OMGLITZY: My Little Pony: Childhood Memories

Monday, December 9, 2013

My Little Pony: Childhood Memories

There’s a special memory I have when I was little of me and my mom. I was in elementary school, and I got all A’s on one of my report cards. So my mom said she would take me to Toys R Us to get a My Little Pony. I can remember picking a pony at the store and afterwards going to McDonald’s to celebrate. I got a McNugget Happy Meal and my new pony got to sit at the table with us. I can picture the exact booth we sat in at that McDonald’s back home. It’s one of my absolute favorite memories. I had a lot of wonderful toys when I was little. And I love it when a special toy sneaks into my head so I can think of all the times I spent playing with it. Mostly, my Ponies weren’t “played” with but rather had their hair brushed constantly. I *loved* brushing their manes and tails.
Photo credit: Pony Land Tours
Here is a pic of the pony I got in my memory when we went to McDonald’s. Her name is Lofty!
Photo credit: eBay
This was another pony I loved. I played with her so much her cutie mark wore off. Her name is Sunnybunch.
Photo credit:
And now let me introduce you to Hula Hula! She was my all time favorite because she had the SOFTEST HAIR. It never tangled and was soooo silky. I was so jealous of her hair (mine was crazy frizzy) .. I loved brushing it and was so envious of her multiple colors 🙂 I guess My Little Pony influenced my hair styling choices! 😀
There’s a bunch of other toys I absolutely adored as a child. And I am so thankful my mom would get them for me. So as I think of awesome memories I will probably make more posts like this one. I also want to mention that I am really hooked on the new My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. It’s the cutest show and all the characters are so unique. Since I am not sure if my mom kept my old ponies, I have started a new collection with the new series. So someday I can make a post on that, too. ^.^
Do you have a favorite childhood toy?


  1. I couldn't help smiling the whole way through this post. I just posted about how much I loved My Little Pony a couple days ago! 🙂


  2. I loved this post. I was obsessed with MLP. I love the board game soo very much. My fave childhood toy were my SheRa action figures.


  3. I had hardly any toys as a kid, just a couple of these ponies shared with my little sister and a toy phone. I remember my little sister cut off the mane of one and it was one of the saddest days everrrr hahaha
    x atelier zozo


  4. I still have a Rainbow Dash doll in my room 😀 Awesome blog by the way, I'm following you now!


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OMGLITZY: My Favorite Movies

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

My Favorite Movies

Movies are so expensive these days.. So I don’t really go to the theater much. If I go to one then I must REALLY like it! I do enjoy going to midnight showings at theaters. It’s fun to see the “super fans” all dressed up and waiting in line for hours with me. Most of my favorite movies are either chick flicks or fantasy. Although there’s one major exception to that.. I’m sure you’ll notice when you read it. 🙂

In no particular order:

How To  Deal
-I remember seeing this in the theater a couple of times in high school. It really portrays everything life can throw at you (marriage, divorce, break ups, friendships, pregnancy, death, etc) but in simple terms so as not to make the movie feel too serious. I love the music in it as well.

The Departed
-This is my curve ball I mentioned earlier. It’s definitely not a chick flick.. and no way near fantasy. It’s more of a drug lord movie (lol) .. So I’m not sure why I love it so much. Maybe Leonardo Di Caprio has something to do with it? Or the use of the Dropkick Murphy’s songs? 😛

Empire Records
-This move is just all around COOL. Each character is so different and interesting. They all have great qualities and then major problems at the same time. One of my favorite things to do as a kid was go to a CD store. We had one called Hastings back home, and it’s still a place I like just hanging out in. This movie also has one of my favorite quotes – “Damn the man!”

-Probably the newest movie on my list (besides Hunger Games). I am a big big big Disney girl. I love all the princesses. And until Tangled my favorite Disney movies were Aladdin and Hercules. Tangled was beautifully animated. And Mandy Moore as the voice of Rapunzel is such a joy! Her songs really touch me. I’m a just a sappy romantic I guess.

Sweet November
-In this film the main character is very odd. She knows she’s a little out there.. and she uses it to help random strangers that are trapped in a business-focused world find their inner freedom. I relate to Charlize Theron’s character.. I live in my own world, too. I cry every time I watch it. And I just love the song “Only Time” by Enya.

