my bookmarks got messed up 🙁 So here’s your chance to post your own blog or one you like to read a lot!
These are a few of my interests:
Cosplay, comic cons, fashion, makeup, hair dye, cats, gaming, fantasy (elves, fairies, magic), book reviews, kawaii, DIY
What I’d really like to start reading more of:
*Disney – any bloggers that might live in Florida or California and have annual passes and post about their daily trips! Also, Disney inspired outfits and cosplays.
*Easy recipes – I’m trying to cook more often, but need lots of guidance. Any *really* simple cooking blogs for beginners would be great.
Even if your blog doesn’t fall into any of those categories, please post in the comments! I’d love to branch out more.
I’ve been trying to google search new blogs, but all I come up with are big named blogs with lots of ads. Thanks for your help, and I can’t wait to see what y’all post 🙂
~Glitzy Geek Girl~

Monday, May 12, 2014

Tutorial: Disney Mickey Hair Clip

When I visited Disney World, I noticed several little girls wearing these beautiful jeweled Mickey hair clips. I asked one of the mothers where they got it since I hadn’t seen them in any of the gift shops. She said they were given to them at the Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique. Unfortunately, you have to be 12 or under to get your hair done there, and they weren’t selling these clips separately.
I searched online stores and eBay for them but came up with nothing! I read on one message board that you can find them at Disneyland. Well since I probably won’t be making it to Disneyland any time soon I decided to make one myself. ^.^
Edit: I made this several weeks ago, and this website says they have some in stock now! But if you don’t want to spend $35 then you’ll love my easy Mickey Hair Clip Tutorial! 🙂
The first thing I did was draw the shape onto a sheet of white craft foam. I cut it out carefully then painted it pink, blue and green.

Next, I glued down jewels on top of the corresponding colors. For some reason I didn’t have blue jewels the same size as my pink and green so I had to use a size bigger for them.

After the jewels have dried well, position an alligator clip to the back. Try to make sure you can’t see it from the front.

Now you can create a magical style of your own! Perfect for any fairy tale. 🙂

If you make a Mickey hair clip please share it with me! 🙂

Saturday, May 10, 2014

30 Day Disney Challenge – Days 22-30

Here they are! My final answers to my 30 Day Disney Challenge!
Previous answers can be read here, here, here and here!

Day 22 – An underrated movie

I think they did such a good job bringing a fairy tale to life!

Day 23 – A movie that makes you laugh

Lilo & Stitch
Everything Stitch says and does puts a smile on my face!

Day 24 – A movie that makes you cry

Day 25 – Your favorite scene from your favorite movie
The lantern scene in Tangled!!! ^.^

Day 26 – Saddest death 

Ray from The Princess and The Frog
Omg I was a wreck when he died!!! I cried so hard!

Day 27 – Your favorite quote

“Ohana means family. And family means no one gets left behind… or forgotten.”
– Lilo & Stitch

Day 28 – Your favorite theme park

Magic Kingdom
I’ve been there twice! 🙂 (photo by me!)

Day 29 – Your favorite theme attraction
Hollywood Tower
I rode this multiple times because it was SO FUN! I remember watching the movie with Steve Guttenberg and Kirsten Dunst and just wishing that I would get to visit it someday. (photo by me!)

Day 30 – Your favorite theme park show

The Enchanted Tiki Room
I love singing along with the birds! It’s such a cute show! (photo by me!)
Let me know your answers in the comments! 🙂
Thanks so much for playing along with me 😀

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Animation Celebration 2014

Animation Celebration was a 3 day convention in Lewisville, Tx where I was invited to be a guest! I made several wizard wands, starfish necklaces and ordered extra prints to sell at my table. Last year it was called Brony Fest, but this time they expanded their genre a bit to include some great names like Kevin Conroy (the voice of Batman), Steve Cardenas (the Red Power Ranger), and cosplay guests Nicole Marie Jean and Destiny Nickelson.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

30 Day Disney Challenge: Days 14-21

So I am definitely not allowed to do 30 Day Challenges again!! As much as I liked answering the questions, I was not very good at keeping up with posting the answers >.< Sorry about that! So here are my quick answers to numbers 14-21. I have 22-30 typed up already so I will post it in a few days. 🙂
Day 14 – Your favorite kiss
Aurora and Prince Phillip
Day 15 – The first movie your saw
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Day 16 – Your favorite classic
Peter Pan
Day 17 – Your least favorite classic
This movie kinda spooked me as a kid.
Day 18 – Your favorite Pixar film
The Incredibles
Day 19 – Your least favorite Pixar film
I enjoy this movie, but I think they could have done a little more with it.
Day 20 – Favorite sequel
Toy Story 2
Because Jessie!!!!
Day 21 – An overrated movie
Pirates of the Caribbean
The first one was pretty awesome but the sequels didn’t live up to the hype for me.
If you’d like to see my answers to the previous days look herehere and here. Also, please share your answers in the comments! I love to read what y’all pick 🙂

Sunday, April 13, 2014

30 Day Disney Challenge – Days 7-13

Whoa! I got really behind on my Disney Challenge .. sorry about that! Here are my answers for Days 7-13 🙂 Please play along by telling me your answers in the comments!

Day 7 – Your favorite sidekick
I like Tinkerbell because she’s so resourceful! It’s like her mission is to help others. I would love to have her as my sidekick.
Day 8 – Your favorite villain
Captain Hook is one of the best villains because part of you really wants to like him! Pirates are just so cool and even though he’s supposed to be evil I think he’d be a fun friend to have. 😀
Day 9 – Your favorite original character
I’ve loved Stitch since I saw it when it was released and have snuggled with a Stitch doll every night ever since! He’s got the best personality and is such a unique little guy.

Day 10 – Your favorite song
My favorite song is easily “Under The Sea” from The Little Mermaid. I can sing every line and it puts me in such a great mood! It was also my favorite part of the new Little Mermaid ride at Disney World.
Day 11 – Your favorite love song
“I See the Light” from Tangled is so sweet and moving. I’ve been a fan of Mandy Moore for a long time, and she puts so much heart into her performance.
Day 12 – Your favorite villain song
I enjoy Ursula singing “Poor Unfortunate Souls” because of her upbeat attitude about it. It’s very evil of her!
Day 13 – Your least favorite song
My least favorite is “Can You Feel the Love Tonight” from The Lion King. It’s kinda awkward so I always skip it when it plays.

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OMGLITZY: happy things

Showing posts with label happy things. Show all posts
Showing posts with label happy things. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Happy Things #26

Here are some things that have made me happy lately!
My brown hair makes me so happy! I honestly never thought I’d say that. I colored it brown a little over a month ago, and it’s been great! I have had just about every hair color under the sun and while I do miss having it bright and funky – it was time for me to take a break. My hair was super healthy so it wasn’t my hair that needed the break – it was me. I always do my hair myself and it takes me an entire evening to bleach and dye it a crazy color. Now with it brown I haven’t had to touch it up at all. It’s faded some so I might darken it soon but gosh it’s been nice not having to deal with roots every two weeks! 
This picture of Pixie Doodle makes me happy because I’ve never seen her sit on this heart pillow. I walked into the room and she was perched on it and it made a great pic! (Her face says “Are you seriously taking my picture AGAIN?”)

