OMGLITZY: What I wore .. For Halloween!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

What I wore .. For Halloween!

So for Halloween this year I went kind of simple. Had to work most of the day then went to a family party that evening. I was going for a “witchy” look but didn’t have a hat! So I used the wizard hat I got at Target last year 😀 .. And my mom surprised me with yummy cookie cake decorated with a black cat. =^.^=


  1. Cool costume! Love the broom! That cookie/cake (it's a cookie! it's a cake!) looks amazing!


  2. I didn't dress up for Halloween at all. No time with work and everything else. I put on my cowboy boots and a countryish shirt while I sat on the porch giving out candy. I could've claimed to be a cowboy if I had to, but I didn't feel like wearing my hat. I was just as dressed up as a lot of kids that came trick or treating though.


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OMGLITZY: What I Wore: The Flash

Thursday, December 18, 2014

What I Wore: The Flash

Right now The Flash on the CW is one of my favorite TV shows! It’s on break at the moment and is due to return on January 20, 2015. So to fill in the time I decided to wear a Flash inspired outfit!

My awesome shirt is from Think Geek. I’m wearing a size men’s medium. My favorite thing about this shirt are the cute stripes on the sleeves!
These super rad leggings are from a store called Love Culture at my local mall. POW! And my boots are by Blowfish.
I’m wearing a Tarina Tarantino necklace, and my newly dyed hair is a mix of Manic Panic’s Hot Hot Pink with a lot of conditioner (to make it pastel) and a chunk of ION’s Mint.
I had so much fun putting this outfit together!
Are you looking forward to The Flash’s return in January?


  1. I love The Flash'! And your outfit is awesome! Very fun!


  2. Love those leggings, I'm liking The Flash so far the episode with Arrow was soooo good! xoxo

    ♥ Cateaclysmic ♥


  3. I am loving your new hair colour. Soo adorable. And your Flash outfit has finally convinced me to watch the show. 🙂


  4. I just love this show!! I didn't think I would but I'm loving it a lot more then Arrow. You just reminded me that I need a The Flash shirt!


  5. Cool outfit!!!^^


  6. Your hair is always fantastic!!! and those leggings are super cute! I am loving the Flash too!


  7. Beautifully put-together! You have a nice figure too!


  8. So the flash is really your favourite tv show, last episode wasn't as good as the 15th, but is still a good one. Love that shirt, and after this, now I really think I need one like that in my life… Oh wait a minute, we were talking about the t-shirt, right? hehehe (>.<)…


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OMGLITZY: Want to be a Sponsor?

Friday, April 12, 2013

Want to be a Sponsor?

Attention all bloggers or shop owners! Interested in having your ad on GlitzyGeekGirl? Well I have some uber cheap and awesome options. It’s also super easy using PassionFruit.

Putting your ad on GlitzyGeekGirl is a great way to network!

Pinterest – 976 followers
Twitter – 155 followers
Instagram 153 followers
Facebook – 143 likes
Tumblr – 120 followers

Head over to my Sponsor page for more details!

I’d also love to team up with anyone that would like to do a giveaway (I’m working on one) or a guest post. Would be great to feature some artists, photographers, or cosplayers, too! I’m all for ad-swapping so contact me if you have any questions. Thanks!


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OMGLITZY: VOTE: Which Hair Color?!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

VOTE: Which Hair Color?!

Well it’s about that time to change up my hairdo. I can tell when the roots are bad and the color fades unevenly. I’ve had a mixed opinion on the HOT pink – some prefer it pastel – so I thought it’d be fun to ask my readers!
I am pretty open to try anything. My least favorite, however, is orange. So no orange.
Here is a pic of my hair from yesterday. The pink is faded and the black is nearly brown now.
What I would like to do: bleach out the black in my hair and turn it red. Then lighten the top to a cotton candy pink!
Here are some other inspiration photos courtesy of my Pinterest:
I’ve never done green!
The only reason to ever do orange would be to cosplay Leeloo from The Fifth Element! lol 
(Hmm .. maybe for SciFi Expo??)
So what’s your vote?

1 comment:

  1. Lol. When you said orange was your least favorite, I was thinking of Leeloo. I was going to post a picture of her, but you beat me to it!



