OMGLITZY: Cosplay: Choosing a Character

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Cosplay: Choosing a Character

One of the most frequent questions I am asked is “How do you pick what to cosplay?” If you’ve never worn a costume before you may have asked this question yourself. It’s a great first step to becoming a cosplayer! A lot of people will answer “Just wear whatever you want!” I definitely agree with this, but with thousands of characters to choose from you still have to narrow it down somehow. 

Reasons for choosing a character will vary for everyone. It’s actually quite a personal commitment to undertake, but nonetheless I wanted to give some insight to my OWN procedure for choosing a cosplay! This method may not work for all, but I hope it gives some ideas for deciding what criteria will be important to you.

Princess Zelda and Thor photos by Alan Tijerina
Choose a Genre
Pick something you love. It’s that simple! If you love video games then I am sure you have a special character you enjoy playing. Or maybe you’ve admired a certain superhero from Marvel or DC Comics. Some people even dress up as their favorite TV hero or heroine. I saw a Scully from X-Files cosplay once and totally fangirled! Cosplay isn’t limited to one genre over another. You can go with classic 80’s movies, childhood cartoons, or even an original character from a manga you might be developing. There’s a lot of creative freedom with cosplay, and the first step in choosing a character is deciding what you are passionate about. For myself, I love fantasy genres. So I’m really drawn towards characters with a medieval or magical feel to them. Once you find a genre you like the characters will speak to you, and you will enjoy your cosplay more.

Overall Look
This is the most important decision for me when I choose a character. I personally look for long sleeves, really cool hair or makeup, an interesting prop, and materials I’ll be comfortable in. These details help me decide if I’m going to enjoy wearing the costume or not. I prefer to cover my tattoos so that the focus is on the cosplay, and I love to wear long wigs. The props and materials are important to consider because convention hours can be long. A heavy sword, large wings or intricate armor may not be fun to wear after the 5th hour mark. I’ve also learned I am not a fan of wearing tight fitting bodysuits. So I am more likely to choose a character wearing a dress or skirt. These are just some things *I* look for in an overall look. So think about what makes *you* confident and the happiest in to have the best time in your costume.
My first comic con and cosplay!
Skill Level
No matter what your skill level is you CAN cosplay. You don’t even have to make it all yourself. A lot of people commission costumes. If you just want to have fun walking around a convention then do not worry about what others will think of your craftsmanship. However, if you plan to enter a competition there might be some rules to follow so be sure to read those beforehand. When cosplaying for the first time, I recommend wearing something simple. Don’t bite off more than you can chew. Try doing a “closet cosplay” where you find items you already own that you can turn into a character. I did a closet cosplay of Ramona Flowers for my first con. It helped me get my feet wet and motivated me to put on something more detailed for the next event. Start talking to other cosplayers for advice and google tutorials (or check out mine here!) for sewing and armor making tips. Then you’ll be ready to pick a character with a more difficult design for the next time.
Sewing my Fiona from Shrek costume after long hours of making the props.
Budget and Time
Some costumes are going to take a lot of work. When you look at a character’s armor, body paint, or prop be sure to make a list of all the materials you think you’ll need. Trips to the hobby or hardware store can become expensive. Plan out how much money you want to spend on a costume. If the character seems like it may be out of your budget then you may want to choose a different design. A lot of characters have more than one outfit, too. So if you don’t have the supplies to make an entire Batman suit from The Dark Knight maybe you can make Adam West’s version instead! Also, be sure to look at your calendar. When are you planing to wear this? Is one week enough time to sew all of Cinderella’s dress? Will my wig arrive by then? Do all your research as soon as possible to make sure you’ll have all your pieces ready before you plan to wear it.

