OMGLITZY: Oh my glitzy – I’m actually updating this thing

Friday, December 13, 2019

Oh my glitzy – I’m actually updating this thing

Wow so Hello! Anyone still read this thing? I went around and updated a few broken links and changed my age.. it still said I was 30 in a few spots.. hehehe .. So anyway I guess I’ll post my most recent YouTube video. Life’s pretty great these days!

Be sure to follow me around social media – username is @Glitzybrite and I try to stream regularly on


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OMGLITZY: North Texas Comic Book Show

Friday, February 7, 2014

North Texas Comic Book Show

About every 2 or 3 months there is a small comic convention show called North Texas Comic Book Show. I have seen many of my friends attend it so I decided it was time I check it out.
My friend Sean dressed up as Hawkeye, and I went as Black Widow. This was Sean’s first time to go, too.
The show was held in a smaller hotel near downtown Dallas, but had two big rooms filled with vendors.
In the rooms you could find vintage toys and loads of comic books. There were also quite a few artists to meet.
I found several good deals here, and would like to go back to see what treasures I could find next time.
There were a handful of cosplayers in attendance as well. This is Enasni Volz as Dr. Harleen Quinzel. She won the costume contest! 
Photo by SCNS:Live
I’d like to dedicate this post to Chris Skiles. He is the cosplayer next to me dressed as Darth Nihilus. His costume played a sound recording of the character’s deep booming voice. While we were standing by each other during the costume contest I asked him what the recording was saying. He whispered to me that he wasn’t really sure, and we both laughed together. I know it was a very small moment, but it feels like yesterday that I shared it with Chris.
He was very active in our local cosplay scene, and I had the chance to see him at several other conventions. I couldn’t believe it when I heard that Chris passed away this week. He was only 30 years old, and I learned that he was also an Air Force veteran. At the Dallas Sci Fi Expo this Saturday several of us will be honoring Chris by wearing a white ribbon on our costumes. I didn’t know Chris well, but I have been touched by the opportunity I’ve had to meet new people through cosplay. My heart goes out to his friends and family.


  1. I am so sorry to hear about Chris. He sounds like a loving and positive person. What a terrible loss.


  2. I'm sorry to read that. He seems like he was a cool dude, and he was so young. Sorry for your loss of a comrade. It's great that you guys will honor him.


  3. He was a good guy. I'm going to miss him


  4. I'm very sorry to hear about Chris, it's terrible to lose someone that young.


  5. Great post! I'll be looking forward to meeting more of Chris' friends on Saturday. I only just recently got to meet and talk with him at the show in November. I wish I had met him sooner.


  6. I'm sorry for your communities loss! He sounds like a great guy.


  7. Gorgeous Black Widow!
    I love Harleen Quinzel, i was her for halloween. c:



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OMGLITZY: North Texas Comic Book Show: July 2014

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

North Texas Comic Book Show: July 2014

When I was asked to attend the North Texas Comic Book Show as a cosplay guest, I couldn’t have been more excited! I attended this event in January (you can read about it here) and loved the smaller size and feel. They have two large rooms full of comic artists, vintage toy sellers and other cosplayers. 
When I arrived I saw my face on this giant poster and said WOW out loud 😛 This is also the convention I debuted my Steampunk Princess Leia cosplay. I couldn’t have done this costume without the amazing corset from Corset Story. You can read my tutorial for this costume here.

I brought along several prints and accessories to sell. A few of these are still available in my Etsy store.
I was happy to see quite a few of my friends in attendance. Here’s my good friend and fellow blogger My Geeky Geeky Ways!
Photo by My Geeky Geeky Ways
I even hosted a panel! I’ve been a panel guest one other time (at Animation Celebration) but I was joined then by 4 other girls. So I was really nervous to talk by myself this time. The topic was about basic cosplay construction. I made note cards and listed out the steps I go through to determine how to pick a character, what materials I’ll need and work well, and the best places I’ve learned to find them. The crowd was small but still had at least 20 people there! I loved that I knew most everyone and they all joined in the discussion. 🙂

I held a drawing to win a giant Spider-Man 2 poster and my friend Mindy of The Geeky Seamstress won it!

I also had some Punisher posters and my friends Jesse and Ricardo won them! Jesse’s PikaPool was great!

Courtney wore her Azula cosplay and brought along her fireball. I was excited to see this in person since I missed her at Comic Con!
Photo by Trevor Jaro Chambers
I helped out as a judge for the cosplay contest, too! This was so much fun and, all the contestants did a great job!
The next North Texas Comic Book Show is in November. 
Be sure to check it out because it’s awesome!!


