OMGLITZY: Princess of the Nerds: My Room, Art, and EQ2 Loot

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Princess of the Nerds: My Room, Art, and EQ2 Loot

(click to see larger version)
A few weekends ago I had a lot of energy and decided to finish decorating my computer area. I had a few things up but knew there were a lot of posters still under my bed. I also have been meaning to showcase my new monitor that I got for my laptop. I play EverQuest 2 on a Sony Vaio F Series and purchased a Samsung 23″LED monitor along with a Logitech keyboard. I originally bought a nice Razer gaming keyboard but the keys were so loud so I went with a simple Logitech for now. I also use a Razer Kraken headset (seen in my previous post) to go with my Razer Naga mouse. My other computer is a 21″ Mac desktop and my iPhone and iPad can be seen in the middle. 
Do you think I leveled up my computer nerd status?
If you follow my Facebook page then you saw this pic of my Warm Bodies t shirt. I got this in the freebie room at Sci Fi Expo and forgot to include it in that post!

This is the photo I sent in for the King of the Nerds casting call! I included a pretty cool (I think I sounded cool) bio and a link to my blog. The show is very entertaining, and I think it looks fun! One big thing on my bucket list (I should post that someday) is to be on a reality show. Amazing Race would be my first choice, but I think I’d have a pretty good shot at the $100,000 prize on King of the Nerds! I hope I get picked for the second season!
These photos have gone a bit viral lately, and I just had to give it a try. The app is imadeface and it lets you pick from a variety of facial features to mimic your own. I’m not sure mine looks like me, but I’ve seen some that look just like the person! Pretty fun and it’s free.

For Christmas I received some amazing new art supplies. I would love to get better at drawing and painting so I picked up some ‘manga for beginners’ books. This is literally my first try at it so I realize there’s a lot of room for improvement. But it was the first page of the book so it was a good place to start. I hope to post more of my progress as an artist soon.

This was a gnarly robe upgrade for my necromancer on EQ2 the other day. About 5 or 6 of us from my guild (Carpe Diem) raid with a group called Brimstone Alliance three nights a week. Lately I haven’t won too many new items so I was pretty excited when I won this new robe. It dropped off Drinal in Harrow’s End after doing two soulwells! I’d like to add that we killed him flawlessly! That means no one in our raid died the whole fight! Woot!

And here’s a picture of my character Audeley. You get to wear appearance gear in this game so you can keep your stats from your fighting gear but change up how it looks. I change my outfits a lot.. I’m a glitzy geek remember? Usually I’m some shade of pink or purple, but for now I am green and cloverly to celebrate Brew Day (or St. Patrick’s Day.)
I’ve done some other cool stuff lately that I am excited to put into another blog post so come back soon for that update. This was a pretty geeky post that I’m super proud of! I love my room and computer area and of course you know I love to play EverQuest 2. It will be cool to see if I hear back from King of the Nerds when they start casting. And maybe when I get better at drawing I can create my own manga. I feel like a “Princess of the Nerds” now!
What kind of computer do you use?
Which reality show would you want to be on?
Is there any talent or hobby you’d like to get better at?


  1. If you get picked for the reality show, plz don't use me as a "phone a friend." I'd go on Amazing Race with you. Since I'm computer challenged all your gear and gaming is gnarly.



    1. You would be pretty handy during Cash Cab .. You know lots of trivia! Let's send in a tape for Amazing Race 😛


  2. Real talk, I just finished editing my video audition for American Ninja Warrior. I went to the tryouts last year but didn't get to go on. Hopefully, this year, I at least get to do that.



    1. Holy cow!! No way!! That's so stinkin' cool!! That show is incredible. I sure hope you get to go on it!! Please let me know if you do! Good Luck!


    2. Thanks. Now I'm just anxious to see if I get a reply. It could be until April or May before I hear anything. Here's the link to the audition video if you wanted to check that out.


