Friday, August 9, 2013

SOE Live 2013

Last week I was lucky enough to attend SOE Live for the first time! I had won a ticket to the convention for the video I entered in this contest. So I started saving up some money for a flight out to Las Vegas! This event was a big deal for me because I love to play EverQuest 2. I have played it for 6 years and met so many friends online. For the last couple years I have been raiding with a guild called Brimstone. This group of people have become a second family to me. We raid 3 nights a week, and I hardly ever miss raid night. So I spend a lot of time with these great people, and it was a real treat to get to meet them in person! We all clicked right away and had so much to talk about. In all there were about 12 of us from our group there. We made new friends, too, and I even sat next to a Planetside 2 player on the plane!

One of the coolest things that happened was getting interviewed by Destructoid! We were waiting in line to get our badges when two of my guild members and I got picked to be filmed for the video. You can see us at 0:26 and 0:43!

Since I could probably talk about my trip forever .. I decided to make a Top Ten List of my favorite moments at SOE Live. These are in no particular order.. because each one was so much fun!

1. Meeting My Guild Members

I am so thankful I had the chance to meet everyone. You guys truly are incredibly awesome, and I miss y’all so much. I can’t wait until next SOE Live when we can all hang out again 🙂  I have to give a shout to Cylaa (Diane) for being my necro sister! We both play the same class in EQ2 and we ended up having so much in common. We shared a pizza and talked about our cats! How perfect!! 🙂 Also, shout out to Banguk (Kyle) for driving me around Las Vegas. It was SO much fun exploring the strip with you and thank you for putting up with all the times I asked you to take my picture lol ….  And to Astijia (Greg) and Herminee (Jackie) for taking such good care of me.. so grateful to have you pick me up/drop me off at the airport and provide us all with the Taj Mahal to crash at 🙂

2. The Reveal of EverQuest Next
This was really cool to witness.. I got goosebumps a few times watching the keynote and attending the panels. There’s some major upgrades and unique changes coming to this game. My guild leader (Astijia) typed up a summary that I think covered a lot of it:
Keypoints: Destructible environment, multiclassing, parkour style toon running, VERY improved world graphics 🙂 planetside 2 engine, and – mobs no longer have static spawns…. The pop in the world, and wander until they find conditions they like. (the orc camps don’t just pop every 15 minutes, if they are harassed, they pack up and move to a new spot…. Piss off the orcs too many times and the king sends an invasion force.
Downsides: Need a mainframe to run it – but that remains to be seen, toons are very cartoony – very wowlike. The devs said they were trying to appeal to a broader audience, we will see how that goes. We all got beta invites, so scouting will be done.
The world is topside, with 2 subterranean levels; you can literally stop where you are and dig down to see what you may find….”
3. Seeing the “Pawn Stars” Shop

Something super fun I got to see was the store where they film the TV show “Pawn Stars“.. Since Banguk had rented a car (a black mustang!!) he invited me to ride with him so I could see the shop. We were in a hurry to get to the convention for the EQ Next announcement so I didn’t have time to go inside (there was a line out the door) .. But I did hear that the dad was in there taking pics with people. Maybe next year I can go in!

4. Playing in the EQ2 Tournament

My guild members have entered the tournament at SOE Live before, but this was my first time competing. We knew it was going to be a pre-set character group and you had to finish the zone as fast as you could. The group that finished the quickest would win $6,000! Well we thought we kicked butt… Finishing The Dreadcutter in just 19 minutes and 40 something seconds … but sadly other groups beat our time. We even had a computer glitch – Cylaa’s video card crashed and her computer went black for a good 3 minutes. But even though we didn’t win, we were all hyped up after playing together. It was an adrenaline rush, and I couldn’t have been with a better group of players 🙂

5. Eating at the Bacchanel Buffet

One thing we all looked forward to from the moment we got to Las Vegas was eating at the Bacchanel Buffet at Caesar’s Palace! We arrived at the buffet at a perfect time because there wasn’t a line. So we got our table and immediately headed for the food 🙂 I enjoyed the sushi, mini hamburgers, and mac & cheese! But the best part was the dessert bar. It was HUGE! I wanted to take one of everything (and I almost did.) It was totally worth the $50 it cost to get in!

6. Attending the SOE Pool Party

Last year’s pool party left quite an impression on everyone that attended SOE Live. So this year I was excited to see the craziness for myself. Sadly, the lines to get drinks were really long.. And not too many people were in the pools. But I still hopped in and played some volleyball with a few people. It was a cool feeling to look around and see the beautiful Las Vegas hotels in the background.. I felt like I was in a movie!