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OMGLITZY: Vlog: Why I Won’t Be at Dallas Fan Days

Monday, February 8, 2016

Vlog: Why I Won’t Be at Dallas Fan Days

Hey everyone! This weekend is the Dallas Fan Days! I’ve been attending all of the Dallas Comic Con events since 2012 but this weekend I won’t be going! I filmed a short vlog to explain why! Hopefully I can see my Dallas friends at another convention soon. Let me know in the comments what your plans are this weekend, too!


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OMGLITZY: Valentine’s Day 2014

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Valentine’s Day 2014

For Valentine’s Day this year my parent’s surprised me with lots of chocolate goodies!

Also, the day before we went shopping at the mall, and I picked out a few toys. ^.^
I have had my eye on Rapunzel’s Lego Tower since it was released!

I wasn’t expecting to get Cinderella’s Castle, too, but my mom got it for me! It looks beautiful! Also, under Pixie are my new Rapunzel and Ariel towels from the Disney Store.

Later that day I put the Tower together. It was a lot of fun and didn’t take me as long as I thought it would. There are so many pieces in these things!!

Here is look at the inside. It comes with paint brushes, a frying pan and even Pascal!

Surprisingly, I don’t have a lot of Disney decorations on my shelves so I am excited to put this on display. Cinderella’s Castle has more pieces so one of these days when I have time I will put it together, too!
It was a peaceful and fun Valentine’s Day. I enjoy spending holidays with my family 🙂
What did you do for Valentine’s Day?


  1. Awwww, I love it! Rapunzel is my favorite Disney princess, so I've got hearts in my eyes over this post!

    My Valentine's day was pretty laid back. Although, my boyfriend did get me a rifle haha!! Very random gift for a gal who hasn't shot a gun since she was 4!

    Elyse @ Cuddly as a Cactus


  2. Very cute Lego Rapunzel set! We've got a Disney store nearby but I haven't been in soooo long, haha. I didn't do much for V Day, the boyfriend and I just lounged around and watched Let's Play videos. So romantic, lol.

    [ ]


  3. Okay, that is adorable. I've on the fence of getting them because I don't like the Lego Friends line but the tower is so cool! I wish they had them as minifigs.


  4. I love that your wearing a tiara in this. You are so rad. I have not seen the Rapunzel lego anywhere in Australia. It looks so pretty.


  5. Omg tangled lego!!!! Hope this comes to Australia. Frozen lego would be amazing to. Lego should release frozen lego! I need to get that tower if it comes here!


  6. It looks like you have a lovely Valentines Day!
    I love the lego tower 😀



  7. That tiara is rad and I would love to get Lego for Valentine's day. Yay Lego!


  8. I love the Princess Legos! I do wish there were more brick pieces instead of the "big-easy" pieces, but they are sooo adorable, I can't help but want them!

    Glad you had a fun Valentines!
    ~Joie Fatale


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OMGLITZY: Tutorial: Wonder Woman Cosplay Costume

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Tutorial: Wonder Woman Cosplay Costume

She is brave! She is fierce! She is .. Wonder Woman! I chose to make a Wonder Woman cosplay to wear to the Dallas Comic Con (now called Fan Expo Dallas) because I wanted to wear a costume that was fun, colorful and a character I admired. I feel like no other comic book superhero fits that criteria better than Wonder Woman! So if you have ever considered making this cosplay for yourself here is my tutorial/walk through/guide of how I made mine!