My new tattoo by Dru Bias at Saints and Sinners is one of my absolute favs now. It’s a cover up of a very old and bad tattoo so to see this amazing Luna kitty from Sailor Moon on my wrist everyday now is unbelievable. I had been getting my old one lasered off (I’ll make another post about that experience). Now I am just so happy to have this!

Octopie is one of my all time favorite artists! I first saw her work at Ikkicon two years ago and bought a print of hers at AKon this summer. When I saw her post that she was open for commissions I immediately jumped on it! I can’t believe all the little details she put into my chibi. She got my dice ring, tattoos, my star necklace and rainbow bracelets!! I love the Toki Doki headband and that’s my favorite wig from Gothic Lolita Wigs. Even my buttons made it in there! Gosh it’s just so perfect. Thank you Octopie!
Another cute pic of Pixie Doodle! (I have millions I could share.) This one is her watching me play Guild Wars 2. She loves it! She sits here all the time and even paws at the screen sometimes. 

My final Happy Thing is this pic of Jim Shore at his signing last weekend. I was in the mall with my mom and we heard an announcement that he was going to be there the next day. We both stopped and said WHAT! We love his figurines and have collected many over the years. The day we met him he was incredibly polite and took a lot of time to speak to everyone in line. He signed our new Anna and Elsa, Olaf, and Snowman figures. It was a true joy getting to chat with him. You could honestly hear his passion about his art and craft in his voice. I’m so glad I could share this experience with my mom! BFFs!!
What has made you happy lately?

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Happy Things #25

Most of these Happy Things pics were posted on my Instagram (@GlitzyGeekGirl) but they made me so happy they’re worth blogging about, too!
I’ve been playing the new mobile game Tsum Tsum and quickly became a huge fan. My local Disney Store had these Tsums for sale, too! If you play be sure to add me so we can send hearts. My Line user ID is GlitzyGeekGirl.
Pixie would make a great Tsum don’t you think? 😛 (Did you know Tsum Tsum means “stack stack” and the underneath side of the plushies are made for cleaning your phone’s screen?)
A few weeks later I went back to the mall and got these goodies from the Disney Store.
I also finally put together my Lego Cinderella Castle. I will need to take a picture of my castle and figurines to show you how I displayed them!
This photo is from Anime Fest in the food court area of the hotel. They have large prisms up in the ceiling by the glass windows so giant rainbows spread across the floor. I hope to have my Anime Fest post up next so be sure to check back for that.

My dad treated me to IHOP one day recently where I ordered this delicious omelette with pancakes and hashbrowns. Anyone else LOVE breakfast foods? I sure do!
And lately I’ve really been enjoying the products found on Zulily. They have different specials each day and feature a lot of great clothes, kids toys, and home decor. I loved the My Little Pony and Frozen event they recently had (I got an Olaf backpack and some Funkos!) And today is a TOMS shoes event. Signing up is free and their mobile app is very easy to use. 
If you sign up please use my link!
What has made you happy lately?

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Happy Things #24

Here are some things that have made me happy lately!
I am an avid collector of My Little Pony merchandise, and the blind bags you find at Target or Walmart are no exception! I have several duplicates of random ponies so I decided to make hair clips out of them! I have a few that I might put in my Etsy store if there’s enough interest in them 🙂
Having duplicates doesn’t stop me from buying more ponies. I recently got this sparkly Fluttershy!
Here’s Pixie sitting in a tutu!

Owning a pair of Gunnar glasses has been on my wish list for awhile. When I saw they would be at Quake Con (which was a free gaming event) I decided to go and check them out. These were considerably cheaper since I got to buy them from an official booth and not online. I had LASIK on my eyes several years ago, and the bright screen isn’t the best thing to look at for hours. The glasses really do make things sharper, and my eyes don’t feel as stressed out now.

My Gunnar glasses get a lot of use out of them! I’ve been playing Guild Wars 2 a whole bunch lately. I kinda play sporadically. But Pixie loves sitting by while I battle dragons.
I played so much lately that I finally got my main character to level 80! I also earned my first title “The Sunbringer”! Ooooohh!!

My friend Krystal had a birthday/moving out party a few weeks ago, and it felt like a perfect time to wear my Hello Kitty dress. I got this from Macy’s last year, and it still had the tags on it!

I also brought these delicious cookies to Krystal’s party. 

The Mortal Instruments: City of Heavenly Fire was released several months ago now, and I had entered a few online contests to try and win a signed book and exclusive hoodie. Well, a few days ago this package showed up at my door! I never received an email saying I won, but I assume it was one of the many blogs that was hosting it. I didn’t win the signed book, but seeing the hoodie and rune tattoos gave me the boost I needed to finally finish reading the book.

You are probably looking at this photo and going “Huh?” Haha so let me explain! This is a bowling ball in my backyard! It’s something fun my family likes to find at garage sales and thrift stores. We put the bowling balls around our garden. They kinda look like giant marbles. We found this ball at the local Trade Days for only $5. 

My last Happy Things item is this shirt I ordered from Amazon. I have no shame in admitting I love One Direction, and I’m super pumped to see them in concert in a few weeks! So I ordered this shirt to wear to the show. 🙂
What has made you happy lately?

Friday, July 4, 2014

Happy Things #23

Here are some things that have put a smile on my face lately!! 🙂
I ordered the purple macaron pillow from Squishables! It’s a lot bigger than I expected and is great for lounging around while reading or watching TV.
Pixie had a snuggle session with Pascal. They’re best of buds, aww!

I play Guild Wars 2 on and off again and laughed when I met this cute froggie the other day. 
(For you, Ser Frog!)
A couple weeks ago I dyed my hair all over purple. There’s some pics on my Instagram (@glitzygeekgirl), but I thought it looked a little too dark. So I bleached it out and went with a pastel pink/purple! I added some more tone to it since this pic, too, and like it a lot!

Aren’t these rainbow sandals totes adorbz?! (lol) I got them at DSW, and the brand is Reef. Reef makes the comfiest sandals in the world.
I couldn’t find a source, but I loved this kitty wishing on stars.
What has made you happy lately?

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Happy Things #22

Things that have made me happy lately!
On Record Store Day (April 19) I lined up at ZT Records early in the morning so I could grab this limited edition Scott Pilgrim Video Game Soundtrack on yellow vinyl! They only had two of them so I was super stoked to get one!
I found out through my friend Laura of Dallas Fan Girl that Veronica Taylor (who does the voice of Ash Ketchum) would be at her university signing autographs! This made me happy because it was a free event. Veronica’s Q&A panel was also very cool! She was a great speaker so definitely go see her if you ever have the opportunity.
McDonald’s had My Little Pony toys in their Happy Meals recently, and I was on a mission to collect them all! I am bummed they didn’t make an Apple Jack, though. Why leave her out? 🙁
And as a heads up the next toy collection McDonald’s is going to have after the Spider-Man ones is Pokemon! Gotta catch em all!

For Easter my Mom and Dad got me mini cupcakes and the new Disney Magical World 3DS game. This game is SO fun! It’s a lot like Animal Crossing, but there isn’t any penalty if you miss a few days of playing. (Like the villagers don’t move out on ya without warning.)