7. Seeing a Bride and Groom

This may seem silly to some of you, but to me I thought it was so romantic! I think it would be really fun to get married in Las Vegas, so I was hoping I would spot a few brides. Well not only did I see one, but she sat right next to me! Yep, after me and Banguk ordered our gelato at The Venetian we sat on a bench to watch a statue performance. Well next thing I know this BEAUITFUL bride sits right next to me! I told her how lovely she looked and was just giddy to see a fairy tale right before my eyes. After we left The Venetian we saw her and the groom on one of the gondolas outside!

8. Playing Slot Machines

Even though I didn’t spend much money on the slot machines, I knew I needed to at least give it a try! I put two dollars in the Wizard of Oz machine and me and Herminee both won about $10! But we decided to just play it out until we lost.. So at the end of my trip I only lost $7 gambling which I think is pretty good 🙂 I can definitely see how people get hooked on it though.. I really wanted to keep adding more dollars in! lol

9. The Costume Contest

As you know, I love to cosplay, but since a lot of my costumes aren’t plane friendly I decided not to bring one to SOE Live. But two of my guild members did, and Cylaa got Best in Show! Gothicangel also was also in the Top 10 with her costume. They both looked awesome! I hope next year I can make something to bring.

10. Riding in a Limo on the Strip

On our final trip back to the house, Astijia got a limo for all of us to ride in! This was the first time most of us have ever been in one! I got super excited when it turned onto the strip.. it was nighttime so all the lights outside were going and it was a Saturday night! I felt super special – I mean we were in a limo on the strip in Las Vegas!!! It was an epic way to end our adventure.


Other fun things that happened that I have to include is getting a Nagafen Hat from the SOE team (I’ve been wearing it around the house all the time!), seeing Elvis impersonators (one was even singing!), spotting a crowd at the Forum Shoppes and finding out Mike Tyson was inside the store, running into Ron Haras (winner of one of my Yoshi Eggs!), getting my picture with The Rock (ok ok it was just a wax figure), and all the awesome SOE/EQ2 swag I bought!
Now I am counting down the days until next year’s SOE Live! This was the most fun I have ever had.. I live and breathe EverQuest 2 so being surrounded by friends that share the same interest was so much fun. I will never forget all the great times we had, and I am certainly looking forward to next year 🙂

To view all 368 photos I took while in Las Vegas click here to see my Facebook album!

And my guild member (Adaac) took amazing pictures and posted them on his Flickr. So please check them out, too!


  1. Looks like you had an amazing trip. Lots of fun new people and experiences. How cool was that limo?


  2. So jealous, that looks like so much fun!!! We're saving up all our money for Fan Days right now since John Barrowman will be in attendance, along with some other amazing guests!! I've gotta start thinking up of a new costume idea. I hope to see you out there again too!


  3. Dang! That trip sounds like fun! Vegas is awesome, and it sounds like you did a lot of really great things while you were there… in addition to going to SoE Live and meeting your guild! It's a shame you didn't win the contest… after seeing your tweet about it, I thought for sure you guys would've nailed it. Thanks for sharing about your trip.

    EQ Next sounds like it will have some interesting gameplay mechanics. I'll be keeping an eye on it to see how it comes out. Pretty cool that you'll be in the beta, but it's a shame you won't be able to tell us about it (assuming they have the usual NDA at first).


  4. I loved reading about your trip, it seemed like a really awesome time. My husband and I were thinking about going, but San Diego Comic Con just wiped us financially to make the trip. Maybe next year though 🙂

    One thing I did find funny was one of the downsides to EQ Next that your guildie listed was that the toons look too cartoonish and WoW-like. I am a huge World of Warcraft player, and to me, the graphics of Everquest (I play EQ2) look super cheesy. But at the end of the day both games are still fun and its just a matter of perspective.


  5. Looks like you had too much fun out there. Good to see you had such a blast out there. Remind me to give you a high five next time I see you.


  6. Looks like you had a great time!! I love traveling to new places for geeky events 🙂


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OMGLITZY: Snow White Makeup Contest

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Snow White Makeup Contest

Hosted by Doe Deere Blogazine and Lime Crime Makeup is a contest to win a Lime Crime gift pack. All you have to do is submit a photo to the event on Facebook by June 11 and 16 finalists will be chosen by the staff for the public to vote on. The photo with the most “Likes” will win!

