OMGLITZY: Loot Crate Unboxing: February 2014

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Loot Crate Unboxing: February 2014

I didn’t make an unboxing video for this Loot Crate box because I wanted to open it right away! A couple of my friends got their boxes a day earlier than me and said my picture was in the magazine inside this month’s box! I wanted to see it for myself so I dived right in!

Real quick – if you don’t know what Loot Crate is it is a subscription box you get once month with geeky gamer goodies. Each month has a different theme and usually comes with stickers, a tshirt, toys or accessories. You never know what to expect which is why they encourage people to film an “unboxing video” so you can witness people’s reactions to the fun stuff inside!

This month’s theme was Warriors!

Here is the magazine that comes in each box. They talk about each of the products you get and other geeky chit chat.

There’s always a Wall of Looters in it, too, which is where my photo was located! If you take a picture with your box and use #LOOTCRATE in the caption on Twitter or Instagram they may use your photo!

Here are some of the items in the box this month. I got a KidRobot figure!

This cute bow tie from Black Tie Geek. Other people got a CatBug colored tie! I’ll probably turn mine into a hair clip.

I want to note that they do ask you what shirt size you’d like to receive when you sign up. So even though you may not get a shirt every time, if you do they will send you the size you request 🙂 I asked for a Men’s Small.
I was most excited for this cinch bag. These are what I like to use as my purse and you can never have too many.

So if you’re interested in signing up for Loot Crate visit their website using my link – because I get rewards if enough people sign up! Here’s a coupon code for $3.00 off a subscription: FEBLOOT
Do you receive Loot Crate boxes?
Did you see my face in the magazine? (lol)


  1. I'm not currently signed up for loot box, but it really does seem fun!

    I like the tshirt and bow!


  2. I can't believe you were in the magazine. That is soo awesome.


  3. Oh man, this looks so good!
    I'm getting tempted to sign up, if I ever do I will be sure to use your link 😀



  4. Everybody showing their LootCrate is really tempting! Maybe next month I'll finally cave and try it out.


  5. I saw your face!!! 🙂
    I was wishing I would have gotten a bot instead of a dunny….but I'll live. 🙂
    I love Loot Crate!


  6. OMG how awesome!!! This is the sort of box I would sign up for.


  7. I got the Catbug bow tie in my loot!! I am tempted to buy a button up so I can wear it as a tie but I've been toying with turning it into a hair bow as well. And I got a different vinyl figure! I need to post my loot!


  8. So awesome you were in the magazine! I use to have a subscription but canceled it when I was still going to school since it got pricey… I think I'll join back up again! I miss the monthly surprises <3


  9. That bow is super-cute! It's so cool that you ended up in the booklet.


  10. GAH! I KNEW I should have asked for the Feb crate!! CatBug tie! So perfect!
    Congrats on being in the zine!


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OMGLITZY: Life Update: Houston, Pixie, and Guild Wars 2!

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Life Update: Houston, Pixie, and Guild Wars 2!