You always want to start out with a reference photo. Wonder Woman has had several alterations to her costume over the years, but for myself I wanted to wear a skirt rather than extra short bottoms. My costume isn’t based off of one specific Wonder Woman costume, but rather a mix of many to fit my tastes. This is another reason she appealed to me since I could make it my own and feel comfortable wearing it, but still be recognizable as the character.
After I researched several reference photos, I began my hunt for a red corset and blue skirt. Sure you could make these from scratch if you want, but due to time and money I usually have a “semi-homemade” attitude. There’s nothing to be ashamed of if you don’t make every single detail from scratch! So I turned to Amazon and found a corset and skirt that were in my size and would be delivered in time. I made sure not to buy a corset that buttoned or had latches in the front. From past experience, zipper fronts are a lot easier for me to put on when buying a cheap corset. More expensive and well-made corsets have great latches/hooks, but like I said, I was on a budget.
What I used:
Corset – Amazon – $35
Blue skirt – Amazon – $20
Red boots – Amazon – $46
Craft foam
Gold and silver cord
Gesso primer
Gold and silver spray paint
White frabic paint
Medium/large star stamp
Red paint (for the star on crown)
Hair combs (also for the crown)
Hot glue gun
Hole puncher
Velcro strips
The first thing I did was make patterns of all the armor. Most of the patterns I drew myself onto newspaper, but the W logo for the chest piece I printed from the internet. A simple google search will bring up lots of great logos you can base your armor off of.
 Then I cut all the armor pieces out of craft foam and used hot glue to attach the layers together to give it more dimension. If you bend the foam AS you glue it you can give it a curve so it holds whatever shape you want. Also, I punched holes in the back of the belt and gauntlets so I would have a place to put the cord that will hold them together.
When you are ready to paint your armor, be sure to prime it first with Gesso. I did about two coats of Gesso, let it dry completely, then spray painted with Krylon Foil Metallic.

This was after just one coat of the Krylon spray paint and no sealer. I loved how shiny it was!
I used silver cord and gold cord to lace up my gauntlets and belt. This made adjusting the fit very easy while wearing the armor. 
The chest armor was fixed to the front of my corset with velcro. I hand stitched velcro to the corset and glued the other side of the velcro to the back of the armor. I did this because I couldn’t glue the armor straight to the corset since it zips up the front. Also, I didn’t want to ruin the corset in case I decide to use this for something else someday. I can easily unstitch the velcro if needed.

The lasso is a larger gold cord and was worn on the side of my hip by hand stitching a little piece of velcro to the corset. I liked using the velcro because I could easily take the lasso out if I wanted to pose differently in photos. For the crown, I hot glued two hair combs to the back of it. These fit securely into the net of your wig or hair. 
My skirt was awesome! It was slightly longer in the back and had a comfortable waistband. I laid it out on my kitchen table and used white fabric paint and a star stamp to decorate it. The yellow post it notes were used so I could measure out where to put each star. Be sure to let it dry fully before you try it on.

The wig I used was a really dark brown wig I bought several years ago from a cheap store in the mall. It had more curls than the other black wig I owned so I went with it! I would recommend the Ferrari in Black from Arda Wigs, though, if you need to buy one. And my makeup was inspired by this tutorial by Kristen Leanne. It’s similar to Taylor Swift’s in her Bad Blood video.
Photo by Jack Teague
And that’s how you make a Wonder Woman cosplay! I hope this tutorial was helpful, and if you have any questions feel free to ask in the comments! If you use my guide to make a Wonder Woman costume be sure to send it to me so I can share it! 🙂


  1. You look fantastic! I love how you made the costume and character your own.


  2. I love this, you look gorgeous thanks so much for sharing WW is high on my cosplay wishlist xoxo


  3. You look great! I love the skirt too, I might have to alter a skirt in the same way for day-to-day wear 🙂


  4. This was SO incredibly helpful for me. Thank you SO much!!!!


  5. where did you get your craft foam from?


  6. This comment has been removed by the author.


  7. None of the supplies you listed that you bought come in my size do you know of a place that sells items similar to those in plus sizes?


  8. Thank u, this was great and seems so doable! What size craft foam did you use?


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OMGLITZY: Tutorial: Thor Inspired Wing Headband

Friday, November 8, 2013

Tutorial: Thor Inspired Wing Headband

Art by Oliver Coipel
A few days ago, I decided to rent the first Thor movie since Thor: The Dark World comes out this weekend! I have totally fallen in love with Chris Hemsworth. But also Natalie Portman! She’s so cute in the movie. I am excited to watch the second movie tomorrow so tonight I was googling Thor crafts and came across this awesome headband tutorial by Doodle Craft. I decided right away I had to make it!
I made my wings smaller than Doodle Craft’s tutorial so they could be worn more often. But it would be fun to remake this in different wing shapes and sizes.
I printed out a wing shape that I liked and traced it onto some sheet foam.