Here is the photo I submitted and what I used:

Face: Almay Clear Complexion liquid foundation, Pur Minerals pressed powder
Blush: MAC “Sweetness” and MAC “Delicacy” irridescent powder
Eyes: Kat Von D eyeshadows “Mad Max” and “Swan Song” and MAC’s “Black Tied”,  Great Lash mascara, Kat Von D  “Puro Amor” eyeliner, Urban Decay “Distortion” eyeliner glitter
Lips: Maybeline “Very Cherry” and Bonne Belle “Raspberry Sorbet”

A lot of people have been complaining about other entries being “too professional” .. Well I agree some photos do look overly photoshopped or are being “recycled” from an old photo shoot.. I want to be clear that my pic is original! I used Photoshop to crop the image and I did adjust the exposure. I had to take it myself (took lots of pics because my arm kept showing up in the mirror, lol) and I had pretty bad lighting in my bedroom. My camera is a Sony CyberShot DSC-WX10 and my hair and outfit were obviously done by myself as well.

I’ll let you know if I make it to the finals! I hope I do! 🙂

P.S.   Here are some other shots I tried to attempt .. 😛


  1. Your so cute. I love your hair. How do I subscribe to your blog?



    1. Thanks Janine! 🙂 I added a "follow by email" and a "subscribe" link on the right hand side.. Not sure if it works yet!


  2. When and how does voting work?


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OMGLITZY: Snow White and the Huntsman

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Snow White and the Huntsman

I was able to check out the movie Snow White and the Huntsman in theaters and really enjoyed it! I’m so glad I saw it on the big screen .. it was a classic fairy tale cranked up a few notches. Although it was long I never felt like it was dragging. The pace was set well, and the plot was intriguing. Kristen Stewart isn’t exactly the best actress, but I did like her in this movie. And who can complain about the dreamy Chris Hemsworth? Watching this movie made me truly wish ethereal lands existed. I so badly wanted to jump into the screen and walk through the forest with the characters. Charlize Theron as the evil queen was definitely bad to bone, and her scenes were eerie and captivating. I do wish the very last scene had a little more epicness to it .. But overall I liked it! 🙂

Favorite quote: “You be a queen in heaven now and sit among the angels.” -The Huntsman

And I love the Florence + The Machine song from the soundtrack:

1 comment:

  1. Glad your blog is back up. Almost got you to answer question to a future blog. You're sharp! Really enjoyed Florence+ and need to see that movie, among many others.

    On a separate note, Favorite quote: "You be a queen in heaven now and sit among the angels." -The Huntsman has brought me to tears. Good ones. Peace.


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OMGLITZY: Silly Pixie

Friday, August 24, 2012

Silly Pixie

Pixie Doodle Bug being silly as usual!!
This cracked me up … I was reading a book in bed and Pixie was snuggled by my legs. When I looked at her I realized her face was totally smooshed against me! HAHAHA!
Caught her mid-yawn!! What do you think would be a good caption for this?

1 comment:

  1. "My bad breath is better than yours."


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OMGLITZY: Shredder Cosplay Tutorial

Friday, January 31, 2014

Shredder Cosplay Tutorial


So last October I decided I wanted to make a Shredder cosplay to wear to the Dallas Sci Fi Expo in February! I chose this character because I am a big Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle fan. Since I wasn’t sure how to make a turtle costume, I decided Shredder would be awesome! Also, I enjoyed making armor for my Fiona cosplay and wanted to try it again.
This is a fairly simple costume. Overall, it was super cheap for me since I used sheet foam for nearly everything. If you wanted it sturdier you could use Worbla. I’ve also seen it made out of cardboard and duct tape.
In this tutorial, I explain how I made the armor, helmet, tunic and cape.


Be sure to click on a picture to make it bigger if you need to see it better!

