OMGLITZY: PAX South 2015

Monday, February 9, 2015

PAX South 2015

Since my first visit to PAX Prime several years ago, I have been anxiously awaiting my next chance to attend another PAX convention. When they announced a new location to their schedule here in my home state of Texas I couldn’t contain my excitement! I bought tickets as soon as they became available and counted down the days until the con.
It’s now been a few weeks since my visit to PAX South in San Antonio, but looking through my photos have brought back all the wonderful memories. I went to Prime by myself so I was really happy to go to South with my family. We are all first and foremost gamers. My mom and brother especially! So it was super special to be able and share this convention with them and nerd out over all the games and merchandise.
After the 5 hour trip from Dallas to San Antonio, we checked in to our hotel and walked next door to the convention center. To me that is one of the best things about PAX conventions is how they place the events in large centers around great hotels and fantastic night life. We headed straight in and to the Nintendo booth to try and grab a paper Majora’s mask souvenir. It was already gone for the day, but we did manage to get one the next morning!
Another great thing about PAX is the chance to try out new and upcoming games. My mom and I played the demo for Dungeon Defenders II and loved it! It was really colorful and interactive. I was so proud of my mom for trying out a PC game. She’s usually into console gaming. We were on easy mode but still enjoyed the gameplay and features. Plus we got a code for an early release and also a limited edition pin.
That evening we explored the rest of the convention center and checked out the Magic: The Gathering tournaments as well as some panels. I was excited to see my friend Mia Moore at the Women in Geek Media Panel!
The next morning I woke up really really early to get in line for the Guild Wars 2 panel. They weren’t letting people in the doors until 8am so my dad and I got there around 7:15am. There was already a line outside the building but once we got inside most everyone went a different direction than the main theater where the panel was to be held. So me and my dad and the two guys in front of us went straight to that queue and began our 2 hour wait until the panel started. Lucky for us we were awarded a Corsair Gaming Mouse for being one of the first 5 people there. I also got to meet two of Arena Net’s marketing team members and also cosplayer Sarah Cain who was dressed as a Guild Wars 2 character. The best part was seeing my face on the live Twitch stream. I was seated close to the front and in the center and my white hoodie and pink hair showed up nicely in the sea of black shirts. (See top right photo; I’m above his shoulder.) You can watch the stream here.
We spent the rest of the day collecting street passes on our Nintendo 3DS and then exploring some of San Antonio. My family and I ate at a great Mexican restaurant on the River Walk. Even though it was chilly it was just nice enough to be able to eat outside. Then we walked along the rest of the River Walk and found the The Alamo. I visited this once when I was very little but sadly don’t remember it. (How dare I not remember The Alamo!!) So I was very very excited to make up for it and take in all the history of this monument.
One of the best things about a PAX convention is all the free swag! I came home with SO many goodies! I bought a few of the collectable pins and adorable books they had and also a sticker sheet and patch. But literally everything else was free! I got Magic: The Gathering cards, the Majora’s Mask, lanyards, several coupon codes for online stores, and best of all a Guild Wars 2 Heart of Thorns shirt and pin!
This was a very memorable trip and one I am happy to have spent with my family. I am looking forward to PAX South growing and becoming bigger and better next year.


  1. Aw! That's awesome that your family attended too!


  2. Are your parents into games and geeky stuff as well?


  3. Looks like it was fun! ^^


  4. Sounds like a blast! Looks like you had a great time. I'm hoping to make it out there next year too!


  5. I watched the Guild Wars 2 live stream announcement and immediately saw you in the crowd. I'm happy you got to go and a bit jealous too!