  1. Glad to finally see that selfie of us. It's a good pic, despite having my ugly mug in it.


  2. I couldn't imagine hosting a panel alone! It looks like you did a fab job!


  3. Wow, that is so exciting! And your steampunk Leia is perfect.


  4. Love this and congrats on a great and successful day! By the way I nominated you for the Liebster Award, please go by my blog.


  5. Your steampunk Leia was so beautiful. You did an amazing job. It must have been so incredible to see your face on that banner. Congratulations. 🙂


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Friday, October 19, 2012


OMG FINALLY! I have been driving my family crazy trying to come up with a new blog name! The Galaxy Life was so lame, but everything we came up with was already taken! But not GLITZYGEEKGIRL! Here at GGG I will still bring you all the fabulous posts as before and much more! This new identity is giving me some inspiration! So expect some really great posts. I have so many bloggers that I admire and enjoy reading and now it’s my turn! I’ve got my Zelda Symphony post ready to publish and this weekend I’ll be at the Dallas Comic Con’s Fan Days convention. Follow me on twitter @glitzygeekgirl for updates and live tweets! And

Once I have more time I’ll really update my header and backgrounds and such, too. Thanks so much for all the love, and I hope you enjoy the blog!


  1. Name seems like a perfect fit. Finding you isn't always easy. Looking forward to Fan Days updates. See ya GGG!


  2. Love the new name/look!


  3. GGG – Congrats on winning the costume contest!


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OMGLITZY: New Hair! Hot Pink & Half Shaved

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

New Hair! Hot Pink & Half Shaved

A few weeks ago I talked myself into cutting my hair into a pixie cut! I just have A LOT of hair and it’s ridiculously thick and wavy. I have had it short before but I wanted to go extra short this time. Another reason I want a pixie cut is because I love to color my hair frequently. With the length it takes WAY too long and too much hair dye.
So I grabbed my clippers (or buzzers) and a 4 guard (size of the attachment) and went to town! I wanted to keep the top kinda spiky so I piled it up into a pony tail to cut later and shaved the sides first.

Well after I did the sides I kinda looked at it and liked it! I thought.. Hey I might as well rock this for a day or two before I cut it all off.
I think the real reason I liked it is because it reminded me of Sokka from Avatar: The Last Airbender 😀

If I was going to leave the cut alone then I knew I still had a big job ahead to color it. This was after one bleaching and kinda looks like a My Little Pony tail!

Since it was still purple and kinda yellowy I decided to bleach it again so I could have a total change.

I mixed some RAW Fuchsia Fatale with a lot of conditioner and applied it to dry hair. Then I let it sit on my hair for an hour.

After an hour I rinsed it with COLD water and let it air dry since it’d been through a lot! This is what it looks like down .. it’s like you can’t even tell I shaved half of it off!

And here is what it looks like straight.

Most of the time I wear it up in a pony tail .. Like Sokka! 😀
It’s already grown out a bit now.. So one of these days soon I will be coloring it again. I know I will eventually cut it into a short pixie, but for now this is fun and different.
Have you ever shaved part of your hair before?


  1. Pardon the all caps but I LOVE IT!!!!! The cut and color are PERFECT!!! I was totally thinking about doing this as soon as my hair grew out just a bit more. I love having the sides shaved! It's perfect for summer and it's a nice little surprise when people notice. So beautiful!!!


  2. Love the new hair!!! c:
    You look stunning.



  3. It looks sososo good on you! DAMN. *__* And not just because I really love Sokka. 😀 haha



  4. I am so in love with your hair!!
    and I know exactly how you felt before making your choice, I took the other road and went short but seeing you amazing locks is making me full of regret :O



  5. I'm so amazed at the thickness of your hair. I don't have much to spare!! It's a super fun style!


  6. It looks great! I've thought about doing this ever since I saw Anya's hair like this on Project Runway, hahah. My hair grows slow, so I haven't got enough courage to go for it yet. I've had a pixie cut before, though! It feels so light and easy. I never use hair products to style my hair so getting ready in the morning was so quick!


  7. When I was 20 years younger, I wanted to do this. Not necessarily the color, but definitely the shave job. My hair was about that long and wouldn't grow out on the sides, but I never had the nerve to do it. Very nice!


  8. I've been seriously admiring your hair on instagram since you went through with this! Like, I'm IN LOVE. And it's in such good shape for having been bleached a bunch of times– I'm jealous!!! I bleached mine recently and it became seriously damaged! Y'ouch!