Scott Pilgrim vs The World
-Based off the comics by Bryan Lee O’Malley, this adaptation is humorous, game-like, and greatly casted! As seen in my Comic Con post, I am a big fan of Ramona Flowers. I laugh out loud at certain scenes and also enjoyed the movie’s soundtrack. Check out “Black Sheep” by Metric.

The Goonies
-There really is nothing better than a good 80’s movie. There are so many good quotes from this. I actually have “Slick Shoes” tattooed on my ankles. The cast totally rocked and the plot is interesting throughout. I enjoy watching this when I’m in need of something simple but adventurous. No need for crazy CGI.. just good a ole pirate treasure hunt.

-When I rented Stardust I wasn’t sure if it was going to be any good. I had read a cool quote from the movie online, but also read bad reviews. So I wasn’t expecting to enjoy it as much as I did. It’s a beautiful fantasy kingdom, and the cast was very funny at times (Robert De Niro in drag!)  I just wish they played up the love story a little more. Here’s the quote I liked, A philosopher once asked, “Are we human because we gaze at the stars, or do we gaze at them because we are human?” Pointless, really… “Do the stars gaze back?” Now *that’s* a question.”

Lord of The Rings, Harry Potter, Twilight & The Hunger Games
-I grouped these together because they are all a series. Although I haven’t read LoTR, the others were all favorite books of mine. So naturally I love the movies! Any time LoTR is on tv you bet I am watching it. Although it’s long, I can’t help but be mesmerized by the enchanting story. I’ll agree that Twilight has some bad acting in it. But I’m still a Twi-hard. 😛 I also have loved Harry Potter since the first book was released. So following it for all these years has given me some magical memories. I am new to The Hunger Games.. but I was instantly hooked after reading the 3 books in 2 days. The movie was great in my opinion. The cast did a wonderful job, and I am looking forward to the next movies.

Honorable mentions:
The Princess Bride, Enchanted, 27 Dresses, How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, The Labyrinth, Ever After, Underworld, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, & Dirty Dancing

After typing this I realized I like quite a few movies! I really really want to watch The Princess Bride and Tangled now. I’m sure I left out some good ones, too. 
What is your all time favorite movie? Can you recommend any movies I need to see?


  1. What? You didn't mention The Perks of Being A Wallflower.



    1. Oh man!! That WAS a favorite of mine! Is it on DVD yet? That's one I'd like to own for sure!


  2. I love the Mummy movies with Brendan Fraser, and Rachel Weisz.



    1. Those were really well filmed! Love that even sequels were good! Brendan Fraser is so cute 😛


  3. The following is just a preliminary draft of films which have relevance to my gratification: Apollo 13, The Awakening, Shine, Schindler's List, The Pianist, Amadeus, Steel Magnolias, Photographing Fairies, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Edward Scissorhands, An American Tail (Fievel), Girl Interrupted, The Family Stone, Christmas Vacation, Planes/Trains and Automobiles, The Great Outdoors, Interview with the Vampire, Doctor Zhivago, original Romeo and Juliet, A River Runs Through It, Legends of the Fall, Fight Club, Se7en, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Shawshank Redemption, The Green Mile, Capricorn One, Beaches, For the Boys, Saving Private Ryan, Good Will Hunting, Good Morning, Vietnam, Dead Poet's Society, A.I., One Hour Photo, It, all Saw movies, Wrong Turn movies, The Red Shoes, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, Young Guns, Love Actually, To Kill A Mockingbird, When Harry Met Sally, You've Got Mail, Sleepless In Seattle, Catch Me If You Can, Titanic (mainly because he should not have died), Meet Joe Black, City of Angels (he should not have fallen)…….to name a few.


  4. Ferris Bueller's Day Off, The Breakfast Club, Pretty In Pink.



    1. Amazing list!! A few that stood out for me were Romeo and Juliet, One Hour Photo, Saw, Love Actually, Catch Me If You Can, and The Breakfast Club … Those would definitely be on my list, too! Except I would have the new R&J cause I love Leo sooo much 🙂 And you're right – he shouldn't have died in Titanic. MythBusters even said so!!!


  5. The Lord of the Rings trilogy is really high on my list too! Good pick.

    I wouldn't count it as one of my favorite movies, but I enjoyed Stardust a lot. Way more than I expected to. I only recently realized that it was based on a book (which I haven't read) written by Neil Gaiman. He writes some really great stories.