I decided to make the version from the 1987 TMNT animated TV series. 
The first thing I did was freehand a design on paper for the armbands, leg guards and fists.
I traced my design onto sheet foam and cut them out.
Then I painted them with gesso.
Using my paper patterns, I cut out another round of armor from sheet foam, but this time cut the center out so I could glue a border onto my first pieces. Then gesso again.
I wanted the blades to be really thick so they wouldn’t bend, wobble or break off. So I found that these “door hangers” were made of extra thick foam and perfect!
I freehanded this design onto the foam and made 4 long spikes for the fists.
Then I made 28 little spikes for the rest of the armor. Omg this took forever.
The 8 loose spikes at the top are for the shoulders. Those will be explained soon.
I glued all the spikes on.
Then I gesso’d the spikes.
Pixie helping!
Since I didn’t want the shoulders to be flat, I ordered a kid’s football shoulder gear from Amazon for $9. They were made out of plastic and light weight.
So I glued on the spikes, gesso’d them, and eventually take them off the black thingy. I end up using velcro to attach these to my shoulders. I just put a strip of velcro on the inside of that little flap and on the top my shirt.
This was the silver metallic spray paint I used for all the armor.
I spray painted the top and underneath sides.
This next step was me just winging it. I needed a way to wear the armor and wasn’t sure if sheet foam would be sturdy enough. So I bought some cheap tube socks, cut them, put some fray check (it’s like a light glue) on the edges so they wouldn’t fray, then spray painted them silver.
I glued the socks to the back of my armor.  It worked great for the arms and fists, but not the legs which I will explain soon.
To give the arms a rounded feel I put them over a Pringles can and some rolled up posters and let them sit like this for a couple days.
Here are the armbands and fists. They are tight and comfy and won’t slip. I know it doesn’t look fantastic but in person you really can’t tell since they are underneath.
The sock idea didn’t work for the legs because I couldn’t slide them over my boots. Duh! So instead I used sheet foam and velcro.
These fit great over my boots. I painted the band silver, too. 
I used is a kid’s construction helmet from Hobby Lobby. It’s made out of foam so of course it’s suuuuper light weight. I made a pattern out of paper and tape to figure out how I wanted the spikes to look. Shredder’s helmet is kinda boring in the cartoon (it’s very flat) so I took some creative freedom here. I wanted it to be more angular like his newer helmets.
I traced my pattern onto more sheet foam and glued it onto the helmet. Then I trimmed the front bill and added a point in the middle.
Next I made the side and back panels out of foam and glued them to the inside of the helmet. Then I gesso’d it.
Then I glued the panels together.
I sprayed painted it the same color as the armor.
Pixie helping!
The mask is made using a surgical mask from Walmart. I got a box of 20 for like $3.
I traced out a shape I liked that would cover the front of the mask and have a bit to cover the nose then glued it on. I only put glue on the edge so it would stay smooth. Then gesso it and spray paint it!
My tunic was a long sleeve dress I got from American Apparel. Any grey shirt/dress would work. I got this one because it was form-fitting and long. I lined up the sides of the dress and pinned it together. Then cut out a small slit. Do not cut this too big!
Hem the edges and be amazed at how much it will stretch open. That’s why I said don’t cut too big 😛
I had a rough time finding purple fabric. No idea why! This one was the best I could find. 
Basically I left it a long rectangle and just hemmed the edges twice. I made a big opening for the neck. I say big because you want it to be really draped looking in the front.
For my eyes, I used a lot of black eyeliner and smokey grey eyeshadow. Around the edge of the grey I did a little bit of red eyeshadow to make it look more evil! I also made my brows thicker and darker and put on a lot of mascara.
All of these photos were taken by my mom and edited by me. The belt, boots and leggings were items I already owned.
So that’s it! Now it’s time for TURTLE SOUP! Muwahaha!
I will be wearing this cosplay all day Saturday February 8th at the Dallas Sci Fi Expo.

I also made a short, silly video of me in costume you can watch here.

Be sure to let me know if you use this tutorial to make a costume! 🙂
Are you a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle fan?
Which character is your favorite?
Are you going to Dallas Sci Fi Expo?


  1. Thanks for sharing your process! I love seeing these kinds of tutorials! And the outcome is really really great! Love it!

    Elyse @ Cuddly as a Cactus


  2. You are AMAZING! Great work with this costume. I enjoyed reading your tutorial too.. quite handy!


  3. Awesome! Really great tutorial.


  4. I thought you had pringle leggings on for a second. Until I read it. Lol


  5. Fabulous tutorial. You look GREAT!


  6. Wow, what a great tutorial! I find making armour super intimidating, but I love your step by step guide. I will definitely save this tutorial. Thanks!


  7. You are my hero. It looks amazing. Great tutorial and some really clever ideas.


  8. You are so talented! 😀 The costume looks absolutely amazing!
    And your cat is really cute! ^_^


  9. This is incredible!! You look amazing, and it's so fascinating to see the process you used to make the costume. I would never have guessed that such a professional-looking costume could be with such simple items. You're really quite ingenious and talented!