Normally I would gesso the sheet foam so it would become thicker and more sturdy, but tonight I wanted this done quick so I just decided to spray paint the wings silver.

Then I outlined the wings with gold paint and used hair spray to add some glitter. 

Because I am a glitzy Thor girl! 
Attach your wings with hot glue to a skinny headband and you’re done!

Pixie insisted on a hug during my photo shoot.

Aww kitty!

This was a super quick and cheap DIY project!
Who is going to see Thor: The Dark World this weekend?
Are you Team Thor or Team Loki?


  1. OMG! So cute. I love the glitter. I'm going to make one tomorrow.


  2. I love this so much!!!! Enjoy the movie! Hopefully I'll have my headband ready by the time I get to see the movie 😀


  3. Team Loki forever! That looks really cute 🙂


  4. Just found my silver glitter craft paper so I can make these this afternoon! My husband has the cutest man-crush on Thor. He gets seriously flustered watching Thor. I'm more of a team Loki girl, myself, but I respect his choices. lol


  5. So fun! Trusty hairspray!
    Love this!


  6. Awesome headband! Reminds me of Adventures in Babysitting!


  7. Super cute! I have to try that!


  8. I made a set for me and my friend. Go to my instagram at nerwin_willowcrow to see pictures. Great idea!


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OMGLITZY: Tutorial: Thor Cosplay

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Tutorial: Thor Cosplay

Photo by April Miller
For the Dallas Comic Con this year, I was asked to be in a Marvel vs Capcom group! I chose to make a Thor cosplay because he’s one of my favorite superheroes, and I really like his new design. At first I had a hard time deciding how to tackle this. After brainstorming for several weeks I finally figured out a pretty easy way to make the outfit. I hope this tutorial helps anyone that may be interested in cosplaying as Thor!!

This is the image of Thor that I based my costume on.
I began by making his helmet. I looked up other helmets online and drew some shapes that I liked. Don’t laugh at my drawings 😛
Next I cut my shapes out of paper first to make a pattern.
Then I measured my head and created a wire base for the helmet.
Using a large sheet of craft foam, I cut a strip that would go all around the wire. I also cut out the front details from foam, too.
Here you can see that the inside of the wire base is sandwiched between craft foam.
For the wings I cut out 10 “feathers” .. this took forever!
I laid them on top of each other in a design that I liked and glued them together.
Then I glued everything to the base.
Before painting your helmet be sure to prime it. I used two coats of Gesso.
Then I spray painted my helmet metallic silver.
To give it a more rustic look, I added some bronze weathering with acrylic paint.
And that’s a finished helmet!
For the silver discs on Thor’s tunic, I used craft foam and cotton balls.
I wanted the discs to have a bevel look so I put a cotton ball in-between the foam then glued around the edges.
I also made the belt buckle and ankle discs out of foam. You actually need 4 ankle discs (the smaller circles in the pic) .. I forgot there’s two per ankle and had to make more. Prime everything before you paint them!
Originally I wanted to glue the brown cord (which is just a brown ribbon) and the silver discs to a black skater dress. But I realized I would lose a lot of the stretch in the dress and have trouble getting it on and off since there wasn’t a zipper in the back. So I sewed my ribbon onto a black halter corset that zipped up the front. Then I glued the silver discs to the corset and the bottom of the skater dress. The shoulder discs have a brooch backing so I could safety pin them onto my cape. The cape is just a red cloak I had from a Halloween store with the hood tucked under. And the brown belts are from Walmart.
Photo by Alan Tijerina
My “chain mail” shirt is actually a silver sweater I bought at the mall that I thought resembled chain mail. I try to buy random things when I see them just in case I’ll need it for a costume. 😉 Same goes for the leggings – they are sold silver metallic leggings with fishnets over them! My boots are from Walmart with brown ribbon velcro’d around the ankle and calf. And I also used black ribbon for my bracelets.
I would have loved to make a hammer myself, but I didn’t have the time. I was actually very impressed with the hammer I bought from Amazon. It was sturdy and colored well, and for the price I didn’t feel bad if I were to drop it or let someone else hold it. My wig is an Imaldris from Arda Wigs in the color Titanium Blonde. 
Photo by Alan Tijerina
Photo by Ed Steele
Photo by Jack Teague
Our Marvel vs Capcom group!
Photo by Mineralblu 
Photo by Mineralblu
Overall, I would say this costume is pretty easy! It requires some assembly, but the skills I used to make the items weren’t too hard. The helmet and hammer look cool on a shelf in my room, too! 😀
Who is your favorite Marvel superhero?
If you cosplay as Thor please send me photos! 🙂