    I'm not very good at making favorites lists. I'd definitely include Lord of the Rings. The Kill Bill movies are on the list. Fight Club is a favorite (I'll give a shoutout to another great modern author here, Chuck Palahniuk).

    Tree of Life is a movie that I saw recently, not really knowing what to expect from it. I was mesmerized and ultimately blown away by it. I think I'm obligated to include it on my list of favorite movies just because I've never had a movie experience like it before. It's really hard to explain, but I loved it.

    The Breakfast Club is my favorite 80s movie, so it earns a spot on the list.

    And finally, The Big Lebowski.

    I'm sure I'm overlooking plenty of other great movies that I love, but these are the ones that readily come to mind.


  6. Worst movie of all time?

    The Room.



    1. Worst movie: Howard the Duck. More favorites, A Few Good Men, As Good As It Gets, Predator, Alien, War Games, Glory, The Devil Wears Prada (clothes are nice), Shallow Grave is just plain strange.

      I will have to check out Tree of Life.


  7. I have never watched How To Deal, it looks awesome. I love myself some Mandy Moore.


  8. What are your feelings for The Matrix and then in turn the whole trilogy?


  9. There was a band called Slick Shoes too which was a late 90's early 00's punk(ish) band. They were big Goonies fans (Check out the album "Wake Up Screaming").
    My FAVES: The Goonies, Empire Records (we watched this like once a week in college), Bridget Jones' Diary (my weirdly placed chick flick), The Boondock Saints, and, The Dark Knight and more recently Wreck it Ralph (I was actually quite miffed at how good this was), Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Little Nemo: Adventures in Slumberland, Howl's Moving Castle, The Empire Strikes Back & Return of the Jedi(original theatrical release…none of the touch ups from Lucas on both of these); Heavyweights; South Pacific; Sound of Music; Amelie; Casper; Ghost World; Hello Dolly; Kill Bill Volume 1; Love Actually; Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels; The Great Muppet Caper; Newsies;Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist; Rushmore; Serenity; SLC Punk; Tokyo Godfathers; Snatch…
    Ok…I think that's a safe list to end with…



    1. Great list!! And I actually LOVE SLICK SHOES!! They were my fav band growing up .. I even have their name tattooed on my ankles! 😀


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OMGLITZY: My Cosplay Interviews

Monday, July 29, 2013

My Cosplay Interviews

A few weeks ago, I was interviewed for some pretty cool websites. I had shared these interviews on my Facebook and Twitter, but I don’t think I added the links to a post here on my blog. Please check out their sites and give them a follow!
Photo by Bob Sanders
First up is Comic Book Divas. I was able to meet Bob in person a few times at different conventions in town. They always have a booth set up with tshirts and cosplayer photos for sale. Their website offers a news article section, contests, and showcase real women in their comics.
Photo by April Miller
The next interview was done by Zero Fortitude. These guys produce a fun podcast as well as articles to read. They discuss and review a wide range of geek culture from movies to anime to comics. And of course, cosplay!
I feel very honored to be selected by entertainment sites for interviews. I am such a newbie cosplayer, and have so much to learn, but I am grateful my craft has been noticed. So please please check out their sites, follow their podcasts and updates, and show them some love.
On a personal note.. I am going to SOE Live in Las Vegas this week! So be sure to follow my Instagram, Twitter and Facebook for photos while I am there. When I get back in town I will work on a blog post about it. I am so so soooooo excited to hang out with my guild members from EverQuest 2. This convention is going to be a blast.
What geeky websites do you follow for news, updates and interviews?
Anyone going to SOE Live?


  1. Thanks for linking to the interviews! It's so interesting to hear more about your cosplay experiences. It's great that you were selected to be interviewed for these pieces, and hopefully there will be more to come.

    Enjoy SOE Live! I won't be attending, but it should be fun! I'll look forward to the EQ:Next (EQN? What are people calling this?) reveal whenever it becomes available to the general public, but I'm excited that you'll get to see it live and in person. I don't know how far along in development it is, but maybe they'll even have live demos that you can play while you're there.


  2. Congratulations!!!! They are both great interviews. Can't wait to see your Ashe cosplay.


  3. Oh, i really like Meeting new folks today! Characterization is that the most significant factor to me furthermore.job interview And extremely get to Stephanie Perkins' books presently, they are superb 🙂 loved the interview!