  6. That sounds like so much fun. Great amount of swag too


  7. Sounds good!! (: They don't give that much goodies here in germany. :<


  8. Banjo & Kazooie!! That's sooooo cute! I don't recal seeing anyone do them as a cosplay before!


  9. So excited I got to see you at PAX. Can't wait to see you at another con 🙂


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OMGLITZY: PAX Prime 2013

Monday, September 30, 2013

PAX Prime 2013

To say I had a blast at PAX Prime would be an understatement! I seriously had an amazing time!! This was by far the largest convention I’ve ever attended. I was lucky to win a badge from Grimm Bros and find a hotel near the convention center last minute. So I felt like a VIP 🙂 It was great walking around downtown Seattle with fellow nerds everywhere you looked. I could definitely see myself living here someday.
Overall, this trip is one for the record books. I went by myself but met up with friends I’ve met via social media. I got to see so many cool video games and cosplays, and parts of Seattle. I never thought I would get such an amazing opportunity. Once I got home, I was exhausted but also so thankful for everything I had just experienced! So if you ever get the chance to attend a PAX convention DO ITTTTT!
I posted all of my photos on my Facebook so please look through that album because there’s a lot in there that I just didn’t have room to put in this post.
More photos after the break!!!! >>>

As soon as I landed in Seattle, I dropped off my things at my hotel and walked over to the convention center. It was already packed with people!
First thing I had to do was get my badge .. I had no idea where to go! 😀

Found them! I can’t thank Grimm Bros enough for picking me as a winner! It was great meeting Eric of Impact Props, cosplayer Missyeru (who was dressed as Red Robin) and photographer Martin Wong.
Then I walked around the convention to get a feel of everything and pick up my goodie bag.

I just had to buy one of these Scott Pilgrim coins from the Oni Press booth!
I was excited to see the SOE booth since I had just been to SOE Live a few weeks before PAX. They talked about EQNext, and I was happy there was always a big crowd surrounding them. I didn’t get to learn anything new about the game, though. They just repeated the same slideshow I saw at SOE Live.

After the exhibits closed my first evening there, I decided to walk down to the Pikes Place Market. Since it was after 6pm, most of stores were already closed. But there were plenty of people taking photographs and enjoying the view. I admit I had goosebumps when I took this photo. It was truly magical 🙂

This was the first Starbucks that opened in 1971! It was so different looking and had such a cool vibe.

I decided I just HAD to order something from here.. So I got a Mocha Frappucino 🙂

Here’s a funny story.. After my visit to Pikes Place Market, I came back to the convention center and hung out in the Nintendo Lounge. The exhibit rooms were closed so there were a lot of people just hanging out playing games here. I was sitting on a bench taking advantage of all the StreetPass opportunities when I noticed the guy next to me kept getting asked for photos and autographs. Finally, I had to ask him “I’m sorry, but WHO are you?”  … LOL … I think I caught him off guard (in a good way) because he laughed and said he owns this company called Rooster Teeth. I had heard one of my salon clients mention that name before, but I didn’t know what it was. So he explained and I told him how I was sorry I was clueless .. lol .. But that it was cool meeting him anyway! We StreetPassed each other (which I think is way cooler than an autograph) and I gave him one of my blog cards before he left. Well later that night he invited me to meet some of his friends from Rooster Teeth! Unfortunately I already had other plans, but seriously how cool is that! 😀

On Saturday I wore my Annie cosplay from League of Legends. This was me and Harley’s Joker .. he was in character the whole time! I wish I had pics of me on stage at the LOL costume contest. I did find these videos on YouTube:
 I’m the Annie at 0:42 and 0:58
I’m on stage as Annie at 1:25
There’s also a few photos of my Annie on these websites:

These were my favorite cosplays! It’s Cyrus and Reese from Animal Crossing: New Leaf! After I took the photo Cyrus asked if I would like a chocolate bell! (He had chocolate coins in his bell pouch to hand out!)

This was my other favorite outfit. She is from Guild Wars 2.

On Sunday I wore my Ramona Flowers cosplay. I was excited to head over to the Oni Press booth (that is who publishes the Scott Pilgrim comics).. The guy at the booth took my photo and posted it on their Twitter page!

Then a few other Ramonas to show up!!! It was so cool! He took another picture of us and posted it to the Oni Press Twitter. I tweeted the picture, too, and tagged Bryan Lee O’Malley and HE FAVORITED my tweet!!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂

In the Nintendo Lounge, I was able to play on the new 2DS system. It was pretty cool, but I am so use to my XL screen that I probably won’t be buying a 2DS any time soon. It would be great for someone younger since there is no hinge that could break. I don’t use the 3D option on mine and most other people I talked to said the same. So maybe if they made this in a XL size I would consider it.