  1. Wow. So much ingenuity in making this costume. Love the cotton ball trick to get the beveled look.


  2. This is wonderful!! I love your cosplay passion! I can't wait to see more!!


  3. The whole costume is just simply amazing… but that crown… wow! I love this!


  4. That helmet is AMAZING! I love your Thor!


  5. Dang.. I'm always blown away by your creativity! Thanks for always sharing with us 🙂


  6. Do I love that cosplay? Hell yeah! Amazing!!! ^__^


  7. This is great! I might be referencing this for my Avengers Half Marathon costume!


  8. Where did you find the halter dress?? i cant find anything like it anywhere…



    1. I got it on Amazon. I just searched for black skater dresses until I found one that I liked. 🙂


  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


  10. When making the front headband part, can give measurements to the sizes of the foam pieces? I'm trying to guesstimate how tall they are but I'm failing miserably!! Thank you!



    1. I'm sorry I don't have measurements. I just freehanded my designs. Try making them a comfortable fit for your own forehead and it should look fine 🙂


  11. Hi! I just wanted to know what kind of glue you used. Thanks Ps: Love your cosplay! Definatly the best thor cosplay ive ever seen



    1. Thank you so much ^.^ I just use a hot glue gun. Mine has two settings – low and high. Most of the time I use it on high.


  12. What are the measurements for the "feathers"


  13. What sort of vest are you wearing?
    I really would like to cosplay Thor!!! Thnaks for the tip with the cottonballs!!!


  14. Hey, you didn't mention your cape! This is the part I'm struggling with!



    1. Hello, I did mention the cape in the tutorial.
      "The cape is just a red cloak I had from a Halloween store with the hood tucked under."
      It is safety pinned on. Good luck with your costume!


  15. Excellent Cosplay tutorial. I particularly liked the helmet. I think you are the prettiest Thor yet 🙂


  16. what are the measurements for the feathers?


  17. did you find the black halter corset on amazon too? ps. i love this!!! it is the best girl Thor costume ever!!


  18. Thank you for posting this tutorial! I plan to follow your instructions. I have a question – how did you fasten the cape to your shoulders?



    1. nevermind – I saw your answer about using safety pins. thanks!


  19. Just wanted to say thanks so much for this tutorial. I have just completed the helmet and am well on my way to completing the rest for my sons Halloween costume ;] Toddler Thor. <3 I'd be happy to share pics. I'm so happy to have found this guide. Thank You xxxx a million.


  20. This is a great tutorial! I was just wondering; When you made this cosplay, how much time overall did it take, and what was the average cost? This is AWESOME, BTW. Thanks!


  21. I just follow it your tutorial Anna and I enjoy it thanks for showing Thor cosplay tutorial.


  22. I used this for Halloween and got so many comments on how great it was! thank you so much for posting this! you should do one on someone from the hobbit!


  23. This looks great, but I do think that you're helmet "feathers" are more like She-Ra's (though, their styles are very similar)


  24. Do you still have the template / pattern you made for your feathers? They look awesome and I would love to see a PDF of them 🙂


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OMGLITZY: Tutorial: Steampunk Princess Leia Cosplay

Friday, August 1, 2014

Tutorial: Steampunk Princess Leia Cosplay

For the North Texas Comic Book Show, I decided to make a Steampunk Princess Leia cosplay! I have always loved the Steampunk culture, but never made a costume before. The reference art is by Jeff Miller with concept by Bjorn Hurri, and the photo of me was taken by My Geeky Geeky Ways.  I was excited to do Princess Leia because she is a strong heroine and very recognizable. It was fun putting a Steampunk twist on this classic character. In this tutorial, I will show you how I made a Steampunk Nerf gun and holster, and where to find the other pieces for this costume.
First, I couldn’t have done this costume without this amazing corset from Corset Story. I made a faux corset before (you can find that tutorial here), but for Princess Leia I wanted it to look really legit. Corset Story has so many options for corsets including over bust, under bust, steel boning, bridal, waist training, and numerous colors to pick from. There’s no doubt they will have what you’re looking for.