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OMGLITZY: My College Graduation

Monday, May 27, 2013

My College Graduation

An interesting fact about me that some of you may not know is that I received a bachelor’s degree in 3 years! I graduated from West Texas A&M University on May 12, 2007 with a degree in Fine Arts! When I graduated from high school I didn’t have any college credits. But I took summer school every summer and even took classes during winter and spring breaks. It was a lot of hard work, but I was determined to graduate early. I was inspired by my brother, who also finished in 3 years! It was great because I was able to go to cosmetology school sooner and begin my career as a hairstylist. That’s always been where my passion is. But I am very proud to have a degree because education is super important to me. 
I graduated with Honors, too, and was on the Dean’s List each semester!
The Fine Arts and Humanities banner is on the right. It was a really fun program to be apart of.

I’ll never forget that the CEO of AT&T was our guest speaker at the ceremony. He held up a tiny device and said “The only thing you will remember about my speech is that I showed you the very first iPhone.” And sure enough .. that’s all I remember.. But how cool is that?! It wasn’t even for sale yet.
At WTAMU the mascot is a buffalo.
My family surprised me with lots of balloons and decorations that day!

I also got this amazing cookie cake. It says “Now you can slow down, Anna” .. That’s because I took so many classes back to back to back to back.

The thing I wanted most for graduation was EverQuest 2. I briefly played the original EverQuest 1, but during school I didn’t have much time to play games. So this was on the top of my wish list. I was so stoked to get it! I’ve been playing it ever since 🙂
Since I didn’t blog 6 years ago, I figured now is as good as time as any to make a post about it! I can’t believe it’s been 6 years already. I have accomplished so much.  I am extremely proud to show off something I worked so hard for!
P.S. Grats to the winners of the Wizard Wand Giveaway and thank you to everyone that entered! I have so many ideas for future prizes now! So keep checking back 🙂


  1. That was really awesome. Makes my heart feel some kind of weird(might be fear, I'm not sure). You should feel proud, that really is quite the accomplishment. What made you want to post this now?



    1. Thanks Joey! Every May, people come in to get their hair done for graduations or they are posting on Facebook about it, etc.. So I kinda reflect back on when I focused really hard on school! I found these old photos and decided to make a blog post! 🙂


  2. That's such an awesome accomplishment! Congratulations! It's wonderful that you got through college so quickly and then went on to study cosmetology and then ultimately manage your own salon! You've accomplished so much in such a short amount of time! Be proud!

    Also, I wonder if at the time everyone was wondering, "An iWhat? Who is this guy? We'll never hear of the iPhone again after today."

    That's pretty remarkable that you have a picture of you opening Everquest II…. who would have thought you'd still be playing it so much after all this time?


  3. That is so rad. I loved this post. You worked so hard to get where you are. 🙂


  4. A belated congratulations on your accomplishments! I've seen two nieces graduate this past week and I've been contemplating going to school myself. At the age of 45, widowed, and with a 3 yo daughter, I think that it's something I need to do. Granted, I got an education through the Navy, but there's no paperwork showing what I did. 25 years later, I can still go back and fix a radio or a radar, but no documentation saying that I can do that. It's one of those situations where I've got the experience, but I don't have the diploma. But after seeing my nieces go on their merry ways, and then seeing your blog post, I'm beginning to think that it's about time.


  5. Congratulations on your determination and accomplishments. You probably get the surprised look from clients and friends who never would have thought you had a college and cosmetology degree. You certainly look amazing in all of your photos. It's good to read your post about this and possibly encourage others that anything is possible.

    You seem to excel at everything you do. Once you mentioned that when you grew up you wanted to be a snow cone maker. Check! A smoothie about now would be great! Now your hair has the cotton candy/snow cone look!

    Will continue to read your blog and follow your adventures.


  6. That was really awesome!

    I actually didn't start my college carrer until two years ago because I wasn't ready right out of high school. I have my A.A. and this fall I'll be entering SF STATE to get my bachelor's degree. Here's hoping I can do it in two years!

    Great story! Thanks for sharing!!


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OMGLITZY: My Birthday 2014

Friday, December 12, 2014

My Birthday 2014

Once upon a time, a little girl named Anna was born in a small Texas town. And she grew up to love all things glitzy and geeky! Most of all she loved her family.. and donuts!
This year I achieved level 29! For my special day, I went on an adventure full of exotic animals and delicious treats!