Also on Easter, my mom surprised me with an original Katwise recycled sweater! These are hard to come by so I was bouncing off the walls when I saw it. The colors are so vibrant in person, too. I am already looking forward to the fall so I can wear this all the time! 

There’s not a lot of empty wall space left in my room except for behind my bed. I was hoping to find or make a cool headboard, but I don’t see that happening anytime soon. So instead I got this awesome flag poster (it’s fabric-like) of Sailor Moon from Hot Topic!
And have you heard the news about Sailor Moon? You can watch it on Hulu now!!

There is a fancy schmancy local magazine called D Magazine that took photos of several cosplayers at Dallas Fan Days last October. They released it this month to help spread the word about the Dallas Comic Con. It blew my mind to see my Legolas is in this! I am so honored!

And here is a sleepy Pixie having happy kitty dreams! 🙂
What has made you happy lately?

Monday, February 10, 2014

Happy Things #21

I just got back from Sci Fi Expo so I’ll be working on that post soon. For now here are lots of happy things to share with you! (Click on the photos to see them bigger.)
I have been working on decorating my room since I moved. Here is my makeup desk! I painted this myself and was using this in my salon. The moon mirror is from my room growing up that my parents thankfully kept. I love it!
I also love this colorful corner next to my bed. I think I might mount some shelves on that wall where the bulletin board is so I can put more toys and stuffed animals out. 😛

I am really late posting this but here’s a glimpse at some of the fun things I got for Christmas. 

I found this Shredder Funko Pop! toy at the bookstore while at the mall. I would love to have all the turtles some day, too! 

My hair is ridiculously thick and since I’ve been growing it out it’s really getting out of hand. I don’t think I’m ready to cut it yet so instead I bought some scrunchies to pull it up! These are so comfy to sleep in and add a pop of color to your outfit.

My mom taught me how to crochet when I was young, but I couldn’t find my crochet hook. So the other day I bought a new one and got some yarn! I learned how to make a flower from this YouTube video and attached a hair clip to the back. These Disney Princess inspired flowers and starfish rings are listed in my Etsy store

It was about this time last year that my dad and I began planning our trip to Disney World. So I think that’s why I am on such a Disney kick right now. We probably won’t be going back this year, so instead I am decking myself out in Disney gear. I got these awesome Little Mermaid leggings at Target for only $15! I even bought the movie on Blu-Ray and have already watched it twice.

When I found out one of my favorite tattoo artists Matt Van Cura was in town I knew I had to get something from him before he left. A couple years ago he tattooed my Harry Potter themed tattoo. It’s one of my absolute favorites. So I knew I could trust him to do an awesome job again. I got Ariel on my leg and am blown away by how amazing she came out. I love her so much!

This fun photo was taken at my friend Krystle Starr’s house. She and her fiancé needed some people to help film a video for All-Con. I had so much fun dancing and being goofy with all my friends! I went back a couple days later dressed as Ramona Flowers to film some more. You can watch the video here

My dad got tickets to a Dallas Stars hockey game for Christmas! I was so excited to go with him. We had pretty great seats and ate a ton of food. We were even featured on the big screen for a few seconds! I was happy the Stars won that night, too! 
Pixie has been just as silly as ever. I love her so much =^.^=
The second picture is an app called Comic Touch 2.0. Maybe I’ll make a Pixie comic series!
What has made you happy lately? 🙂

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OMGLITZY: avengers

Showing posts with label avengers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label avengers. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Tutorial: Thor Cosplay

Photo by April Miller
For the Dallas Comic Con this year, I was asked to be in a Marvel vs Capcom group! I chose to make a Thor cosplay because he's one of my favorite superheroes, and I really like his new design. At first I had a hard time deciding how to tackle this. After brainstorming for several weeks I finally figured out a pretty easy way to make the outfit. I hope this tutorial helps anyone that may be interested in cosplaying as Thor!!

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Showing posts with label shop. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shop. Show all posts

Monday, March 28, 2016

I opened a new store! Shop my closet!

The last several days I have been cleaning my room in preparation for my move to Houston! In the process, I found some nice items in my closet that are either gently or never been used. I decided to open a shop on Storenvy so I can raise some money for my move. All sales are US only and shipping is only $4 (and $1.00 for any additional item.) Right now I have a lot of purses and necklaces from brands like Betsey Johnson, Juicy Couture and Tarina Tarantino. I also have my My Little Pony blind bag collection listed and some really cool metal tin comics. This is also a chance to grab one of my cosplay prints since I found a folder with a few left over from my when I had an Etsy store. I hope you see something you like and if not please share it with your friends that might be interested!
Thanks and hugs!

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OMGLITZY: conventions

Showing posts with label conventions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label conventions. Show all posts

Monday, February 9, 2015

PAX South 2015

Since my first visit to PAX Prime several years ago, I have been anxiously awaiting my next chance to attend another PAX convention. When they announced a new location to their schedule here in my home state of Texas I couldn’t contain my excitement! I bought tickets as soon as they became available and counted down the days until the con.
It’s now been a few weeks since my visit to PAX South in San Antonio, but looking through my photos have brought back all the wonderful memories. I went to Prime by myself so I was really happy to go to South with my family. We are all first and foremost gamers. My mom and brother especially! So it was super special to be able and share this convention with them and nerd out over all the games and merchandise.
After the 5 hour trip from Dallas to San Antonio, we checked in to our hotel and walked next door to the convention center. To me that is one of the best things about PAX conventions is how they place the events in large centers around great hotels and fantastic night life. We headed straight in and to the Nintendo booth to try and grab a paper Majora’s mask souvenir. It was already gone for the day, but we did manage to get one the next morning!
Another great thing about PAX is the chance to try out new and upcoming games. My mom and I played the demo for Dungeon Defenders II and loved it! It was really colorful and interactive. I was so proud of my mom for trying out a PC game. She’s usually into console gaming. We were on easy mode but still enjoyed the gameplay and features. Plus we got a code for an early release and also a limited edition pin.
That evening we explored the rest of the convention center and checked out the Magic: The Gathering tournaments as well as some panels. I was excited to see my friend Mia Moore at the Women in Geek Media Panel!
The next morning I woke up really really early to get in line for the Guild Wars 2 panel. They weren’t letting people in the doors until 8am so my dad and I got there around 7:15am. There was already a line outside the building but once we got inside most everyone went a different direction than the main theater where the panel was to be held. So me and my dad and the two guys in front of us went straight to that queue and began our 2 hour wait until the panel started. Lucky for us we were awarded a Corsair Gaming Mouse for being one of the first 5 people there. I also got to meet two of Arena Net’s marketing team members and also cosplayer Sarah Cain who was dressed as a Guild Wars 2 character. The best part was seeing my face on the live Twitch stream. I was seated close to the front and in the center and my white hoodie and pink hair showed up nicely in the sea of black shirts. (See top right photo; I’m above his shoulder.) You can watch the stream here.
We spent the rest of the day collecting street passes on our Nintendo 3DS and then exploring some of San Antonio. My family and I ate at a great Mexican restaurant on the River Walk. Even though it was chilly it was just nice enough to be able to eat outside. Then we walked along the rest of the River Walk and found the The Alamo. I visited this once when I was very little but sadly don’t remember it. (How dare I not remember The Alamo!!) So I was very very excited to make up for it and take in all the history of this monument.
One of the best things about a PAX convention is all the free swag! I came home with SO many goodies! I bought a few of the collectable pins and adorable books they had and also a sticker sheet and patch. But literally everything else was free! I got Magic: The Gathering cards, the Majora’s Mask, lanyards, several coupon codes for online stores, and best of all a Guild Wars 2 Heart of Thorns shirt and pin!
This was a very memorable trip and one I am happy to have spent with my family. I am looking forward to PAX South growing and becoming bigger and better next year.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Dallas Fan Days 2014