    3. I hate how long the wait can be before you hear back! King of the Nerds season 2 won't be until 2014. After watching your video there is no way they won't pick you! You're like a superhero! How'd you do that many chin ups?!?!


    4. Oh geez, guess I don't have anything to complain about then. I do hope you make it though; that'd be pretty flipping cool. And honestly, I don't know how I do it. Starting doing that stuff over a year and a half ago and couldn't do near as much, but I just do that over and over. But anywho, here's hoping we both make it to our respective shows.


  3. Love that Warm Bodies tee! <3



    1. I loved the movie!! I was excited to get a free shirt!


  4. i have no idea how i made it here but i am glad it all worked out.

    God Damn girl you gorgeous…

    to bad you didn't make it on King Of The Nerds.. you put Danielle to shame. Hopefully next time 🙂

    Go Canada.. sent all the way from Niagara Falls


  5. don't weaste your time bink girl.girls have no such kind of creativity to do computing no mare how hard you learn and how expriance your teacher are but is depend on how smart you are all ways girls less smart they have no history in computing and will like that in the future female loooolz come join ma site if you want to meet your real teacher =====><====== -/^_^-


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OMGLITZY: Pixie’s Story

Monday, May 28, 2012

Pixie’s Story

Now that I’ve introduced myself a little bit, I think it’d be great if my next post was all about my best friend! As I mentioned before, her name is Pixie =^.^= and I am not bragging when I say she is the greatest kitty in the whole entire galaxy.

I had been wanting to adopt a cat for a while, and after going through a bit of a hard time I was feeling pretty down. So I decided to look into adopting. I knew I wanted to get a rescue animal, so I looked on PetFinder for a few days. I narrowed my search down to an older cat that would already be litter box trained and one that was also already declawed (I don’t have it in me to do that to a cat, but it sure saves your furniture). Pixie popped right up on the list near my city and the pictures they posted of her drew me right in!!

I mean REALLY?? How can you NOT save this kitty with a face like that?? I filled out the application for Frisco Humane Society and got a call back from her foster mom. I drove out to the foster house to check her out. She was a little timid, you could tell she didn’t mind people but wasn’t too pleased with the other cats trying to play with her. They guessed she was about 4 years old, and must have been in  some type of accident that badly scarred her ear. But no worries – it’s very healthy and cute as a button. I just have to help her clean the wax out sometimes, hehe. 
I later learned from Pixie’s first foster mom that she was found in a town about 30 minutes north of me and was put in a kill shelter. A worker thought she was a Scottish Fold because of her ear so she called her friend that loved that breed of cat. When the friend came to see her she knew right away this wasn’t a Scottish Fold but she was just too cute to leave in a kill shelter. So she took her in and became Pixie’s first foster mom. Eventually the other foster mom took her and had been waiting for the right family to adopt her. She didn’t want her going to a family with kids or other animals because Pixie is kind of prissy and doesn’t like to be tugged on. But now that she has her own home she’s incredibly affectionate and gives me hugs all the time. (She really wraps her arms around my neck!) I’m considering adopting another cat now that I’ve had Pixie for nearly 2 years. She is very clingy to me and I just hate leaving her alone during the day while I am at work. But we will have to see how she handles that! 😛
If you are considering bringing an animal into your home, I highly suggest you adopt one from a rescue shelter. Not only is the pet going to be eternally grateful, but you will feel just how special they are, too!
This was Pixie and I on our 1st anniversary (I celebrate it as her birthday)

Pixie is a happy happy kitty that loves tissue paper, boxes and sacks! 🙂


  1. Pixie is an adorable kitty. Keep spreading the word about how adopting shelter pets is a great thing. They give unconditional love.