My birthday was November 11 and it was pretty chilly out! I wore a Frozen shirt and beanie. And my wig is from a store at my local mall.
This year my parents took me to The Dallas World Aquarium. It’s been on my to-do list to visit this local attraction, and I am so glad we chose to do it for my birthday. It made the day very memorable and exciting! Since it was freezing cold, I was able to wear my Katwise sweater for the first time!
I had a great time seeing the animals at the aquarium, but was a little disappointed in the building and staff. I wish they had better descriptions and information next to each exhibit or people to ask questions to. I hope to visit the Fort Worth Zoo next because I hear it’s one of the best!
After the aquarium we ate at the Olive Garden (which is where we ate last year.) I love that restaurant! When we were done we picked up my cookie cake from the mall and went home to enjoy it. Since I’m officially a Disney princess I had a Frozen themed party.
These were the adorable cards I received from my family.
I was so excited to open my pressies! I loved each one very much. A few of my favorites were Catching Fire on Blu Ray, my Pascal ornament, some Disney Funkos, and Fantasy Life for 3DS.
I was also very excited to finally have a bedskirt for my bed. It’s a light pink color and hides all my stuff under there 😀
Another gift I received that I am unbelievably thankful for was The Dreamer short bow on Guild Wars 2. My ranger LOVES to fire off rainbow unicorns at all her foes!
Well I am another year older but I don’t feel it one bit! I can’t wait to see what the year ahead has in store for me! Hopefully many more magical memories 🙂


  1. I spotted a Snow White POP! Happy belated birthday, girlie. Hope it was a good one.


  2. Happy birthday Anna!
    Looks like you had fun! And Yay for family trips to the zoo! ☺


  3. Happy Birthday! I hope your next year is even more amazing!


  4. Happy birthday! Glad you had a great one! Here's to many more. -^^-

    Undecided Answer


  5. Happy Birthday!! That cookie cake looks so good!


  6. It looks like you had an amazing day!! 😀



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OMGLITZY: My Birthday 2013

Sunday, December 1, 2013

My Birthday 2013

I am officially another year older, but I definitely still feel like a kid! 🙂 I am glad my birthday reflects my childlike qualities, too. I had a lot of fun with my family just hanging out and enjoying the day.

I decided to wear this dress from Hot Topic (I got about 3 years ago) and a Tarina Tarantino necklace.

My shoes were my first birthday gift! They are Uggs and SO COMFY! I got them a few days early so I could wear them sooner 🙂
My dad surprised me with a donut that morning! They didn’t have any with sprinkles so we had to make our own. It tasted great!

I am moving soon so all those plastic tubs are my costumes lol .. But it made a good area for my presents to be displayed.

Pixie had a birds-eye view of the party!

I was looking forward to playing Animal Crossing because your villagers throw a birthday party for you! I’m so glad my favorite villager, O’Hare, surprised me.
(Tip: Be sure to visit Club LOL the Saturday before your birthday so KK Slider can give you a copy of the song KK Birthday!)

O’Hare, Fuchsia and Antonio all came to my party!

Back in real life… my family and I ate at the Olive Garden! I love ordering their spaghetti and eating a million breadsticks.  

Then we came back home and opened my gifts. Pixie was having a blast playing with all the tissue paper. But she eventually wore herself out!
A few of the things I got were a Pokemon tshirt, a Doctor Who scarf, a Teemo hat, and chocolate! My parents also surprised me with tickets to see ICE! at the Gaylord Texan. It didn’t open until a week after my birthday. I can’t wait to share that adventure in another blog post.

My cake was from Nothing Bundt Cakes and was soooo cute. The flavor was red velvet, and they put the sweetest princess hat on it. It was delicious!
So I had a really fun birthday! I am such a kid at heart and look forward to playing with all my gifts.
Do you have special plans on your birthday?


  1. What an awesome celebration! Your family sounds great.

    My birthday usually falls on A-Fest every year, but this year I'm planning on going to Dragon Con to celebrate! I'm so excited, I've never been before!!


  2. Happy Birthday! Looks like it was a great time. 🙂


  3. Happy Birthday! That cake looks killer!


  4. Happy Birthday! Looks like a blast. That Teemo cap is adorable!

    My birthday is coming up in early Jan., so I'm just planning to have a chill day after holiday traveling. I might have a sewing day and treat myself to a new dress.