  10. You are so creative. Looks great!~


  11. This cosplay is so bloody brilliant!

    Though I'm not going to the Expo (I'm in CA) but I will be hopefully purchasing my Comic Con badge the same weekend! 🙂
    I always loved Donatello! I still have my old action figure from the late 80's!


  12. It looks really amazing! This turorial was really helpful too!


  13. Okay, you are just amazing… AMAZING!! I totally wish I could meet you at con!! I can't wait to see photos from the expo/con you will be wearing it too!!


  14. This is amazing! And seems really simple to pull together! I love the final look.


  15. Awesome! That looks brilliant. *__*


  16. Did the face mask make you feel smothered? Everything looks fantastic, but using the surgical mask with I'm guessing was a piece of foam over it,seems like it would be really suffocating. Was it breathable? It looks really good, just concerned it would be hard to breathe in.


  17. i love the idea of using a kids construction helmet! i was stuck on what to use for that. I also love the idea of using socks to keep the armor on, instead of elastic! awesome job!


  18. I'm not sure if you'll see this, but what kind of foam did you use? Specifically the thickness, etc.


  19. Thank you for a wonderful tutorial! I made this for my husband to wear, my 3 girls and I will be the turtles. Fun!


  20. I followed your tutorial for myself and my husband and three kids were turtles for Halloween. Thank you for the step by step instructions and easy, cost effective supplies. Thanks to you, my costume turned out great!



    1. Wow! That's so awesome!! I'm glad the tutorial was helpful. 🙂


  21. Hi! Love this tutorial, just curious with the cape, how did you measure it? More to the point how did you measure at cut the head hole? I have all the supplies ready to make it for my husband but want to really get the cape perfect 🙂 Thanks in advance



    1. I am not really sure how to explain how I measured it. I have a habit of "just winging" it .. I kind of just eyeballed how big of a gap I needed.. made sure it was long enough to barely drag the floor.. and then when I wore it I had my mom safety pin it to my shirt. I know that probably doesn't help you much! Sorry but good luck and be sure to send me a pic 🙂


  22. I'm going to try and incorporate some of your ideas. This year Relay for Life is Super Heroes. My team is TMNT. The 4 main people are the turtles we are 5'5 or less. My son is 6'3 so he will make a perfect Shredder, who is teaming with the turtles just this once to "shred" cancer.


  23. This comment has been removed by the author.


  24. We followed your awesome tutorial for Shredder! My daugter got the best compliments and was the only one walking around as Shredder for Halloween! Thank you!


  25. I followed your awesome Shredder tutorial! Girl I won first place for best costume for an 80s party I went to and then I got a lot of compliments at Comikaze for being a great She-Shredder. Would not have been possible without you. Thank you again!



    1. I have a couple of pictures on my instagram at Your_love_never_fails23


  26. Making mine right meow for Halloween. Thank you so much for the tutorial!!


  27. Thank you for posting this tutorial!!! Is been extremely helpful! I'm currently making the armor out of worbla. If you thought it took forever to make the spike out of foam, imagine having to do it 3 times!!! Ugh! It's getting there though, thank you!


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OMGLITZY: Short Hair and Loving it

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Short Hair and Loving it

Having long hair was a goal of mine for many years. I wanted it long like a princess! But in reality I almost always wore up in a ponytail to get it out of my face. The length also made it more difficult for me to color it. So I’ve been toying with the idea to go back short. One night after I washed it I grabbed the scissors and just cut the tail off. My philosophy on this was if I “ruin” the length then I’ll *have* to cut it short! No turning back! I am SO glad I did it. It feels so much better to have it short and thinned out now. It’s also so easy to wear wigs for my cosplays. And the best part was it cut my drying time in half! I’m pretty happy with pink right now, but I want to experiment with more colors soon. 🙂
I cut it all myself but I don’t recommend trying this at home! I have been doing my own hair for over 10 years. 
And here’s a picture of the color I used. It’s RAW’s Fuschia Fatale mixed with a lot of conditioner to lighten it some. I let it sit for an hour or so on my head then rinse with cool water! 🙂


  1. Wow you do such a great job cutting your own hair! I think it looks great, and the pink definitely looks great on you too 🙂


  2. Your short hair looks fantastic. I can't believe you cut it yourself. How did you get the back so straight? So rad.


  3. You are rockin' the short hair!! I'm in the middle of growing mine out again (promise to my husband ;p), but every time I see someone rocking a pixie I feel a little pang of jealousy.


