OMGLITZY: MLG Winter Championships 2013

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

MLG Winter Championships 2013

Last fall I was able to attend my first MLG Championship! (Check my recap here) Well a few weeks ago I went to the MLG Winter Championships! It was held in Dallas at the Dallas Convention Center and featured StarCraft, Call of Duty, and League of Legends. Pro-gamers from all over the world competed for a TON of money in prizes. It was so cool to see some familiar faces and meet new friends! I have been trying to get better at League of Legends and hope to cosplay as Ashe someday. Here are a few pics from my MLG adventure.
More pics >>>

I had to park my car kinda far away and while walking to the convention center I found a cemetery! Although super random I found it to be very cool 😛


This was a free seat cushion SteelSeries was giving out.
MLG was sponsored by Dr Pepper and Flipz.. Which is awesome in my book! The white fudge is my favorite!
If you followed Dr Pepper Gaming on Twitter then you got this free bag. Nice!
I gave my Dr Pepper bag to my mom because she loves DP so I bought this MLG bag for only $10! And it’s reversible!
On Friday I wore my MLG shirt that I bought last year.
These are my awesome friends doing League of Legends cosplays!
Phreak was one of the announcers for LoL and is a pro gamer.. He’s a cool guy!
It was funny asking random guys if they would take my picture for me. (I go to most of these events alone and I gotta get pics somehow!) This guy did a good job getting me AND the sign 😛
My outfit for Saturday was a Link tshirt and my new MLG bag.
I bought another gaming mousepad because one just isn’t enough 😛
And this one was so cool!
I had such a good time at MLG! I need to get better at these games so I can sign up as a competitor someday. If there was an EQ2 section I would pwn everyone! hahaha
Have you ever been to a gaming convention?
What are you favorite games to play?
Do you prefer console or PC games?


  1. Looks like you had lots of fun!



    1. I did! It may sound weird, but I really enjoy watching other people play games!


  2. Glad you had a good time. And it was nice to actually stop and chat with you for once even though I just realized I've literally seen your face at all the other geek conventions last year.

    Speaking of gaming conventions, I mentioned ScrewAttack Gaming Convention this June but I'm not sure how the turnout will be. It's still young and unheard of. I'm only going because they gave everyone who attended Video Games Live a free pass.

    One convention you definitely need to keep an eye out for is QuakeCon. This year will be my tenth year going. And it's always free (unless you wanna pay for VIP privileges). Two years ago they featured Rage and Skyrim at the convention. Now that id Software and Bethesda share the same parent company, the big rumor is that Doom 4 and Elder Scrolls Online will be featured this year. It's fitting because ten years ago Doom 3 and the very first Call of Duty game were the headline games.

    And one last convention that hasn't been announced this year yet is Gearbox Community Day. It's Gearbox Software's answer to QuakeCon (Gearbox is based in Plano and id Software is in Richardson, both on Central Expressway 75). And like QuakeCon, it's free (unless you wanna pay for VIP goodies). They held the 2nd one last year at the Palladium Ballroom and they featured Borderlands 2 and Aliens: Colonial Marines. The first one was also at the Palladium and it was to celebrate the launch of Duke Nukem Forever. If they do announce it this year, it'll probably be to launch the fourth Brothers in Arms game.



    1. It was great running into you, too, Michael!! I didn't go on Sunday so I'm sorry we didn't bump into each other again. Hopefully I can attend some of those other conventions you mentioned. Love all those games, too, so I will keep your list handy. I definitely want to go to QuakeCon if I can.


  3. I definitely prefer PC gaming. It'll be interesting to see what happens as devices like the Steam Box and Ouya make a push to take PC gaming into the living room and into console territory.



    1. Just when I think technology is at its peak they announce something new! Will definitely be interesting to see!


  4. DUDE! What a rad event. So cool to see so many girl gamers. There were so many people there. I love when people don't mind taking pictures for you when your by yourself. 🙂



    1. I had fun watching the people as much as the games, lol. And I agree it's definitely cool to see more girl gamers.


  5. Does it count towards being geeky if I watched the streaming live feed of MLG? The commentators were about as amazing as the players. Great fun.