Hey all! I know it’s been too long since I updated! Sorry about that! I think of all these cool posts in my head when I’m not at the computer but when I sit down to type the words don’t seem to flow. I’ve just been busy with real life things lately.
As I have mentioned before, I moved from Dallas to Houston a few months ago. I mostly moved here for family reasons but also because I thought I had some good leads on jobs. Unfortunately it just hasn’t worked out in my favor. I applied at over 20 places and none of them were meant to be. I was at a salon for a little bit but it’s hours did not work with my schedule. I’m spending time now focusing on my family and dealing with some other personal things before I dive back into the job search.
I also found out this week that Pixie is going to need surgery again. She has tooth resorption and last fall she had a serious accident where her top canine broke off due to decay and she developed a fistula. She had most of her teeth extracted except for her two bottom canines and a couple teeth in the back. I’ve been taking her to see a vet about once a month to make sure it doesn’t get worse. When I moved to Houston, the new vet I visited barely looked in her mouth and never called me back. I didn’t want to go back to him so I found a different one this week and really liked her a lot. This vet looked at Pixie’s mouth very closely and decided it would be in Pixie’s best interest to have all her remaining teeth extracted. Things have progressed rather rapidly again. Her gums are very inflamed and seem to be rejecting her bottom canines. The teeth are literally being “pushed up and out of her gums” and are likely to break off soon if not taken care of. It’s also very painful. The good news is she doesn’t have any infections yet since I caught it early this time! Pixie is scheduled to have her surgery this coming Monday, and we are all hopeful that this will finally put an end to her gum issues.
In some other super good awesome news – I got a partnership with Guild Wars 2 and ArenaNet!!! This means if you use my links to buy Heart of Thorns or try the free to play version a small portion will directly support me!! This was a dream come true and has been a complete honor to be a part of. I have been able to meet amazing people in this community and that has honestly been the greatest reward. The game has some very exciting updates coming soon with Living World Season 3 being launched on July 26. So it’s a great time to check it out!
I do plan to eventually apply for a Twitch subscribe button again. My numbers have increased since the last time I applied, but now the problem is I don’t have a set streaming schedule. I don’t really have time to be consistent during the week besides Monday nights. I hope to change this as soon as I can, but of course family needs to come first. So I appreciate everyone that does tune in whenever I am live!
More random things I’ve done lately can be seen on my Instagram or Twitter. I went to the Houston Aquarium for my brother’s birthday, checked out my first Houston comic con – Comicpalooza, saw a Houston Astros baseball game and have actually been getting some exercise with PokemonGo. Dealing with anxiety and stress can be hard but I am thankful for all the good moments I’ve had. 🙂
Thank you all that have kept in touch with me on social media! Hope you have a good week!!


  1. hearts for Pixie!!!
    And yay for Guild Wars!!!


  2. Sorry to hear the job hunt's been rough, and to hear that Pixie's been having issues. Hopefully both will be resolved soon! Congrats on the Guild Wars partnership!


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OMGLITZY: Life starts all over again..

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Life starts all over again..

So far October has been a very busy month! I was booked up solid last week doing hair color after color.. I guess it was just time for everyone to get a touch up done. This week has been a little slower which is good because I had a lot of things to catch up on. I finally finished my Zelda costume and need to start working on a blog post to show each piece of it. I even grabbed another costume for the Renaissance festival this weekend.. I didn’t want to risk getting my Zelda outfit dirty.
Pretty happy that the weather is cooling off. You can get by with wearing a jacket and boots now! This quote from The Great Gatsby feels quite relevant right now 🙂
Another big happy moment is my brother and his wife had their baby! I am now an AUNT. His name is Parker and he’s super cute. It’s funny because we’re all used to taking care of cats and dogs, but now we have a real baby! I still told my bro to “pat him on the head” for me .. Such a cat lady thing to say. 
And now I leave you with Advice From a Tree:
p.s. I am thinking of changing my blog name.. it just doesn’t fit me. Any ideas?

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OMGLITZY: July 2012 Playlist

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

July 2012 Playlist

Each month I create a playlist of songs that I basically listen to on repeat. Sometimes certain songs will stick with me from month to month.. but I try to to find new ones. It’s really interesting to go back to my old playlists and listen to the songs because it reminds me what kind of mood I was in, and what I was going through. Sometimes they are happy party fun songs and other times they’re pretty sad. Just depends what life is throwing at me! So here is July’s playlist .. it’s not very long..  but I really liked all these and listened to them over and over and over again 🙂
Bruno Mars – “Count On Me”
Favorite line – “If you’re tossin’ and you turnin’ and you just can’t fall asleep, I’ll sing a song beside you.”
The Gaslight Anthem – “The National Anthem”
(This is off their new album that just came out this month which has also been on repeat!)
Favorite line – “The place where you were in my heart is now closed; I already live with too many ghosts.”
Vanessa Carlton – “Come Undone”
Favorite line – “I would add up what you mean to me, but I cannot do the math.”
Fun. – “Some Nights”
Favorite line – “What do I stand for? What do I stand for?”
Nick Jonas – “Introducing Me”
Favorite line – “I really like it when the moon looks like a toenail; And I love it when you say my name.”