    Elyse @ Cuddly as a Cactus


  9. You really rock that style, and I love it. It suits you so well! ^__^


  10. Super pretty! Yea you can barely tell its shaved when its down. I liked the multi hair style before to. Kinda reminds of a mullet… Dunno why. But the pink is lovely!


  11. I've thought about it but have no idea if I can pull it off or not! I love it on you!


  12. I love the colour and cut. If you can't tell I LOVE pink hair. I had a 1/2 shaved head for ages. I miss it.


  13. This hair suits you so much!! Not many people can pull of this style but you look great :3

    ♥ Little Owl Diary


  14. Looks fantastic! And you're so blessed to have thick hair! I wish I did, cause I would LOVE to shave the sides and be able to go incognito with the length.


  15. Eep your hair is so neat, I've been thinking I'd love to do the shaved sides but I get stuck in this short hair trap, well you can have short hair and shaved sides but I think it looks especially cool the length you have it at now. Love the pink too and you will also definitely look killer with the pixie chop as well 🙂


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OMGLITZY: Nailed it! Purple purple

Friday, June 29, 2012

Nailed it! Purple purple

Painted my toes last night and used OPI “Do you lilac it” and Sinful Colors “Let’s talk!”.. And my fab sandals are from Steve Madden 🙂


  1. I want your shoes.


  2. What happened to Coldplay concert photos? Amazing.


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OMGLITZY: Nailed It – Blue and Glitter Ombre

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Nailed It – Blue and Glitter Ombre

This nail design was pretty messy, but very cute! I painted on a clear base coat, then one layer of Sinful’s Midnight Blue polish. Once dried, I did another layer of blue polish and quickly sprinkled some of Martha Stewarts craft glitter near the cuticle and moved slowly toward the tip of the nail. This creates an ombre effect which is quite popular these days!

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Monday, June 4, 2012

Nailed It

Decided to paint my toe nails today ..  
These are the tools I use first when I give myself a manicure or pedicure. I got a pretty nice set when I went to cosmetology school. It’s important to clean up your cuticles and always buff before you paint them. It makes the surface look a lot cleaner.
These are the polishes I used. I finished it off with a clear top coat, too.
Tada! 🙂

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OMGLITZY: My Top 5 Fictional Valentines

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

My Top 5 Fictional Valentines

Valentine’s Day is quickly approaching and as a single gal I couldn’t help but daydream about who my favorite fictional Valentine would be! It’s no surprise that most of these are characters in shows I’m currently hooked on! 
Barry Allen aka The Flash

In the show Barry has taken a few lucky girls on some interesting dates from bowling, to coffee, to lavish dinners. I imagine Barry would be fun to spend an evening with just chatting and laughing. He’s laid back and smart and let’s not forget a super hero! 😛

Jace Wayland

I’m going to save my opinion of the new Shadowhunters show for another post. (It’s not the best.) So let’s focus on Jace the character! Sure he may be a little self-absorbed at times but you can guarantee your date with him wouldn’t be boring. I actually like how in the show he is portrayed as very caring and protective. And he’s not bad to look at either! 😉

Poe Dameron

After I saw The Force Awakens I had trouble choosing a favorite character because they were all fantastic. Poe stood out to me the most, however, with his charm, strength and overall positive attitude. I’d love to go on a date with him because I am sure he’d be a gentleman with lots of cool stories!

James Alexander Malcolm MacKenzie Fraser

If Jamie Fraser from Outlander is NOT on your fictional Valentine list then you are missing out! He has got to be one of the most romantic and thoughtful characters I’ve experienced in a book and show. He would quite literally risk his life for you so just imagine how great of a Valentine he’d be!

Augustus Waters

He may not have super human strength or be able to fly an X-wing, but Augustus from The Fault in Our Stars has a magic all his own. From his witty comebacks to his deep thinking, he would grant you meaningful and memorable moments. Not only that, but he’d be patient, kindhearted, and thankful for any time spent with you. He’d be a perfect Valentine. <3

I’d love to hear who your top 5 are so be sure to leave a comment!
Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!


1 comment:

  1. Oh man. I was not expecting to love him so much, but my heart belongs to Poe Dameron. Dat swag. Dat hair. Swoon.

    Other fandom Valentines would include Elijah Mikealson (don't judge), The Doctor, Garrus Vakarian & Castiel.