This super awesome Gideon cosplay and myself were filmed for the SneakyZebra cosplay video! It shows my acting debut!
My Annie is at 2:00 and Ramona Flowers is at 2:31

I really wanted to play the Elder Scrolls but it had a craaaazy long line.

I did wait in line to play the Magic: The Gathering Online and get a free pin for my lanyard. This game was great for me because I’ve been wanting to learn how to play Magic better. But since I don’t have anyone to play with now I can right from my iPad or computer!
Another game I played a demo of was Strife. It was a lot like League of Legends except it was more of an RPG than PVP. I enjoyed it so much that I will probably get it when it comes out. The Strife booth had excellent marketing because if you played the demo you got this cute plush. All day long people were asking me where I got it! So Strife got some major advertising that way 🙂
This is some of the swag I brought home from PAX. A lot of it was free!  I did buy the MLG t-shirt and the Sanshee necklaces. The mouse and earbuds were in my goodie bag for entering the League of Legends costume contest!!
So basically this was the most amazing trip ever!! I got to see and do so much! Be sure to look through my Facebook album for a bunch more pics.
What games are you looking forward to being released?

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OMGLITZY: Pastel Rainbow Hair

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Pastel Rainbow Hair

I bleached out the purple blue color I had going on and it turned pink! Don’t ask me how. So I rocked that for a few days and got bored quickly.. so I added some teal and purple chunks to it. I’m thinking about changing it up again because I don’t think many people like this 😛 Oh well it’s fun and I feel like a unicorn or mermaid! Hehe!


  1. Any tips on how to keep colored hair soft feeling?


  2. Cholesterol treatment on roots all over head , plastic cap, sit w heat let cook , then rinse cold (COLD!) as u can take!


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OMGLITZY: Pastel Mermaid Hair

Monday, September 9, 2013

Pastel Mermaid Hair

I am back from PAX Prime and can’t wait to share my adventure with you! But I took a bajillion photos and I’ve been so busy catching up at work that I just haven’t had time to sort through them. So eventually I will post my Vampire Diaries convention pics and my PAX Prime pics. But for now here is a fun little hair experiment I did yesterday!
I’ve been watching videos on YouTube about “mermaid hair” and how you can get it for yourself! Most of the videos featured pastel colors and big loose waves.
So I used my Ion Color Brilliance in purple, blue and pink. These are already pastel shades so you don’t have to mix them with conditioner to lighten the pigment. However, the blue was kinda bright so I did add a little conditioner for mine.
I just put random chunks in all throughout my hair.
This is what it looked like when I shampooed it out! Be sure to use cooler water so the color lasts longer.
I added some color on top of my bangs which were already a faded blue and pink. So that is why they look a little darker.
This was after I dried it really quick. You can see how subtle and pretty the colors look!
Next I used a curling iron to curl my hair. Even though this has a clamp on it – I used it as a wand. Meaning I just wrapped medium sized sections of my hair around the barrel for a few seconds then let it go.
I started at the bottom and worked my way to the top.
This was after I finished curling it all!
Then I brushed it out and hairsprayed it. I wanted it big and messy – like a mermaid!
I just need my hair to be a couple inches longer then I’ll really have mermaid hair 🙂
But I love the pastel tones my hair has now. And the good thing is, it will still look good even after it fades. I can’t wait to do my makeup and take some better pictures with my new hair color.
Here I am ready for the day 🙂


  1. Cute! You and Nerdburger have such fun colors in your hair that you both inspired me! I bought some clip in purple and pink extensions! Can't wait to put them in. 🙂


  2. I love your hair! I wish I could purple to mine but because it's so stark black, no hair dresser wants to touch my hair to add some bits of purple.