  5. Happy Birthday!! Hope you had a good one! Looks like you did!


  6. omg, you've got such awesome parents! 😀 all those gifts and sweets are amazing! ^^ happy brithday!


  7. Happy birthday! My family usually celebrates with dinner too. This past birthday I went to Disneyland with my husband (It was my first birthday as a wifey…so it was extra awesome having a riding partner!)


  8. How great is that? The hat fits you perfectly! <3 (: Congratulations and Happy Birthday! (I'm too late, I know. u.u) You look so cute in this dress. :3



  9. Twinsies! My birthday was on 1st December too. Glad you had a lovely day, your gifts look awesome!


  10. Olive Garden is my birthday meal of choice, too! SO GOOD!


  11. A very happy late birthday to you! Your dress is adorable!


  12. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Sounds like you had a really special day. Love that animal crossing celebrates it with you. Love your new scarf as well. 🙂


  13. Thank you everyone for the kind wishes!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 *hugz*


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OMGLITZY: My 27th Birthday

Monday, December 10, 2012

My 27th Birthday

So last month I turned another year older… I have finally reached that part in my life where I might start lying about my age 😉  .. Oh well!! I still act like a kid so I figured I’d celebrate like one.. My family and I ate at Gatti Town and had pizza! It’s definitely my favorite food ever. Afterwards, we played some games where I won a cute little dinosaur figure. Later, we opened some presents, and I got some Juicy Couture perfume, MLP collection toys, a Betsy Johnson and Kate Spade necklace and the coolest leopard hat! Then for dessert I had a strawberry cupcake. It was such a great birthday!! Thanks to my family for being so awesome 🙂


  1. You look suh-weet with hat and cupcake.


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


  3. Happy 3 month late Birthday! Looks like you had a rad time.


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OMGLITZY: Music Spotlight: Florence and The Machine

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Music Spotlight: Florence and The Machine

Florence and The Machine have pretty much been on repeat for the last couple of weeks around here.. Especially the album “Ceremonials” .. I feel something very mysterious and magical when I listen these songs. My favorites have always been “Cosmic Love” and “Shake It Out” .. and now I’m adding “Only If For a Night” to the list.. here’s some lyrics from the song:

Then I heard your voice as clear as day, 
And you told me I should concentrate, 
It was all so strange, 
And so surreal, 
That a ghost should be so practical. 

Only if for a night 
And the only solution was to stand and fight, 
And my body was loosened and 
I was set alight, 
But you came over me like some holy rite, 
And although I was burning, 
You’re the only light.”

They’ll be playing near me in September this year and also at Austin City Limits. Hope I get to see a live show!


  1. Uberweird! I finally pulled my Rammstein CD out of my car a few days ago and replaced it with Florence & The Machine. (Yeah, CD's. I'm oldschool.)

    She/they was/were here not too long ago. I realized it the day of her/their concert and only a few days after I bought Ceremonials (on compact disc!) on a whim and started to really enjoy her/their music. It was a weeknight, and I had work to do, so I couldn't go on such short notice. I just realized today that she'll be back through here in a few months. I'm tempted to go, but I don't care much for the venue.


  2. I missed her/them when they were in my area. Amazing.


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OMGLITZY: Music Spotlight: Erutan

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Music Spotlight: Erutan

My favorite genre to geek out over is definitely “fantasy.” I have always loved anything magical, mythical and mystical. It’s why I choose to mostly play MMORPGs like EverQuest 2 or dress up as an elven warrior or princess. While browsing through YouTube videos tonight, I found an artist named Erutan. I am kind of shocked I have never heard of her before. Her music is enchanting and fits right in with my playlists. The best part of discovering the song “The Willow Maid” on YouTube was witnessing the whimsical tale through a moving collage of art. I have listened to her whole album “Raindancer” on iTunes now and equally enjoyed it. But I do recommend you watch the video to experience the story first hand. 🙂 Another favorite of mine is her cover of the song “Come Little Children” from the movie Hocus Pocus. Erutan had created a Kickstarter to help produce a physical copy of her album, and I am so happy that she’s gone way over her goal. Very well-deserved!
Photos by Alan Tijerina
Perhaps the timing of this discovery was meant to be for me. I will be my favorite elf this Saturday! I am wearing my Legolas cosplay to the Heart of Texas Comic Con in Waco, Tx. I’m excited for the chance to meet Manu Bennett who is Azog the Defiler in The Hobbit. Be sure to follow me on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook (@GlitzyGeekGirl) to see my posts from the weekend. This is my first time having a table at a convention and being a costume contest judge, too!
Who are some of your favorite “fantasy” musicians?