Convention Specifics

If you will be attending an anime convention then you might want to wear an anime cosplay. Or a comic book character to a comic convention. Now remember: This isn’t a rule at all! I actually see a wide variety of cosplays at every convention I’ve been to. But one thing you might want to consider is the type of guests that might be at the con you are going to. When I met Billy Boyd (Pippin) from The Lord of The Rings I chose to wear an Arwen cosplay. Or when I met Tom Felton I wore Luna Lovegood. By choosing a character specific to the convention theme and guests, you’re more likely to run into other characters from that genre, too. This makes taking group photos especially fun! I also recommend looking at the weather. If you’re going to a convention in the summer, then you may want to choose a character that isn’t in full armor or heavy body makeup. If it’s in the winter you might not be warm enough in that Slave Leia costume.

Lord of The Rings cosplayers I met while at Sci Fi Expo 2013
The most important thing to remember when choosing a character to cosplay is you can be anything you want! Gender, height, weight, race and age – none of that should matter when you cosplay. Your options are limitless. Pick a character you love and have fun!
So these were just a few of the things I personally consider when I choose a character.
What specifics do you look for?
If you haven’t cosplayed before, but want to, which character would you like to make?


  1. great post!! i want to cosplay so bad! i havent done it before!
    also.. you met Billy Boyd!? AWESOME!


  2. Great tips! Comfort is definitely important when choosing a costume! I worked really hard on my first cosplay, Harley Quinn, only to discover when I put it on around other people that I was REALLY self-conscious about wearing something so tight. Even though the costume turned out great, the fact that I felt uncomfortable in it kind of ruined it for me. I definitely think it's best to start out with a closet cosplay…just to dip your toes in the water, so to speak! 🙂 I decided to take a step back and now I'm making a "casual Harley Quinn" to wear until I feel more comfortable in the community, haha!


  3. I've never cosplayed before but I really want to! I'd want to go as Sailor Jupiter or Kairi. 🙂


  4. What a great post! Thanks for the suggestions!

    PS: Adam West is still the greatest Batman ever, and The Dark Knight is horribly overrated. 🙂


  5. I love this post! There are so many great characters out there that there really is someone for everyone to cosplay!


  6. "Gender, height, weight, race and age – none of that should matter when you cosplay. Your options are limitless. Pick a character you love and have fun!"
    That's what I'm screaming!

    Your cosplays are always so fun, and REALLY good!
    My DREAM cosplays are Sailor Saturn and Sailor Iron Mouse both from Sailor Moon.

    But at SDCC this year I'm going to be Dany Targaryen from School of Thrones (a GoT parody), and I have a semi-secret cosplay planned!


  7. I really wish I could meet someone that would be like that awesome older sister who would take me cosplaying and show me the ropes since I've never been. Thought about online, but it's hard finding someone who's not actually as guy…. Any suggestions? I just want to cosplay so bad that it physically hurts, but sadly I have no idea how to go about it and I don't live anywhere near any conventions…that I know of


  8. I totally have a picture of you from sci fi expo and never knew it was you until I read this blog post HAHA


  9. I totally have a picture of you from sci fi expo and never knew it was you until I read this blog post HAHA


  10. Awkward Anon:
    I want to cosplay badly but I'm waiting till I stop growing so quickly because some of the characters I want to go as have props that are as tall as them and clothes that hit and drag on the floor. ugh being human sucks xD


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OMGLITZY: Concert Overload

Friday, June 7, 2013

Concert Overload

So I am a little behind on blogging about all the concerts I got to see recently! Last one I blogged about was Muse. But I got to go to three more since then! First up was EdgeFest!
This was my outfit for EdgeFest. Since it is an outdoor festival I was ready for it to be hot.
And boy was it hot! I got a pretty bad sunburn.
This is the view from my seat. I don’t stand in the crowd anymore because it gets too sweaty and gross.
This guy sat in front of me and people kept asking for photos with him. I finally asked my neighbor and she said he is the lead singer for Youngblood Hawke!
I was most excited to see The Gaslight Anthem. They are definitely one of my all time favorite bands ever. I saw them once in a smaller venue and was excited to see them again at EdgeFest. Unfortunately, they didn’t play too well. Or maybe they did, but I couldn’t hear them at all. I was bummed. But do check out their music anyway, because they really are a great band!