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OMGLITZY: Join Me on Twitch

Monday, April 6, 2015

Join Me on Twitch

My favorite game right now is Guild Wars 2, and just a few weeks ago I finally invested in a nice webcam so I could begin streaming my adventures in Tyria on Twitch! It’s been an incredible way to become more involved with the GW2 community, and I love that I’ve been able to meet new friends this way! I recently mentioned I would be taking a bit of a break from my cosplaying and blogging. So figuring out Twitch has given me a new past time that I’m really enjoying! You can still expect some cosplays and plenty of future blog posts, but if you want to check out my Twitch stream and chat with me live definitely follow my channel! You don’t have to play games to watch.. you could just come by and say Hey or ask me anything! 😀 And if you ARE a Guild Wars 2 player then you can expect some in-game items and gold giveaways! I already gave out a precursor last week!!! I’m even planning something pretty big for when I hit 1k followers.
Anyway, I just wanted to update you guys on what I’ve been doing lately! My Instagram/Twitter/Facebook have all stayed pretty up-to-date on my other shenanigans so give them a follow as well.. my name is @OMGlitzy on everything :p
And if you are curious about learning how to Twitch and stream your own games then head over to my friend GirlHeroLori’s blog. She has some Twitch 101 posts with lots of great tips on setting things up, what programs and plugins to use, etc. She streams as well! And if you have a Twitch already leave your name in the comments so I can give you a follow back!


  1. Very cool! Do you use Twitch for anything other than game streaming? I'm interested in getting started with it, but I don't do much PC gaming.



    1. Twitch can be used to stream PC games as well as console games, but I haven't tried it with my Wii U yet. I know Taffeta streams her console games occasionally! 🙂 It's a lot of fun so definitely look into it more!


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Tuesday, July 24, 2012


A month or so ago I adopted this playful kitty named Jingles from the Frisco Humane Society. I was feeling bad that I left Pixie home alone all day without a friend and was hoping she could become buds with Jingles. Unfortunately that just wasn’t the case. Jingles was so energetic and wanted to play with Pixie all the time and Pixie just wasn’t having it. She definitely likes her personal space and now that I have returned Jingles back to his foster mom Pixie is once again sweet and loving. Jingles has since been adopted to another happy home, and I’m glad he doesn’t have to put up with Pixie’s hissing and growling. He was a sweet, soft kitty and I miss him very much but I know it all worked out for the best! 🙂


  1. Jingles seemed like a really great cat. It's a shame it didn't work out between Jingles and Pixie, but it's good to know that they are both happy again and in loving homes.

    PS: They're both adorable-looking.


  2. Making the tough choice to return Jingles was probably the best for all. He's adorable. Just keep remembering that now he can be free to play and be loved without feeling scared. Good luck Jingle Bells.


  3. I like how Jingles is smirking at your party's wipe.


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OMGLITZY: January 2016 Vlog and Pixie Update

Thursday, February 4, 2016

January 2016 Vlog and Pixie Update

Hey everyone! I filmed a short vlog for January to give you all an update on what’s been going on lately! I also talked some about Pixie and how she’s feeling. I’m really looking forward to this year being a good one. 2015 was kind of weird but so far January has been pretty awesome so I am hopeful for more exciting things to come! Thanks for checking out the video and subscribe if you’d like!

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OMGLITZY: iPhone 5 Release Party!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

iPhone 5 Release Party!