This past weekend was the October edition of Dallas Comic Con! It was originally called "Fan Days" but I just learned that they will be renaming their 3 conventions. (If you're curious – February's will be Fan Days, May's will be Dallas Fan Expo, and October's will be Dallas Comic Con) But anyway I will probably still refer to this one as Fan Days for now 😀
They had announced early on that Elijah Wood and the Phelps twins from Harry Potter would be attending! I immediately bought a premium badge because I knew I would want to meet them. They also announced Alex Kingston (Doctor Who), Dave Bautista (Guardians of the Galaxy), and Burt Ward and Adam West (Batman and Robin) but they all sadly had to cancel. There were still several other great guests from Indian Jones and The Goonies as well as some big named comic book artists. I am totally blaming the Ebola scare that happened in Dallas this month for the cancellations. Thankfully I think it's all under control now!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Anime Fest 2014

This was my second year to attend Anime Fest. The first time was in 2012 (you can view the posts here and here.) This is a very fun convention because it's similar to AKon but just a little smaller in size. I can tell it's still grown since my first visit, though. The hotel it is at is one of my favorites in Dallas – the Sheraton. I love the layout and location. Anime Fest had many guests in attendance including the band FLOW as well as several voice actors and game developers. The other best part of this con are the fan-run panels. I was happy to provide some prizes for the Disney Panel which is always a very popular one to attend!

Friday, September 5, 2014

The Vampire Diaries: Dallas Convention 2014

Last year I had attended Creation Entertainment’s Vampire Diaries Convention and had one of the best times! (You can read about it here.) These cons are a little pricey but smaller in size and run incredibly professionally. It’s a lot more intimate setting and a better chance to see/hear/meet the guests. However, Paul Wesley canceled last year, and I was super bummed because I had already met Ian Somerhalder before. So I decided to go again to try and get Stefan’s autograph added to my poster!
I wore the shirt I bought at last year’s con along with my Salvortore ring.
The convention was held at a nice hotel and had these cute standees in the dealer’s room. Since I didn’t pay for a photo op with the fellas I decided this selfie was good enough.
There was some great Vampire Diaries merch for sale including t shirts, mugs, stickers, jewelry and hats. I didn’t buy anything this time since I already have 2 shirts and a hoodie … and tons of jewelry :p
I found my seat in the panel room to watch the trivia contest and auction then saw my face on the screen!!! If you used the hashtag TVDDallas on Instagram they were posting the pics of fans on the screens! How cool is that!
The guest list was great but most were only coming on specific days. Since I was only attending on Saturday I got to see Stefan and Damon and Haley (Phoebe Tonkin). Haley was a werewolf on VD and also on The Originals. I was bummed that I couldn’t meet Michael Trevino (who played Tyler Lockwood) because he was only attending Sunday. Oh well.
And here is Stefan and Damon!! I was so excited to finally see Paul Wesley! He was hilarious!! His character on VD is so serious all the time that it was a nice treat to see him more relaxed and make jokes. Ian Somerhalder was his usual “I’m so hot” self that he was kinda annoying to be honest. But the two together were great because they called each other “brother” and really seemed like good friends.
I couldn’t take any pictures while getting Paul Wesley’s autograph, but he was super super super super cute. Oh my god. He was so handsome!! When it was almost my turn I asked the lady in front of me if I looked okay then tried to remember to breath normally. I got to the table and he started signing my poster and I said how it was so nice to finally meet him since I missed him last year. He shook my hand and said thank you then I told him good luck at the Teen Choice Awards (which were the next day). Then I asked if I could shake it his hand one more time and he laughed and said sure. 😀 😀 😀
The Vampire Diaries will always be one of the favorite TV shows, and I think it’s the neatest thing that I’ve had the opportunity to meet several of the cast members. I only need Tyler, Alaric, Jenna, and Elena’s autograph to have my poster finished.
Are you Team Damon or Team Stefan?

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

North Texas Comic Book Show: July 2014

When I was asked to attend the North Texas Comic Book Show as a cosplay guest, I couldn’t have been more excited! I attended this event in January (you can read about it here) and loved the smaller size and feel. They have two large rooms full of comic artists, vintage toy sellers and other cosplayers. 
When I arrived I saw my face on this giant poster and said WOW out loud 😛 This is also the convention I debuted my Steampunk Princess Leia cosplay. I couldn’t have done this costume without the amazing corset from Corset Story. You can read my tutorial for this costume here.

I brought along several prints and accessories to sell. A few of these are still available in my Etsy store.
I was happy to see quite a few of my friends in attendance. Here’s my good friend and fellow blogger My Geeky Geeky Ways!
Photo by My Geeky Geeky Ways
I even hosted a panel! I’ve been a panel guest one other time (at Animation Celebration) but I was joined then by 4 other girls. So I was really nervous to talk by myself this time. The topic was about basic cosplay construction. I made note cards and listed out the steps I go through to determine how to pick a character, what materials I’ll need and work well, and the best places I’ve learned to find them. The crowd was small but still had at least 20 people there! I loved that I knew most everyone and they all joined in the discussion. 🙂

I held a drawing to win a giant Spider-Man 2 poster and my friend Mindy of The Geeky Seamstress won it!

I also had some Punisher posters and my friends Jesse and Ricardo won them! Jesse’s PikaPool was great!

Courtney wore her Azula cosplay and brought along her fireball. I was excited to see this in person since I missed her at Comic Con!
Photo by Trevor Jaro Chambers
I helped out as a judge for the cosplay contest, too! This was so much fun and, all the contestants did a great job!
The next North Texas Comic Book Show is in November. 
Be sure to check it out because it’s awesome!!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

ScrewAttack Gaming Convention 2014

This year the ScrewAttack Gaming Convention was held at my favorite downtown hotel – The Sheraton Dallas. This is a smaller gaming convention that still packs a lot of punch. It’s guest list included Smooth McGroove, The Angry Video Game Nerd, the creator of Nyan Cat – Chris Torres, and the co-creator of Mega Man – Keiji Inafune. 

I wore my Annie cosplay from League of Legends. After picking up my badge I immediately ran into another Annie, too! (You can read my tutorial for this cosplay here.)

There was also a lot of fun things for sale like shirts and apparel, Nintendo plushies, and vintage games.

In the open area you could play arcade games for free.

My favorite part is the console room where you can play against your friends and watch tournaments. 

I loved this Sylveon cosplay!

Don’t mess with the Khaleesi.
These two girls were from Gears of War and looked amazing!