The second band I was most excited to see was Paramore! I am a really big fan of theirs. I also got to see them a long time ago with Jimmy Eat World. That was an amazing show. And this concert was great, too. They played awesome and I already knew all the words to the songs from their new album! 

Next concert was…..

Jimmy Buffett! You wouldn’t believe it from these pictures but it was literally THE NEXT WEEKEND after EdgeFest. IT WAS SO COLD! That’s Texas weather for ya, I guess. I looked stupid all bundled up when everyone around me was wearing hula skirts and coconut bras, but when the sun went down it was freezing cold! Then everyone wished they had bundled up like me.

This place was packed. It was also at the same venue as EdgeFest.

Jimmy Buffett was on my Dad’s list of concerts he has always wanted to see. I am so glad I got to go with him!

On the way back to our car I found a lonely coconut bra. So I had to take it home with me!

I think it looks great 😀
And the next concert was…….

The Killers! This band was on my Mom’s list! It was at the Verizon Theatre. I had never been to a concert there before, and I was really impressed with the place.

I found this awesome couch in the lounge room, too!

We had great seats and the sound was amazing. The vibe of this show was incredible. And the lead singer was SO CUTE.

During the show they shot confetti at the crowd. On Twitter, the band said that somewhere in the confetti are two “golden tickets” … If you find one bring it to the sound guy in the back and you get to win an AWESOME prize!

We looked and looked but didn’t find a golden ticket. It was still so much fun!
I don’t have any more concerts planned at the moment. Someday I would like to see No Doubt, Florence + The Machine, and Mumford & Sons. I like music that I can sing along with 🙂
What band would you like to see in concert?


  1. I'd like to see Deathcab for Cutie live. But really the list is WAY to long to try and post up.


  2. Deftones are coming to South Africa in August and I am beside myself with excitement! There is also rumour that Biffy Clyro will be here towards the end of the year so yay for that! They are both bands on my must see list:)


  3. lolol the coconut bra cracked me up


  4. Green Day is my favorite Live band. I have seen them 12 times! I finally saw U2 back in 2009.
    I still need to see The Damned, Bruce Springsteen, and English Beat.
    Luckily growing up I go to see a lot of the punk and ska bands I loved!
    I still haven't seen Social Distortion, or, Brian Setzer.

    LOL on the coconut bra!


  5. You have such a wide range of music tastes. I am downloading the gaslight anthem to have a listen. Love your coconut bra. You are hilarious.


  6. You've been to some awesome concerts this year! I'm so jealous that you got to see AWOLNATION at EdgeFest. Bummer about Gaslight Anthem. It's always really frustrating when a band you love puts on a show that's disappointing.

    There are always new bands coming along that I want to see (AWOLNATION!), but I'm slowly getting around to seeing old bands from my must-see list. Rammstein was the last must-see band that I got to check off the list… such a great show too! I think System of the Down is currently at the top of my list… hopefully someday they'll do another tour through the US.


  7. Some nice shows. Edgefest always has a great lineup. The radio station festival here in Houston, Buzzfest, usually has a less than stellar lineup. It was great once a few years ago though. I've always wanted to see HIM, Green Day, and The Who. Those are the top three that I haven't gotten to see yet, that I still hope to one day.

    So far this year though, I've seen a handful of country shows, as well as Limp Bizkit, Device, Fall Out Boy, Clutch, Powerman 5000, and Eve 6. I still have, Everclear, Filter, Kid Rock, Mayhem Fest, Fall out Boy (again), Panic at the Disco, and maybe Justin Timberlake, if I can get tickets, to come. It's been a great year for shows this year. One of the best in recent memory.