  2. SO rad that you two found eachother. 🙂


  3. Oh my, Pixie is so cute and pretty! I love that you're celebrating her "birthday". I bet she's very happy and grateful to have you 🙂


  4. I adore your cat. I started following you for your costumes, but I'm constantly showing pics of your cat to my bf ^_^


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OMGLITZY: Pixie’s New Cousins

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Pixie’s New Cousins

My brother and my sister-in-law are the proud parents of two new kitties! Joining them, and their current cat Rosie Cotton, are Beatrix Kiddo and Duncan Idaho! Welcome to the family 🙂

And here are some cute shots of Pixie Doodle lately..


  1. Loving all the kitties. Cute names.


  2. Those are all supercute cats! Does Pixie like being outside? She looks a bit nervous.



    1. Pixie likes to go outside a lot! But the sun hurts her eyes a little. I just panic when she puts her head through the railing sometimes.


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OMGLITZY: Pixie’s Emergency Surgery

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Pixie’s Emergency Surgery

If you’ve been following my tweets, then you know Pixie had to go to the emergency vet a few nights ago. She had to have surgery done and is hopefully going to be feeling a little better soon. However, the vet bills hit unexpectedly. I set up a GoFundMe with more info on what happened and a way for Pixie’s friends to send a few dollars her way.
Pixie and I appreciate any help. Even just happy thoughts!

I copied the story from the GoFundMe page here if you’d like to read it:

“Hello, my name is Anna and my best friend’s name is Pixie. Pixie has been my kitty since 2010 after I adopted her from the local humane society. I’m raising money to help pay for her most recent vet bill. 
A few nights ago she was eating some of her kibble and suddenly started choking. She was pawing at her mouth and blood got all over her paws. Thankfully I was in the room and able to hold her and next thing I know a tooth falls on to the ground. One of her front canines (the big pointy ones) had broken. I am so  glad she didn’t continue to choke on it or swallow it, but I was worried why this happened and what else it meant was wrong. I immediately called her vet which gave me a number for the local emergency vet. I told them what happened and drove Pixie there. They were able to look at her right away and determined that it was because of her Tooth Resorption that her canine broke off. The doctor also said she had an absess and would need to have antibiotics and her surrounding teeth removed right away. I knew Pixie had tooth resorption because she has had teeth removed in the past. Her first surgery was a few years ago and she had several teeth taken out and this past January she had another 6 teeth removed. Unfortunately, the disease progressed a lot quicker this time. 
I took Pixie to her vet the next morning and the doctor noticed right away how badly the teeth looked compared to how they were in January. (I had no idea or I would have taken her in sooner, but she was scheduled for her normal 1 year check up in just a few months.) Her vet said she would need surgery right away and gave us strong pain meds for her to take home in the meantime. She made it through the weekend but struggled to eat even the soft wet food. Her surgery was scheduled for today (Tuesday) morning. I dropped her off and kissed her on the head and said to be brave.
The vet called this afternoon to let me know that Pixie did very well during the surgery (she had to be put under for it) and was waking up. They removed her two top canines (the broken one still had it’s root in) and also two molars. She said Pixie will eventually need more removed as this disease will continue to progress and there’s no way to prevent it. But  for now they removed the worse and she would be feeling a lot better soon. The bad news is this time they found an Oronasal Fistula. It’s an abnormal opening between the oral and nasal cavities. They also found signs that her septum has eroded some. All of this is caused by the tooth Resorption. At this point, I am unclear how badly the Oronasal Fistula will be to treat. But the vet seemed hopeful that she would be feeling better now that she is on antibiotics.
I am raising money because this surgery blindsided me. Pixie is so strong and even the vet noticed how well she handles pain. But I had no idea Pixie needed this. Her trip to the emergency room was $200 and the surgery at her regular vet was $700. I have paid for two previous teeth surgeries in the past and also problems with her claws that required serious surgery as well. She’s been through a lot. And I can’t give up on her now.
Thank you for reading Pixie’s story. Thank you for any donation to help with her bills. Thank you for sending happy thoughts and well wishes. She sends a loud purr and snuggle your way.”