One of the many crazy qualities about me is that I enjoy going to midnight premieres and new releases! The iPhone 5 was released at 8 am Friday the 21st .. .. So it wasn’t technically a midnight release… but that’s when I got there!!!! Yep 12:00 am! I waited 8 hours with my friend, Tiffany, outside the mall to get into the Apple store. They let us in at about 6:30 and we were escorted to the front of the Apple store where we waited until 8:00. I was honestly surprised we were first in line.. Some people have been camping out for days for this phone in other states. And the other Apple stores in DFW had tents pitched, TVs, and couches brought in line! We were nervous we were in the wrong place, but after talking to numerous security guards we were sure we were first 🙂 It was about 12:30 that another person decided to join us. Daryl was officially number 3! Next came Jonathan who was upgrading an OLD flip phone. We were proud of Jonathan! The number 5 spot went to Kevin .. he left his chair and we promised to hold his spot because he went to Whataburger for us and later to Starbucks. The top 5 was complete and many more people came to join us in line. Tiffany and I had our pictures taken and were interviewed by Apple employees for a promotional video of some sorts. It was a pretty big deal being first in line. I honestly wasn’t expecting that. I have waited for Apple products three other times and was never first. Now I feel like I’ll have to do it every time!!! 😛

The top 5! Left to right: Daryl, Kevin, Jonathan, Tiffany, and me

The line supposedly started wrapping around the corner and going out the front door. Over 200 people!

I had every option possible.. I was so nervous when they asked me what I wanted! Didn’t want to say the wrong thing, lol.

I got it!! It’s pretty cool, too. SO LIGHT WEIGHT!! Which is weird since the screen is larger! But it’s skinnier.. and so sleek. They didn’t have cases for it yet so I’ve been super careful not to drop it. I’ll be passing on my old iPhone 4 to my dad who is still sporting a really old Blackberry.
Hope to see all the new friends I made at the next release! See you in March for the next iPad!! LOL


  1. As usual I'm once again behind in the tech world. Considering an iPad when new ones come out. Is it all it's hyped to be? Sounds like another fun adventure in your daily journey of possibilities. Call me sometimes!


  2. Have you or any of your readers had glitches in new phone?


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OMGLITZY: adventures

Showing posts with label adventures. Show all posts
Showing posts with label adventures. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

OMGlitzy! New blog! New name!
I’m excited to share that I have come up with a fun new name to go by – OMGlitzy! I’m still Glitzy and I’m still geeky, but I have felt like going by a different online handle for awhile now. I’m still going to update this blog with cosplay tutorials and giveaways, though. So don’t lose this bookmark! Since this site became cosplay centric and still gets lots of hits, I plan to keep it updated when I can. But my new blog is going to be a little more random and a place for me to hopefully post more often without the pressure of making an epic post each time. What I mean is I started to feel like if I didn’t make a cosplay post with lots of photos, links, and information then no one wanted to read it. I didn’t want to clutter this site with random ramblings. I dunno, I am sure it’s just some weird blogger insecurity thing. But what I’m getting at is my new blog will be more laid back and easier for me to just chat about what’s going in my life!
I’ve already updated my Instagram and Twitter to my new handle – @OMGlitzy – but my Facebook and YouTube links will have to stay /GlitzyGeekGirl since they don’t offer name changes. I debated about how to handle my Twitch channel (since they don’t do name changes either) and ultimately decided that since I plan to stay pretty active on there that I would go ahead and make a new channel with my new name. So if you’d like to keep following me on Twitch head over to and give it a follow!
Thanks so much for staying interested in this blog while I’ve gone through some transitions this year. Coming soon here will be a Wonder Woman cosplay tutorial!

Friday, December 12, 2014

My Birthday 2014

Once upon a time, a little girl named Anna was born in a small Texas town. And she grew up to love all things glitzy and geeky! Most of all she loved her family.. and donuts!
This year I achieved level 29! For my special day, I went on an adventure full of exotic animals and delicious treats!