When I received my corset in the mail, I was impressed with how sturdy it was. Mine is a steel boned corset with some seriously beautiful details. These front hooks made it so easy take on and off.
The colors and materials are of the highest quality I’ve ever seen. I will definitely be using this corset again for more costumes whether it’s Steampunk or for a Renaissance festival.
Now that the worry of finding a corset was out of the way, I moved on to worrying about finding a gun. My friend and photographer Eli Luna had a box full of Nerf guns so he sent me a pic of this one. It’s a DC-15S blaster and was perfect for what I was looking for!
The first thing I did was sand it really well. Sand, sand, sand, sand! Then I glued on some more details with foam and pieces of a straw.
I applied Gesso to it several times to prime it then chose my colors to paint.

I also bought some gears from Amazon and used tacky glue to attach them to the gun.

Here is a before and after! Pew pew pew!
I looked online for gun holsters but didn’t find anything that I liked. So I decided to wing it and make my own. First thing I did was lay my gun on some newspaper to make a pattern.

Then I traced my pattern onto some craft foam and cut it out.

I also traced my pattern (a little bigger) on to some brown fabric. This is extra upholstery fabric that I had used for Fiona from Shrek. I basically made a pillow case for the foam to go into. The foam gives the shape more stability.
After you slip the foam in, sew the top shut.

I did the same thing for the front “pocket” of the holster.
Front of “pocket”

Back of “pocket”

Then I sewed the “pocket” to the holster’s base. It was easy sewing one side with my sewing machine but when I cupped it around I had to hand sew the rest.
I wasn’t sure how I was going to wear the holster. I thought about making a belt myself, but then I found this beautiful belt on Amazon. I loved the design and can see myself using it for a fairy costume at a Ren faire in the future.

Since the belt I ordered had two big gold rings on it, I decided that would be an easy way to attach my holster without permanently ruining my new belt. So I extended my holster with some extra fabric (no foam needed here) and added some snaps to it.

Now I can snap the holster on and off to the belt.

To give my holster more detail, I printed out the Rebel Alliance symbol and cut out the pattern.

Then I traced it onto some more craft foam, cut it, Gesso’d it, then painted it gold and bronze.

I painted a lot of tacky glue to the back and then carefully placed it onto my holster. I held it there for several minutes.

The other details I added were some keys, gears and baubles. I found all of these at the craft store and just randomly hooked or glued them on.

I also made my necklace from my treasury of baubles. And my goggles are by Elope from Amazon. They were awesome! Super well-made!

My dress is the Secret Wishes Princess Leia Costume. I got it from Amazon. It’s not very good quality >.< But it worked well. It’s just really thin material and ripped at the seam once. It only comes with one slit in the legs, so I decided to add a second slit on the other side to give it more mobility. Then I wore brown leggings underneath.

My wig is a Luthien in Dark Brown from Arda Wigs. I parted it down the middle then twisted the tails and wrapped them into a bun. I used a lot of bobby pins to keep the buns in place! I also wore some brown arm warmers and faux leather arm cuffs. Then I put on my brown boots and was ready to head off into the galaxy!
I will have some more photos of my cosplay in my post about the North Texas Comic Book. So be sure to come back to see those soon!
Which Star Wars character would you like to see in a Steampunk style?


  1. So awesome! You did a great job combining all those elements to make a fantastic costume! Love it! 😀


  2. Oh my gosh… All the yes. Just… All of it.


  3. Amazing costume! Thank you so much for posting a breakdown of how you did it.


  4. This is too adorable for words! You did a great job!


  5. THIS is just awesome!! Thanks a lot for all the great tutorials you make! :3 And … as always … you look stunning! <3

    greetings from germaneh


  6. Thumbs up, amazing like always. I love the bag/holster and I think it would rock as every day wear!


  7. Seems like you actually managed to get a good corset from CorsetStory. Ive seen a lot of reviews about that site, and not a lot are good. (one of these days Im going to get one from Orchard Corsets).


  8. looking amazing, well done 🙂


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