  8. I saw Paramore this April in Phoenix and they were amazing! This girl down in the front passed out and Hayley stopped the show to make sure she got the proper care. They really care about their fans, you can really see it. And, I got to see No Doubt last November at the Gibson in LA. I've seen Gwen perform twice as a solo act, but had never seen her with No Doubt, so it was beyond incredible to see them together. I'm looking forward to seeing New Kids on the Block in Vegas this July and I wanted to see Justin Timberlake, but I couldn't afford tickets 🙁


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OMGLITZY: Color Contest!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Color Contest!

Go to this album on’s Facebook page and vote for my photo by “Liking” it! Thanks 🙂

BTC’s Nontraditional Color Contest

1 comment:

  1. Saw your competition. Yours was by far the best.


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OMGLITZY: Coldplay

Monday, July 2, 2012


Sorry for the lack of updates lately! I’ve been kind of busy! For example, a few Saturdays ago I got to see Coldplay live! They were truly an amazing performance. From the lasers to the confetti to the light-up wristbands.. the whole show was spectacular! It’s probably in my top 5 favorite concerts now.. Ooooo that’d make for a good post in the future 😉 My two favorite songs were “Yellow” and “Lost” and they played them both! Here are some of the photos I took (click to see them bigger):

1 comment:

  1. Amazing photos. What are your top five concerts?


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OMGLITZY: Cinderella Inspired Outfit

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Cinderella Inspired Outfit

The new live action Cinderella movie comes out in a few weeks (March 15, 2015) so I decided to put together an inspired outfit. I always end up wearing jeans and a hoodie when I go to the theater… so this is one of those “what I would like to wear” posts! It gives me an excuse to browse fashion websites and hopefully inspire myself to dress up!
This stretch knit skater dress looks so comfy! And for only $15 from Forever 21 your wallet can rest easy, too. The signature light blue color is the perfect hue for our Cinderella outfit.
Cinderella’s classic puffy shoulders are cute and all, but I love the new look of the live action sleeves. To replicate the ruffled neckline I found this glittery fringe scarf from Wet Seal.
It’s all about sparkle and shine for Cinderella, and you don’t need a fairy godmother when you have the internet. Charlotte Russe has these fabulous blinged out glitter tights which are sure to turn a few heads.
A glass slipper may be the key to finding your prince charming so don’t leave home without these gorgeous metallic slip ons also from Charlotte Russe.
Keeping track of the time is incredibly important especially once it gets close to midnight. So don’t be a minute late with this stunning butterfly watch from Mod Cloth.
Complete your look with loose wavy hair and wearing this lovely butterfly headband from Claire’s.
Are you excited to see the new Cinderella movie?
Will you be dressing up?


  1. A lovely outfit. And the color on that dress really is perfect.


  2. This is such a cute outfit that I want all the pieces!


  3. Was so stoked to see Cinderella's coming out!!
    Did you see they've got a nail polish collection!?
    I'll be posting about it soon.


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OMGLITZY: Candy Corn Pumpkin

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Candy Corn Pumpkin

This year I was inspired by a photo on Pinterest to paint a pumpkin like a candy corn! It was fun looking for a triangular shaped pumpkin at the patch. That’s not a normal shape to find, but my dad spotted a good one!
It was easy to paint, obviously. I just got some yellow, orange and white paint (you don’t have to use orange if you don’t want to) and then I hair sprayed it and sprinkled glitter on it. Because everything is better with glitter!
Hope you have a Happy Halloween!

This was my inspiration photo.
The pumpkin patch had a cool pirate ship in front of it. It serves snow cones in the summer!
Got to pet a baby duck and see some bunnies, too.
The perfect pumpkin!
Picking out paint and glitter at Hobby Lobby.