Monday, December 1, 2014

Texas Renaissance Festival: All Hallows Eve

This year I attended the Texas Renaissance Festival for the second time! TRF is one of the largest festivals around with numerous vendors, performances, food and people to watch! I went on the weekend with the theme "All Hallows Eve" which was the right before Halloween. So many people came out in costumes of all kind. I decided to dress up as a fairy! I made the jacket and flower crown myself, and my tutu was purchased at a convention. I was most excited to show off my fabulous corset from Corset Story, too. The wig I wore was a Luthien in Warm Light Brown from Arda Wigs. I wore this for my Princess Anna cosplay and decided to leave in the blonde streak just for fun!

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Texas Rangers Game 2014

Last week I went to a Texas Rangers baseball game! This was my third visit to a Rangers game but my first time to go with my dad. We are really big baseball fans, and he and I watch it on TV together all the time. I always told him that if I ever won the lottery I would buy season tickets for us.
We pulled up to the stadium and saw this cute noodle outside 😛

Once we got inside, we were given this free garden gnome and cinch bag. The first 15,000 fans received the gnome – it was one of the reasons we picked this night to go! I can’t wait to add him to my fairy garden.
We got there really early so we didn’t have to mess with traffic so the stadium was pretty empty. It was very peaceful actually.

Since we had time to kill, we decided to walk around. This was a view of the Dallas Cowboys Stadium in the distance. Doesn’t it look like a spaceship?
We were excited to find the Captain Morgan Club because above it is where Rangers Live broadcasts before the games. Mark McLemore even came to the window and waved at us! He played for the Rangers from 1995-1999.
I also loved this giant piggy bank. Look at his little hat 😛

The best part of a ball game is the food. We had a few hot dogs and this huge pretzel!
Later on we treated ourselves to some dessert. I got a cookies n cream waffle cone and my dad ordered a root beer float.

This was a cool pic from behind home plate.

Our seats were further back behind third base, but we were still able to see and enjoy the game. I was so happy to have witnessed a home run by Robinson Chirinos and the Rangers won 2-1!

I had the best time and loved every minute of the game. Baseball is my absolute favorite sport! The season is over now, but I hope we get to attend more games next year. I’d also like to travel and watch a Chicago Cubs game with my dad some day.
Do you have a favorite sport or team?

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

The Little Mermaid Musical

Last week I went on an adventure to downtown Dallas to see the Broadway musical production of Disney's The Little Mermaid! My dad saw an ad for this in the paper, and I immediately bought tickets since they were selling fast. This event was put on by the Dallas Summer Musicals for their 74th season. They are the largest producer of theatrical entertainment in the Southwest United States. Before the performance they said it typically takes them about 12 weeks to prepare for a show, but this one was completed in only 3 weeks! That included all the costume designs, set building and rehearsals. The quality was not compromised one bit because this musical was a beautiful production of epic proportion!

Monday, December 23, 2013

The Nutcracker Ice Show

Every year at the Gaylord Texan Resort, there is an epic Ice Show put on for the holidays. This year the theme was The Nutcracker! My parents surprised me with tickets to the show for my birthday, and we all really enjoyed going.

The Gaylord Texan is a beautiful resort with all kinds of other attractions inside. There was a gingerbread house, giant Christmas tree, and you could even visit Santa!

When you enter the Ice Show, they give you a HUGE jacket to wear. I didn’t think I would need it on top of my big coat, but I am so glad I wore it. The temperature inside was only 9 DEGREEs! It was so cold I couldn’t feel my face.
They use two million pounds of ice to make all the sculptures. I was amazed at the size and detail of each piece. You can read more about how they make the ice here.

Of course, my favorite sculpture was the pink pegasus!

There was also an ice slide you could go down! That’s me on the slide!! 

The last room in the show was dedicated to New York City. There was a Yellow Taxi, the Statue of Liberty and Big Apples.

If you live in the DFW area, I definitely recommend checking out the Ice Show at the Gaylord. The whole place was beautiful and really put me in the holiday spirit. There are also several restaurants inside, and it’s the official hotel for the Dallas Cowboys!
Hope everyone has a happy holiday!!
Do you have any holiday attractions in your town?