This was my second year to attend SGC. You can read about last year here. It was fun wearing my Annie cosplay again and seeing the convention grow. Gaming conventions are fun because I pick up so many Street Passes on my Nintendo 3DS! 😀

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Dallas Comic Con 2014

My favorite convention of the year is the Dallas Comic Con. It's one of the largest in Texas, and I always look forward to seeing my friends here. The convention was held at a larger venue for the first time, too. This had its pros and cons. It was nice not having to wait in line outside in the heat. It also meant the lines inside were managed better since it was mostly all on one floor. At the old convention center, people were getting stuck on the *single* escalator and missing panels because they couldn't get upstairs!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Animation Celebration 2014

Animation Celebration was a 3 day convention in Lewisville, Tx where I was invited to be a guest! I made several wizard wands, starfish necklaces and ordered extra prints to sell at my table. Last year it was called Brony Fest, but this time they expanded their genre a bit to include some great names like Kevin Conroy (the voice of Batman), Steve Cardenas (the Red Power Ranger), and cosplay guests Nicole Marie Jean and Destiny Nickelson.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

G33K3: The Con

G33K3 (pronounced “geeky”) was a new convention in McKinney, Tx. It was quite a bit smaller than others, but that’s great because it was only $10 to get in! Although it was a 3 day convention, I only went on Saturday. I still had a really fun time!
I decided not to wear a costume, but that gave me the chance to wear some fun clothes for a change.
Batman shirt – ThinkGeek
Batman leggings – Hot Topic
Black skater skirt – Wet Seal
Pink checkered shoes – Vans
Legend of Zelda earrings – Ragin’ Gauges
When I walked in I was shocked by how many vendors were there!
The selection of items was incredible.

I was excited to see my friend Long Le with a table full of his handmade D20s!

Another booth had these amazing trinkets for sale.

My friend Geline hosted an armor making panel, too. It was SO informative! I learned a lot about Worbla and craft foam.

Several people were in cosplay, including my friend Enasni Volz. She also had handmade charms for sale at her table.

Fangirls: Dames of the Round Table is an all female video cast you can watch on Sundays on Deep Ellum Air. I enjoyed seeing Taylor and Natalie at their table!
Photo credit: Cosplay With Me
This photo was taken by Cosplay With Me of Morgan as Rapunzel and Krystle Starr as the Pink Panther! I wanted to share how cute their costumes were!
I hope this convention happens again next year because it was very well run. If they would advertise a little bit more then I imagine more and more people will come out!
Do you prefer bigger or smaller conventions?

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OMGLITZY: make up

Showing posts with label make up. Show all posts
Showing posts with label make up. Show all posts

Monday, August 1, 2016

Tutorial: DIY Rainbow Highlighter

Have you dreamed of becoming a unicorn princess? Well then this tutorial is for you! No unicorn princess is complete without a prism of rainbows shimmering across their cheeks!
I first saw the rainbow highlighter craze on Instagram when Bitter Lace Beauty first launched their product. Their small independent business exploded overnight. The original product now has a 9-10 month preorder! Due to the long wait, many people came up with a "DIY" version that you can create at home. I followed several guides to see if I could make my own and took some pics of my process! Hope you enjoy!

Monday, December 1, 2014

Texas Renaissance Festival: All Hallows Eve

This year I attended the Texas Renaissance Festival for the second time! TRF is one of the largest festivals around with numerous vendors, performances, food and people to watch! I went on the weekend with the theme "All Hallows Eve" which was the right before Halloween. So many people came out in costumes of all kind. I decided to dress up as a fairy! I made the jacket and flower crown myself, and my tutu was purchased at a convention. I was most excited to show off my fabulous corset from Corset Story, too. The wig I wore was a Luthien in Warm Light Brown from Arda Wigs. I wore this for my Princess Anna cosplay and decided to leave in the blonde streak just for fun!

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Pinterest Favs #4

Here are a few of my favorite pins from my Pinterest board recently.

This Merida cosplay by Diomira Keane is so beautiful!
I really love this shade of blue! And that cut is super rad!
I totally had all these Barbie toys from McDonald’s Happy Meals! It would be fun to try and collect them again.
Shourei is an artist that has done several cosplays, makeups and illustrations, and I am so happy to have discovered her through this photo on Pinterest. A faun makeup would be really fun to try for Halloween!
This Disney anime gal by Cartoongirl7 is adorable!
Mario Kart 8 will be getting several new characters and tracks to play! I can’t wait to race with Isabelle, Link and Cat Peach! The first pack comes out this November.
You can follow my Pinterest boards here! Be sure to share yours in the comments below 🙂

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Share Your Blog or Fav Blogs

“Nrrrd Grrrl” by Jessica Grundy – available on Etsy
Hi friends! This is kind of a different post than usual. I am hoping some of y’all can help me with updating my blog reading list!
Since I got a new computer, my bookmarks got messed up 🙁 So here’s your chance to post your own blog or one you like to read a lot!
These are a few of my interests:
Cosplay, comic cons, fashion, makeup, hair dye, cats, gaming, fantasy (elves, fairies, magic), book reviews, kawaii, DIY
What I’d really like to start reading more of:
*Disney – any bloggers that might live in Florida or California and have annual passes and post about their daily trips! Also, Disney inspired outfits and cosplays.
*Easy recipes – I’m trying to cook more often, but need lots of guidance. Any *really* simple cooking blogs for beginners would be great.
Even if your blog doesn’t fall into any of those categories, please post in the comments! I’d love to branch out more.
I’ve been trying to google search new blogs, but all I come up with are big named blogs with lots of ads. Thanks for your help, and I can’t wait to see what y’all post 🙂
~Glitzy Geek Girl~

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Sailor Moon Fan Picks and Party Ideas

Naoko Takeuchi, Toei Animation / Via
Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Crystal starts this weekend and the buzz is sure growing! I can’t believe it’s already the 20th anniversary and almost the premiere of the new show! The slightly different character designs took a little bit of time for me to get used to, but after seeing our gal in action in the official trailer, I am definitely impressed with the manga look and feel. So to help prepare you for a Sailor Moon filled week, I’ve put together some of my favorite magical girl items and party ideas!
Brush up on your Sailor Moon knowledge by reading the story that started it all. The first volume in the manga series is only $8 at Barnes and Noble or you can grab the box set for $46.

Hot Topic has a great selection of Sailor Moon t-shirts, plushies, keychains and posters. I have this large fabric poster in my room, and I’m dying over this cute rubber bracelet.

I’ve personally ordered from Kuma Crafts and let me tell you this jewelry is so lovely you’ll want one of every style! It’s very high quality, packaged well, and shipped fast. Even though it says “pre-order” on the site, the jewelry is made quickly after you purchase it and ready for you to wear in no time.
Crissy of the Dainty Fawn has some beautiful slouchy crocheted Sailor Moon hats available in her Etsy store! I’ve had my eye on the Sailor Chibi Moon hat – it’s SO cute!
I purchased the new Moon Stick by Bandai Proplica while I was at AKon this year! You can get it here on Amazon with free shipping, too. It’s beautiful and something every magical girl needs! has an easy step by step guide for making Sailor Moon Waffles! I think this may be the greatest thing I’ve found on the internet, and I can’t wait to try making these.
And while you tune into Sailor Moon Crystal why not transform yourself, too? Michelle Phan, a YouTuber and makeup guru, has a great video tutorial for all Moonies to help us become our favorite heroine.
I’m so excited to watch the reboot this weekend! You can find out more info on the show here.
Will you be watching the new Sailor Moon?
Do you have any favorite Sailor Moon merch or party ideas?
Share with me in the comments below! 🙂

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Halloween 2013 – Saw Doll Makeup

For Halloween this year I decided to do my makeup like the doll from the horror movie Saw! I actually wanted to do this makeup for a long time and almost did this for Dallas Fan Days. This was my first time ever trying it, and I think it came out pretty good! I basically followed the steps found in this YouTube video. I didn’t have red contacts so my eyes are photoshopped in this first photo 🙂
Here’s how I did my makeup!
Start out with a blank canvas.