  3. You look so amazing!!!!!! Yay I have that shirt as well.YAY


  4. I wanted to do pastel purple/lavender hair but the stylist said I would have to bleach my hair super blonde (I'm a dark brunette naturally) and since my hair has been the healthiest its been in so long, I decided just to go with a red, haha. Totally chickened out. But your mermaid hair is gorgeous! 🙂


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OMGLITZY: Pastel Lavender Hair

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Pastel Lavender Hair

So I decided to add some lavender to my hair a few days ago. Ion Color now carries a pastel series available at Sally’s. I didn’t have to mix it with anything.. Just put it on, let it sit for 20 minutes, rinse, and tada!
Here’s the after! I am so happy with this shade of purple. I can’t wait to try the pastel pink and blue next time.
And since I don’t have many pics of my new hair yet, here are some from the past I enjoyed having!


  1. Looks cool! I like the color, and I like how it looks with the blonde.


  2. Wow! It turned out awesome. I really like the first two of your other looks too =)


  3. I love the new pastel in your hair. You look even more pretty then normal. 🙂


  4. It looks great. I love all of your past hairstyles. If you lived in Seattle, I'd have you come over and dye my hair 🙂


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OMGLITZY: Pallas Cat

Monday, July 23, 2012

Pallas Cat

Whenever I’m feeling sad, I just look at images of Pallas cats and feel so better happier 🙂

1 comment:

  1. Pallas cats (like all cats) are awesome! I can only imagine how much they shed though.


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OMGLITZY: Outfit of the Day

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Outfit of the Day

Haven’t posted in a few days because I’ve had an eventful weekend! Finally saw the Zelda Symphony of the Goddesses and made a trip to Houston for the Renaissance Festival. Trust me I have loads of pics from each! So be on the lookout for some good blog posts soon. Also this weekend is the Dallas Fan Days convention so I will have lots of pics from that too.

For now here is a pic of my outfit from today. I got this dress at Urban Outfitters. Pixie insisted on a hug during this photoshoot 😉


  1. Really cute dress. The cat accessory really completes the outfit. Looking forward to more pics.


  2. You are so pretty, Anna! Love your outfit and your tattoos! And your perfect hair!


  3. Your hair is so perfect. I love it even more all done up and curly. You look mega pretty in that dress.


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OMGLITZY: One Direction Concert – Dallas 2014

Thursday, September 25, 2014

One Direction Concert – Dallas 2014

A few weeks ago I went on an adventure to see the band One Direction perform! I became a Directioner after seeing the guys perform Story of My Life on SNL. I couldn’t believe how well they sang and the song really moved me. After that I bought all their albums and was instantly hooked. So when I first heard that the Where We Are Tour was making a stop in Dallas I just knew I wanted to get tickets. I was excited to see this specific tour because I had made a playlist of their setlist and had every song memorized!
The concert was held at AT&T Stadium which is where the Dallas Cowboys play football. I had never been to this stadium before so I left really early to avoid bad traffic. I was impressed with how well they had labeled the parking lots and had no trouble finding a spot.
While waiting for the doors to open, you could shop at the merchandise tent outside. I thought this was incredibly smart because you could buy everything you wanted and take it right back to your car and not have to carry it around during the show.
I decided to buy this purple and pink shirt. It photographed kinda dark but it’s really a pretty color, and I like that it says the name of the tour at the bottom.
This is from the very back of the stadium. I loved that someone on Instagram said “bow ties are cool” .. At first I was like huh? But the backdrop totally looks like a bow tie! haha!
Since I went by myself to this concert I had to ask a stranger to take this pic for me. Luckily the place was swarming with young girls with nice mothers willing to help ^.^
I saw on Facebook that my cosplay friend Emily Ann was also at the show! So I messaged her the section I was in and she came by to say Hello!
Photo by Elizabeth Villarreal 
Since Emily had amaaaazzzzing seats I asked if I could post one of the photos she and her friends took. I can’t believe how close they were to the stage! This photo didn’t require any zoom at all!
I still had a decent view from my seat and was able to see the boys pretty well when they walked along the extended stage.
During one of the songs everyone turned their phones on and the whole place lit up like the night sky. It was truly breathtaking.
I really enjoyed how funny the guys were with each other. At one time Liam let the whole audience know that Harry sleeps with his hair in a bun. And another time Niall did a great Texas accent for us!
The stage itself was very impressive. They had a fantastic light show and small fireworks went off several times. I loved it when the stage extended up into the air because I could almost believe that maybe one of them saw me ^.^
I realize not everyone is a One Direction fan, and I totally respect that. But please don’t say anything negative about my likes! I found that their concert was super professional and very entertaining. One of the best I’ve been to! It’s been exciting to watch this ‘cute boy band’ turn into some highly talented young men. They can sing SO well. And they truly never stopped thanking the crowd and looking around the entire stadium with awe. Now I am looking forward to their next album!