  1. Poor Pixie – sending her some healing, loving kitty vibes!


  2. Poor Pixie. Hope she makes a full recovery soon!


  3. All the kitty love to Pixie! Hope she gets well soon!


  4. I am thinking of you and Pixie at this time. She is such a special little girl.


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OMGLITZY: Pixie’s 4th Adoptaversary

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Pixie’s 4th Adoptaversary

On September 24th, we celebrated Pixie’s 4th adoptaversary! Since I don’t know her exact birthday, we throw a party on the day she was adopted. Pixie’s adoption story can be read in this post here. I definitely recommend adopting an animal from a shelter because they bring you so much happiness!
She always tries to jump in my laundry hamper so I decided to buy one for her to play with.

She went right inside!

Here she is saying “THANK YEW I LUVS IT!”

“I luvs my new kitty cave!”

I also fixed her a special meal of turkey, salami and a few kitty treats.

“I can haz my dinner, pwease?”

She really enjoyed it to say the least! She licked the plate clean!
I am so thankful to have Pixie in my life and hope to celebrate many many more adoptaversaries!


  1. Aww she is so cute. Happy Adoptaversary!


  2. nom nom nom!!! kitty treats FTW!!


  3. She is too cute! I love it when you share photos of her. It brightens my day. We can't have pets because my boyfriend is deathly allergic but man if we could!


  4. Happy adoption day, Pixie!

    Luv, Gatsby & Kala.


  5. This made me smile so much! Yay Pixie! Adopting a shelter kitty is the best! (But it makes you wish you could adopt them all!)


  6. Aw! She's adorable! I agree that adopting a pet is the best feeling in the world!


  7. Awww! Happy Adoptaversary, Pixie! So glad you both found each other!


  8. Aw so cute!! Yay Pixie!! 🙂 I've got a couple of rescue cats myself. Love those furrballs so much!


  9. Hello Anna, I came across your blog quite recently and I really like this place! Also I'm not really into cosplaying and stuff I'm amazed how nice your DIY outfits look. And this post for your cat is so lovely, she's really cute! I wish you both lots of happiness in your lives! 🙂


  10. So cute! Happy Adoptaversary to you and Pixie 😀


  11. Pixie might be the cutest cat of all time. I am so happy you found each other. Happy adotaversery. 🙂


  12. Happy adoption day! Pets are so sweet! Adopted pets are even sweeter!


  13. Pixie is adorable! Happy (belated) adoption day! 😀


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OMGLITZY: Pixie Visits the Vet

Monday, March 18, 2013

Pixie Visits the Vet

If you’ve been following my Facebook and Instagram then you know that Pixie recently had to visit the vet. I wanted to share her story with any readers that might not know all the details.
Let me backtrack a little here: Pixie was already declawed on all four paws before I adopted her 3 years ago. However, when I first got her, I noticed a single claw on her back foot. So I took her to the vet and she told me that it looked like one of her claws had grown back. It looked healthy and as long as Pixie didn’t show any signs of pain then it was probably fine to leave alone. Well a couple of weeks ago Pixie had some dried blood on her front paw, and I was worried something was wrong. Pixie was due for an annual check up and a respiratory shot so I figured it was good to bring her in anyway. After the check up the vet found a big hole in Pixie’s paw where a claw was growing in. Pixie had been chewing on it so the vet cleaned it really good, gave her an antibiotic shot and a cone to wear so she won’t be able to lick it. The vet also suggested Pixie get a dental cleaning because she had really red gums and signs of some bad teeth. So I scheduled another appointment and took my poor cone-head kitty home.

Warning: Possibly squeamish photo after the break.

This was taken after I got Pixie home from the first visit. You can see how the “hole” is up high on top of the paw.