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OMGLITZY: My Next Cosplay is…

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

My Next Cosplay is…

Fiona! I am doing the version from Shrek Forever After. This appealed to me because I think it will stand out in the crowd! I love characters that require some unique makeup. (I had a blast being Asajj Ventress.) So the bright green skin will surely get noticed! I also wanted to do a completely handmade costume. This is a great way for me to learn how to make armor and a weapon.

This outfit including the armor (but not the sword)
I will be attempting to make this battle axe!

I used Wolfe FX for my Asajj Ventress body paint, but they didn’t have a green that I felt was ogre-like. So I ordered this body paint by Mehron in the color Lime. It came a few days ago, and I’m very happy with it!
The wig is from Arda. The style is Buttercup and the color is Pumpkin. They make very good quality costume wigs. I plan to tease this some so it looks more like I’ve been in battle.

Fabric is from JoAnn’s.. The light brown and string is for the shirt. The darker brown is for the belt. And of course the plaid is the skirt. I got some strips of leather to make the wrist band, but I might use fabric from the shirt instead.

Made the necklace and dagger hilt out of Crayola Model Magic.
This stuff is SO easy to use. It dries into a very lightweight foam. But is still sturdy.

I love how the necklace turned out! The dark green was a tad too dark, though. So I repainted it to be a little brighter. It’s drying right now or I would have taken a new pic.
After painting the hilt of the dagger I attached some foam to the end. So this is convention friendly 😉

The armor requires more steps.. I used this tutorial by One Delightful Day.
I have never made armor before, but this tutorial made things really easy. I skipped adding the wire to the back edges because I don’t think I’ll need to bend my pieces much. This step in the above photo shows me cutting out the foam and adding the gauze-like fabric to the back to reinforce the foam.

Next I put Gesso on the pieces to act as a primer for the paint. If you just try to paint it without Gesso you won’t get a very good result. So definitely don’t skip this step! This is a picture of just ONE coat of silver. One coat was all it needed!
(Click to view larger)
This is after I added some more paint to give it a distressed look. I’m sure there’s lots of techniques you can use. I just wet my paint brush with water and dabbed some paint on. Then I smeared it with a paper towel. I learned that if you try too hard to get it right you’ll end up going crazy. Remember it’s supposed to look old and messy.
Just need to attach elastic or velcro or some string (not sure which yet, lol) so it can go around my arm. I think it looks cool!! Not bad for my first try.
This is the belt buckle cut out of foam. I forgot to do this when I made the other pieces of armor so I haven’t distressed it yet.
So there’s still a LOT to do .. Like make the shirt and skirt and weapon!! Ahh! But I am having tons of fun with this costume. I can’t wait to debut it at Dallas Comic Con in May. I already bought my VIP ticket, too! Huge thanks to everyone that has LIKED my Facebook page. I said I would announce my cosplay if I hit 100 Likes, and now I’m already at 109!!
Have you seen Shrek Forever After?
Are you going to Dallas Comic Con?
Will you be in a costume?


  1. Looking forward to it, looking great from the pictures.


  2. Oh wow, I never would have guessed! You've made a ton of progress on it already, it's looking great so far!

    I won't be at Dallas Comic Con because I am graduating that weekend 🙁 The next convention I'm going to is A-Kon!



    1. Thanks Mia! I change my mind on costumes a lot, but once I invest some time into it I get pumped about it!

      Graduation is definitely more important than a con.. And big congrats in advance!! You and I will for sure hang out at A-Kon .. Not sure what my costume will be but I already have a ticket!


  3. That looks amazing! I used to have a roommate who would make her own costumes for cosplay and I would just watch in awe. I got to make a friend of mine earrings for her Hawkeye cosplay at Seattle Comic con and that was super cool. That wig looks really good on you. It matches your complexion really well. I hope you have tons of fun at Comic Con 🙂



    1. Thanks so much! I've been wanting to do a Luna Lovegood cosplay and she wears some cute jewelry that I've been wanting to make! Like raddish earrings 😛


    2. Luna Lovegood is my favorite character from anything ever!!!


  4. You are doing a great job on the costume, I love putting together my own costumes!





    1. Thank you! It's a cool feeling when you make it yourself don't ya think??


  5. It's amazing to see all the steps involved in making your costume. I think it's going to look great!

    You better start eating more cupcakes if you want to match Fiona's figure!


  6. Wow! Totally awesome costume! Did you wear this to any other cons, by chance?



    1. Thanks! And not yet.. I'm actually still working on some of it. Will be debuting it at the Dallas Comic Con.


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