  6. Dis website iz wear I will meat teh perfect 1


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OMGLITZY: Meeting George Takei

Monday, February 3, 2014

Meeting George Takei

A couple weeks ago the Dallas Comic & Pop Expo held a pre-event signing with George Takei! Madness Comics hosted it and they had a great turn out. George was in town to narrate the Sci-Fi Spectacular performance by the Fort Worth Symphony. I enjoyed hanging out with my friends Krystal and Sean as we browsed through the comics while we waited. George was very polite and excited to meet everyone.
This was my outfit for the event. My Nyan Cat hoodie is from ThinkGeek and my Batman leggings are from Hot Topic.

I didn’t mind waiting in line at Madness Comics because it is a really awesome comic book store. It’s huge! It used to be a Chuck E Cheese. Also, it was Friday so there was Friday Night Magic going on, lots of people to chat with and so many cool things to buy.

Dallas Comic & Pop Expo is a convention I’ve never been to. They were giving out 10% off ticket coupons, and I wish I had used it before it expired because Xander from Buffy the Vampire Slayer is going to be at this convention!! I might just have to try and go to meet him.

George chatted and shook hands with everyone. I was glad they allowed photography at the table so I could snap a few shots.
Here are my friends Krystal and Sean with George. This was the official photo Sean paid for.

Here I am with my freshly autographed Star Trek photo. I am excited to add this to my collection!
Another fun thing about this event was getting to meet the creator of Nyan Cat! Yes you read that correctly. It turns out Christopher Torres lives in the Dallas area! He was in line to meet George, saw me wearing my brightly colored jacket and came up to say hello. Then he gave us some Nyan Cat stickers and buttons! I don’t know if I was more excited to meet him or George Takei! lol
Are you a Star Trek fan?


  1. So awesome and totally jealous, haha.


  2. Looks like it was a lot of fun 😀 I need to keep my eyes out for things like this in my area! I am a fan of Star Trek, but TNG. I haven't watched TOS. It would still be great to meet the pioneers!


  3. That is so cool! I'd love to meet George Takei. I haven't watched much Star Trek, but he's my favourtie!


  4. Such an awesome opportunity!! Awesome picture too. c:
    That's way cool you met the creator of Nyan Cat by coincidence! Lucky you were wearing your hoodie. c:
    I'm not huge on Star Trek, but would have loved this opportunity. I've also thought about getting into it lately. Might start watching it. c:



  5. Ahhhh! I'm watching Star Trek right this very minute! I'm so jealous– I've never gotten the opportunity to meet any cast members from any of the series! Let alone the always-wonderful George Takei!

    Also– meeting the Nyan Cat creator–!!! So cool!

    Elyse @ Cuddly as a Cactus


  6. I never got into Star Trek, but that's awesome! George Takei seems like a really great guy.

    And I had no idea that the Nyan cat guy is from Dallas… so cool that you got to meet him while wearing his stuff.


  7. Aww… such a great night for you and your friends. So lucky you got to meet him!


  8. What an amazing opportunity! You are so lucky. He seems so nice. Your outfit was the best.


  9. That's sooo neat! I love that sweatshirt, and that's cool that as a bonus you got to meet Nyan Cat's creator! George seems like such a wonderful guy!
    I loved Star Trek the original series and Star Trek:TNG!


  10. Awesome! I not so secretly wish George Takai was my jiichan (grandpa). Either that or the narrator of my life. How epic would that be?


  11. I can only imagine him being a super funny & happy guy. I looooove your style girl! All the colors, you are so FUN!


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OMGLITZY: Meet the Sponsors: A Bit of Geek

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Meet the Sponsors: A Bit of Geek