Pixie HATED wearing the cone. Even after I decorated it for her! She had trouble walking, eating and drinking, and using the litter box (which I switched to paper litter so it wouldn’t get in her wound). I looked online and found a few “soft cones” for animals. This inflatable round collar was available at Petsmart and Pixie does so much better in it!
Except she dips it in her water sometimes 😛

The above pictures were taken after Pixie’s second vet visit. She came home very disoriented because they had to put her under to do the dental cleaning and X-rays. Turns out she has Feline Tooth Resorption. They had to pull 6 teeth!!! All of her little bottom front teeth (the ones in-between the two big pointy teeth) and one in the back. She had stitches in her gums, too, so I had to smoosh up her food for the next couple of days. The X-rays showed that all of Pixie’s claws were indeed growing back. This is not good news 🙁 The terrible vet that declawed her before I owned her did a botchy job and didn’t remove all he was supposed to. This leftover stuff produced new claws that are now growing back in disfigured ways. Pixie’s next visit will be to see if the hole she chewed on is healed and maybe she can get back to normal. But if more claws keep growing in and she becomes uncomfortable then my vet might have to declaw her again. I really hope that’s not the case, and that Pixie’s paws all stay healthy. Her next visit is this Thursday so hopefully it will be good news!

Here you can see where they had to shave her leg for the IV and the other paw is starting to look healthier since she can’t lick it.
Pixie wanted me to tell all everyone how thankful she is for the love and wishes!


  1. Aww poor little thing. Glad she is doing better. Hope she doesn't have to get declawed again. 🙁



    1. The vet said she shouldn't need to be declawed again for now. That's good news! Hopefully none of them start to grow funky and she'll be fine 🙂


  2. Poor Pixie! She looks really cute and happy in the first cone picture you put before the break… the others, not so much.

    I'm not sure how I feel about declawing; I've had cats both with and without claws. But it's really awful that Pixie's first declawing was so horribly done that it's causing her pain and the risk of having to be declawed all over again. I really hope that the nails stay OK and she doesn't need any further surgeries.

    You've inspired me to brush my cats' teeth. I've discovered that one of them really likes having her gums rubbed with my finger. I know, that's gross… I'll get the kitty toothbrush soon. I think she'll like it, and I hope the others do too.



    1. That's good you are brushing their teeth! I hear they make tuna flavored tooth paste, too


  3. OMG.. Pixie is adorable. I am so sorry to hear she was in so much pain and glad to hear she is doing better. 🙂 I love the glitter decoration you did on her cone even if she didn't.



    1. Thank you! She is feeling much better and is back to being a playful, fun kitty.


  4. OMG she's so lovely! I'm a vet nurse student and she has the cute cone-head I've ever seen!



    1. Isn't she the sweetest?? She's so silly, too.


  5. omg this is heartbreaking! I didn't know they claws could grow back after being declawed. I hope Pixie recovers soon! That cone/donut thing is adorable and such a great invention! My cats always, always manage to shimmy out of the plastic ones. I will remember this if they ever need to wear one again!



    1. I learned a lot about cats recently, too, lol … I hope Pixie knows how many people care about her! And if your cat does need a cone again (hopefully not!) then the donut one is the way to go! She was able to eat and drink easier and even lay down better.


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OMGLITZY: Pixie the Lazy Kitty

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Pixie the Lazy Kitty

It’s time for some Pixie pic spam! I take a lot of photos of my cat Pixie – I mean look at that face?! She’s so cute and silly. But most of all she’s really lazy.
Lately I’ve been finding her on my pillow when I wake up!
Even though there’s a box just for her behind her.. she preferred to check out this basket instead.

One of Pixie’s favorite things is plastic sacks. (I always supervise her when she’s in one for safety reasons of course.) I think she loves the sound of the crinkle!

After a long day of doing absolutely nothing, Pixie crashes on the couch.

Sometimes I crash on the couch, too, and Pixie loves to snuggle!

And when I’m at my computer desk, she’s not too far away. Pixie feels nice and cozy in her kitty castle.
I hope you enjoyed this Pixie pic spam!
Do you have a pet you take a ton of photos of?