First, I used my white color stick by MAC and dabbed it all over like you do concealer or foundation. Then I used a big brush to blend it all over my face. This made it kind of sheer and looked more natural than Halloween face paint.

I kinda forgot to take step by step pictures after that. But next I did my eyes. I just put on a lot of eyeliner and used an eyeshadow brush to apply lots of black and grey shadow.

I also added some contour lines from my eyebrows down the side of my nose. Don’t make these lines too thick!! A little is good! Then I used my red eyeshadow to make the swirls on my cheeks and my black eyeliner for the lines on my chin. The red shadow is also what I used on my lips since I couldn’t find any red lipstick. 
Next, I teased my hair with my teasing comb until it looked like a birds nest 😛 Then I hairsprayed it into place. You want it to be messy so don’t try too hard here 🙂
Finally, wear all black with a white collared shirt and add your red bow tie! I didn’t have a black blazer so I just wore one of my zip up jackets. The bow tie is a hair bow I’ve had since I was little that I safety pinned on. And I got my spider web tights from Target 🙂

I will stab you with my bread knife! 

My mom and dad gave my Kit Kats and Reese’s for Halloween! These are my favorite candies 🙂

That evening we went to the mall to get 50 cent corn dogs from Sonic.

I got a lot of compliments on my makeup! I’m sure I spooked a few kids, too.

Want to play a game? Ha ha ha ha haaaa
We spotted this section at Barnes & Noble!

And then we got cupcakes to end the night!
Hope everyone had a Happy Halloween!
What did you dress up as?

Friday, June 28, 2013

Pinterest Favs

Here are a few of my favorite pins/likes I’ve added to my Pinterest recently! Anyone else have a Pinterest board? I am totally addicted to it! It’s so handy and is such a great way to organize things.
I loved this idea! It’s Sailor Moon Link!
And this is kinda Sailor Moon-ish, too. I want to rock some hair buns! 
This is Kat Von D .. I think she made mixing up your eyeshadows look pretty cool.

Loved this print by Simone Legno! They are kinda pricey, but I might just have to order one someday. 
Does this dress remind anyone else of Rainbow Dash’s Gala dress? I love it!

And finally, these just made my mouth water! I’ve recently discovered that I love avocados! And these avocado egg rolls with creamy cilantro ranch dip would be great for a movie night. Here’s the recipe!
Post your Pinterest link in a comment so I can follow!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Makeup Tutorial: Wonder Woman Inspired

Late one night I had a burst of energy to do my makeup. No place to go – just wanted to try something new. So I felt inspired to use themes from superheroes. I decided to start with Wonder Woman!
This is a simple tutorial on how to create a look based on Wonder Woman’s colors. 
I plan to do more makeup looks inspired by other superheroes and comic books, too!
For the eyes I used the edge of a kleenex to make the blue a straight wing. Then I added the red and finally the gold. After that I went back with white eyeshadow to blend the edges of those 3 main colors. Add some eyeliner, mascara, and glitter and you’re done!
Since I did this randomly at night I didn’t fix up my hair. But to channel Wonder Woman try using rollers or a large barrel curling iron to get a voluminous look.
For my lips I used a reddish gloss as a base. Then I lined them with my red eyeshadow using a skinny brush and dabbed on gold eyeshadow in the center with my a finger. The eyeshadows stick to the gloss great.. just be sure to blend well.

Here’s a peek at what I used. The gold, blue, and white shadows were by Kat Von D and the red was MAC’s loose pigment. The gloss was by Urban Decay and the glitter liner is Sephora brand. I did my skin with my basic routine found in this tutorial except I added more gold to my cheeks here.
I would love to spend more time recreating this look again. And get proper photos, too. But I was pleased with my first attempt at it!
Has a superhero ever inspired your makeup or outfit?
Who would you like me to make a tutorial for next?

Thursday, February 21, 2013

9 Easy Steps for Everyday Makeup

I’ve been wanting to do a makeup tutorial for a long time, but it’s kinda hard to photograph each step on your own! Someday I would love to make a video tutorial. For now I have done my best to show you how to do an easy, everyday look! This is a glitzy post so sorry fellas for the lack of geekiness. There might be a few of you that enjoy it 😛
What I used:
Almay Clear Complexion
MAC Concealer Stick
PUR Minerals Powder and Brush
Too Faced Bronzer and Blush Brush
Naked Eyeshadow Palette by Urban Decay
Pencil Eyeliner by Kat Von D
Great Lash Mascara by Maybelline
Lip Lites by Bonne Bell

Step 1 – Foundation: I use Almay Clear Complexion because it helps heal blemishes. Use a makeup sponge instead of your fingers to apply evenly to entire face. 
Step 2 – Concealer: Put a little concealer on problem areas. For me I use it under my eyes and on any blemishes.

Step 3 – Powder: I love PUR Minerals Powder because it is lightweight on my skin. It goes on smoothly and helps prevent shine.
Step 4 – Blush: I had been mixing brown and pink blushes together until I found this bronzer by Too Faced. It works great on your entire face or you can focus it directly to your cheeks.

Step 4 (cont) – Blush: It’s important to note that you want to apply blush below your cheek bone. Its purpose is to create a shadow that chisels your face. This will give the illusion of a slimmer facial structure and make your cheek bones pop!

Step 5 – Eyeshadow: This may be the most difficult step for some. So keep it simple! I like Urban Decay’s Naked Palette because it has a matte finish. This will look more natural in person and will also photograph lovely! I used the medium brown in the crease of my eye and the light cream on the lid and under the eyebrow for highlights. Be sure to blend well!

Step 6 – Eyebrows: Using a blunt eyeshadow brush and the dark brown from the Naked Palette, carefully brush on some pigment to your brows. Don’t go overboard – you just want to add some fullness.

Step 7 – Eyeliner: I like my eyeliner dark and somewhat thick. So I applied mine to the lower waterline as well as the lash line. I go to a slight angle on the upper side – not quite a cat eye but it gives the illusion that your eyelashes are longer. Then using my blunt eyeshadow brush, I smudge it some for a smokier look.

Step 8 – Mascara: One coat of Great Lash Mascara is all you need for an everyday look. For a night out try an eyelash curler and multiple coats of mascara. I only apply it to my top lashes because I always end up with black spots if I do the bottom lashes.
Step 9 – Lip Gloss: This is my favorite step! I think a shiny lip ties the whole look together. I get chapped lips all the time so I use a gloss instead of lipstick. And I like lighter tones for my lip since I do a darker eye.

Before and After!
With a little makeup my skin looks smooth and my eyes stand out more. Since I am in the process of bleaching my hair it’s important to add some color to my face. This look is easy, quick (about 10 mins) and keeps me from looking like a zombie!

How many steps are in your daily makeup routine?
Do you have a favorite brand of makeup?
Any tips you want to share?