  1. Stretched elf ears are the prettiest :O



  2. I do like fantasy metal with tenor style vocals. Have you heard of The Hack and Slashers? They are from your area (Texas). They're a funny version of fantasy punk/metal/Rock'n'Roleplay. Also anything with legends and myths (metal, celtic, jazz, etc) is always fun to check out!

    I also like the Aquabats and their often Sci-Fi influenced Ska!


  3. I've been listening to Erutan (aka katethegreat19) for years I'm so glad you found her, she's too awesome! My favorite covers are probably Come Little Children and The Dragonborn Comes. My favorite original of her's is probably Across the Sunlands. It just makes me soo happy.


  4. I'll have to check out Erutan… sounds interesting! I'm listening to the Game of Thrones rap album (Catch the Throne, available for a free listen on SoundCloud) right now. If you're ever in the mood for some epic fantasy metal, you should check out Dragonforce.


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OMGLITZY: Movie Review – Thor: The Dark World

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Movie Review – Thor: The Dark World

Theatrical release poster; Walt Disney Studios
As you can tell from my previous post, I was pretty excited to go watch the second installment of Thor in theaters. I had made a winged headband to wear as I cheered on Thor and Loki in their adventures! I will keep this short and sweet and spoiler free!
I actually had not seen the first Thor movie until a few days ago. Luckily, my nearby Redbox had it to rent. So I made some popcorn and checked it out. I knew I was an instant fan of Thor after watching The Avengers. He and Captain America were my favorites due to their stunning good looks and gentlemanlike qualities. (Hey, they’re my type ok!) But truthfully, Thor appears to me as a true hero. He’s big, buff, kind, and genuinely looking out for the good of his people. And his role in Thor: The Dark World confirmed all of that for me.
First, the movie has an overall comedic feel. Which I loved! I laughed out loud at so many different parts. And I never felt like the lines came off as cheesy. Many of the funniest moments weren’t even spoken lines (like where Thor puts his hammer at the apartment) .. That was hilarious! I’m glad they included cameos of other characters, too. That was a nice touch to get a laugh out and also a glimpse at some of our other favorite super heroes.
Second, the movie had a great message. I feel like Thor and Loki’s relationship has excellent balance. This makes the movie more of a family film. It shows that a family may be complicated, but love doesn’t disappear, no matter how evil you might be. I especially enjoyed Rene Russo’s performance as Frigga. Her scenes were so moving and heartfelt that even Loki feels it. And I liked that I understood what I just watched. I didn’t leave the theater wondering why someone did something or what was that meant for. It was an enjoyable story to follow.
Finally, the action was just right. I’m comparing this to how I felt after Man of Steel. Superman straight up destroyed everything. And I had a hard time enjoying the mass chaos. I’m all for some good fight scenes, but too much and I’m a little turned off. The scenes in Asgard had a magical feel to them with the use of a more medieval touch. I enjoyed seeing the close up punches rather than who can throw the other into the farthest building.
So to conclude, I would probably say the two Thor movies combined have made it one of my favorite super hero story lines. The actors and actresses meshed well, the special effects brought another world to life, and the subtle love story resonated with me. I’d say this movie has something for just about everyone!
What is your favorite super hero film?
Did you enjoy Thor: The Dark World?


  1. My husband and I are going to see it tomorrow! This review has me pretty excited. Tom Hiddleston's Loki is a true treasure! He seems to really care about his role, AND, appreciate the fame it's brought to him, and the connection it has made with his fans.

    And YES! Thor is a total fittie!
    So stoked for this.


  2. I absolutely loved it! The dynamic between Thor and Loki has always been so interesting and it really reached a new depth in this film. Plus, I agree that there was some comedy gold sprinkled throughout the movie. I can't wait for more, because really there has to be!


  3. Great review Anna. Cool to see a stand-alone Marvel movie actually acknowledge the fact that yes, the Avengers did happen, and that they still exist in this universe, even if they aren't always popping-up to say hello or kick some butt.


  4. I can't believe I still haven't seen it. I didn't like the first Thor film that much except for topless Thor. Maybe I'll like this one more. It sounds much better.


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