  1. That's really awesome! Happy Halloween!!


  2. Sorry to hear of its early demise. RIP.


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OMGLITZY: Book Review: Divergent

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Book Review: Divergent

Divergent by Veronica Roth
After realizing I only finished one book series last year (The Mortal Instruments), I took immediate action and decided to start reading right away. I always try to complete a book before I see the movie, and since Divergent comes out in March I knew it was a good one to start with. Overall, if you’re a fan of The Hunger Games then I am sure you will like this book. The Hunger Games was a little bit more engaging and drew me in faster, but I still couldn’t put Divergent down. I tried my best to keep this whole review SPOILER FREE! Nothing written here can’t been seen in the movie trailer.
Divergent Faction Button Set by The Geek Studio on Etsy
Divergent is the first book in a series of three by Veronica Roth. In a nutshell, it’s the story of a 16 year old girl that lives in a unique government setting. There are five different factions that each person lives in. When you turn 16 you have to decide if you want to stay with your family in the faction you were born into or change to a different one and leave your family. For Tris (the main character) her simulation test that is supposed to tell her which faction she’d fit in well with doesn’t give her normal results.
Fan art by pebbled via deviantART
The book starts off a little slow. You don’t get too personal with Tris right away. She basically just describes her normal routine in her faction Abnegation. This faction values selflessness and results in a boring life for Tris. You do get a taste of her questioning her lifestyle. So you wonder what choice she is going to make about her faction.
Fan art by nikaworks via deviantART
Eventually, more action starts to happen. Most of the book is about the faction choice she made. It made me wonder if that was going to be the highest part. Well I was wrong! A major wrench gets thrown into the plans, and just when you think things are going well for Tris she learns new secrets about the government. After I got to this part I really HAD to know what was going to happen.
Fan art by nickelbackloverxoxox via deviantART
Alongside the action, a love story also blooms. I enjoyed how it was portrayed because it left you wanting more. Tris has grown up around little affection, and I liked seeing her character develop into a woman that is curious about her feelings. The guy she likes (his name is Four) is depicted as strong, brave, and sometimes menacing. However, we get to see his weaknesses. His vulnerablitiy
 makes him seem real, and you end up liking him even more because of that.
Photo from Entertainment Weekly
The ending picks up pace very quickly, and you’re left on the edge of your seat. I’ve watched the movie trailer a couple times now, and I’m excited to see what scenes they keep. It’s got enough grit to it that I am sure guys will enjoy it and enough spirit that I know girls will, too. I actually know a few guys that read the book and said they liked it. So this story should have something for everyone.
I already bought Insurgent and Allegiant, which are the next books in the series. I will probably not write a review on them since I don’t want to spoil the first movie for anyone. I wouldn’t be surprised if I read the last book by the end of the week!
Watch the trailer for Divergent here and order the book here.
Have you read Divergent?
Will you go see the movie?


  1. Divergent is definitely on my "to read" list. I LOVED the Hunger Games, which will be hard to live up to, but I like changing things up with some YA lit from time to time.


  2. My friend absolutely looooved this book!!



  3. I've been meaning to read this too. Actually the same person who recommended it to me also recommended Clockwork Angel, Mortal Instruments.

    And that person just so happened to be my oldest friend's hubby (so yeah, guys totally read these too 😉 ! )


  4. I've been thinking of picking up Divergent since so many people have said it's a good read, but I've also never read Hunger Games or Mortal Instruments. One of these days!



    1. You are missing out on so many good series! 😀 I'd recommend The Hunger Games first 🙂


    2. Do you like Hunger Games the book series or the movies better?


  5. I've never read this series, but I've heard a lot about it. Everyone raves about it. Adding it to my "To Read" list! 🙂


  6. I saw the trailer and it totally made me interested – I'll have to pick it up for my Kindle! Thanks for the review!


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OMGLITZY: Black Widow Cosplay Tutorial

Monday, October 14, 2013

Black Widow Cosplay Tutorial

Hello! If you have ever wanted to dress up as Black Widow from The Avengers then this tutorial is for you! This is a very easy costume and is great for all ages. I wore this costume to Dallas Fan Days and had so much fun pretending to fight crime! 😀
Supplies needed:
Belt – wooden discs, black paint, gold paint, red paint, glossy paint, glue gun, a skinny black belt
Bullet bracelets –  toy bullet belt (I ordered one from Amazon), and gold spray paint
Black catsuit – I ordered mine from Femme Jolie 
(Optional: Wear a black long sleeve shirt and black leggings instead!)
Toy guns – Mine are from Amazon
Black boots – Mine are from Walmart last year
Red wig – I ordered a Ferrari in Maroon from Arda Wigs
Photo credit: April Miller
So really the only two things you have to make for a Black Widow costume is the belt and the bracelets. Here are the steps on how I did both:
First, paint your wooden discs black.
(Optional: lightly sand your discs first if you can)