Hey everyone! I’m excited to share my first “Meet the Sponsors” post. If you’ve checked out my Sponsors page you’ll notice that anyone who purchases a Large Ad will be introduced in a blog post as well. A Bit of Geek is an incredibly fun and informative site that I am sure all of you will enjoy learning more about! Miranda has provided us with some info and links about A Bit of Geek. I was able to meet Miranda at PAX Prime so I couldn’t be more excited to welcome her and her colleagues as a sponsor.
A Bit of Geek started as a hobby outlet back in May of 2010. I’ve always loved to write, journal, and document, but more than that I love to share with other people! I would ramble on over on my LiveJournal and Myspace, but after parking it on Facebook I lost the ability to blog. So, A Bit of Geek was born! Over the past (almost) four years now I have been working on growing my little corner of internet. I have moved from blogspot to independent hosting and encountered a lot of problems. I now have my feet mostly planted in WordPress and I expect more changes this year as I continue to mold A Bit of Geek to my ideal website! Early in 2013 I invited three other writers to join me to help expand the available content and add diversity to A Bit of Geek’s voice. The four of us write in harmony about video games, board games, music, comics, crafting projects, TV shows, funny lists, and more. We updated every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday!
Readers can expect game reviews, personal opinions on industry trends, informative write-ups, lots of pictures, top ten lists, art videos, the occasional tutorial, our experiences at geeky events, and a whole lot of talking about the things that we love. We encourage and enjoy feedback on our articles as well as on our Facebook page! Getting a discussion going is one of our main goals and is certainly one of my favorite things. The future of A Bit of Geek includes more crafting projects and tutorials, more frequent video content (art, funny, and miscellaneous), a product or two for sale, and more giveaways for our wonderful readers! 
A Bit of Geek can be found all over the web. We have a presence on YouTube, Tumblr, Twitter, Facebook, and even a Pinterest and Google+ page! We are most active on Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr and are happy to answer questions.
To get a taste of the A Bit of Geek experience, here are a few articles that I think really show us off! 
Just one in a delightful series from Tom where he gives a fun and detailed rundown of a video game character. 
A photo journey of my nephew’s 6th birthday party. 
A hilarious list of very serious questions from Rachel.
A complete retelling of my magical night.
Zach gives a talk about the key role that music plays in our games.
A challenging and hair pulling list that Tom forced us to write, but now you all know us a little bit better!
And if that’s not enough, here are the two most recent videos that we’ve posted!
Thanks for checking us out! We hope to see you in the comments sections 😀

1 comment:

  1. Awesome sponsors!
    I noticed were both Nerd Burger sponsors, lovely blog!!

    Harlynn (Micaela)


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OMGLITZY: March Thoughts

Monday, April 4, 2016

March Thoughts

Another month has passed already?! It sure seems like 2016 is zipping by! I would have loved to have filmed March vlog, but there just hasn’t been enough time in the day to do so. I hope you don’t mind another blog post then! :o)

March actually was a lot happier than February. I was recovering from a lot of defeats and have taken time to reflect on how to improve myself. I made a list of some memorable moments from March so let’s dive in!

Dyed hair – One of the most exciting changes this month was dying my hair back to pink. Last October I shaved my head and have been letting it grow without any bleach or dye. It was getting about an inch or so long and was just a boring dark brown color. Since I don’t really have a plan on what to do with it, I decided to dye it pink again! Even though I still wear wigs from time to time, I enjoy having my colorful ‘do back.

Gaming – Let’s start with EQ Next. This is a game that was announced back when I attended SOE Live several years ago. I’ve always been a big Ever Quest fan and was really excited for EQ Next. Well sadly, they announced that the game will no longer be happening. It broke my heart to read about it. I may need to revisit EQ2 soon. In happier news, I’ve been playing a lot of Dragon Mania Legends which is a mobile app game that is very easy and addicting. In March, they released a new “Clans” feature where you can group with friends to earn new rewards. It’s one of the only mobile games I’ve actually stuck with now for a nearly year! Finally let’s get into a recap of Guild Wars 2. This month I decided to make the legendary shield The Flameseeker Prophecies. I had almost all the materials for it and really liked the design so I just went for it. A few days later the devs announced that they were postponing the release of new legendary weapons indefinitely! What!! So that means all this time waiting for the new weapons that they promised with the expansion won’t be happening after all. I admit I was pretty bummed about this news. I would have made the sword Bolt instead of the shield, but I was waiting for the new sword to come out. I guess that won’t happen so now I will be making Bolt next. Some good things that happened in GW2 was the new raid wing, the return of the Bunny Ears and the big giveaway party I hosted on my stream. I gave away lots of prizes and had a fun time in Lions Arch with my friends and guildies. I’ll be hosting a giveaway on the last Friday of every month so if you missed it you can join us for the next one!

Moving – You can read the whole story on this blog post. But the TLDR version is I made a trip down to Houston to look for an apartment and find a new job. I found a very nice place that would be available mid April so I made the jump and signed a lease! I’m nervous and a little sad to be leaving Dallas, but this will be a good opportunity for me. It will be fun to explore a new place and also get back in to the beauty industry for my career. So I am looking forward to the move. It’s just been very hectic now trying to organize, clean, and pack my things in preparation.