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

A Day in the Park

Before the crazy ice storm hit my part of Texas, my mom and I went over to the park across from my apartment. It was a beautiful day and was so warm and sunny I eventually took my jacket off!! I am glad we adventured out before the temperature dropped below freezing the next day.
This park is called “Central Park” just north of Dallas.. It has statues and a water fountain (which sadly was not running.) There’s also a small river behind it and a little lake. I had fun walking around and saw a few other families taking photos. I just wish I had been coming here more often to take more pics!
My outfit:
Pokemon shirt – Hot Topic
Nyan cat hoodie – ThinkGeek
Pink phone purse – Vera Bradley
Boots – Uggs
Jeans – Express

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Houston Road Trip: Video Games Live & Galveston Beach

I was so excited to take a road trip down to Houston, Tx to see my family and watch the Video Games Live concert! We also took a day trip down to Galveston, Tx to see the beach!
So long, Dallas!

In the car, I listened to Paramore, Metric, and The Killers.

Hello, Houston!
More Photos >>>>>>>

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Star Wars LegoLand Exhibit

I was so honored to be invited to join the local 501st for the new Star Wars MiniLand exhibit at the LegoLand in Grapevine, Tx! I am not a full member of the 501st yet, but was super excited to troop with them at this grand opening. The exhibit itself was pretty cool! I had never been to LegoLand before, and the whole place was awesome!!
(Be sure to click on each photo to view it bigger)
I wore my Asajj Ventress costume!

Those guys up top were made out of Legos! Everything was! And they even lit up!

Most of the exhibit had buttons you could push to activate scenes from Star Wars.

This was amazing .. it was a picture made out of (yep, you guessed it) LEGOs!!

These were some of the members of the 501st here in Dallas. It was fun greeting kids and have photos taken with them.

Asajj has a “glitzy” side, too.. and wanted to be a pretty princess when no one was looking … hahaha

This thing was so cool .. You spin it around and it played music!

They had a whole Dallas exhibit, too. I was just in awe of it all.

Cowboys Stadium

Rangers Ballpark in Arlington
And that’s Dirk Nowitzki made out of Legos!

More members of the 501st. How awesome is that wookie? That’s Tarfful

This is probably my favorite photo.. it looks straight out of a movie 🙂

Members of the Rebel Legion were there, too. It was so much fun talking Star Wars with everyone!
I am very thankful I was able to attend this event and make new friends! Hopefully I can become a full time member of the 501st if my Asajj gets accepted. They do all sorts of charity events and other kinds activities. Definitely check them out!
Have you ever been to a LegoLand before?
Do you have a favorite Star Wars character?

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Showing posts with label food. Show all posts
Showing posts with label food. Show all posts

Monday, August 18, 2014

Pinterest Bubble Pizza

There is a pin on Pinterest of a recipe called “Bubble Pizza” that seems to always show up on my feed. (Probably because I follow so many pizza boards, lol) It looks like the original recipe came from I have always wanted to try making it since it looks super easy. So the other day I finally bought the ingredients to give it a try!
You’ll need:
Canned biscuits (I bought the jumbo size)
Pizza sauce
Shredder cheese
A baking dish
and Pam
Begin by pre-heating your oven to 400° and lightly greasing your dish with Pam.
Spread the biscuits onto the bottom of the dish.

Then cover them with pizza sauce.

I added a ton of pepperonis, but you could use any type of meat or vegetable.

Finally, cover it with a hefty layer of cheese.

Bake your dish for 20 minutes or until the top is a nice golden color.

Since I flattened my biscuits my dish didn’t exactly look like “Bubble” pizza, but it still tasted amazing! It was like a cheesy pizza casserole. My family absolutely loved it. We sprinkled some parmesan cheese on top and plan to make garlic toast for next time!
The total for the ingredients only came around $14. It also reheated well for a second helping for us the next day!
I will definitely be making this again and trying new meats and vegetables with it. Let me know if you make this! 🙂

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