Second, paint a gold border around the edge, and paint one of the discs with the red hour glass symbol. Then, paint them with a satin gloss finish.
Next, hot glue the discs onto a skinny black belt.

I glued my red hour glass on the center of the belt. This way the buckle would go on my back. 

I also turned it inside out. So the extra part of the belt would be on my body and not facing out.

The bullet belt from Amazon disassembles easily so it can be shortened and used for bracelets instead. However, I found these bullets to be too dull.

So I used gold spray paint to make them prettier.

Before and After .. they look much better!

Belt and bracelets finished!
Photo credit: Alan Tijerina
Photo credit: Templar Digital
Side note: I don’t think it really matters which way the bullets face. I saw it done both ways on different cosplays. So it’s up to you! However, I do wish I had glued the bullets to the black holders (except for one so I could take it on and off). Because the bullets did slip throughout the day at the convention.
So there you go! This is a great costume for Halloween. It’s also the perfect convention cosplay. If you decide to make a Black Widow outfit please share it with me!


  1. Are wetsuits like the one here uncomfortable? I'm thinking of doing a DIY Jean Grey/Phoenix cosplay for Motor City Comic Con and I've never had to wear a one-piece bodysuit like this before. This Black Widow cosplay looks great!



    1. This one was very comfy! I ordered a cheap one from eBay that was really NOT comfy tho. It wasn't stretchy at all and I could barely move. But this one from Femme Jolie on Etsy was made in a tall size for me.. since I am 5'9" and it fit great! Was very stretchy and honestly was one of the most comfortable costumes I ever wore.


  2. You look fantastic, great work 😀



  3. Great tutorial! When I first saw the pictures I wondered how on earth you put it together. I feel like I would have made it way too complicated (had I ever tried this costume, that is). Thanks for sharing 😀



    1. I was surprised how easy this whole outfit was, too! Since I didn't make the black suit, all I had to focus on was the belt and bracelets. I think I got lucky finding that toy bullet belt on Amazon.. I didn't know it would disassemble so easily so it turned into a bracelet quite well!


  4. I just wanted to say THANK YOU for this belt tutorial! I searched online for what felt like forever before I found this awesome but simple idea!


  5. Hi i was wondering for the black outfit on femme jolies site, would i need to give her a complete whole body measurement to get it made o.O?



    1. I don't believe so! She has them listed as S M L .. I told her my measurements before I purchased one so she could suggest which size I needed. She also offers Tall versions. I bought a Medium Tall (I am 5'10".) Don't hesitate to message her – when I did she replied within the hour and my suit was shipped the same day I ordered it 🙂


  6. let me know asap k 😀 thank you 🙂


  7. What size are the wooden discs that you used?



    1. These discs are 3 inches in diameter 🙂



  8. omg this was so helpful! thank you! you look great 🙂


  9. Thank you for a great tutorial. I was looking for something like this as a casual co-player at Dragon Con.


  10. How did you get the bullet bracelets to latch together? I was confused by that step.


  11. Hey! thank you so much for your Black Widow cosplay advices!:D
    I'm a french girl and I have my first Comic Con in Paris in october , I'm so excited! I decided to go over there as Black Widow from the comic. I'm not very good at manual work but I think the level of the belt and bracelets will be ok haha ^^ if I haven't found your page, I would have ordered a 70$ belt from a cosplayer who have already done it D:
    Thank you again 🙂


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OMGLITZY: Black Friday Ad Sale

Friday, November 28, 2014

Black Friday Ad Sale

In celebration of the new Star Wars: The Force Awakens teaser trailer and Black Friday, I am offering 50% off all ad spots on my blog! I’ll be running this special all weekend so you have until Sunday night (11/30) to purchase. 
I use Passionfruit for all my ads so click here to select your ad size then at check out use the code SITH to get 50% off your total! You can buy multiple months at once, and current ad buyers can take advantage of this by renewing their spots for half off, too!
Learn more about my blog stats as well as pricing info on my Sponsor Page.
Happy Black Friday everyone, and may the Force be with you!