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Showing posts with label salon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label salon. Show all posts

Friday, July 18, 2014

Healthy Hair Color Tips: Bleaching and Funky Colors

A question I am asked a lot is “How do you keep your hair so healthy?” Well let me first admit that my hair has been through a lot! But being a hairstylist that’s quite normal. We love to change our hair color often! It can take a toll on the strength and integrity of your hair strands. So over the years I’ve figured out what works best for *my* hair. I’m hoping this post will help others that might need some hair care advice, but remember everyone’s hair is different. I’ve been doing hair professionally since 2007, and I’ve seen firsthand the effects various dyes and products can do on hair. So definitely talk to your stylist for a professional opinion because they will know best!
For my own hair, I bleach the new growth (roots) with Wella’s Blondor and 40 volume developer. If I need to strip the color out of the ends of my hair I will use a lower volume that is not as strong. 40 volume on the ends of your hair is a bad idea! Sometimes I’ll wet my ends and shampoo it lightly then lather in some 40 vol bleach. That dilutes it a little and won’t be as harsh on your hair.
I typically let bleach sit on my hair for about 30 minutes under a shower cap. If you plan on doing a bright, funky color then you need your hair as light as possible and may need to sit longer. The best way to explain this is to picture a white piece of paper and different color crayons. The colors will be bright on the white paper, but if you took a darker piece of paper the colors won’t be as vibrant.
Once my hair is light enough, I rinse the bleach out with cold water (yes cold cold) and shampoo it with It’s A 10 Keratin shampoo. When coloring, I don’t use conditioner afterwards. This way my hair is more porous and the funky color will last longer.
Then I gently blowdry my hair until it’s completely dry and plan what color I want to do next. Lately I’ve been doing pastels. To make a pastel dye I squeeze a bunch of conditioner into a bowl. (I use any cheap conditioner since I use a lot of it. Just make sure it’s white. I used a blue one once and it didn’t lighten my dye.) Add some drops of color to your conditioner and stir. If it’s too light then keep adding more color until you like it. Here are some brands of color I use:
When you like the color in your bowl, start putting it on your hair. Always start at your scalp and work down the hair strand. Be sure to take small sections and completely saturate the hair. Funky colors will last longer if you really soak the hair in it. Then I put on another shower cap and let it sit for at least an hour. The longer the better! Most funky colors are demi-permanent, which means they don’t have any ammonia in them. They are not as harmful to your hair. Plus most of your concoction is conditioner and letting it sit on your hair for 1 hour+ is awesome. Your hair is so happy right now.
Once it’s time to rinse I use cold cold water again and let it run until it looks clear in the sink. I don’t shampoo or add any more conditioner to it. I just gently towel dry it and then let it air dry quite bit.
When I’m ready to blow dry I first add a quarter size amount of It’s A 10 Keratin Serum. The keratin helps rebuild the strength in your hair after the bleaching. Then I blow dry with a vent brush and flat iron as normal. After that I add another dime size amount of It’s A 10 Keratin Serum to give it a smooth and shiny finish.
It’s important not to shampoo your hair too often. I probably only wash my hair once a week. The natural oils in your hair are great moisturizers for dryness. I swear I am not endorsed by It’s A 10, but it’s also what I shampoo and condition with in-between coloring! I used a lot of products at the salon I worked at, and it’s the one I liked most. A more affordable alternative is the TRESemme Anti-Breakage collection. I’ve witnessed it work very well!
Finally, be sure to get regular trims to take care of any dead-ends, and try to avoid too much sun damage which can fade hair color and dry it out.
I hope this was helpful! Let me know! 🙂
What type of hair products do you love?
Have you ever colored your hair before?

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Happy Things #14

I have been so busy lately and so many things have made me happy! I had to delete a few because I had so many pics in this post!

This is my salon Hair by Anna Lee. I decided to get that cute black and white zig zag bench for my salon and move the bulky shelf to another wall. I love having more seating for my clients.

Speaking of hair.. I bleached mine again the other day and toned it with some purple conditioner. It is looking very platinum!

My kitty Pixie had to have surgery on her front paws. You can read about her injuries here. We went ahead with the surgery because she just wasn’t healing on her own. But now she will be a happy kitty!

I am addicted to the mystery bags of My Little Pony. You never know which one you’ll get so I buy a bag any time I see them. I was SO HAPPY to find Barber Groomsby this time!! He has a scissor and comb cutie mark and barber pole colored bow tie. I put him on my station at my salon! So perfect!
Kat Von D released this new palette called Lady Bird .. It’s a matte set and I am in loveeee with it.
Recently Groupon had comic book headphones on sale for only $8. I got the Green Lantern for my mom and the Flash for me. This was my first time buying anything from Groupon and they arrived very quickly!
Last night I saw Jimmy Buffet in concert! And on my way back to the car I found this coconut bra on the ground. No one was around to claim so I figured it was meant for me 😛  Now my mannequin is in Margaritaville.
There was an update on EverQuest 2 with some new content added. This is the boss Volot in the Siren’s Grotto. He is hilarious.. he’ll summon a million little frogs to attack you. I won, of course. 😉
I’ve been on a search for macarons for awhile and never found any in town. I finally got to try some in Houston once. But the other day at the mall I saw this little kiosk that had cake balls and french macarons! I just squealed!! The raspberry one was delicious!
And finally, here’s an update on my Fiona cosplay. I made the ears and finished the axe!! I decided to remake the shirt because the first one was really uncomfortable. I think I am just about done with it and hope to get some finished photos soon.
Anything make you squeal with happiness in your life lately?

Saturday, August 11, 2012

My own salon!

So I recently began working for myself as a hairstylist. We’ve only been open for a week and the salon already looks great. It’s still a work in progress, but it’s starting to come together and feel like home!
Move in day!
Trenette’s, Tiffany’s, and my station

 A few days ago, my friend Kevin drove all the way from Austin to get his haircut! I am so glad he was able to visit the new salon. His hair looked awesome!

After his haircut, we adventured around downtown Dallas and tried a crepe for the first time. It was also my first time to try bubble tea. A strange drink but tasty!

I’ve definitely enjoyed the start of this new chapter in my career, and I am so thankful to have supportive friends and family!

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Sunday, December 30, 2012

Ikkicon 2012

Literally just got back from my road trip to Austin, TX for Ikkicon and was so excited about it that I just had to blog right away! It was very unplanned and spur of the moment so I didn’t have time to make a new cosplay. This was my first time to Ikkicon and although the size of the venue (like the dealer’s room and the panels) was smaller the amount of people was tremendous! As soon as I walked into the lobby I was blown away by how many people were dressed up in cosplay. Everyone had a wig on or ears or SOMETHING! It was so cool to see! I was most excited to meet up with several friends like Eric (we’ve been friends since high school!) and his girlfriend Marianne, Mia Moore who is my new BBFF (best blogger friend forever), Jonathan (who I met at AnimeFest), and Payton (also from AnimeFest and Fan Days) … So check out the pics and enjoy the anime overload!

Mia as Ramona Flowers & me as Rainbow Dash
My favorite part was the gaming room.

Jonathan as Doctor Whooves

Steampunk Mr. Freeze and Poison Ivy
1st Place winners of the cosplay contest
From the movie 9
I think he won Best in Show in the cosplay contest.