  4. I LOVE your hair! It's always so pretty!
    I cut my hair on Friday in a semi-bobb!
    BUT I plan on trying a pixie cut one day!
    I just need a new job so I can color it 😉


  5. I dye my hair neon blue (have done for about 5 years now) and I went down to a pixie cut last year – it instantly felt SO much healthier! It's growing back now, but I did love the feel of shorter hair (plus it saved me a lot of money on dye ;P )


  6. Super pretty! Loving your choice of shirts to!


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OMGLITZY: Share Your Blog or Fav Blogs

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Share Your Blog or Fav Blogs

“Nrrrd Grrrl” by Jessica Grundy – available on Etsy
Hi friends! This is kind of a different post than usual. I am hoping some of y’all can help me with updating my blog reading list!
Since I got a new computer, my bookmarks got messed up 🙁 So here’s your chance to post your own blog or one you like to read a lot!
These are a few of my interests:
Cosplay, comic cons, fashion, makeup, hair dye, cats, gaming, fantasy (elves, fairies, magic), book reviews, kawaii, DIY
What I’d really like to start reading more of:
*Disney – any bloggers that might live in Florida or California and have annual passes and post about their daily trips! Also, Disney inspired outfits and cosplays.
*Easy recipes – I’m trying to cook more often, but need lots of guidance. Any *really* simple cooking blogs for beginners would be great.
Even if your blog doesn’t fall into any of those categories, please post in the comments! I’d love to branch out more.
I’ve been trying to google search new blogs, but all I come up with are big named blogs with lots of ads. Thanks for your help, and I can’t wait to see what y’all post 🙂
~Glitzy Geek Girl~


  1. Trying to find new blogs is SO HARD! I joined the Female Geek Blogger Community on Google+ and found some fun new blogs that way!


  2. Hi! I know how hard it is to find new blogs! I recently stumbled upon yours (I think through twitter?) and I'm so happy that I found it. I love your cosplays and your geeky posts. I'm already a fan 😀 I just re-started my own blog because I wasn't satisfied with my content and my layout, so there aren't many new posts on there yet, but feel free to check it out. I'm hoping to find more cosplay/geeky blogs to follow as well 🙂 x -Mariska


  3. I'm with B, I found a bunch of great blogs and bloggers on Female Geek Blogger.


  4. As mentioned, Female Geek Bloggers on G+ is great! You're welcome to check out my blog as well: Fangirl Twirl


  5. I blog at Krystelle's Miss Tells ( I like reading Mama Needs Mana ( and also A Beautiful Mess (



    1. This comment has been removed by the author.


  6. I found your blog recently as we share most of the same interests, there's so many bloggers out there now it's hard to find ones that are relevant to your interests so if you find any good ones be sure to post them so we can check them out to 🙂

    my blog –


  7. Sounds pretty cool! I post fashion, makeup, hair, the occasional cosplay, and nerdy stuff! 🙂 Love your blog/cosplays. My blog is called kennapayton


  8. Hey missy! I blog all about crafty things I do and roller derby, with a mix of geeky things thrown in there (usually geeky crafts) for good measure! Would be awesome if you wanted to check it out. 🙂


  9. Try these two &
    One does Disneyland, other Disney World , conventions, cosplay, general Geek.


  10. I'm so glad you posted this! I was also looking for some nerd blogs to read, so now I'm going to cherry-pick from the comments you collected. 😛 (not helpful, I know)

    I really like The Mary Sue but I think it's one of the big named blogs you were talking about. Fun to read, but not as good for interacting/building community. I'd share my blog, but other than 2 or 3 D&D posts, I don't really touch on any of the topics you want to read about.


  11. I just recently started my blog so I don't have much and I've been away for a bit due to medical problems but now I'm back and ready to start up again! I really wish for you to check it out though, I run Beauty with some Geek at Thanks!


  12. You might enjoy my blog :p


  13. is mine it's pretty much fashion and makeup meets all things nerdy


  14. For food I'm really digging Damn Delicious right now. Very basic recipes (mostly 20 mins or less), but super delicious.