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OMGLITZY: Birthday Wish List 2013

Monday, November 4, 2013

Birthday Wish List 2013

My birthday is this month so I decided to make a list of some little (and mostly big) wishes I have!
“Message from Home” by Jeremiah Ketner
I have had my eye on this painting for quite some time now. The movie Tangled holds a magical place in my heart (I even have a post about it!), and this painting captures the essence of the story beautifully. I entered a Facebook contest on Jeremiah Ketner’s page to try and win this painting, but it just wasn’t written in the stars for me. So for now it stays on my ~wish list~..
King’s Body Jewelry has these beautiful Pink Howlite stone plugs for only $15! I wear a size 25mm (or 1 inch) plug in my ears, and they are usually super crazy expensive. Most of the time you’ll see me wearing Opalite plugs, but I really want these pink ones! 😛
My desktop computer that I use for eveerrrrything was purchased in 2007. I’ve only upgraded the operating system once when my hard-drive decided to crash three years ago. Honestly, most everything runs just fine still (knock on wood!) But I’m a tech geek, and I love to have the newest models. I still can’t decide if I should just upgrade to the latest OS, switch to a laptop, or get the bigger desktop. So that’s why I still have what I have 😛 
Although I haven’t had any professional training with Adobe products, I find myself constantly using Photoshop for blog stuff, photos, and just for fun. I would love learn how to use Illustrator as well, and begin expanding my digital art skills. It costs quite a bit so this will probably stay on my ~wish list~ for awhile especially since I already have Photoshop.
When I first started dying my hair funky colors, I used Specials Effects from Hot Topic. They no longer carry that brand (they switched to RAW which I use now). But Special Effects has a wider range of colors, and the quality is amazing. I can’t find it in stores anywhere so you have to purchase them online now. I would love to have one of each color! 😛
I really really don’t need another 3DS XL .. but it’s so hard not to love this special edition one! I definitely plan on picking up the new game at least.

This replica of Thorin’s key looks uber magical as a pendent for a necklace. I would rock this all the time. It’d be especially cool to wear to a Renaissance faire. ThinkGeek offers it for $30 which is a little steep for me, but it says it’s an officially licensed collectible and comes in a “handsome” gift box!
So those are my crazy wishes for my birthday this year! According to my age I should probably be asking for more “grown up” things, but that will never happen! 😛 I will be a kid for life!


  1. I miss dying my hair! :'(
    I just got the Pokemon 3DS, and my friend who works at Gamestop told me about the LoZ one…I was so sad. I might have to trade mine in! And that painting is really pretty!


  2. If need be, you can always switch over to Linux 13.10 without having to purchase a new laptop or desktop. No spyware, runs faster, you'll keep all of your files/applications/programs a LOT longer than Mac & Windows combined, and you can get similiar programs for free that resemble Illustrator, Photoshop, etc. At least try it!



    1. I've tried to switch over to GIMP, but I find it to be much less intuitive than Photoshop is. Not sure what a comparable program to Illustrator would be.

      With Adobe switching from licensed purchasable products to a subscription model, it might be a challenge for Glitzy to get Illustrator anyway. The subscription's not very cheap either (not that the product ever was).


  3. This is a great wishlist. That painting is gorgeous!


  4. Those pink plugs are soooo cute! And don't ever grow up! Growing up is for suckers, lol.


  5. Happy early birthday! This is a perfect wishlist! 🙂


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