  1. My older sister is a big fan of one direction and she's 24 so she's used to getting hate for it, so i'll send her this blog post to let her know she isn't alone! I volunteered to see them when they were in London with her earlier this year and i was completely bowled over by it. We had standing tickets and were about 5 people back from the front! I was expecting to have to fake enthusiasm to please my sister but the stage was outstanding and i knew a hell of a lot more songs than i thought so i could sing and dance along with everyone else! Sorry for going on a bit but yeah. One direction can get a bad reputation with fangirls but i was pleasantly surprised (:


  2. Jelly! Seeing a 1D concert is on my bucket list!


  3. Dude you look so adorable!!!! I'm so happy you got to go to see One Direction. They are fantastic performers and it sounded like an amazing show. I've had to go to soo many concerts by myself due to no one else liking the band or lack of money including Hilary Duff and Hanson. 🙂


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OMGLITZY: Once Upon A Time Cosplay: Evil Queen Regina Costume

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Once Upon A Time Cosplay: Evil Queen Regina Costume

I am so excited to share with you all my Once Upon A Time cosplay of the Evil Queen Regina!!!
This cosplay is special to me because it’s proof you CAN use a Halloween costume for cosplay! Anyone that says you can’t is silly. Sure, I enjoy making a lot of my own stuff, but sometimes I just don’t have the time or money to make an entire cosplay from scratch. I’ve used pieces from Halloween stores for several of my cosplays in the past. So when Costume SuperCenter contacted me about modeling one of their costumes, I couldn’t have been more stoked!! Going through their gallery was a lot of fun, too. They have SO MANY to choose from for all genres and fandoms.
After narrowing it down, I finally chose the Elite Wicked Queen costume. I picked this because it’s not something I would know how to make on my own. Evil Queen Regina from Once Upon A Time wears some exquisite dresses, and the time and money it would take for me to find patterns and fabrics would have been stressful. The costume came in a dress bag inside a well-packaged box. 
**I chose a size Large – I’m 5’10 and about 145 pounds.**
More photos and lots of great details>>>

I took the dress out and marveled at the fabric. Although slightly shiny, it didn’t look cheap at all. The fabric is quite heavy. This is definitely high quality for a Halloween costume. It has a nice invisible zipper up the back, some decorative buttons on the sleeves, and is a gorgeous combo of royal purple, black and silver.
**I love that it came with an unattached petticoat!** This helps fill out the dress. I’ll be able to use this for other costumes, too.
In the bottom of the dress bag were the crown and necklace. These are **included** with the costume. The necklace has an adjustable lobster claw and is made of a thick lace with little purple beads on the bottom. The crown was a thick plastic covered in sequins and jewels. It velcros shut, but I found it too small to fit on my head.
So although the crown is made well, you would have to clip it on your head instead of closing it all the way.
The only two things I bought for this costume were some black lace and an apple. *These were not included!*