  15. This is nice: perhaps you find new blogs you love and perhaps me too. Google is always so unsatisfying… Maybe you want to check out my blog, too ( It's in german so probably you just can view the pictures, but thats the main thing. Btw its all about Nerd-DIY.
    Sorry for my english and keep blogging, I love love love your Cosplay-Outfits and the pink hair 😉
    Grüße (as we say in Germany), Kerstin.


  16. Hey! Love your blog! 😀
    My blog is just about art and mindfulness and positive living. Give it a gander, if you'd like!


  17. I mostly blog about beauty, fashion and lifestyle but also share my photography projects. The point is I write in Dutch so you won't understand what I write haha :p But I still hope you'll take a look!


  18. Hi, Anna! My blog is 😀 I post all sorts of geeky things like reviews, con recaps, cosplay stuff, and a whole lot more!


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OMGLITZY: Sew happy!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Sew happy!

This is just a random post of some random things in my head! Today I was able to get my hair into mini hair buns.. this is especially exciting because that means my hair growwwwing! I have never ever had hair this long (not since the 5th grade!) so it’s kind of a big deal 😀

Also, you will find that Pixie Kitty made her way into the photo .. Today I found her most favorite toy in the whole wide world.. and when I showed it to her she immediately knew what it was! She LOVES powder puffs! The little round pads girls use for make up. Jingles loved them, too, but Pixie is what started it. I’ve bought new ones, but nothing is the same as the original. I just hope she doesn’t lose it again.

My sewing machine is out because my mom and I have been working on my Zelda dress. I will eventually make a big blog post about it. The dress itself is near completion, but all the accessories I’ve ordered still haven’t shipped. I sure hope they come soon!

Lately, I’ve been playing a lot of computer games – GW2, EQ2, and even tried League of Legends. I looked into different positions in the video and computer game industry as a possible job, but I am just not sure I would be good at it. I am skillful with computers, but I don’t know much about programming. A possible goal is working in PR for a gaming company. Maybe I’d be good at assisting in gaming events. This all stems from my recent love of conventions. I’m just hooked now! I want to attend all of them. The Fall MLG Championships will be coming to Dallas soon, and I enjoyed reading these posts about PAX Prime in Seattle: Geeky Glamorous – Best of PAX2012 and Miss Magitek – PAX Prime. I can see myself working or promoting at events like that. So maybe I won’t be a computer or video game programmer, but I love the idea of being involved in the gaming world!

Having said all that, don’t get the wrong impression that I am unhappy as a hair stylist! I love my job! When I am actually doing someone’s hair I feel very confident and peaceful, and of course,  joyous to see their reaction to their new look! One thing I feel I can not change, however, is control over when I have clients. I have been gloriously busy for having just started out on my own, but I still have some downtime that I wish was filled with new clients. I’ve been brainstorming ideas on how to advertise and market myself and it’s time I implement them. Another stressful situation within my job is when I have a client no show, cancel last minute or arrive late. It really affects my whole day. I usually only go up to the salon if I have someone scheduled. So if you don’t show up then you wasted my time. I don’t get paid just to sit up there. Also, if you’re late and expect me to still take you then what do you think happens to my next clients? If they are on time for their appointment they shouldn’t have to wait because someone else was inconsiderate. *SIGH* Sorry for my RANT, but last week I had a couple of my clients do this and it just stresses me out. Some salons charge you for being late or for not canceling with enough notice.. but as an independent booth renter I am just not sure how to initiate such a rule. How do you charge someone? Do you take their credit card information when they make the appointment? I need to look into this.

Anyway, I really have been quite happy lately, with the exception of my little rant there. It’s been a nice September, and I have so much to look forward to. The weather has finally stopped melting faces and fall feels just around the corner. I can’t wait to wear boots and scarves and jackets! I may even go by Starbucks and order a hot chocolate  ^.^

Have a nice day!!


  1. Hey! It's good to rant every now and then. Some people just don't get it. Starting a new business must be overwhelming. You have so many talents. I'm still looking for an easy game to start with. Can't wait to see your finished costume. Hang in there and direct your frustrations to fighting evil demons. Peace.


  2. Give out business cards at like high schools/colleges! I'm glad you're staying somewhat busy though.



    1. Thanks, Angel, and great idea about going to high schools! Homecoming is soon and that'd be a good time to get the word out 🙂


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OMGLITZY: ScrewAttack Gaming Convention 2014

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

ScrewAttack Gaming Convention 2014

This year the ScrewAttack Gaming Convention was held at my favorite downtown hotel – The Sheraton Dallas. This is a smaller gaming convention that still packs a lot of punch. It’s guest list included Smooth McGroove, The Angry Video Game Nerd, the creator of Nyan Cat – Chris Torres, and the co-creator of Mega Man – Keiji Inafune. 