Marianne as Seras Victoria from Hellsing

Payton as Dark Zelda.. And that was a great Link but I don’t know his name

What’s better than one Rainbow Dash? Two!

Jack Skellington and Zero
Sunday I decided to dress up as a Sailor Moon fan 😉
This was the swag I picked up.. Luna and Artemis plushes, some cute bows, and a free sticker from Cosplay in America – really cool site and super nice guy!

And this was my view from my hotel room! Austin is pretty cool!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Holiday Wish List

I know it’s kinda late to be posting a holiday wishlist with the world ending tomorrow and Christmas on Tuesday, but I figured it’s better late than never 🙂
Kit Kat Clock from Fred Flare, $54

Mini Starfish Pin from Sparkle Cove, $19
Unicorn Pendant Necklace from Betsey Johnson (sold out now.. doh!)
Legend of Zelda Shield Replica from ThinkGeek, $69.99
Carly Tufted Headboard from Target, $349.99
SmartCat Ultimate Cat Scratching Post from Petsmart, $69.99 (for Pixie of course)
Well those are my more expensive and totally unneeded items on my wish list.
But a girl can dream right!
What are some things on your wish list?

Intergalactic Planetary

Do you ever wake up with a song in your head? Singing or humming a tune that’s super random? I always wonder if it’s some sign that it MUST be the first song I listen to or something bad will happen. I mean why else would “Intergalactic” by the Beastie Boys be on my mind? So I googled the lyrics and put it first on my playlist.  Interesting and cute song 😛

“If you try to knock me you’ll get mocked
I’ll stir fry you in my wok
Your knees’ll start shaking and your fingers pop
Like a pinch on the neck of Mr. Spock”

So anyone doing something fun before the end of the world tomorrow?
I am booked all evening at the salon so my clients can go out in style! 😀

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Pink Shelves & Hobby Lobby Brackets

As you saw in my previous post about my new salon, I have some bright pink shelves up on the wall!
Here’s a quick little tutorial on how I made them. 🙂
This was a fun and sorta easy project if you have time to make shelves from scratch! I have seen this project on Pinterest and also saw my friend make some. I say “sorta easy” because it was a little hard to screw the brackets into the wall and make sure everything was level. But other than that it was a breeze!
I got these brackets at Hobby Lobby for only $6.99. 
Sometimes you can catch them 50%, too!
I also got some screws from Lowe’s. I got two different sizes.. Smaller ones for going into the board and longer ones to go into the wall.
We later had to use an anchor in the wall to make sure they were secure.
I used a poplar board from Lowe’s.. You can get different lengths.
And sand it first before you paint it.

I bought paint from Hobby Lobby appropriately named “Party Pink” for $5.99.
Use a satin varnish for a beautiful shine.

A finished board! Be sure to do both sides since you will see the underneath.
I was so nervous Pixie was going to jump on the boards. Then we’d have little pink paw prints everywhere. Wait.. that would have been kinda cute! 😀

After trying it both ways, it was easier to screw the brackets into the board first and then the wall.

Tada! What do you think? I sure love my new shelves! I am thinking about making a long one to go over my bed since I can’t find a good headboard. Have you ever made something totally from scratch?

Monday, December 17, 2012

Hair by Anna Lee

As some of you may know – I do hair! I was rooming with some friends for awhile but a month or so ago I got my own salon room! It’s a huge accomplishment, and I am so proud to have my own business. Decorating the room was a lot of fun, and I have another post about how I made the pink shelves with the brackets on the wall. I am so thankful my clients have followed me to my new salon. So if you need your hair done and you live around the Dallas area come see me!
You can “Like” me on Facebook, too!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Review: Denny’s The Hobbit Menu!

In honor of The Hobbit being released this week and with inspiration from GeekyGlamorous's post, I decided to give the special Hobbit menu at Denny's a try!

I was pretty excited about this and was quoting LoTR to my dad on the way. He had no idea what I was talking about, but he was eager to eat some food regardless. 🙂

When we sat down they brought us some samples of the Radagast's Red Velvet Pancake Puppies. And holy cow they were good! We told the waitress we were here just for the Hobbit menu and she laughed and gave us some time to take pics 😛

I eventually decided on the Shire Sausage Skillet with scrambled eggs. My dad ordered the Slam so we could try the Pumpkin Patch Pancakes, Seed Cake French Toast, and Shire Sausage. We were feeling breakfast to say the least!

The food was pretty good.. my sausage wasn't the best but the eggs and veggies were delicious. Dad's french toast was awesome and we just HAD to order some of the Red Velvet Pancake Puppies to take home with us. The coolest part were the free trading cards they give out if you order a Hobbit meal. Our waitress gave us 3 packs!

Click below to see all the photos!!

Monday, December 10, 2012

My 27th Birthday

So last month I turned another year older… I have finally reached that part in my life where I might start lying about my age 😉  .. Oh well!! I still act like a kid so I figured I’d celebrate like one.. My family and I ate at Gatti Town and had pizza! It’s definitely my favorite food ever. Afterwards, we played some games where I won a cute little dinosaur figure. Later, we opened some presents, and I got some Juicy Couture perfume, MLP collection toys, a Betsy Johnson and Kate Spade necklace and the coolest leopard hat! Then for dessert I had a strawberry cupcake. It was such a great birthday!! Thanks to my family for being so awesome 🙂

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Makeup, Fashion, and Art Tutorials

When I am not blogging I am still usually at the computer .. Here’s a few tutorials I’ve found lately that I find cool on the net!
Really cool tutorial by Kandee Johnson for a Betty Boop costume. How cute is this?!
These two girls at Bubble My Licorice have loads of cute posts. They’ve done some hair and DIY fashion tutorials, too. 
I enjoyed watching this video of Miss Leilani Joy draw Ramona Flowers. She gives some great tips on drawing faces. She is such a good artist!
The Dainty Squid shared a neat plant pressing tutorial.. I am a sucker for stopping in my tracks to pick up a pretty or unique leaf. Would be great to save them!
Have you watched or read any good tutorials lately? I made some cute shelves using Hobby Lobby brackets recently that I need to share someday!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Pixie Kitty Photo Spam

I have done a few cool things lately.. Like my birthday, Black Friday shopping, redecorate my salon (again!), see Breaking Dawn 2’s premiere, eat at Denny’s for The Hobbit meals, and paint some craft projects.. But since I don’t have those posts typed up YET…. Here are some cute pics of Pixie!! 🙂
She loves to help during raids on EQ2.. I bet she’s thinking “Kill the add, cancel the detriment, joust!”
(my guildies will understand, hehe)

Just chillin’ 😉

“Sacks make me hyper!”

Pixie and her BFF Rainbow Dash

Big yawn!

These might be my most favorite pics of Pixie! She looks like a prairie dog! She was giving herself a bath and heard something. Haha!
I call this Pixie’s “pink puff” .. She loves to sit by me when I am at the computer, and I found this cute pink cat bed at Petsmart.
Looking so pretty on my bed 🙂

Check out those eyes!! Pascal from Tangled had been hanging out on the back of the couch watching us.

Then Pascal photobombed us!! Promise I didn’t even plan this 😛
GlitzyGeekGirl aka CrazyCatLady

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