Divergent – I saw Allegiant in theaters this month. Here’s my mini review of the new movie: I’ve been a big fan of the books and really loved the first movie. The second movie was okay but seemed too heavy on CGI. I was hoping the 3rd installment of the series would redeem itself but it left me going home really unhappy. It’s like they totally forgot about telling a good story and focused all of their money and energy on visual effects again. Also, Tris just seemed very unlike herself and lost all of her character development. Many of the scenes and lines came off cheesy and nearly made me laugh (and not in a good way.) The only thing I enjoyed about the movie was Four. The actor played his role well and the character made smart decisions and looked like a badass. I enjoyed his moments more than any others, but it still wasn’t enough to get me excited for the last movie due next year.

Easter – It was a little weird having Easter so early. Isn’t it usually in April? My family and I kept things pretty laid back and decided to order pizza for the weekend. I also got some cute cards in the mail and had a great day!

Store – While cleaning out my room and closet I found tons of nice purses, jewelry and decor that I just no longer use -or never used to begin with – and decided to open a Storenvy! I have had 2 sales so far and hope that my other items will find a new home soon. The money will help go towards my move, too!

Pixie update – This actually happened today rather than in March but since it’s fresh on my mind I wanted to fill you in! I took Pixie in for her 2 month check up on the state of her gums and teeth and the vet said things are still looking good! I’m glad the few teeth she has left are doing alright so she won’t need any removed any time soon. I let the vet know that I am moving to Houston and it was a little sad to say goodbye. They’ve been a great clinic to go to and have really taken good care of Pixie. I hope I can find another nice vet in Houston.
That’s about all I can think of for March! Overall I would say it was a very good month. ^.^


  1. Though we haven't seen each other at a con in a little over a year (my shop doesn't let me get out much), I'm a little sad to see you move away. But, I do understand that it's a good thing and the start of a great adventure for you! Good luck and let us know when you are gonna be in town!


  2. Sounds like you had a good month! Glad to hear Pixie is still doing good. And love the pixie cut on you!


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OMGLITZY: March Madness 2014

Monday, March 31, 2014

March Madness 2014

Hey everyone! Sorry it’s taken me so long to update! I had a BUSY couple of days lately! This past weekend was Animation Celebration, and I worked all week on some new cosplays. I plan to type up full tutorials, con reviews, and other posts soon. I just need to organize all my photos! The month of March had a convention nearly every weekend! So I am a little backed up. For now.. please check out my Facebook and Instagram! I posted a lot of photos from the weekend there as well as progress pics of my outfits! 🙂 Also, don’t forget to enter my autographed Divergent poster giveaway. It ends tonight! Hopefully soon I’ll be back to my regularly scheduled blog posts. Thanks everyone for always being so supportive! You guys rock 🙂
Here’s a peek at my table from Animation Celebration! I made my Princess Anna cosplay in four days!
And I wore Ariel on Sunday to the convention! I will give details soon on where I found each piece of this cosplay. The hair bow was made by the talented AngiViper!


  1. You look so adorable!! Love this cosplay outfit. c:
    Love Princess Anna too.
    By the way, I seriously book marked your giveaway to tweet daily for a better chance at winning. XD
    Good luck to me (and errybody else..) XD



  2. Looks like you had fun! I really like your Princess Anna cosplay!


  3. I never noticed how similar Anna and Ariel's outfits are! Heehee 🙂 They both turned out beautiful!


  4. So adorable! That ariel wig is perfect! Where is it from? It is quite difficult to find a perfect ariel wig



    1. Thank you! I am actually wearing two wigs. The long one underneath is from an Etsy seller. It was WAY too flat on top tho 🙁 So I ordered a Ferrari from Arda to wear on top for added volume. I will make a tutorial post soon!