I wore my Annie cosplay from League of Legends. After picking up my badge I immediately ran into another Annie, too! (You can read my tutorial for this cosplay here.)

There was also a lot of fun things for sale like shirts and apparel, Nintendo plushies, and vintage games.

In the open area you could play arcade games for free.

My favorite part is the console room where you can play against your friends and watch tournaments. 

I loved this Sylveon cosplay!

Don’t mess with the Khaleesi.
These two girls were from Gears of War and looked amazing!

This was my second year to attend SGC. You can read about last year here. It was fun wearing my Annie cosplay again and seeing the convention grow. Gaming conventions are fun because I pick up so many Street Passes on my Nintendo 3DS! 😀


  1. Oh my gosh your Annie cosplay! You look adorable! I've been trying to convince my boyfriend to wear a bear onesie and do a cosplay couple thing together but he won't have it, haha! I did see someone at London Comic Con a few years ago dress up as reverse Annie/Tibbers, which I thought was inspired!


  2. Your costume is cute! The con sounds really fun. And those Gears of War girls are amazing!!


  3. You look so adorable. I have such a voice crush on Stuttering Craig. (please don't tell anyone I said that) :p


  4. Sometimes a small con is the best con!


  5. Oh this gaming convention sounds like a lot of fun!!


  6. I get pretty excited about the street passes I get at conventions too 🙂 3ds's are awesome 😛 I love your annie cosplay. My fiance is really into LoL, and I have been trying to convince him that if I ever make my own Annie cosplay, he should hire a bear suit and follow me around 😛 I think that would be pretty cool.


  7. It looks like so much fun. I loved your cosplay. You should do your hair like that for reals.


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OMGLITZY: ScrewAttack Gaming Convention 2013

Thursday, July 4, 2013

ScrewAttack Gaming Convention 2013

At the last minute I decided to attend the ScrewAttack Gaming Convention. It was June 21-23 at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Dallas. I only went on Saturday afternoon, but I am so glad I did! It was a blast! My costume for the day was Princess Zelda from Skyward Sword. I wanted to make a Princess Peach outfit, but didn’t quite finish it in time. So that will be saved for a later convention. 🙂 This was a smaller event compared to some I’ve been to in the past. I enjoyed being able to walk around with ease and not be stuck in a huge group of people. There were still plenty there to meet and chat with, too. I saw a few of my friends and met a couple new ones. My favorite part of the convention was the dealer’s room and the arcade room. I’m a big gamer girl, and the dealer’s room was packed with gaming goodies! I wanted to buy one of everything. Then, downstairs in the arcade room, you could play new and classic games. I had the most fun watching people play Dance Central and my friend, Sean, compete in the Halo 4 tournament. At one point we even sat and played Animal Crossing: New Leaf on our Nintendo 3DS’s. I could have stayed at this convention forever!! 😀
I wish I could have taken more pictures, but it’s just too hard to carry a camera when I am in a costume. But I managed to ask someone if they could snap a photo with my cellphone of me and my friends. This was Sean (Team Fortress 2), me (Skyward Sword), Krystal (Portal 2), Robert (Uncharted) and DesiRee (Borderlands 2).
So the following photos were not taken by me, but I linked the source underneath each set! Be sure to click the links to view all the awesome pics from SGC.
The official SGC albums show a lot of pics from the panels and speaker room. 
I was so honored to have my pic chosen for the cover of the Lifted Geek article. Definitely give it a read!
My friend Laura runs the site Dallas Fan Girl. I love bumping into her at conventions! So glad she snapped this photo since I couldn’t take one. Her review of SGC is awesome. Can’t wait to see her again 🙂
These photos by Hybrid Rain came out so good! I love the candid shot of my Zelda.
Samkyo took a lot of great photos, too. I especially loved this last one of the giant banner downstairs. I wanted to take that home with me!
What’s your favorite video game?
Do you prefer PC or console gaming?
Have you ever been to a gaming convention?

P.S. I will be posting another giveaway soon! I made some really cool Yoshi eggs that I can’t wait to share. So be sure to check back for your chance to win one! 😉

1 comment:

  1. You look so great. I love the candid shot of you. 🙂


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