  1. Oh Pixie. As time goes by I get older and you just get cuter.


  2. Awww! Pixie is such a sweetie!


  3. I love the pic of her in the sack. My cats also love sacks, but mostly tearing them apart and waking me up.


  4. Awwww, kitties are such lazy lumps! And I just love seeing pics of Pixie on Instagram and such! That ear and that unassuming face just get me every time! <3

    Elyse @ Cuddly as a Cactus


  5. What an adorable kitty! I'm guilty of taking pictures of my cats.


  6. She's sooo cute! I love the first pic!



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OMGLITZY: Pixie lately…

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Pixie lately…


  1. That cat has you wrapped around her paw. Why did she have a sad?


  2. She's such an adorable and loving kitty! You picked a good one!


  3. Bahah that last picture is so cute and funny!


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OMGLITZY: Pixie Kitty Photo Spam

Monday, December 3, 2012

Pixie Kitty Photo Spam

I have done a few cool things lately.. Like my birthday, Black Friday shopping, redecorate my salon (again!), see Breaking Dawn 2’s premiere, eat at Denny’s for The Hobbit meals, and paint some craft projects.. But since I don’t have those posts typed up YET…. Here are some cute pics of Pixie!! 🙂
She loves to help during raids on EQ2.. I bet she’s thinking “Kill the add, cancel the detriment, joust!”
(my guildies will understand, hehe)

Just chillin’ 😉

“Sacks make me hyper!”

Pixie and her BFF Rainbow Dash

Big yawn!

These might be my most favorite pics of Pixie! She looks like a prairie dog! She was giving herself a bath and heard something. Haha!
I call this Pixie’s “pink puff” .. She loves to sit by me when I am at the computer, and I found this cute pink cat bed at Petsmart.
Looking so pretty on my bed 🙂

Check out those eyes!! Pascal from Tangled had been hanging out on the back of the couch watching us.

Then Pascal photobombed us!! Promise I didn’t even plan this 😛
GlitzyGeekGirl aka CrazyCatLady

1 comment:

  1. Pixie you are just so cute. I could look at pictures of you all day and that is saying something because I'm a veterinary nurse and look at cats all day anyway… but I'd rather look at your little turned down ear and big eyes. hehehe


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OMGLITZY: Pinterest Favs

Friday, June 28, 2013

Pinterest Favs

Here are a few of my favorite pins/likes I’ve added to my Pinterest recently! Anyone else have a Pinterest board? I am totally addicted to it! It’s so handy and is such a great way to organize things.
I loved this idea! It’s Sailor Moon Link!
And this is kinda Sailor Moon-ish, too. I want to rock some hair buns! 
This is Kat Von D .. I think she made mixing up your eyeshadows look pretty cool.

Loved this print by Simone Legno! They are kinda pricey, but I might just have to order one someday. 
Does this dress remind anyone else of Rainbow Dash’s Gala dress? I love it!

And finally, these just made my mouth water! I’ve recently discovered that I love avocados! And these avocado egg rolls with creamy cilantro ranch dip would be great for a movie night. Here’s the recipe!
Post your Pinterest link in a comment so I can follow!


  1. May I recommend the Avocado Eggrolls at the Cheesecake Factory?


  2. Really good pins, but I haven't a Pinterest board.

    Sailor Moon and Link… ★Sailor Link or Linky Moon ★ That's just awesome. ♥ XD

    I'm in love with this pink-white hair buns. It looks so cute! I hope I can make it with my hair, too.

    Lovely Greetings ♡


  3. The Pink hair one is like a edgy version of Sailor ChibiMoon! And the dress doe look like Dash's gala dress!
    Gotta love the Link/Sailor Moon mash up!


  4. Pinterest is THE place to find great ideas or just dream. One mistake I made was not setting up my boards better. Now there is no way I could ever put them into more relevant categories. Plus, sometimes one pic could be on diff boards: hair/makeup/accessories.

    Your boards are amazing. Wanna clean up my board? LOL


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