  5. Your Disney cosplay is amazing!!! I can't wait to see more pics.


  6. You make a beautiful Ariel ^_^ The red hair really suits you.


  7. Your cosplays are always fantastic! And you make a GREAT Anna, Anna 😀


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OMGLITZY: Maleficent and Aurora Outfit Inspiration

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Maleficent and Aurora Outfit Inspiration

With the new movie in theaters now, I decided to recreate the original character clothes for an everyday style.
Here is my Maleficent and Aurora inspired outfits I made using Polyvore!
Dress from House of Fraser – $33
Shoes from ASOS – $42
Raven necklace from Etsy seller ADelicateWorld – $34
Green dragon ring from Etsy seller Spookyisland – $12
Purple and pink scarf from Bluefly – $28
Cat ear hat from Accessorize – $37
Jungle Red lipstick from NARS – $26
Dress from ASOS – $91
Light grey TOMs – $48
Crochet flower bracelet from TopShop – $20
Bird necklace from Amazon – $23
Purple ombre scarf from Bluefly – $30
Black headband from Amazon – $4
These outfits came out so pretty! I love the subtle nod to the classic Disney characters.
Are you going to see the new Maleficent movie?


  1. Ooh! That black lace top. Such pretty outfits! Thanks for sharing.


  2. Super adorable!! I love the dress you chose for Aurora's outfit!



  3. Awesome outfits! I'd definitely wear those! ^__^


  4. Those are great! You got them spot on! So good 🙂


  5. Love this! I did some workout inspired ones! I really like the Aurora/Briar Rose ones!


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OMGLITZY: Makeup Tutorial: Wonder Woman Inspired

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Makeup Tutorial: Wonder Woman Inspired

Late one night I had a burst of energy to do my makeup. No place to go – just wanted to try something new. So I felt inspired to use themes from superheroes. I decided to start with Wonder Woman!
This is a simple tutorial on how to create a look based on Wonder Woman’s colors. 
I plan to do more makeup looks inspired by other superheroes and comic books, too!
For the eyes I used the edge of a kleenex to make the blue a straight wing. Then I added the red and finally the gold. After that I went back with white eyeshadow to blend the edges of those 3 main colors. Add some eyeliner, mascara, and glitter and you’re done!
Since I did this randomly at night I didn’t fix up my hair. But to channel Wonder Woman try using rollers or a large barrel curling iron to get a voluminous look.
For my lips I used a reddish gloss as a base. Then I lined them with my red eyeshadow using a skinny brush and dabbed on gold eyeshadow in the center with my a finger. The eyeshadows stick to the gloss great.. just be sure to blend well.

Here’s a peek at what I used. The gold, blue, and white shadows were by Kat Von D and the red was MAC’s loose pigment. The gloss was by Urban Decay and the glitter liner is Sephora brand. I did my skin with my basic routine found in this tutorial except I added more gold to my cheeks here.
I would love to spend more time recreating this look again. And get proper photos, too. But I was pleased with my first attempt at it!
Has a superhero ever inspired your makeup or outfit?
Who would you like me to make a tutorial for next?


  1. It looks so fantastic. So bright and really makes me think of Wonder Woman.


  2. It looks really good.
    Often superheros and movie characters inspired me. Maybe next time, you make a Red Sonja or Wolverine inspired make up.


  3. Gorgeous! I'll have to try this for my Halloween costume 🙂


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OMGLITZY: Makeup, Fashion, and Art Tutorials

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Makeup, Fashion, and Art Tutorials

When I am not blogging I am still usually at the computer .. Here’s a few tutorials I’ve found lately that I find cool on the net!
Really cool tutorial by Kandee Johnson for a Betty Boop costume. How cute is this?!
These two girls at Bubble My Licorice have loads of cute posts. They’ve done some hair and DIY fashion tutorials, too. 
I enjoyed watching this video of Miss Leilani Joy draw Ramona Flowers. She gives some great tips on drawing faces. She is such a good artist!
The Dainty Squid shared a neat plant pressing tutorial.. I am a sucker for stopping in my tracks to pick up a pretty or unique leaf. Would be great to save them!
Have you watched or read any good tutorials lately? I made some cute shelves using Hobby Lobby brackets recently that I need to share someday!