The lace was kinda thin so I hand stitched two layers together. (The left is by itself and the right is after I put two together.) I slid the lace under my wig and had the bottom “triangle” hanging down my forehead. I’d recommend using some eyelash glue to stick it to your head in case it’s windy outside.
The wig I used was a dark brown (nearly black) wig from a store in my mall. It was *not* included with the costume. I’ve had it for awhile.. it was pretty cheap. I pinned the bangs back with bobby pins and made a little updo using some dark hair clips.
Here is the detail on the sleeve I mentioned earlier. I thought this was such a nice touch.
For my makeup, I put a lot of foundation on to smooth out my skin tone and hide my tattoos. I used a bronzer and purple eyeshadow on my cheeks for blush. For my eyes I used a black, dark grey, and red eyeshadow. I blended them in really well and faded them out to make a slight point on the sides. Be sure to darken your brows a lot and also line your lips first. Then fill them in with a maroon lipstick. I’m also wearing false lashes.
**You can also see I’m wearing a nude mesh shirt. It did not come with the costume and is totally optional. I wear it to hide my tattoos.**
Click the photos to see them bigger! 🙂
Overall I’d give this costume a 9 out of 10! I loved the quality and colors. The style could be used for an Evil Queen, witch, Renaissance or Victorian dress, or for a masquerade ball. I’d love to wear this with a Once Upon A Time cosplay group! The only things I didn’t like was that the crown was too small, and the chest area was a little big. I’m small chested so this probably wouldn’t be a problem for someone a little more filled out.
Be sure to check out all the costumes available at Costume SuperCenter! They offer wonderful customer service and so many options to choose from. Take advantage of any Halloween discounts they have to stock up on costumes for conventions all year long! I know I will be 🙂 And follow them on Facebook and Twitter for news and updates!
Have you ever used a Halloween costume for a cosplay at a convention?
(All photos were taken by April Miller and edited by me.)


  1. Whoa! This looks AMAZING! I love how you added a few of your own little details as well.


  2. Your cosplays are always so epic! ^^


  3. You look awesome! Love this costume. 🙂


  4. I own a small costume business and starting cosplaying about three years ago. I agree completely that it's okay to use ready-made. Not everyone can sew, myself included so it's nice when you can put together different pieces from costume stores, thrift stores and craft suppliers. Last year for FanExpo I handpainted a "morph" suit and went as the Female Titan from Attack on Titans. My ultimate idea of cosplay is being true to the character as well as authentic to yourself. DeviantArt is proof of that. Thanks for sharing, I'm going to re-post your link on my facebook page.


  5. Gorgeous costume. I'm always worried about buying costumes because I'm a bit tall (5'9"). But you are tall too and it looks great on you!


  6. My first cosplay costume was a Halloween store costume, as I wanted to cosplay at my first convention but didn't know how to sew whatsoever, and I already had the costume from the past Halloween. (Incidentally, it's the Evil Queen from Disney's Snow White). I was so hesitant to wear it at first because I was told if you didn't make your costume you weren't a real cosplayer and was scared to be called out for that, but I was too stubborn to not cosplay.

    That was 7 years ago, and I still cosplay her. The outfit/look has been through many minor upgrades since then, but to this day she's hands down my most popular cosplay. 🙂


  7. You look so fierce and beautiful. Such a rad costume and cool that anyone can try this one out too. 🙂


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OMGLITZY: OMGlitzy! New blog! New name!

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

OMGlitzy! New blog! New name!
I’m excited to share that I have come up with a fun new name to go by – OMGlitzy! I’m still Glitzy and I’m still geeky, but I have felt like going by a different online handle for awhile now. I’m still going to update this blog with cosplay tutorials and giveaways, though. So don’t lose this bookmark! Since this site became cosplay centric and still gets lots of hits, I plan to keep it updated when I can. But my new blog is going to be a little more random and a place for me to hopefully post more often without the pressure of making an epic post each time. What I mean is I started to feel like if I didn’t make a cosplay post with lots of photos, links, and information then no one wanted to read it. I didn’t want to clutter this site with random ramblings. I dunno, I am sure it’s just some weird blogger insecurity thing. But what I’m getting at is my new blog will be more laid back and easier for me to just chat about what’s going in my life!
I’ve already updated my Instagram and Twitter to my new handle – @OMGlitzy – but my Facebook and YouTube links will have to stay /GlitzyGeekGirl since they don’t offer name changes. I debated about how to handle my Twitch channel (since they don’t do name changes either) and ultimately decided that since I plan to stay pretty active on there that I would go ahead and make a new channel with my new name. So if you’d like to keep following me on Twitch head over to and give it a follow!
Thanks so much for staying interested in this blog while I’ve gone through some transitions this year. Coming soon here will be a Wonder Woman cosplay tutorial!


  1. My favourite Nintendo game right now is Animal Crossing New Leaf! I still can't put it down after all this time 😀



  2. My favorite Nintendo game is Super Mario Bothers. I think. I love so many old school and new games, it is hard to choose.


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