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OMGLITZY: Major League Gaming Fall Championships

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Major League Gaming Fall Championships

A few weekends ago I attended the MLG Fall Championships in Dallas! I only went on Saturday afternoon, but had such a blast! There were a TON of people.. mostly guys.. and I even saw a few friends. The coolest part was seeing Halo 4 before it was released. I also enjoyed watching League of Legends since I just learned how to play it. (I’m REALLY bad at it)
I walked in the door and ran into my friend Kyle! I met him at Anime Fest. They looked amazing!
It was funny asking random guys if they’d take my picture for me 😀
You could get free Dr Pepper .. pretty cool!
And these lovely ladies gave out free pretzels! Can you tell which one is me?! 😉
I watched the live stream of the Star Craft competition the night before and saw Scarlett play. So when I saw her in person I was pretty excited. Always proud of girl gamers. (She’s in the green shirt at the computer)

More friends! Shea and Colton as League of Legends characters. So cool!
And this was by far the coolest thing ever!! I have been wanting a larger, gaming mousepad and struggled finding one in stores. I assumed I’d need to order one eventually but thought maybe I can find one at MLG. I saw a couple of guys holding these and asked them where they got it. He said he won it and some other items in a contest.. So I was kind of bummed and said how I’d been looking for one and he offered it to me! I tried to decline, of course, but he insisted since he won two. I was ecstatic!!
Overall, I would rate my experience a 10/10 .. It was my first gaming convention to attend and even though I went by myself I had so much fun! Hopefully I can go to more of these soon 🙂
Glitzy Geek Girl!

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OMGLITZY: Loot Crate Unboxing: January 2014

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Loot Crate Unboxing: January 2014

This was my first Loot Crate experience! Each month you get a box of goodies with a different theme of geek swag. The price is just under $20 a month. The January theme was “Launch” so everything in the box was kinda space related.

After seeing other people’s unboxing videos and pictures online, I noticed I didn’t get the Minecraft calendar. Pretty much everyone else did so I’m not sure why mine was missing.. especially since I didn’t get something different in it’s place. So I’m a little bummed about that.
To subscribe to Loot Crate please use this link – -because they have a refer-a-friend program and it helps me out. They also post some discount codes on their Twitter. I saved 10% with the code EPIC.
I signed up for 3 months of Loot Crate. Even though I love the Funko Pop toy and the NASA patch, I hope the next box has more stuff in it I will use.
Also, HUGE congratulations to Hailee D. as the winner of my Scott Pilgrim Giveaway! Thank you to everyone that entered! This contest had the most entries ever.. so you guys totally rock! I already have an awesome prize lined up for my next giveaway so if you didn’t win this time be sure to check back soon. 🙂
Are you subscribed to any goodie boxes like Loot Crate?


  1. I had done Birchbox and Ipsy and knew there was other cool subscription boxes out there, but I didn't know about this one! Ahhh! I'm totally subscribing! I can't do it just yet, but when I do, I'll use your code for sure! Thanks for sharing your unboxing with us!

    Elyse @ Cuddly as a Cactus


  2. That Loot Crate looks amazing! I wanted to sign up but no shipping to Ireland. Boo!



    1. I bet they open up their shipping to more countries soon since so many more people are becoming interested in this. At least I hope so!!


  3. How did I not know about this before?!

    I think I have to subscribe. This is fantastic!


  4. How did I not know about this before? I'd say the same as TK. This is fantastic!
    But do you know if we can order one even if we're from France?



    1. On their site it says that they ship to the US, UK, Canada and Australia.


    2. Ewww, everywhere but to me 🙁


  5. Lol, at the background music. I've been wanting to sign up for one of those subscription boxes, just haven't found one I like yet.


  6. I did Loot Crate for a couple months last year, but I found the items a little lacking (just personal taste) especially with the extra shipping charge to Canada. However, I am totally coveting your NASA patch!


  7. I actually did not like this months items. If you want the minecraft calendar, I'll ship you mine. I'm not gonna use it. I have like four calendar s already.



    1. Since I tweeted out that I didn't get the calendar LootCrate actually replied and said to send them an email and they're going to send me a replacement! I am thinking about adding all the stuff I don't plan on keeping and making a big giveaway someday. You could do that with the stuff you don't like, too!


    2. I actually thought about that too. I want to host my first giveaway so I am trying to come up with ideas. I am a fan of POP Funkos and want to spread the word but I don't General Zod so I may make him the focal point of the giveaway. Glad you are getting it replaced!


  8. I still need to do LootCrate. I've been meaning to for a few months, but keep postponing…


  9. I approve of the 1 month subscription price…. $13.37


  10. James Bondish geeks – This type of geeks love champagne or bourborn whiskey or Scotch whiskey, women, and fast cars! They sport fancy, high-end phones and fancy, trend-setting wristwatches, just as James Bond do.

    geeky toys


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